#⧽ ⠀ ⠀ ── ⠀ ⠀ finley ⠀ ⠀ ﹕ ⠀ ⠀ chats.
Chapter 1: As It Burns
In which, Lovely makes everyone suffer
Finley felt sick. Generally sick.
No, this couldn’t be happening. She refused.
Another goddamn quest. It had been 2 weeks. 2! This didn’t feel real.
The worse part (well, there were several worse parts but we’r not going to focus on that) was that Finley wasn’t involved.
Normally, Finley would be glad to not have to be on a quest. She had been on her own quest for the past 10 years, but, the other girls were, including a 13 year old.
She wasn’t all that upset that a 13 year old was going instead, she could care less, she was mad that a 13 year old was going on a quest in general.
Dorothea is a literal child. Finley was certain that girl could kick ass, but she knew just how badly it could affect her.
She didn’t want her experiencing that. Especially with seem so final as the prophecy they just got.
As all these thoughts ran through Finley’s head, she started to tune back in on the moment.
All four of them were emotional, as anyone would be.
She turned around at the sound of crying.
The scene she saw was not pretty.
Dorothea was sobbing, and Brook and Anastasia looked to be getting angry as they cried.
They continued walking, leaving both Her and Dorothea in the dust.
“You’re joking, right?” Brook asked.
“Why would I be joking?”
“Jesus Christ…” Finley muttered. Dorothea looked at her with wide eyes.
Poor kid.
“I wouldn’t suggest following me in there.” She warned, looking at the Chaos cabin.
“Wha- no!”
“Thea, please. Just, wait.” The talking turned more into yelling.
“No buts. This isn’t going to end well.”
Dorothea looked upset, but didn’t object. “Fine.” She continued walking to her cabin.
Finley sighed, before going in.
“Are you really saying I shouldn’t do this?!” Anastasia yelled.
“I’m saying you’re young.” Brook shot back.
“Yeah, no shit, sherlock. We’re all young!”
“uh-” Finley started, but was met with a monsterous glare from both of them.
Fuck- jeez
“You think I want to go on this?” Anastasia asked bitterly. “There is no way in hell I want too, and I would rather pluck my eyes out with a toothpick and eat it then let Thea go. But I don’t get a choice.”
“I know that, I’m trying to help you.”
“Help? How? Cause there is no soluation! We are stuck in this situation!”
“BECAUSE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?! ONE OF US IS GOING TO DIE! WE CAN’T DO ANYTHING!” Anastasia yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks. “You could die. Don’t you understand?!”
Finley felt tears of her own roll down her cheeks.
“Yes! I have things to live for now! I know damn well what I’d lose!”
“Really? Cause you don’t act like you do!”
“Neither do you!”
“Let’s just-”
They both shhed Finley, not even turning to look at her.
“I’m fine.” Anastasia told her.
“Bullshit. None of us are fine. We haven’t been fine in a while.” Brook stated.
“What do you want me to say?”
“I want you to let me help!”
“I don’t need your help!” Anastasia turned away.
“Stop making it harder for yourself-”
“I’m not. I don’t need help.”
Brook sighed. “You do. You’re just being stubborn at this point.”
“I’m not!”
Brook just gave her a look.
“Stop that.”
“Stop being stubborn.”
“You can’t do anything! You can’t fix it!” She snapped.
“I’m just trying to offer support-”
“That was not what you were doing 5 minutes ago.”
“What is your problem?!”
“My problem?! what’s my problem?! My problem is everything! Two people I care aboout might die!”
“You might die.”
“I don’t care! I would rather you two be okay.”
“Well, you should! You were just telling me that I didn’t act like I had something to live for and now you’re acting like this!”
“Because it matters when it’s you!”
“It matters when it’s you too!” Brook yelled.
“No, it doesn’t.” Anastasia said with enough certainty it broke Finley’s heart.
“Yes it does! Why wouldn’t it?!”
“Because your more important!”
“Anastasia, who on earth told you that?” Finley asked, finally having the courage to speak.
“No one needed too.”
“Don’t. I don’t need anymore pity.”
“I am not more important than you.”
“Yes you are!”
“Please don’t lie to me.”
“We’re not lying!” Finley cried.
“I’m not stupid!”
“You’re acting like it.” Brook told her.
She went to say something else, but Anastasia cut he off.
“Sorry that I don’t want to pretend that it’s not happening.”
“It’s not happening, Anastasia!”
“You can both get out if you’re going to lie to my face.”
They both fell silent in shook.
“Anastasia-” Brook stated.
“I mean it.” She said harshly.
“You’re being childish-” Brook tried once more.
“Get. out.”
“Fine.” Brook stormed out.
Anastasia stared at Finley.
“I hope you know that we weren’t lying.” She walked out the cabin.
She felt tears roll down her cheeks once more.
She headed towards her cabin, she wanted nothing more than to pass out in her bed.
She spotted Dorothea sitting on the steps.
“What happened? Are you alright?” She stood up and ran over to her. FInley could tell she had been crying.
Finley quickly wiped her tears. A part of her wanted to pretend everything was a-ok, but she wasn’t the one that had to deal with the aftermath of that.
“It was… explosive, to say the least.”
Dorothea frowned. “Explosive?”
“Annie kicked us out.”
“Oh gods…” Dorothea wiped her tears.
Finley tok a shaky breath, trying to figure out what to say.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”
She looked down at the ground for a moment. “Are you okay?”
“I guess.” Dorothea sighed. “No ones really okay after everything that’s happened today.”
“Good point.” She chuckled weakly, trying not to cry more.
She could see Dorothea shaking. She wanted to tell her it would be okay, but it wouldn’t. She knew it wouldn’t. It wasn’t okay. Nothing about this was okay.
She wrapped her into a hug. She felt her start to cry into her.
“I’m scared.” She sobbed.
“I know… You have every right to be.”
“I don’t want to do this. I don’t want watch anyone die. I dont want to die!”
Finley felt her lip quiver. Gods, this was hard to watch all of them go through.
“I wish I could take this away from you.”
“I do too.”
only took a few days to write this, which is the quickest I've ever written a first chapter.
Anyways will cook an open starter after this cause why not have more angst?
Yall have anyone in particular you want for the open starter???
@arisdaughter / @letsbelikethewindtogether @childofthewargod @dianedantedominic @kaiaalwayswins @theorphicforest
@that-girl-cupid @delilah-isnt-dead-yett @daonedaonlyskh @hispanic-child-of-hermes
@aria-pane @wine-cooper @i-am-persephones-daughter @unhinged-waterlilly
@seed-of-the-pomegranate @istglevi-gotmesimping
@if-chaos-was-a-boy @ariathemortal @i-was-never-sane @gaygirldoodles @superbstarlightsheep
If you want to be added, removed or if I forgot to tag you, let me know :)
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Main account: @love-lightning-forethought
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Name: Brooklyn 'Brook' Mackenzie Hayward
Individual Blog: @rayof-damnsunshine
Colour: Pink
Pronouns: She/Her
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Sexuality: Pan
Age: 17
Birthday: 28/06/2007
Powers: Healing with love (Physical affection heals people), Biokinesis (Can change my appearance), Emotional Influence & Enhanced Hearing
Weapon/s: Two daggers that have purple handles
Hobbies: Embroidering, Jewellery Making, Vinyl Collecting, Ballet, Painting, Cooking/Baking, Woodwork & Reading
Fatal Flaw: Too Forgiving
Personality: Bubbly, Vibrant, Trusting, Kind, Caring, Honest, Trustworthy, Adventurist, Loving, Hopeful
Mortal Parent: Cameron Hayward
Adopted by: @demigod-jack-hearth
Years at Camp: 2 months
Dating my super hot amazing wonderful partner @childofthewargod 🥰
Face claim:
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Anastasia Baird
Godly Parent: Khaos, Legacy of Ares
Adopted by: You guess it @demigod-jack-hearth
individual Blog: @practicemakes-perfect (Old)
Colour: Red
Age: 15
Birthday: 9/5/2009
Weapon/s: a ring that turns into a dagger if she turns left or a sword if she turns right
Ares: Insane reflexes, heighten senses, Telumkinesis, Odikinesis, Necromancy (Limited to soldiers on the losing side of a battle), Enhanced strength
Khaos: Pyrokinesis (limited to primordial flames), psychokinesis, can see through mist, Teleportation/Shadow travel (though she prefers shadow travel), element control (limited), object summoning, temporary power copying, immortality (limited), healing, night vision? (can see past true darkness), can see and understand gods and goddesses true immortal forms, blessings (can bless other demigods and boost their powers), Necromancy (yes again), can see the past present and future, and can enter and exit the underworld and Tartarus.
Fatal Flaw: perfectionism
Face claim:
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Name: Finley Rose Zavala
Individual Blog: @braving-the-storm
Colour: Blue
Godly Parent: Zeus
Head counsellor of Cabin 1
Adopted by: Plot twist @demigod-jack-hearth
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16
Birthdate: 3rd of August, 2008
Height: 5'11
Weight: N/A
Powers: Atmokinesis (weather control), Electrokinesis, Aerokinesis (air manipulation) and weather prediction.
Weapons: None/A sharpened stick?
Fatal Flaw: lack of self worth
Disabilities: ADHD, Dyslexia and Autism
Mortal Parent: Michelle Zavala
Time at camp: 2 months
Face claim:
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Important posts:
Cat forms
lore drop collection
My OC's and their issues
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I've made one account cause I was sick of switch blogs and accidently reblog from the wrong account so I have made one
the other accounts will stay up, don't fear
All OOC will be in normal text
All dividers by @saradika-graphics
Cooper and Amelia's blog: @nightboyandwatergirl
Noah's Blog: @whats-hidden-in-the-dark
Harry Potter Blog: @willsetyou-onfire
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Tags used (If you care about that thing):
#brook has entered the chat
#finley needs your attention now
#anastasia says hi
#oh my gods bro I got an ask will still be used for asks
#lovely talks for ooc
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I am a minor also keep that in mind when interacting
I'm also asexual so any NSFW isn't allow (mainly because minor) and will probably be clowned on
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m1d-45 · 2 years
OHOHOHOHOH THAUMIEL READER…. it’s so funny to imagine the foundation suffering like “what do you MEAN that’s not a keter what the fuck we had everything set up and now they’re the EARTH?? fuck this”
there’s a ton of horror stuff that we could go with for this but also. i love the idea of teyvat being like “where creator?? where creator go???” and the answer being the creator is currently being used as a jail. they’ll be back in a bit just wait for them to do a little containment breach.
and then i also had the thought “if the universe bends in the reader’s favor…. what if that somewhat applies to other scps’ powers as well” which THEN led to the thought of “what if the foundation purposefully pits you with dangerous scps to see how well your powers can protect you and if they extend to people around you” because we love a bit of unethical experimentation in this house!
should i be paying attention to my innovation class? maybe. but this is more important - teddy anon
honestly the entire wing of the foundation is real tempted to retire
“do a little containment breach” as if it couldn’t end up a world-ending calamity event-
honestly i’d hate to be the guy that accidentally discovered that reader wasn’t a keter class. like their shackles suddenly gain extra links so they can reach for something they’d been planning on using as leverage (like a “if you cooperate you get this”) and the researcher just…. double checks their notes, the guidelines on the floor, their notes saying they shouldn’t be able to reach beyond the red line but the leverage a good foot beyond that- they just stand and leave, clipboard in hand, not looking forward to the hellish meeting that’ll have to follow
experiments follow, testing how far your powers reach, eventually bringing in one of the safer scps. i’m blanking on any example, but they slowly ramp up and up, testing just how far reality is willing to bend for you. scp 173 is brought in, but doenst move when you look towards fhe researcher behind the glass, counting your peripheral vision as “looking”.
they take you to scp 3008 but none of the workers bother you, you’re able to find the exit with ease, unharmed, blåhaj in hand.
you name him finley.
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evocatiive · 1 year
closed starter for @mctionsick from mari to finley
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"Happy birthday," The greeting comes with an unsure smile, and Mari wonders if this was a good idea after all. "I just...wanted to stop by and give you this." Before she can lose her nerve, she pushes the gift box in their direction, not wanting to linger beyond her welcome. Ever since their Talk, it had felt like things had been better between them, but it's also like they are in this strange in between place, and she doesn't know how to navigate that with grace. Still, she couldn't not at least stop by and give Finley her good wishes. She's sure that there is a celebration planned for them later, as they deserve. Inside the box, if Fin is to unwrap it, they would find a stack of band t-shirts, all of them merch from the bands that the two of them had ironically seen in concert when they had been together.
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muffinsandstardust · 1 year
i'm having thought over the fact foolish is SUCH a dad. like dreamsmp his first stream his #1 goal was: Aquire a Son! he didn't care about tools, armor, or settle, no he said his number one priority was finding a way to acquire a child. and he LOVED foolish jr. he made jr a nest in the endercrib until he ran out of space. he was terrified anytime he took jr out but he still carried him to go on playdates. dude was paranoid about SEAGULS. in VANILLA. he would tell them age-apporitate bedtime stories about what he was going through. he didn't want finley at first but between chat and his reluctance to ever use a real totem, he accepted her and he loved her two. and then there was that brief moment where he thought he was pregnant and was excited about it. and then he comes to the qsmp and he adopts arin. arin new nothing about the world and was the equivalent of an infant and foolish saw this and said "yes i will be your dad. i will love you and teach you." how when he found out he about the multiple arin computers his first thought was "do I have triplets?" and he he gave each and every one a hug. and the egg even where he begged the gods to grant him a child when he saw all the eggs had been adopted. how leo changed his world and he dedicated his life to her. how he has entire backpack dedicated to gifts she's given him, how she showed him there was more to life. she taught him it was ok to get attached. leo was his best besti and just. i can't stop thinking of his conversation with bad and how much he's grown since his time on the dream smp. "if i trapped you in an obsidian box, you'd be alive but that wouldn't be living." that's exactly what he did with his first children! but now he's learned that was a mistake. leo has taught him it's better to enjoy life even if it's short. and now leo's gone and what has foolish been doing? getting pregnant, over and over, and over agian because at least then he's helping another life into the world. at least then his life is used to nurture another. because what is he when he's not a dad? and yeah he's not perfect, he struggles with emotions and saying his love. but he loves so so much. he tries his best he does. give him his two(8???) kids back please
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ask-lab-rats · 6 days
"AW HELL YEAH! We gotta lock in chat!
We need to come up with the best plan ever." - Finley
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katatty · 8 days
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Year 1 - Spring - Dowrick (Peasant Fishers)
The Dowricks are one of the largest families in Driftwood. And with three daughters, family-man Thomas is sweating a little thinking about the dowries they'll need…
His teenage girls, Margery and Helen, seem to be competing for the affections of Alexander Harwood, the orphaned woodcutter boy. Helen's the smart one in the family, loves observing the tidepools, and is great at chatting up customers at their shop. Margery is the elder of the two and doesn't care much for fishing (too lazy & clumsy) but she's got a part-time job as a servant over at Mondegreen manor. She can be a little boisterous (and definitely gets over-competitiive when it comes to her sister) - one noogie too many and Alexander was quick to lose his crush on her!
His wife Jillian isn't much of a fisher either, but makes some money on the side collecting reeds and weaving baskets. She sometimes fantasises about being a minstrel or actress, but she's terribly shy so being a fisherman's wife suits her fine. Thomas and Jillian don't really have the best chemistry, but they make a good team.
Thomas' aging father, Daveth, lives with them. He might not like the outdoors much, but he's very dedicated to his work and hold both himself and the rest of the family to high standards. Their youngest, Annie, can almost always be found fishing next to her grandad. Annie's patient and disciplined, not at all like the rest of her family, and might just be the best fisher of the lot.
Meanwhiile Finley, the family's heir, is due to age up soon. He's not found a sweetheart to marry just yet (too busy horsing around with that Nigel Bouldre), but there's no rush. He's been a very active fisherman and helping out with the business too!
The fish are always bountiful in the spring time, and with so many hands on deck the family had no trouble meeting their tax oblgations. It could be a lot more difficult when the girls are all grown up and moved out with husbands of their own...
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craftyballoonwinner · 1 month
Miquella the Streamer
I love the idea of Miquella being a streamer or Instagram influencer.
FYI Pro Miquella/Radahn
Definately posts beauty tips and reviews make up lines.
Has TWO channels. One for beauty and one for games.
Plays mostly RPGs, action or dating sims.
Always looks dressed to the nines and wears a crystal headset in gold cubic zirconia (or at least they hope it's fake)
Catch phrase "if it's gold it's good" even if said item is shit in game.
Does marathons for chairty that includes games he hates (usually with Radahn or Malenia)
Leda moderates his chat and has a zero strike policy.
His icon is a chibi face with the haligtree in the back.
Goes on multiple vacations and posts videos. Always talking to someone no one can see. Chat knows it's not Malenia, he shares the video with her when she's there with Finley.
Does not date although watchers can swear he sometimes looks/ talks to a man off screen and sometimes poses sexily and jokes to said man behind the camera.
Is non binary, loves pretty dresses and soft colors.
Sometimes shows up in drag persona St. Trina with purple highlights.
Can and will drag trolls expertly.
Has depression and mommy issues.
Will review red carpets while being dressed better than the attendees.
Can have a temper. His collaboration with Godrick the Golden will go down in history as the most angry he will ever get when Godrick told him Malenia got rotted because she's unhygienic and Limegrave viewers need to get off their asses and work.
sings well but refuses to do covers.
As his popularity rises so do the stalkers. Someone called Needle Knight really freaks him out.
Takes frequent brakes for all the trips he goes on but works hard to record so online posting doesn't stop while he's away.
Drives an expensive ass car ( he accidently pulled out the keys for a Lamborghini while search for lip balm in his purse) and viewers can sometimes spot several names brand purses in the background of his streams.
Uses an office, with a glowing neon sign of his channel and several high quality action figures of his favorite game on the shelf behind him.
Goes through a horrible break up and stops streaming when some named Starscoruge publicly states they miss him in chat while he struggles to get through Dark Souls 1. Chat talked about that for months on end. Starscourge is never seen again and no one knows who they are. They theorize he was the man Miquella talks to behind the camera.
Stops streaming when university starts. Comes back three months later when he flunked out and hated it.
Things get bad, chat starts to worry about his mental health and freak out when Marika posts an update that she will be closing down his channel for the safety of his mental health.
Is surprised when he comes back a year later on a new channel with a co host. Starscoruge Radahn (who runs gym, games and health channels under his Redmane name). Malenia will fill in when he can't stream with Miquella.
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ash-the-bee · 4 months
I’m gonna be. So honest chat.
I genuinely wish there was more information about Finley. He seems like such an interesting character. Like. Please give me more knowledge on how this character acts!! All I know is that he’s shy and melancholic normally, how does he act with Lloyd? Or Mollie? All we’ve seen is a single interaction with Rambley!
I know that more information will come out next chapter! (Or on twitter/x which I don’t have sadly.)
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ratboylovesyou · 9 months
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hey i’m finley, welcome to the blog! shoot me an ask or dm if u want to chat :}
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Open Starter: The Aftermath
TW: Injuries and mentions of violence and attempted murder
All three girls were in the infirmary now.
Anastasia had to be forcefully pushed down on a bed to be stitched up cause she was freaking out so badly.
Brook was relevantly calm about her injuries considering she got shot and knocked out. She, however, was not calm about everyone else's.
Finley got the worse end of the stick, considering she was currently half conscious and in a lot of fucking pain.
@arisdaughter @childofthewargod @dianedantedominic @kaiaalwayswins @theorphicforest
@that-girl-cupid @delilah-isnt-dead-yett @daonedaonlyskh @hispanic-child-of-hermes
@aria-pane @wine-cooper @i-am-persephones-daughter @unhinged-waterlilly
@demigod-jack-hearth @seed-of-the-pomegranate @istglevi-gotmesimping
@if-chaos-was-a-boy @ariathemortal @i-was-never-sane @gaygirldoodles @superbstarlightsheep
If you want to be added, removed or if I forgot to tag you, let me know :)
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making a post with some info about my headmates/facets and our system in general! it’ll be good to have while we’re processing our syscovery, and it’ll definitely be updated when new things are discovered. (anything in blue text is new info added after the original upload)
we are a median specutien proxy system! we will use the term system, but we also use collective, dorm, and chat to refer to us. we don’t have an official system name for all of us, but that’ll be worked out soon. our origin/reasoning for being plural is not quite clear yet, but we’re fairly sure it’s not traumagenic. pretty much all of our members are alterhuman/nonhuman in some way, and we prefer to be referred to as nonhuman or something along those lines. we are firmly of the stance that all systems are valid (no matter the origin or presentation), and anti endos, anti tulpas, anti non-traumagenic systems, sysmeds, and exclusionists will NOT BE TOLERATED WHATSOEVER!!!
here is some info about each headmate/facet! it’ll include names, pronouns, roles (although it won’t always be clear what their roles are or they won’t even have a role), and general facts and information about each one.
Katie, aka K, is me! I’m the host and core of this collective, and the one that my family, friends, followers, and mutuals know about the most/solely. you know my pronouns and stuff about me, so there’s no real need to rehash all that (but if you don’t know, then just click here for my pronoun page).
Maple is probably the oldest headmate of ours, and is most likely a tulpa-born imaginary friend resulting from loneliness and a need for a more structured part of ourself during a rough part of our life. she uses she/he/they/it, but likes he and they the most. he seems to look like me, except with shorter, more masc-looking hair and a broader body. sometimes they’ll take the form of a bird that looks similar to a treepie or a cinnamon coloured fox. she’s very levelheaded and reasonable, and is the most realistic and down-to-earth of all of us. this often results in him being the one to remind us to eat, drink, go to bed, and stay on track.
Princess is a brown and white english bulldog puppy, and is our resident little. she uses she/he pronouns, and is a big ball of happy-go-lucky energy. she loves anything to do with age/pet regression/dreaming, and is just a very childishly naive and sweet puppy. he’s also quite sensitive to criticism and arguments, and just wants everyone to be happy and get along together. her favourite colours are red, pink, and cyan, and he often dawns a pink collar with a red bow.
Red is our anger holder and protector. she’s a red feathered dragon with a long tufted tail and large wings. ae likes any names associated with the colour red (such as scarlet, carnelian, ruby, mahogany, etc), but we just use the name red to refer to her most often. she uses she/ae pronouns, and gives off femme fatal vibes in a way. ae’s the one who gets frustrated and upset the easiest, and is in a constant state of either furiously pacing or slumped in a corner with her wings drawn in. she’s fiercely protective and loyal to both our collective and my family and friends. I most often see aer with Finley or Something (both other facets that I’ll talk about later).
Speaking of, we have Fin (short for Finley)! he’s our very anxious cautious jittery ball of fluff, and uses he/him pronouns (although he’ll sometimes use no pronouns or his name instead of pronouns). he looks like those long cat plushies (specifically a grey and white tabby), except if it was actually a real live cat. if you haven’t caught on, Fin likes using a lot of parentheses when speaking, because there’s always more information and intent that isn’t always known, and Fin just prefers to give out all of the information to avoid misunderstanding. he’s the one who is always running around wailing “what if this? what if that? do they really mean it? what if they’re actually lying or something?”, and needs a lot of reassurance about his fears and anxieties.
Ty (short for Tyler (we have NO IDEA why he chose that name btw; it isn’t my favourite name, but we roll with it)) is a robot who uses it/its, but also doesn’t mind any other pronoun (EXCEPT for she/her or any really fem sounding pronouns). we can’t really tell if it’s a protogen or some kind of robot with a tv/monitor for a face (it flip flops in my head when I imagine what it looks like), but it doesn’t mind being referred to or envisioned as either. he’s super into any kind of information, and is always seeking out new things to learn. this often results in him making me ask unintentionally intrusive or rude sounding questions in an attempt to learn more about someone or something, which gets us in some trouble or earns some weird looks (oops!).
Cinnabar is an odd part of ourself, as I (the host) am not quite sure on whether thon’s a fictive or just a kintype of myself. anyways, we’ll make an info page on thing just in case it ends up being the former. Cinnabar is our first and only (for now) fictive, and is a red bokoblin from the BOTW/TOTK era of TLoZ. Thing uses thon/thing pronouns, and is a very silly wild creature. Cinnabar may be a misanthrope, but thing may just not really like humans due to thon being constantly bullied by humans when thon was a human. thing was willingly transformed into a bokoblin (although thing mostly retained the mindset of a human) by the cursed statue residing near hateno village around 40~ years after the calamity that destroyed hyrule in BOTW. Cinnabar absolutely adores all types of animals, and is eager to learn all about the natural world (thing particularly loves horses, birds, and dogs the most). thon also loves getting into mischief, and is the one always wanting to hear gossip or fun stories from everyone.
Finally, we get to our last facet (as of the making of this post; there may be more in the future). This one is the most elusive and confusing one, so we don’t have a lot of useful information. this thing is Something, and it uses it/thon. yes, it’s name is Something (and it has to be capitalized, it just feels right and makes it satisfied), because that’s really the only thing that describes it. what is it? well, it’s Something. it takes the form of a vaguely humanoid shadowy void thing (sometimes we see it with one singular eye or a mouth (never both at the same time though, which is a little creepy)), but is also capable of shapeshifting into other forms (although they will always be shadowy and not always clear). Something is a very negative facet of ours, and is the one who is always muttering intrusive/invasive thoughts to me. when I imagine Something, it feels as if I’m sinking into a vat of tar; my breathing gets shallower, my brain sometimes gets fuzzy or preoccupied with solely thinking about Something, and I lose track of what I’m supposed to be doing or saying or even thinking (it’s really weird tbh).
well, now we’re finished with talking about our facets! I’ll add a list of emoji signoffs for each one, as we all really love signoffs and love expressing ourselves with fun symbols :)
Katie/K: 🩷/🐕
Maple: 🍁/🪶
Princess: 🐶/🎀
Red: 🐦‍🔥/🏔️
Ty/Tyler: 📺/📚
Cinnabar: 🐷/🌎
Something: 🌚/♠️
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valsnonsense · 6 months
Princess Iris of Pop
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Parents: Queen Poppy and King Branch
Siblings: Choco (Elder Sister), Vanilla (Elder Sister), Strawberry (Elder Sister), Apple (Elder Brother), Oran (Elder Brother), Lemon (Elder Brother), Lime (Elder Brother), Blueberry (Elder Brother), Grape (Elder Sibling)
Age: 13
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Genre: Pop
Voice Claim: Tori Kelly
The youngest child of Poppy and Branch. Quiet, reserved, but extremely smart, Iris is the most unique of all her siblings, in both appearance and abilities as a Troll.
Iris was born with ties to ancient magic, magic only found in The Depths. She has the ability to heal most wounds and cure many illness by channeling a magical energy through her paws. No one knows how she got this ability, but many think it's tied to her unique appearance.
Despite her rare powers, Iris is quite shy and extremely bashful about it, not liking the attention it gets her. She's often found hiding behind Branch in public, clinging to his robes as he goes about his day. Only in the presence of her family does Iris open up a bit more.
When with family, Iris shows her more open side. She's quiet sarcastic and witty like her father, and will casually roast her older siblings at the drop of a hat.
Iris is a Pop Troll through and through, and has one of the most beautiful voices of her family. She can often be found out in the gardens, singing to herself.
Iris currently resides in Trollstopia alongside her family.
Fun Facts!
- Iris' actually inherents her appearance from her great grandmother, Prism, wife of Rosiepuff. But since there are no pictures or records of her, no one is aware of this connection.
- Iris hatched on the exact same day as her cousin, Finley, son of JD. The two are very close, and can often be found sitting in the gardens, chatting away.
- Iris has an acute sense of how other Trolls are feeling. If you're hurt, either physically or emotionally, she's just able to tell. When her siblings are feeling down, she'll often just walk up to them and hug them, no words needed.
- Iris loves embroidery. Knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, sewing, you name it. She can even weave tapestry's, and has several of her works hanging around their home.
And at long last, the last of the Broppy kids!! Iris was my favorite to design, and of all the kids she had the BIGGEST design overhaul. Originally, Iris was sort of the "indigo" Troll to match the rainbow theme I had going (naming her after the Iris flower), but I wasn't really feeling her design, so I flipped it on its head and made her a rainbow! She kept her name, now referencing the Goddess of The Rainbow in Greek Mythology.
And Iris has magic! Iris is definitely one of the "main protagonists" of the next gen if you will. She's not the only one with magic either! Her fellow magic users will be introduced soon~ and how the magic works will be explained later down the line
But I hope y'all liked the Broppy kids! The big family portrait will be posted tomorrow (it was such a pain to make why did I give them so many kids hdbdbdhdbbd)
Voice Example: Hallelujah (Tori Kelly)
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… Oh boy. Where to begin.
Hi. I guess. This is the official Controlled Chaos account where me and my buds chat. Feel free to ask us questions. Just don’t be a freak.
💣 - Blade, He/Him
💅 - Tempest, Any
🧮 - Cassius, They/Them
🧸 - Mallory, She/They
🪐- Ophelia, She/Her
🐱 - Jean-Louis, He/They
📺 - Finley, Any
📻 - Felicity, Any
Oh yeah, update, our creator will put their statements in a separate section of the post with parentheses. Look for the all capital “MOD POST” for anything important or whatever.
To clarify, the only ship allowed here is me and Tempest. THAT’S IT. DO NOT ship me with any of my exes or else I’ll fucking kill you.
(Hey, mod here, Finley and Felicity are siblings as well, don’t ship them please !! Both are somewhat friends with Blade. Ophelia and Jean-Louis are exes of Blade, and Cassius and Mallory are friends of Blade.)
Alright, peace out. - 💣
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rainbow-beanie · 3 months
Screenshots of a vod I watched about indigo park on YouTube, by sneegvods, part two
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I mean it makes sense given the vast amount of blood flowing from mollie’s decapitated head, but I highly doubt their human anymore either. It’s been eight years since the park shut down, so why would some people in mascot costumes still be walking around? Well, someone else in the chat also theorized something that would make sense and is utterly terrifying to think about.
They proposed that the mascots were possibly made similarly to what happened in the Godzilla analog horror (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, look it up. Or don’t. It’s very body horror focused and has a high chance at making people squeamish.)
The main thing y’all need to know about is that the mascots were possibly created or even tested on to turn humans, possibly some of the employees at the park into real life characters, like mollie (rip girlie) Lloyd, and Finley. This would explain why when rambly was talking to us after the mollie chase scene that he said that the employees stopped showing up. But what if the employees had shown up, but not exactly in the park. But instead down underground somewhere being tested on, which rambley would obviously not know about. Not if he wanted to go digging, but why would he? He just thought the employees had quit and left.
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selfsabotaqe · 11 months
hi everyone! it's been a while & finally i'm making my comeback. work has finally left me some room to breathe so i'll be reappearing on your dash and hopefully getting back into the swing of replies. down below there's a full list of everything currently in my drafts. please let me know whether you'd like to continue or drop these threads. whichever scenario is completely fine and understandable (it's been a hot sec after all), just let me know. if you'd prefer to start something new, we can also do that. feel free to message me or reply to this post anytime. there's no rush at all to make up your mind, but just to start off i'll start with replies for threads people do actively express interest in. so if anything from this list is something you're still excited about, let me know and i'll prioritize. we can always waitlist the other stuff while we feel it out. anyway, let me know, come chat, let me love u down and can't wait to continue writing together. love u all! 💗🥹
with @persephonyed. carlos x lorenzo marley x camille
with @silvrmoon. nadiye x milo axel x kadri zehra x sierra
with @lilacwiine. drew x felice amara x maya
with @invcntions. alec x lucas mateo x saxon devrim x leo beau x koa emre x noah luca x jaiden (smth new?) jesse x finn peyton x vance soren x lincoln
with @horrorphase. dominic x percy milan x kendall
with @slumpcd. max x theo kendall x nolan jinny x gwen
with @gcldcnhour. eden x mathias rhys x bodie isabel x tate alina x priya zoe x knox ethan x violet marisol x miriam
with @temptedfates. emmett x aydin noor x solana
with @spectraled. maddie x rory tbd x dallas (thought abt replying if u would like replies <3)
with @vacationeyes. marco x conrad julian x callum emre x frankie xavier x tyson jude x forest
with @lovecharged. jonas x antonio aleksei x drake bridie x quilo tbd x amie jonas x antonio (part two) julian x zayn felix x robin nadiye x rasim tatum x uziah carlos x gabriel
with @fruitpoem. ambar x joel
with @inkiidreams. aera x selin davika x esra carlos x mallory merve x yaritza robin x aurelia lais x nova casper x knox lachlan x olivia
with @wutheringdevotion. lachlan x oliver rowan x ginny connor x evan meera x monique carlos x gabriel gwen x jonah margot x adrian
with @gardenwalls. meera x paloma alec x mack naiyana x nadine daniel x minako laura x andrea fabien x mei li nazli x rhys
with @felteverywhere. alina x rowan
with @sunstvne. santiago x constantin
with @gvngsigns. gabriela x lucas kai x mateo florence x liam tobias x zuri andrea x cruz ricardo x vincent
with @scbrvght. all of our formula one threads (don't think i owe u the replies but let me know if you'd like to continue them <3) lale x finley soren x everly
mAYBE im missing things. if there's anything i owe you that isn't on this list, feel free to point it out to me! and also vice versa, if you owe me something & you want to discuss continuing or dropping it, just come message me and we can chat about it!
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