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catdoll007 · 1 year ago
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imiteeshon · 8 months ago
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stdoodle00 · 3 months ago
I'm really happy with the messages and comments, thank you! I'll reply little by little from where I can, so please wait a little while.
My dominant hand was swollen after being stung by a stinging caterpillar, but it has finally healed, so I'm making progress on my Halloween Starbee doodles.
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splatoonreblogger · 3 months ago
Halloween is tomorrow!
Harmony is a fan of colorful candies, and rumor has it she gets a boatload of them from her bandmates, how convenient!
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nihongo · 4 months ago
そこで、本日より検索バーで✨高度な検索演算子✨が使えるようになったことをお知らせいたします。これからは、「potato from:staff year:2021」と入力するだけで、ジャガイモを電子レンジでチンする動画を簡単にもう一度楽しむことができます!
クエリを通常の二重引用符 (曲がったスマート引用符ではありません) で囲むと、投稿のテキスト コンテンツにそのフレーズが正確に含まれた投稿、またはタグとしてそのフレーズが正確に含ま���た投稿を検索できます。
たとえば、「chappell roan is roan of arc」は、コンテンツにそのフレーズが正確に含まれた投稿がヒットし、また、「#chappell roan is roan of arc」という完全タグが付いた投稿がヒットします。
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「sword world match:text」は、投稿コンテンツに「sword」と「world」という単語が含まれる投稿を検索します。
「sword world match:tags」は、投稿タグに「sword」と「world」という単語が含まれる投稿を検索します。
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特定ブログの投稿のみを検索するには、「from:blog」または「from:@blog」を使用します。たとえば、「halloween from:staff」は、投稿コンテンツまたはタグに「halloween」という単語が含まれる@staffブログの投稿をすべて検索します。
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特定の年の投稿を検索するには、「year:YYYY」を使用します。たとえば、「halloween year:2019」は、投稿コンテンツまたはタグに「halloween」という単語が含まれる2019年の投稿をすべて検索します。
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特定の日付の投稿を検索するには、date:YYYY-MM-DD を使用します。たとえば、「halloween date:2019-10-08」は、投稿コンテンツまたはタグに「halloween」という単語が含まれる、2019年10月8 日に作成されたすべての投稿を検索します。
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一度に複数のタグを検索する場合、たとえば、「#star wars #art 」は、「#star wars」タグと「#art」タグの両方のタグがつけられた投稿を検索します。
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artemana · 3 months ago
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Crazy Monsters
Halloween Party 2024
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koizumicchi · 3 months ago
HALLOWEEN KISS (LIP×LIP) English Translation
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HALLOWEEN KISS LIP×LIP  (Aizou & Yuujirou)
Lyrics: ドゥー,shito Composer: ドゥー Arrangement: HoneyWorks
MV here.
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
Ah やっと会えるね もう我慢できないね
Ah yatto aeru ne Mō gaman dekinai ne
Ah, we finally meet I cannot control myself any longer
0時この世に戻る 君をもらいにお邪魔する
Rei-ji kono you ni modoru Kimi o morai ni ojamasuru
I will return to this world when the clock strikes twelve I shall come and get you then
Ah おめかしをして 乾く喉我慢して
Ah omekashi o shite Kawaku nodo gaman shite
Ah, dressing myself to the occasion Enduring the thirst I feel
0時ドアノックする 君の血で乾杯をしよう
Rei-ji doa nokku suru Kimi no chi de kanpai o shiyou
I will knock on your door at midnight And I will make a toast with your blood
ねぇ逃げないで 怖がらないで 君の叫びで 心が躍る
Ne nigenai de Kowagaranai de Kimi no sakebi de Kokoro ga odoru
Hey, don’t run away Don’t be afraid Your cries make My heart dance in excitement
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS akuma to no KISS LIPS keiyaku o yakusoku shiyou Gokujō no kairaku
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS, let us make a KISS LIPS contract with a demon, and make a vow It is the finest pleasure
KISS EYES kuruoshī KISS EYES keiyaku o Koyoi musubareru Seinaru HALLOWEEN NIGHT
KISS EYES crazily KISS EYES the contract will Bind us tonight On this sacred HALLOWEEN NIGHT
もっと味わってたい 何者にも敵わな
Motto ajiwattetai Nani mono ni mo kanawa na
I want to taste it more Nothing is beyond my power
君というご馳走を 奪われるわけにはいかない
Kimi to iu gochisō o Ubawareru wake ni wa ikanai
I cannot let anyone take away The sweet treat that is you
君はもう僕のものだからね 他のやつになんかあげないよ 
Kimi wa mō boku no mono dakara ne Hoka no yatsu ni nanka agenai yo
You already belong to me, understand? I won’t hand you over to anyone else
俺のものになったんだ 絶対離さないからな
Ore no mono ni nattan da Zettai hanasanai kara na
You have already become mine I will never let you go
おいで Oide Come here
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS 甘い声 KISS EARS ささやいて 約束しよう 永遠の束縛
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS amai koe KISS EARS sasayaite Yakusoku shiyou Eien no sokubaku
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS, a voice so sweet KISS EARS, whispering Let us vow to each other An eternal tie
KISS EARS itooshii KISS EARS kurai tsuku Koisuru kaibutsu Seinaru HALLOWEEN night
KISS EARS, adorably KISS EARS, I sink my teeth I am a monster in love In a sacred HALLOWEEN NIGHT
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS akuma to no KISS LIPS keiyaku o yakusoku shiyou Gokujō no kairaku
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS, let us make a KISS LIPS contract with a demon, and make a vow It is the finest pleasure
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS 甘い声 KISS EARS ささやいて 約束しよう 永遠の束縛
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS amai koe KISS EARS sasayaite Yakusoku shiyou Eien no sokubaku
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS, a voice so sweet KISS EARS, whispering Let us vow to each other An eternal tie
KISS EARS 愛おしい KISS EARS 喰らいつく 恋する怪物
KISS EARS itooshii KISS EARS kurai tsuku Koisuru kaibutsu 
KISS EARS, adorably KISS EARS I sink my teeth I am a monster in love
Boku to Ore to Seinaru HALLOWEEN night
Together with me With me It is a sacred HALLOWEEN NIGHT
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gupaooooon · 1 year ago
「Trick or Treat, Dr.Steven Grant!」
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マークとロロがTomb Busterごっこをする時。いつもマークが博士役で、ロロは博士役をあまりやれなかった(やりたかった)んじゃないのかな……とあの描写からは感じるので。ロロに博士の仮装を。
2人の Steven Grant。スティーヴンが見たただの夢。
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somasoa · 3 months ago
The True Nature of the Ghost Ship: A Legend of Zelda Halloween Theory
This theory will be citing the gameplay changes and minor story retcons present in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, one of the most iconic parts of the latter half of the game is the search for The Ghost Ship.
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 The Ghost Ship is a phantom ship that is present at night in certain quadrants of the Great Sea. The quadrant it appears in is dependent on the phase of the moon on that night - for example, on a full moon, the ship will be present at Crescent Moon Isle. It is translucent in appearance, with tattered sails and the spirits of the dead floating around it, and, without the Ghost Ship Chart, one can sail straight through it. When the Ghost Ship is present, a storm will start, and when getting close, an ominous chant can be heard.
それから、数百年・・・ あのガノンさえ、蘇らなければ このハイラルは永遠に 眠りから覚めることは、なかったのだ
Have you seen it? The Ghost Ship also appears in these seas… On the nights of the downward crescent moon...
Fishman (The Wind Waker) - Translated by Sidier
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On Diamond Steppe Island, an island in the southwest of the Great Sea, there is a grotto that Link can enter. Upon delving inside, Link finds a ship graveyard - multiple ruined ships, filled with Floormasters.
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Upon exploring this ship graveyard, Link finds the Ghost Ship Chart, which shows Link the location of the Ghost Ship is each night, and, upon encountering the Ghost Ship, he can now sail into it to actually board it.
We learn about the Ghost Ship Chart at an earlier point in the game, when Link encounters Lenzo. Lenzo informs Link that the Ghost Ship Chart was made by a man who sought the treasure of the Ghost Ship and wanted to document its movements. However, upon completion of the chart, the man suddenly died.
ある時、船が壊れてしもうてな わしは潮に流されるまま、海を 漂っておった・・・そんな時じゃ 海の彼方に見たのじゃ 幻のように透き通る不吉な船 そう・・・幽霊船の姿をな うわさでは幽霊船が出没する海域を 調べた男がいて、それをマップに 記したそうなのじゃが・・・ 書き上げてまもなく男は 亡くなったらしい ・・・おそろしや~ まあ、そのマップさえ手に入れば 幽霊船にのりこんで、中の財宝を そっくり頂けるかもしれんがの!
One day, my ship broke and I drifted along the seas, driven by the currents… That was when I saw something far away… A transparent, creepy ship, almost like an illusion… Yes… I saw the Ghost Ship… Rumors say that a man investigated the areas where it appears and wrote up a map, but… He died shortly after completing it… How scary! Well. If you can get a hold of it, you can board it and might able to take the treasures!
Lenzo (The Wind Waker) - Translated by Sidier
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When Link enters the ship, he is transported into what appears to be another dimension. The ship appears very similar to one of the many other Submarines in the game or the bottom level of Tetra’s ship, but many parts of it are torn off, and through the gaps are inky black darkness, with the spirits of the vessel seen floating on the bottom floor of the ship.
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After defeating the ghostly enemies present, a ladder drops down, which Link can then use to climb up and acquire the Triforce Shard concealed within the ship. An ear-piercing shriek rings out, and Link wakes up on the King of Red Lions, back on the Great Sea, now suddenly morning. 
While this is a fun and interesting questline, the ship actually doesn’t give us much to go on in terms of lore or story. However, this Halloween, I would like to propose a theory based on the limited evidence we have, and determine what exactly the Ghost Ship is and why it protects a Triforce Shard.
To preface the theory itself, it is necessary to establish a running trend with the Triforce Shard locations that are found on the islands of the Great Sea.
The King of Red Lions establishes that when the Hero of Time crossed the boundaries of time and returned to his childhood at the end of Ocarina of Time, the Triforce of Courage from the Adult Timeline was split into 8 pieces and hidden throughout the Great Sea. 
時の勇者が時を旅してハイラルを去る時 勇者のもとを離れ、8つのかけらとなって各地に飛び散ったと言われている
It is said that when the Hero of Time left Hyrule on his journey through time, the Triforce of Courage left him and was scattered among the land in the form of eight pieces.
The King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker) - Translated by Jumbie
While it is never specified in-game if the Triforce Shards were hidden before or after the flood, facts in-game make it likelier that it occurred after the flood. For example, the fact that the majority of the Triforce Shards are found on the surface of the sea rather than needing to be pulled up via the Grappling Hook suggests they were hidden at a time when the islands were the only accessible land. In corroboration of this, the presence of Triforce Sea Charts that reveal the locations of the Triforce shards suggests that their locations were only concealed after Hyrule was already flooded and the world was divided up into maritime quadrants.
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Because of these facts, it is very likely the Triforce Shards were hidden in a time when the flood had already occurred and Hyrule had been swallowed by the Great Sea.
Many of the hidden Triforce Charts and Shards are directly hidden behind locations that are tied to the Royal Family. For example, many of the Triforce Shards are hidden within caves that utilize the same type of architecture present in the Tower of the Gods and Hyrule Castle. Furthermore, they are also hidden behind the usage of the Wind Waker, a relic of the Royal Family. While Daphnes may have been in possession of the Wind Waker during the time between the flood and The Wind Waker, this does not preclude the descendants of Daphnes creating seals on the Triforce Shards that would require the Wind Waker to unseal them.
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Given this shared architecture, as well as the importance placed on the Wind Waker, it becomes immediately clear that the hiding of the Triforce was done at the behest of the Royal Family, or what remained of it, following the flood. You might wonder, however, what this has to do with the Ghost Ship. 
Taking into account the totality of these factors, it’s likely the Ghost Ship was specifically made by the surviving Royal Family and its servants as a means of protecting a Triforce Shard, similar to how they hid the other Triforce Shards in locations across the Great Sea. However, it’s unlikely that the surviving Royal Family members and their servants created the actual Ghost Ship, given its supernatural origins, so it’s likelier they created the thing that became the Ghost Ship.
Returning to Diamond Steppe Island for a moment, I mentioned that there is a ship graveyard there, and it is in that graveyard that Link discovers the Ghost Ship Chart. However, there is something peculiar about one of the ships present in the graveyard; upon closer analysis (and a bit of clipping through a wall), it can be determined that this ship is just a broken down version of Tetra’s Pirate Ship, as it is identical in almost every way, including the figurehead!
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A nigh identical ship graveyard can also be found one quadrant north, at Needle Rock Island, with the same ruined ship. 
However, what does that tell us about the Ghost Ship? Interestingly, the Ghost Ship is also nearly identical to Tetra’s Pirate Ship. However, there’s a noticeable difference; the figurehead is not that of the one found normally on Tetra’s ship, but of a strange figure, with what appears to be its hands clasped in prayer.
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Despite this difference, it can be demonstrated that the Ghost Ship shares the model of the ship used by Tetra and her crew, a vessel of the Royal Family, implying that the boats are of the same make, similar to the destroyed boats in Diamond Steppe Isle and Needle Rock Isle.
Strangely, the figurehead of the Ghost Ship has a very strong resemblance to the figures that are depicted in the introduction tapestry of The Wind Waker who were praying to the Gods after the Hero of Time’s failure to appear.
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What could this mean? Suppose for a moment these praying figures in the tapestry were servants of the Royal Family, and survivors of the flood - very likely, considering the Royal Family were the ones who had the tapestry created following the flood, given its presence in Tetra’s room on her ship. 
As we know from Diamond Steppe Island, multiple of the same model of Tetra’s Pirate Ship were made, and it’s likely that it was simply the ship style that was utilized by those directly affiliated with the Royal Family. Given the presence of the Triforce Shard on the Ghost Ship, it’s likely that, in life, it was a regular ship that consisted of a crew that protected the Triforce at the behest of the Royal Family. However, as we’re told in The Wind Waker, centuries have passed since the original flooding event.
それから、数百年・・・ あのガノンさえ、蘇らなければ このハイラルは永遠に眠りから覚めることは、なかったのだ
Centuries have passed since then... If Ganon had not revived, Hyrule wouldn't have awakened from its endless slumber.
Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker) - Translated by Sidier
Like all mortal men, the crew of this ship dedicated to the protection of a Triforce Shard were doomed to die, whether it be through old age or some other unforeseeable disaster at sea. However, given the presence of the Ghost Ship in the modern day, still protecting the Triforce Shard, is it likely that those deceased souls - the ones who survived the flood, and who protected the Triforce Shard - then went on to continue roaming the Great Sea in the form of an undead crew on their supernatural ship. This would be reinforced by the fact we see a ruined Royal Family ship in Diamond Steppe Isle, which, coincidentally, is also the same location we find the Ghost Ship Chart. We know that the Ghost Ship Chart was made by a man seeking the Ghost Ship’s treasure; is it possible the Ghost Ship killed this man somehow, as a way of protecting the Triforce, and hid the chart in Diamond Steppe Island? If this is the case, it’s likely that it is capable of moving other objects, and is likely the reason the ship graveyard exists in Diamond Steppe Island in the first place.
From there, it is also possible, then, that the ruined Royal Family ship we see in Diamond Steppe Island is actually the “corpse” of the Ghost Ship, and the phantom ship we see roaming the seas is the spirit of this ship transformed, with its figurehead now resembling the praying figures who survived the flood - the servants of the Royal Family, who now, in death, continue protecting the Triforce Shard. However, it’s also possible that the Ghost Ship’s original ship was just an unseen fourth ship separate from Tetra’s, the Needle Rock Isle ship, and the Diamond Steppe Isle ship.
Regardless, this interpretation also explains why the ship disappears once Link acquires the Triforce Shard; the purpose of the ship and its crew was to protect the Triforce Shard, which they would continue doing even after shedding their mortal coils. But now, with the appearance of the one true Hero and his acquisition of the Triforce Shard, they can now leave the Great Sea and move onto the afterlife, their ultimate purpose finally fulfilled.
In summary, the Ghost Ship was a ship that consisted of servants of the Royal Family who survived the flood. The surviving Royal Family hid the Triforce Shards throughout the Great Sea, and one of shard was hidden amongst a group of these servants who had their own ship. However, eventually, the ship was destroyed somehow, and its ruins either sunk to the seafloor or possibly even found their way to the Diamond Steppe Island ship graveyard, either via natural or supernatural means. The Ghost Ship, the twisted and warped spirit of this ship, continued sailing the Great Sea, with its undead crew still protecting the Triforce Shard. A man seeking to acquire this treasure created the Ghost Ship Chart, and dropped dead upon completing it. The chart was then placed in Diamond Steppe Island, somehow, likely related to the Ghost Ship’s supernatural abilities. Eventually, the Hero of Winds stumbles upon the ship graveyard as well as the Ghost Ship Chart, and upon entering the Ghost Ship, he puts its undead crew to rest and acquires the Triforce Shard, allowing the Ghost Ship to end its reign as terror of the seas.
However, there is still much about this ship that goes unexplained. Why was its chart on Diamond Steppe Island? Why does it favor certain islands on the Great Sea based on the phases of the moon? While an answer to questions like these would explain practically everything surrounding the Ghost Ship, perhaps it’s for the best that this phantasmic ship still has some mysteries left unanswered...
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ru-noe · 3 months ago
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Happy Halloween!
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nikkigee007 · 3 months ago
🌻More art, including ship art for my twst oc Nikki ❤
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🌻Twisted Halloween: Terror Is Trending
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🌻Tapis Rouge at Pyroxene event design by Karen (ka_0896)
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🌻Skeb Design by https://skeb.jp/@R9zgLgJoLn6N3EY
I might use this as a Ramshackle dorm uniform for her 🤔 but, I do love her briar rose design more so...we'll see lol. It's still super cute for like a tea party maybe 👀 ❤
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🌻I edited the chibis from this picrew for my oc ❤
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🌻These were prior to her info card final in my pinned post ❤
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catdoll007 · 1 year ago
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luckylunatix · 5 months ago
Halloween Horror Nights is starting up again and I feel like I should inform all y'all who love it of these sweet little bears:
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These 3 are mascots of HHN in Japan and they are as fascinating in their lore as they are adorable
Hamikuma/ハミクマ (middle): Hamikuma has been a part of the event since about 2021, starting as a walk around character inhabiting the Scarezones until graduating to the official icon of the event in 2022, when he was given a stage show called Hamikuma Psycho Circus. His backstory states he was once a circus bear who was very popular with audiences because he was very cute and danced in a very unique way, but his fellow performers became jealous and also suspected he wasn't really a bear. They ended up murdering him and burning down the bigtop to destroy the evidence, but Hamikuma managed to survive when a demon known as the Death Bringer bore his way into Hamikuma's belly. Now he gets to live on and party when Halloween comes around, but unfortunately his gaping stomach wound is now basically a portal to Hell.
Hamikuma SOUL/ハミクマソウル (right): Hamikuma's soul incarnate, introduced last year as part of the Zombie de Dance stage show. They reside in a place called YOU ME LAND.
Hamikuma Punk/ハミクマパンク (left): The latest Hamikuma, who'll be introduced to this year's HHN. He represents the anger and resentment inside of Hamikuma (I'm assuming because being murdered and turned into a Hell portal would make anyone kinda pissed off). He'll be appearing alongside the other Hamikumas during the Shout it Out Party.
I feel like there's not enough discussion of Hamikuma and Japan's HHN here on Tumblr, despite how HHN seems to have a genuine fandom here, so here's hoping this might spark some interest in it.
"ハミクマ DEATH!"
Some sources (so you can read more and to prove I didn't pull all of this out of my butt):
(Some sources may need to be translated. The last source is also where I got the image above from. I'd also advise looking them up on YouTube to see them in action because they are VERY fun to watch dance around.)
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yoga-onion · 1 year ago
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (21)
E for Eadha (Aspen) - September 21st Autumn Equinox
“Whispering tree, also known as Trembling tree  - Autumn Equinox of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref), when moving into darkness”
Star: Pluto, Mercury, Saturn: Gemstone: black opal,; Gender: female; Patron deity: Persephone, Hades; Symbol: listening, overcoming fear + courage, shield, light in the darkness
Aspen trees are all native to cold regions with cool summers, in the north of the northern hemisphere, extending south at high-altitude areas such as mountains or high plains.
The aspen is referred to as quaking aspen or trembling aspen because the leaves "quake" or tremble in the wind. This is due to their flattened petioles which reduce aerodynamic drag on the trunk and branches, so that they catch any slight breeze, making the leaves tremble, flutter and make a soft, rustling sound each time they do so. In autumn, the leaves turn bright yellow and sometimes red, and when they fade further and turn black, they fall off.
The ancient Celts believed that the wind was a messenger of the word of the gods and therefore considered anything that was in tune with the wind sacred. The same is true of the aspen tree. The aspen, which has the best ears of all trees, always rustled its leaves in response to the voice of the gods.
However, the aspen, with its close connection to death and the underworld, came to be regarded as a tree of misfortune. In earlier times, corpses and graves were counted with a cane made of aspen named fé, and people were terribly afraid of the calamities that would befall them if they were struck with this cane. The connection with the seasons, rest and rebirth was often overlooked, and many people, cowering in fear, heard only the abominable sound of aspen leaves rustling in the wind. However, the teachings of the aspen are about overcoming the fear of death, the fear of the unknown and fear itself. The aspen was called the 'shield tree' by the Irish Celts, and is said to have been their favourite tree for making shields. This was not only because aspens provided a reassuring shield, but also because they protected us from flinching in the face of the unknown, once we had taken their teachings to heart.
Incense made from aspens is burned continuously during Halloween (Celtic festival of Samhain). Halloween is the time of year when the distance between this world and the underworld is at its closest, and the period that ushers in the new year. Samhain is also the festival of the New Year, which takes place on November the 1st, the beginning of the year, but it is also the festival of the dead. It is believed that during nights between the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, the border with the other world disappears, the souls of the dead visit their relatives, and demons and evil spirits cause damage to crops and livestock.
Ancient Celtic cultures were known to carve turnips or potatoes and place embers inside to ward off evil spirits. That's because Ireland didn't have pumpkins. In England, large beets were used. When immigrants brought over their carving tradition, Americans began carving jack-o'-lanterns from pumpkins.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (21)
EはEadha (ポプラ) - 9月21日・秋分の日 
『ささやきの木、震える木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)・秋分、暗闇に移るとき』
星: 冥王星、水星、土星: 宝石: ブラック・オパール、; 性: 女性; 守護神: ベルセポネ、ハデス; シンボル: 聞くこと、恐怖の克服+勇気、楯、暗闇の中の光明
ポプラ (セイヨウヤマナラシ‘山鳴らし’) の木はすべて、北半球の北部で夏が涼しく寒い地域に自生し、南は山や高原などの標高の高い地域に広がっている。
ハロウィン (ケルトのサウィン祭)の期間中、ポプラから作られたお香が焚かれ続ける。ハロウィンは、現世と冥界の距離が最も近くなる時期であり、新年を迎える期間でもある。サウィンは、1年の始まりである11月1日に行われる新年の祭りでもあるが、同時に死者の祭りでもある。年末から新年が始まるまでの夜は、あの世との境界がなくなり、死者の魂が親族を訪ね、悪魔や悪霊が農作物や家畜に被害を与えると信じられている。
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apothecaryscript · 2 months ago
Halloween Visual Special Video / 薬屋のひとりごと ハロウィンビジュア�� スペシャル動画
Please note that the English lines are just my translation.
Jinshi “Happī Harowin! Harowin-wa tanoshinde-iruka?”
Jinshi “Happy Halloween! Are you enjoying Halloween?”
Maomao (Ge! Mendona yatsuni mitsukatte-shimatta…)
Maomao (Oh no! I was found by a troublesome person…)
Maomao “Gokigen-yo, Jinshi-sama. Happī Harowin. Gyokuyo-samaya Hisui-Kyuno minasanga totemo noriki-deshita-node kotowarezu… Somo-somo kono moyooshi, naze konna kakko’o suru hitsuyoga?”
Maomao “Greetings, Master Jinshi. Happy Halloween. Lady Gyokuyou and everyone at the Jade Pavilion were really keen, so I couldn’t refuse… Anyway, why do I need to dress like this for this event?”
Jinshi “Shishano reini nakama-dato omo-wasete, jibunno mi’o mamoru-tame…rashiizo. Riyuwa nande aroto, mina tanoshinde-iruyo-dakara, ii-dewa naika.”
Jinshi “Apparently, it’s to make the spirits of the dead think we’re their friends, so that we can protect ourselves. Whatever the reason, everyone seems to be having fun, so why not?”
Maomao “Soko desuneee. Soreni-shitemo, sasuga Jinshi-sama. Kyubino Kitsune-towa, totemo oniai desu.”
Maomao “That’s it. Anyway, as expected of Master Jinshi, you really suit the nine-tailed fox.”
猫猫(人を惑わせて喰らう… こいつにぴったりだな)
Maomao (Hito’o mado-wasete kurau… Koitsuni pittari dana.)
Maomao (Confuses people and then eats them… that suits him perfectly.)
Jinshi “Omae…sorewa homete-nai-daro… Maa, ii. Kusuriya, shigoto-da. Gaoshun’o odokashini ikuzo. Hobiwa koitsude doda?”
Jinshi “Hey… that’s not a compliment… But whatever, here’s a job, Apothecary. We’re going to surprise Gaoshun. How about this as a reward?”
Maomao “Ha! Oyasui goyo desu! Yorokonde!”
Maomao “Yes, certainly! With pleasure!”
Jinshi “Fufun, sore-dewa ikuzo! Torikku oa torīto!”
Jinshi “Now then, let’s go! Trick or treat!”
「面倒な(めんどうな/Mendo-na)」「面倒くさい(めんどうくさい、めんどくさい/Mendo-kusai): troublesome, annoying, bothersome
「催し(もよおし/Moyooshi)」: event (Recently, we often use “イベント(Ibento)” rather than “催し”.
「さすが(流石/Sasuga)」: We use this word when someone did a great job or got great result as expected, with a nuance of “I knew it!” This is a compliment given to someone who is known to be excellent.
「九尾の狐(きゅうびのきつね/Kyubino kitsune)」: Fox monsters with nine tails from China
「惑わせる(まどわせる/Mado-waseru)」: confuse, lead astray, mislead
「喰らう、食らう(くらう/Kurau)」: The meaning is the same as “eat,” but it is used when monsters or evil things eat. Or it can be a slang when you are attacked (攻撃を食らう/こうげきをくらう/Kogeki’o kurau), or poisoned (毒を食らう/どくをくらう/Doku’o kurau) in a battle or something.
「おどかす(脅かす/Odokasu)」: surprise, scare, frighten, threaten (At this scene, it’s almost same as 「驚かす(おどろかす/odorokasu)」.)
「お安い御用(おやすいごよう/Oyasui goyo)」: It’s easy task, No problem, No sweat. (When you really accept to do something asked by someone.)
「喜んで!(よろこんで/Yorokonde)」: With pleasure!
「トリック・オア・トリート!」: Trick or treat!  When you hear it, you may feel strange because of its pronunciation of Japanese people. It’s the same for us, too, and maybe most Japanese don’t understand when native English speakers say “Trick or treat!”. Most Japanese people, including myself, aren’t good at hearing natural English pronunciation. That’s because there are big differences in pronunciation between English and Japanese, and we pronounce each Hiragana or Katakana very clearly.
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pricechecktranslations · 9 days ago
Black Cats on the Eve
自慢の瞳は 空 の 青  生憎見たことはないけど
Our eyes boast a sky blue, though sadly we've never seen that color
別に困りゃしないのさ だって  夜 の国がお庭だもの
We're not that bothered though, 'cause the night is our playground
ハロウィン の 夜 に
On Halloween night
にゃあお 僕ら黒い猫
Meow, we're black cats
We can jump through the mirror door
にゃあお 夜も追い抜いて
Meow, shall we go, overtaking the night
To snatch you away?
ハロウィンの夜に 影だけ残すよ
Only Halloween night, we leave only our shadow behind
待ち焦がれた夜が来るよ 前夜祭の深い夜が
The night we've been waiting for has come, the deep night of the eve
ここからは僕らの時間 遊ぼう
Now it's our time, let's play
I want pumpkin pie, candy
And cake too
お菓子がないなら  怖い イタズラしちゃうかもね?
If you haven't got any treats, then we might play a scary trick on you, yeah?
夜 の扉はホラすぐそこ 窓を開けりゃあ飛び出すかもね!
Look, the door of night is right there, open the window and you just might fly out!
そうだね燐寸をたった1本 それで君も仲間入りさ
Yeah, you just need the one match, and then you can join our group
ハロウィン の 夜 に
On Halloween night
にゃあお さあさ 火 をつけろ
Meow, come on, set the light
The devil is always on our side
にゃあお 僕らそうさきっと
Meow, yes, we're sure
ウィル にだってなれるはずさ
To be able to become will-o'-the-wisps
暗い夜に 道しるべを灯そう
We'll light some fires to guide you on this dark night
空に届けお月様も 赤く赤く染め上げて
We'll jump up into the sky and redden, redden that great moon too
いつの日にか  パパ と ママ に届くよ
And then someday it'll reach our Mama and Papa
Give us treats
And you'd better not give it to anyone else
とられちゃう前に  全部燃やしてしまおうか
Before someone takes them from us, shall we burn them all up?
高く鳴くよ にゃあお にゃあお
We loudly cry out, meow meow
Let it reach them, reach them, like it once did
今年もまた にゃあお にゃあお
Next year too, meow, meow
We'll dye it all red
さあ 火 を灯せ 僕らは ウィル にだってなれるよ
Come on, light the fire, and we can become will-o'-the-wisps
にゃあお にゃあお
Meow meow
にゃあお  僕ら黒い猫
Meow, we're black cats
We came from the eternal land
にゃあお 夜も追い抜いて
Meow, we came here, overtaking the night,
パパ と ママ に会いにきたよ
To see mama and papa
にゃあお 燃える石はどこ?
Meow, where is that burning stone?
The devil is supposed to give it to us someday
にゃあお 僕らが ウィル だよ
Meow, we're will-o'-the-wisps
Hurry, hurry, send us home
にゃあお 僕ら黒い猫
Meow, we're black cats
If we can't reach you no matter how we cry,
にゃあお 赤く染め上げて
Meow, then we'll dye you red
So that you'll know we're here
And go to see you again next year
Trick or treat or please leave me go home
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