#《 that's brilliant! why didn't i think of that? 》 {ask memes}
dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Observations on ep 12:
Begin Again...are we going to be back where we started...like the tweet in ep 3 suggested?
Top asking the right question - What are Ray and Boeing playing at exactly? Also Ray-pot-calling-the-kettle-black a bit there - he loved Mew and Sand at the same time...at least they addressed it.
Another kiss for the charts! Mond/First! Woop woop!
It's the both hands meme in action!!
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And another kiss!! Mond/Khaotung! 🔥
Awww shame they didn't follow through with that.
How can Ray be so sure about Boeing's intentions, and how can Sand trust Boeing?! I don't get it.
Sorry Boston, your degree would be much better than getting these friendships back.
(For a moment there I thought that was Pat's tie-dye vest 😅)
Ok Nick and Boston are adorable.
I think Nick is Mark's best role to date. And also Boston for Neo too.
It's cute that Ray wants to defend Sand but Sand shouldn't be kept in the dark about what Boeing did with Top and Mew.
Aaaaaand there's another shirt I saw in another show earlier today...one more for the Thai Communal Wardrobe collection!
Mew using his manipulative ability for good.
Oh that was actually delicious. I love that Sand got behind the dog metaphor.
Oh god the opposites... Pat 'I always let my boyfriend win' and Ray 'I always win' 😂
I really hope Nick knows they're in an open relationship. But also... Yet another kiss! Mond/Neo! Mond is going to leapfrog all these other men in the charts 😂 @ranchthoughts - not to sound weird but I always think of you when these actors/actresses kiss 😂
They did talk...so Nick just needs to get in there and we'll finally get the threesome the show has been hinting at.
Awww shucks. Now Nick's upset. Maybe he should have chosen Dan... Maybe he will? Can we go back to adorable Nick/Boston??
I've sort of been in Nick's position and I think the best thing for him is to end things with Boston already, and not because of the promiscuity, but because it's harder to end something later when you have grown even more attached to them.
Aaaaaand yet another item of clothing from the Thai Communal Wardrobe...I'll need time to figure out where I've seen this one before though...
Didn't Boston stop Mew in a previous ep just like that in the kitchen? Or was it different characters?
The BEST dare. Again, Mew using his devilishness for good. Because we get...
ANOTHER KISS! First/Force!! 🎉
I feel like JoJo is being Oprah with this ep - 'You get a kiss. And you get a kiss. YOU ALL GET KISSES!
And I feel like their clothes are more back to how they were at the start...maybe only Nick (and a little bit Boston) feel like there hasn't been a return. And maybe that reflects the way these couples have ended up - whether we like it or not - and also does sort of imply that the tweet in ep 3 was sort of foreshadowing. And maybe Nick and Boston in lighter colours and against that lighter background suggests more of a fresh start and freedom for them, as difficult as it might feel now (and as much as we're not happy with this conclusion)... Edit: I posted this then read this brilliant post by @jemmo with fantastic tags by @grapejuicegay which feels like it explains this little interpretation much better.
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A peck!? We only got a peck from April and Cheum?! smh
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I think Mew's being a bit harsh with Boston...but also Boston is better off without them tbh. Go to New York and live your best life.
MIIIIIIIIIIX!!! The BEST ending. Absolutely A+. And @grapejuicegay wrote so well on why it was so good. And damn, he looked good (but also wearing something that's been used before 😂).
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isagrimorie · 1 year
For the ship ask game: root/shaw
ship ask game meme
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Mors Praematura. I think that's the start of it for me, the first meeting did plants seeds but it was Mors Praematura that did it and every little interaction after.
Shaw lending her her gun and then going: "Okay, that was kind of hot."
And then: "Don't make me look bad."
After that, we were off to the races.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like how they're unconventional, and on another show with different actors, it could be one note and flat.
It's lightning in the bottle, the writers weren't intending for them to happen but saw it anyway and wrote towards it. Also, both of them are in some spectrum in the DSM-V from one end to the other.
But in the end, I loved that Root loved Shaw exactly as she is. She didn't want to change Shaw or fix her or make her better.
Root loved Shaw for who she is. And it's why the Machine loved Shaw too.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
For some reason this must be said but: Shaw is also just as smart as Root is, in different ways. There was some fanon that made it into fic that wrote Shaw as only the Brawn Jock.
Shaw presents herself as a jock but she's as nerdy. She's just not computer nerdy. Shaw was a brilliant doctor before she was kicked out of the medical program for bullshit reasons.
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Out of curiosity, how would you say that Bender deconstructs toxic masculinity and robot tropes? 🤔 Bender having a "normal" human voice definitely applies to the second one. It was a brilliant decision because his character wouldn't have worked if he droned on like a typical robot.
This is a great question, thank you for asking it!
I want to preface this by saying that my interpretations regarding Futurama are unique to me. They stem from my love of critical analysis of fiction, and I really love overthinking fiction (my parents think I'm annoying af for this). I also think that all forms of interpretations of fiction are important and that I don't think my interpretations are canon or factual. They're just how I perceive the show and these characters.
Before I watched Futurama, I thought I would hate Bender. I usually don't like characters like Bender very much; I had this idea that he was nothing more than this stereotypical asshole. The only thing I knew about him was that he threw his son into Hell without hesitation and that alt-right people on Twitter use him for memes. When I actually started watching, I was really impressed because even though he is an asshole, the show takes great lengths to emphasize that he genuinely cares about people other than himself.
Bender works so well for me because he's so evil and awful, which is exaggerated to a comedic effect. He really doesn't have a lot of redeeming qualities, but he does have his friendship with Fry, and to a lesser extent, Leela. And his friendship with Fry is not only very genuine and played very straight, but it avoids a lot of "no homo" ideas I grew up with in fiction and irl. They're physically affectionate with one another on-screen, and they even say "I love you" verbatim (Bender says it twice).
Bender also goes out of his way to better himself for Fry or to help Fry, which isn't something he does for anyone. They confirm that Fry is the only person Bender cares about more than himself, and is the only person Bender would die for in the CC era. I don't often see this type of affection displayed in a canonically platonic male relationship, and I didn't expect this from a show that came out in 1999. And I really didn't expect this from a character like Bender, who's supposed to be the face of adult cartoon edginess.
There are quite a few hints that Bender has a more feminine side to him. He likes feminine things and he likes talking to Leela about her love life. He's incredibly sensitive and secretly cares for animals and children, despite claiming to hate them so much. But Bender has this tough guy, asshole persona he pretends to keep up, so he seems to be in denial about this side of himself. The infamous episode "Bend Her" (which I have mixed feelings about) provides a lot of evidence for this interpretation.
Now I'm really going to get into why I love Bender so much as a robot character, and why I think he subverts so many robot tropes. The show often jokes about how he's an emotionless, soulless machine, but he is the most emotional character by far. He's extremely needy, he's oversensitive, easily gets his feelings hurt, wants Fry and Leela's approval/attention, etc. I think he resents humanity because he's just as emotional as a normal human, but his emotions are constantly dismissed because he's a robot. We see this in episodes like "Obsoletely Fabulous," and "Beast With a Billion Backs."
Another thing I really adore about Bender is that he's a robot but he's dumb. He's all emotion and no logic. He's also super artistic. He has a lot of hobbies like cooking, folk singing, songwriting, and photography. And not only that, he's really pretentious about his hobbies. He gets into arguments with people about "real art" and he uses darkroom equipment for photography (even though he has a built-in camera... Bender is a very charming character lol). He's not programmed to have all these hobbies, he's not programmed to be best friends with Fry, he does it because he wants to do it.
Needless to say, Bender is probably my favorite robot character of all time other than Octus from Sym-Bionic Titan. There really is more to him than he appears on the surface. And kudos to the Futurama writers to make a robot character feel so human while simultaneously still having him deal with his struggles as a robot. I hope this answers your question about why I think he subverts traditional masculinity and robot tropes. And I apologize for writing you an essay; I had a lot to say!
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I've talked about some of this in more detail a while ago but some of the recurring subjects on Eggman's social media accounts would include:
He'd talk about his passions a lot of course, like science with robots and tech, theme parks, carnivals, and circuses but he'd have the most messed up ramblings focusing on all the most dangerous things and sounding way too excited and happy about it. Also some occasional talk of casinos. He'd also share his opinions and thoughts on showtunes, as that's what he'd apparently tweet about on Twitter, said in a takeover.
He'd do status updates and share random thoughts but keep them vague so people can't get too much information and learn exactly where he is and what he's doing. He'd make rambles about how angry he is at people like Sonic and co, Orbot and Cubot, etc, or the world in general as it should be his and he wants attention. When he posts things like that it's a sign he's about to cause trouble either online or in real life lol
He'd enjoy talking about the messed up evil that's public knowledge that he has a blast with and it gives a personal look into how twisted and sadistic he can be. He'd show it through dark morbid humor too, much like the Colors PAs. People would dislike all this and ask wtf is wrong with him. XD But when he gets into trouble he'd just be amused and enjoy mocking and starting shit for fun because he's a real menace.
He'd of course boast about how brilliant, smart, and handsome he is and great at what he does, bragging about past accomplishments and current things that don't need to be secret. But sometimes he'd get too excited and almost give away future big plans and secrets. His robots have to stop him from saying too much like times he's accidentally proudly revealed plans too soon to Sonic and co in the past.
He'd post from his ten terabytes of selfies like a hundred times a day. When he's not showing cool robots, attractions, other creations, and food he's going to eat, it's just himself constantly. People would get to see him in a lot of outfits and casual situations people don't usually get to see him in, as much as he wants to show. I'm thinking shirtless photos lounging in his bedroom or pool room or just showing off. 😳🥰
A lot of people would complain about him spamming his face and being so obsessed with himself and he'd just say "why wouldn't I be, I'm so handsome and brilliant!" and they'd say they really didn't need to see a photo of him in his underwear and he'd say "I can show more if you want ;)" I'd be saving the photos like that as fast as possible and PM him to ask if there's a different version of those photos I can see fhsjhgksnflsh
There'd also be a lot of instances of him being very confused by memes and lingo (which was a thing in a Twitter Takeover joke) and he'd claim to understand so he doesn't look embarrassing and not as "hip" as he's claimed to be (his word in Riders ZG) and he'd make up his own meanings (also a Takeover joke) but that makes it a lot worse as it just immediately proves how clueless he is about it because he's an old man loool
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for the year end book ask meme - 3, 16, 17. for the opinion one uhh 36
3 What were your top five books of the year?
not ordered, and forgive me for listing six instead of five (my spreadsheet gives 6 books which I gave one of my two highest ratings to and I can't bear to cut one off)
Hav - a book by travel writer Jan Morris about her visit to the island nation of Hav. While Morris was a real life travel writer Hav doesn't exist. Morris invented it to write the book. Sadly the only book of fiction she's written and I've intermittently considered getting into travel writing so I can read more of her. (Also have had a half written post in my drafts for months about why everyone needs to read this)
Pale Fire - a novel by Nabokov about a fictional author who wrote and includes the deranged annotations of his editor. Nabokov is a master of language and the frame here is a lot of fun.
The Silent Cry - A masterpeice by Ōe. It almost felt like it was too quintessentially Ōe, bordering on self-parody, when I first finished reading (a father coping with the birth of his mentally handicapped child, brothers returning to their childhood village, the effects of a peasant revolt by a previous generation on the present...) but that feeling faded. The platonic ideal of an Ōe novel.
Eugene Onegin - I read the Falen translation. I often find long form verse a struggle to get through but this was a joy to read. Nobody told me Pushkin was going to make his foot fetish extremely evident by the end of the first chapter.
A Succession of Bad Days - part of a fascinating self published series of fantasy novels about a polity in a world ruled by individual sorcerers that have amassed power that has managed to carve out a more egalitarian and democratic form of governance.
Trafalgar - picked this up on a whim recently after seeing a tumblr post by, I think, @fipindustries quoting it. A collection of linked short stories about Trafalgar Medrano a spacefaring merchant who spins stories for his friends of his travels over cups of coffee in the cafés of Rosario. I didn't have much in the way of expectations going in but this was brilliant.
16 What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
It has to be Nettle & Bone, even though I didn't go in with high expectations it did win a Hugo and judging by the number of reviews on Goodreads it might be Kingfisher's most read book.
Cloying, twee and a tedious romantic subplot. It attempts to talk about gender and class but never says anything interesting. Made all the more frustrating with the glints of promise shown on the visit to the goblin market, the flashbacks and Fenris's backstory (which actually gave us a country with characteristics other than generic fairy tale fantasy kingdom with a couple of single word descriptors)
It moved Kingfisher firmly into the 'not for me' category unless something major changes.
17 Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Claire Keegan's Foster about an Irish girl sent to live with a family in the countryside for the summer. I'd previously read her book Small Things Like These after it was shortlisted for the Booker and was underwhelmed. I decided to give this one ago after hearing the film adaptation got an Oscar nomination. I thought this was much better than Small Things Like These and benefited from Keegan leaving the story speak for itself.
36 - Hotel Iris by Yōko Ogawa. A story about a young woman who lives in the hotel her mother operates who becomes embroiled in a sadomasochistic relationship with an abusive man. I find the use of sadomasochism in literary fiction is often tiresome and this wasn't entirely an exception to that but Ogawa's prose more than made up for that. Somewhat overshadowed by being the next book I read by her after The Memory Policy which is brilliant but it's still a great book.
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universal-kitty · 10 months
I saw the jellyfish ask meme, so...
crystal, moon, pink meanie, sea wasp + upside-down jellyfish with Rendacted?
Jellyfish Themed Asks
How does your F/O act in public? And in contrast, how do they act when they’re in private with you?
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[ Due to source material, minors + ageless DNI w/ this post! I will block you. ]
In public, Ren seems to have a persistent case of RBF (resting bitch face). Anyone else will not get an ounce of his attention, much less...anything, really. They're super closed off like that.
If cosplaying Haruko, they'll be more patient with me around...but is still quick to show their distaste, if I'm not paying attention and/or am not nearby.
In private, though?! Biggest cuddlebug. Lots more smiles, touchy, involved in whatever I'm doing... Big fan of parallel play, especially if they can peek in on what I'm doing. Hanging out is their whole thing, really. And cuddles.
If you had to compare your F/O to any sort of cosmic entity (planets, meteors/comets, stars, black holes, etc), what would you pick and why?
OH, this is such a good question?!? For Ren... Assuming he's being a Good Boi, I think a comet would suit him pretty well! Flying back, a blaze of glory... He's trying to be something eye-catching and admiring...to one person. Ice cold, a brilliant show of life... Idk. Something about it has his energy, and I'm not explaining it well enough rn. LOL!
Bad Boi Ren gets a black hole as something most like them. Devouring all to get what they want. Devoid of light, but seeking it and creating a show of the destruction. (One that no one has to see...)
Tell us all about why your F/O loves you! All about why you’re their special person!
It was a childhood crush that persisted! Simple as that... While also not?
Kept an eye on me as we grew up. Even occasionally went to the same school! Although I didn't really...notice. Bad memory and face blindness? Man. They definitely didn't have a lot of good luck pursuing me... Plus-! The many fictional characters I liked over the years!! They really tried to emulate a few of them, but it was...a whole thing, again. Aha...
But-! Enough story mentions! Why am I so loved by this silly lil guy?! (He's 6'5" but shh.)
Cause I'm... Me. I don't have to be anyone else, do anything else. I want to game with him all day? He's got the funds to keep us stable while we do that. Do I wanna find work to do? Shit, okay; he'll help find something that accommodates every need I want fulfilled.
If I'm happy, fulfilled, and content? Love and care for them? That's all Ren could ask for. Anything else is just extra aspects to love.
If you’ve ever had moments where you felt invisible/insignificant, how has your F/O helped through them? How do you help your F/O through those moments?
I...go through this unfortunately often. It boggles their mind to imagine me in that way, much less knowing I feel it...but Ren does their best.
Lots of comforting words, cuddling under my favorite blanket, hot chocolate... Honestly, anything I need. As well as working on my self-esteem over time. Letting me continue to think of myself as lesser is something they won't stand for.
...Ironic, cause he's felt the same, if not similar. 👀 I've had to prove it to him over time, but... That's worked! Hell, I had the job of prying his true self out from fake personas and cosplays! He deserves to be loved as he truly is!!!
But y'know. Work on both sides, and all that. Ehehe.
What’s your F/O’s favorite way to relax with you?
Literally. Anything. Cuddles, eating together, cooking together, dates, picnics- If we're together, then it's his favorite thing. Picking just one thing? They'd never.
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riacte · 10 months
okay so this is an odd ask but i was in martyn’s chat talking about appreciating false and also false & martyn as a fun dynamic and someone mentioned ‘oooh riacte on tumblr talks a lot about false and martyn interacting’ and i’ve been thinking about ren martyn false weirdass trio for the last couple of weeks so. hi :] this stream has driven me insane i would love your thoughts on them
HIIIIII wait I've been perceived in Martyn's chat lmao?? Do you have a screenshot or something 😭 hilarious that I've gotten the reputation.
Also HIIIIII WELCOME TO THE CLOWN CIRCUS there's a whole. gang. of us out here. Obsessing over a trio we invented and eventually became real. We have AUs and two fics on Ao3 and everything.
Okay Ren False Martyn. Time to pull up my False joins Dogwarts AU from June 2021. They were non-existent back then but y'know how Trafficblr makes connections from seemingly nothing? Yeah.
False is known as the Queen of Hearts. Ren is the Red King and Martyn is the Hand. Clearly there's some red theme royalty thing going on here. Also everyone's brainwaves were somehow aligned and we all thought False would ally with Ren if she was in Third Life- wow I wonder why we all thought that [False and Ren do-not-separatism]. So yay Dogwarts AU and we (Renchanting fans) got really annoying by putting trio stuff in her tag when she was otherwise canonically unrelated 😭 (probably the only time we spammed the tag). Ren and his two sword wielding sassy green blonds. They are so funny.
And then July 2021 hit and we got the three of them in a MCC team, Purple15, and the trio FINALLY existed yippee. But mere months later, MCC17 hit, which was the infamous fanon divorce arc bc that was the first time False and Ren didn't team together in MCC (when they were both in) and Ren was with Martyn so we had so many distracted boyfriend memes and I wrote an entire divorce crackfic which is my anonymous masterpiece.
Then we got Mint Maids with Joel in MCC19 (December) which was also really fun. And then fast forward to this wack ass stream which I can't even start to wrap my head around.
By the way there's also the Space Opera AU ❤️💚💙 which is about the three of them as main characters (yippeeee) and it has its own extensive lore but I don't have the energy to explain it rn. But it has shipping and the three of them go crazy and spopera False and Martyn tear each other to shreds it's brilliant.
Sorry that I'm not wording very well my brain juices have been DRAINED by the stream. So feel free to send asks bc I am indeed obsessed with them and can probably talk more when I've recovered and GDHGHDGHSGDHHGHDGHGDHGD renfalsemartyn SLAY and it's been 2.5 YEARS AND WE STILL DON'T HAVE A PROPER TRIO NAME but it's okay <3 maybe we'll get it this stream <3
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
002 with reylo :)
Hi anon thank you for playing along with me (: fic ask meme for those who want to play along and reblog
When I started shipping them:
Omg so I wasn't a SW fan, Dad liked the films but Mum always made fun of Luke and I don't think I ever sat down and watched any. I had this sort of friend I met at a music festival who was emotionally... complex and he had a fixation on getting other people to like the correct things (there's a whole backstory with him) and one of those that he worked on with me was SW, so he forced me to watch TFA.
I did so at his behest and er, yeah the forest scene/bridal carry was what did it for me. I was totally enamoured with it and still am to this day, I couldn't fully articulate it at the time but the Death and the maiden vibes were what I was all over.
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It touched me on a very deep level that Kylo Ren forewent the practicality of the droid and took the girl instead (in his ARMS). There was so much there that did it for me from there, the interrogation scene where Rey overpowers Kylo was certainly compelling and so was their snow fight (that scene where she closes her eyes when their lightsabres are parrying... beautiful) - in fact there's so much material in TFA lol - so that told me a lot about their dynamic and why it was meaningful, but on a pure emotional level that really touched me.
Made that friend (not a friend anymore) very upset for liking SW incorrectly. Lol
My thoughts:
Everything that could be said about Reylo has been said and there's still yet more to say. It's my yardstick for other ships. Does it touch me on a deep emotional spiritual level? Does it make me swoon? Does it make me cry? Does it explain everything about the story? Is the belonging you seek not behind you, but ahead?
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What makes me happy about them:
Forget the droid, we have what we need. I can endlessly quote Kylo Ren and I absolutely adore him and Rey. I just love how they answer each other's wounds and that both of them are really dead-set on what their role in the story is (uncomplicated good girl and painfully evil and intimidating bad guy) and it's so hilariously not what they are meant to be at all. I love Kylo Ren when he's around Rey and I love Rey when she's around Kylo Ren, I love them figuring out stuff about each other, I love how angry he makes her, I love how inquisitive he is, I love how much the dynamic is more complex than at first glance, I love the emotions, the brilliant, brilliant, brilliant hope.
I love what the fandom taught me and I love what the dynamic taught me about my personal taste and allowed me to start liking stuff. I'm a very insecure person and I didn't even have the capacity to fully enjoy things lol. Things that make me happy are bad. So unlearning that is hard and in my fandom life that started with Reylo.
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What makes me sad about them:
That they didn't end up together with fat Jedi babies and heal the cosmic wound... that very sadly we got Reylo textual and canon, which was a win, but a Pyrrhic victory - Rose was written out, Poe had racist stereotypes attached to him, whatever the fuck they tried to say with the Stormtroopers was tone deaf and stupid, much of the film was just anodyne, corporate commercial bullshit and it should have been a three-year film (like the previous two films) instead of two and had Rian Johnson directing it. Whether you like him or not doesn't matter because it would've at least been fucking coherent.
It took me a really long time to feel remotely okay about Reylo to think about it in a happy way at all, like probably only until very recently. I was very very very sad for a long time afterwards. When the premiere confirmed our worst fears I cried lol.
This type of mythic romance feels and felt really rare... but I know what I'm looking for now, and though I don't think there'll be anything quite like Reylo - that same cultural and fandom moment - I haven't completely lost hope because I've learnt so much from it and what makes romance magic for me.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Hahhahaha. I hate Dark Fuck Prince Kylo Ren, I hate Kylo Ren being forced to prostrate himself at Rey's feet and her positioned as Superior Being, I hate bad redemption theory (war crimes? War tribunal? Locking him up and making him talk to Rey through bars? Kylo Ren never fully redeemed? Kylo Ren ostracised permanently?), I hate sunshine Rey and Rey not portrayed as messed up as she is in canon and Kylo Ren being the obviously broken one, I hate anything that smacks of copy-and-paste romantic dynamics in general with the smug superior guy and the upstart bossy girl who never has any struggles except being just the right amount of sexy but not slutty (and still virginal, but the guy isn't) which is usually auxiliary to Dark Fuck Prince, I hate rivals-to-lovers... it's quite a list but it's a huge fandom with varying interpretations, made harder by the fact that TFA really led to a lot of people jumping to conclusions about the dynamic and running with familiar archetypes that were not there.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Soft Ben and Rey, Ben and Rey who are both in pain and vulnerable, brooding but not smug Ben, Rey being recognised as Ben's equal, good redemption theory (salvific mythic redemption with Ben fully reintegrated... I can only think of a few canonfics like this), anything that gets Ben's poetic voice right but also his casual voice and his tinge of sardonic humour shared with hers, fic that respects Ben's microexpressions as Kylo Ren - he does not smile and barely moves his face, communicates through his eyes,
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but he does when he's 'Ben',
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fic that respects that Ben respects Rey... I'm not necessarily looking for particular tropes or archetypes, I'm looking for the canon dynamic (canon with TLJ in particular that respects that Ben and Rey would not go back to being completely cruel to each other) but I read any setting.
In fact off the top of my head a lot of fanfics I've genuinely really enjoyed and touched me on a deep level were not canon-setting, and I think that's in part because writing effectively a third film is very hard as a fic author when something that is mythic might be out of your boundaries as a fic author, and it's a LOT harder to get right. So really I applaud any fic author that tries to do that whether or not we see eye to eye. Onya.
My wishlist:
People to stop being so weird about Reylo and enemies-to-lovers. It's okay to dislike it, just don't moralise it as an issue or make fandom fucking inhospitable for a lot of people and be so disrespectful to people with basic fucking interests.
I don't have any wishes for canon itself. That book is closed. There is absolutely no way they undo the third film and what it did and no way to redeem the wound. I doubt Adam Driver would come back for it because he signed up for SW under the understanding it would not devolve into schlock. Really you can't ignore the injustice done to the other characters with TROS either, so it's not a Reylo happy ending that's needed. What TROS was told us what the storytelling landscape is like now in commercial fiction: barren.
I don't think they can fix it unless they learn how to tell new and thoughtful and individual stories that make textual sense.
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Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
No. Absolutely not. Never. No one else. Rey is not boon for any of the characters. Poe does not get Jedi pussy (I've never had such singular spite for a writer, but fucking hell Colin Treverrow's script for the would-be third film was appalling). The romance is the thematic point of the Sequel Trilogy, it's the redemption, it's justified by virtue of it being Star Wars. When you canonship and the ship is so hard canon and the canon is the ship it just can't be written any other way. The only other way it could be written is if Kylo Ren is not fallen to the Dark Side and Rey is not the protagonist. You only get the effect of her nobody-status in respect to the Skywalker scion and prodigal son.
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Finn would have to be the protagonist. They would really need to capitalise on the angle of the First Order Stormtrooper discovering himself and I wish that there were more of that in the first film or it could've conceivably been its own series but that would be asking for an original story, wouldn't it.
I think this is where the parlance for shipping gets muddy because once you've got a reading of canon intertwined with your ship it's not really just shipping anymore.
My happily ever after for them:
Fat Jedi babies, green Jakku, Jedi Order but with marriage, fully redeemed Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, Ben Solo's tentative and awkward and funny friendship with the Good Guys, full reconciliation, Rey not alone having found her belonging and completed her Heroine's Journey... you know.
It could've been so, so, so easy. I really don't understand how they didn't see the cashgrab there because selling Ben Solo hanging out with Finn is something you could've done in your sleep. They fucked it. They completely fucked it. All of my belief in the hope of pop culture, commercial storytelling, and good storytelling being able to exist died. I don't think franchises can do it; you can't make transformation and you can't stake any meaning. They wanted to turn the Skywalker name into a superhero mantle and they FUCKED IT.
So it taught me that at least and now I know. But I wanted them to be happy together. I wanted a happy ending. I wanted to believe in something good.
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I watch this fanvid near weekly, near daily. It's basically the only thing that makes me feel okay about Reylo lol. It's my deep cosmic emotional wound, if you will, and it needs healing...
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brendaonao3 · 2 years
The Forge, Death Takes a Holiday or The Offer! I'd love to hear about any or all of these WIP's! 😍
HIHI!!! Sorry - again - for answering these late <3
For the WIP Meme (where I get to talk about my insane number of WIPs to anyone who asks)
The Forge (Superbat)
Oh man, I feel awful about this one, because I've been promising @susiecarter I would finish it for...Idk, 3 years? 4 years? now - I'm an awful friend. :D
But, well, I'll just put the my initial word vomit to Susie here to explain the idea behind it:
Bruce would make a great Hephaestus (SUPER smart and misunderstood and thinks he's flawed!) and just picture Clark as Aphrodite (as this symbol of hope and love and beauty and making people believe in themselves and be BETTER)
and there's no way a god like that would be interested in anyone like Bruce - i mean, who would stick a creature of light and beauty in a literal CAVE
so, start like the OG myth and they're already married, either for political reasons or Zeus was just being a dick - but they've never met because Bruce doesn't leave his cave ever since The Tragedy
And Clark doesn't feel this big need to get to know his spouse, why should he, he's beautiful and young and the god of love and hope, he has better things to do
But say Clark either pisses off Zeus or Hera or Ares or maybe he makes a bet (which was something Aphrodite did) that he could get anyone to fall in love with him
And someone (Diana bc she would want to take Clark down a peg) is all, well, what about your husband, and Clark's all pfft easy peasy he hides in his cave all the time, give me a real challenge
And bc the gods are the gods and are capricious as fuck, they're all, okay, well, what if you didn't have your glimmer and you had to make him fall for you posing as a human
Oh and you only have...let's be generous...six months...and Clark is all, i can do it in 3
And they don't mention (of course) that Clark will be STUCK there the entire time, so no sneaking off to be all beautiful and adored and godlike (because Clark is very good at his job, but he's a little out of touch and in danger of becoming a total asshole, so everyone thinks this will teach him humility)
And of course, Bruce is going to be his usual grumpy and pissed off and brilliant self who suffers no fools, so yeah, and also happens to take his marriage vows seriously (because he takes everything seriously)
So good luck Clark!
Death Takes A Holiday (Steve/Bucky)
I should probably just say this one is abandoned by this point, which is a shame, because I got about 19k written before I stalled out. But it was basically my take on the Hades/Persephone story (Bucky as Hades, Steve in the Persephone role, still male) mixed in with a bit of the plot from the film Heaven Can Wait - ie, Steve gets stuck Hades' realm because his thread was accidentally cut a second too soon, so he's not quite dead, not quite alive, and no one can figure out what to do with him, least of all Bucky :D
The Offer (HangMav & HangRoosMav)
This is straight up a sequel to the end of The Bet where Mav invited Hangman to join him and Rooster in bed - only Hangman decides to make Mav (and Rooster) work for it, and they all make another bet that Mav can get Hangman into their bed within 48 hours (essentially) without either touching Hangman OR doing anything seductive (ie, no dirty talk, no dick pics, no suggestive flirting) :D
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Hey did you ever check out that YouTube I recommended to you
That's the one with the Doge videos, yes I did.
Just went and checked the ask, my response is significantly shorter than I remember it being.
Oh that's why, because I'm kinda dumb and didn't add the information when I posted it
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The Doge history ones are brilliant, funny as can be.
I like QuarkDoge too, but he doesn't really do Doge stuff been following the "Flex Air" series for a few years, sucks it takes him so long to put them out only 7 episodes.
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Some kind of DMCA issue with episode on in the US, but there's people that edited ep 1-3 or 4 together in one longer video so you can see it that way if you haven't already and feel so compelled.
They're odd and full of memes, Ricardo is the hero of the story so far but Putin stole his magic banana hammock in I think ep 4. lmao
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sporkandpringles · 4 years
does that mean instead of gaston it's. gastonn
omg YESS
referring to this post
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heylindragonofmetal · 4 years
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you are pentheus from the bacchae by euripides, and you hold yourself so tightly wound together and so perfectly in place that even the slightest push will make you shatter. you are determined, you are headstrong, and you are addicted to pushing yourself to your farthest limits just to see when you'll snap. you find comfort in tradition, order, and authority, because that's where you are allowed to be blind to the darkness inside you. once in a while, give into the temptation and the chaos you keep denying yourself. it's the only way to not be afraid anymore.
Tagged by: @xiaolindude
Tagging: anyone who hasnt done it yet!
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princessofmerc · 3 years
Okay so.
I don't know what happened to the "give him time" energy surrounding all the drivers struggling last year (both rookies and drivers who changed teams) when it comes to Nicky and Lance this year despite us being in a completely new generation of car and both the Aston and the Williams looking anything but strong.
But then again, it's Nicky and Lance and no one really cares as long as there's no death threats.
The things I've had to read about Nicky in the last two days are hideous and show how little many of you know about Nicky, the team Williams and how much all of you just fall for all the memes and narratives spun by pundits and want to be experts on the internet.
First of: Is Nicky the best Formula 1 driver in the history of Formula 1? No. That's Lewis. Michael is close. Will Nicky ever get to that level? Probably not. But let's be honest, I don't think anyone else will.
However to say he's a waste of space or someone else deserves that seat more is unfair. He's done a brilliant job in the last two years and no one sees or cares largely because the Williams is and seems to remain to be shit and he was paired up with one of the most talented of the younger drivers on the grid.
"Yeah so it's unfair to compare him to George because George is so good." Yes, but no.
Because if you all really sat down and compared these two you would see how good Nicky actually is. Nicky was consistently on racepace in his rookie season about Sochi 2020, while George still struggled to get to that pace regularly.
The biggest difference with Nicky and George is George's qualifying pace. And even when it comes to that: Nicky is capable to do that (he had the pace in Zandvort, he had the pace in Sochi, he had the pace in Abu Dhabi).
The Williams gets washed back because it lacked race pace. We've seen it with Nicky in Hungary, we've seen it with George in Sochi, where the only reason he got that point was all the other cars in front of him getting caught out by the rain. Let's be honest, no matter where George qualified he was either washed back to Nicky or the cars separating them were struggling mclarens, astons, alpha romeo's, alpine's. Key word struggling.
Why is this so important? Because at the end of the day: Nicky and George are closer in race pace and overall performance than you think and once Nicky gets a hold of the car he will be closer to Alex than you think.
Qatar 2021 is an excellent example: Nicky stuck close to George, when George got a puncture the team didn't call him in and Nicky got a puncture in the next lap. That's the outside facts, but did you know Nicky's race engineer asked Nicky a question and told him to shut up two words into the answer? Did you know Nicky told them he had the pace to get past George and wasn't allowed? Did you know if they had let Nicky past he might have been able to preserve his tyres better and wouldn't have gotten the puncture? No because let's face it, most of you care about the prominent faces only.
And I don't mean this to be "hey he's cute I'll follow him", no what I mean is you care about the people whose cars let them have a good performance and who thus get more publicity and only care about people like Nicky when he does something that trolls meme.
Before you criticise Nicky or make fun of him, how about you take a moment to learn something about him. For example did you know he's one of if not the most inexperienced driver on the field and collected most of his competetive experience in Formula 2? Probably not.
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the Avengers at an escape room
The avengers went to an escape room because Fury said they should do a "team building activity" and Nat suggested an escape room.
Steve: trying to keep avengers organized and on task
Tony: "this is boring" starts building a battering ram to break through the wall
Bruce: trying to listen to Steve but got roped into helping tony with the battering ram
Peter: solving all the puzzles by himself while Tony occasionally looks up from his battering ram to offer encouragement to his spider son
Shuri: trying to beat Peter at solving all the puzzles cause she wants bragging rights
Clint: *unscrewing vent cover with a screwdriver he brought*
(Tony: "why didn't you mention you had a screwdriver when I asked if anyone had anything to help with the battering ram!?")
Thor: asking Bruce to explain why they are doing this? And why are he and Tony building a battering ram when Thor's hammer would be far more efficient in breaking through the wall?
Drax: also confused about the purpose of this activity but all his friends are busy so he decides to practice being invisible
T'challa & Carol: forming a team of who they think would be the best at escape rooms. They figured they wouldn't be great at escaping individually so they decided to team up. So far they've got Hope, Shang-chi and Katy, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot. T'Challa is in this for the team bonding and Carol wants bragging rights
Wanda & Vision: vision is telling Wanda the history of escape rooms and she's looking at him adoringly because she loves when he gets excited to share knowledge
Peter Quill & Sam & Bucky: Peter Q already knew he wasn't gonna like this activity so he's just listening to his walkman. Sam and Bucky got bored so Sam asked Peter if they can listen too, to expose Bucky to culture (pretty much anything Sam wants to do that seems cringey he says he's doing it to "expose Bucky to culture")
Nebula: bribed Shuri to let her join her (Nebula thought why not join Shuri since she's probably gonna escape first, she's smart) with the promise that Nebula would let Shuri teach her meme culture when they get back to the tower
Yelena: saw the badass team up happening between Shuri and Nebula and asked to join too. She didn't have to bribe Shuri cause Shuri is already in awe of this talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before Russian assassin (Shuri's words)
Scott & Stephen: Scott looked around and realized all his besties already have team mates, so he found another person who looked like he could use a team. Stephen reluctantly accepted Scott's offer (he was secretly very touched). Eventually they found Peter, who was happy enough to have his bug buddy Scott helping him, let alone mr. wizard dude himself Dr. Strange
Natasha: currently sitting in avengers tower. Escaped 30 minutes ago, solved all the puzzles by herself, is now enjoying the peace and quiet while she waits for the rest of the avengers to get home. She ordered pizza so they can have a movie night
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saksukei · 4 years
ushijima tattoo artist au
other; boyfriend ushijima | masterlist
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ushijima doesn't know how he got into this line of work but he knows he loves it for sure,,,, sitting there, hearing the buzz of the tattoo machine,,, as he traces over a tattoo, faint music playing in the background
ushijima has plenty of tattoos because he used to practice on himself,,,
but his favorite tattoo is the one that's on his wrist, saying, “your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing,” it's by fyodor dostoevsky
he loves it because it reminds him of his troubled past,,,, how he was out on the streets for years,,, never having enough to eat,,, suffering,,, learning from the wrongs because he never had someone to teach him or to love him through his mistakes,,, he was alone through all of that
yes, he knows it's been tough
but now it's all in the past,,, he's happy where he is
especially when he goes back to his apartment,,, cooks dinner, waters his small plants and plays with his dog who is named ‘tori’
but when he sees you
he's thrown off
now ushijima has seen his portion of beautiful people, but you?
you were something else,,,
he stops for a minute– to take your sight in
you're a different type of beautiful,,, the one where he just knows you’re a good person,,, you radiate warmth and a sense of belonging, something ushijima has never had.
the receptionist pats his shoulder to catch his attention,,,,
the receptionist says you're here to get a tattoo and from the looks of it, ushijima thinks it's your first
a friend of yours recommended ushijima and you liked ushijima’s work so you wanted to get a tattoo from him
“do you have anything in mind?” he asks you, his chocolate brown eyes meeting yours
“i want something different but I'm too indecisive–” you answered, honestly and he nodded
“follow me,” he says. “i have a bunch of sketches you can select from.”
now to you, ushijima seems well experienced with tattooing and he seems rather cold hearted with how he looks.
Olive green hair, wearing black skinny ripped jeans with a black shirt of 3/4 sleeves. The outline of his muscles tell you he's well built. Tattoos till his wrists.
you followed him back to his workspace
you skim through the patterns on the walls and there's only one that catches your eye,,, it's a black dragon tattoo and it's quite large, too large from what you had in mind
but it looked awesome
“i want this one,” you tell him.
ushijima is stunned when you tell him what you've picked,,,, not because you seem like a demure person but because ushijima was saving that tattoo for someone
more specifically
a soulmate
ushijima has that exact tattoo on his lower thigh, going to his knee and even lower,,,,, his is in black
and the one you've chosen is also in black,,,,
out of all the customers that come in, none of them had even bat an eye to that tattoo since it's in a corner,,,
“that’s reserved–” he tells you.
A part of him feels horrible,,, especially when he sees you're taken aback
“o-oh,, well– um I can't really decide which one to pick, so I guess I'll just try to find something and come over when I do.”
now ushijima knows two things for sure,
once you're drawn to a tattoo, you can't get it out of your mind. He knows that because his best friend tendou had been begging him to tattoo a very stupid meme on tendou himself,,, and tendou didn't shut up about it until it was complete
secondly, you might never come back and he's not ready to see you leave, just yet
“s’ fine,” he says. “i’ll do it– but it is quite big for a first tattoo, so are you sure?”
“it’s not my first,” you smile, as you lift up your sleeve, showing him a rather large pattern of roses covering half of your arm
He nods as he starts looking for a pen to fill out the paperwork
“but are you sure you want to do it? You said it was reserved and I don't want to be a bother–” you tell him.
He thinks for a moment and you can tell he's unsure, but really, ushijima has made up his mind
“yes it's fine– but I would like you to know something,” he says.
He knows he has to tell you that he has the same tattoo. It would eat him alive if he didn't. He didn't want anyone getting a wrong idea, more specifically, he didn't want you to think something bad about him.
“i have the same tattoo,” he explains, straightforwardly, waiting for a response from you.
Like any sane person, you should refuse. And of course, you will refuse. Why would you want the same tattoo as him?
You're thinking
But ushijima knows his heart will be crushed if you say no because he feels something towards you. He doesn't know what it is. Maybe his curiosity is getting the best of him or maybe, fate is a playing some sick joke on him because he knows he can't have you
ushijima doesn't consider himself that lucky yet
“i want it,” you say with a reassuring smile. “its really cool, but if you don't want to do it– then I understand.”
so who cares if it was for a soulmate? you're just going to be two people who have the same tattoo. That's that.
“i will do it.”
with shaky hands, he fills out the paperwork and asks you to sign
you want the tattoo on your back
and so he starts with the process
the only thing he's thinking about is how lucky your significant other is or will be for being able to see this tattoo every day, or just for seeing you in general
you surprisingly didn't talk a lot during the tattoo process,,,,
he finds you scrolling aimlessly through Instagram,,, holding back a smile as he sees you comment about some anime
he catches you moving your head along to his playlist, so he plays it a bit louder,,, and when you ask him the name of the songs,,, he knows that he's damned
it takes him almost 3 days to complete and he runs you through the process of taking care of it
you thank him and say you'll come after two weeks, to show him the healed tattoo
and you do
two weeks later, he sees the same dragon tattoo on your back, it's turned out brilliant like all of his work and you're thanking him, saying how you'll get more tattoos from him
but he doesn't just want to be your tattoo artist
he wants to be a lot more
“can I see your dragon tattoo?” you ask and he's shocked, cause to be honest, no one has had the balls to ask him that.
he's also thankful he wore shorts
he nods as he sits down,, slightly pulling up his shorts to show the tattoo,,,
and he looks at you for a reaction
“you’re a brilliant tattoo artist, gosh!” you tell him. “may I see your other tattoos too, if it's okay?”
he nods once again, as he puts his arms forward to show you
and then you see the quote, the one by fyodor dostoevsky,,,,
“that’s one hell of a quote” you tell him and ushijima knows if fate is fucking with him, it's doing it really well
“thank you” he replies. “its my favorite.”
“really?” you ask, a confused expression on your face.
“why are you confused?”
“n-no it just seemed like the dragon tattoo was your favorite,” you tell him shyly, as you look down.
he lifts up your jaw, with his calloused finger tip, his eyes meeting yours once again.
“it might just be.”
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mixelation · 3 years
Salty asks: 6, 13 (Itachi), 18, 24 (Yu-Gi-Oh)
salty ask meme
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
not... really? i do like crack ships so sometimes i stumble upon one and go YES! BRILLIANT!!! but i didn't "hate" the pairing before hand.... I just simply had not conceptualized before u_u
usually when i "hate" (read: dislike or am disinterested in) a pairing it's for one (or more) of the following reasons: there are some deeply rancid & loud fans of the ship, something about the pairing is inherently squicky for me, i don't like one or both characters, or i prefer their dynamic as non-romantic. for the first reason, obviously fandom with asshole shippers doesn't make me like the ship more lol. for the second one.... like, idk, i guess it's not impossible i'd dig the ship in an AU that removed the squick factor, but it hasn't happened yet haha. for the last two ones............ i can think of a few ships i decided i actually liked due to more canon material involving the characters coming out, or me just growing older and having matured thoughts on relationships and what i like to read, but also i tend to base liking/disliking characters and their dynamics on canon rather than fandom SHRUG
Unpopular opinion about Itachi?
UGLY AND MEAN My experience is that Itachi tends to be a polarizing character in fandom tbh. Mega stans see him as infallible and righteous and unable to do wrong, with a dash of him being extremely kind and thoughtful. Haters generally think of him as an overhyped bag of stupid decisions and inconsistent philosophy. And my opinion is that he does make a lot of very bad decisions and his life philosophy does not make much sense to anyone living outside of his head, and that's why I like him.
Also I think Itachi would be bad at the following he's often very good at in fics: teaching, cooking, sex, dealing with non-Sasuke children (possible exception for Sasuke's offspring), giving compliments.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Nah. Sometimes you just don't like something. Also I don't see why it's a bad thing to dislike something for being popular? Sometimes fandom acts extremely annoying and that can ruin something for you, like overhearing a song on the radio.
24. Would you recommend Yu-Gi-Oh to a friend? Why or why not?
Holy shit, absolutely not. YGO has some cool things going on but also it is very much a shounen anime about a card game. I guess I might recommend it to a friend who was.... into both shounen anime and card games....? I might also recommend the early part of the manga (pre-card games) to someone who likes stories involving light rules-lawyering of life-or-death games.
However I would also have to give them the warning that if they embark on this journey, I will be physically unable to prevent myself from giving them more trivia and fandom thoughts than they could ever want. but also if they're friends with me then i feel like they should already understand and accept that I'm Like This
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