#❥ ❝ observe it our way ❞ (my gifs)
hauntsect · 2 months
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"H̷u̷g̷h̷i̷e̷ ̷C̷a̷m̷p̷b̷e̷l̷l̷... will you marry me?"
— Shifter Hyles being deranged on main.
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beanzwrites · 1 year
I Miss Her Too
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Dean x Sam (Platonic), Sam x Sister! reader
Warning: Mentions of character death, cursing
Description: The brothers open up about their dead sister
    Dean releases a long sigh as he stares out at the parking lot of a raggedy motel on the side of the interstate. The flickering multi-colored sign bleeds into the inky blackness of the Impala, causing the pulse in the man's frustrated mind to burst against his skull repeatedly. Dean's knuckles were sickly pale in contrast to his freckled tan skin as he held the stirring wheel of the parked car in a vice grip.
        His cheeks sag under the pressure of the heavy bags carried beneath his sad hazel eyes. The smile marks that tug at the edge of his lips barely show as a deep frown etches across his face. His usual neatly done hair now stuck out in a disheveled state.
        Dean notices a tall shadow rising behind the illuminated brownish-white curtains in one of the rooms. The material tugs slightly from the window and soon enough the deep green heavy duty door opens to reveal his brother. He looks down at the wrapped burgers set on the passenger's seat and grabs them before exiting the car.
        "These are cold," Sam remarks as Dean pushes them against his chest.
        "There's a microwave for a reason," Dean grumbles in response and sits at the edge of the bed to take off his shoes.
        "You do realize you got three," Sam asks softly after a short pause.
        "We'll eat it later; It's no big deal."
        ""This was how (Y/n) liked it," Sam states while observing the content inside one of the burgers.
        "I said we'll eat it later," Dean snaps. He snatches the wrapper from Sam's hands and lays it on the drawer between the beds. He keeps his back turned from his brother as the atmosphere becomes tense.
        "Dean," Sam whispers. He presses his calloused palm against the eldest Winchester's shoulder. Dean looks over with a distressed expression and places his own hand over his brothers. "I miss her too."
        "I'm sorry," Dean apologizes.
        "Let's talk about it," Sam insists.
        "I can't."
        "We promised her, Sam cries, "we promised her before she died that we wouldn't end up like this- distancing ourselves and pretending everything is alright when it isn't. We're letting her down."
        "I know."
        "I know? That's all you have to say? Dean, she was my sister too. She's gone now and faking a world where she still exists is just hurting us." 
        Suddenly, Sam slams into the wall with Dean's arm against his neck. Dean glowers over him, scrunching his nose into a snarl. "Don't talk about her like that," Dean mutters before releasing the pressure from Sam's body.
        "It hurts me too. It was just the two of us, then she came along rocking our boat and it seemed like we were an unstoppable trio. It's going to be so hard going back to the way things were before bug showed up." Sam collapses on the bed as tears stream down his sun-kissed face.
        Dean wraps his arm around Sammy in a brotherly hug. "(Y/n) was one hell of a gunslinger."
        "Yeah," Sam smiles.
        "And a brat too."
        "Hey, she wasn't that bad; Although, she did have her moments."
        "Your right."
        "She kinda gets a pass for being a girl though."
        "That's not what I meant- yes, but no- I meant it's good talking about her," Dean confesses.
        "See, I told you."
        "Alright, alright. I'm done," Dean whines as he gets up, "We may have opened up a bit, but we are not turning into a chick flick."
        "We were having a bonding moment, you jerk!"
        "Rest up. We're leaving in the morning."
        "Yeah, you too. I don't need you looking like a living corpse anymore," Sam comments.
        "Shut up."
        A shiver trails up Sam's spine and his eyes jolt open in shock. The dark motel room was silent besides the soft snores coming from Dean's side of the room. A soft blue glow appears and shines over the popcorn ceiling. Sam immediately feels each of his tired muscles tense in alertness as the overwhelming foreboding thought that something else was in the room punches his gut.
        He slowly reaches under the flat pillows beneath his head for his knife. His fingertips gently graze along the handle and he grasps it tightly. Sam settles his ragged breathing before springing to action. He rushes off the bed in a defense position, with the knife pointing threateningly at the figure leaning over Dean. A soft glow emits from their body as they brush their thumb over Dean's forehead with a gentle smile.
        "(Y-Y/n)?" Sam asks feebly. The girl lifts her eyes to him, her (E/c) orbs glittering softly with curiosity. The knife falls from his hand and clatters to the carpeted floor. "You were dead..."
        (Y/n) straightens herself, her brows furrowing. 
        "What happened, bug? Why show up now when we are finally getting over losing you?" Sam's voice cracks and he takes a step towards his little sister. "How exactly did you die?"
        The deceased Winchester shakes her head, turning her body away. "Too soon," She gasps out, grabbing at her throat painfully.
        "Love you, Sammy," She whimpers out, before disappearing like smoke and the pale glow fades out. 
        "(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Don't leave us again!" Sam scurries to unlock the door and runs out. He looks around in a panic, only to find empty cars in an empty parking lot.
        "Sammy? What's going on?" Dean calls wearily from the inside, "What is it?"
        "N-nothing. It's nothing."
Was he dreaming?
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botanicalsword · 1 year
Meditation • toxic positivity
When researching gratitude, it's easy to make an assumption that gratitude becomes toxic positivity.
“good thoughts”
When talked about “good thoughts” during meditation practice, I was thinking of what is good thoughts , is it a way to suppress/ invalid our negative thoughts and feelings in order to maintain the positivity of our mind?
♔♚♔♚ photo credit @le.sinex
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What’s the best you can do
"good thought", which resonates with me a lot - that we can actually seek forgiveness, give back to the community, think about how we can help, and consider the best thing we could do in a given situation. We should extensively think about what we have learned from a situation in order to give back or make others aware of similar circumstances.
These are the good thoughts that we need.
We can sit with discomfort and, at the same time, have the right influence to make an act of service for others, instead of staying with some toxic positivity: “looking on the bright side”.
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act of services
As I delved into the world of astrology and meditation, I came to a realization about myself. I discovered that one of my main love languages is the act of service. Whether it's something small like cooking a meal or a larger task like helping someone move, it's wonderful that you enjoy making others' lives easier.
I think that my desire to make a positive impact on those around me and show my love and appreciation through my actions is what drives me.
Sit with your darkness, so you can sit with the one you love in the dark
It's an amazing feeling to know that I can brighten someone's day just by doing something kind for them.
The more I give of myself, the happier I feel. That's why I try to include acts of service into my daily routine as much as possible. It's just a small way that I can make a difference in the world.
I suppose that a humble attitude is the key to going through darkness to the lightness. One must be humble enough to observe and detach from their own thoughts.
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unfinishedjulyrain · 1 year
“I appreciate that eh?” He smiled wholeheartedly whilst his blues looking at him. “I happen to enjoy giving hugs when they are being shared, it isn’t often, always my teammates usually.” He laughed a bit nodding agreeing to all the words he spoke about cuddling and embracing. Shaking his head. “Ah wanting to know more on a personal level, I appreciate that too, thought of you a few times since our last interview get together. To answer your question. No - no, it’s just me at home if I am not working, can’t way I have that time for taking care of an animal… Two cats eh?” Drake laughed awkwardly, not wanting to admit he was afraid of cats. “Truth be told Michael, I’ve never owned a pet in my life before.” He gave a tiny smile. 
curious letters・❥・@officerconners
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"I remember the times when my team and I shared hugs for whatever reason. Still a fond memory and whenever we see each other again, it feels only natural to share a greeting or parting hug. Another thing I can relate to," Michael smiled. He observed the other man with a curious expression, laughing along whenever Drake did so as well. The mention of his two cats? Was there a special interest in them? Or was it something else? "Not even a hamster or goldfish as a kid? Well, no shame in that! Could you see yourself having a pet these days?"
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Ateez: Finding Out You're Royalty
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"It's such a pretty sight." You admired the scenery in front of you, enjoying the way the breeze hit your face.
"It doesn't compare to you though." You let out a soft and flustered giggle when your boyfriend decided to throw one of his many cheesy lines at you.
"Oh hush."
You half heartedly pushed him away when he came near you, but he still ended up cornering you against the railing. Hands at your hips, Hongjoong leaned in for a playful kiss, nipping mildly at your bottom lip from time to time.
The sweet moment was interrupted by a noisy reporter that had no qualms with the camera man next to her snapping endless pictures of you both. You both groaned in annoyance, hating everytime something like this happened because your boyfriend was an idol. Or so you thought it was because of that...
"Princess Y/N! Is this handsome man your boyfriend? Do the other royal family members know about your romance?" She wasted no time and just began bombarding the questions towards you.
You paled when you realized what was happening, but still you grabbed Hongjoong's arm and immediately dashed out of there, keeping your head low and ignoring the people behind you until they finally gave up and went away, mad about not getting any answers from you.
It was a few minutes later when Hongjoong finally decided to ask you:
"Mind explaining what was that all about?"
He planted his feet firmly on the ground, arms crossing over his chest and waiting for you to give him an answer. Giving up, you turned around and faced him with a straight face.
"I'm....I'm actually part of the royal family in my home country.... and I may have left that part out during our first date when you asked me what I did for a living..." You calmly told him, even though you were shaking on the inside.
Hongjoong looked at you in disbelief, glancing around in confusion before bursting out into a soft laugh.
"I always found it odd how a flower shop owner lived in such a fancy apartment. That explains so much."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Seonghwa was practically beaming at every sight you were showing him, guiding him through all the places you wanted him to see. He felt overjoyed that you had actually taken him on a trip to visit the place you grew up in, drinking up every little detail and smiling like an idiot everytime your eyes would sparkle as you went on and on about the rich history your country had to offer.
"You're so cute." He told you as he gently tussled your hair.
You only frowned at him and turned to finish ordering your guys' drinks from one of the many stands in the streets. Seonghwa observed how the kind woman rejected the money, saying a couple words to you in a language he didn't understand. Luckily, he had you to translate and maybe teach him a few words here and there. He could tell that you were thanking the woman for her generosity, speaking a couple more sentences between the two of you that made him curious. Just what had you told her that made her laugh like that?
"Are people in your country this generous? So far, every food stand we went to, none of them wanted to charge us." He was a little concerned about that.
"They think you're so handsome, that's why." You joked with him, giving him a light nudge on his side with your elbow.
Coming up towards the parking lot, Seonghwa is surprised when out of nowhere, a limousine drives up and parks right in front of you two.
"What.... what is this?" Seonghwa asks, holding onto your arm for safety.
"This... is our ride to my home. My parents want to meet you."
Seonghwa didn't know what made him more uncomfortable, unexpectedly having to meet your parents or being inside a fancy car that made him feel somewhat scared.
"Y/N...by any chance... are you.. are your parents part of the mafia?"
You bursted out laughing, not expecting him to draw such a conclusion. You adjusted yourself so you could fully face him, taking his hand in yours.
"No..... but I guess I should tell you something.."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Calmly stepping into your house, Yunho held the bouquet of flowers in his hand, tiptoeing his way down the hallway, trying hard not to make noise as he wanted to surprise you by taking you out on an unexpected date.
Nearing your bedroom door, he could hear your voice, it sounded somewhat irritated and almost... frightened? Peeking in, he saw that you had your laptop resting on your thighs, having a video call with whom he discerned to be your parents. And by the looks of it, it definitely wasn't a pleasant nor happy family group chat.
"I can't.... I won't do it." You stubbornly refused, not willing to budge to the wishes your parents wanted.
"You have no choice Y/N. Your brother just relinquished his right to the throne, we're not about to let you do the same thing. You have a duty and a responsibility to your country and to us. You're a royal and it's time for you step up to be Queen and take over."
Yunho widened his eyes, clasping a hand over his mouth as his brain took in everything he heard. He was not prepared to find out that you were actually a princess.... and all this time you had never even told him.
"I'll take the crown under one condition..... I marry when I decide to marry and I get to choose who I want to marry." You firmly crossed your arms over your chest, looking completely undeterred.
"Absolutely not. You know you can't do that. We won't allow it." Your parents weren't even going to give you a choice.
You sat there, thinking about what you were going to do. You loved your family, and you loved your country.... but you also knew that accepting would mean leaving behind the life you already created for yourself, and that would include leaving your boyfriend, whom you loved so much. So with a heavy sigh, you smiled at your parents, probably for the last time.
"Mom, dad... I love you both..... but I also love someone else and I'm not giving him up. So I'm sorry but.... I, L/N Y/N, officially relinquish my title as a Princess and give up my rights to the throne...."
Shutting off the camera, you got up to get some air, gasping when you saw Yunho leaning against the wall, giving you a shy smile.
"So you're a princess?" He calmly asked.
"Not anymore, technically." You chuckled dryly. Coming over to you, Yunho gently wiped away the tears coming out of your eyes, softly kissing the top of your head.
"You'll always be my princess."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Bored out of his mind waiting for you to come home, Yeosang got up and decided to entertain himself with something, anything, even a simple book would be great at that moment.
Sneaking his way into the small library/ study room you made out of one of the spare rooms, he began to browse the different sections it offered. Although it wasn't the first time he'd been inside, it was the first time Yeosang actually took the time to look around, and he was immensely impressed by not just how organized and neat you kept everything, but at the diverse genres the library carried. The most interesting for him was the history section, which contained a lot of books from what he assumed to be your home country.
"Never took her for a history geek." He mused to himself, taking out a couple of interesting books.
While taking some of the books out, it seemed one of them had accidentally been dislodged, trapped behind two of the books and thus falling on the floor. Looking down, Yeosang noticed it had no words on the hardcover at all, only what appeared to be a crest symbol of some sort.
"A personal diary perhaps?" Yeosang snorted as he picked it up and opened it to scan the contents.
It was not in fact, a personal diary, but seemed to be your baby album, the first pictures being of you as a young baby. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows at a certain picture that seemed to be of your parents holding you out to a crowd, the most surprising thing being them dressed in clothes he'd only see royalty wear, crowns on their heads.
"No way..." He tried telling himself as he continued to look through the album.
Each picture only heightened his suspicions about your true identity. Photos of you taking classes such as painting, piano, ballet, horseback riding, there even seemed to be one of you taking law classes, what 10 year old got them? The final piece to the puzzle was the last page which was a drawing of your family tree, dating back decades and outlining all the descendants, and most astonishing, all the people that had inherited the crown in your country.
"Are you done snooping?" Yeosang dropped the album when your voice scared him. Turning around, he was met by your amused looking smile when you saw what he was studying. Picking it up, you dusted off the dirt that got on the spine.
"You're actual royalty huh?" Yeosang smirked at you.
"Surprised?" You wiggled your eyebrows at him.
"Not really actually.... you have always been a royal pain in the ass."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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Having been your friend for a few months now, with a lot of encouragement from the other members, San worked up the courage to ask you out on a date. He was unbelievably nervous and beyond shy when he asked you, but that all quickly vanished when you wholeheartedly agreed to go on a date with him. You had developed feelings for him as well in the past months, so of course you said yes.
Of course, hearing that their daughter was going on her first date, your parents arranged everything, even if they were hundreds of miles away, running a country.
"We just want your first date to be perfect." They insisted with too much enthusiasm that it made it impossible for you to refuse their help.
"Ugh! Fineee!... but can you guys please not go overboard? I don't want to freak him out or anything."
Your parents promised not to do anything that would embarrass you, and it seemed as if they stayed true to their word, so far the only outrageous thing they did was get you a reservation at one of the most expensive restaurants in town, paying in advance for anything you wanted. It seemed you had nothing to worry about...
Until you saw that San was being escorted to your table by four men, whom you recognized as some of the guards for your family. You literally face palmed as two of them held San by his arms and sat him down on the seat next to you, the poor boy looking utterly shocked and scared. It didn't help at all that the men split into pairs and sat at the tables next to yours, no doubt to keep an eye on you.
"Well... I'm just glad that when they dragged me out of the dorm, I wasn't still in the shower." San was the first one to break the ice, hoping to lighten the mood.
"I am so so sorry. I had no idea my parents would send them." You groaned, wanting the earth to swallow you right then and there.
"May I ask though...why on earth do you own personal bodyguards? They would not say a word at all during the ride here and honestly..." San glanced back at the men. "They're freaking me out."
Sighing, you gestured for San to lean in. His eyes grew wide when you explained to him who you really were, realization dawning on him. Leaning back in his chair, he had a huge smile on his face.
"Well I knew you were special, but I didn't realize it was to that extent." Finally calmed enough, San reached into his jacket, the small maneuver prompting your bodyguards to immediately sprint up and surround him once more.
"I'm simply trying to give her a flower God dammit! What?! Do you want to make sure it's not poisoned or something?!"
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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"Ah come on! Seriously! Where did this girl leave my hoodie?"
Although Mingi didn't mind you stealing his hoodies once in a while, it was definitely a problem when he needed them and could not find them anywhere in your closet. He had practically ransacked through all of your clothes, but found no sign of his hoodie.
"Why on earth does she have so many clothes?" He asked himself, looking at all the endless articles of clothing you had.
Giving up, he decided to go and look through your drawers, except for the first one since he knew very well that was your underwear drawer. Drawer after drawer, there was still no sign of his hoodie, even as he looked through the last drawer, it was still not there. Mingi, however, did find two black cases in there that piqued his interest.
"What are these?" He pondered about why they were hidden underneath your shirts.
Opening up one of the latches, Mingi gasped and dropped the first case onto the ground, beyond surprised when he saw the sapphire necklace and earrings set displayed in the case. Carefully, he picked them up and placed them back in their slots, setting the case on your bed. Looking over towards the other case, he similarly opened it, eyes nearly bulging out at the ruby bracelet and ring set. Now Mingi was no expert, but he could tell right off the bat that these were definitely not fake..... and they were extremely expensive.
He stood there looking at them that he didn't notice you come in. Seeing what he had found, you crossed your arms and sighed.
"You were snooping around my drawers, weren't you?"
Mingi jumped at the sound of your voice, actually looking frightened by your sudden appearance. You both stood there in silence, one not knowing what to say while the other waited for an explanation.
"Y/N did you steal these things?" He blurted out.
You rolled your eyes and went over to the painting by your bed. Mingi watched in amazement as you moved it, revealing a secret door that had a pin pad. Typing in the code, you opened it up and moved aside. Mingi was shook when he saw two different tiaras resting there, perfectly polished and glittering brightly.
"Get it now or do I have to spell it out for?" You questioned him.
"Yes! You are a criminal that steals priceless jewelry and you're going to kill me if I don't keep my mouth shut." He wrongly assumed, making you frown at him.
"Do me a favor and simply google search my name."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Wooyoung, I'm hungry." You patted his stomach, snuggling closer to him on the couch.
"Then go eat something?" He never lifted his gaze from the tv.
Pouting, you made the cutest eyes you could muster and poked his cheek.
"Make me something." You batted your eyelashes at him.
Looking at you, Wooyoung scoffed softly.
"This girl, what makes you think I'll go make you something?" He flicked your nose, making you whine.
"Because you love me and I'm adorable?" Wooyoung actually snorted at that, but nonetheless got up and headed straight for the kitchen.
"Seriously, why are you like this?" He muttered, a little too loud that you actually heard him.
"Because I'm a princess." You repeated what you often told him, to which Wooyoung laughed loudly.
"No, you're just a spoiled brat."
Wooyoung, however, had the biggest surprise of his life when he ended up finding out that you weren't lying when you said those words. When Jongho was searching for something to watch, he came across a news channel reporting on a parade being held in your home country, and when he saw you accompanying your family, he immediately ran and dragged Wooyoung out of his room, making him watch the tv. Wooyoung didn't waste any time and immediately called you.
"Why the hell did you never tell me you were actually a princess?!" He screamed into the phone, making your ears hurt.
"I did! I've said it many times actually." You reminded him.
"I thought you were kidding!" He exclaimed.
After calming him down, you finally explained to him that yes, you were indeed a princess.
"This doesn't change anything in our relationship right?" That was the only thing that really worried you.
"Of course not, you're still the same spoiled brat I love so much." You couldn't help but giggle at your boyfriend's playful teasing, part of the reason you loved him so much.
"Ok but like .... if I married you, do I autocorrect become a prince?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Having gone to go pick up your mail for you, Jongho was extremely careful as he stepped inside your apartment, trying hard not to drop the boxes that were sent to you. He was practically running over to your couch, nearly stumbling as he safely plopped the boxes on the cushions.
"Seriously, what on earth did your parents need to send you that is this big?" He let out a deep sigh as he stared at the unusual boxes.
They were rather fancy looking, deep blue ribbons decorating them. And on top of them, there was an envelope that had a strange looking seal on it, reminding Jongho of all the historical dramas or movies he'd watch.
"Even the paper feels expensive." He mused when he picked up the envelope.
Joining him, you raised an eyebrow at all that he brought.
"What's that?" You gestured to all the boxes.
"I don't know, shouldn't I be the one asking you? It is your mail." He teased you, waving the fancy envelope in front of your face.
"Give me that." Snatching the envelope away, you broke open the seal and quickly read through the contents of the letter, your face looking surprised when you saw what it was all about.
"Well.... this is definitely news... I'm needed back home as soon as possible. My brother is getting married."
Jongho began clapping at the news, always supportive of any good things that happened in your life.
Looking over at the boxes, you began untying the ribbons.
"And they also want to hold the coronation for his wife the same weekend, meaning I'm going to be there for a while."
When Jongho heard the word 'coronation', he did a double take.
"Hold on? What do you mean coronation?" He asked for an explanation.
"Well.... sooner or later you were going to find out...."
Opening the first box, Jongho was stunned to see an elegant looking dress that looked handmade just for you. The other two boxes contained yet another dress and priceless jewelry that looked like it costed more than his entire school tuition. Using his deductive reasoning, Jongho looked at you.
"Don't tell me you're actually....?" Jongho made a crown symbol on top of his head with his hands.
"Yes Jongho, I am indeed royalty." You lightly chuckled, stepping up to kiss his lips, hoping to ease some of the shock to him.
"And I'm allowed to bring a date to the ceremony so.... will you do me the honors of coming with me?"
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners
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hauntsect · 2 months
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You know how Hyles has learned mannerisms by observation and studying? I feel like this one thing, when he jumped as Annie out of excitement, is one of those mannerisms he learned. It shows "uncontrollable joy" to the recipient/towards an accomplishment, but it also pushes people to feel an infectious happiness and think of your reaction as so genuine you can't keep it in. This is mainly why he did it here, but also to be able to approach and lead the situation towards an intimate path without it seeming out of place.
But also the koi fish painting in the back looks so pretty, hand it over.
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hauntsect · 2 months
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Peak Hyles behavior. The absent look, the seriousness, the shifting to portray happiness again, even the change in the way he blinks, trying to make it seem natural...
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hauntsect · 2 months
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"Hiya, darling."
Enough of Hyles shifting into ladies... Hyles shifting into men!
Remember when Eddie said he didn't remember what he had done to that one guy and the guy swore Eddie did do something to him? You will not BELIEVE my headcanon (said jokingly). It was most definitely Hyles... and Hyles is still out there.
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hauntsect · 2 months
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More Shifter Hyles shenanigans because he is on the brain.
Tries to show lots of movement, to seem natural. He'll move his hands, arms, head often to evoke the actions of a regular person, especially when being questioned or doubted. He also wants to portray the regular anxiety the person might have on a regular basis, so it may increase depending on the person he is imitating.
But also, he works hard on the eye contact habits his uncle taught him back at the Sanatorium. Stuff like breaking eye contact from time to time, while also keeping in mind that he has to blink regularly. Mix them all up and you get the unnatural portrayals that Hyles evokes when shifting.
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