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学名:Calendula officinalis
撮影:iPhone14 Pro Max
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mes possibilites aujourd'hui. 今日のわたしの可能性。 洗濯���する。 掃除をする。 ガラス瓶の煮沸消毒をする。 ムッキの月命日。 庭に花がないので、 買ってきたキンセンカと菊を。 パステルオレンジの菊がかわいい。 お供えは、おぜんざいをワープ。 あんこが好きだからね。 Nっちゃんにもらったお餅を ちいさく切って、焼いていれる。 おいしいお餅だった! 昨日つくった 八朔のマーマレードを味見。 苦味がちょっと強いかな、でも あっさりしてておいしい。 いつもは少し水っぽくなるんだけど 今回はちょうどいいかたさに仕上がって、満足。 柿酢を濾したガラス瓶が ひとつ空いたので、 ほかのジャム瓶とあわせて 煮沸消毒。 柿酢の方は、もう少しかかりそう。
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2024Jan. ご近所で
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Dead Calendula
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役者紹介by苔丸 〜24新歓『夢にまで魅せられて』〜
こり 菜の花
まりおさん アプリコットのガーベラ
コン ノースポール
ベガさん ネモフィラ
みそか 赤紫の紫陽花
かぬれさん ランタナ
らび 向日葵
アロー 睡蓮
こふく 白のカスミソウ
なすかさん たんぽぽ
スチルさん ラベンダー
ゆに 赤の椿
なぽり ハナカンザシ
アサギ コスモス
エリック クリスマスローズ
みーら すずらん
白子 真紅のバラ
こたちさん マーガレット
レプトンさん チューリップ
ひらり ハイビスカス
ふぉにゃさん オレンジのデージー
るい 紫のパンジー
エピ ハルジオン
ロキさん ヒヤシンス
らっしーさん キンセンカ
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2023.12.9 色ラフ
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学名:Calendula officinalis
撮影:iPhone14 Pro Max
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okay so
when I was researching the other day, I was only referencing the illustration of Shuichi, Kaede and Kokichi, and it was unfortunately low resolution. I couldn't see the flower center and or the leaf-shape clearly. after finding a higher res image and cross-referencing the I Believe In You shirt, I'm pretty confident the flowers Kaede is holding are ポピー (poppies)
poppies in general have the meaning of "comfort", "delusion" and "dreamer" and "sadness of parting". the color pink adds the meaning "compassion" and "premonition of love"
the general meaning largely comes from poppies' association with Demeter, the ancient Greek goddess of harvest and agriculture, and mother of Persephone, who was kidnapped by Hades to become queen of the underworld. it is said the Demeter picked poppies (or was gifted them by Hypnos, god of sleep) to comfort her for the loss of her daughter
so all together we have,
Kokichi, purple/blue hydrangeas: cold, heartless, cheating, intelligent, mysterious, patient love
Shuichi, black lilies: curse, revenge and (romantic) love
Kaede, poppies: comfort, delusion, dreamer, sadness of parting, compassion and premonition of love
interestingly, as I kept researching I learned that black lilies are a 誕生か (tanjyouka), birthday flower, for 9/07. between that literally being Shuichi's birthday and the date being written on his shirt, I now have no doubt I've identified it correctly. this weirdly makes it stick out as *a choice* even more, because Kaede's and Kokichi's are not their birthday flowers
(inhales) BUT
Kaede and Kokichi have birthday flowers with crossover meanings with the flowers chosen for the collab
hydrangeas have a general meaning of "fickleness" that is shared with 6/21 月見草 (tsukimisou), evening primrose, and for the same reason - the flowers change colors as they bloom, and they can both change colors rapidly
they also have the meaning of "silent love", akin to "patient love"
poppies have a general meaning of "sadness of parting" that is shared with 3/26 オレンジのキンセンカ(orange calendula) ... an orange calendula ... and both meanings comes from a Greek myth. a water nymph, Clyti, who fell in love with Apollo, the sun god, gazed longingly at him in the sky. eventually, she took the form of a calendula, forever facing the sun*
*if you google.com this, it will tell this myth with a sunflower. but this isn't about that loser google.com. this is about the top results of google.co.jp
granted, these overlapping meanings could be a coincidence. every site I went to listed more than one birthday flower per day, and there was some discrepancies between sites. the only birthday flower I'm sure is being referenced very intentionally is Shuichi's black lily, as it's among the top results
again. spicy pick. they stepped over many birthday flowers with nicer meanings for that. they stepped over 9/07 birthday flower blue star for that!!
anyway. there isn't anything specific to conclude here. this was for fun and flower language is more slippery art than exact science
however, for me, two flowers that could be half-truth, half-lie and one with terrible implications ... shirts that could represent different types of lies (self-delusion, bold bluffing/omission, obfuscation) ... under the tagline "I Believe In You". I'm satisfied with the possibilities I dug up out of this rabbit hole
DR x Arti-mate collab shirts: "I Believe in You", Kaede, Kokichi, Shuichi
flower language sources: black lily (1, 2, 3, 4), calendula (1, 2), evening primrose (1), hydrangeas (1, 2, 3, 4), poppies (1, 2, 3)
birthday flower sources: Kaede (1, 2), Kokichi (1, 2), Shuichi (1, 2)
About the DRV3 Cast's Flowers
I was very enamored with the new DR x animate collab's vibes yesterday. I have never wanted a piece of merch more than DRV3's I Believe In You shirt because its' meaning is so laser targeted. at me. specifically
it's so beautiful. I can't
so, I became interested in digging up the flower language of the flowers the DRV3 cast was holding to see if this collab could be even more laser targeted at me. the results
these are 紫陽花 (ajisai), Japanese hydrangeas. A couple different Japanese flower language blog posts cite purple and blue hydrangeas as being associated with the meanings "cold", "heartless", "cheating", "intelligent", "mysterious" and "patient love"
the contradictory meanings of "heartless" and "patient love" is pretty on brand for Kokichi imo

I had to *DIG* for these flowers. when I began looking, I hadn't the slightest clue what Shuichi was holding. partway through I even questioned if the artist was being accurate, because I had gone through two! TWO! flower databases searching by color and petal count with nothing to show for it
I kept eyeing different species of lilies, because even though the shape was slightly off, the six petals and maroon-purple was reminiscent of lilies. they turned out to be lilies, and I had to search in Japanese through google.co.jp
these are 黒百合 (kuroyuri), black lilies. and they mean. uh. UH. well
"curse" and "revenge" ... and "(romantic) love". but also curse and revenge??? I would doubt this identification, but I can't find a flower that bears a better resemblance than this. this sure is an interesting pick compared to Kokichi's hydrangeas
Shuichi. who did you offend my dude
Yeah, so. IDK lol
pictured from left to right is: begonias (specifically elatior begonias), peonies and camellias. I could not find a flower that fit both the petal and leaf shape 1:1 with what Kaede is holding
begonias have the closest petal structure imo, but the wrong leaf shape, and they have the weakest connection with Japan
peonies show up in all kinds of famous Japanese flowers articles, and I did find a blog post in English claiming they are associated with bravery. this is in line with the shirt she is wearing, which if you do look closer says
"If you're scared, borrow the strength of others who will be there to help you."
y'know. the shirt says something. unlike Shuichi's, which just has black bars, kind of like a redacted statement. as if he were lying in plain sight
or Kokichi's! which you might think says nothing but I'm certain says something deeply personal and revealing! it's just printed black on black
anyway, if you look peonies up on blog posts in Japanese, they say the opposite, peonies are associated with "bashfulness" and "shyness". so lmao. also the leaf shapes are still off
camellias mean "humble beauty, love, modesty" and "loved by you". a somewhat fitting meaning for Kaede for a flower that somewhat fits her flower's petal shape. but again, has a totally off leaf shape. not very convinced personally
if anyone does find a matching flower for Kaede, would love to know. it's gotta be a common flower. feels like I'm missing something obvious
regardless, very interesting collab
#“hey why is your replay so slow?”#I've stopped to do at least 3 scene transcripts#and sometimes I do this#kaede akamatsu#kokichi oma#shuichi saihara#wisterias dot text
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