#ツワブキ・ダイゴ Daigo Tsuwabuki
lunaxion3 · 30 days
Steven Magic 🤍 Pokemon Masters EX Steven yess! can we talk about Steven golden ring?! This is Groom Steven! https://x.com/XionLuna/status/1825778958463545366  https://x.com/XionLuna/status/1825776801916006519 we won! Groom Steven!  🌹
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diancie-talks · 2 years
The Sundial Festival: Part 1 - "I've Changed Since Then"
"Are you here to see the sundial?"
Steven turned around to answer this comment as the look on his face went from resting to scared confusion. "What are you doing here?". This person was a tall male, with a head of long red hair and matching facial hair. He was wearing a black suit with red accents and a fluffy white collar, along with a red scarf matching his hair colour.
He spoke again; "I told you, I'm here to see the Anistar City sundial, they say that something special happens between the hours of eight and nine". "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Steven asked, still with a bewildered look on his face. "Ever used a Holo Caster, son? I'll be the man behind that. The names Lysandre, of Lysandre labs". Steven grabbed Metagross' poké ball, trembling, he took a deep breath, and responded with anger in his voice;
"Oh, so you're the reason a mythical pokémon is missing from her natural habitat! First of all, your scientists scared her, second off, your group are stealing the mega stones, and finally, you're gonna ruin the environment, again! Did you seriously learn nothing after the whole immortality beam nonsense that got you thrown in jail? And another thing, how in the name of Arceus did you get bailed out? Must've had a pretty good lawyer!" If humans could learn pokémon moves, he just used explosion.
Lysandre wasn't shocked so much as he was trying to construct a response in his head, then it came out; "You're right, I am quite ashamed of my past I'll have you know, and it was a fine I paid, not jail time. Really put a dent in the worth of my company, I had to hide in the shadows out of embarrassment, believe me when I say I've changed since then. To be honest, I had no idea that no idea that Flare was still around" He turned his gaze towards me "I'm sorry on their behalf that they took you from your home" he then brought his hand to my level for a handshake. "I... don't like being touched" I told him, I didn't know if I could completely trust him just yet and humans' hands are so big compared to mine it kind of triggers my claustrophobia.
"That's fine, I don't expect your trust, I want you to understand that I have no idea why Team Flare are doing what they are. Didn't we come here to see a sundial, anyway?" Oh yeah, the sundial!
((Continued in The Sundial Festival: Part 2))
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teapopp · 3 years
the whiteboard >:D (i couldnt use references so forgive some inconsistencies :O)
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also heehee drew milotic with a mouse >:)
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remmoran-kynvahl · 4 years
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Just a man and his metal bird...
Anyway, Sygna Suit Steven should have Skarmory as his Sync Pair (Say that five times fast...)
 I don’t make the rules and I have absolutely 0 bias.
Don’t repost/reupload/x-post to other sites or I’ll be big angee, thanks!
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yaybrainz · 6 years
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It's been a while. Did a sad drawing of my yakuza Daigo idea. Toner is Heavy Rain by DraconianRain on Deviant art. https://www.deviantart.com/draconianrain/art/Heavy-Rain-206313432
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zponds · 2 years
Pokémon AG in Japanese
With all the ideas and objectives of updating existing AG episodes and adding freshly new episodes, all that can be done by the Japanese; those that made the anime. And the plots for the updated AG episodes and freshly new AG episodes all HAVE to be in Japanese in order for me to successfully achieve my goal. 
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So I thought I’d start with the cast of characters and Pokémon in the AG before showing the plots in Japanese.
REGION Hoenn region (Japanese: ホウエン地方 Hoenn region)
CHARACTERS (heroes and villains) Heroes Ash Ketchum (Japanese: サトシ Satoshi) May Maple (Japanese: ハルカ Haruka) Max Maple (Japanese: マサト Masato) Brock (Japanese: タケシ Takeshi) Brendan Birch (Japanese: ユウキ Yūki) Professor Birch (Japanese: オダマキ博士 Dr. Odamaki) Roxanne (Japanese: ツツジ Tsutsuji) Brawly (Japanese: トウキ Touki) Wattson (Japanese: テッセン Tessen) Flannery (Japanese: アスナ Asuna) Norman Maple (Japanese: センリ Senri) Caroline Maple (Japanese: ミツコ Mitsuko) Winona (Japanese: ナギ Nagi) Tate (Japanese: フウ Fu) and Liza (Japanese: ラン Lan) Wallace (Japanese: ミクリ Mikuri) Juan (Japanese: アダン Adan) Keith (Japanese: キクマ Kikuma) Nancy (Japanese: ナミコ Namiko) Forrest Franklin (Japanese: タクマ・ジロー Jirō Takuma) Forrester Franklin (Japanese: タクマ・イチロー Ichirō Takuma) Marius (Japanese: ヨウスケ Yōsuke) Tommy (Japanese: ヒロミ Hiromi) Steven Stone (Japanese: ツワブキ・ダイゴ Daigo Tsuwabuki) Sidney (Japanese: カゲツ Kagetsu) Phoebe (Japanese: フヨウ Fuyou) Glacia (Japanese: プリム Purim) Drake (Japanese: ゲンジ Genji) Villains Jessie (Japanese: ムサシ Musashi) James (Japanese: コジロウ Kojirō) Magma Leader Maxie (Japanese: マツブサ Matsubusa) Magma Admin Tabitha (Japanese: ホムラ Homura) Magma Admin Courtney (Japanese: カガリ Kagari) Team Magma Grunt (Japanese: マグマだんのしたっぱ Team Magma Underling) Aqua Leader Archie (Japanese: アオギリ Aogiri) Aqua Admin Matt (Japanese: ウシオ Ushio) Aqua Admin Shelly (Japanese: イズミ Izumi) Team Aqua Grunt (Japanese: アクアだんのしたっぱ Team Aqua Underling)
POKEMON Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ Pikachu) Treecko (Japanese: キモリ Kimori) Grovyle (Japanese: ジュプトル Juptile) Sceptile (Japanese: ジュカイン Jukain) Mudkip (Japanese: ミズゴロウ Mizugorou) Marshtomp (Japanese: ヌマクロー Numacraw) Swampert (Japanese: ラグラージ Laglarge) Torchic (Japanese: アチャモ Achamo) Combusken (Japanese: ワカシャモ Wakasyamo) Blaziken (Japanese: バシャーモ Bursyamo) Spheal (Japanese: タマザラシ Tamazarashi) Sealeo (Japanese: トドグラー Todoggler) Walrein (Japanese: トドゼルガ Todoseruga) Swablu (Japanese: チルット Tyltto) Altaria (Japanese: チルタリス Tyltalis) Skitty (Japanese: エネコ Eneco) Vigoroth (Japanese: ヤルキモノ Yarukimono) Slaking (Japanese: ケッキング Kekking) Solrock (Japanese: ソルロック Solrock) Lunatone (Japanese: ルナトーン Lunatone) Baltoy (Japanese: ヤジロン Yajilon) Seviper (Japanese: ハブネーク Habunake) Cacnea (Japanese: サボネア Sabonea) Meowth (Japanese: ニャース Nyarth) Chimecho (Japanese: チリーン Chirean) Wobbuffet (Japanese: ソーナンス Sonans) Wynaut (Japanese: ソーナノ Sohnano) Skarmory (Japanese: エアームド Airmd) Metagross (Japanese: メタグロス Metagross) Wailord (Japanese: ホエルオー Whaloh) Relicanth (Japanese: ジーランス Glanth) Aggron (Japanese: ボスゴドラ Bossgodora) Mightyena (Japanese: グラエナ Graena) Camerupt (Japanese: バクーダ Bakuuda) Houndoom (Japanese: ヘルガー Hellgar) Crobat (Japanese: クロバット Crobat) Golbat (Japanese: ゴルバット Golbat) Numel (Japanese: ドンメル Donmel) Poochyena (Japanese: ポチエナ Pochiena) Tentacool (Japanese: メノクラゲ Menokurage) Carvanha (Japanese: キバニア Kibanha) Crawdaunt (Japanese: シザリガー Shizariger) Gyarados (Japanese: ギャラドス Gyarados) Tentacruel (Japanese: ドククラゲ Dokukurage) Sharpedo (Japanese: サメハダー Samehader) Glalie (Japanese: オニゴーリ Onigohri) Cradily (Japanese: ユレイドル Yuradle) Armaldo (Japanese: アーマルド Armaldo) Claydol (Japanese: ネンドール Nendoll) Huntail (Japanese: ハンテール Huntail) Gorebyss (Japanese: サクラビス Sakurabyss) Machop (Japanese: ワンリキー Wanriky) Machoke (Japanese: ゴーリキー Goriky) Machamp (Japanese: カイリキー Kairiky) Hariyama (Japanese: ハリテヤマ Hariteyama) Manectric (Japanese: ライボルト Livolt) Graveler (Japanese: ゴローン Golone) Golem (Japanese: ゴローニャ Golonya) Shiftry (Japanese: ダーテング Dirteng) Absol (Japanese: アブソル Absol) Cacturne (Japanese: ノクタス Noctus) Dusclops (Japanese: サマヨール Samayouru) Banette (Japanese: ジュペッタ Juppeta) Sableye (Japanese: ヤミラミ Yamirami) Shelgon (Japanese: コモルー Komoruu) Salamence (Japanese: ボーマンダ Bohmander Flygon (Japanese: フライゴン Flygon) Kingdra (Japanese: キングドラ Kingdra) Luvdisc (Japanese: ラブカス Lovecus) Whiscash (Japanese: ナ��ズン Namazun) Milotic (Japanese: ミロカロス Milokaross) Seaking (Japanese: アズマオウ Azumao) Groudon (Japanese: グラードン Groudon) Kyogre (Japanese: カイオーガ Kyogre) Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rayquaza) Regirock (Japanese: レジロック Regirock) Regice (Japanese: レジアイス Regice) Registeel (Japanese: レジスチル Registeel) Jirachi (Japanese: ジラーチ Jirachi) LOCATIONS (cities and landmarks) Littleroot Town (Japanese: ミシロタウン Mishiro Town) Oldale Town (Japanese: コトキタウン Kotoki Town) Oldale Ruins (Japanese: コトキ遺跡 Kotoki Ruins) Petalburg City (Japanese: トウカシティ Touka City) Rustboro City (Japanese: カナズミシティ Kanazumi City) Island Cave (Japanese: 小島の横穴 Islet Cave) Dewford Town (Japanese: ムロタウン Muro Town) Abandoned Ship (Japanese: すてられ船 Abandoned Ship) Slateport City (Japanese: カイナシティ Kaina City) Oceanic Museum (Japanese: 海の科学博物館 Ocean Science Museum) Scientific Research Center (Japanese: 化学研究センター kagaku kenkyu center) Stern's Shipyard (Japanese: クスノキ造船所 Kusunoki Shipyard) Mauville City (Japanese: キンセツシティ Kinsetsu City) Verdanturf Town (Japanese: シダケタウン Shidake Town) Mt. Chimney (Japanese: えんとつ山 Mt. Chimney) Jagged Pass (Japanese: デコボコ山道 Rugged Mountain Pass) Desert Tomb (Japanese: 砂漠遺跡 Desert Ruins) Fallarbor Town (Japanese: ハジツゲタウン Hazitsuge Town) Lavaridge Town (Japanese: フエンタウン Huen Town) Crossgate Town (Japanese: クロスゲートタウン Crossgate Town) Weather Institute (Japanese: 天気研究所 Weather Institute) Fortree City (Japanese: ヒワマキシティ Hiwamaki City) Ancient Tomb (Japanese: 古代塚 Ancient Tomb) Lilycove City (Japanese: ミナモシティ Minamo City) Mt. Pyre (Japanese: おくりび山 Mt. Pyre) A-B-C Islands (Japanese: イロハ諸島 Iroha Archipelago) Monsu Island (Japanese: モンス島 Mons Island) Mossdeep City (Japanese: トクサネシティ Tokusane City) Seafloor Cavern (Japanese: 海底洞窟 Seabed Cavern) Kyogre’s Seafloor Cavern Groudon’s Seafloor Cavern Sootopolis City (Japanese: ルネシティ Rune City) Cave of Origin (Japanese: 目覚めのほこら Shrine of Awakening) Mirage Island (Japanese: まぼろしじま Phantom Island) Sky Pillar (Japanese: 空の柱 Sky Pillar) Pacifidlog Town (Japanese: キナギタウン Kinagi Town) Ever Grande City (Japanese: サイユウシティ Saiyu City)  ARTIFACTS Red Orb (Japanese: べにいろのたま Crimson Orb) Blue Orb (Japanese: あいいろのたま Indigo Orb) Jade Orb (Japanese: もえぎいろのたま Verdant Orb) Devon Scope (Japanese: デボンスコープ Devon Scope) VEHICLES Submarine Explorer 1 (Japanese: かいえん 1号 Kaien No. 1)
TYPES OF POKEBALLS Poké Ball (Japanese: モンスターボール Monster Ball) Dive Ball (Japanese: ダイブボール Dive Ball)
EXTRAS Elite Four (Japanese: 四天王 The Big Four)
(EDIT: This is all I can think about at the moment, but don’t worry. when I think of more, I’ll update this post; so stay tuned) ^^
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lunaxion3 · 1 year
Steven hints? From Pokemon
The Steven hit fans gather all over to support Steven in his time of need 
The comeback Pokemon realized Steven fans was supporting him and was very upset at the post they made so they fixed it
Pokemon Masters come out to put Steven in the spotlight they knew about there Steven fans who loved him 💖
The final tease Steven with 2.7 M views 💝
Pokemon Masters Steven with Jirachi? 
“Steven serving versatility” From Pokemon themselves 
“Steven serving the player” From fans 
Idol Steven with Jirachi or Groom Steven with Jirachi pride month but also bridal month for Japan most gacha games put out wedding banners in June.
Pride month for June saying Steven is most loved but he would not mind if his player would love him 💖 
“Steven and Jirachi for Pokémon Masters“ Luna Xion 💎
“Steven  him and Jirachi? We need more time with Steven“ Luna Xion
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lunaxion3 · 2 years
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Pokemon masters EX, White day pic from my game play and my phone.
It’s the MC and Steven pic 💙
Thank you for the white day event I love it 💙 
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lunaxion3 · 2 years
Gold event with Steven after 💎 He showed up after the event and this is what he said 💙 I'm saving the gold that one day I can give it to Steven as a gift 🎁
“You are a beautiful gem” Steven 
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