#「 spit me out like hot wasabi ✵ muse 」
batnotsilver-moved · 4 years
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hey, i'm seriously thinking about moving all my muses on a multimuse blog, would you still be interested in playing with me if i do that?
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starryandr · 5 years
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‣ bold: applicable ‣  italics: somewhat or conditionally applicable ‣  strikethrough: … goes to great lengths to hide it
╳   FLAWS.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | sparring in general | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing
TAGGED BY  :  stolen from @joyfighter
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
can you please do a drabble where Renji is remembering his wild squad 11 style birthday party but then at the end once he finishes his flashback he’s celebrating his birthday in the present with Rukia and Ichika
“This is number 10,” Zaraki informed Renji, beady, bloodshot eye staring into beady, bloodshot eyes. “Not everyone makes it to ten.”
“I would stop after one,” Yumichika made his frowniest frowny face.
“You’re smarter than the rest of us,” Iba replied.
“I am ready,” Renji confirmed, gripping his cup as the Kenpachi filled it with sake from his “special stash.”
Renji had drunk a lot of horrible sake in his time. As it turned out, rotgut from deep North Rukongai had an entirely different flavor profile than the pigswill of his Southern youth. It hit you in the nose, rather than the ears, smelled more like a bog than an armpit, and the unpleasant aftereffects tended to come out the opposite end. On the other hand, bad sake was bad sake, and it was hardly a birthday without it.
“Kampei!” Renji and Zaraki shouted together, and down the hatch it went. Cheers went up around them.
“You’re a good man, Abarai,” Zaraki declared, standing up, and clapping him on the shoulder. “Happy birthday. I’m out. Yachiru! It’s bedtime!”
“Thank you, sir!” Renji hollered, far too loud, as Yachiru abandoned the bowl of wasabi peas she had been mainlining to hop onto the Kenpachi’s shoulder.
“Night, sir!” various members of Squad 11 chorused.
Zaraki was a good captain, Renji mused to himself, drunkenly. He showed up, drank enough to show that he cared, but then he took off, because no one really wanted to get birthday-wasted in front of their boss.
Birthdays at the Eleventh were very thoughtful affairs, in Renji’s opinion. First thing in the morning, you got to have a big public fight with anyone from the squad. Seated officers could choose to fight the big man, which, of course, he had. This year, he had made it 52 seconds, and was feeling very pleased with himself. He was given the rest of the morning off to nap, and then he got to run newb drills all afternoon. And now it was half past booze o’clock. A perfect end to a perfect day.
“I got you your favorite. Happy birthday, loser,” Iba announced, sliding a fizzy blue concoction bristling with fruit on toothpicks down the table.
“Maybe you should give him a chance to catch his breath,” Big Maki suggested. “Zaraki shots are no joke.”
“This is catching my breath,” Renji replied, fishing out a pineapple chunk and eating it. Iba always got him this tropical shit as a joke, and Renji always drank them, absolutely stonefaced, as though curly straws and paper umbrellas were just standard issue drinking equipment. The joke was on Iba, to be honest, these damn things were delicious.
“Where is the birthday booooooy?” a musical voice trilled.
Renji’s head whipped around, which immediately made him very dizzy. He waved his hand enthusiastically.
“Don’t get up,” Yumichika warned, standing and beckoning more staidly. “He’s over here! He’s pretty well soaked already.”
Suddenly, there was a shapely pair of arms wrapped around Renji’s neck, and a more sensuous than necessary kiss pressed into his cheek. “Happy birthday, cute stuff!” Matsumoto said throatily. “That’s a fancy drink, can I have some?”
“Get your own!” Renji crowed cheerfully.
“Ha, ha, I would never,” the lieutenant of the Tenth laughed, sliding into the seat next to him, and then stealing a cherry out of his glass.
“I would not have guessed a bar called ‘Five Fingers of Death’ would serve fruity drinks,” Hisagi Shuuhei, Third Seat of the Ninth added, plopping down on Renji’s other side.
“Shuuhei!” Renji exclaimed.
Ever since he got promoted to Sixth Seat, Yumichika had been trying to get Renji involved in his larger social circle, which mostly orbited around Matsumoto. The fact that it included Hisagi, whom he had known in school, had been a pleasant surprise. He definitely remembered looking up to Hisagi in his youth, but since they had reconnected, Renji was continually struck with how cool the guy was, and also how good-looking.
“Well?” Renji demanded from Shuuhei, with a boldness that came from having enough sake in his gut to pickle a daikon. “Matsumoto paid up. Where’s my birthday present?”
Shuuhei laughed and planted a kiss on his other cheek, before fishing something that might have been a chunk of mango out of the blue monstrosity. Renji felt warm and happy. “Better buy me another drink, Iba,” he hooted, “Everyone’s stealing mine.”
“Buy your own, asshole” Iba rejoined merrily.
“That wasn’t your birthday present, by the way,” Matsumoto replied suggestively.
“Oh?” Renji asked, trying to raise an eyebrow, except that he couldn’t feel most of his face.
“A little bird,” Matsomoto went on, “who went to school with you, told me about a trick you used to do at the bar.”
Renji wracked his brains. He hadn’t done a lot of drinking in his school days, and certainly not a lot of drinking in bars, mostly because he’d been broke all the time.
“It wasn’t at the bar, it was at the gym,” Shuuhei clarified.
Realization hit Renji like a dropped free weight. He slammed his hands palm down on the tabletop excitedly. “Is it Bench Your Friends day?”
“You’re not benching me,” Yumichika immediately declared.
“What’s Bench Your Friends day?” Ikkaku demanded, intrigued.
“Bench press is a very efficient way to work your entire upper body,” Renji explained with the self-perceived gravitas that comes with being sloshed out of your gourd. “Free weights are a better way to build muscle, ‘cause you are responsible for your own balance and stability. Next step up from that, control-wise, is to bench press a person, especially if that person doesn’t particularly want to be bench-pressed.”
“Why would you let him do this to you?” Yumichika grimaced.
“Well, I really just want to see him bench press someone else, but I wouldn’t mind,” Matsumoto mused. “I think I would look very sexy being used as exercise equipment.”
“If you can bench Hisagi, I’ll let you try to bench me!” Ikkaku roared.
“I did not volunteer,” Hisagi pointed out.
“DEAL!” Renji bellowed.
🎉 🍹 💪
Renji blinked, slowly returning to present day reality. “Huh?”
“Pick me UP, Daddy! I want to do a high dive!”
“Alright, alright.”
It took two tries to get up from the lawn chair, but he made it. He took a long stretch, and made a show of flexing his upper arms for his daughter, who was completely unimpressed. Finally, he scooped her up and held her by the hips over his head. “You ready?”
“I am ready!” she announced, holding her arms over her head in a diving position.
“Here we go!” Renji yelled, and lowered her slowly into the rubber inflatable pool that was set up in their backyard. Ichika made a variety of poses on the way down, pointing her toes, making wide, elegant gestures with her arms. “Perfect 10,” Renji announced, when she was sitting in the pool, spitting water in a little fountain. “Do you want to go again?”
“I want to run around.”
“Go, then.”
Ichika leapt to her feet and went tearing, pell-mell around the yard again. Renji flopped back into his lawn chair and plopped his feet back in the pool.
It had been brutally hot all day, but the heat was finally starting to subside as evening came on. Akon had made the pool and brought it over last week for Nemu and Ichika to play in, because evidently, every time he set one up over at the 12th, it got “repurposed.” Renji did not want to know the details. Renji was a big fan of the pool. Ichika had been nominally playing in it all afternoon. Mostly, she was running around in her bathing suit, shouting. Occasionally, she would hurl herself into it, thoroughly splashing her father, and then run off again.
Rukia stepped onto the porch, sliding the door closed behind her with one foot. She’d changed from her shihakushou into a Living World style sundress that left her arms and legs bare. Even after a long day at work, she looked cheerful and gorgeous. Renji smiled fondly at her. After a long afternoon of chasing his toddler around, he was sure he looked like hot, damp dogshit.
Rukia made her way over to him, nimbly dodging Ichika as she serpentined her way around the yard. She held out a glass containing a pale green liquid. It was practically radiating cold. “I have made you,” she said, as Renji took it gratefully from her hand, “a margarita. I followed Uryuu’s directions very carefully and then doubled the alcohol.”
Renji took a sip as Rukia flopped into the lawn chair next to his, and slid her feet gracefully into the pool. “It’s perfect,” he declared. “You’re a genius.”
“Happy birthday,” Rukia said, tipping her head over onto his shoulder. “I’m sorry it wasn’t much.”
“What are you talking about?” Renji grunted. “I got to yell at my squad for 2 hours this morning, like I like. I spent all afternoon digging up worms with my amazing kid, and then my beautiful wife brought me take-out, so I didn’t have to cook. I am way too tired to actually go to the bar, but I don’t have to, because you brought this right to me, here, in my luxury cabana. Another one or two of these and I am definitely gonna be lights out. Can’t think of a more perfect birthday, to be honest.”
“Hmm, if we can get Ichika to go to sleep, I had some ideas for some things that could happen between margaritas number two and three.”
“Oh, really?” Renji asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Suddenly, Ichika crashed into his lap, wet, with bits of grass plastered up her legs. “DADDY!” she yelled. “Is it dessert time! Can we eat the taiyaki Mama brought home now?”
“The what Mama brought home?” he asked, faking surprise.
“Do you remember what a secret is?” Rukia reminded her daughter. “We talked about it?”
“But it’s time to eat them, so they aren’t secret anymore!”
“Yeah, Rukia, obviously,” Renji managed with a perfectly straight face.
“I would call you a traitor, but it’s your birthday, so I will go get you your fish waffles,” Rukia replied, shoving her drink into his free hand and pressing a kiss into the side of his temple.
“I LOVE TAIYAKI!” Ichika sang at the top of her lungs. “I WISH EVERYDAY WAS DADDY’S BIRTHDAAAAAAAAY!”
Renji admired the way his wife’s rear end swayed as she headed back into the house. He contemplated whether he could still drink out of two glasses at the same time, another old bar trick he was once modestly famous for. “Me, too, kid,” he agreed. “Me, too.”
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rockcfellers · 5 years
 /   let  me  introduce  you  to  a  prized  member  of  our   student government   ,   arden rockefeller .  this   cisfemale  virgo   has  been  a  student  at  our  institution for   seven years   and  is  currently  a  21  year  old   junior.   through  the  halls ,   she  has   always  reminded  me  of   danielle rose russell  ,   but  there  is  always  more  than  meets  the  eye ,   like  the  fact  that  she managed to get somene’s admission to cape coral deferred a year for her own benefit .  coral  cape  has  made  their  future  just  as  bright  as  their  smile ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ      (   muse 10 ,  adri ,  19 ,  cst ,  she/her   )
go on, replace me, when you’re craving something sweeter than the words i left in your mouth, go on and spit me out
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NAME — arden olivia rockefeller.
PRONOUNS — she/her.
AGE & DOB — 21 & august 23, 1998.
PLACE OF BIRTH — new york city, new york.
NATIONALITY — american.
MAJOR — psychology & political science.
EDUCATION — cape coral international school.
CLUBS — student government, unicef campus initiative, and lacrosse.
* background overview !
arden is twins with her brother, neels, both first born to this half of the rockefeller generation (he’s older by several minutes, but she’ll never attest to that) they’ve always been kinda close but never attached at the hip.
you know, i honestly feel like she had a fairly decent? childhood? like nothing was really wrong, just that her parents were always busy and never really gave the attention they should’ve to young children. 
she was typically always very bright and cheery to everyone, evoking a “your daughter’s so sweet” from most people she met, which felt like the biggest compliment to her, because it meant that someone thought she was nice even if they disliked the rest of her family for any given reason, kind of like a twisted self worth?
her parents definitely would’ve preferred she did something that seemed more feminine, but arden found a love for kickboxing and later lacrosse, the two sports a great place for her to channel her energy into, letting her mellow out when she’s going through her day to day routine.
arden’s still figuring out how to be both who she’s expected to be and who she wants to be without facing any real repercussions, but hasn’t quite gotten that part down yet.
it was always known she could come to cape coral, considering her family, but she’s lowkey really grateful that she was given the opportunity to study what she wanted where she wanted. 
that being said.... she’s still kinda a bitch. i mean, someone she knew from outside of cape coral wanted to applied and had gotten accepted, but arden had worried that they would interfere from her getting idk maybe a spot in the student government or accepted into her research program etc etc, so she talked to her grandfather and had their admission deferred a year so that her studies wouldn’t be affected.
* personality !
okay so,,,she is New so i’m still working out all the kinks but for the most part, she’s just.. neutral
before, she used to be like aggressively happy and cheery and nice. probably to compensate for the fact that everyone around her just seemed so mean.
she’s always hated being seen as weaker than or less than anyone else, which is partially why she’s taken up lacrosse and boxing, much to her grandfather’s distaste. 
now she’s more focused on herself and is capable of being able to brush off any kind of comment that comes from people she doesn’t feel like directly affect her, which isn’t a great mentality to have but neither is caring too much about what other people think
the part of her that was very kind and viewed life with a sweet naivety is there, but heavily guarded and buried. she just feels like, it’s not something that’ll do her much good rather than leave her looking a mess or fool when someone takes advantage of it.
she’s like,,,the person that isn’t afraid to knock you down a few pegs but will do so with the sweetest smile on her face to really seal the deal. 
she found an interest in politics, actually hating the way things were run but really enjoying finding out why people did and voted and favored the things they did, so she’s double majoring in psychology and political science
she tries to do everything on her own and hates asking for help, like even when she really needs to, but it’s mostly because really needing someone makes her uneasy because she’s always wondering if they’re going to leave her eventually or if they’re just using her or if they really don’t care about her the way she cares for them
that being said, she’s loyal as all hell to her loved ones. like will literally help you get away with murder if you asked her for help, once you’ve reached that point you are absolutely important to her.
* character tropes !
so she’s basically the maiden in the sense that she’s typically overly self confident and finds herself in positions where she’s stuck and needs help, whether it’s being in too many things at once and being too spread out or like in actual danger. arden heavily takes after her parents in the sense that she wants to be wholly capable of taking care of herself, the feeling of being dependent on someone making her uneasy. because of this, she finds herself in situations that could’ve been completely avoided if she had just taken a step off her high horse and admitted or realized she couldn’t do it on her own. the confidence she exhibits today was a learned trait however, arden getting her heartbroken by someone she had really loved taught her how to be comfortable with herself and just be a Badass, but protect the softer side to herself from then on.
* playlist !
wasabi — little mix:
stick like toffee, sip like coffee wake up, change your mind and drop me love to hate me, crazy, shady spit me out like hot wasabi lick me up, I'm sweet and salty mix it up and down my body love to hate me, praise me, shame me either way you talk about me
arden’s a strong believer in the quote by william shakespeare “love me or hate me, both are in my favour. If you love me, i will always be in your heart… if you hate me, i’ll always be in your mind.” she’s really aware of how she can come across as, but is really selective in who she cares to spend time showing her full self to. everyone else and every other opinion gets taken with a grain of salt. she’s definitely had friends that only used her for her name and then dropped her once they were done,she wasted no time moving on.
hold me while you wait — lewis capaldi:
i wish you'd cared a little more (hold me while you wait) i wish you'd told me this before (hold me while you wait) my love, my love, my love, my love won't you stay a while? (hold me while you wait)
a few years ago, she was in a relationship where she had cared a little bit too much about what they thought of her, finding herself seeking their approval for everything, truly believing this person was the sun. she fell hard and fast for them and they took advantage of this and cheated on her, thinking that they would get away with it… and they did for a while. arden tried to excuse it because of how much she loved them, but was starting to feel like she was never going to be good enough for them, but staying with them until things ultimately came to an end, still holding onto the hope that things would change. eventually she realized that she couldn’t keep holding onto that relationship forever and things ended.
winter — relic:
where am i going? i can’t see nothing but the road that’s out in front of me i think it’s snowing
arden’s the worst at multitasking and it shows even in her life. she’s very one track minded and knows what she wants out of it, but only sees one way to get there, so everything that’s the tiniest bit off her track, she gets thrown off completely and needs someone to just nicely push her back in the direction she was headed.
* aesthetics !
candle lights, the breathlessness felt when seeing big city skylines, scrunchies, tart strawberries dipped in sugar, iced coffee in mason jars, long swooping cursive, high-waisted jeans, half opened jewelry boxes, setting a new pen against fresh paper, standing outside during the middle of a sun-shower, tucked in shirts, a hand reaching out to catch you when you fall, golden hour. 
* wanted plots !
i’m the worst at coming up with things but,,,,, here’s a few 
general friends: honestly some from childhood, some from high school, others from college, give me New friend with the people coming on scholarship, anything
best friends: someone that’s been by her side for years, someone she’d literally trust with her whole life
ride or dies: honestly what it says, maybe like two or three of them that have been through the thick and thin of it but still have a really strong friendship in the end?
confidant: honestly, probably someone she’s close with, but doesn’t see on a regular basis? maybe they just box together from time to time to blow off steam? it helps if they’re not someone she’d see all the time, that way she’s not constantly staring her admission in the face
bad influence: someone who can teach her to let go and get out more, care even less about what others think, especially her parents. even if that’s taking her to parties or drinking/smoking alone in a room
exes ( good, bad, anything in between ): you know the drill, hit me with the good angst. (male, female, nb)
roommate ( probably a cape coral student ): arden doesn’t like needing people but that doesn’t mean she wants to be alone, they probably have a pretty nice place together ngl. i picture it being really cozy and nicely decorated?
hook ups: you also know this drill, sometimes you gotta blow off steam. (male, female, nb)
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mintchocohip · 5 years
toothbrushing with sub!bts
↪ 🎃 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 | 𝐝𝐚𝐲 0 - 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧! | ◄ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 |
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↪ today’s kink is 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. 👅 ft. the 𝐨𝐭𝟕. 
↪ 𝐚/𝐧 | i hope everyone had/has/is having fun celebrating halloween! 🎉 the week started with >melted wax,< and ends with toothpaste. [[drippy things, white stuff, and hard sticks. somebody else might make a connection here, but not me. 🤷‍♀️]]
❝𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘣 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦-𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘺, 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘺𝘳𝘶𝘱, 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘭, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯. 𝘏𝘦’𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦-𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘲𝘶𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘴, 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩’𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴. 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘺𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘱 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺: 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵. 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴. 𝘈 𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘰𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘴.❞   
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“You want it like that?” 𝙏𝘼𝙀𝙃𝙔𝙐𝙉𝙂 nods. Disappointment whines a tiny sound out of you. You’re groomed and dressed. Taehyung is still naked in bed. Taehyung licks his lips, and slides his hands together over his chest. His half-hard cock rests on his stomach. Sometime between agreeing to it and now, his interests changed. “Bristles or smooth side? Bristles feel good, right?” You flick your wrist over the bristles of your electric toothbrush. They’re soft. Taehyung’s eyebrows are halfway up his forehead. He trails a slow finger across a collarbone. “Oh?” “When I make you come,” you smile, “that’s your toothpaste. No mouthwash afterwards. Deal?” It takes a moment for Taehyung’s soft expression to click. When it does, the smile is crooked. “Deal.”
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𝙔𝙊𝙊𝙉𝙂𝙄 doesn’t want it unless he can put on his collar and ears. The delicate silver bell on his collar jingles when he arches his ass out to sway the black fluff sloping from his tail harness. You pulled everything on over his pajamas. The tender, cooing “Oh, Kitten?” flowed from the bathroom a few seconds ago. When you approach the bed with a water-soaked toothbrush, Yoongi is turning his nose away from unfamiliarity. Parting a pout is impossible. Yoongi is scrunching in his face, and scooting back―you pull your hand away, and sigh. “Maybe I should put something yummy on the brush…” you muse to yourself, “or, I could just do this whether he likes it or not. He doesn’t understand. But I’m just trying to take care of my Kitten,” you reach forwards, and scratch under a downcast chin, “right?” Your pet is ignoring you, but Yoongi is blushing.
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He took it so well the first time. You put a finger on 𝙅𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙆𝙊𝙊𝙆'𝙎 parted lips. It’s late in the evening. Jungkook is in the middle of his skincare routine, but he said “ah” and opened up his mouth when you stepped into the bathroom and reached for your toothbrush. A few quick clarifications stutter with confusion. He thinks you’ll be doing this for him all the time. You won’t be doing it forever, but you do like the thought of a sweet sendoff to the day. “Dentists…” he whispers the word when you flick on the electric kettle in the kitchen. He’s hovering behind you. “Dentists?” “Comforting. Do you think they’re comforting?” The thin layer of water you poured into the kettle is fuming up with steam, and popping with bubbles. You shut the kettle off, and consider the question. “No…” you conclude as you pour the hot water over Jungkook’s toothbrush, “but I’ve never really thought about it. Why? Do you think dentists are comforting?” Jungkook is holding onto the elbow of your sweatshirt. You glance over your shoulder. His face is shining with jojoba oil. His eyes are staring blankly into the sink. “Right,” you laugh, “yeah. I guess they can be comforting.”
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Your fingers are coated with a few handjob spurts. 𝙃𝙊𝙎𝙀𝙊𝙆 is sucking down those fingerfulls of his own come like its candy. He wants his usual “good boy,” and his usual kiss. The routine has changed. You aren’t sure how Hoseok will react to something warm and fuzzy going cold for degradation, but you’re already shivering. “You really just rolled all of that around on your tongue? Do you think I can kiss such a filthy mouth? It’s dirty.” Brattiness makes your face crack with glee. Biting down on the tip of the toothbrush caked with baking soda, Hoseok shoots you a dangerous look. He’s locking it in his teeth. You flick his soft cheek. Then his forehead―in a few seconds, Hoseok is holding his mouth open with a trembling jaw. Scrubbing hard and feigning disappointment at nonexistent filth, you’re already lost inside amazement. Today’s kiss is going to taste so much sweeter.
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The alarm always perks up 𝙅𝙄𝙈𝙄𝙉'𝙎 need to prove himself as much as his need to avoid the punishment. Every time you glance into the bathroom, Jimin is scrubbing his teeth and glaring at the mirror. The timer is still ticking down. You wonder if wrapping an alarm around his bedtime routine will help him learn to actually do it. Drool and foam are sliding down Jimin’s chin when the alarm screams, and Jimin is screaming back at it while he tries to shut it off with a few desperate taps of his finger. You’re laying on your stomach at the foot of the bed, and studying Jimin through the bathroom doorway. “Finished?” Jimin doesn’t say anything. “Bring your phone in here, baby,” you sigh, “I want to fall sleep early tonight. Five minutes to make me come. How does that sound? Do you think you can do it in five minutes?” Jimin is sitting onto the edge of the bed, and handing you his phone. “I know I can.” 
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𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙅𝙊𝙊𝙉 didn’t like the idea. It’s random. It’s synchronicity―but Namjoon is at the store buying the items on your grocery list. While he picks your favorite brand of toothpaste off the shelf, his phone buzzes. His evening class is cancelled. Brushing teeth side-by-side at the sink has gone quiet. It’s been so long since you were able to get ready for bed with Namjoon. You slide a hand onto the small of his back. “It’s nice,” you’re saying, but it sounds like gibberish. You spit, and rinse. “It’s nice,” you say again, “this.” “Right.” Namjoon’s laugh is short, and dreamy. “Can I…” he spits, too, and hesitates, “can I ask you something?” “What is it?” “The thing. You know. That you mentioned a while ago?” The softness in Namjoon’s voice is making you melt. “I thought you might like it…” as Namjoon pats off his mouth with a towel, you realize you’ve been rubbing his back. “If you held my throat while you do it,” Namjoon’s miming answers any questions about the ‘thing’ he’s referring to, “some… gagging, maybe.” You give him a slow blink. “Yeah,” you smile, “I think I’d like that.”
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A trick-or-treating themed pub crawl has provided 𝙎𝙀𝙊𝙆𝙅𝙄𝙉 with a goody bag feast. Jack-o-lantern faces are emblazoned on the sides two square, orange paper bags. The winking face on Seokjin’s bag is turned towards you. Settling onto the couch with Seokjin, you expected him to dump out rainbows of shiny wrappers, paper tubes, and metal tins. Instead, he’s pulling out each candy piece by piece. Small categorical piles have formed. “Are you going to eat them tonight?” Inspecting a hard candy wrapped in red, Seokjin sets it down in the fruit-flavored pile. “Maybe.” “Are you waiting to eat everything because you don’t want to brush your teeth?” “Maybe.” He agreed to the idea with wiggling delight, earlier. Regret is slowing every movement. “You don’t have to brush with wasabi tonight. Seven days can start tomorrow.” “No,” Seokjin’s face rises with a warm, knowing smile, “honestly, I was just waiting for you to…” Your shoulders bounce with laughter, and you’re grabbing a piece of peanut-butter toffee from the mellow pile. “Open up wide, then,” you swipe the wrapper away, “baby.”
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starryandr · 5 years
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