#「☾」;┊➛ QUEUE. ❜
idyllcy · 10 months
soul baby - grim reaper x reader (Spoiler Warning For Grim's Name)
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Grim reapers don't have time to reproduce and fall in love. There's no time in the underworld for that. They claim a soul every couple of minutes, and they get some time to recover during the time that their souls are unbalanced.
Though, as much as he finds you to be infuriatingly flirtatious and messing with his head, you weren't wrong when you told him that you'd make a soul baby with him.
Maybe that's how you first got into his head.
And when sound of your skin and his echoes through your apartment, your nails clawing down his back desperately, Casper wonders for a moment, just a moment, if you were really just some mortal, or if death itself came up and decided that he was too lonely. He doesn't mind the way your nails draw blood on his back, and he leans in further, pressing your legs against your chest as he thrusts into you again.
"Ca—" You gasp. "Casper."
"Yes, sunshine?"
You moan as you feel him force himself further inside of you.
"'s too much."
"What happened to the flirty little thing in the chatroom?" He tilts his head teasingly, lips pulled into a smile. "You're so bold when there's a screen."
"Ah," Your back arches as your chest presses to his, lips quivering as you whimper.
"Speechless?" He speeds up, using his body weight to press you down. "Thought you wanted a soul baby. You want me to put one in you? Hm?"
You nod your head feverishly, eyes blowing wide as you cling onto his shoulders.
"Alright. Don't waste anything, sunshine."
You moan as he cums in you, legs shaking as you feel his warmth flood inside of you, and you gasp, eyes teary. You cling onto him while shaking, only relaxing when you feel him collapse on top of you, cock plugging you full and keeping his cum inside of you. You catch your breath as he nuzzles his nose into your jaw, pressing a gentle kiss there.
"Was I good?"
"You were great, casp."
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dreamgelic · 1 year
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ig: dxpper.acrylics
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miidnighters · 7 months
@sorrowsick sent 💤  for Rosie to find  Isaac passed out.
He hadn't realised he'd gotten to that point - not enough food, not enough water, far too much time spent pushing himself out under the beating rays of the sun. Isaac would like to say this was the first time he'd passed out in the orchard, but it had just been years since it happened, so he'd gotten complacent.
He was coming to now, eyelids fluttering and soft groan passing from his lips. It's not until he opens his eyes fully that he realises there's someone leaning over him - her differently coloured eyes trained unflinchingly on his face, scarred mouth twisted in disapproval.
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"Oh, hell!" Though he'll be ashamed of it later, Isaac flinches, scrambling away to try and put some distance between them. "Who the hell are you?"
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glacialswordsman · 19 days
what color character are you?
𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 ⸺ Orange characters are charismatic and talented. They push themselves to be the best at everything they put their mind to, and get upset when they can’t meet their own standards. They tend to be prodigies, seeming almost superhuman in their genius or abilities, but they often base their self-worth off of how well they can perform, making them feel isolated from the others around them. While most people see orange characters as cocky and self-absorbed, they are actually quite insecure in themselves. They want attention and validation from others, but because of their faux confidence and the constant (and often somewhat empty) praise from the people around them, the people that are truly closest to them often withhold it from them. This often leads them to push themselves beyond their limits to succeed and/or act out in unhealthy and self-destructive ways, in an effort to get some kind of recognition. These characters seek to impress, and have a hard time telling praise from love. They have a constant need to be the hero, in whatever context that means for them. These characters usually have a sense of humor and wit that can tend to flatter themselves (although much of what they say is rooted in truth), but it’s contrasting to some of their more self-deprecating natures. They can be serious loners, since they isolate themselves from others in an attempt to protect themselves. Although they would never admit it, they crave acceptance and belonging. Others generally don’t see this, because orange characters are loathe to admit weakness and build up defenses by making it clear that they don’t care what others think, although they do. In childhood, it is likely that their parental figures were either absent or abusive, often holding them up to high standards while not providing enough positive reinforcement. Other characters need to treat orange characters not as an annoyance, or give up on them quickly, but to make it clear that they are willing to love and support them regardless of how useful they can be, and to voice compliments where they are due.
tagged by @poswiecenia (1/3) tagging @citrinitxs (whichever muse) @crimsononiarataki @maskednihilism and whoever else wants to do it!
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halchron · 8 months
@yosukeh ♡'d for a starter !
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❝ yosuke ? i didn't expect to see you out here tonight. ❞
yu blinks in surprise, all thoughts of going to his janitor job disappearing from his mind as he walked over to his friends. realistically he should be responsible and go to his job, especially given how he already saw yosuke every day, but he would really take any opportunity he could to not go the hospital at night. though inaba as a whole was rather spooky at night given how truly silent it is, but any late meet ups with friends more than made up for it.
❝ didn't junes close an hour ago ? i would've figured you were gonna go crash as soon as you could. ❞
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lovings4turn · 1 year
Maybe my baby boy Gerard Pitts his S/O asking if they can paint his nails? I just think it’s be so cute. 🥹
ohohoh how i love this and him :( will always have a soft spot for pittsie
i imagine he'd be in your room, watching you as you painted your nails n he's just so impressed by it ? you don't even have to be the neatest at doing it (and god knows that i'm not) - like they could be so messy and he'd still be in awe. when you look up and catch him staring at you like :o you tease him a little about how hypnotised he seems by the whole thing then ask if he wants his nails painted too - only half joking. but when he says yes, oh boy are you excited. you have to flap your own hands around for a few minutes until your own polish has dried enough, not wanting to smudge it or get any onto his skin while your holding his hand, and he just laughs at the motion n copies it claiming he's practicing :( he loves it so much, too (especially cause it gives him ample opportunity to stare at your focused face even more)
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idyllcy · 5 months
this is a drama. i am the drama.
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word count: 10.4k
WARNINGS: mentions of SA, mentions of sex trafficking, mild violence (all r kinda glossed over but still warning), Nonexplicit smut
summary: your soul drowns Tim, but he finds comfort in it.
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The city of Gotham is not phased by much.
From the drug trafficking in the docks to the human trafficking happening under everyone's nose, the average citizen doesn't really care. Though, arguably, they do mind when their sleep is disturbed by the sound of racing cars— something else that isn't necessarily new in Gotham. However, there had been news that the racers were steering off into the city at night, so Tim finds himself in civilian clothes, holding up a pass to access the venue that the racers were using, stepping in past the loud noises and people screaming. Ah, he made it in time.
He's surprised to find actual racing cars— cars that look like they could be in a grand prix.
From the seats, he meets eyes with a racer. He can't tell anything, but from posture and body frame, a woman. Now that he looks at it, all the racers seem to be female-presenting. He turns down the drink offered by one of the men, striking up a conversation instead, batting his lashes at the man, hoping to seduce him in some way. He wore too much clothing to be able to do so with his body, but it was still worth a shot. He hates dressing up like this anyway.
"So, what's a goody two shoes like you doing here?" The man smiles, sliding an arm around his shoulder.
"A friend gave me his pass because I said I'd never watched a Gotham street race." He bats his lashes. (Hopefully the fake lashes Stephanie glued don't fall off. God, did he hate dressing as Caroline)
"Really? Usually we place our bets on a racer." He hums, waving a guy over, dropping a twenty in a box. "I'd recommend you vote for Spitfire, she's an oldie and usually wins."
"Who are the others?" Tim slips a twenty from the back of his phone, blinking at the other names.
The man chuckles. "Lightwing is another good contender. She's been around forever. But also, her vision is spotty from an accident last time, so she's not as popular as before."
Tim nods slowly, staring at the other two names. "Who's Moonknight and Aquastar?"
"Moonknight is making her debut tonight, but her test run streaks were pretty bad because she doesn't have as big of a team as the rest of them." The man waves his hand. "You don't need to bet on her, pretty girl." He grins toothily. "Oh, and Aquastar is a visiting racer from a nearby city. We usually have more racers, but Cardinal got suspended for going off the race tracks and breaking into Gotham two weeks ago."
Now that he thinks about it, all of the names were practically knockoffs of the vigilantes and heroes who protected the cities. Although, he's surprised the street racing had ended up this big without any of the bats shutting it down. Someone must have a hand somewhere. He just wonders if it's Hood or B. It could be neither for all he knows.
"How does one race?" Tim blinks at one car in particular. It looks too much like a batmobile for comfort.
"You'd have to talk to the racers for that."
"Ey, Chris, are you hitting on newbies again?" A woman walks up the stairs, shoving him to the side playfully, tilting her head at Tim.
"Oh, come on, Spitty. You know I only do that so I can collect profits when you win."
"Arguably," She tilts her head at Tim, pausing. "You should bet on Moonknight."
"If she wins," Spitfire smiles, "then you collect all the profits. It's only a twenty, after all."
Tim frowns.
"But there's also a tradition for newbies to bet on newbies." She laughs. "You never know. That girl's got more speed in her than Cardinal. She just refuses to tell people."
"What's the cash prize?" Tim raises a brow.
"Driver gets ten percent of the bet money on top of the two million that WE pours into the track." She pauses.
"WE pours money into this?"
"We're not sure why, but they have been for a while now. The whole race track was from them." Spitfire sighs. "It's an old story, so it's not that surprising anymore."
Tim glances at the car again, pausing. Ah. This was where Bruce tested out his batmobile by using other people. No wonder he didn't push anyone to check the driving out. If Bruce was testing out all of his vehicles here, then there was no way he'd want it to be shut down. It would explain why he handed him an access card without having him get one. Tim glances around to look for seating, and Spitfire notices.
"You wanna sit in the grandstands?" She smiles. "My treat."
"Really?" Tim puts the money into Moonknight's box. The woman was right. It's only a twenty. Worst case, he loses the money. Though, he wonders what kind of a racer would have a leading champion telling him to vote for her. "Oh, is there a reason all the racers are girl?"
"We tried co-ed racing for a while." Spitfire holds her hand out for Tim, and he takes it. "But the men would get too aggressive and lead to unnecessary accidents on the track. Our goal is to test out cars for our sponsors before they're taken onto the field."
"Is that why there's a pass to get in?"
"Yeah." She hums, pulling the door open. "Come on in."
"Spitfire, favoring a newbie?!"
"Spitfire, who do you think is going to win!"
The woman turns her head, smile on her lips. "Me, obviously."
But it proves wrong when Tim meets eyes with the same woman from the first time.
You stare into his eyes, white racing suit snug on your body, a look in your eyes he recognizes. Though, the longer you look at him, the more you seem to read him— as if his entire past were exposed in front of you at a table. There is a sort of darkness to both your eyes and hair, the stare of a thousand souls. He breaks eye contact first, waving goodbye to Spitfire as she hops back to her position, final checkups of the cars in progress as Chris asks him if he wants a drink. Tim waves him down, but he mentions a can of Zesti would be fine. Chris barely makes it back in time for the announcements.
Tim catalogs the majority of the announcements in, checking for their voice on his phone, blinking when he finds a lack of match for it. He'd ask Chris, but the man is practically leaning over on the stand, eyes glittering as the cars prepare to race. He stands up, cracking open his soda, blinking when the four racers seem to fly off, and his eyes glance at the big screen, camera flying after the cars.
Moonknight goes from second to third, and Spitfire goes from third to first. He doesn't have much faith in his twenty bucks, but he wonders if the batmobile would really be helpful in a race like this. It didn't—
Moonknight goes from third to first at the final moment, boosting past Spitfire and racing to first place as she makes it into the second lap. Tim pauses while recalling the batmobile, and he remembers the change he had made just a week ago on the car, letting it accelerate faster than the other cars. Seeing his own creation in action hits something in him, blinking as she swerves.
"Oh, I might actually lose my money today." Chris laughs. "I didn't think she'd be able to do it."
"Who is Moonknight?"
"She's a completely new racer. She's called Moonknight because he sponsor gave her a car that looks eerily like a batmobile every time. Though, her car is in light grey." Chris points. "I'll hand you the pamphlet later."
"Thank you." Tim mumbles, watching as Spitfire races neck to neck with Moonknight. Tim wonders if it's going to be a tie. Though, he did add something else to the car. Maybe Bruce told you, maybe not. If she manages to find it, she could win. Though, he's more curious to know if rocket boosters were technically allowed in a race like this. Who knows.
You grimace in the car, pressing a couple of buttons as your fingers brush over something new. You wonder if it's the self-destruction button that Batman had told you not to touch. Yet, you shrug it off, clicking it anyway, slamming back into your seat as you speed past Spitfire, breaking past the finish line, steering with one hand as you try and stop the rockets on your car, clicking on the screen, grimacing. You'd rather not call Oracle. Last time you did, she tried pulling your social security number on you, only to find a lack of one.
Your heart races in your chest as you press the button again, the rockets only growing stronger, and you groan as you type in a code you had memorized from the Batcave, successfully shutting down the systems on the car, turning it back into a regular vehicle. You don't know who invented that line of code, but god were you thankful that you memorized it. The car eventually slows, and you drift next to the other racers, parking successfully. You step out of the car, leaning on the door as it closes, the blood in your body flushing your skin.
"Moon, are you alright?" Spitfire rushes next to you, hand on your bicep.
"I'm fine." You pull the helmet from your head, meeting eyes with Tim's again. You raise a brow, and you lower your voice to Spitfire. "That girl isn't a girl."
"Drag maybe?"
"No." You mumble, turning to shield your mouth from his eyes. "Undercover cop. Either that or they're a vigilante. They used Batman's card to get in."
"Ah." She frowns. "Are we safe?"
"I'll deal with it if he throws a fit." You stretch your neck, placing your helmet onto the top of your car. "Gotta submit a report later."
"I'm not looking forward to that." Lightwing groans. "Our next race is supposed to be motorbikes."
"Ewwww." Spitfire shudders. "I hate racing those."
"I hope they don't have rocket boosters like on my car today." You shudder.
"Alright, go get your cash prize, girlie." Spitfire smacks your back to send you walking to the podium.
You step over to the makeshift stage, taking the cheque from the announcer, blowing a kiss at the phones as you stare at the blank cheque. Two million was the max, but you were told you'd get to cash out five if you could win the race. You pause, though, when the girl you were staring at earlier makes her way out of the stands and walks over. Spitfire tries stopping her, but she seems to say something that has her quiet as she steps up the podium to meet you. You tilt your head at her.
Tim opens his mouth to speak before you cut him off.
"You know." You pause to wave the announcer off, hooking your arms under her knees to rest your chin on her chest. "You're real hot as a woman, but I'm sure you'd look better as a man."
Tim flushes as you press a kiss to the crown of his head, and you set him on the podium, lips pulled into a pretty smile. Your voice lowers as you rest your chin in the valley of his tits, blinking up at him. You jut out your bottom lip as Tim swallows thickly. Your fingers lace into his hair, nails digging into his scalp gently, blinking slowly, reading his emotions, his expressions, his everything. You look entranced, and Tim almost feels bad that he's here undercover and you're staring starry-eyed over someone who doesn't exist.
"What's your name, pretty girl?" You raise a brow at her, grinning.
"Caroline." He swallows again, heart racing in his chest. You're too attractive for your own good. Maybe you were using that against him. "Caroline Hill."
"Well, Carrie," You hum, tucking his hair behind his ear. "I think you're gorgeous. Care for a drink sometime?"
"A-as much as I would like to, I'm not into w-women." He stumbles. (A bold lie. He's never had a worse panic over a woman in his life.)
"Quite a shame." You mumble. "You're so pretty too..."
You step down the stage, holding the cheque up as the girls cheer with you.
Tim should really talk to Bruce about what the batmobile was doing in a street racing event.
Though, as Tim tries to run a background check on you, he finds nothing come up. Even in the private files of the batcomputer. Even on the card that gave him access, all the fingerprints were wiped clean. He finds practically nothing, not that it gets to him, he just looks harder. He practically lives in the cave now. He doesn't remember the last day he got regular sleep. He has nothing on you.
So, he shows up at the next race as himself this time. He enters with the same card, and this time, you find him first.
"So? You related to B?" You hand him a can of unopened zesti, and he raises a brow at you. You raise a brow back at him, pointing at his card. "Card. That's a B exclusive card."
"How so?"
"Sponsor card." You smile. "Since it's light grey, that means it's my sponsor. My sponsor is B."
Tim frowns. "Who are you?"
"My question first."
"He's an aquaintance. Now my question." He opens his can, pressing the drink to his lips.
"I'm a racer." You smile.
"I meant as a person." He clicks his tongue.
"Why don't you find out?" You bat your lashes at him prettily, hand pressed to his abdomen, leaning in to blink at him devilishly. "Or are you not into women too?"
Tim's heart races in his ears, swallowing as he tries his best to match your pace. "What does the media say?"
"Lots" You grin, pressing yourself closer to him, arms wrapped around his neck, your air mixed with his, lips pulled into a dangerous smirk. "But all I hear these days is how someone keeps trying to hack my personal information."
"Yeah?" He tilts his head, placing the can to the side.
"Mhm." You hum.
Tim smiles at you, dangerously, all while his mind is a jumbled mess. You had an effect on him that he dared not to pry further into, but god were you intoxicating — bad for his brain even. He finds himself leaning closer to you, all systems going off about how this was bad for him, but he doesn't care. Not when your perfume smells tantalizing and the only thing he wants to do is kiss you sick— make out with you until you're whimpering against his lips, knees giving out under you, and brain fuzzy with only him. His eyes darken with the thoughts, a smile on his face.
You remove your arms from him, tapping his shoulder twice with an innocent smile. "Thanks for giving me the last piece."
Tim raises a brow as you peel yourself from him, his mask in your fingers, smile not so pure anymore.
There was no way.
Tim grabs it back from you as you back up, both hands in the air, and as he shoves it into somewhere you can't touch, you hop over the stands, landing on the dirt with a thud. Tim frowns in frustration as you send a wink his way, starting final check-ups for the race. It's bikes today, and Tim recognizes all of the models. A copy of his own bike is in Spitfire's hand right now. Maybe this was how Bruce figured out whether or not his bike was safe to ride after his own customizations. Jason's bike is in another rider's hands, red helmet with black— presumably Cardinal, and Dick's bike is in Lightwing's hands. You have Bruce's bike still. It checks out now.
This was the testing ground for the vigilante vehicles in Gotham.
The fact that you had figured him out so quickly only meant that you had realized faster than everyone else.
But there had to be a reason that no one part of the team saw the similarities between their vehicles and the ones that the Gotham vigilantes used. There had to be a reason that only you would be crazy enough to figure it out just based on vehicle models. Maybe he could use the status card to talk to you all for a little. Too bad you were already checking the vehicle. He should have asked earlier— strange. It's not like him to be this disoriented.
You win the race.
It's obvious. B's bike was designed with the fastest engine possible, and in a race of pure speed, it would win. No matter how much Tim tinkered with his bike, he wasn't allowed to go faster than Bruce. The man had said it was too dangerous, and Tim could see why. The Batbike was a nightmare to steer at such high speeds. Though, he does wonder where everyone on the track gets their practice. There's never a peak of sound during the day on the track, and neither was there much noise at night when you weren't racing.
Tim does not dig the idea that he has to pull his money card out, but the more competitive part of him does wonder what it would look like to have you fold for him.
"A drink?" He leans over the railing, card held up, raising a brow at you.
You wave him off, handing your helmet to someone else, clicking your tongue.
"That's not the way to ask a pretty woman out on a date, boy." You raise a brow, lips pulled upwards in a grin. "Maybe ask better next time. Some of us have black cards too."
So Tim watches as you leave with the rest of the racers, his heart racing in his chest.
It takes ten more tries for Tim to trace from someone else to you.
He blinks at the woman on the screen, and he pauses to ponder. Perhaps.
However, all of his thoughts are thrown off when a command is called from behind him by Bruce with a new case. A file is handed to him, a file with a rather unoriginal name, and it makes Tim raise a brow. Surely it was a jest.
"I assure you, they are very much real." Bruce rolls his eyes, cowl peeled off, humming with a drink pressed to his lips.
"Is this related to the serial murder of rapists going around in Gotham?" He opens the file.
"Not just Gotham." Bruce hums. "Clark did a report on the serial murder of both registered and unregistered sex offenders in Metropolis as well. It has been a trend. Despite the vigilantism, it is still very much illegal to kill someone."
"I don't see too much of a problem with killing a rapist." Tim presses his coffee to his lips, scanning through the files Bruce hands him. The target seems rather clear. The killer does not regard anyone in the way, knocking everyone out and always only killing the rapist. A maneater. The name given to the murderer was maneater, as if it were some ploy. In some cases, the victims were found with their pants unzipped and an anti-rape condom stuck on them, writhing in pain as they were almost always found dead with poison in their system.
Those who suffered more gruesome deaths... either found castrated with their genitals lying not too far away, or a hole where their heart was supposed to be, the organ missing. It reminds him almost of Heartless, but... that is not the case. This is a vigilante no different from them... just less sparing and guaranteed murder. Now, does Tim solve the case or let the vigilante free...
He does not know what possesses him to ask you of all people, but your response does not help much.
"Moonknight." Tim hums, adjusting his glasses as he puts them on. "May I pick at your brain?"
"Is this about the serial murders?" You wipe the helmet in your hand, cheque tucked safely into your wallet.
Tim nods. "Thoughts?"
"I feel like the murderer's doing us ladies a favor." You shrug. "Think about it."
"I know, but murder is a little..."
"Little hypocritical of you, you know?" You raise a brow. "Must I name your war crimes?"
"No." Tim hums. "Perhaps I should do some digging anyway."
"Wouldn't hurt to have it on file in case you do need it one day." You eye one of the newer men on the track, grinning at Spitfire as she greets him. "Hm?"
Tim's eyes trail up to Spitfire.
Similar build. His glasses indicate the same.
"It's not any of my girls." You crack open the can of soder. "I promise they're clean. B runs background checks on all of us."
Tim mulls over your words.
Yet, he visits you anyway, money piling in his back pocket as you win round after round, small talk rolling off your lips in a sort of practiced way, smile inviting as you turn down his request to grab a drink again, humming quietly as Tim's eyes trail down to the small of your back, brow raised as he notices your shorts peeking out past your pants.
"What does it take for a date with you?"
"Maybe not being part of law enforcement." You hum. "Legal or not."
"Why? Worried I'll turn you in?"
"No..." You trail off, chewing your top lip as you turn your head at Lightwing. "Well, if you save Lightwing from some trouble, I'll consider."
"What's wrong?"
"You see the man talking to her?"
Tim raises a brow and spots another group of men not too far off. "Bingo."
You wink in her direction, and Tim hums.
"Hey big fella. Having fun so far?"
You watch as Tim tears the man apart, Lightwing leaving at one point to stand next to you.
"Really, I don't know what you see in that man."
"Not much." You purse your lips, smiling. "Something tells me he's the one."
"I'm willing to bet that he is not." She mumbles.
Yet, as Tim barely lifts a finger to piss the man off, you grin.
"Oh, he's definitely the one."
Tim runs the information, stalking down the final member of your racing team, matching the majority of information to the final member, brow raised when he realizes that Cardinal was not part of B's files either, hunting the woman down as he searches for her current location, and it makes Tim's stomach churn uncomfortably when he realizes how eerily similar the racer is to the described criminal. The person who was dubbed Cardinal had been face-matched to someone who had entered Metropolis just a little bit before the serial murders. It made Tim nauseous.
"Got any leads?"
"Might be one of the previous racers." Tim grimaces. "Of the race tracks."
"Cardinal? I assure you it is not her."
"Really? There had been rumors—"
"It is not." Bruce mumbles. "You know who Cardinal is. It is not her. They may have similar builds, but it is not her."
"Who is Cardinal?"
"You'll figure it out soon enough."
Bruce's evasion of his question does not help the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach.
You end up with Tim on the date, hair ruffled as he picks you up in his bike, hand held out to you as you take it, humming. It's supposed to be simple. Though, you suppose simple for a Wayne is impossible to determine. You never know what to expect from him. Though, when he pulls you to the local diner, you find it impossible to not know he's the one. It's really too simple.
"Would you tell me about Cardinal?" Tim finally asks you proper questions once the two of you finish ordering.
"Do you think she's the one?" You raise a brow.
"You said your girls are innocent."
"The ones I currently race with." You hum, reaching for the bread on the table.
"And Cardinal?"
"I don't know much about her. She didn't talk much."
"But she was aggressive, no?"
"No." You hum. "She drove into Gotham because she saw something. She also raced her own bike. No one knows who she is."
Tim connects something in his mind, and it sends him back to step one.
"Would you be able to help if I gave you the file?"
"Isn't it just what's available online?"
"One final thing. The killer in Metropolis might be the same person." Tim mumbles. "Thank you."
The food is presented before the two of you, and you stab into your pasta. "I don't think so. Did you track anyone else that entered and exited Metropolis that was a Gothamite?"
Tim shakes his head. "I find it strange."
"Perhaps magic?"
"Not impossible." Tim mumbles. "What do you do in your free time?"
"Tinker." You hum.
"With your bike?"
"No. That's B's property. I tend to tinker with smaller things. It's always fun to build a PC from scratch."
"Ah, you're quite handy with tech." Tim hums, blowing on his pasta. "Anything else?"
"I like watching detective shows." You pause to think. "And racing. I think that's about it. How 'bout you, boy wonder?"
"That's my brother." He laughs dryly.
Tim finds that it's intriguing to talk to you. You know everything that he does, and it seems you know much more than what you let him in on. Dare he say it, perhaps he's met his match.
Tim sends you home and starts patrol. Gotham had become eerily quiet since the murderer had been on the loose.
Though, he has a knack for saying things too early.
A man dies the same day, and B finds his way there with Tim, the two of them sweeping down and kicking the man down, a woman shaking as Tim shields her, holding his cape out, making sure to not look at the way her clothes are ripped up and she's shaking with an intensity unknown to him. He can feel the vibrations of her skin through his cape. The fear is easily contagious had he not known.
"Dead. The poison spread too fast."
The woman doesn't look like she was aware.
"Did you buy the product?" Tim raises a brow, eyes scanning her face for any changes in emotion, and she shakes her head.
"I... a-a friend got me o-one on because—" She gasps, shoulders trembling still. "I-it saved her life."
"Do you know where she bought it?"
The woman shakes her head. "Th-they were giving them out on the streets a while back. It's been m-months."
"May we take one back?"
B shakes his head. "Gordon is coming. We will decide then. Oracle?"
Oracle has no intel either, and Tim wonders just how far this murderer is willing to go. If he just let them kill all the rapists in Gotham, then it would result in a number of the population as gone. If he checked them, perhaps the offenders in Gotham would assume they are protected by B — which truly could not be further from the truth.
"Where are you living? I will take you back." Tim catches a figure in the corner of his eye.
The man shakes his head.
"I-I'll be fine." She mumbles. "May I borrow a... clothes?"
B nods, and Tim hands the woman to him as he takes a good look at the man on the ground.
Familiar. He looks familiar.
The scan from his mask indicates the same. The man who had been talking to Spitfire at the tracks. It was the man who had been talking to her. Some clicks in the back of Tim's mind, his fingers pressing to the silicone, pressing the dirt and grime to the back of his glove to check for DNA.
Just the shaking woman.
"B, I need one of them." He speaks firmer this time. "There has to be some unidentified DNA on one of them."
"There are in one of the files on our computer. It was sent this afternoon." B hums. "The police are arriving. Come on."
Tim doesn't need to be told twice, yet he lingers, eyes trailing on the woman as he waits.
One of the policemen is an unregistered sex offender.
He clicks on his mask as he zooms in, a dark figure flying out of the alleyway at the man, and Tim watches as a claw digs into the man's genitals, ripping off with a sound that shakes the walls, followed by a guttural scream. The policemen shoot at the figure, but they don't react, only retreating back into the walls, seemingly unhurt by the bullets.
"Oracle, did you catch that?"
"No face was detected."
"How about figure?"
"Non-human." Oracle mumbles. "I can't identify anything."
"Tsk." Tim clicks his tongue.
"Though, it has to be a shadow ability. Perhaps something adjacent to it. They're gone, right?"
Tim hums into the mic. "Affirmative."
Tim ignores the way the shadow shapes weirdly underneath his feet.
"You can come out." He taps the corner of his mask for reinforcements, taking a step back into the moon as the shadow forms, a smile of white forming into a human.
"Can you—"
"Neither. All indications of sex are missing."
Their voice is nothing short of horrifying to him.
"I caught a bird." It grins, and as Tim takes a step back, he finds that his other foot has a shadow warping around his ankle.
"Who are you?"
"We are the night." It sings. "We are the darkness..."
Tim knows what's next.
"We are... vengeance."
"That's rather cringe, don't ya think?" Tim raises a brow.
A batarang flies from behind him, and the shadows only create a hole for the weapon to fly through. The shadow splits into two people, and Tim smiles.
"Ah ah," The one on the left shakes its hand. "We were promised... freedom."
"Only where you belong." Batman shines a flashlight at the creature, and Tim watches as it retreats back into the shadows, his ankle free. "And you. Next time, just shine the flashlight."
"Are they weak?" Tim raises a brow. "Just to light?"
"It stuns." Batman nods.
"Go track the leftovers on your ankle back in the cave."
"Will do." Tim pauses before he goes. "Is it an alien?"
"No. Something worse."
Tim does NOT know what could be worse than an alien. (He lies. He does.)
The DNA tracks too many women to count. One shows up and then the next, and eventually, Tim has at least twenty women pulled up on his screen, all pronounced dead after being found used and discarded. It is horrifying. Tim may not understand just how terrifying it is to be a woman, but as he finds children, he seems to understand just how disgusting this is. Girl after girl, woman after woman, every last one of them were used and discarded bare for the world to see, photographed and made a case study out of — all who met their unfortunate end and their rapists never see the end of their life the same way they did.
It is disgusting, but something else is discovered.
He does not remember if it is something new, but it seems strange. It is not a shadow, but rather a composition of human souls forced to merge into an unrecognizable shape. It is science, not an alien, and Tim understands why it is worse. It is an unfortunate victim and not an alien. It is someone who had been forced to change into something unloveable. He wonders if the souls of the unfortunate make up the shadows.
Ah. If they are shadows...
Tim turns around as the shadows form a human again, shorter than he is, apple of its cheeks soft and gentle. A girl. It is a girl this time; not a woman.
"Are you a victim?"
It does not answer him.
"Tim? Tim, do you hear me? Red!"
"It has not attacked yet." Tim answers. "How many of you are there?"
The child does not respond, holding up one finger, and then two, and three, and eventually there are too many fingers sticking out of the hand that Tim had lost count.
"What's the deal?"
"I matched the DNA." Tim swallows. "I won't hurt you, but please—"
The shadow dissolves, and Tim lets out a breath, staring at the faces plastered across the screen of the Batcave.
"Oracle." His voice goes quiet. "They are all victims of... The computer just keeps going."
Eventually, B returns, staring at the wall of faces Tim left, finding the man in his room, glasses on as he stares at his PC, case file after case file being read, news article after news article. There is more than one soul occupying the shadows, and Tim reads one after the other of how they were murdered. Stabbed, strangled, shot, mangled, burned. None of the souls were able to escape death at the hands of their rapist. It was sickening.
"It is not a human." Tim speaks, staring at Bruce at the door. "We can not arrest it."
"Is it humanoid?"
"No. It is a shadow of vengeance."
"There has to be a way to stop it from collecting more souls."
Tim closes his eyes, brows furrowed as he sighs.
"And if I do not want to?"
"I know." He mumbles, exhaustion written all over his face. "How will we destroy the remaining souls?"
"How many women were identified?"
"There are currently twenty seven." Tim mumbles. "There may be even less if more of the men die."
"The vengeance of a ghost." Bruce mumbles. "Just find a way to stop the addition of souls. Surely, someone is collecting souls and adding them."
Tim finally closes his eyes when the sun starts peeking over the horizon.
"Sorry." Tim shows up to your meetup place, eyebags extra bad, and you raise a brow at him.
"Something up?"
"What would you do if someone was collecting the souls of the victims of rape and kill and turning them into a shadow of some sort to let them have vengeance on their rapist?"
"Wow, what a loaded question." You mumble.
"Thoughts?" Tim closes his eyes to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Feel free to ignore it if not—"
"I mean... it makes sense." You hum. "Is it scientifically immoral? Yes. Is it in some way morally correct? Perhaps. Their lives were taken and their souls haunt the earth because they are still held down by things they could not resolve while they were alive. Perhaps to the living, they are a monster, but to the dead? to the dead, they are a savior."
Tim pauses to think. "Should the person be punished?"
"Under the law? Sure."
"How about according to yourself?"
"No." You mumble. "If I was raped like that, I would love to ruin the life of the man who ruined mine. I heard a police officer got his dick ripped off. Is he still alive?"
"Alive." Tim nods. "Vitals are stable, but he can no longer procreate... obviously."
"Deserved, maybe. I heard he got off with only two months of jail time after the initial trial."
Tim does not answer, pausing to mull over the case.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out." You stand up, stretching your legs. "Shall we get something to eat?"
"You have food by here?"
"No, but since you brought your bike, I can take us somewhere."
"It better not be the diner from last time."
It is NOT the diner from last time
Instead, Tim finds himself seated outside of a Batburger place, thanking you as you hand him his order, clear view of the alleyway.
"This place is a little..."
"It's where a lot of drug trades happen." You hum, staring at the alleyway behind him. "Also where a lot of sex trafficking occurs."
"Ah, right." He mumbles. "Red Hood manages that, no?"
"Not as much." You bite into the burger, humming happily. "Sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting."
"I think the burgers and shake could fix me."
You raise a brow.
"As much as it can try, of course."
"Nah, I have those days too." You hum. "Did you find much on the souls?"
"I just wonder if they are decreasing after extracting revenge on their former rapist." Tim mumbles.
"I heard somewhere they started off in the fifties." You hum, continuing with your burger.
"...fifties? Where did you even hear that?"
"Rumor gets around quickest at the racetrack." You mumble. "Cardinal kept closely with the news. Apparently the figure was as large as a human at one point."
"Is twenty souls not enough to form a full grown woman?"
"Perhaps it picks a child for other reasons." You reach for a fry. "Am I being of much help, mister detective?"
"Somewhat." Tim pauses when he hears rustling behind him. "...May I?"
"Careful, they carry stun guns."
Tim nods, leaving you alone, and you click on your phone as you watch Red Robin swing in, kicking and freeing the poor girl, handing her off to the police as you stare at the two men knocked out. Tim had overestimated just one thing.
From behind, a spike of darkness pieces through the men's hearts, killing them on the spot as Tim holds a hand over the eyes of the woman.
Dead. The two men are dead.
The shadow forms behind them, three young women who look no older than the one that Tim is covering the eyes of.
"How many of you are left?"
This time, the shadow forms a 24.
The number is going down.
So, Tim reports the findings to Bruce, changing out of his suit to get back to you, nodding as he sits down and sighs.
"Sorry, stomach died."
"Nah, don't worry about it." You sip on your shake, humming. "Duty calls."
"Are you racing sometime soon?"
"I think B's trying to have us race less lately." You hum. "I won't be racing for some time. The only reason we raced so often a while back was because there were so many upgrades being implemented."
"So you have more free time?"
"Yeah." You hum. "I was thinking of traveling."
"Where to?"
Tim knows something you don't. The gentle taps of your painted nails omit some eerie sense of death, and it seems that no matter how much Tim likes you and feels fine around you, it is impossible to ignore that eerie sense of death. It reminds him of the first time he met you, stare of a thousand souls. Yet, it seems that...
"You're rather pretty." He hums, pressing his napkin to his cheeks. "Is it not normal to stare a little?"
"Oh, look at you and your smooth words." You hum.
"I mean them." Tim stares at you.
You only give him a weak look.
You don't seem to believe Tim when he says you're everything.
And maybe at some point in time, Tim had realized that your words swayed him harder than they need to. He does not know when he had ended up so deep with his fingers and hands stained with a passion for you, but as it drags him under, he finds that it's fine. Maybe you were just destined for him in some way. If he would be dragged under, then he would simply find a way to clear it out. He enjoys the sensation of drowning in you. Maybe he is just weak for you.
"Do you love me?" You tilt your head, milkshake straw on your lips as Tim sorts through his files.
Tim stares at you, pushing his glasses up. "Why?"
"Curious." You hum. "You've brought me to your place, after all. Isn't this the nice little boat you got with your boyfriend? I remember the media going insane."
"Perhaps." Tim mumbles. "I brought you here to help me with the case, though. I don't think love is the right word for what we feel towards each other right now."
"Mm." You nod slowly, picking up some papers. "The number went down?"
"Yes. The two men who were killed resulted in three less entities in the shadow." Tim mumbles. "I just wonder if the number is going to increase."
"You wouldn't want it to, huh?" You hum.
"Prefferably no." Tim pauses. "Though, I suppose if the entity is acting on its own, then I can not do much to stop it. Someone is letting the souls merge into the shadows."
"If it's just cells, shouldn't it be the act of a human? That must mean they have some sort of way of accessing the victims' bodies."
"That would be the case, but a further search indicated that they were not picking up the cells, but rather just souls. I don't know when we got an upgrade to be able to locate souls, but—"
"It was probably when you tried cloning your best friend." You don't bother letting him finish the sentence.
Your statement freaks Tim out.
"H-how the hell do you know?!"
"B." You puff out your cheeks, continuing with reading the file.
B does NOT have that information open to just anyone to access.
Yet, Tim shuts his mouth, continuing with the file, taking the chance to seal your fingerprint. He runs the match while you continue checking, and he ends up in a dead end again. You do not exist in the database. Your fingerprint is not a real person. Surely there was a chance that you were not quite human either.
"Just how cautious are you?"
"Very." You hum. "My fingerprint won't show up."
"What gives you the boldness to say that?"
"A gamble." You hum. "I race for B. Surely, he would not do something as cruel as that."
"He is consistently paranoid."
"That does not matter." You click your tongue. "He could not hold me down if he tried."
Tim senses that there is a certain level of untruth to your words, but he can not say just what it is.
Three days later, four more men are found dead by the docks. Tim checks them with the police, Oracle's voice in his ear as he observes them. All three have had their hearts pierced through, a gaping hole left behind. Tim looks to the side at the shadows brewing beneath the water, and he observes that the number shown is four less than before.
"These men have to be part of an organization."
"They are." Oracle notes. "Human trafficking. These are the men who are part of a human trafficking specifically for sex workers."
"So... rapists."
"Did we ever get a number on them?"
Tim nods at the police as they arrive, grappling away.
Maybe he's committing a sin by letting the shadow get away with the murders. It would be impossible to hold them down, but he wonders if he should ever shine a light on them when they kill.
Back at the cave, the young girl emerges again, smiling at Tim as he raises a brow.
"Twenty." The voice speaks, much younger this time.
"Are you all children?"
The widening of the smile indicates a yes.
"How old were you?" He holds his hand out for the shadow.
His question goes ignored, the shadow disappearing as B returns to the cave.
"The number of shadows decreased again." Tim stares at B as he undresses.
"How do you know the shadows aren't lying?"
"Here." Tim shows B the newest scan of the souls, and the number has shrunk.
"How did you scan it?"
"I do not know. We hadn't been able to scan based on soul previously."
Bruce clicks on the computer, eyes focusing on the application, taking over as Tim sits to the side. He looks further, digging into the code as he pauses and points at a line.
"The racer?"
Bruce reads the code, and Tim follows, pausing.
"She's a computer system?"
"No, but you probably scanned some system in when you ran her through the system the first time."
"Just what is she?"
"I don't ask questions, and neither does she. Just a worker."
"Alright." Tim mumbles. But the issue was you do ask questions. You ask plenty of questions and each one brings you closer than the last. He had already lost his identity to you because of your charm. Perhaps Bruce was not far off. Though, if Tim could not find you, then Bruce probably could not either.
The next time he meets up with you, you finally let him into your apartment.
"Oh, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you love me." Tim hums. "What brings you to invite me here?"
"No, I didn't feel like going out today." You shut the door behind him. "Pizza's on the counter."
"Where are the others?"
"Racing." You hum.
"I thought you said there weren't any races?"
Tim finds that you're a liar.
Somewhere down in the place he's been pulled to, he finds that there is endless amounts of darkness, something brooding behind your soul as you talk to him, smile on your face. You called him the one, but if you were the one, he wouldn't feel so turbulent. Shaking waters. The water he's been pulled under is unmoving and serene, only in the middle of the sea, making the peace eerie rather than soothing. Rather than the liquid moving, he finds that he's spinning further and further down.
"I'm not racing for the time being." You hum. "The others are racing with their own bikes."
"Do you not own one?"
You shake your head. "I prefer other forms of transportation."
Tim raises a brow but doesn't question it.
Even when the two of you are tangled under your sheets and he listens to your heartbeat, the sense of uneasiness doesn't leave. You are too perfect. Even if you were to drag him down with you, he would only know how to hold onto you and not swim. Maybe this is his end. Unless you free him, he fears he will be stuck with you forever. Drawn to the beating of your heart, Tim is stuck being in love with you for the rest of his life. If you would drag him into the depths of your world and ruin his life, then so be it. As long as neither of you cross the line, neither of you would be hurt.
"Would you like to race?"
You raise a brow at Tim.
"Once in a lifetime." He offers.
"On the track?"
"We can race during the day." He hums.
"Not a day person."
"Then at sunrise."
You pause to think about it.
"If that's what you want."
"You make it sound like it's something I want to do." Tim whispers, chin resting on your chest as it rises and falls.
"Is it not?" You run your fingers through his hair, vibrations of your voice making him purr.
When Tim wakes in the morning, Oracle sends him a news article. Ten men found dead at the docks. Ten men were killed, and Tim can only wonder how many of the shadows found peace from their deaths. Though, as your fingers scratch at his scalp again, he could worry about it later. He'd rather not stir up deep waters.
"Ten died?"
"Mhm." Tim closes his eyes, mumbling. "Ten men."
"From the same organization?"
Tim is too tired to consider how you would know all the men are from the same organization when it has not been disclosed to the public.
"You seem to know much more than you let on."
"Of course I do." You hum. "But I won't race you until you find out."
"Then give me a month." He mumbles, eyes closing as he drifts back to sleep. You're warm, and for the first time in a while, he gets some rest.
The next race Tim goes to, he notices Spitfire and Lightwing are missing.
You tilt your head at Tim from the track, waving as he waves back, lips curled upwards in a gentle smile.
He refuses to meet the truth.
There is some sense of security that lies in playing stupid, eyes closed and fingers reaching out into a void of nothingness, knowing that as long as he did not know, he would be safe. Yet, there is always the nagging in the back of his mind, uncertain about his future, uncertain about what would happen if he continued to play dumb. He knows he'll get called out for it by Steph soon, but it really... he was only a fool in love. He can not do something so terrible to his heart.
Even as you bring back the trophy and greet Tim with a thrashing kiss against his lips, breath hot against his as he tries to ignore the truth of the world beneath his feet embedded into the shadows, he knows that he can only play stupid for so long. Soon, this racetrack will become empty, and one day, you too will leave him for the world that he refuses to uncover for his own safety. He loves you, but he can only do so much when he's young and stupid.
"Can I take you back to mine?" Tim whispers, eyes begging quietly as you lick your lips, helmet in your hand as you confirm with a kiss.
The gentle rocking of Tim's place is peaceful in the Gotham waters, port comfortable as he pushes back all of his knowledge. It is a curse to be wise, yet Tim finds that there is nothing he can do when he just refuses to. He would choose you even if it meant laying what he had known before down. It pains him to know that he should not, and you would not let him, but he is foolish and young, eyes gentle as he drinks up the way you lay beneath him, the moon coating you in a lovely white as he furrows his brows to forget about it all.
Your skin is soft against Tim's hands, plush of your waist filling the spaces between his fingers as you stretch your arms above your head, eyes half-lidded as he pleases you — himself. It makes no difference. Turbulent waters have long become the place where he finds his rest, eyes half-lidded as he listens to the way you breathe, both beneath him and in the dead of the night. Life becomes slightly more bearable with you around, exhaustion no longer as suffocating as he's used to. Perhaps he loves you or such. Perhaps he does not. Most certainly, he knows he cares.
In the afterglow of sweat and skin, Tim finds that you are no different from him.
"How many of them are left?"
Tim stares outside the window, recalling the last murder in Gotham.
"They're almost gone."
"That's good."
You close your eyes, lashes brushing Tim's neck as you rest your neck over his arm.
"When will we race?"
"I told you. When you find out."
"Find what, exactly?"
You do not answer, closing your eyes and succumbing to exhaustion instead.
Ultimately, Tim knows.
He knows what he's to look for, and he knows just what you might be. It scares him that you might have lied to him for so long, the shadows and souls lurking beneath the surface of the water finally snaking around his ankle and pulling. The big screen in the Batcave is of no help either, only a single person with an obscured soul, and Tim knows deep down that it is yours. You are a victim of the same organization, an amalgamation of vengeful souls all combined together for the sole purpose of seeking vengeance.
Tim stares at the shadow forming behind him, digits dropping by the day as he reports to Bruce about just what was happening in Gotham. The moral code to prevent murder is strong, but the understanding that a few lives of a few criminals for the cost of a safer Gotham was not a world-ending trade-off. Tim understands that much, at the very least. He knows Bruce does too. In a world where neither of them have to work against human trafficking as hard as previously, Tim finds that the waters are both comforting and vicious. He can not be touched in the warmth of your skin, but others will die from the toxin that he is immune to.
So, as Tim crosses off the final ones in the list of souls, he texts to let you know that the organization has been wiped, asking you which sunrise would work best for you.
You refuse to pick a time during the day because you are afraid of being burnt.
You do not exist in the database because you are not quite human.
You exist because you are someone's hatred and memories, manifesting in the form of the shadows and risking a life you do not have in order to see what is worth living for, vehicles meaning nothing to you as you speed through the racetrack at night, only Aquastar left next to you as she too disappears into the shadows after all the guests leave. There are barely any guests now that Tim looks. Perhaps more than half of them had been tired souls, begging for some sort of help, seeking refuge in the way you would risk your life for some sort of power above the law.
You are home to the souls, regardless of whether they are alive or dead. If someone seeks death, they reach for your arms, holding their hands around your shoulders as you stare past their skin, into the depths of the darkness beyond — something Tim is terrified of touching, Yet, with the feeling of your skin memorized between his fingers, he knows why people go to you to look for something.
You are so living yet so dead.
There is comfort only you can provide.
You meet Tim at the racetrack, sitting on your bike as Tim drives in past the gates. The darkness in your soul has grown lighter. Something has changed from when he first met you. You are still so lovely in his eyes, yet it seems that you can not be together in a case like this. It is a shame. At least he gets to race you, popping off his helmet as he notices how empty the stands are compared to when you used to race. The end of your need in Gotham has arrived, and the end of your services to WE has ended as well. There will be no more of you one day in the future, and Tim knows that one day, he too will be cursed to forget everything about you.
The people are gone.
The racers are gone.
And perhaps after this race, you will be too.
You enable the speaker, fingers clicking on the screen at the podium, giving the two of you a twenty-minute warmup.
Tim wonders just how fast he can go. He watches you from the side as you warm up your bike and drive, speeding around the track with practice that can only come from muscle memory. Yet, he drives around the track and gradually speeds up, trying to get a hand on how to race around. Tim finds that he's a little rusty, making several more rounds around the track as you sit on the side, clicking on your phone and scrolling through. Tim does not know how to bring it up.
"What does the winner get?" You look up from your phone, hopping on your bike as you wait for the countdown.
"Whatever the winner wishes."
"That's quite the bet." You hum, staring up at the light as Tim gets ready.
"Of course."
You start your bike, speeding past Tim as the light shows green, Tim tight behind you as he catches up to you. You wonder and think, leaning to the side as the bike follows, letting Tim pass you as you trail behind him. Tim finishes the first lap relatively quickly, and he realizes that you've fallen back a significant amount. He's unsure whether or not to speed up, but as he finishes his second lap, he finds that you're still far behind.
You cut him from the left, successfully stopping Tim from hitting a wall.
Tim speeds up to chase after you, wondering when you had the time to cut him off.
Yet, the end is evident, your bike parked at the end after your third lap, a grin on your face as he stares at you.
The souls are gone, and you look so, so lonely.
The lights shut as the two of you sit by the podium, tablet in your hand as you kick your legs, and you finally speak up.
"I know you found out."
Tim grimaces. "...why?"
You stare at Tim, peeling back your jacket, throwing it at him as he stares at you, watching as your eyes turn pitch black, shadows forming underneath your skin and turning the entire podium dark, some sort of ancient power creeping up your hands to your forearms, darkness evident in every blink at him, lips curled up into an apologetic smile, and Tim feels the water surrounding him drain all at once. If he would not leave you, then you would leave him. You would force him out of the comfort of your waters, knowing that it would drown him one day.
"The shadow moves with you." Tim stares at you, swallowing thickly. "There is only one victim left. We both know who it is."
You stare at Tim, lips curling upwards as he remembers why your smile started looking so familiar at one point.
"You are the last." Tim picks his words carefully. "Are you a shadow?"
"No. Just a medium. I am very much alive." You smile.
"Who are you waiting to kill?"
"No one." You hum. "I am alive because I must hold onto the shadows for the next ones seeking vengeance."
"You are the source."
You ignore him.
"Are you human?"
You blink at him again, ignoring him once more. "Luckily, it seems the victims have lessened lately."
"Why had there been so many at once?"
"There was an organization." You rock on your heels, lips curled upwards. "Everyone in the organization has been wiped. No fret. They alone resulted in over fifty deaths of women after they reached the age threshold."
"The youngest was ten."
"And the oldest?"
"Most of them were killed once they turned 21." You hum. "Occasionally, if someone looked young enough, they would be killed later, but the majority of them were killed at 21."
"How many souls were there initially?"
"Well over a thousand." You hum.
"And only you are left."
"Why play savior?"
"Why not?" You grin. "I have done nothing but host the poor souls. That does not warrant for my arrest."
Tim knows there is an argument against it, but he does not think too hard.
"Next time a soul finds you, notify me. Send me an invite to your race."
"You know, Tim." You hum. "B no longer needs me."
"Will you be gone?"
"Very much so."
"To where?"
You do not tell him.
"Write to me." He speaks again.
You shake your head.
"I can not."
"Why not?"
"Send me some flowers when you see me on the news. That is my wish."
Tim tries to not think too much about your final words to him. You left the next morning, morphed shadows in the city leaving with you, and Tim finds that soon, almost everyone forgets you had ever existed. You had come and gone, shadow of death leaving with you, but he finds that occasionally on the news, he hears word about a new racer, gender unidentifiable, face consistently hidden, only known by their speed. You have become a criminal under the law, racing between the crevices of cities, fake trophy after fake trophy taken home, death following wherever you went, sex trafficking decreasing whenever you rested at night.
Tim tries not to follow you all that much, but when you show up on camera on accident, your home is raided and you are killed on sight by the same men who had killed so many others.
It hurts Tim in the head, eyes closed as he tries his best to not think too much about your death and how you had known all this time, but it would forever haunt him. He still remembers the way the waves would rock gently underneath the moonlight when he was engulfed by you, eyes always tired but comfort always found, knowing that you would be his rest when he needed it. So, for him to see you dead on the news, he finds that perhaps he was just cursed to not be able to hold onto you — that he was destined to be stuck in place and watch as you died because you had made a minor mistake. A mistake that would not have cost his life, but cost yours instead.
Yet, he honors your promise, white chrysanthemums placed at your grave as he holds onto the umbrella, humming quietly. The rain splatters gently against the plastic, quiet drumming calming him as he stares at the carving on the grave. The media had reported this was your place of burial, though Tim did not know if it really was you. He could have only assumed off of the information given, matching your age slightly, and he wonders if there is some sort of universe out there where he would be able to just stay with you.
"Here to see her too?" A masked woman steps next to Tim.
"Yes. I promised I would send flowers once she showed up on the news."
"How lovely of you." The woman hums, placing down a blue lotus.
"Did... you know her?"
"I knew her quite well."
Tim stares down at his flowers, finally looking up at the woman.
"It's such a shame, huh? That she would die to the very organization that she had been working to take care of."
"Well, perhaps she had just understood what it meant to live when she died." You turn to Tim, pulling down your mask as you wait for it to register in his head. "What do you think, Ca—"
You don't get to finish your words before Tim wraps his arms around you with closed eyes.
"I love you too, boy wonder."
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dreamgelic · 1 year
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ig: nailedbyvalz
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firstwcman · 3 months
lilith's style swings all over the place, from elegant and sensually dark to cozy and ✨ whimsical ✨
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yoinked from here, here, here, here and here.
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miidnighters · 3 months
@pohlepen said " before you say anything, it wasn't me. "
It certainly looked suspicious, but Bella's focus wasn't on the man on the ground. Instead, she stepped close to Frankie, cupping the other's face tenderly, tilting it gently as if for inspection.
"I don't care if it was. Did he hurt you?"
If he had, it was a good thing he was already dead. Whatever Frankie might have done was nothing in comparison to what Bella would do.
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glacialswordsman · 4 days
" you know ... you are kinda hot when you get mad . " they grin , leaning forward to rest their head against the top of their hands. had they been trying to egg him on during the meeting out of boredom ? possibly . can you blame them ? as much as they liked being stationed out in mondstadt it get get a bit boring . " even if that anger is pointed at me, currently. " ( teehee :3 )
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“… You little rat,” Kaeya hissed as he glared daggers at the Harbinger sitting across from him. They were in his office now, seated at his desk, after the Cavalry Captain stormed out of the meeting room once everything was adjourned. The two had gotten into one of their arguments again in front of their colleagues, the debates between him and Childe never ceasing to be heated and intense.
He wasn’t blind to Lisa’s stupid little smirks, though, or the way the Harbinger seemed to push his buttons further on purpose.
“I knew you were doing that shit on purpose.”
With a heavy sigh, Kaeya leaned back in his seat, resting his cheek upon his fist while his elbow propped up against the armrest. “Shame on me for allowing you to get under my skin,” he grumbled, continuing to scowl at the smug ginger. However, after taking a deep breath, his expression eased up and instead gave way to a smile. Something so saccharine, something so alluring.
Something so dangerous.
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“If that’s how you’d like to play, then we can play,” he coos, standing up from his seat and rounding his desk. Coming before the Harbinger, he lowered himself after dragging a finger up from under their chin, before bringing himself close to their ear and whispering, “I refuse to give you any more satisfaction. Stew in your frustration.”
Pressing a featherlight, teasing kiss to their ear, he gave their lobe a little nip. He pulled away after a moment and gave them another smile, until he kicked their seat and sent them tumbling off it. With a content hum, he turned and left them alone in his office.
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idyllcy · 1 year
baby, you can find me under the lights
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word count: 9.1k
warnings: slow burn, mentions of drugs
summary: Ah, it feels good to be loved.
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Hard. This is. Hard.
Jaime stumbles over his words as Khaji Da warns him for his spike in heartbeat, his head spinning as you stare up at him, blinking owlishly. You look pretty. Seriously, you look gorgeous. He's stumbling over his words just to ask you where his building was. It wasn't even as if he was asking for your number! Seriously, do people like you even exist—
You tilt your head at him, blinking.
asking you to repeat yourself.
nevermind. you do.
"Ah, uh, dios mio—" He pauses. "do you know where the school of biology is? It's my first day here, and—"
You point at the building on the other side, and Jaime sighs. "Oh my god. I'm stupid, so sorry—"
You wave your hand dismissively, smile on your face.
smile holds no menace. seeming to say 'me too'
"Thank you, but really—"
You raise a brow at him.
"Not you. Well, thank you, yes, but not the latter part." He sighs. "I've had a long morning."
You wave bye to him as you rush off into the building.
"Is she mute?"
no signs of vocal cord damage
"So she just." Jaime glances down at his watch, cursing as he realizes he's about to be late to class. "I'll ignore it. Put a tab on her."
got it. unusually high levels of dopamine and adrenaline detected in bloodstream.
"Ignore it." Jaime mumbles. "I just think she's cute."
In retrospect, Jaime has no idea why he would need to keep a tab on you, but he finds it especially helpful when he's met face to face with who the scarab calls you, except it's not really you, it's some person with flamboyant makeup drawn over their face, and Khaji Da insists it's you. All Jaime can notice is how you're a metahuman, a voice as honeyed as a siren's. He shakes his head to try and break free of your voice.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" You tilt your head at him, setting him down as you soar back to the supervillain. His jaw stays open before he closes it, realizing the situation.
a metahuman
"Well, I can't have her fight alone, can I?" Jaime sighs as his armor clasps on, flying next to you, lending you a hand as he blocks a punch. "Having trouble?"
"Appreciate the help." You smile, landing a kick to the villain's face, stepping on it as you send him into the ground. The back of your heel causes a crack to ring and the man's face to cave in, and Jaime stares, eyes wide as Khaji Da tells him that the man's alive and has a high chance of survival. "Are you visiting? Does my city owe a member of the Justice League something?"
"No," Jaime shakes his head. "I... I live here now. I just moved."
"You... alright." You mumble. "For all I know, you could be moving here for retirement."
"Hey, I am not that old." Jaime gasps. "I'm—"
Khaji Da stops him before he can reveal his age. A smarter choice. Jaime really needs to fix his blurting problem.
You raise a brow at him, leaning closer, tilting your head. "You're...?"
"Uh, top secret information." He smiles, trying his best to focus on your face and not the way you were practically sticking on him. It was bad enough that he thought you were cute. He did not need another reason for being head over heels in love with you. Seriously, he's not the type for love at first sight, what kind of witchery do you have?!
You huff, leaning back. "Alright. You do you."
"Are there many villains here?"
"Not really. Just pigface here." You point at the man under you. "Though, you'll probably bring in your fair share of supervillains, huh?"
"I don't have that many."
"Still have some." You hum. "Alright. See you around, beetle boy. I wouldn't recommend sticking around. The police kinda hate us."
Jaime looks at the unconscious man as you fly. "Wait, do we—"
The police arrive as he's cut off, and he races off himself. He did not want a bullet shot at him, but he also did not want to deal with the police so early on in a new city. That could be saved for some time that wasn't right now.
Besides, he has his bio seminar to get to. Seriously, what is with him and arriving late to class?
Turns out, Jaime bumps into you much more than he thinks is coincidental.
First, the two of you bump into each other at the cafeteria, then the two of you meet at the library, then at the gym, and then you share a building at the dorms? Seriously, what is with the two of you and meeting? At this point he might as well call one of you a stalker, and it is most certainly not him. He doesn't think it's you either, especially with how unnerved you are while bumping into him. All you do is wave hello with a small smile and head the other way. Seriously, he was looking creepy. You were cute, he did NOT want to be scaring you off before he could even befriend you. Besides, it's not like his body is— it's... Khaji Da, isn't it.
"¿hermano, la estás acosando?" Jaime mumbles to the scarab. boy, are you stalking her?
I don't know what you're talking about
"'kay, can we cut it down? Seriously, I'd like to not see her every day."
I thought you liked her.
"Thinking someone is cute does not equate to liking them." He groans, swiping his student ID to get his lunch.
I am simply creating more opportunities for the two of you to meet
"Can you not control my body for something like this?" He takes his salad, running a hand through his hair as he crashes into someone. "Oh, I am sosorry—"
You blink up at him, shaking your head.
she says it's fine
"Are you sure? Let me know if I can do anything to make it up to you, really." Jaime nods.
You wave your hand, dismissing him as you head upstairs to find an empty table.
increased heart rate detected
"Oh, dios, please be quiet." Jaime rushes out of the cafeteria, embarrassment all over his face, cheeks flushed with blood.
As he reaches his dorm, he hears the sound of something going off almost comically, and he freezes. Didn't you mention that there weren't many supervillains other than the guy that was arrested recently? Come on.
The cafeteria you were just at. No signs of human damage. The girl is fighting.
Jaime sets his salad down, opening the window, and jumping out, his suit sending him straight to the cafeteria, blasting a piece of wood out of the way as your hand finds itself around the man's throat as Jaime sets down next to you.
"I thought you said there weren't many supervillains here?" Jaime's arm shifts into a taser as he presses it to the man, knocking him out.
"But plenty of frustrated college students." You smile at him. "this one tried bombing the building."
Jaime blinks.
heartbeat steady. Not lying.
"What's your name, by the way?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, beetle boy." You roll your eyes.
"Do you not have a name?"
You tilt your head at him. "And if I do?"
"Why won't you tell me?"
"Who knows. Maybe you'll commit identity fraud." You smile, tapping his chest twice. "Though, you seem a little too tall to steal my identity."
"I won't, so could I please know the name of the partner I'll be working with to fight crime?" Jaime holds his hand out for you, leaning down slightly to stare at you.
"Kinda hard to tell sincerity through those gorgeous yellow eyes of yours, beetle." You give him your hand anyway, shaking it. "Unidentified. Though, the police like calling me Euterpe."
"Like the greek muse?"
"Yeah. In charge of music and stuff." You shrug. "You're just blue beetle because of the suit, huh?"
"Yeah." He pauses. "Are the police coming?"
"They always are." You hum. "Two minutes, maybe."
"How do they know when you don't call?"
"I don't need to." You tilt your head slightly. You point at the students outside the building that Jaime had passed. "They do."
"Are you the school mascot or something?"
"Time's up." You smile. "Alright beetle boy, time to get going."
You speed off into the air as Jaime chases after you. "You didn't answer my question!"
"You have a lot of questions for someone who's just arrived." You come to an abrupt stop as Jaime freezes into place.
"Seriously, how has the Justice League not cataloged you? They sent me a list of everyone in the city and—"
"God, B's just as crazy as I remember him being." You grimace. "I'm not on the catalog— too secretive for his liking. B would really rather not catalog me."
"Why's that."
You pause. "I have a handful of mutant genes instead of just one. Weird superpowers come with all of them. If you really want my file, go find Red Robin at the Titans' tower. He ran a whole sampling of my DNA and everything. The Titans Archive has my file."
"Why doesn't Batman have it?"
"Mm..." You pause. "No time?"
"That man is retired. You have to have a better explanation than just that."
"Can we take it to the dorms? I'm at the point where I think you know who I am anyway." You sigh. "You keep bumping into me on a campus this big. You're practically stalking me."
"I'm not—"
"You're going to have to prove that to me. I see you everywhere." You sigh. "I have a single complex, come on."
"Did you win the lottery?"
"You can do a lot with a voice like mine." You drop onto the roof, suit coming off as you do.
"How'd you get that off?"
"Illusion magic."
"Seriously, you're practically a green lantern." He grimaces. "Or a magician."
"Your suit just came off too, you know?" You raise a brow, swiping your ID. "Does the beetle do that? Can I see the beetle?"
"Next thing I know you'll be asking me to strip for you." Jaime jokes.
"Oh, well, not that I'd be against that, but—" You shut up when you pass a student.
"At least you have a filter." He mumbles.
"How old are you anyway? I was going to ask if you were a fourth year, but from the way you don't know where the bio building is, there's no way you are." You glance at the signs.
"First year."
"Oh, so like, fresh out of high school?"
"No, I took a gap year." he hums. "Now I'm trying to finish college and get into dental school."
"Oooh, big dreams." You mumble. "I'll let you practice on me when you're in dental school."
"It isn't cosmetology, you know?"
"Eh." You shrug. Your keys materialize in your hand as you unlock the door to your dorm. "The fake teeth can only last you for so long. Welcome to my dorm."
"What kind of luck do you have?"
"I told you. My voice." You smile. "Would you like to see it in action? Have the scarab read my lips for you. You'll need earplugs. What's your Starbucks order?"
"A cappuccino. Wh-what are you doing?" Jaime chases after you as you step out of your apartment again, knocking on the door across the hall. You toss him earplugs with a wink, knocking on your neighbor's door. Jaime puts them in as he watches you.
"What?" A guy opens the door, visibly annoyed.
Your lips part, sickly sweet words spilling down your tongue, and Khaji Da speaks.
"could you get me a grande cappuccino and sweetened peach green tea from the Starbucks downstairs? Set it by my door and knock when you finish, please?" You bat your lashes at him twice, and the guy blinks back.
Jaime watches in shock as something glazes over the guy's eyes and he nods at you, heading inside and coming out with his phone in hand, locking his door as he heads down the hall.
"That's one of my abilities." You smile. You reach for the plugs in his ears, and he flinches back slightly, pulling them out himself. "Sorry. Am I too much?"
"It's really hard to have a normal heartbeat around someone like you."
"Honored you would think of me as hot." You smile. "Do you want anything to eat? I cook."
"You got tamales?"
"Oh, I do! I just dropped by one of the cultural clubs' president's house, and she came back with a bag of them. I just don't know how to cook them. Care to help?" You rummage through your freezer, brows furrowed. "Here. Yeah?"
Jaime holds his hand out for you to hand it to him, and he hums. "You got a steamer?"
"Top cabinet on the left of the stove." You hum.
"Do they make you pay utilities here?"
"No." You hum. "Which is why I keep the lights and AC on the entire day. I only turn off the lights in my room when I sleep."
"How much... is it a year?"
You visibly freeze, closing the fridge. "I'd rather not discuss that."
"A lot?"
"I don't look at the bill when I send all of it as fake invoices to Wayne Enterprises." You laugh awkwardly, pulling the steamer out.
warning: rapid heart rate increase.
"Yes, Khaji, I know." He mumbles through his teeth.
"No, not you." He smiles. "How do I put this? I have a scarab in my back."
"Oh, I know." You smile. "It's pretty... visible when you're at the gym. there's like a huge bump on your back."
"You look at me at the gym?!"
"Hard not to when your back muscles look like that. You got a routine I can follow?" You wiggle your brows jokingly.
"Um, lifting seven hundred pounds worth of metal when a skyscraper falls over."
"Oh, I don't need to do that." You shrug. "I just tell the metal to get out of the way."
"Your voice works on more than just humans?"
You puff your cheeks, looking to the side. "Yes?"
"Do you have like, some cosmic control over the universe or something?"
"I could pull a my little pony princess celestia and tell the sun to go down right now." You bat your lashes innocently.
Jaime blinks owlishly, fear in the back of his mind, confusion on his face. You can what. What in the Mary Sue self insert is that voice of yours? It was like God himself made you extra special, even down to the genetics. A metahuman could have powers that strong? Though, how did you even discover that you could make the sun set? Something else snaps at the thought of your voice being so powerful. Can you command... food to cook?
"Couldn't you just cook the tamales with your voice?"
"I've never really tried that." You pause. "I don't know what works and doesn't work, I just know that I can make the sun set and moon rise."
You ignore him, pulling out a tamale. "Cook, please?"
You toss it in the air as it gets hot instantly, and before Jaime can react, Khaji Da is sending his body to grab a plate and catch the tamale. You blink as Jaime catches it (just barely) and the two of you exhale in relief as Jaime sets the plate down. You blink at the bag and then at the piping hot tamale on the plate, jaw-dropping.
"I never have to cook ever again." You mumble. "Oh my god... this is a revelation. This is so much easier than I ever thought it'd be."
"Though, it might be better to cook it on a plate next time." Jaime mumbles, setting the plate down.
burn detected on left hand.
Jaime grabs your wrist, unfolding your hand as he stares at the wound. "It's hurt."
"Oh, I can just—"
"Do you want me to wrap it for you?" Jaime stares at you, eyes gentle, and your heart soars. Holy fuck he's cute. Yeah, screw the voice thing, he's wrapping it up for you. You're gonna take advantage of this. God, you're going to combust. Holy shit, was someone allowed to look this cute? You need to go outside and touch grass, holy shit.
"Y-yeah! Sure!" You blink, eyes wide. "Please. Thank you. I'll uh, give me a second." You stare at the cabinet. "Open, please."
The cabinet door opens.
"First aid kit, land on the counter, please?"
The kit lands, and you call to close the cabinet as there's a knock on the door. Jaime lets go of your hand, turning to go to the door.
"I'll get i—" You place a hand on Jaime's shoulder, shaking your head.
"Stay, please."
Jaime finds himself stuck in place as you open the door, a smile on your face as you take the drinks.
"Do you need anything else?" It's the same guy as before.
"Nope." You smile. "Thank you."
Jaime watches as the man's eyes return to normal, a confused look on his face as he raises a brow at you.
"Should, I, uh, pay you back for the drinks? How much was it?" You blink prettily at him, and Jaime's heart stops when the guy waves you off.
heart rate quickened. indicated attraction to her.
Holy fuck, were you using pretty privilege on your flatmate?
He leaves eventually, and you place the drinks on the counter. "A hot cappuccino during summer?"
"There's AC in your dorm." Jaime mumbles. "Did you use pretty privilege on him?"
"Oh, silly boy." You laugh. "Everyone thinks I'm the most attractive person ever."
"How?" Jaime tries moving, realizing you had put him in place. "Can I be freed?"
"Thank you for staying still." You smile.
"You don't want a tamale?" He opens the first-aid kit, pulling out the bandages and gauze.
"After I burned myself? I'd rather not." You wince as Jaime disinfects the burn.
"How'd you manage to burn yourself?"
"Erm... not sure!" You hum. "but I cooked the tamale."
"Let's cook it the normal way next time." Jaime mumbles. "You want me to cook anything?"
"Can you cook?"
"Yes, most definitely." Jaime wraps your wound gently, brows pulled into a worried frown. "worked at my tía's diner over summer during my gap year."
"Wow, sounds fun." You hum.
"You ever worked?"
"No." You mumble. "My work is my superhero business. I have a gofundme to help. You'd be surprised at how long of a way a little fanservice goes. Can you just boil me some soft eggs?"
"Runny yolk?"
"Semi." You hum. "I have a sauce in the fridge to marinate the eggs in. Thank you."
"Do you enjoy cooking? You have every single sauce and spice I can imagine." Jaime rummages through your cabinet. "Also, what did you mean earlier by everyone thinks you're the most attractive person ever?"
"Beauty is subjective— yeah, I like cooking— so if I tell myself that I want to be the prettiest person in the world, then everyone sees me slightly differently. It's a little manipulative, but it gets the job done." You mumble.
"What about the creeps?"
"I can fight." You hum.
"Is there a reason you need to come off as that way?"
"Only when I'm in suit." You hum. "I look perfectly plain when I'm out of the superhero face."
"And what's this fanservice of yours?"
You smile, your cheeks pulling up but your eyes unchanged. "My onlyfans is linked on my twitter."
Jaime chokes as he turns off the sink, neck-snapping to look at you. "W-what?"
"That was a joke." You hum. "It's just a gofundme. I'm... I'm close with a good number of fans. It's like Superman, you catch my drift?"
"He does have a good relationship with the citizens of Metropolis."
"Yeah, and Batman's hated by all." You snort. "That's a joke. Gotham would kill for that man."
"They would?"
"Ask a Gothamite what they think about Batman and you get an annoyed grunt, but lasso them with the lasso of truth, and they'll admit that they're actually grateful for the man." You lean on the palm of your head. "Thank you for making me the most attractive person ever."
Nothing changes for Jaime as he blinks at you. He blinks a couple more times at you, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him, but you look the exact same. The realization causes a smile to break onto his face slowly, eyes warm and affectionate as he looks at you. You're already pretty to him. How beautiful.
"So? You like how I look?"
"You look the same." Jaime hums, jumping when the water nearly boils over, opening the cap as he places the eggs in. "shit."
You laugh, chest flushed with warmth, shy smile on your lips. Your chest feels overwhelmingly full, like a piece of it that had been lost was returned to you, making you whole again. God, he can't just say that to you and expect you to not fall for him. You grimace inwardly. Falling at the slight sign of affection. How classic of you. Though, your chest is warm, and that was always a good feeling to have. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He blinks at you.
increasing heart rate—
"Please, not now." He hisses.
"Does the beetle speak?"
"To me." Jaime mumbles. "He's like a voice in my head."
"Could I suggest putting an earbud in to pretend you're on the phone so you don't look insane?"
Jaime pauses. "Huh. I've never considered that."
"Yeah." You mumble. "It gets people off your ass."
"How come you don't speak when you're walking around?" He raises a brow. "I thought you were mute until the scarab identified you as the hero."
You shrug. "It's easier."
"Easier for what?"
You shrug. "People don't talk to you much when you don't speak."
"Do you want me to peel the eggs for you?" Jaime lifts the pot into the sink.
"Oh, no, it's fine. Thank you." You hum, getting out of the seat. You wave him off as you pour the water out, focusing on the eggs. "Peel the shell off cleanly, please."
The eggshells detach perfectly, and you open your fridge, pulling out the sauce.
"Are you in any clubs?"
"Acapella Choir and Writer's United." You mumble. "I also hang out with the kids in musical theater."
"I forgot that was a major here."
"We're a surprisingly art-oriented school for one with such a good stem program." You seal the container again, putting it in the fridge. "Clean yourselves, please."
The dishes turn clean with a swirl, and you place them in the dish machine to dry.
"What's the magic word?" Jaime raises a brow.
You smile. "Can't say it."
"Why not?"
"Then it'll come true." You hum. "I think you've listened enough times for it."
"How come you don't fight crime with it?" He hums. "Your voice would do wonders."
You hum. "It wears my voice out."
"Do you speak to your professors?"
"Yeah?" You raise a brow.
"But you don't speak to students?"
"I speak when necessary." You shrug.
"So telling me where the bio building wasn't necessary?"
"No." You sigh. "Of course not. Oh, right. I never learned your civilian name. I can't just keep calling you beetle boy."
"Jaime. Jaime Reyes." He holds his hand out for you, and you take it, your own name spilling past your lips.
Jaime finds that you're not as much of a red flag as you came off as. You bump into him every now and then, nodding as you do, and then you rush off for your classes. Jaime only ever gets to speak to you while on duty, wrestling the criminals to the ground as you knock them out. He doesn't get to speak to you very much— the police have gotten much faster with arriving at the scene of the crime. Usually, by the time he's chased after you, you've already detransformed and gone to class. Seriously, your schedule is appalling. How many units are you even taking?
"Alright, I know you're in there. Come on, open up." Jaime knocks on your door for the nth time, and you finally, finally open it, sighing at him.
"What do you want?"
"To hang out? Seriously, I haven't made any friends since coming here other than you, and that's only because you and I fight crime together!"
"That does not sound like a me problem." You deadpan.
"I brought tea."
"Oh, why didn't you start with that?" You open the door fully, letting Jaime in. "I'll let you chill for a bit, but I have somewhere to go in a little."
"Where? It's 7pm on a Tuesday." He sets the tea on the counter, raising a brow.
"Frat party starts at 8 but you're technically supposed to get there starting 9. No one ever goes on time." You hum. "Did you want to stay the night?"
"No. That'd be a little..." He pauses. "Mami raised a man better than that."
You bark out a laugh. "That's sweet. Thank your mom for that, please. Not many women end up with such sweethearts of children."
"Are you calling me a sweetheart?" Jaime grins.
"Mm, sure." You hum. "Much better than half of the men on campus, that's for sure."
"Why are you going to a frat party?"
"For the vibes." You hum. "I also got news that something was going to happen there, so you gotta be prepared, you know? It's halfway across campus."
"Should I go?"
"If you want." You hum. "Give me a sec, I'll move everything to the island."
"Do you need help?" He cranes his neck as you disappear into the corridor.
"I'll be fine." You call.
Jaime watches as you move a bag and mirror onto the table, and he watches in silence as you start your makeup.
spike of dopamine in bloodstream. hermano, do something. ask her out.
"No!" Jaime hisses. "she's going to think it's creepy!"
"What's creepy?" You raise a brow at him, amusement on your lips.
"Nothing! Khaji is speaking." Jaime avoids your eyes.
"Is that the beetle's name?" You go back to the makeup.
You hum back, finishing with your makeup, pausing.
"Couldn't you have the magic do it?"
"Yeah, but," You sigh. "it only knows how to do my hero look."
"It's taught?"
"I can make it copy images on a screen, but I dont have that many products to work off of." You hum. "You want me to do your makeup?"
"I'm good." Jaime mumbles. "Is a frat party even safe?"
"Depends on the person. Is it icky? Yes. Is it fun to feel individualization in a crowd of strangers? Also yes." You hum.
"Don't you get hit on if you..." He pauses. "no. you're not in costume."
"I sure am going to get hit on if I transform, though." You hum. "It's happened before. They like spiking poison or toxins in frat party drinks. Can Khaji Da scan water for toxins?"
"He said yes." Jaime mumbles.
"Then go with me?" You smile at him awkwardly. "Please? Maybe you'll make friends there too. Hm? Didn't you come in complaining about how you didn't know anyone here?"
Jaime sighs. "I'm not drinking, though."
"Oh, yeah. Your boundaries still matter, obviously." You pause. "Don't Mexican families throw huge parties and drink there?"
"Sorry, let me rephrase that. I'm not drinking frat house beverages." Jaime corrects himself. "Someone's saliva could be in it for all I know."
"'kay, yeah, that makes sense." You mumble. "Are you just going to go in that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Mm." You think for a moment, staring at Jaime. "You know what. Yeah. The shirt's fine. Unbutton two buttons and you'll be fine."
"Do you need me to do it?" You raise a brow. "They won't let you in if you look too formal, but they also won't let you in if you look too casual. Well, that's a lie. They'd let you in if you were in a tank top, but since you can't... at least try and look like a frat boy."
"I'm hurt." Jaime scoffs as you step close to him.
"Can I?"
"Do what you must."
You reach a hand into his hair, messing it up first, blinking slowly at his face. Jaime holds his breath as you're practically stuck on him, chest pressed to his, and he swears his heartbeat is scarily quick right now. He stares down at your eyes as you stare at his hair, fingers pulling gently to mess it up more than it was. In fact, he should be—
warning: quickened heart beat.
There it is.
Jaime curses under his breath, and you stop, blinking up at him as he leans back.
"That's the scarab. My heart's beating too fast." He avoids your gaze again, looking up at the ceiling.
"So like, a defense mechanism?" You tilt your head. "Can I... unbutton your shirt slightly?"
"Yeah, uh, sure." He holds his breath as you slide it open slightly, freezing in place when you stare at his chest for a little too long. "You alright?"
"Yeah." You mumble, pulling away, hiding your face. "Yeah. I'm fine. God."
detected increased heart rate.
"You sure?" He tilts his head to get a better look at you, noticing your skin has flushed darker. Ah. So you were flustered too.
"You wanna go?" You finally speak up. "We should get going. It's across town."
"We can fly there. Well, you can."
"I'm not flying for a frat party."
"And you'll walk?"
"At least I won't be drunk." You mumble. "Besides, I can just sleep on one of the benches here. At least we don't have anti-homeless architecture on this campus."
"What's with all the crime on campus anyway?"
"Oh, you didn't know? Everyone here is tied into crime in some way." You smile, opening your fridge. "there's correlation between creativity and sociopathic tendencies, after all."
Jaime blinks slowly. "What."
stable heart beat. Not lying.
"Heros end up desensitized too." You pull out the whipped cream, squirting it right into your mouth as you swallow. You lick your lips as you set the bottle back into the fridge."Come on."
The school is shaped more and more like a prison, Jaime thinks. The architecture is shooting proof, and all the windows are bulletproof. He wasn't sure if it was because of safety worries or the amount of crime. The school wasn't known for crime, so it was a little strange being told that petty crime was common in the school. Well, maybe it was. It's probably less than whatever's going on in Gotham anyway.
"Is... petty crime common here?" Jaime winces at how uncertain he sounds.
"It's..." You pause. "It's not that common, actually. It just seems that ever since you came, our crime rate has gone up."
"Pinning the blame on me?" Jaime fakes offense.
"Yeah." You joke. "Any plans on how to make friends?"
"Any tips?"
"Find the people who are in the corner." You mumble. "Or something. I don't know. Get to know people over drinks. Just have the beetle scan the drinks for anything bad for you."
"What should I not touch?"
"The punch. The beer is usually fine. The beer tends to be canned."
"And the vodka?"
"It's alright. I take a shot of punch for liquid confidence, though." You hum. "But today I can't. I'll just have to shoot straight vodka."
"Or you could just, not drink?"
You shrug, getting to the door of the house, a guy greeting you.
"Ay! You're back!" He grins.
You grin back. "I brought a friend today. That's alright, right?"
"For you, sugarlips? Always."
You lick your lips, winking as you step into the house, Jaime in tow, his hand in yours.
half of the people here's bloodstream have high concentration of alcohol already. beware.
"Got it." Jaime mumbles, following behind you as you squeeze through the crowd. He gets a couple of looks, raised brows in interest and flirty winks. He wonders if you get this often too. Well, if you came and went looking like that, then surely you would. Maybe that's why everyone calls you a nickname. Jaime grows frustrated as he thinks of it. Did you have someone else?
"Sugarlips!" A guy wraps an arm around your shoulder, smiling. "Come back for more?"
"Brought a friend today." You point at Jaime.
The guy doesn't even bother looking at Jaime. "Your boy?"
"Not quite." You smile. "Hands off of him, though. You wouldn't mind telling the girlies that, would you?"
"No worries." He gives you a wink. "Should I tell the boys to keep their hands off too?"
Jaime nods at you, squeezing your hand gently.
"Please." you lick your lips, a smile on your face.
"Watch the punch for me, will you? Don't want anyone drugging it."
"We'll watch the punch." You nod.
"Of course, sugar." He laughs, nodding at Jaime as he heads back into the crowd.
"Well?" You tilt your head at Jaime as he stares at the punch.
Stick your finger in it for more thorough analysis. I can't tell anything without contact.
"Need a cup."
You grab a red solo cup, scoop the drink without the ladle and hand it to him. Jaime blinks twice at the liquid before giving up. Oh well, it's a frat party. What can he do about it?
"Is it always this messy?" Jaime sticks his finger in, waiting for the analysis.
"Occasionally it's worse." You hum. "So? Did you find anything?"
Unknown aphrodisiac toxin detected. Rohypnol drug detected. Liquid alcohol content 37%.
"Rophynol and an unknown aphrodisiac." Jaime repeats. "Alcohol content is 37%."
"Remove the flunitrazepam from the punch, please." You mumble quietly, the water swirling slowly from people's drinks. The powder hangs in the air as you open a plastic bag. "put the flunitrazepam into the bag, please." The powder swirls into the bag, and Jaime watches as you tuck it into your pocket. The crowd of people with drinks don't notice at all, not even when something bubbles out of their drinks.
"Then?" He raises a brow.
"Go have fun." You hum, flicking the cap off of the vodka. "Or have Khaji Da scan the people to figure out who decided to put the date rape drug in the punch, but not my problem." You pour yourself a shot. "I already figured it out when I walked in."
You tilt your head as you watch the vodka pour into the glass, eyes glistening as you do, eyes gentle and tired, and Jaime finds something in your eyes. He's not quite sure what it is, the spotty lights in the living room painting your skin different colors, but there's something about you, he supposes. Even in the way he takes your outfit in, finally, staring too hard at your face. Reds and greens dance across it, leading down to your shoulder. Something glistening on your arm catches his attention.
"You have powder on your shoulder." He reaches to wipe it. "who was it?"
"It's fine." You brush him off, putting the vodka back on the table. "Want a shot?"
Jaime furrows his brows, your name slipping past his lips. "who was it?"
Your name sounds like honey coming from him as you down the shot. God, you were down bad.
"Seriously, who is it?" Jaime knows at this point, only one person had touched your shoulder, but he wants to hear it from your mouth.
"Guy who had his hand on my shoulder. That's why he asked me to guard the drinks. Be right back." You smile at him, slipping into the crowd, going to find the girl he had his hands on.
Jaime tries following after you but loses you in the crowd, grimacing. You were probably looking for the guy who drugged everyone. "Khaji. Find her."
upstairs bedroom second on the left.
Jaime squeezes past the crowd to try and find you. If the guy was capable of drugging the punch, then god knows what he was capable of doing to you if you went alone. Sure, you can fight, but what if something does happen? He didn't want you getting hurt, even if he knew you could fight without a problem.
sounds like you like the girl
"Khaji, can you please," He slams the door open, staring as you have the man on the ground, heel pressed on his windpipe, the girl still unconscious on the bed. Jaime lets out a breath in relief as he steps over to you, Spanish spilling past his lips before he can think too much. "gracias a dios. ¿mi vida, qué demonios estás haciendo? ¡No huyas solo!" thank god. my life, what are you doing? Don't run off by yourself!
You blink in surprise as he breaks into scolding in Spanish, grabbing you by the arms, tilting your head to get a proper look for any bruises that could have landed on you, cursing you out for running off on your own, and you blink trying to keeping up with his words. At some point you press a hand over his mouth, pointing down at the man under you. Jaime follows your finger, remembering that you're stepping on a man's neck. You... crazy. Only you. He hears Khaji Da laugh in his head.
"We've really got a knack for speaking when you have a man's throat under your foot, huh?" Jaime mumbles, furrowing his brows. "Let him go."
"You called me mi vida." You press your chest to his, staring at him, batting your lashes. The pet name sends blood rushing to your head, drunk on the way it sounded so sweet falling from his lips. Did he mean it? Did he mean it when he called you his life? "Did you mean it?"
"It slipped out."
from your unconscious maybe.
"Khaji, shut up." Jaime hisses, face impossibly flushed. "Get off the man before he dies."
You step off of him, the man long passed out.
"Is he still breathing?"
breathing: stable
Jaime exhales quietly.
"So? Mi vida?" You smile cheekily, pointing at yourself. "Am I tu vida?"
Jaime tries avoiding the topic. You're a little tipsy right now. "You literally had a single shot. How are you already–"
blood alcohol content from breath: .06
"Seriously?!" Jaime grimaces as you stare up at him, expecting an answer, cheeks puffed out and frown on his face. "Will you get off of me if I say yes?"
"Depends if you're being honest." You grin, pressing your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Push me off if you're uncomfortable."
"Seriously, you're drunk. You're probably not even conscious of half of the stuff you're doing." Jaime peels you from him, throwing you over his shoulder.
"EEK!! I'm being carried like a sack of potatoes!" You shriek, laughing. The alcohol is really messing with your brain. "I'll stay in the room. Go call for the guy at the door we greeted earlier. He'll know how to deal with this."
"I thought frathouses let things like this slide?" He sets you down on the bed next to the girl.
"Not this one. Especially not when he actually planned on doing something." You beam at him, eyes closed, lips quirked upward. "So, could you?"
"If you say the magic word." He tilts his head. He could have a little fun with you.
"That would make it a command." You mumble. "How about something I can give you? Go make a friend downstairs. Give him a friend, p—"
Jaime presses his hand to your mouth. "I don't need the help, thank you."
You blink slowly at him, licking his palm.
"Where'd you even learn that?!" He pulls his had away with a grimace.
"Go get the guy at the door." You groan. "I want to leave if you aren't going to make any friends."
"I'll take you home and then come back to make some friends if you really want me to." Jaime mumbles.
"It'll be too late by then. The police are coming soon."
"Noise complaints." You shrug. "They break up around 1 or 2 am, so it'll be soon."
"It's been that long?!"
"Go get the guy from the door!" You land in the bed with a thud, sighing. "God, before I kiss you or something. Hurry up."
"Huh?" Jaime freezes in his tracts, turning around to stare at you.
"Don't you wanna know why they call me sugarlips?" You pout, resting your pinky on your bottom lip as you jut it out. You pull it down with a pop, blood rushing to Jaime's head as you do. He needs to leave before he does something to you. God, his self-control could only last him so long.
"That's definitely the alcohol talking." Jaime mumbles frantically, shutting the door behind him. His ears and face feel eerily warm despite being sober.
Ugh, you were a force to be reckoned with.
He hauls you out eventually, flying you to the dorm instead of walking, worried that you'd get hit on, even as he unlocks the door with his ID, you mumble quietly, half-asleep, half-conscious.
"Wake up. I don't know where your key is." Jaime shakes you gently. "Come on."
"Call me mi vida again." You whisper.
He complies, setting you down, a hand around your waist for support. "Mi vida, get your key, will you?"
You fish out the key, unlocking the dorm room. "Wanna stay the night?"
"I'm two floors down. It's fine." He mumbles.
key replication made
"What." Jaime freezes at Khaji's update. "excuse me?"
"Hm?" You raise a brow, door half-open.
"Not you. Shower and go to sleep when you get in." He sighs. "Yeah?"
"Can I have a goodbye ki—"
Jaime shoves you into your dorm, slamming the door closed as he holds it in place, heart racing, cheeks flushed, lips parted as he desperately tries to catch his breath. God. You are such a force to be reckoned with. He's going to get a heart attack with you around sometime. You're twice as bad when you're drunk. But hell did he want to kiss you. Too bad you were drunk. He couldn't think of taking advantage of you like that, even if you were the one who asked.
Jaime makes a mental note to keep you away from alcohol next time.
The next time you see Jaime, the two of you are actually fighting someone again. Your suit is on, your voice stopping the metal from slamming onto the civilians as you evacuate them. Jaime focuses on the man himself, hand transforming into a blaster as he shoots at the villain. Didn't you say most of the crime was minuscule in comparison with other cities? Well, this was minuscule compared to how many beetles he's fought because of who he was. At least there weren't other beetles in the city.
"I thought you said there weren't supervillains in this city!" He yells at you, voice coming out altered.
"They don't come often!" You yell, turning your attention to the metal. "Fall, please."
The metal slams down onto the ground as you tackle Jaime out of the way.
"Why did you let it fall?!"
"I can't hold things up for too long my throat hurts!" You shriek, turning to face the floating criminal." Pass out, right now, please!"
The supervillain drops on the ground with a thud, and you exhale, faceplanting into Jaime's suit with a sigh. You stay there for a couple of seconds, catching your breath, groaning as you finally sit up straight. Jaime can feel the plush of your skin despite the suit's barrier, and it is not something to feel while the adrenaline after a fight dissolves in his system.
"It was that easy!?" He rests on his arms, suit scanning the unconscious criminal.
"My throat hurts." You mumble, walking over to where the criminal was passed out. "Two minutes until police come."
"I'll fly you." He sits up with you, linking his arms behind your back and under your legs, wings fluttering as he soars into the sky. "Who pays reparation fees?"
"Taxes." You cough. "Ow."
"Stop talking!"
"Stop asking me questions— heUG." You reach to grab your throat, grimacing.
"Alright. Stop talking until we can figure out how to get your voice back without killing you." He groans. "At this point we might as well live on the dorm roof."
You grimace.
"Was your throat damaged when we met the first day?"
You shake your head.
"Oh, so you just hated me."
You lunge at him, annoyed.
initiating rough translation... "Are you crazy!? Do you know how much energy it takes to knock a supervillain out with my voice? You think I'm superman?! I didn't hate you the first day, I just didn't think it was worth the effort!"
"Don't lunge at me while I'm flying!" Jaime shrieks, nearly dropping you as he lands on the roof with a crash. "I didn't know! I can't analyze your entire genetic structure just from looking at you, you know?!"
"would you like to see me naked, then?"
"NO!" Jaime yells, leaning back as you shift on his lap. "Dios, now everyone's going to know that I landed on the roof. Hurry up on back to your place now."
"Jaime, pretty boy."
"What?" He tries to ignore the way the back of his head rushes with warmth at the pet name.
"I can't detransform without my voice."
Jaime freezes in place, blinking at you slowly as he lunges to grab you by the shoulders. "Speak. Detransform right now—"
"I CAN'T."
"You know," Jaime pauses. "I'm impressed that you can tell, Khaji. How are you reading her body language so well?"
unlike you, I have been observing her body language. she is a suitable person for you to date.
"WHAT." Jaime chokes, coughing to get the spit caught in his throat out. You jolt as he rests his head on your chest, coughing profusely.
Jaime, I need to see her in order to translate. Though, her heartbeat is abnormally fast.
Jaime looks up at you, where you're looking down at him, lips parted in embarrassment, eyes wide with confusion, skin flushed with warmth. Jaime probably doesn't look much better under the suit right now, his own heart fighting to break through his ribcage. You're just... so pretty. He stares at you a little too hard, eyes drinking in your figure, forgetting how close you are to him.
"Can I kiss you?"
That cuts Jaime out of his thoughts as he leans away from you. "I did not need to hear you ask if you could kiss me with the scarab's voice."
You blink at him owlishly, mischief dancing in your eyes.
"No." He answers. "Not with Khaji's voice asking me."
"will you go on a d—"
You grin at him cheekily, scooching close to press yourself to his chest again. You rest your cheek on his chest, lips curling upward as you bat your lashes. You like messing with him, he finds.
"Then my own?" Your lips pull further up, and Jaime swallows while staring at your lips.
"You didn't lose your voice?" He stumbles over himself as you blink.
"Not quite. It hurt for a bit, but my self-healing ability is quite impressive too. So?" You hum. "Can I?"
"Yeah, sure, mi vida," He mumbles, the helmet on his head coming off as he presses his lips to yours, lashes fluttering as your body arches to sink into him. His hand wraps around your wrist as he leans a little more in to get a better taste of your lips, another hand moving to the back of your head, tilting it as he stares at you through his lashes. He understands your nickname now, your lips do taste sweet, even when you haven't downed whipped cream. Ugh, he could spend eternity just making out with you, slowly, gently, without a care in the world. He pulls gently on your hair, leaning further in as he licks your bottom lip, exhaling more as his tongue darts past your pretty lips into your mouth. Your hand moves to press on his chest, whimpering as he tugs on your hair a little too hard.
You're just so pretty to him.
He lets out a sigh of satisfaction as you pull away for air, lips parted, eyes glazed over, a strand of saliva connecting your mouths.
Jaime reaches to wipe the saliva from your mouth with his thumb, smiling gently as he does.
God. Shit. He's in love with you.
unusually high levels of dopamine and adrenaline detected in bloodstream. quickened heartbeat warning.
"Can I kiss you again?" Jaime whispers.
"Yeah." You whisper back, smiling so hard your eyes crinkle.
Fingers in your hair and lips slotted against yours, Jaime thinks this is heaven for him. Even as the two of you have detransformed, still stuck on the roof of the dorms, your hands on his chest as he sinks further into your touch, smiling against your lips as you hum, the vibrations of your chest traveling to his as a pleasant buzz. Jaime closes his eyes all the way, and he only pulls away when you do, the gentle fondness still present in his eyes as he looks at you.
Yeah. That was what this is. Love.
The same love that was present in his mother's eyes, yet different from the love that was for his family. This love was newer— it made his skin crawl and his heart race, but it wasn't unpleasant. He felt giddy and boyish, falling for someone like this— he felt like it was having a first love, your cheeks flushed and ears red, shy glances stolen in a room full of people, only seeing you under the spotlight when other people existed. Jaime wanted to relish in this forever— the feeling of your skin pressed to his, he would stay with you forever if he could— If you'd let him.
"So?" You smile. "Know why now?"
Jaime pauses to stare at the way the sun shines through your hair and coats you in a glow of gold, his hands still on you as he looks up, a smile on his face. A laugh breaks past his lips at your smile, the happiness from finally having you in his arms sending blood through his body and genuine bliss through his system. Ah. Right. This was heaven to him— to have you in his arms and a smile on his face, the sun not even as bright as the way your eyes crinkle while looking at him, adoring him to the ends of the earth. Ah, it feels good to be loved.
"Mm..." Jaime hums playfully. "Maybe I'll know if you kiss me again."
"God, I think I just unleashed a monster."
"Your fault for being so irresistable, mi vida." He goes back to your lips, humming happily as he does.
Your relationship doesn't change much at first. The two of you are exclusive, yes, but neither of you have put a label on the relationship. Other than the making out in your dorm and occasionally while fighting, not much has really changed. You both have your classes, and you both have things that you are busy with. You wonder if you guys are just friends with benefits, then. Though, judging from the way Jaime looked at you, there was no way the guy thought you both were just friends.
Then, Jaime starts bringing food over to your dorm, clinging onto you while the two of you huddle on the couch with a movie playing in the background. You find yourself in his arms as you listen to his heartbeat at night, and suddenly the single dorm is a double, Jaime squished on your bed next to you, sprawled out with an arm around you lovingly as the two of you sleep. You're... definitely not friends with benefits. You're practically dating, huh?
"I'm here!" Jaime calls from the door, holding a bag of takeout with a bouquet in the other arm.
"What is it today?" You take the flowers from him with a smile.
"Bart visited today." He hums. "Said there was a good bagel place downtown he visited before."
"Ooh." You mumble. "Did you try it?"
"No, but I ordered something I figured you'd like." He takes out the boxes, sliding yours to you, smile on his face.
"Jaime, can I call you mi amor?" You tilt your head.
"You can call me whatever you want, mi vida." He hums. "Just you."
"Khaji, shush." He hisses at the beetle.
You open the takeout box, grinning at the bagel. "We should make this here."
"We should." He hums. "You'd probably make a better one too."
"Should have Bart judge it." You chew on the bagel, pausing. "Are we... dating?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?" Jaime pauses. "Oh. I forgot to ask you out, huh? Wait, I can prepare something nice and then as—"
"Jaime, go out with me?" You tilt your head, smile crinkling your eyes, your cheeks pulled upward with a foolish grin.
"Yes." he breathes. "Yes, mi vida. Forever and always, it's a yes."
You hum, pulling a flower out of the bouquet and tucking it behind his ear. "There. Now we're actually dating."
"Mi vida." He spins your chair to face him, arms gripping both sides, smile on his face. "Can I have a kiss?"
"For you? Always yes." You set the bagel down, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Though, I probably taste like bagel right now."
"You always taste good." Jaime mumbles, pressing his lips to yours.
And it's gentle, the way that Jaime loves. He presses his fingers into your skin and wraps his arms around you, relishing in the warmth you give him, and to him, you can do no wrong. Even if you make mistakes, he's there for you, slowly, gently, always there to anchor and weigh you down. You'll do the same for him, fingers threading through his hair, skin warm on his, a smile and voice reserved for him.
and god did Jaime love you for it.
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armafidelium · 9 months
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" I always wondered... worm though...? "
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dreamgelic · 1 year
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ig: nstyynails
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botanikos · 2 months
I've been thinking about it, and I have so much anxiety for Stolas in the future. Mostly because while he is currently experiencing heartache and grieving, what was/could have been between him and Blitz, it's survivable. Is it pleasant? No. Painless? Also, no. But he will live through it. He may not have a great time, and it will be a struggle, but Stolas will manage, just as he had already.
But what he absolutely would not survive is losing Via. While the arrangement with Stella was less than pleasant, Octavia is more than just a Goetia heir. She's his entire world. She is his daughter, his heart, his cosmos. To lose Octavia would be the greatest loss of his entirety, and I do believe it would ruin him. Stolas would do anything for Octavia and is fiercely protective of her. There is always the chance Via wouldn't want to stay with him or that she would/could be taken or go her own way.
This fear may be present in some posts, and as such, I will come up with a specific tag set to discern it from others. But for now, I just wanted to get this written down.
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