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peekofhistory · 24 days ago
Do you have a favourite c-drama, either historical, modern or fantasy? I really enjoyed watching Everlasting Longing
I absolutely have a favourite, along with 3 other that come really close 😃 These 4 shows I've watched for almost 30 years now and I still keep re-watching them because of how amazing they are.
a) 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms (三国演义) b) 1986 Journey to the West (西游记) c) 1987 Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦) d) 1998 Water Margins (水浒传)
These 4 series were based off of the classical novels of the same names. They were produced by CCTV, the central broadcasting network in China, so we call them 央视版 (central broadcast version) because there are many other adaptations.
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Romance of the Three Kingdoms, out of these 4 series this one is my ABSOLUTE favourite. Not only for Chinese drama, this is my favourite show historical, modern, Chinese, English, the top spot in my heart.
This story is set in the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. Out of all 4 classics, this one is the most historical, but the story DOES contain many fictional aspects. Many people say it's 70/30 (70% based on history, 30% made up/tweaked from history). The characters themselves ARE all real in history, and the general direction of the story follows history as well.
Near the end of the Han Dynasty, local warlords started gaining power, eventually splitting the country into 3 Kingdoms. That's pretty much the basis of the story. It goes into strategies used in warfare, psychology of using strategies, famous battles, etc. People also use it to discuss some philosophical questions like, honor, right vs wrong (kill an innocent person to calm an entire army, is that justified? etc.), what is acceptable as a leader, being faithful to your country, not giving up, etc.
I've watched this series no less than 20 times over the past 30 years and every time I still laugh and cry. I also know enough about the background when they were filming to know how difficult it was. The series is 84 eps long, they filmed in 5 groups for 3 years (so basically all 5 groups were filming at the same time to save time), even utilizing the military for some of the larger battles. Main character roles were paid 250 yuan/episode (about $34 USD today), which was fairly good for salary back then but nowhere near the outrageous amounts actors get today compared to average worker. The first few months before filming all actors went through training, horseback riding, fighting, going over the novel with experts, learning etiquette and mannerisms, etc.
This series also has my favourite historical figures, Emperor Liubei and his Prime Minister Zhuge Liang. After researching the actual history of this period, these two are my top historical Emperor/advisor pair. An Emperor who trusted his Prime Minister with his Kingdom, and a Prime Minister who fought to the last breath to fulfill the dream they had together T___T 为什么我的鱼水君臣要 BE...😭😭😭
If you're interested in watching this series, @hanchaozhilang is doing English subs for the whole series
Putting up 2 MVs for them here (combined into 1 video), 我家昭烈帝和武侯有排面!!
Srcs: 一知半解书 【悬溺一响,诸葛亮登场】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nP411W7tA/
博文儿吖 【刘备|正史燃向】翻译翻译什么叫昭烈! https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14r4y1m7rs/
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Journey to the West is based off of a true event in history, during the Tang Dynasty. A monk went on a journey from Chang'an (now Xi'an) to India for Buddhist scriptures. I'm not too familiar with the actual history, but I can imagine back then it would've been an incredibly difficult journey to make.
The novel took that journey and expanded it. They wrote in 3 disciples for the monk (technically 4...the horse who's the son of one of the Dragon Kings is also one), and put 81 "tests" along the way. The monk and his disciples had to overcome these attempts to thwart their journey to finally reach their goal.
The main character of this series isn't actually the monk but his eldest disciple, the Monkey King (top right). The Monkey King (named Sun Wukong) was birthed from a rock, and learned skills like how to transform into various objects, how to fly, etc. At one point he trashed the Jade Emperor (Emperor of the Heavens) palace and was sentenced by Buddha to be trapped under a mountain, but was tasked to assist the monk on his journey 500 years later.
When they filmed this series they were desperately short on funding, only had 1 video camera to use xD Every single main actor took on several roles (some of the smaller monster roles, once all the makeup was on you couldn't tell anyway). The actor who played the Monkey King, Liu Xiao Ling Tong, he came from a family of Peking Opera performers who specialized in the Monkey King role, so he excelled in it.
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The novel Dream of the Red Chamber is originally called Story of the Stone (石头记). It centres around several large, rich, powerful families interconnected through marriage, with members serving in the court and one of the daughters even being a concubine to the Emperor. Although the story doesn't specify a dynasty, most people speculate it's likely set in Ming (the author was from the Qing Dynasty).
There are numerous storylines throughout the story, but the main one is between a young man, Baoyu, and his cousin, Daiyu (top left). This novel is incredibly complicated, with an entire profession dedicated to studying just this book (called "Redology" 红学). It can be viewed as telling the rise and fall of a family, but can also be viewed to describe a society and the rise and fall of dynasties. There are many, many characters in this book all with different story arcs. When I was a child, watching this show was just pretty clothes and hair, but as I grew, every time I re-watched the show I found reflections of life in this story. Family relationships, friendships, colleagues, bosses, this story touches on all of them, so whatever age you read this book/watch this show there's things to think about.
Many of the actors for this show were not actors by profession, literally plucked from the crowd. For two years prior to filming, all of them lived together, learning the script, reading the novel, going over it with experts, learning mannerisms, how to write calligraphy, poetry, etc. Their roles weren't immediately set, so during those two years they all tried out different roles, memorized lines, basically like living in a giant dormitory together, so once filming did start their "acting" was very natural.
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Water Margins is set in the Song Dynasty. This story, to me, is darker than the other 3. The story depicts a court that is very corrupt and unjust, which forces a lot of otherwise good people to resort to criminal activity. Over 100 of them gather on a mountain in the middle of a lake, called Liangshan, where they essentially become a gang.
The traditional view of them tended to be kind of like Robinhood, raiding local cities and distributing the wealth to the people but if you actually read the book it's darker. Before joining the group, some of them would kidnap women and **** them, or one person had a restaurant where she murdered customers and made them into meat buns O.O;; So...yeah, dark stuff.
But anyway, the story goes into how this group take on the courts, lots of fighting, lots of bloodshed, the ending's really tragic T_T
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marilearnsmandarin · 2 months ago
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shinjihi · 1 year ago
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chryso-chryso · 1 month ago
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咱们初一见!dongfangTV, BRTV, CCTV 3, CCTV 1, and take your pick for 百花迎春. as always, i'll update this post if or when schedules come out.
百花迎春: full show + 人是__
DongfangTV: full show + Wala Li Longla + 总有美好在路上
CCTV 3: 相声 + 好春光
中国电视剧年度盛典: full show + 借过一下
BRTV: full show + 她说,老啦
act lists under the cut!
百花迎春 (17th):
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dongfang (2nd, 15th):
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bejing (23rd):
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yoooko-o · 1 year ago
26/10/2023 11:02
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kintsuru · 9 months ago
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madamvoila · 7 months ago
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this movie was so pretty!!! i swear i can still hear the background track ringing in my ears. i love watching movies in cantonese and testing myself to see if i can understand anything 😭
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wyeobo · 10 months ago
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If on 20240507 CCTV program 1905 Movies & Videos weibo wants to hype Formed Police Unit Hidden Blade Born To Fly One And Only with an edit, adds War Of Faith Being A Hero My Youth And I to it and tags it # Wang Yibo's making inroads on both big and small screens # who am I to say no to it?
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matsbox · 10 months ago
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sjids · 1 year ago
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wangzifan · 1 year ago
Henry Lau’s C-shows and where to find them ✨ (2023)
向往的生活 7 (Back to field S7) / Episode 3 / Engsub (youtube) • Extended raw (mangotv)
青年π计划 (Youth π Plan) / Episode 9 / Raw (mangotv)
中国好声音 (Sing! China) / Season 8 / Engsub (youtube)
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shinjihi · 1 year ago

中共に国として「4000年の歴史」などは存在しない https://shinjihi.hatenablog.com/entry/2022/02/13/175403 #六四天安門
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briefenthusiastlight · 1 year ago
根本不忠誠!共軍不想戰也不能戰!寧願鋌而走險貪瀆 也不願武力犯台?誰才是蔣經國路線?中共武嚇台灣手段 有別以往?萬馬齊瘖的中國 下一個,王岐山?...
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jailbh · 2 years ago
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yoooko-o · 1 year ago
26/10/2023 11:37
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前回3~4€じゃなかったですか…汗? 倍ですよ、倍っ!! そう思いながら結局買ってしまう私。
右の写真は貴腐ワインの試飲コーナー🍷前回甘くて美味しかった記憶があったので飲んでみましたが…こんなに苦かった? (貴腐ワインが苦くなったんじゃなくて、お酒を断ってから私の味覚がおかしくなったんだと思います汗)
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左の写真の左下の棚に陳列されているジェロビタールH3のクリーム。 コロナ前に渡航したルーマニアにて。ガイドのDianaちゃんのBaby肌の理由がこれ愛用中というので、当時は予定には入って無かったブカレストにある直営店に急��皆で訪問。店の商品丸ごと買う勢いで買い占めていました笑 当時は日本円に換算して2,000~3,000円くらいでしたが、なぜハンガリーで販売?? そして値段がまさかの40€!?(1€=約150円、2023年10月時点) ただ、最近の円安の日本で買おうなんてしたら、もっと高かも…という思いが頭をよぎり、とりあえず1個購入しました。1個というのがセコイけれど、帰国して調べたら日本の正規販売ショップの現在の価格が13,200円でした😱 もっと買っておけばよかった…omg 右の写真は貴腐ワインの成分を含んだフェイスクリームで、通常のクリーム(昼用と夜用)とアンチエイジングクリーム(昼用と夜用)でした。
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クリーム3つ(ジェロビタールと貴腐ワインの成分入りの夜用クリーム2つ)、お菓子1袋、ベタなハンガリーの旗 たったこれだけの買い物でしたが、この日の夜にブダペストのホテルで決済メールの金額を確認したら、余裕の1万円越えでした💧  初日でこの調子だと、この先が思いやられます…。
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niteshade925 · 2 years ago
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