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arcadebroke · 5 days ago
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archoneddzs15 · 4 months ago
Sega Saturn - SEGA AGES Volume 4 After Burner II
Title: SEGA AGES Volume 4 After Burner II / SEGA AGES アフターバーナーII
Developer/Publisher: Sega AM2 / Rutubo Games / Sega CS1
Release date: 27 September 1996
Catalogue No.: GS-9109
Genre: Dog Fight Sim / Shooting
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If you've never played Afterburner II, then you have never lived the life of a real gamer (^v^) Afterburner II was the first ever flight shooting game to get the adrenalin pumping. I remember playing the full-sized hydraulic arcade five years ago and still finding it a rush over so many years after its original release. The Sega Saturn version offers all that the arcade does minus the hydraulics. Don't worry though, it's still an awesome game. In fact, I'd say that the Saturn version is better than the Dreamcast version that can be found on Shenmue 1 and 2 and also on Yuu Suzuki's Game Works. I don't know why but the game just feels better on the Saturn. Both versions are very close to being arcade-perfect, but the Saturn version wins in my book. Maybe it's because it suits the Saturn more? The only downside to the Saturn Afterburner II I can find is that it's not possible to continue. Lose all your lives, and it's game over. I'm sure there's a cheat to allow continuing though.
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viciogame · 2 years ago
🎮 After Burner 2 (Mega Drive)
Complete Gameplay: https://youtu.be/G3t85OmkuqI
#AfterBurner2 #AfterBurnerII #AfterBurner #Arcade #Simulator #MegaDrive #TecToy #SegaGenesis #Sega #アフターバーナーII #アフターバーナー #f14 #f14tomcat #f15 #flight #flightsimulator #YuSuzuki #shooter #Tomcat #plane #株式会社セガ #メガドライブ #Viciogame #Gameplay #Walkthrough #Playthrough #Longplay #LetsPlay
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ura-samantha · 6 months ago
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stevethefishdotnet · 5 years ago
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Sega’s Afterburner II F-14 Tomcat iron beads pixel art June 1st, 2020
Completed another iron beads sprite: the F-14 Tomcat from Afterburner II. Sprite taken from the game on the Sharp X68000 emulator on my RetroPi.
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crydayz · 6 years ago
190612 OVERLAP
コナミ ゆるす
コナミ、「PCエンジン ミニ」を正式発表 https://twitter.com/denfaminicogame/status/1138607736533315584
CD-ROM2じゃないのにイース I・II遊べるんだ
じゃあスナッチャーも入れて。スナッチャーも!! CD-ROManticなやつ! マジカルチェイス パワードリフト アフターバーナー2 桃鉄2 天外魔境2 奇々怪々 天の声バンク あたりも入れといて。
キーーーーッ!!! PC-Engine… キーーーーーッ!!! 
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archiesonicretro · 2 years ago
Game review: After Burner II (FC/NES)
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Title: After Burner II
Japanese Title: アフターバーナーII
Release Date: 30 March 1989
Platform: Famicom / Nintendo Entertainment System
Developer: Sunsoft
Publisher: Sunsoft
Licensor: Sega
Genre: Combat Flight Simulation
Number of Players: 1
Catalogue Number: SS13-6200
Music Composer(s): Naohisa Morota, Naoki Kodaka
"No, your eyes aren't deceiving you, this is indeed a Sega game on the NES."
Here we have After Burner for the Famicom.
A flight sim that started life in the arcades by Sega.
What's most surprising is that it got ported to the NES, albeit by different companies. The most familiar name would be Tengen, but because this is the Japanese Famicom version, it is Sunsoft.
Was it ported well?
Yeah well, I suppose it was alright. The game runs pretty smoothly until you try to turn, and you can really feel the game jerk around.
Sound is a bit iffy, though it does have the sampled (though extremely compressed) speech from the arcade. Controls are actually quite responsive
Compared to Tengen's effort though, the sound and graphics are better in this version, although it is choppy in the animation department. At least it plays like After Burner.
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The arcade feeling is present
The music is great for a NES game
Responsive controls.
It's quite difficult to see what is ahead due to the sprite flicker
Plane movement is restricted
Choppy animation
It doesn't feel as good as the competing first party Sega Master System version, let alone the PC Engine version by NEC Avenue
After Burner II on the NES is quite an interesting release. Graphically, Sunsoft have done a decent job. As far as playability, though, it's actually a non-starter as you just can't see what's coming ahead and ...
Unfortunately, After Burner II on the NES gets a score of....
Sunsoft could've done better here.
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ultracoolray · 4 years ago
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Hiro - 30th Anniversary Album - Thank you for listening! (2015)
CD 1 Original Versions 01. MAIN THEME (ハングオンより) (2:15) 02. THEME (スペースハリアーより) (4:11) 03. メインBGM (エンデューロレーサーより) (5:00) 04. OPA-OPA! (ファンタジーゾーンより) (2:33) 05. HOT SNOW (ファンタジーゾーンより) (1:54) 06. MAGICAL SOUND SHOWER (アウトランより) (5:47) 07. SPLASH WAVE (アウトランより) (5:53) 08. PASSING BREEZE (アウトランより) (5:38) 09. LAST WAVE (アウトランより) (1:29) 10. Final Take Off (アフターバーナーIIより) (4:18) 11. After Burner (アフターバーナーIIより) (5:33) 12. なんてたって あ・ひ・る (ダイナマイトダックスより) (2:35) 13. LIKE THE WIND (パワードリフトより) (3:51) 14. TITLE (ヴァーミリオンより) (0:55) 15. LIGHT SONG (ヴァーミリオンより) (1:50) 16. LAST CITY (ヴァーミリオンより) (1:33) 17. Be Over (GPライダーより) (2:34) 18. 君は人のためにレンタヒーローになれるか (レンタヒーローより) (3:53) 19. Target (セガツーリングカーチャンピオンシップより) (1:46) 20. sleeper (クラッキンDJ PART2より) (1:44) 21. 運命は "I" Love You (セガ アーケードパズルDより) (3:46) 22. 泣き虫O'clock (full ver) (maimaiより) (4:57) CD 2 Arrange Versions 01. HANG ON 愛のテーマ (ハングオンより) (3:56) 02. メインBGM (エンデューロレーサーより) (5:42) 03. ファンタジーゾーン OPA-OPA! -GMT remix- (ファンタジーゾーンより) (2:05) 04. MAGICAL SOUND SHOWER (アウトランより) (5:04) 05. SPLASH WAVE - 1996 Arrange Ver. (アウトランより) (7:03) 06. LAST WAVE - 1996 Arrange Ver. (5:39) 07. After Burner (アフターバーナーIIより) (6:26) 08. なんてたって あ・ひ・る (ダイナマイトダックスより) (3:58) 09. Silent Language 2011 (パワードリフトより) (5:13) 10. Light Song (arrange version2009) (ヴァーミリオンより) (4:15) 11. LAST CITY (ヴァーミリオンより) (4:44) 12. 君は人のためにレンタヒーローになれるか (レンタヒーローより) (3:23) 13. Target (GPライダーより) (4:11) 14. sleeper (クラッキンDJ PART2より) (3:53) 15. 運命は“I” Love You (セガ アーケードパズルDより) (4:05) 16. セガサターン起動音 remix (maimaiより) (1:24) 17. VERTeX (Original Track) (maimaiより) (2:01)
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loopdrivemicro · 4 years ago
「アトラクトデモ中に操作が可能なゲーム」だけど、アフターバーナーIIでランキング表示の時にアフターバーナー部分だけ操作することが可能って話はもう出てるのかな?(※自機がミスってるデモだと操作不可) あとパワードリフトでスタートボタンだけ視点変更可能だったりとか。
— k-two(クボタカズキ) (@k_two) March 5, 2021
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keigox68000 · 4 years ago
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昨日サンダーブレードの基板をチェックした流れで久し振りにアフターバーナーとアフターバーナーIIの基板も電源入れて生存確認。アナログスティック系の配線を共通の仕様に作り直して気軽に遊べる様にしたいところ。 https://t.co/FvBFnzfojj http://twitter.com/takaflo/status/1323568355853234176
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utagoe · 8 years ago
UNICORN Jr.: After Burner (アフターバーナー) Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for After Burner by UNICORN Jr.
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(kanji source)
愛を戦意喪失(うしなわ)ないように I'm gonna take your hands 世界中で一番、求愛(もと)めてるから!!! Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) モ.ウ.イ.チ.ド
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) ナ.ン.ド.デ.モ 受けて立つよ Summerなキミが越えた境界線(BorderLine) 人生(Rail)に撒き散らした、鍵垢(あか)った不満 匙加減、混迷しだしてるね 指先が探した燦々 輝くSunrise 蒼穹(そら)に吸い込まれた Automation Error ふたりを立脚するのは、何なのさ? さあ、Targetをセンターに 迷わず入れたなら 乱射(ウ)ちまくれーーーー!!! 「逃げちゃダメだ」 「逃げちゃダメだ」 「覚悟して……」 汗まみれで噴射(ふ)かすよAfterBurner!! 心底まで激突(ぶつ)かり合えば、弾(たま)の奥まで Shine★ 息継ぎさせずにいけAfterBurner!! 尋常では計測(は)れないんだよ、罪なコトバで Climax★
愛を戦意喪失(うしなわ)ないように I'm gonna take your hands 世界中で一番、求愛(もと)めてるから!!! Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) モ.ウ.イ.チ.ド
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) ナ.ン.ド.デ.モ 妬けた肌に、Looseなボクが魅せた取引条件(Term of sale) Jailに並び立てた、欲盛った自慢 いい加減、「本命」キめたくても 足元が崩れて、堂々巡りのTurnAround? 虹が掛かりかけた Formation U カオスを脱却するのは、今だから! むしろ、交戦(Engage)さ! バイザーを構わずあげたなら Kissするよーーーー!!! 「目を合わせても」 「いいでしょ?」 「ロックオン……」 尻上がりに噴射(ふ)かすよAfterBurner!! 限界(トコトン)まで行き着くならば、夢の先々 Heaven★ 思考回路停止のAfterBurner!! 内情なら放置(おい)てくればいい、火々爆ぜ散るよ Joymax★
愛を戦意喪失(うしなわ)ないように I'm gonna take your hands 世界中で一番、求愛(もと)めてるから!!! キミはSo Good さ、乱調もアリなら「無礼講」 突き進めよーーーー!!! 「もっともっと」 「欲しいから」 「寝かせない……」 汗まみれで噴射(ふ)かすよAfterBurner!! 心底まで激突(ぶつ)かり合えば、弾(たま)の奥まで Shine★ 息継ぎさせずにいけAfterBurner!! 尋常では計測れないんだよ、罪なコトバで Climax★
愛を戦意喪失(うしなわ)ないように I'm gonna take your hands 世界中で一番、求愛(もと)めてるから!!! Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) モ.ウ.イ.チ.ド
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) ナ.ン.ド.デ.モ
ai wo ushinawanai youni I'm gonna take your hands sekaijuu de ichiban motometeru kara!!!
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) mo.u.i.chi.do
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) na.n.do.de.mo
ukete tatsuyo Summer na kimi ga koeta BorderLine Rain ni makichirashita kagi akatta fuman sajikagen konmei shidashiteru ne yubisaki ga sagashita sansan kagayaku sunrise
sora ni suikomareta Automation Error futari wo rikkyaku suru no wa nannano sa? saa Target wo sentā ni mayowazu ireta nara uchimakureーーーー!!!
"nigecha dame da" "nigecha dame da" "kakugo shite..."
ase mamire de fukasuyo AfterBurner!! shinsoko made butsukariaeba tama no oku made Shine★ ikitsugi sasezu ni ike AfterBurner!! jinjou de wa hakarenaindayo tsumi na kotoba de Climax★
ai wo ushinawanai youni I'm gonna take your hands sekaijuu de ichiban motometeru kara!!!
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) mo.u.i.chi.do
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) na.n.do.de.mo
yaketa hada ni Loose na boku ga bakaseta Term of sale Jail ni narabi tateta yoku sakatta jiman ii kagen "honmei" kimetakutemo ashimoto ga kuzurete doudoumeguri no TurnAround?
niji ga kakari kaketa Formation U kaosu wo dakkyaku suru no wa ima dakara! mushiro Engage sa baizā wo kamawazu ageta nara Kiss suruyoーーーー!!!
"me wo awasetemo" "ii desho?" "rokkuon..."
shiriagari ni fukasuyo AfterBurner!! tokoton made ikitsuku naraba yume no sakizaki Heaven★ shikoukairo teishi no AfterBurner!! naijou nara oite kureba ii hibi haze chiruyo Joymax★
ai wo ushinawanai youni I'm gonna take your hands sekaijuu de ichiban motometeru kara!!!
kimi wa So Good sa ranchou mo ari nara "bureikou" tsukisusumeyoーーーー!!!
"motto motto" "hoshii kara" "nekasenai..."
ase mamire de fukasuyo AfterBurner!! shinsoko made butsukariaeba tama no oku made Shine★ ikitsugi sasezu ni ike AfterBurner!! jinjou de wa hakarenaindayo tsumi na kotoba de Climax★
ai wo ushinawanai youni I'm gonna take your hands sekaijuu de ichiban motometeru kara!!!
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) mo.u.i.chi.do
Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) Go!! (Light Fire!!) na.n.do.de.mo
So that I don't lose love, I'm gonna take your hands Because you're the person I want the most in the world!
Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) One more time
Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Many many times
I accept your challenge, the borderline the summer you has crossed A dirty dissatisfaction was scattered on the rail You're causing chaos as you're allowed to, right? Your fingertips searched for a bright shining sunrise
An automation error was absorbed by the sky What exactly is serving as a base for us? Come, if you've put the target in the center without hesitating, Then hit ceaselessly!
"You can't escape" "You can't escape" "Prepare yourself..."
Drenched in sweat, I'll give you an afterburner! If we collide with each other completely, we'll shine to the inside of our bullets★ Go without a breathing spell, afterburner! This can't be measured by common means, climax with sinful words★
So that I don't lose love, I'm gonna take your hands Because you're the person I want the most in the world!
Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) One more time
Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Many many times
On your burnt skin, the loose me bewitched you with my terms of sale A pride full of desire lined up in the jail Even if you decide your "liking" once and for all, Will your feet collapse and will you turn around in circles?
The rainbow created an U formation Now is the time to unleash chaos! Even better, engage it! If you don't mind the visor and give it to me, I'll kiss you!
"It's okay to make" "Eye contact, right?" "Lock on..."
I'll give it to you rising, an afterburner! If you go until the end, beyond the dreams there's heaven★ An afterburner that'll stop all your thoughts! You should just abandon all conditions, your flames will burst open, joymax★
So that I don't lose love, I'm gonna take your hands Because you're the person I want the most in the world!
You're so good, you know? If you're confused, "put that aside" Push on!
"I want you" "More and more" "I won't let you sleep..."
Drenched in sweat, I'll give you an afterburner! If we collide with each other completely, we'll shine to the inside of our bullets★ Go without a breathing spell, afterburner! This can't be measured by common means, climax with sinful words★
So that I don't lose love, I'm gonna take your hands Because you're the person I want the most in the world!
Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) One more time
Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Go! (Light Fire!) Many many times
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archoneddzs15 · 2 months ago
Sega Master System - After Burner
Title: After Burner / アフターバーナー
Developer/Publisher: Sega
Release date: 12 December 1987
Catalogue No.: G-1340
Genre: Shooting Action
FM Sound: Yes
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The Master System version of After Burner is in fact based upon the original game and not After Burner II like so many other conversions. To be honest, though I’ve never actually seen the original After Burner so I can’t really say if this Master System version follows it well or is just a lazy port.
One of the first things you’ll notice about After Burner on the Master System is that there’s no throttle control. This could be mainly because the Master System only has two trigger buttons which are used for your gun and missiles. Another thing I noticed is that you don’t seem to be limited in the number of missiles that you can fire, yet you still have the missile reloading sections. Talking of which, in every other version of After Burner I’ve ever played the missile reloading section is automatic however in this Master System game, you have to fly your F-14 to the reloading hose. Miss, and forget about a reload (not that it seems to matter).
As far as looks go all is well for a Master System. Decent sense of movement coupled with some nicely sized sprites. The audio on the other hand is slightly disappointing. Even though this game uses the FM sound chip the audio is still pretty weak. No speech, no samples, no real sound effects at all. To top it off there only seems to be one music track. God only knows why this is a 4MB cartridge.
So, the game looks ok and sounds ok however it could have been a lot better, but how does it play? Hmm, not too bad to be honest. Collision detection seems to be well in place and even with the lack of the throttle you still manage to get by without too much trouble. There is one massive problem though. It’s possible to go throughout almost the entire game without being shot down at all by keeping your F-14 in the top right-hand corner of the screen! So, as you can guess, this is not going to last you very long if you cheat. Apart from that After Burner on the Master System isn’t all that bad. Far better than the versions available on the Famicom/NES by Sunsoft (Japan) and Tengen (America) that’s for sure.
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samantha-dan564 · 5 years ago
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dokumamushigp · 6 years ago
【お知らせ】 池袋ゲーセンミカド 今後の入荷予定 10月3日夜 スペースハリアー(シットダウン) アフターバーナーII(アップライト) ブラスト筐体×8台 10月5日未明 セガラリー(ツイン) 10月中旬 電車でGO2高速編3000番台 ビデオ筐体16台 です。 エクバ2は12月かな? よろしく!#池袋ミカド pic.twitter.com/0LqfSS5HHW
— ゲーセンミカド総合アカウント (@mikado_sougou) October 1, 2018
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pepinismo · 8 years ago
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Marina y el After Burner II. アフターバーナーIIとまりな。 #SEGA (ゲームミュージアム)
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archoneddzs15 · 2 months ago
PC Engine - After Burner II
Title: After Burner II / アフターバーナーⅡ
Developer: Sega AM2 / Bits Laboratory
Publisher: NEC Avenue
Release date: 28 September 1990
Catalogue No.: NAPH-1011
Genre: Action / Dog Fight Sim
Format: HuCard
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After Burner II is not the kind of game you will play for hours on end, but one you will repeatedly stick on for a quick blast, and the conversion to the PC Engine is better than you would have ever expected. The arcade has been replicated very faithfully given the limitations of the machine, and thankfully it retains the furious pace of the original. It even has some points over the Mega Drive version, like the graded horizon and scaling of the refueling plane. The control method is just a tad fiddly, with you having to reach for the Run button to kick in the speed, but you soon get used to it, but aside from that the actual controls themselves feel a little tighter and targeting is easier than other versions, including the arcade. The main thing that lets it down is the canyon sequence, which is blocky and ugly - but this is only a bonus stage and of minor importance. The sound is average, with the great tunes from the original tainted a bit by NEC Avenue's poor drumbeats, but the effects are full-on and satisfying enough. There's also a bonus 3D room in which you can play around with the shapes and colors of the balls on the title screen, which is a nice touch. Definitely one of the better NEC Avenue/Sega conversions and basically damn good fun.
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