#❮ IC REPLIES. ❯ ⁞⁞ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ.
ofoutcasts · 3 years
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nap time
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argentelectrum · 5 years
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       “Please, Isaac... I need you to tell me what to do because... I’m scared, I’m frightened...”  // @scarfwere
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argentelectrum · 5 years
also jon vc: i miss u
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    izzy vc: stop lying.
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argentelectrum · 6 years
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      “SO... YOU’RE A MUNDANE? The only one in your group?”
@voidworn liked for a small starter.
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argentelectrum · 5 years
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       “WANT TO EXPLAIN WHO YOU ARE?”  Her hand gripped the handle of her whip, breathing steady and controlled as she held her ground outside the Institute.  “I’m giving you a chance, but some of the others inside there won’t.”  - --------- @edensent
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argentelectrum · 5 years
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         “SO, YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN...” She started, her brows raising ever so slightly, her lips curling into a light smile as she continued her speech.  “...Disney. And the lands, or worlds... whatever they are. By the Angel, what are they?”  - ---------- @stclliferous ( simon )
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argentelectrum · 5 years
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         “I DON’T WANNA HEAR IT --- “  Head shakes as feet take her steps back. He was the enemy, he was everything she despised. Morgenstern. Lightwood. Both names interchangeable now according to some. To those in the know. But to her? A disgrace, a bad taste in her mouth, the bile that threatened to spill. -  -------------- @casualtyloss ( for val )
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argentelectrum · 6 years
‘i wasn’t ready to say goodbye.’
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       OH IF ANYONE COULD RELATE, it was definitely Izzy, and she knew it was a conversation they’d need to have at some point, one that would probably help him, but she hadn’t found the courage. She hadn’t made the decision yet to bring it up. Yet it seemed as though Luke had made that decision for the both of them. Her gaze lowered, her lips parting for a moment before she nodded her head gently.  “I know how it feels. To… lose someone you love, a family member, a part of you…”  Lifting her gaze, she allowed herself to take a tiny breath before continuing on.  “I lost my little brother, Max. He was… so smart, so great, and just… so good. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him. None of us were. We shouldn’t have been forced to, but we were. I don’t think I properly said goodbye to him til… months afterward? Finally letting go, finally saying goodbye to him, saying I’ll see you again… it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. But I understand, Luke, I know exactly how it feels.”
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argentelectrum · 6 years
‘ i need you. ‘
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      SHE STEPS FORWARD, eyes glaring and heart pounding as her brows furrowed into an intense frown, her gaze never wavering from his. Shaking her head, strands of black falling over her shoulders, she finally came to a stop a few feet short of the other. Silence hung between them for a moment before she turned to the bag she was packing, a bag of things she’d had tucked away in his room for whenever those late night sessions turned into an overnight thing. He was her Parabatai, no one batted an eyelid whenever they trained into the night. But now? Those things were being moved, and with every thing being tucked into the corner of the bag, she could feel the pain, the ache between them.  “You don’t need me. You haven’t for quite some time. I can feel it, and I know you can feel it too.”  Her voice wavered, cracking a little as she zipped up the black duffel she’d been shoving things into. Turning on her heel, she took a deep breath as she looked back at him.  “You need Clary more than you need me now. And that’s… you need to face up to it. You’ve chosen her over me. Your sister over your Parabatai. And… I never would have made you choose. Never. All I wanted was you… all I wanted was how it used to be. But… I don’t know where we go from here.”  Grabbing the bag, she turned on her heel in order to exit the room, the rune on her hip burning with each step she took away from him.
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argentelectrum · 6 years
‘ don’t make me say it. ‘ + ‘ please... ‘
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          TEARS WELLED AND STUNG, eyes shining as a result, her gaze never faltering, never wavering from the other Shadowhunter stood before her. Shrugging her shoulders, she finally stepped forward, lips pursed together in some attempt to stifle the tears that wanted to fall.  “What if I need you to say it, Clary? What if I need you to tell me how you really feel? I don’t want to just… sneak around anymore.”  Taking a step forward, she finally closed the distance, one hand on Clary’s cheek, her forehead against hers.  “I’ve never felt like this about anyone and I know it’s because I’ve been waiting for you. You’re… you’re my best friend, and I love you… and I just want to know that you feel the same way, and I know you do… I just want you to say it”
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argentelectrum · 6 years
‘what’s this between us?’
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       SHE TURNED ON HER HEEL, facing him now with a frown on her brow, an almost confused look crossing her features. Whip retreated back to her wrist as she took a step toward him, her shoulders shrugging upwards for a moment before she shook her head.  “I don’t know how you want me to answer that…”  Truth was, she didn’t. Yes, there was something between them. He was different to other mundanes she’d encountered throughout the years. He was able to handle himself for one, he understood everything she told him, whether it was about the downworld or not, and he trusted her to help him. Hell, she’d patched him up enough the last few weeks… or was it months by now? She couldn’t be sure. But either way…  “…you’re a mundane, Victor. That’s just… how it is. There can’t really be anything between us, it wouldn’t work… it doesn’t matter if there’s something because we can’t act on it, so just forget about it. Alright? We’ve got a job to do tonight.”
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argentelectrum · 6 years
         TOUCH MEME. - adjusting their clothes.
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         IT WASN’T HOW SHE EXPECTED THINGS. They’d lost the battle, lost every single thing and now there was this. Only this. Where he was King, for all intents and purposes, or at least that’s what so many Downworlders were referring to him as. And why wouldn’t they? That’s how it seemed to so many. A King of Edom, or a Prince, she wasn’t sure which. Lilith had crowned him the moment she’d given her blood, the moment she’d claimed him as her own son, and they hadn’t been strong enough to stop him. The resistance was below ground, hidden away from where they could be destroyed or ruined once more. And Isabelle? Double Agent. It’s what they said she was good at. Using her charm in order to make him trust her, at least to some extent, but anything that could be used against him was better than nothing.          But it wasn’t meant to be this long. It was meant to be a reconnaissance mission. A week or two, tops. Maybe a month at a push, however long it could take her to find a weak link, a chink in his armour. Yet, it had been months on end, running one into another and there had been times when she was sure he was on to them. That he’d intercepted some message or had her followed one day when she’d gone to meet Alec and Jace. But she couldn’t let on, couldn’t let him know. Despite how uneasy everything made her feel, especially on nights such as this. A dinner. Just the two of them, alone, without a single soul to see or hear them and her heart hated the idea and showed it’s displeasure by hammering in her chest.         She was wearing the dress he’d had laid out, the red one which complimented her skin tone and her hair all at once. Her red lipstick was the last little piece of the puzzle, and she was glad for it, almost like her war paint now, it had become a piece of her amour. Stepping into the dining room, he was there, waiting, stood by the fire place, flames almost close enough to lick his skin. Stopping not too far away from him, she held her arms out, waist height in order to show off the dress, awaiting his approval, or disapproval. And once she saw the expression on his face, she finally relaxed. 
       About to walk by the take her seat, her heart sank when she felt his grip on her arm, long slender fingers wrapping around her bicep causing her to take a single step back in line with him.  “Something wrong?”  Her voice almost wavered, heart hammering once again, stomach turning as his fingers pulled at the strap of the red dress which, unbeknownst to her, had fallen down onto her arm.  “…I didn’t even notice. Thank you.”  Gaze lifted to meet his before he finally stepped away, headed for his own seat at the large dinner table. Her eyes closed for a moment, breath exhaling, relief washing over her as she quickly composed herself and made for her own seat at the other end of the table. 
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argentelectrum · 6 years
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        HE WAS RIGHT. By the Angel, he was right. Being confined like this, trapped like some wild animal in a zoo... it had been grating on her for the last few weeks and there was nothing she could say to the Clave or even the NY Institute that would change it. He was a threat, or so the Clave had deemed it so, therefore he was to remain there until a predetermined time was decided on when he’d be moved to Idris. Yet it just didn’t sit well with Isabelle, there was something odd, something off that she couldn’t put her finger on. But she was still a member of his guard which meant she had a facade to keep up, yet his words caught her off guard completely.            “Don’t.”  It was almost a warning, to make him back off, her aw set in place as her eyes lifted, a glare this time instead of a look. She had to put that distance between them, maintain professionalism... but maybe it was too late for that. She’d already helped him, she’d been a constant in visiting him, she’d spent a good portion of her days down in the cells with him... so was he right?  “You’re a job, a mission, that’s it, Roman. Okay? Nothing else.”  Taking a step toward him, she peered upwards, always reminded of how tall he actually was once he squared up to her.  “...I can’t care about you. But... I think you need to get out of here. And I think... your daughter needs you”
@upirisms cont. from here.
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argentelectrum · 6 years
“Guess who is the prettiest shadowhunter in the world?”
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          “Let me guess… Jace?”
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argentelectrum · 6 years
“it’s just a stupid holiday.” / clary no.
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         A HEAVY SIGH IS HEARD, her attention turning to the smaller redhead as she pursed her lips, frown just light and soft on her brow. Shaking her head, she stepped forward, hands gripping Clary’s shoulders as she turned her around to face her front on.  “That is complete blasphemy and I won’t hear it.”  Smiling, she pushed some of the other’s girl’s hair behind her ear and shook her head gently.  “You just haven’t had the right Valentine experience. So here’s what we’re gonna do… we’re gonna go out, we’re gonna go shopping and get you the right outfit. Under layer too. And then we’re going to make sure that you and Jace have the most amazingly romantic and private Valentine’s night. And if that doesn’t work, well… I’m always free.”  The last three words were spoken with a light teasing grin and tone, followed by one single wink.
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argentelectrum · 6 years
“did i just hear a bark?”
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         A LAUGH ESCAPES THROUGH RED LIPS. Had she actually barked?! She was sure she’d growled a little a few moments before, but barking… oh hell, she’d let out a bark and now all she could do was laugh. Tears sprung to her eyes as she covered her face in his shoulder, still laying against him on the bed. Still laughing, she shook her head lightly, face still buried in his shoulder before she pulled back, a beaming smile on her lips still. “Don’t you dare tell anyone!” The full moon was definitely close, and this was not something she was used to but maybe it was a normal thing for a werewolf and just something she had to jump into and have fun with.
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