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カミカワ1dayトリップ🚀町民じゃないのに上川町くると帰ってきた感が😅勝手にただいま👋✨糠平湖タウシュベツ橋梁🌉層雲峡氷瀑めぐり💫たぶん今年お初かも?あさひ食堂🏠とくみそ🍜✨やっぱ味噌だな〜💕ごちそうさまでした🙏 #糠平湖 #タウシュベツ #アイスバブル #パルコ #姫岩 #リトルプリンセス #錦糸の滝 #ライマン #神削壁 #カムイミンタラ #パラグー #氷瀑めぐり #橋梁崩壊すすんでます #あさひ食堂 #とくみそ #上川町 #なかたきおたき #氷瀑まつり会場寄れず💦 #時間たりない #みなさまありがとうございました #きょうはあたたかい一日でした #ダウン不要の糠平湖 #湖上の貴公子 #湖上横断 (層雲峡 そううんきょう Sōunkyō) https://www.instagram.com/p/CokGKS8vnuw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I have released volumes 3 and 4 of my doujinshi "氷海線に生きる - hyokaisen ni ikiru-."
Although it's incomplete, this concludes the doujinshi I made at that time.
I hope to remake it someday and bring it to a real conclusion.
I plan to upload a side story doujinshi today.
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Japanese Summer Vocabulary
夏 なつ summer
夏休み なつやすみ summer vacation, summer holidays
暑い あつい hot (temperature)
蒸し暑い むしあつい humid and hot
じめじめ humid, damp (onomatopoeia)
海 うみ ocean
浜 はま beach, seashore
ビーチ beach (lit. beach)
砂浜 すなはま sandy beach
水着 みずぎ swim suit, bathing suit, swimming costume
日焼け ひやけ sun tan, sun burn
日焼け止め ひやけどめ sunscreen, sunblock
水泳 すいえい swimming
スイカ watermelon
スイカ割り スイカわり breaking a watermelon with a wooden stick whilst blindfolded, usually on the beach, so that everyone can eat it
扇風機 せんぷうき electric fan
うちわ uchiwa, traditional Japanese handheld fan (not a folding fan)
エアコン air conditioner (lit. air con)
風鈴 ふうりん wind chimes
セミ cicada
虫捕り むしとり bug collecting
花火 はなび fireworks
花火大会 はなびたいかい fireworks display
祭 まつり festival (usu. traditional Japanese style festival)
フェス festival (lit. fes, usu. music festival, etc.)
ひまわり sunflowers
かき氷 かきごおり shaved ice, snow cone
妖怪 ようかい yokai, apparition, monster
幽霊 ゆうれい ghost, apparition
肝試し きもだめし test of courage (by going to a frightening place, e.g. a place with yokai or yurei)
#日本語#japanese#japanese langblr#japanese studyblr#langblr#studyblr#語彙#単語#japanese vocabulary#japanese language#tokidokitokyo#tdtstudy#japanese summer vocabulary
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What the ghouls from the same house think about each other
It’s one of the questions that appeared in the latest B’s-log magazine issue. I decided to share this one because it’s fun.
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a translator, so please take this with a huge grain of salt because I don’t speak let alone read Japanese very well. I mostly used machine translation and some of the little knowledge I have to get through this. I added the original Japanese script if you wanna read that on your own.
Jin, Tohma, Ren and Subaru didn’t receive the question unfortunately
Lucas: “Ever since I transferred to this school, Kaito has been my first friend and has always been very kind to me. I'm also grateful to Ishibashi-san for all his help. As for Kamurai-san, I hope he'll just fulfill his duties...”
「この学園へ転校してきた日から、魁斗は俺の初め ての友人として、ずっと仲良くしてくれている。そ れに磴さんにも、とてもお世話になっているよ。あ とは、冠氷さんが責務さえ果たしてくれれば良いん だけど・・・・・・」
Kaito: “Hmm... To be honest, the captain and vice-captain seem like people way above the clouds... Rumor has it that the two of them are in collusion with the school and are doing terrible things. What? Luca? ...I've never heard of such a faceless bastard.”
「ん~………………寮長と副寮長は、正直雲の上の人��て感 じだしな〜………………噂では、ふたりとも学園と癒着して、 えげつないことやってるって聞いたことあるけど。え? ルカ? ………………あんな顔面無双野郎なんか知らね」
*I’m really not sure what あんな顔面無双野郎 means.
Alan: “We're just half-baked people who happened to have powers. But they're willing to die and crawl back up... they have the potential.”
「俺たちは、たまたま力を持っただけの半端もんだ。 だが、死ぬ気で這い上がる・・・・・・あいつらには、その 素質がある」
Leo: “No matter how you look at it, our captain is a complete loser. As for Sho-chan... I guess he's my slave♡”
「誰がどう見ても、うちの寮長サマはポンコツでし ○よ。え~、翔ちゃんはね・・・・・・オレの奴隷、かな♡」
Sho: “Ahh... Leo and I are just old friends. We've been hanging out since middle school. Mido-senpai... I don't really know what he's thinking. He's a man of few words, right?”
「あー…………………玲音とはただの腐れ縁な。中坊の頃か ら、なんとなくつるんでるっつうか。御堂センパイ は・・・・・・何考えてっかよくわかんねぇわ。あいつ、言 葉が足りねぇタイプじゃん?」
Haru: “Both Ren and Towa have good bodies, so if they could put that into use and work, they'd be a lot more reliable than they are now...huh? What's that sound...Hey Towa! Wait a sec!!”
「蓮も叶空も、せっかくええガタイ持っとるけぇ、 そいつ活かして働いてくれりゃ、今よりずっと頼も しいんじゃがのう・・・・・・ん?この音は・・・・・・おい叶空! ちょ~~~待て~~~~~~~!!」
Towa: ~~~~♪~~~~!!
Taiga: “That Lulu gets so angry every day, I don't know how he never gets tired of it... Ah? Shinjo? Who’s that?”
「ルルのやつ、毎日あんなキレまくって、よく飽き ねぇよな~・・・・・・・あ〜? シンジョ? 誰だそれ」
Romeo: “I’m disgusted by my boss. No matter how many times I say the same thing, it's WEFCP. What? It's "waste of effort", "fist-clenching" and "pressing". As for Shinjo, I'm going to give him a thorough training from now on, and we'll see how he turns out.”
「うちのボスには��れる。なんべん同じこと言った って、N・U・Oだからさぁ。は?「暖簾に」「腕」「押し」 だよ。まぁ針条に関しては、これからみっちり教育して、 どう化けるかってとこだねぇ」
*I tried my best to translate Romeo’s abbreviation but it’s still bad I’m sorry…
Ritsu: "I have concluded that it is futile to try to change the tyrannical behavior of our Sinostra’s captain, Taiga Hoshibami, and vice-captain, Romeo Scorpius Lucci. From now on, I will defend them and definitely obtain the 'Laurel Crown'."
「我がシノストラ寮長の星喰大我、および副寮長 のロミオ・スコーピウス・ルッチについて、その横暴 な素行を改めることは不毛という結論です。今後は、 私が彼らを弁護することで、必ず『栄冠賞』を手に入 れてみせます」
Haku: “Another difficult question. Hmm... Subaru-san is simply great. However, his tendency to take on too much is his only flaw. Zenji-san... Well, you see, being with him makes me feel energized. I'm grateful for that.”
「また難しい質問ですこと。うーん・・・・・・昴流さんは とにかく出来が良い。ただ、何かと抱え込みすぎる のが玉に瑕だな。善治さんは・・・・・・まあ、あれだ、一 緒にいると元気になる。ありがたいことですよ」
Zenji: “If I had to describe Subaru-kun in one word, it would be...heart of glass...but in contrast, I can't help but worry about Haku-kun's lack of enthusiasm. As my manager, I would say he should be a bit more considerate.”
「昴流クンを一言で表すならば・・・・・・ハート・オブ・グ ラス・・・・・・それに引き替え、伯玖クンのスコドンぶり には気を揉まずにはいられないよ。ボクのマネージ ャーならば、もう少し気が利くべきだと言っている のだがねえ」
*Zenji says “hāto obu gurasu”, I’m not sure, but I think he means to say heart of gold? lmao
Edward: These two are young and strong, I'm so envious of them. When I was their age... Oops, it was so long ago that I’ve completely forgotten."
「ふたりとも、若くて体力もあって羨ましい限りだよ。 俺があの子たちと同じ年頃の時は・・・・・・おっと。もう 随分昔のことだから、すっかり忘れてしまったな」
Rui: “Ed-san has no ability to live on his own, so he's really a pain to look after. At this point, I’m in charge of nursing care... and then what about Lyca-kun... Huh? I'm taking care of the kids... What do those two think of me!?”
「エドさんは生活力なさすぎて、ほんと世話が焼け るんよね。もはや介護っしょあれ・・・・・・そんでライカ くんは~・・・・・・・あれ? こっちは子供の世話だ・・・・・・あ のふたり、俺ちゃんをなんだと思ってんの!?」
Lyca: “They're that moth-eaten Casanova and that blond gigolo. I'm human, so why am I not in the same place as Suba-kun and the others!!”
「色魔ジジイと金髪ジゴロだろ。おれは人間なのに、 なんでスバくんたちと同じとこじゃねーんだよ!!」
Yuri: “You're talking about Jiro-kun, who is both Yuri Isami's assistant and patient? He's still in training. He still lacks knowledge, skills, experience, and culture. It'll probably take another 100 years for him to become a doctor at my level.”
「この衣佐美佑理の助手であり、患者でもある次郎 くんのことです? 彼は研修中の身ですからね。ま だまだ、知識も技術も経験も教養も足りていません。 僕レベルの医師になるまで、あと100年は必要でしょう」
Jiro: “Oh, the only ghoul in my house is Yuri. He's my doctor. If it weren't for Yuri, I'd probably be dead by now. Well, I'm grateful.”
「はあ、同じ寮のグールは、佑理しかいませんけど。 俺の主治医ですね。佑理がいなければ、俺、今頃死 んでるらしいんで。まあ、感謝してます」
If a professional sees this, feel free to translate it yourself
#tokyo debunker#lucas errant#kaito fuji#vagastorm#alan mido#leo kurosagi#sho haizono#haru sagara#sinostra#taiga hoshibami#romeo lucci#ritsu shinjo#haku kusanagi#zenji kotodama#obscuary#edward hart#rui mizuki#lyca colt#mortkranken#yuri isami#jiro kirisaki
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「まず一番お手軽な方法は、前腕と上腕二頭筋を3~5分間バケツの氷水に浸してから、腕を頭の上にあげること。 こうすることで、冷やされた血液が体内を循環し、体温を下げることにつながるという。」
「 胴体と頭や腕が接する部分、つまり股間や脇の下、首、頭といった部分にアイスシートをおきます 」
「そしてこれは軍隊ならではの方法なので、我々がまねできるものではないのだが、氷で満たされた遺体袋に熱中症患者を収納する方法があるという。 現場ではそれが常に遺体袋があるとは限らないが、アイスシートと同様に、命を救うためには効果的な方法なのだそうだ。」
あなたの車には、ラジエーターがついていますよね? 私たちの身体にもついてます。それは私たちの皮膚です。 私たちの血液は冷えて体幹に戻り、最終的には数分で深部体温を下げるのです
References: Here’s a military trick that can help you cool down in minutes, even in scorching heat
(冷やす場所はそこか!米陸軍式、数分で体を簡単に冷やす方法で熱中症対策 – カラパイアから)
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やっぱりこれ、こっ!! うっ!?😇😇😇
持続性 30分経過だからわからないw
ガッツリ ★★☆☆☆
ガンギマリ ★★★★★
性感帯感度◎ 乳首コリコリ👺
本日、配達可能 23時まで
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I want to practice. Speaking of EBF3, we are celebrating our 14th anniversary! What should I draw next?
The Town 22.7%
Vegetable Forest 11.4%
Rock Lake 21.6%
Glacier Valley 44.3%
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MHA Chapter 390 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
1-2 道案内はここまでだ… みちあんないはここまでだ… michiannai wa koko made da... Lit. “The directions are until here...” Cont. “We have arrived...”
3 ありがとう飯田 ありがとういいだ arigatou Iida “Thanks, Iida.”
tagline 1 No.390 轟焦凍:ライジング 堀越耕平 ナンバー390 とどろきしょうと:ライジング ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 390 Todoroki Shouto: RAIJINGU Horikoshi Kouhei No. 390 Shouto Todoroki: Rising Kouhei Horikoshi
4 赫灼熱拳 かくしゃくねっけん kakushaku nekken Flashfire Fist
5 "燐" "りん" “rin” Phosphor
tagline 2 届けて…‼︎ とどけて…‼︎ todokete...!! Deliver it...!!
1 信じられねえ… しんじられねえ… shinjirarenee... “I can’t believe it...”
2 遷音速… せんおんそく… “Transonic speed...”
3 戦闘機並みのスピードだぞ… せんとうきなみのスピードだぞ… sentouki nami no SUPEEDO da zo... “He’s as fast as a fighter jet...”
4 絶え間ない氷結生成で抵抗を流し たえまないひょうけつせいせいでていこうをながし taema nai hyouketsu seisei de teikou wo nagashi “With the constant generation of ice, they’re cruising through [any] resistance.”
5 熱で空気層をつくり摩擦を軽減… ねつでくうきそうをつくりまさつをけいげん… netsu de kuukisou wo tsukuri masatsu wo keigen... “The heat’s creating a layer of air to reduce friction...”
6 今 群訝の危機をどうにかできる可能性があるとすれば いま ぐんがのききをどうにかできるかのうせいがあるとすれば ima gunga no kiki wo dou ni ka dekiru kanousei ga aru to sureba Now, if we have any chance at doing something about the Gunga crisis,
7 「エンジン」と「半冷半燃」 「エンジン」と「はんれいはんねん」 「ENJIN」 to「hanrei hannen」 It's Engine and Half-Cold Half-Hot.
8 オールマイトちゃんと教師に…! おまえちゃんときょうしに…! omae (kanji: OORU MAITO) chanto kyoushi ni...! All Might, you’ve [become] a proper teacher...!
9 君たちだけだ‼︎頼んだぞ‼︎ きみたちだけだ‼︎たのんだぞ‼︎ kimi-tachi dake da!! tanonda zo!! It’s only you guys!! We’re counting on you!!
10 轟くん! とどろきくん! Todoroki-kun! “Todoroki-kun!”
11 君のおかげで俺は きみのおかげでおれは kimi no okage de ore wa “It’s thanks to you that I”
12 なりたいものになれたように思う なりたいものになれたようにおもう naritai mono ni nareta you ni omou “was able to become the person I wanted to become, so I think.” (Note: This is a reference back to Todoroki’s words to Iida against Stain: “Look properly at what you what to become!”)
1 だから dakara Therefore,
2 君もなって来い きみもなってこい kimi mo natte koi become [the person you want to] and come [back].
3-4 前略お母さん ぜんりゃくおかあさん zenryaku okaasan Dear Mother,
5 俺はクラスの皆に並べられるよう おれはクラスのみんなにならべられるよう ore wa kurasu no minna ni naraberareru you in order to be able to stand alongside everyone in class
6 毎日なるべく発言したり会話をしたりしています。 まいにちなるべくはつげんしたりかいわをしたりしています。 mainichi narubeku hatsugen shitari kaiwa wo shitari shiteimasu. I’m speaking and conversing as much as possible every day.
1 たくさん話すと衝突することもあります。 たくさんはなすとしょうとつすることもあります。 takusan hanasu to shoutotsu suru koto mo arimasu. Too much talking can also lead to conflict.
2-3 でもぶつかり合うとより気持ちを理解できる時もあります。 でもぶつかりあうとよりきもちをりかいできるときもあります。 demo butsukari au to yori kimochi wo rikai dekiru toki mo arimasu. But there are also times when we can understand each other’s feelings better when we clash.
4-5 俺の友だちは自分の為だけじゃなく他人の為にも怒ったり泣いたりします。 おれのともだちはじぶんのためだけじゃなくひとのためにもおこったりないたりします。 ore no tomodachi wa jibun no tame dake ja naku hito (kanji: tanin) no tame ni mo okottari naitari shimasu. My friends get angry and cry not only for themselves but also for the sake of other people.
6 俺もそうなりたいです。 おれもそうなりたいです。 ore mo sou naritai desu. I want to be like that too.
7 大変だけど頑張るよ。 たいへんだけどがんばるよ。 taihen dakedo ganbaru yo. It will be difficult, but I will do my best.
1 白黒反転するんだよ しろくろはんてんするんだよ shirokuro hanten surunda yo White and black are flipped. (Note: This line is from chapter 350 where Dabi talks about how when you surpass your limits, it's like the world gets turned upside down.)
2 燈矢/荼毘の原点 おれのオリジン ore (kanji: Touya/Dabi) no ORIJIN (kanji: genten) My (read as: Touya/Dabi) origin (Note: There are some familiar formatting elements here that call back to Tomura’s monologue in chapter 379.)
3 こんな簡単な事だったなら こんなかんたんなことだったなら konna kantan na koto datta nara If it was as simple as this,
4 もっと早くにぶつけられていたならーー もっとはやくにぶつけられていたならーー motto hayaku ni butsukerarete ita nara-- if they had expressed [their feelings] to me sooner--
5 ぶつけたい事 ぶつけたいこと butsuketai koto [There are still] things I wanna express,
6 言いたい事 いいたいこと iitai koto things I wanna say.
7 まだ mada I still
8 あるんだ! arunda! have them! (Note: As in he still has those things he wants to say.)
9-10 大氷海嘯‼︎ だいひょうかい��ょう‼︎ daihyoukaishou!! Giant Ice Tidal Wave!!
1 ーーッ ハアッ --HAA “--haa--”
2 ……みんな……いたのか…ッ ......minna......ita no ka... “......everyone......there?...”
3 ハァ HAA “haa”
4 そうか………よかァねェけど…ーーよかった… sou ka.........yokaA neE kedo...--yokatta... “I see.........not...all right...but...--thank goodness...”
1 大氷海嘯だけじゃあ だいひょうかいしょうだけじゃあ daihyoukaishou dake jaa “With only Giant Ice Tidal Wave,”
2 止められなかったかもしれねェ… とめられなかったかもしれねェ… tomerarenakatta kamo shireneE... “it might not have been possible to stop you...”
3 燈矢兄は一戦目より…ずっと… とうやにいはいっせんめより…ずっと… Touya-nii wa issenme yori...zutto... “...because ever since our first match, Big Bro Touya...was always...”
4 "火力"を上げてたから "かりょく"をあげてたから “karyoku” wo ageteta kara “raising his firepower.”
5 焦凍…‼︎ しょうと…‼︎ Shouto...!! “Shouto...!!”
6 俺には辿り着けねえ境地だった おれにはたどりつけねえきょうちだった ore ni wa tadori tsukenee kyouchi datta “That was a level I couldn’t reach.”
7 俺は……"最高"傑作ではなかったのかもな… おれは……"さいこう"けっさくではなかったのかもな… ore wa......”saikou” kessaku de wa nakatta no kamo na... “Maybe I......wasn’t the ‘ultimate’ masterpiece after all...”
8 ーーみんな… --minna... “--Everyone...”
1 死んじまえ しんじまえ shinjimae “Die.” (Note: This particular version of “die” is especially intense and vulgar.)
2 クソ親父 クソおやじ KUSO oyaji “Damn old man.”
3 死ね… しね… shine... “Die...”
4 みんな…俺も… みんな…おれも… minna...ore mo... “Everyone...me too...”
5 死んじまえ しんじまえ shinjimae “Die.” (Note: This is the same version of “die” as in bubble #1.)
6 内側から氷結してる…⁉︎ うちがわからひょうけつしてる…⁉︎ uchigawa hyouketsu shiteru...!? He’s freezing from the inside...!?
7 燈矢兄ーーーー…… とうやにいーーーー…… Touya-nii----...... Big Bro Touya----......
8 ……で…どうするんだ……… ......de...dou surunda......... “......so...what should we do.........”
9 この先きっと このさききっと kono saki kitto “I’m sure from here on”
10 地獄だよ じごくだよ jigoku da yo “it will be hell.”
11 …燈矢…! …とうや…! ...Touya...! “...Touya...!”
12 悪かった… わるかった… warukatta... “I’m sorry...” (Note: This literally means “I was wrong.”)
13 瀬古杜岳行かなくて……ごめんな…‼︎ セコトたけいかなくて……ごめんな…‼︎ SEKOTO-take ikanakute......gomen na...!! “For not going to Sekoto Peak......I’m sorry...!!”
1 …大嫌いだ… …だいきらいだ… ...daikirai da... “...I hate you...”
2 お父さんなんか…!家族なんか…! おとうさんなんか…!かぞくなんか…! otousan nanka...! kazoku nanka...! “Father...! [My] family...!”
3 ああ……聞かせてくれ…! ああ……きかせてくれ…! aa......kikasete kure...! “Yes......let me hear it...!”
4 もっと…!ーー…ーーー……‼︎ motto...!--...---......!! “More...!--...---......!!”
5 っ…冷…!追いつめて っ…れい…!おいつめて ...Rei...! oitsumete “...Rei...! For wearing you down,”
6 ごめんなァ gomen naA “I’m sorry.”
7 冬美…全部おしつけて…ごめんな…! ふゆみ…ぜんぶおしつけて…ごめんな…! Fuyumi...zenbu oshitsukete...gomen na...! “Fuyumi...for putting everything* on you...I’m sorry...!” (Note: He’s talking about foisting so many responsibilities on her.)
8 夏雄…放ったらかしにして…ごめんなァ…! なつお…ほったらかしにして…ごめんなァ…! Natsuo...hottara kashi ni shite...gomen naA...! “Natsuo...for neglecting you...I’m sorry...!”
9 …焦凍…! …しょうと…! ...Shouto...! “...Shouto...!“
10 ごめんなァ…! gomen naA...! “I’m sorry...!”
1 笑おうぜトガヒミコ わらおうぜトガヒミコ waraou ze TOGA HIMIKO Let’s smile, Himiko Toga.
2 人は笑う為に生きている! ひとはわらうためにいきている! hito wa warau tame ni ikite iru! People live for the sake of smiling!
3 燈矢くん とうやくん Touya-kun “Touya-kun.“
4 あなたは anata wa Were you
5 笑えた? わらえた? waraeta? able to smile?
tagline 戦場変わって… せんじょうかわって… senjou kawatte... The battlefield changes...
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 390#bnha 390#my hero academia manga spoilers#final showdown spoilers#dabi#shouto todoroki#endeavor#all of the feelings#no literally all the feelings are in here
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Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (5)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors – Magical objects [first part]
White Ship (valge laev) - mythical ship that brings freedom or takes people away to a better land. This myth was born around 1860 when a small sect led by Juhan Leinberg (also known as Prophet Maltsvet) gathered near Tallinn to wait for a white ship to take them away.
Hat of fingernails (küüntest kübar) - makes the bearer (usually Vanatühi) invisible. In Estonian mythology, Vanatühi ("Old empty one", or alternatively, Vanapagan, "Old devil") is a/the devil or god of the underworld, a giant farmer who is more stupid than malevolent. Vanapagan is the ogre character in Estonian versions of the series of internationally known folktales of the stupid ogre.
Letter gloves (kirikindad) – were believed to have protective or magic powers, especially church letter gloves and the gloves that sailors wore. Letter gloves were (are) decorated with special geometric patterns and narrow red stripes; they have many whispers and spells in them because the crafter used to sing while making, dyeing and knitting yarn.
Letter Belt (kirivöö) - the belt had the most ancient and magical patterns of all the craft items, red woven belts and laces were a common item to sacrifice (they were tied to the branches of holy trees). The belt was tied around parts of body that were sick and, pulled tightly around the waist, to protect and give strength to the bearer.
Sacred stones - the last ice age has left a lot of great stones (erratics) in Estonia. Many of them were considered sacred and people came to them to sacrifice silver, blood, red ribbons and coins and ask for welfare and prosperity. Often, the stones have little holes in them, some of them probably used to place the sacrifice in. The meaning and function of the holes is however still disputed; according to a paleoastronomer they may have had a calendary function.
Travelling forests - when people are mean, greedy and cruel, the forests will leave those places. The most stories about travelling forests are found in coastal areas of Estonia.
森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (5)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 魔法のオブジェ(続き)
白船(valge laev)- 自由をもたらし、より良い土地へと人々を連れ去る神話上の船。この神話は1860年頃、ユハン・レインベルグ(預言者マルツヴェトとしても知られる)に率いられた小さな一派がタリン近郊に集まり、自分たちを連れ去ってくれる白い船を待ったことから生まれた。
爪の帽子(küüntest kübar) - 持ち主(通常はヴァナトゥヒ)を見えなくする。エストニア神話では、ヴァナテュヒ(「老いた空っぽの者」、あるいはヴァナパガン、「老いた悪魔」)は冥界の悪魔または神であり、悪意というより愚かな巨大農夫である。ヴァナパガンは、国際的に知られる一連の愚かな鬼の民話のエストニア語版に登場する鬼のキャラクターである。
聖なる石 - 最後の氷河期は、エストニアに多くの巨石(迷子石)を残した。その多くは神聖なものとされ、人々は銀や血、赤いリボンやコインを捧げ、福祉と繁栄を祈願するために訪れた。多くの場合、石には小さな穴が開いており、そのうちのいくつかは生贄を捧げるために使われたものと思われる。古天文学者によれば、穴には暦の機能があったのかもしれない。
旅する森 - 人々が意地悪で、貪欲で、残酷であると、森はその場所を去ってしまう。旅する森にまつわる話は、エストニアの沿岸部に多く見られる。
#trees#forest#tree legend#tree myth#estonian mythology#magical objects#folklore#mythology#legend#nature#art#ural owl
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秋旅2023 横川~アプトの道へ
信越線 群馬側の終点 横川からアプトの道を散歩してみた。
関東近辺も紅葉が色づき始め、一度 行ってみたいなと思っていたアプトの道をこの度 散策。何気に群馬県に降り立つのは初めてかもしれない(いつも通過ばかりなので)。
北陸新幹線(当時は長野新幹線)長野先行開業に合わせて、廃止となった旧信越本線 横川-軽井沢。その線路跡の一部を遊歩道として整備したのが、このアプトの道。 下り線の一部は今も碓氷峠鉄道文��むらの施設として、トロッコやかつての電気機関車が走る一方で、上り側は線路もはがされた歩行者専用。とはいえ錆びた信号機等、鉄道遺構も残っていることもあり、前面展望の列車に乗っている気分がしなくもない。かつて列車を苦しめた難所 碓氷峠の勾配を登っていきます、歩いて登る分にはダラダラ坂なのでそんなに苦ではないね(なお、下りは後述…)
歩き始めて2時間弱、目的地 めがね橋で知られる碓氷第三橋梁。レンガ積みの壮大な橋梁で、ここもかつては信越旧線が通っていたところ。なかなかの高さがあり、眼下に紅葉した山々のグラデーションを楽しめました。いやぁ、美しい!わき道から険しい階段を降り橋を見上げれば、某峠を攻める漫画をもとにしたゲームで見覚えのある光景に。聖地みたいなものなので、スポーツカーでお越しの方もちらほら。なるほど、車で来るのも楽しそうね。
アプトの道はもう少し続きますが、足腰の疲れがいい感じ(嫌な感じ)にきはじめていたので、ここでUターンします。一転して今度は下り勾配。登るときは特に何も感じなかったダラダラ坂ですが、下ってみると結構 急に感じるものね。踏ん張りをきかせないといけない故に、足が辛い。。。というわけで中間地点くらいの温泉施設 峠の湯でお湯につかり小休止。冷たい峠風を浴びながらの露天風呂は最高でした(ちょっと湯温が低めでしたが、まあその分 長湯できるということでよしとしましょう)。
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#2023年の振り返り あっという間に一年が過ぎていきます。特に今年は早い気がします。 今年の思い出深い山行は、大佐飛山、男鹿岳、錫ヶ岳かな? 私の2023年の主な山のトピックは、栃木百名山の完登です! 幻の花ベニバナヤマシャクヤクにも会えましたし、 大好きな那須岳で転んで怪我をしたこともありました。 何はともあれ、山に登らせていただける事、全てに感謝します。 また来年もまずは健康で、いろんなお山に登りたいものです。 2024年はどんな山岳景観に会えるのでしょうか?
The year has gone by really fast, I am so glad to have met beautiful mountains, and appreciate for everything's support for me. Thank you 2023. Here's to an even better 2024!!!
1月:スッカン沢 見事な氷瀑に会えました
2月:温泉ヶ岳 冬期のみのコースを新雪を踏みしめて
3月:大佐飛山 今年はついに雪の回廊に辿り着きました
4月:男鹿岳 道なき藪を超えて山頂へ98座目
6月:燕巣山 白根山が美しかった99座目
7月:那須岳 女峰千鳥に会えました
9月:錫ヶ岳 遠い遠い山頂でしたが、栃木百名山ついに完登!
10月:栗駒山 神の絨毯に遭遇しました
11月:行道山 淨因寺の大銀杏が見事な足利アルプス
12月:谷川岳 快晴の雪の谷川連峰が見れました
皆様の健康とご多幸をお祈りいたします♪ Enjoy the rest of your year!
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【じゃじこ・ネームド��その69<087/100> 北海道娘 「ぬくい場所みーっけ!!」 じゃじこ新シリーズいよいよ最終章突入!第一弾は今年旅行したその69ネームド北海道娘 上士幌氷雨(かみしほろ ひさめ)&鵜瀞薫衣(うとろ くのえ)からスタート。北海道情報で驚いたこと。かつてじゃじこを好きになってくれた女性作家さんが言ってた「北海道に体操服は無い」という事実。最近こそ中高はあるっぽいですが小学校ではいまだ存在してないっぽい。 メロンブックス様にて専売予約受付も開始し9/3より新たに3種の電子書籍も解禁いたします。是非よろしくお願いします! <メロンブックス様白狼専用ページリンク> https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/circle/index.php?circle_id=21598
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フル残業後、同僚と同僚の自転車のチェーンをなおした なおってないけど
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Ramblings about the Todoroki family - Part 3: The girl who's like ice, Himura Rei and how she became Todoroki Rei
So this is part 3 of my ramblings about the Todoroki family. If you hadn’t read yet part 1 and part 2, and expecially the premise in it, I recommend you to do it otherwise you might get lost and not manage to work out how this series of meta is organized.
THE GIRL WHO’S LIKE ICE, HIMURA REI, AND HOW SHE BECAME TODOROKI REI (Chap. 31, 187, 301, 302 and 387 plus Ep. 130)
Canon information:
There’s little info about Rei before she became Todoroki Rei. We got more about her family, but, although I’ll quote that bit from the manga, I’ve already written a meta about the Himura family so I do prefer people to check it for the commentary, meta and cultural context about her family, instead than rewrite everything I said in it, so here I’ll focus just on the little we know about Rei pre-marriage.
She has an ice Quirk, which is why she catches Enji’s eyes, she come from a once prestigious family who had ended up in deep distress and came to a de facto end when Rei was sold to Enji.
The first time we hear her story is from Shōto in Chap. 31.
Todoroki Shōto ‘Kosei kon. Shitteru yo na. “Chōjō” ga okite kara dai ni~daisan sedai-kan de mondai ni natta yatsu… Jishin no “kosei” o yori kyōka shite tsuga seru tame dake ni haigūsha o erabi…… kekkon o shiiru. Rinri-kan no ketsuraku shita zenjidaiteki hassō. Jisseki to kane dake wa aru otoko da… Oyaji wa haha no shinzoku o marume komi haha no “kosei” o teni ireta. Ore o ALL MIGHT ijō no HERO ni sodate ageru koto de jishin no yokkyū o mitasōtte kotta.’ 轟焦凍「個性婚知ってるよな。〝超常〟が起きてから第二~第三世代間で問題になったやつ…自身の〝個性〟をより強化して継がせる為だけに配偶者を選び……結婚を強いる。倫理観の欠落した前時代的発想。実績と金だけはある男だ…親父は母の親族を丸め込み母の〝個性〟を手に入れた。俺をオールマイト以上のヒーローに育て上げることで自身の欲求を満たそうってこった。」 Todoroki Shōto “Quirk marriage. Do you know about it? After the ‘exceptional/supernatural’ happened, between the second and third generation they became a problem… In order to pass in inheritance a further strengthened version your “quirk” you choose a spouse… and get her married to you by force. Old-fashioned way of thinking which lacks in ethics. He’s a man with achievements and money… My father persuaded my mother’s relatives and obtained my mother’s “quirk”. Through raising me to be a Hero greater than All Might he wanted to fulfill his own desires.” [Chap. 31]
Later Tōya will also toss in his two cents on the marriage (Chap. 290 and 302).
Todoroki Tōya ‘ENDEAVOR wa katsute chikara ni kogarete imashita, soshite ALL MIGHT o koe renai zetsubō kara yori tsuyoi “kosei” o motta ko o tsukuru tame muriyari tsuma o metorimashita.’ 轟燈矢「エンデヴァーはかつて力に焦がれていました、そしてオールマイトを超えれない絶望からより強い〝個性〟を持った子を作る為無理やり妻を娶りました。」 Todoroki Tōya “Endeavor was once thirsty for power and, out of despair of not being able to surpass All Might, in order to create a child with a stronger “Quirk” he took a wife by force.” [Chap. 290]
Todoroki Tōya ‘Obā-chan-tachi ga binbō shitetakara Okā-san o uttan daro. Okā-san wa sōsuru shikanakattan daro.’ 轟燈矢「おばあちゃん達が貧乏してたからお母さんを売ったんだろ。お母さんはそうするしかなかったんだろ。」 Todoroki Tōya “Grandmother and the others were poor so they sold mother, isn’t that it? Mother had no choice but to do it, isn’t that it?” [Chap. 302]
Then we’ll get a quick glimpse of the Miai between Enji and Rei in which we actually see how the family head didn’t really need to be persuaded but seemed more than willing to jump at the chance to have his daughter marry Enji.
Rei no chichi ‘Jiki No.1 no yobi goe takai ENDEAVOR-sama kara o koe kake itadakeru to wa yume ni mo omoi masendeshita! Gyōkō no kiwami ni gozaimasu!! Himura mo katsute wa meika to yobareta yuisho aru iegara ni gozaimasu yue-- TOP HERO-sama no hanryo to shimashite wa jūbun ni tsuri ai ga toreru mono to--…’ 冷の父「次期No.1の呼び声高いエンデヴァー様からお声掛けいただけるとは夢にも思いませんでした!僥倖の極みにございます‼氷叢もかつては名家と呼ばれた由緒ある家柄にございます故──トップヒーロー様の伴侶としましては充分に釣り合いがとれるものと──…」 Rei’s father “I never dreamed that I would be approached by Endeavor-sama, who has been hailed as the next No. 1! We are at the height of luck!! The Himuras also come from a distinguished family with a prestigious lineage, so I think she would be a perfect match as the Top Hero-sama’s companion…” [Chap. 301]
When Enji will meet her, he thinks she’s a woman of ice, a strong one for the matter, but later realizes that she can easily melt.
Todoroki Enji ‘Kōri no yōna onna datta. “Kosei kon” dearu koto mo shōchi no ue de…… Ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu. Tsuyoku─────… shikashi furereba tokete kiete shimai sō na─────…’ 轟炎司「(氷のような女だった。〝個性婚〟である事も承知の上で……家の為に俺の妻になると言う。強く─────…しかし触れれば溶けて消えてしまいそうな─────…)」 Todoroki Enji “(She was a woman of ice. She knew that it was a “Quirk marriage”… but she said she would become my wife for her family’s sake. She was strong… but if she were to be touched, she would melt and disappear…)” [Chap. 301]
The anime gives us more info about the Miai and Enji’s intentions.
Todoroki Enji ‘(Ichiō, miai to iu katachi o totte wa iruga, koreha “kosei kon”. Jishin no “kosei” o yori kyōka shite tsuga seru tame ni haigūsha o erabi, kodomo o uma seru tame no kekkon. Ore wa nozonda noda. Ore no honō no “kosei” to kōri himura-ke ichizoku no kōri no “kosei” ga majiwareba, ALL MIGHT o mo koeru HERO ga umidaseru to. Katsute wa meikadatta Himura-ke mo ima wa aoikitoiki… No.2 HERO no chii to meiyo, soshite jisankin meate ni Himura-ke no tōshu wa ore no teian o assari to ukeireta. Kotowaru koto mo dekita hazuda. Daga kanojo wa “kosei” kondearu koto mo shōchi no ue de, ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu.)’ 轟炎司「(一応、見合いという形をとってはいるが、これは〝個性〟婚。自身の〝個性〟をより強化して継がせるために配偶者を選び、子どもを産ませる為の結婚。俺は望んだのだ。俺の炎の〝個性〟と氷叢家一族の氷の〝個性〟が交われば、オールマイトをも超えるヒーローが生み出せると。かつては名家だった氷叢家も今は青息吐息…No.2ヒーローの地位と名誉、そして持参金目当てに氷叢家の当主は俺の提案をあっさりと受け入れた。断る事もできたハズだ。だが彼女は〝個性〟婚である事も承知の上で、家の為に俺の妻になると言う。)」 Todoroki Enji “(Just in case, although it was made to look like an arranged marriage meeting, this was a “Quirk marriage”. A marriage to have children in which the spouse is chosen in order to strengthen and pass on one’s “Quirk”. I wanted it. If my fire “Quirk” and the ice “Quirk” of the Himura family were combined, I could create a hero that would surpass All Might. The Himura family, which was once a prestigious family, was now in deep distress… The head of the Himura family easily accepted my proposal, aiming for the status and prestige of the No. 2 hero, as well as the dowry. She could have refused. However, even if she was aware that it was a “Quirk” marriage, she said that she would become my wife for her family’s sake.)” [Ep. 130]
As for Rei she’ll claim the choice to marry Enji was her own.
Todoroki Rei ‘(Sentakushi wa kagirarete ita keredo erande susunda no wa watashi no ashi de───── semete sono sakide wa waratte iyou to omotte ita no ni───…)’ 轟冷「(選択肢は限られていたけれど選んで進んだのは私の足で─────せめてその先では笑っていようと思っていたのに───…)」 Todoroki Rei “(Although my options were limited, I chose to move forward with my own feet─────At least from now on I’ll try to smile, that’s what I was thinking─────…)” [Chap. 302]
We see a bit of their first date in which all we learn is Rei likes flowers, or more specifically Gentians.
Todoroki Enji ‘……’ 轟炎司「……」 Todoroki Enji “…”
Todoroki Rei ‘……’ 轟冷「……」 Todoroki Rei “…”
Todoroki Enji ‘…… Hana ga suki ka.’ 轟炎司「……花が好きか。」 Todoroki Enji “Do you like (those) flowers?”
Todoroki Rei ‘Hai. Totemo kirei.’ 轟冷「はい。とても綺麗。 」 Todoroki Rei “Yes, they are very beautiful.” [Chap. 301]
We know it’s their first date and also their first meeting due to this previous bit.
Todoroki Rei ‘Kono ohana watashi ga sukitte itta no. Hajimete atta koro tatta ichido.’ 轟冷「このお花私が好きって言ったの。初めて会った頃たった一度。」 Todoroki Rei “I told him I like/love these flowers. Only once, when we first met.” [Chap. 187]
Then we have a huge wall of information about the Himura family, courtesy of Geten.
Geten ‘Himura wa chi ga koinda. Furuku kara no shōya datta Himura wa nōchi kaikaku go mo bunke o fuyasu koto de zai to PRIDE o nantoka tamotte kita. Demo chōjō ga okiru to tomoni kasokudoteki ni reiraku shite itta. Chi ga mazaru no o kirattanda.’ 外典「火叢は血が濃いんだ。古くからの庄屋だった火叢は農地改革後も分家を増やす事で財とプライドをなんとか保ってきた。でも超常が起きると共に加速度的に零落していった。血が混ざるのを嫌ったんだ。」 Geten “The Himura blood runs thick. The Himura, who were village heads from long ago, managed to maintain their wealth and pride even after the land reform by increasing the number of branch families. But as the exceptional/supernatural happened, things (for them) started falling down at an accelerating rate. They hated mixing their blood.”
Geten ‘Kekka bunke… tōen dōshi de no kekkon ga aitsuida.’ 外典「結果分家…遠縁同士での結婚が相次いだ。」 Geten “As a result, the branch families… had marriages among distant relatives which occurred one after another.”
Geten ‘Mizukara o heisoku kankyō ni oki Himura-ke wa shukushō no itto o tadori. Tōtō honke ga miuri o hajimeta koto de jijitsujō no shūen o mukaeta. Nokori no wazuka na shizoku mo risan shi sono naka no hitotsu datta boku wa saikōshidō-sha (read: RE-DESTRO) ni hirowa reta.’ 外典「自らを閉塞環境に置き火叢家は縮小の一途を辿り。とうとう本家が身売りを始めたことで事実上の終焉を迎えた。残りの僅かな氏族も離散しその中の一つだった僕は最高指導者(リ・デストロ)に拾われた。」 Geten “As a result of placing themselves in a closed environment, the Himura family steadily shrank. When finally the main family started selling themselves, it came to a de facto end. Even the few remaining clans are scattered, and I was among them and then picked up by the supreme leader (read: Re-Destro).” [Chap. 387]
Something else?
Originally she was planned to have a boyfriend before Enji were to approach her but we don’t know if Horikoshi kept this part from her prototype or axed it, as in canon it never comes up. Alter all, in the prototype, it seems it’s due to how she was forced to part from her boyfriend that she came to hate Shōto’s left side (in the prototype Shōto hated her back) and ended up going insane and scarring him.
Cultural corner:
Kekkon (結婚 “marriage”): for a long time in Japan marriages weren’t out of love but out of interest as the marriage had to be beneficial to the family of the future newly-weds. Actually it was believed if one were to choose a partner due to love… well, this would make for a poor marriage (a common way to say was “Those who come together in passion, stay together in tears”). Even nowadays only the 70% of marriages in Japan is a love marriage while the rest are the more traditional arranged marriages. The fact that Enji and Rei marry not out of love but solely because it would be beneficial to them/their families is therefore seen as a possible reason to marry in Japan as long as both Rei and Enji agree to it.
Miai (見合い “matchmaking”, lit. “look meet”): it’s a Japanese traditional custom in which a woman and a man are introduced to each other to consider the possibility of marriage. Taking information about the potential spouse and his/her family before the Miai not only is perfectly fine but it’s usually part of the whole custom as usually a ‘nakōdo’ (仲人 “go-between”) presents the family with photos of potential candidates and their personal history (as well as info on their family) for the family to select among them before deciding to organize the Miai. Usually the potential spouse checks them with his mother. The fact Enji’s mother is never shown can be seen as a hint she’s dead.
Yūseigaku (優生学 “eugenics” or “science of superior birth”): it’s a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. While Japan tackled the problem mostly by forcing sterilization or abortion for criminal and people with mental illness or genetic transmissible diseases (or who were exposed to radiations) with a law that existed from 1948 to 1996, Japan also considered marriage between the right candidates as a way to produce better offspring. In fact after Japan was forced to drop its isolationist politic (1868) some promoted the idea that the Japanese race should produce superior descendants through ‘kokusai kekkon’ (国際結婚 “international marriages”), in short by basically having mixed marriages between Japanese and Westerners… however in between the two world wars Japanese people were instead encouraged to marry other pure-blooded Japanese so as to preserve the purity of the race. It’s worth to mention that in Miai the candidates and their families are judged on a large set of criteria aimed at determining the suitability and the balance of the marriage… and said criteria include also if the family has a history of genetically transmissible diseases or mental illness as well as the bloodline of the candidate. There’s also to wonder if Horikoshi took inspiration for his Quirk marriages by the international marriages… while the Himuras wanting to marry among themselves were inspired by the pure-blood culture… but that’s up to speculation.
Sanjū Shitoku (三従四徳 “The three obediences and four virtues”): a set of moral principles and social code of behavior for maidens and married women in East Asian Confucianism. In specific the three obediences instruct that a woman is obligated not to act on her own initiative and, at home, she must submissively obey or follow her father’s orders before getting married, her husband’s after getting married, and her sons’ after her husband’s death. In short, in addition to filial piety, women were also expected to follow those rules.
Giri no haha (義理の母 “mother-in-law”) and giri no musume (義理の娘 “daughter-in-law”): In traditional Japan, the daughter-in-law was supposed to provide care but also to obey to the mother-in-law. It wasn’t just the virtuous thing to do, in the past divorces were commonly initiated not by the husband but by the mother-in-law and so, if she failed to satisfy the mother-in law, the bride would be sent back home in disgrace. Nowadays things are better (previously the mother-in-law could see the daughter-in-law as little more than a servant if she so wished, as the mother-in-law had primary authority) but the mother-in-law is still seen one step above the daughter-in-law.
Rindō (リンドウ “Gentian”): The most common one in Japan is the ‘gentiana scabra’ or Japanese gentian or just Rindō (リンドウ) which, in Japan, blossom from September to November so it can be the one Rei received when the JP Hero Billboard Chart took place (November)… but during the date Rei seems a tad more overdressed for someone who should have a body that handles cold well if we are in that time of the year. We also have the ‘gentiana zollingeri’ or Fude Rindō (フデリンドウ) which blossom from April to May and the ‘gentiana thunbergii’ or Haru Rindō (ハルリンドウ) which blossom from March to May and therefore could be the type of Gentian Rei had during the Paranormal Liberation War arc, which takes place in March (as Enji likely bought it from a greenhouse and there they can blossom a little earlier it is possible for him to buy the ‘gentiana zollingeri’)… but again, this doesn’t seem the time during which the date takes place.
Yamato nadeshiko (やまとなでしこ or 大和撫子 lit: “Japanese carnation” or “Japanese caressable child/Japanese beloved child”): a Japanese term meaning the “personification of an idealized Japanese woman”. It’s supposed to possess grace and beauty but also inner strength. She exhibits delicacy and deference, as well as quiet determination. Both dignified and modest, she is believed to embody characteristics of delicacy and fragility, as well as elegance and sturdiness. Though outwardly submissive and obedient, she is internally strong. Her life revolves around acting for the benefit of her family, following instructions or acting in the best interests of the family head. Virtues include loyalty, domestic skills, wisdom, and humility as well as the ability to endure whatever life might ask of her. Noble Japanese women who were raised in wealthy/prestigious households learned proper etiquette and Confucian ideology so as to become Yamato nadeshiko. Although the Himura were poor, they were prestigious so very likely Rei was also raised in this way.
Yuki-onna (雪女 “snow woman”): is a spirit or yōkai (妖怪 “strange apparition”) of Japanese folklore that is often depicted in Japanese literature, films, or animation. She’s supposed to be beautiful, very pale and calm. It’s probably a coincidence but in one legend she’s supposed to say ‘Koori gose yu gose’ (氷ごせ湯ごせ “Give me ice, give me hot water”) and disappear when she’s splashed with hot water, which seems a reference to Rei’s Quirk and to how she burned Shōto with hot water and then was hospitalized, basically disappearing from the Todoroki house.
Otto (夫 “husband”) and tsuma (妻 “wife”): in Japan, although things are changing, the role of the husband is just to work hard and provide for the money. He’s hardly at home, spending his time working by day and, in the evening, drinking with his boss and colleagues. Sometimes he’s also expected to have other social interactions with them like going to play golf with them. The role of the wife is instead to take care of the house and the children as well as to administer the family money (the husband gets an allowance according to how she sees fit). She’s however supposed to obey to her husband in all the other things and not complain whatever he does. For example if she were to ask for a divorce because he cheats on her, it would be seen as shameful FOR HER (never mentioning in Japan is very difficult to obtain a divorce if your partner doesn’t agree to it). Mind you, things are changing so this isn’t anymore a perfect depiction of how husband and wife are, but it’s still prevalent enough.
As said before, for a cultural corner related to the info we have about the Himura family I’ll ask you to check my Himura family post.
Doylist commentary:
Horikoshi apparently doesn’t tell us much about Rei’s past, but in the little Enji says about her we might miss some details that might instead be more evident to Japanese readers due to their culture. In fact Enji’s description of her seems to imply he sees her as a Yamato Nadeshiko, an ideal of Japanese womanhood, which is at the same time delicate and strong and would sacrifice for the family (as well as follow the three obediences)…
Todoroki Enji ‘Kōri no yōna onna datta. “Kosei kon” dearu koto mo shōchi no ue de…… Ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu. Tsuyoku─────… shikashi furereba tokete kiete shimai sō na─────…’ 轟炎司「(氷のような女だった。〝個性婚〟である事も承知の上で……家の為に俺の妻になると言う。強く─────…しかし触れれば溶けて消えてしまいそうな─────…)」 Todoroki Enji “(She was a woman of ice. She knew that it was a “Quirk marriage”… but she said she would become my wife for her family’s sake. She was strong… but if she were to be touched, she would melt and disappear…)” [Chap. 301]
…but of course, if we’re not familiar with what a Yamato Nadeshiko is, we miss the implication.
The whole ‘woman of ice’ also might be a reference to how Rei seemed cold and impassible, her face expressionless when he first met her, but might also be a reference to a Yuki-onna.
There are however oddities in the whole thing that seem to imply to a retcon in Rei’s backstory.
The most important one is that both Shōto and Tōya portray Rei’s family as forced by Enji to sell her off.
Todoroki Shōto ‘Jisseki to kane dake wa aru otoko da… Oyaji wa haha no shinzoku o marume komi haha no “kosei” o teni ireta.’ 轟焦凍「実績と金だけはある男だ…親父は母の親族を丸め込み母の〝個性〟を手に入れた。」 Todoroki Shōto “He’s a man with achievements and money… My father persuaded my mother’s relatives and obtained my mother’s “quirk”.” [Chap. 31]
In Chap. 31 Shōto, to say Enji persuaded Rei’s family, uses ‘marume komi’ (丸め込み), which seems to have a not so positive implication, as it’s used to imply you managed to talk someone into doing what you want, as if the Himuras didn’t really want to let Rei marry him and needed to be persuaded.
Todoroki Tōya ‘ENDEAVOR wa katsute chikara ni kogarete imashita, soshite ALL MIGHT o koe renai zetsubō kara yori tsuyoi “kosei” o motta ko o tsukuru tame muriyari tsuma o metorimashita.’ 轟燈矢「エンデヴァーはかつて力に焦がれていました、そしてオールマイトを超えれない絶望からより強い〝個性〟を持った子を作る為無理やり妻を娶りました。」 Todoroki Tōya “Endeavor was once thirsty for power and, out of despair of not being able to surpass All Might, in order to create a child with a stronger “Quirk” he took a wife by force.” [Chap. 290]
In Chap. 290 Tōya instead uses ‘muriyari’ (無理やり), which means “forcibily, against one’s will” so he paints an even darker picture.
Then… with Chap. 301/302, this is kind of turned over.
In fact, in chap 301, we see how Rei’s father looks more delighted than forced/in need to be persuaded when he meets Enji, the anime even remarking this more by painting the family head grinning as he interacted with Enji, Enji doing hardly any work of persuasion, as he’s not even shown speaking as the Himura family head talks of how honored they are he approached them and how Rei will be an appropriate bride for him.
Also later, in chap 302, Tōya, despite claiming his mother had no choices (しかなかった ‘shikanakatta’), with Rei not correcting him, will now place the blame on his grandparents being poor (so Rei had to marry Enji to help them) and therefore deciding to sell Rei (売る ‘uru’), and not on his father persuading them (as Shōto said) or forcing her as he said before.
Todoroki Tōya ‘Obā-chan-tachi ga binbō shitetakara Okā-san o uttan daro. Okā-san wa sōsuru shikanakattan daro.’ 轟燈矢「おばあちゃん達が貧乏してたからお母さんを売ったんだろ。お母さんはそうするしかなかったんだろ。」 Todoroki Tōya “Grandmother and the others were poor so they sold mother, isn’t that it? Mother had no choice but to do it, isn’t that it?” [Chap. 302]
This greatly shift the blame of Rei being sold on her parents, as hadn’t Enji not shown up, they would have probably handed her off to someone else… never mentioning what will be revealed much later, in chap 387, when it’ll turn out Rei was never meant to marry for love, as the Himura were used to marry among them.
Geten ‘Himura wa chi ga koinda. Furuku kara no shōya datta Himura wa nōchi kaikaku go mo bunke o fuyasu koto de zai to PRIDE o nantoka tamotte kita. Demo chōjō ga okiru to tomoni kasokudoteki ni reiraku shite itta. Chi ga mazaru no o kirattanda. Kekka bunke… tōen dōshi de no kekkon ga aitsuida. Mizukara o heisoku kankyō ni oki Himura-ke wa shukushō no itto o tadori. Tōtō honke ga miuri o hajimeta koto de jijitsujō no shūen o mukaeta. Nokori no wazuka na shizoku mo risan shi sono naka no hitotsu datta boku wa saikōshidō-sha (read: RE-DESTRO) ni hirowa reta.’ 外典「火叢は血が濃いんだ。古くからの庄屋だった火叢は農地改革後も分家を増やす事で財とプライドをなんとか保ってきた。でも超常が起きると共に加速度的に零落していった。血が混ざるのを嫌ったんだ。結果分家…遠縁同士での結婚が相次いだ。自らを閉塞環境に置き火叢家は縮小の一途を辿り。とうとう本家が身売りを始めたことで事実上の終焉を迎えた。残りの僅かな氏族も離散しその中の一つだった僕は最高指導者(リ・デストロ)に拾われた。」 Geten “The Himura blood runs thick. The Himura, who were village heads from long ago, managed to maintain their wealth and pride even after the land reform by increasing the number of branch families. But as the exceptional/supernatural happened, things (for them) started falling down at an accelerating rate. They hated mixing their blood. As a result, the branch families… had marriages among distant relatives which occurred one after another. As a result of placing themselves in a closed environment, the Himura family steadily shrank. When finally the main family started selling themselves, it came to a de facto end. Even the few remaining clans are scattered, and I was among them and then picked up by the supreme leader (read: Re-Destro).” [Chap. 387]
While Geten calls Rei marrying an outsider ‘the main family starting to sell themselves’, the implication seems to be Rei’s parents would have always decided who was going to be Rei’s husband… but this seems denied by Rei herself.
In fact in chap 301 she claims it wasn’t like her opinion never mattered. Rei had the option to refuse but she accepted for her family’s sake.
Todoroki Enji “Kosei kon” dearu koto mo shōchi no ue de…… Ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu.’ 轟炎司「(〝個性婚〟である事も承知の上で……家の為に俺の妻になると言う。)」 Todoroki Enji “(She knew that it was a “Quirk marriage”… but she said she would become my wife for her family’s sake.)” [Chap. 301]
The anime too remarks how Enji’s proposal was easily accepted by her parents (so Enji didn’t need to talk her parents into it as Shōto instead said) and how Rei could have refused (so she wasn’t forced by him to accept as Tōya said).
Todoroki Enji ‘(No.2 HERO no chii to meiyo, soshite jisankin meate ni Himura-ke no tōshu wa ore no teian o assari to ukeireta. Kotowaru koto mo dekita hazuda. Daga kanojo wa “kosei” kondearu koto mo shōchi no ue de, ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu.)’ 轟炎司「(No.2ヒーローの地位と名誉、そして持参金目当てに氷叢家の当主は俺の提案をあっさりと受け入れた。断る事もできたハズだ。だが彼女は〝個性〟婚である事も承知の上で、家の為に俺の妻になると言う。)」Todoroki Enji “(The head of the Himura family easily accepted my proposal, aiming for the status and prestige of the No. 2 hero, as well as the dowry. She could have refused. However, even if she was aware that it was a “Quirk” marriage, she said that she would become my wife for her family’s sake.)” [Ep. 130]
And it’s not just Enji who says so; Rei herself will claim the choice to marry Enji was her own… which matches with Japanese laws (arranged marriages can’t be done if the candidates don’t both consent).
Todoroki Rei ‘(Sentakushi wa kagirarete ita keredo erande susunda no wa watashi no ashi de───── semete sono sakide wa waratte iyou to omotte ita no ni───…)’ 轟冷「(選択肢は限られていたけれど選んで進んだのは私の足で─────せめてその先では笑っていようと思っていたのに───…)」 Todoroki Rei “(Although my options were limited, I chose to move forward with my own feet─────At least from now on I’ll try to smile, that’s what I was thinking─────…)” [Chap. 302]
Now, credits when it’s due, the idea here might be that the family actually gave her the option to marry a Himura, Enji, or some other rich guy, hence her options were limited but she could make her pick, and Rei might have felt psychologically ‘forced’ to marry among the candidates chosen by her parents due to filial piety and duty of obedience, even if not physically forced to do so. We can’t really say if Enji was her parents’ favorite candidate (we don’t know if she had other suitors who were more or equally prestigious and rich), so they influenced her choice, or she thought he would be her best pick among the candidates presented to her.
Still, in order to be good to her poor parents, she chose to marry Enji… but still this paints a completely different picture than the one Shōto first and Tōya later painted, as Enji isn’t really working hard to persuade her parents or forcing Rei’s hand, he made a proposition and came clean to his intentions of having a Quirk marriage and the ones who’re really to blame are Rei’s parents.
Interesting enough in the prototype it seems more like Rei was forced into a marriage, as the prototype version says she had a boyfriend/lover (愛人 ‘koibito’), meaning she had to give up on that person to marry Enji, which would fit more with the idea of her being forced and her family needing to be persuaded, where the manga instead never mention her having a previous love interest.
So again, we get a feeling the story changed track in regard to how unfair it was the marriage toward Rei (as now she had some options), and on how much Enji was to blame for it (as now the Himuras needed zero persuasion to switch from selling her to a poor, distant relative to selling her to the rich and prestigious number two, Rei gave her consent and, anyway, if she hadn’t, she would have to marry a relative or, possibly, another rich candidate) and so it can be the whole thing was retconned again to paint a less negative picture of Enji.
Something else I found odd, but that might not mean anything, is that usually girls who come from prestigious families (even poor ones) become wives who dress in a traditional fashion, with kimono and all (think for example to the main character of ‘Ai Yori Aoshi’ (藍より青し “Bluer Than Indigo”)), while Rei is shown in jeans and t-shirt or skirt and t-shirt. It’s a stereotype, it’s not necessarily a truth of life, but it still makes me think that the plan for the Himura to be a prestigious, traditional family was something Horikoshi came up with later, and that likely he originally envisioned Rei as coming from a family of poor commoners and then he switched to a prestigious family.
Last but not least… Rei is shown as heavily dressed for her first walk with Enji (she has a jacket and a scarf) despite having a body better suited for the cold, which seems to imply it should be winter but… gentians are blossoming meaning it’s either spring or autumn. The anime seems to outright go for a warmer season as it leaves the window open (in the manga it was closed) so maybe it was a mistake to dress Rei so heavily (Enji is comparatively much less dressed as he’s only wearing a suit).
As for the Himura backstory, it sure is interesting but it’s clearly placed at that point more to explain why Tōya too ended up on having an ice Quirk (the Himura blood is just that thickthat whoever has it can’t help but have a ice Quirk) than to enrich Rei’s backstory (or Geten’s) with details. Yeah, they benefit from the addition too (the story becomes also explanation why Geten joined Re-Destro) but it doesn’t really seem about them or for them, but feels as a narrative expedient to explain/excuse a sudden and not foreshadowed surprise.
It’s not bad, however again, it feels poorly foreshadowed.
It was Shōto himself who introduced the Quirk marriages, but claimed they started becoming a problem during the second or third generation, stating those earlier generations were lacking in ethic (Shōto is probably a fifth generation as Midoriya). Well, it turns out the Himura always did Quirk marriages, albeit, differently from his father, as they didn’t want to mix their Quirk with other Quirks, but strengthening/preserving their own ice Quirk as well as their blood. Shōto though, blames only his father to do as those old generations, which seems to imply his mother’s side wasn’t doing the same.
The result is that the whole Himura family’s past seems more like a spur of the moment idea, more than something planned… or, at least, to me it feels like that.
Something else worth mentioning is through the story we’ll never learn about Enji’s mother, very likely because it spared Horikoshi from drawing her which is fair… but it’s still a pity.
Last but not least, in the anime only monologue there’s probably a mistake.
Todoroki Enji ‘(No.2 HERO no chii to meiyo, soshite jisankin meate ni Himura-ke no tōshu wa ore no teian o assari to ukeireta.)’ 轟炎司「(No.2ヒーローの地位と名誉、そして持参金目当てに氷叢家の当主は俺の提案をあっさりと受け入れた。)」 Todoroki Enji “(The head of the Himura family easily accepted my proposal, aiming for the status and prestige of the No. 2 hero, as well as the dowry.)” [Ep. 130]
‘Jisankin’ (持参金) means “dowry” but the dowry is an amount of property or money brought by the bride to her husband on their marriage (it can also be called ‘kashi’ (嫁資)).What the husband pays to the bride’s family instead is called ‘konshi’ (婚資) or ‘yuinōkin’ (結納金), both meaning “betrothal money”. In some cases the “betrothal money” can be an amount big enough to surpass the “dowry” (so basically the groom pays for the dowry and then some more), but it would have still made more sense for the dialogue to say the Himura wanted the “betrothal money”, not the “dowry”.
Watsonian commentary:
So, instead than trying to find a companion he could love and that would love him back, or waiting for when he’ll meet one, Enji decides to marry a woman who can give him an offspring that could help him fulfill his ambitions and erase his inferiority complex as well as his dark feelings all in one single blow.
Mind you, as I said in the cultural corner, in Japan people is okay with marriages not done out of love, but it’s no more AGAINST marriages done out of love. Enji doesn’t have a family pressuring him to marry Rei. It’s just he thinks he’ll feel better if he’ll have the kind of heir he wants, instead than if he’ll choose his companion according to what he feels for such person or, at least, personal compatibility.
It speaks of a man who doesn’t know the value of emotional relations, who’s completely obsessed with his own goal.
His father died when he was a middle-schooler… which means if his mother was alive he might have had memories of their relation. Either she died earlier than his father, or their relation wasn’t the sort one also wishes to have for himself. If his parents too married for convenience and not out of love, it might have made easier for Enji to follow that same path.
Now, as said in the Doylist commentary, likely Enji’s mother wasn’t included for practical reasons, but, in a Watsonian commentary, the most ergonomic explanation for her absence at the Miai (normally the mother of the potential groom would be very involved with it) as well as in Enji’s home (as said before, the firstborn take over the family house and then, due to filial piety, is supposed to take care of his aging parents and, since Enji’s mother is a widow and Enji’s house is big enough for it, it would have made even more sense for her to live with her son and educate Rei to the rules of the house), is that she’s dead.
What’s more, if his mother died early on, before his father did, this could have had unpleasant psychological consequences that lead to the character Enji has, in fact an early loss of his mother can cause in a child low self-worth, emotional dysregulation (as in difficulties in managing emotions which can lead to outbursts or withdrawal) and a general insecurity in relationships, which might have pushed him to prefer a relationship based on interest than one based on feelings.
Long story short, Enji’s ‘weakness’, unknown to him, could have had its psychological roots in his lack of mother figure, though he realized of his weakness only when his father died and he failed to act.
Of course all this doesn’t exactly make him a well balanced guy who can be considered an ideal husband.
Rei is in no better position.
There’s no freedom to marry who you love in her family, traditionally the Himura marry among relatives, and when the Himura ends up being poor they’re all to sell her to the best offering.
Legally the family head, which is also Rei’s father (according to the anime the guy with Enji and Rei at the Miai is the family head and Rei’s father... but just so you know, the fact that the two are one and the same isn’t mandatory) couldn’t have forced Rei to marry the potential husband he favored, and Rei claims she had options, albeit limited ones, but likely they were to chose among the candidates her family picked for her as filial piety and the duty to obey to her parents likely pressured her not to say ’no’ to the whole thing.
In the end Rei chose economical stability for her birth family over the continuation of the Himura family line and she tried to be happy with her choice.
Maybe it wasn’t she just chose economical stability, maybe she thought since Enji showed interest in what she liked, asking her if she liked flowers, this could mean he would be a good husband. Maybe the other candidates didn’t even ask her that much.
Still, in making this choice, she basically agrees with Enji’s plan to have children he can use to fulfill his ambitions, she ‘sacrifices’ them (as well as herself) to help her own previous family.
Honestly I don’t think she thought she would ‘sacrifice’ her children, she likely didn’t expect things to go that bad… but she probably also expected her own children to act like her, do what they must for the well being of their birth family (read: to satisfy their father).
She was clearly raised to obey and sacrifice herself for her own family, and she has likely assumed it was fair to expect her own children would do the same because that’s how she was taught the world works. Not only she likely didn’t expect Tōya would end up being incompatible with his Quirk, but also that, once Tōya was told by his parents he couldn’t train or become a Hero, Tōya would resist them and continue training. Obeying to her birth family, sacrificing herself for it, was probably so natural for her she didn’t even realize it until Tōya slams on her face she’s also responsible for his situation.
There’s to wonder how the Himuras see Enji. Despite all their flattering when he approached the Himura, there’s no hint whatsoever Enji is also from a prestigious family, the Himura family head praising solely the position he has reached as a Hero, not his family history.
Enji has a big house (although smaller than the Himuras… at least in the anime), yes, but he might have bought that later, it might not be his birth home.
So, despite Enji’s position and money which allows him to buy Rei and to have an impressively big house, the Himura might look down at him as just a commoner who got successful and rich but nothing more.
Anyway… if things had gone well… Enji and Rei would have probably been fine regardless of being two people who clearly didn’t have the best psychological background.
Rei would have played her part as perfect wife and mother, obeying Enji and taking care of the house and children and Enji would have played his part as perfect husband, working hard so as to provide money for his family and raising his own heir the way he wanted to.
Problems came though, and, with them, the balance the two of them had came crashing down… but we’ll see it in the next part.
That’s all for this part. Please stay tuned for the next!
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