all the things i'm in to and things i do
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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we never know when our feet will be held to the fire and a promise we made to someone means more to them than the breath of life itself. all I have to say is No regrets Why you ask because this promise meant so much more to my Daughter Ember Doherty, who lost from what I have heard a beautiful smart and all-around wonderful teacher to Cancer that I think in many ways inspired my daughter. when I first heard about this amazing educator and her fight to win agents Cancer my Daughter asks me what I thought about her shaving her head if her teacher lost all of her hair from her cancer treatments. the first words out of my mouth were “ok but I want to do it for you, I'll shave your head” the next words out of my mouth were words that at the time I didn't know the power they would have or what it would mean to my kid, I said I do it with her to show support for cancer. months went by I would ask Ember from time to time about how her teaches was doing and she would tell me she was fighting the fight and all the wile in the back of my head I was thinking I hope this Teacher wins her fight agents cancer seeing as there was a part of me that didn't wont to shave my head I loved my purple hair. yes, I know a bit chicken shit of me and selfish and I still didn't know at the time what the promise would mean to my kid.
the months went by and saw my daughter and her older brother graduate high school all the while this Amazing teach that touched my daughter Ember Doherty was fighting the good fight agents a kind of bone cancer. with Ember now out of School and looking for higher education and deciding to take a year off my parents decided to take her on a trip overseas to Germany to meet the rest of Oma's family. she knew it might happen that it was a possibility her teacher would not win the fight agents Cancer.
Sadly Ember would find out while on her trip that her Teacher lost her fight agents cancer and she would miss the memorial service for this teacher that hand touched her so Deeply. it was through Face book that I found out wan Ember sent me a Massage my heart broke for her at that moment and I knew she wont to shave her head as soon as she got home that was Wednesday 8/14/2019. that Sunday 8/18/2019 she got back home to the stats at 3am I of cores called my mom knowing that Ember would wont to shave her head now more than ever so I settled for Monday thinking the kid need rest she was probably jet-lagged.
Monday 8/19/2019 came and Ember's stepdad picked her up after he got off work brought to our home and of cores I hand to ask her all about her trip I was stalling I didn't wont to shave my head, so I gathered the courage and told Ember yet What I saw in her eyes and on her face said it all that this small simple promise meant so much more to her now and I could not back down i could not go back on my word I hand to do this for her.
it was thanks to Ember that I did this at that moment she gave me the courage to shave my head. because I saw how much it would mean to her if I did this with her and how heart broke she would be if I didn't follow throw with that promise I made so many many months ago.
that promise I made to shave my head with Ember Doherty to show support for cancer awareness is one I have taken to heart that promise as taught so much about the power of keeping your word and how making a promise and keeping it can impact someone.
so with that in mind, I ask anyone that's made it this far in reading to please share this post help my daughter Ember Doherty to rais awareness for Cancer in all its forms. Cancer is something that impacts all of us in one way or another. in this day and age, most of us know someone who is battling Cancer or has wone the fight or we have lost someone dear to us to Cancer. it is my hope to see this go far and wide and to perhaps making it a little more Knowen how Cancer impacts us all in one way or another. and to further Keep my promise to my daughter by taking this one step farther then I hand said I would.
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
Extra hot please 
IkeSen Art Giveaway - Be the MC!
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Hi, all! 
Due to an occasion of finally getting 100 followers I have decided to have an Art Giveaway! There will be 2 winners - 1st person will receive an illustration of either them as an MC or the standard MC with their favourite warlord and the 2nd person will receive an illustration of their favourite warlord. (The art style will be similar to the one of the ‘Seductive Warlords’ series I have been doing.)
Winner will get an option to pick the SPICINESS of the illustration :>
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Mild is your typical lovey-dovey illustration. Hugging, kissing, mild nudity etc.
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Raunchy image… teasing, heavy petting, more nudity.
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Smut. 18+. Bring holy water.
To take part in the Giveaway you must:
- Follow my blog! (New followers welcome!)
- Re-blog this post with your preferred spiciness level ;3 (only re-blogs count)
The submission will close on the 10th of March 2019 at 12AM (GMT). I will then announce the winners, message them and wait 48hrs for the response. If there is no response another person will be chosen in their place.
Good luck to you all!
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
Nobunaga: At my age, do you know how I’m statistically most likely to die?
MC: ...At the hands of your employee?
Nobunaga: An accident.
MC: That’s how I’m gonna make it look.
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
Yukimura: Hey, are you in the mood for a quickie?
MC: W-what?
Yukimura: A quickie. You know, one of those egg things.
MC: dummy that is pronounced as quiche
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
Kenshin: *unplugs Shingen’s life support to charge his phone*
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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Good Morning Yuki <3
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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Gateway to heaven, Zhangjiajie, China | Photography by ©️R̸K̸
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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Sorry if the barely visible nipple offends you Tumblr. If this gets flagged again I swear to jeebus.
HideMama <3
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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Next! Our favourite ninja - Sasuke <3
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
Resources for Male Victims of Abuse
How to Recognize Abuse
**Emotional Abuse of Men
**Sexual Assault of Men and Boys
**Men Can Be Victims of Abuse, Too
**Domestic Violence Against Men - Know the Signs
**Information for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
**Help for Battered Men
**Battered Men, Battered Husbands
**For Male Survivors of Rape and Sexual Abuse
**Male Survivors of Incest and Sexual Child Abuse
**Help for Men Who Are Being Abused
Help Lines (Phone and Text Chat)
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (or 1-800-787-3224 for TTY)
National Dating Abuse Hotline: 1-866-331-9474
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-237-8255
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men: 1-888-743-5754 (US and Canada)
Hopeline Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
National Hotline for Victims of Crimes: 1-855-484-2846
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
Polaris Human Trafficking Text Line: Text “BEFREE” to 233733
**1in6/RAINN Chat for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Support Groups
**1in6 Support Groups
Male Survivor Support Groups
Pandora’s Aquarium - Chat (includes chats specifically for men)
Pandora’s Aquarium - Forums (includes forums specifically for men)
How to Find a Shelter
Domestic Shelters Search (shelter locator with filters to find shelters specifically for male survivors)
SAFE (located in Austin, TX, but states they can help people find resources/shelters in their area)
How to Find a Therapist
**Male Survivor Therapist Directory
Mental Health Services Locator
Resources for and About the Abuse of Kids/Teens
Love is Respect Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 (Hotline for teens)
Darkness to Light Helpline (Sexual Abuse): 1-866-367-5444
Darkness to Light Text Line: Text “LIGHT” to 741741
ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453
Children of the Night Hotline (Children in Prostitution): 1-800-551-1300
National Runaway Safeline: 1-800-786-2929
Covenant House Nineline (Homeless Youth): 1-800-999-9999
Stop it Now Hotline: 1-888-773-2362 (for adults concerned about the welfare of a child)
Jennifer Ann’s Group (for teens experiencing dating violence)
Other Resource Lists 
(While I tried to include the most helpful resources I could here (i.e., resources that lend themselves to one-on-one communication, individual reading, etc.), there are plenty of other great resources, including regional resources, listed in these links. Some of the resources are specific to men and others aren’t, but they are all helpful for male survivors.)
**Male Survivor (regional, international, and online resources)
**Husband Battering: Men and Domestic Violence
**Help for Battered Men: Online Resources
**Help for Battered Men: National and International Resources
**Help for Guys: Help for Victims (some resources for men, many general resources)
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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Kasuga Primeval Forest, Nara, Japan.
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
Kenshin: Where's Sasuke?
Shingen: Why should I tell you?
Kenshin: Because I asked you politely.
Kenshin: And I only do that once.
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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‘Ikemen Sengoku’, by Cybird.
➡️ Meet the men behind the voices!!! 😊💕
Part 2 - The enemies of the Oda forces.
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
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‘Ikemen Sengoku’, by Cybird.
➡️ Meet the men behind the voices!!! 💕
Part 1 - The Oda forces.
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kerriescreativecorner · 6 years ago
-,’ types of people ,’-
hobbits: tiny houses, oversized sweaters, a good book, introverts, writing, gardening, staying up to watch the sunset, fuzzy socks, nice food, tending to keep things to yourself, playing instruments, just wants to live a peaceful life
dwarves: nights out with friends, lives out of spite, really stubborn, sneaking out of your window at 1am, loves animals more than their family, hot chocolate, karaoke parties, road trips, summer nights, cunning folk, believes in old legends
elves: getting lost in the woods, loves photography, wants to travel the world, neat notes, pretty handwriting, athletic, loves fashion, love astrology, curious, hunting, wolves, the smell of wet grass, very artistic, easily embarrassed
humans: messy bun, staying up til midnight, too little sleep, writing poems, loud laughs, loves music, camping, in love with the way nature works, driving at sunsets, determined, a bit of a mess, german shepherds, eye gazes
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