#➤ { ooc: will make you remember this picturesque day in the future }
smileflowcr · 9 days
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vengo a dejar un pedacito de mi presencia por acá después de comer todo lo que no comí desde la semana pasada por la gripe(?) hola gente bonita, no olviden tomar awa y felices fiestas a la gente del mejor país de Chile ♡
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norburyct · 4 years
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if you didn’t look closely, you’d think it was a ghost town.
the sandy beaches and quaint downtown facade are as inviting and charming as ever, but for the first summer in recent history, norbury is... empty. empty, that is, of the manhattan- and boston-ites returning to their summer homes on the shoreline, and the day trippers flooding the beach and taking instagram photos by the picturesque facades. the beginning of june would normally see the first wave of summer tourism for this beachfront town-- but this year, locals are finding that they’ve only got themselves to keep each other company.
until today.
six outsiders arrive, oblivious to the strange and unidentifiable forces which have taken hold of their summer destination. three of them come into norbury with questions, two with memories of heartbreak, and one with a grisly vision that flashed into his mind only when they crossed the town border. none of them notice the emptiness of the town as they drive, skirting around the downtown area and heading straight for the winthropes’ beach house at 15 dogwood lane: aka their home for the summer. but once they’ve settled enough to wander into town, they find an eerie ghostlike rendition of the summer getaway they were expecting. they find locals-- all of whom have answers in one way or another, if the six outsiders are able to get them. they find a mystery which will only deepen as they investigate further, with multiple threads ultimately connected to the same dangerous web.
and it all begins now.
see below the cut for ooc information!
please make sure you’re following everyone in this list, as well as the main.
the current ic time period is june 2nd-12th! threads can take place anytime during that span.
the next plot drop will go up in approx. 2 weeks, although you’re welcome to continue threads from this ic period after that (just don’t start any new ones)! 
if you do an open starter, just link it in the #open-starters channel on discord-- a tag doesn’t feel necessary for a group this size idk
remember that (at least for now) we’re doing 1x1 threads on tumblr and group threads on discord.
the main characters are literally just arriving in town, so exploring the area, reacting to what they see, figuring out they’re the only non-locals there, realizing some weird shit has happened... that’s what this period is for baby!
you’re encouraged to investigate and start threads with npcs -- just see here for the guidelines.
tips for discord threads.
everyone should be able to add channels in the “group threads” category on discord (please lmk if you can’t!).
to start a new thread, make a channel with every involved character’s name alphabetically (e.g. “#ingrid-kieran-theo”), putting in “npc” if you’d like to meet a new npc. if you end up doing more threads in the future with the same group, start a new channel for each and add -2, -3, etc. to the name.
try to keep the channels in the thread category (aside from #group-text and #social-media) ordered alphabetically to make things easier to find!
i know there can be some pressure to reply to discord threads right when you open them, but please take your time! it’s chill!! if you read a reply but don’t want to do your own right on the spot, i recommend marking the latest message unread so that the notification reappears and you’ll remember to reply later.
that said, please try to keep discord threads short and gif-less so they’re easier to reply to and doable on mobile.
once a discord thread is finished OR hasn’t had a new reply in more than a week, it’ll be moved to the “threads archive” category so things don’t get cluttered!
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smileflowcr · 4 months
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Hola gente preciosa, actualicé las reglas otra vez y les agradecería si pudiesen echarle un vistazo. Hay cositas que quiero dejar en claro desde hace tiempo (cuando estaba sintiéndome incómoda acá) para así evitarme malos ratos en un futuro.
Les quiero mucho (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*
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smileflowcr · 2 months
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Hola gente bonita, oficialmente estoy de vacaciones y me verán por acá hasta el 12 de Agosto (?) finalmente puedo descansar del peor semestre de toda mi vida ;;
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smileflowcr · 3 months
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Doy señales de vida(?) luchando contra la uni y fin de semestre, no sé cuándo sea libre porque son unos ineptos que no me dan la fecha de los exámenes pero bueno, eso, les amo <3
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smileflowcr · 4 months
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Hola estrellitas <3 hago mi aparición de fin de semana porque no voy a clases hasta el miércoles, sigo estresada por la uni pero espero me den una solución para dejar de ir a dos cursos por la asistencia, si total aprendo por mi cuenta(?)
Enfin, hice unos arreglos a la ml porque me dio la locura de ponerles cumpleaños(?) sdfsdfs así que eso, por si quieren darse una vueltita <3
Les mando muchos besitos y abrazos fríos porque acá estoy que me congelo(?)
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smileflowcr · 7 months
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probando gif, perdonen las molestias(?)
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smileflowcr · 9 months
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No estoy muerta, me he viciado en el stardew valley, lo siento(?)
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smileflowcr · 9 months
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Salí con promedio 6,6 (la escala acá en Chiles de 1 a 7) así que sí sirvió matarme este semestre 🥲 (?)
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smileflowcr · 11 months
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paso a dejar amor fugaz en lo que descanso.
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smileflowcr · 1 year
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cómo se usa el editor de tumblr ahhhhhh
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smileflowcr · 1 year
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sigo viva, al borde de la locura, pero viva(?)
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smileflowcr · 2 years
cómo le hacen pa rolear smut, díganme sus secretos(?)
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smileflowcr · 1 year
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hola estrellitas, sigo viva, este viernes acabé mi primera ronda de pruebas y pues no la pasé bien eheheh pero bueno, espero en los próximos días estar de ánimos para responder cositas <3
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smileflowcr · 2 years
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díganle gracias a lilycita por darme una de las ship más lindas del mundo 😭
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smileflowcr · 2 years
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Woooooah myyyyyy loooooove, my darling. I've hungered for yoooooour touch, a long, lonely timeeeeeeee. And tiiiiiime gooooooes by so slowlyyyyyy.
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