#『 event: 005. 』
alinaceyhan · 2 days
closed event starter for @enriquemarrero activity: hayride
While spring was Alina's favorite season, she did have a love for fall and all fall related things. Carving pumpkins, apple cider, and hayrides were always things she found herself doing during this time of year. And now that she had someone to do it with her, she was excited to have Ricky by her side. So, of course, the first thing she wanted to do was go on the hayride and she dragged him to get in line. "Aren't you excited? I'm excited. First hayride of the season."
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lcvergrl · 2 months
WITH: @ohvalleys / marcel WHEN: stardew valley field day
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Seline narrows her eyes viciously, a look that is somewhat off balanced by the rainbow war paint covering her face, and her popsicle-patterned overalls. "I swear, Marcel, if you mess this up for us, you'll be the Mangled Marcel instead of the Marvellous One." She stomps her foot for an added flourish. If there was one thing Seline took seriously, it was competition, and she was determined to beat the ice bears... whatever they were called.
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thirtecnth · 8 months
@itsallegra / closed event starter / allegra hayes setting: huntsville lake
When Benjamin spotted Allegra, he made his way immediately off the ice, hoping to make it seem as though he was getting off anyway. "Hey there, Hurricane Hayes," he said, smiling as he leaned against one of the nearby trees. "You're skating, right? Need a partner?" His cheeks were already red from the wind and his hands were freezing. He was determined to talk with her, however.
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ziggykyeons · 4 months
closed for: @milaxclarke
"Howdy ma'am," Ziggy's attempt at a southern twang started and ended there as he sidled towards Mila, thus far almost successfully avoiding all potential disruptors of his night bar a brief run in with Warner.
He's been enjoying himself thus far, even if the music was only mildly to his tastes after some deeper yeehaw cuts started to enter the rotation.
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"Who are you here with? And more importantly, who are you leaving here with?"
( It seemed a shame to not throw his hat in the ring for consideration when he was sporting one the whole night. )
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nicolepeterson · 1 year
closed starter for @rickyxthompson location: the Wagner Wedding
Nicole was trying her hardest to be her usual bubbly self, but with Ricky going to the halfway house the next day and them just overall being upset, it was getting harder. She knew it wasn't the place he wanted to be at and she did appreciate him coming with her. It was hard, she knew it, and as she made her way over to him after getting some punch, she put her glass down and stuck her hand out to him. "Dance with me. Please." She said and gave him a soft smile.
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papaflynn · 25 days
thread: carnival games characters: callum & noa where: briar ridge summer festival tagging: @noaandreas
It was the second day of the Summer music festival, and Callum was on Dad duty. He had been looking forward to spending the day with Avie and showing her that, despite the eye-rolls, her old man was still fun. It was also a special day, as Callum had asked Noa to come join them. The two had grown closer over the Summer, and although she had met Avie many times before, he wanted to spend a day with all three of them together. It was important to him to always include his daughter, but he also knew that part of him wanted Avie and Noa to bond. Callum had grown a bond with Noa's father, so it felt like it mattered that he shared his family with her, too, whenever he could. The circumstances were obviously different, but for Callum, it meant something.
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He returned with the slushy Avie had ordered to find she had already made a friend at one of the games. Callum laughed and sipped the drink as the kids played. Then he spotted Noa approaching and quickly jogged to meet her, an arm tightly wrapping around her as he kissed her cheek. "Hey, thanks for coming..."
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sweatforged · 2 months
@isaacbrooks (olympic starter) location: avrae said deja vu at the baths ehehe
this  was  ...  so  much  more  than  he  had  expected.  the  baths  back  at  camp  were  already  something,  but  these  here  at  the  olympic  village  were  ...  astounding.  nothing  more  enjoyable  than  to  soak  after  training.  silas  was  alone  for  now,  which...  bothered  him  a  little,  but  he  knew  that  was  just  his  insecurities  talking,  so  he  did  his  very  best  to  ignore  that  little  voice  in  the  back  of  his  head  whispering  worst  case  scenarios  at  him.  he  was  in  one  of  the  pools,  stretched  out  &  mostly  ...  left  alone  by  the  others,  which  partially  was  what  he  wanted,  but  also  ..not.
leaning  back  with  his  arms  behind  his  head,  he  couldn't  help  notice  a  pretty  familiar  face  in  the  crowd,  probably  looking  for  the  same  silas  did,  relaxation  after  training.  arms  lowered,  he  waited  for  eye  contact,  then  smiled  a  little.  it  would  be  his  choice  if  he  wanted  to  join  him  or  mingle  with  others.  they  were  here  to  befriend  &  interact,  he  knew  that,  but  that  didn't  make  it  any  easier  for  him  to  do  it.  most  others  had  no  such  issues,  but  silas  struggled.  not  that  he  shared  his  worries  with  …others.  there  was  no  need  to.  they  didn't  understand  just  how  severely  he  struggled  &  silas  didn't  really  know  how  to  explain  anyway.
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the-love-cafe · 1 year
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don't know who to say it to? are these overwhelming feelings tying you down? Spill your unsaid thoughts without a worry!
ⅽ[ː̠̈ː̠̈ː̠̈] ͌ -Spill the coffee event-
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whether you are going through a breakup, stuck on your ex or don't seem to know what to do with your unrequited love, this event is for you!
let us take the weight off your shoulders by simply listening to you. dump all your thoughts in the asks and get your favourite drink to lighten up your mood ♡
menu 🍴 ~~ how to confess ✉︎
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mattswheeler · 11 months
closed starter for @loganxwalker location: Halloween Bash
After the night he had, Matt found himself in a better mood than the days previously. It was like seeing his best friend's baby being born made his eyes open back up. He was still grieving, of course, but his heart didn't feel so broken. He found himself knowing that Emily wouldn't want him to be this way. There was still a lot to process, but he didn't want to seclude himself anymore. He felt bad for being closed off the last few weeks and he felt he needed to make up for it; especially to Logan. Hoping she was going to be at the Halloween Bash, Matt dressed up in some clothes he knew he had and added in some body glitter Nicole had and went as Edward Cullen. After looking around for a bit, he found her and smiled as he looked at her as a scarecrow. "Hey. Look at you. The cutest scarecrow I've seen."
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colemonroe · 1 year
WHERE: County Fair WITH: @taliah-tezel
Cole couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia at every turn as he walked the fairgrounds, one arm thrown comfortably around Taliah’s shoulders while the other hand popped a piece of fresh funnel cake into his mouth. As he took in the sights, sounds, and smells,, he easily recalled his first trip to the county fair when Michael and Laura had brought him, hoping to break a fifteen year old Cole out of his shell. It had been no secret to anyone that his move to Tonopah and the circumstances surrounding it had been tough on him, but that hadn’t deterred his aunt and uncle from doing everything they could to lighten the load. The fair had been part of that and for that reason, Cole always made it a point to try and go every year that he could. 
“I can’t believe you’ve never tried funnel cake,” he started, lightly nudging his hip into Taliah’s side as he glanced down at her, a surprised grin pulling at the corner of his mouth, “I kinda feel like I’ve failed ya.” In all the years that they’d hit the fair together, Cole didn’t know how he’d let a national treasure like funnel cake slip through the cracks before now. “C’mere,” Cole prompted, pinching off another piece of funnel cake and dangling it in front of her, “Try this piece.” He paused, his expression suddenly growing gave, though no one could miss the hint of mischief in his eyes, “But just know, if ya hate it, our friendship might be in jeopardy.” Of course, he was only joking. By now, he figured it went without saying that she couldn’t get rid of him even if she tried.
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lucianasbentley · 1 year
closed starter for @evrenosman location: the Wagner Wedding
Luciana was definitely thinking twice about working the wedding by the time the dinner was over. She didn't realize Evren was going to be there, let alone Dean and Julian as well, but her ex was the biggest surprise; especially when he was with a date who happened to be in the wedding party. She worked hard to avoid his gaze, but while everyone started getting up to dance and she was cleaning up, she spotted him on the way to the kitchen and she sighed before putting on a smile. "I didn't realize you were going to be here today." She said as she put her tray down at the table. "Your date looks nice."
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romanrhodes · 1 year
event: The Wagner Wedding with: Aubrey Miller ( @aubreymillerx )
Now that dinner was finished, all the team had to do was clear up and pack up the leftovers for the new Mr. & Mrs. Wagner. But since all the food had been served, Roman had told everyone to go and have a quick break before they started clean-up. He had stepped outside for a short walk and smoke break when he saw a familiar redhead.
"Aubrey!" He shouted, putting up his free hand to wave at her and get her attention. "Hey!"
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lcvergrl · 2 months
WITH: @chrrylpstcks / open to any of ur muses !!
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Jai's got all the patience in the world today, it seems. He's hopped up on the promises of teamwork and camaraderie, and he's significantly closer than he was yesterday to convincing the towns folk of the faux moon landing. Juggling three oranges in his hands, Jai approaches, with a know-it-all smirk on his face and rubber boots far too large for his tiny feet.
"What a wonderful occasion," he comments in lieu of a greeting. "I can't wait for team spice berry to prevail. Then I'll really be having a field day." He begins to laugh manically.
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thirtecnth · 8 months
@backmaskcd / closed event starter / lonnie diamond setting: huntsville lake
Beverly tilted her head at her snowman creation. She really hadn't built one since she was a little girl, but that didn't mean she didn't remember the proper techniques. Still, it felt like something was wrong with it. She glanced at the person standing nearest to her, giving them a small smile. "It's missing something, isn't it?" She asked, letting out a breath. "I almost think he looks sad. What do you think?"
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nancyxthompsons · 1 year
closed starter for @nancyxthompsons location: the Wagner Wedding
Carrying two glasses of wine, Nancy made her way to her table and put the glass down in front of Harrison. The wedding was definitely beautiful and she was incredibly happy for the couple. She knew it was a long time coming and it was definitely a day to remember amongst everyone. She sat down and smiled over at her own fiancé and took a drink of her wine. "So, we thinking something like this for ours?" She teased him and nudged him with her foot.
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nicolepeterson · 1 year
closed starter for @veritywagner location: the Wagner Wedding
Despite all the fun and happiness around them, Nicole knew Verity was secretly breaking right now. She couldn't imagine what the woman was going through. The thought of losing her son made her upset, let alone actually doing it. She'd be broken and she felt Verity was feeling just that. She was there as much as she could be for her and now that they were celebrating Stevie and Johnny, she wanted to check in and see how she was doing here. She walked over with a non-alcoholic drink for them and she smiled at her. "Hey. I come with a drink. It's not alcoholic, but if you want one I'll happily make the bartender uncomfortable as he gives it to me." She tried joking with her as she sat down.
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