orbitaldeathwoomy · 1 month
happy pride month, have the squad™️ but with the colors of their pride flags
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months
Imagine your F/O excitedly waiting for you to get back to them, and throwing their arms around you the minute they see you, absolutely covering you with kisses, and telling you how much they loved you and missed you.
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wishluc · 1 year
I love yandre himeko thou what about kafka thou??😍😍
Literally insane about her it's crazy
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A Stellaron Hunter has no business in the Space Station, as far as you're aware.
But it's not like you can go anywhere with Kafka's gun under your chin, her pink eyes looking up at you with unabashed interest. The contrasting sensations of cold metal and her burning gaze sends your heart faltering, your mind spinning as you try to come up with a way to escape the situation.
"Now, my dear," Kafka's smooth voice sends shivers down your spine, and she grins, clearly having noticed the effect she has on you and taking great delight in it, "no need to be so rash. Didn't I tell you to stay put?"
You gulp, watching closely as her eyes narrow, "Uhm, Miss…" Your tongue falters mid-sentence, terror tightening its grip on you as Kafka pushes her weapon into your skin, as though to serve as a reminder, "I don't have access to—"
"Shh," she whispers, slowly withdrawing her gun. Just when you thought you could finally relax your tense figure, she swiftly grabs you by the waist and spins you around, slamming your face up against the wall, wrists held behind your back. Your gasp echoes through the room, but Kafka merely chuckles, "My apologies. I need to take certain precautions, as I'm sure you'll understand. Though if we're being honest, I don't mind your fight. It's what I like about you, your resolve, your determination…you're a clever little thing, aren't you?"
"And please, call me Kafka. We have more than enough time to get acquainted with each other, don't we?"
You only manage to wheeze out a few words before Kafka shushes you again, "I don't have—"
"That's perfectly alright," Her voice is still light, her tone airy, like your current predicament was just a normal occurrence for her, "I don't need any of that."
Then, with a steady hand pushing against the small of your back with unexpected force, you feel her other hand dig into your pocket. Your shuffling and twisting do nothing to slow her exploration, as she finally pulls out your ID card (although you couldn't see her, you could swear that she had a triumphant smile on her face).
"[Name]…a researcher, I see? How interesting. How long have you been working here, darling?"
"3 years now," you focus on your trembling fingers, ignoring the way they grazed Kafka's skin whenever you tried to stretch them out.
"Are you interested a change in careers, by any chance? I have a wonderful opportunity for you. Though…" she trails off, as if internally contemplating something, "I wouldn't want any of my companions getting too close to you either…"
You're not sure if her question warrants an answer, especially considering the clear fact that a researcher like you has no place among the criminals of the Stellaron Hunters.
"Or not," she chuckles, "maybe," she brings her lips right to your ear, and you go absolutely still, too afraid to even breathe, and then she lowers her voice, "you'd like to be my pet instead?"
You don't even have the time to process her words before she's laughing to herself, a soft, lovely sound that worms its way into your soul, "just kidding, of course."
You're not sure what to make of this woman, except for the fact that she was probably half-mad. And you were going to be stuck with her longer if nobody came in to help, and who knew what she'd do to you then?
"How about this?" Kafka's grip on your wrists loosens, and she instead goes to hold your shaking fingers, gently squeezing them in her hands, "I have work to do here, unfortunately, so we'll have to part ways. But I promise you that I'll find a way to come see you again, so then…You'll come to greet me, won't you?"
You nod, wordlessly, and she finally steps away, allowing you to turn around and come face-to-face with her. She's smiling, just as dangerous and as beautiful as when you first saw her, her eyes glimmering with something you can only identify as amusement, and she holds, in between gloved fingers, your ID card.
"Good," she looks you over one last time, pocketing the card, "I won't forget, darling. So you keep your end of the deal too, alright?"
You nod again, not trusting yourself to speak, and she begins to walk away, stopping at the door. Her head turns ever so slightly, her piercing gaze directed right at you as she utters her parting words, "I'll see you soon."
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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cherubdulce · 8 months
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happy halloween from yours truely! 🎃 👻
🪽 tag list; @lovinglin @eveningshards @lovebugexe @jils-things @gideongrovel @frozenhi-chews @funshineharlequinz @cupiidzbow @decayedstardust @funkedge @retrojem @negativespiritapologist @dissonantyote @sunstar-of-the-north @icejuggler @yumetokashite lmk if you like to be add or removed ! ^_^/
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transtak · 3 months
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i think im late again because i was napping but hi its me GAYLE SIMONE and i love video games a lot for a guy that hardly talks about them
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starsstims · 9 months
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Dollkin Stimboard
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crisp-redfield · 1 year
Your F/O loves you, even when you're at your worst. No matter how bad your worst is or what it looks like.
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secr3trings · 26 days
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Well .. since no one else is going to save those people ..
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loogi-selfships · 6 months
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Oh, what's this? Me? Drawing OC x canon? Yep! Here's a drawing of Annette and Sanji!
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They're keeping each other warm..
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mothfinite · 1 month
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sybil drip marketing??? would you pull for hym
extra stuff under the cut
transparent & flat color + my first attempt at genshin style back in 2022!
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bvttercvp-l0ver · 11 hours
Yippee hooray!!
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Yaay!!! ^_^
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And a version without any effects :3
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 2 months
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the squad™️
picrew here (i had to mirror the one for Koa bc her eye was on the wrong side lmao)
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
A Letter From Your Villain F/O
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Even in the depths of my madness, I reach toward you.
Even in the fire of my rage, my love for you burns hotter.
When the world falls away and nothing matters to me but my designs, you matter.
You are the warm spot in my cold, black heart.
You are mine. You will always be mine.
I am yours. Always.
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wishluc · 1 year
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On a scale of 1 - 10 I think the yandere here is around 4? 5? But I find Childe to be terrifying regardless. Set in Sumeru, during the archon quest.
✧ CW: yandere character, abuse of authority, power imbalance, mentions of Harbinger-typical violence
✧ PAIRING: Childe x Fem! reader
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You can't help but be mesmerized by the twinkling stars, shining so brightly against the blanket of darkness. A peaceful night like tonight is a luxury you can't usually afford.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?"
Your mood is soured almost as quickly as it was lifted as you hear the careful emphasis on your name, almost as if he was testing it out for the first time
Regardless, you aren't surprised to see that Childe is here again.
Despite his position, he didn't seem to have much to do—except, of course, spend every possible moment hounding you. Unlike the frightening rumors that lurked around the Harbingers, Childe appeared only as a man who was extremely proficient with his weapons, full of boyish charm and towering ambition. At first, you considered that he may be putting on a front—one that relied on a disarming smile and easygoing words—but after your actual meeting with him, you realized he was not full of tricks and traps. Childe was a blatant, proud challenge. The lack of deceit on his part, the plain truth he laid out to you when he introduced himself to you as "Number Eleven of the Fatui Harbingers," was because he wanted you to know. He wanted to exude his power over you, while simultaneously, extending an invitation to you, one that read loud and clear; Try and cross me, if you dare.
Even if he wasn't with the Doctor, on official business, Childe was still a Harbinger, and it was made very clear to you already. You had never seen a man so thrilled by violence, so exhilarated at the sight of blood and pain. He wielded his weapons with frighteningly natural ease, swiftly cutting through air and flesh alike with the same fluid motion. And when he stood, yearning for yet another rush after yet another battle won, it looked as though he was born to do this. You still remembered the blood-splattered figure, the glowering blue gaze, and the mad expression on his face, and you remember thinking that somehow, you believed nothing would suit him better.
And now, you're forced to regard this bloodlust-driven creatur, as the esteemed diplomat he makes himself out to be. You have to smile at his jokes and agree with his demands, forcing yourself to ignore just how swiftly he can pull a blade out and press it against your neck, and how it would only take a moment, a single command, to get his loyal soldiers to rip your heart out for him—since you clearly won't do it yourself. You have to pretend his sly remarks and coquettish grins fluster you, and not disgust you. You have to ignore the reminder that the callouses on the hand that was often placed on your shoulder were from training with numerous weapons and what exactly the mask at the side of his head symbolized.
And you have to do it all pretending like you're honored to be serving him.
"Master Tartaglia," a polite smile found its place on your face, "I hope your night is going well."
He grins, a playful quirk on his lips, "seeing that you are here, comrade, I can confidently say that it's going splendidly."
Childe gently turns you around, a hand finding purchase on the small of your back, to face the masked Fatuus who had been silently following him, "I'll be with my friend here, so you lot can go make yourself busy, hm?"
They immediately scatter away at his words, and he turns to face you again, the lopsided smile still playing on his lips, "sorry about that. They take their jobs quite seriously."
You nod in understanding, as he looks over the railing with you. You see his eyes linger on the many food carts stationed by the streets, a soft glow of light embracing each one. He looks at you with a knowing look, that excited glint in his eyes dancing wildly, and puts out a hand for you to take. You bite back any protests and take the gloved hand offered to you, praying the night would pass quickly.
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The food is as good as you remember, hot, savory, and bursting with flavor. But it's hard to enjoy yourself when you're standing next to a man who is obviously a soldier of some sort, earning you both wary looks from all around.
"What's wrong, pretty girl?"
You've always hated when he called you that. At least, with 'comrade' you could believe it came from a place of equal respect, him recognizing the role you played as his guide, and the dangers you had exposed yourself to by doing so. That, and anyone could tell that you worked with him. But when he was flirting, it made it so much harder to deal with him. He wasn't stupid. He knew that there were others listening. He knew exactly how much harder it was coming up with excuses about why you were walking around with a Fatuus glued to your side when said Fatuus was sweet talking you, face pressed close to yours, instead of marching ahead of you with no concern for how you struggle to keep up.
"Nothing," you reply, "it's just been a while since I've come out here."
He chuckles, "I must have kept you quite busy."
Your laugh is awkward at best and forced at worst, but by now, he's used to your pathetic attempts at avoiding conversation. It doesn't perturb him—not that anything you do does, anymore. Childe only hums, seemingly lost in thought as his eyes gloss over the scenic view.
The streets suddenly fell silent, except for the rustling of paper and hushed whispers. It felt as though everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see what the Harbinger would command. You weren't sure if other Fatuus had already come around here and wreaked some havoc, or if they were just unsettled because of the way Childe's smile never met his eyes.
Then, at last, he walks some ways out to a more secluded spot. The lights here are dimmer and the silence even more deafening. You find your eyes searching around for any other signs of life, despite knowing that Childe did not bring you here to have you killed. Not yet, at least.
"I was thinking," he says, eyes closely gauging your reaction, "of extending my stay."
He's not asking for your input, that much you can tell.
"There's still a lot I'd like to see around here. So, what do you say?" The warm smile is everything but inviting, now. It feels like you're about to sign a deal with the devil.
"I'll have to see if the Akademiya—"
He sighs, "The Akademiya works for us. That wasn't what I was asking." Almost as quickly as it dropped, the all too familiar grin is back on his face, "what about it, then?"
You think back to the calloused hands stained red and the blades concealed on his person. It would take less than a moment for him to pounce. How many of his subordinates are waiting for his orders, hidden in the dark and ready to attack? You remember the bloodstained Harbinger you were introduced to all those days ago, that look of uninhibited delight clear in his eyes. Childe—Tartaglia—was not asking for your opinion. He did not have to go through the pleasantries of pretending to do so, because there was clearly only one answer you could give him.
"It would be my pleasure, Master Tartaglia."
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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transtak · 7 months
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hi everyone i see that its promo hour unless i technically missed it. anyway promo ur friend true!! i have lots of thoughts and rarely share them but i promise im at least a little cool <3 about/links in pinned.
image descriptions (as well as an explanation of the furby) in alt text
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starsstims · 8 months
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Sanrio Series: Part 10
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