smilysstuff · 1 year
"His gaze softened" I wanted to try this
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beif0ngs · 9 months
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Seems like they’re having a tough time out there, so I’m gonna go help!
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candyheartedchy · 13 days
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Since the anniversary is apparently today and I just started playing the game for the first time the other day, I wanted to draw my two favorite characters from it!
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pyritefes2 · 4 months
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Looking at some favorite art the other day and after once again smiling from ear to ear because of this delightful fanart by @salsedinepicta, I simply had to draw him in that outfit. The nurse uniform + the fur/feather trimmed jacket and fingerless glove combo?? 👌👌👌👌 And the kitties, too!!
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Hey Y’All! Today, I present to you a small art/writing challenge to do for the autumn season!
What is the “Happy Fall, Y’All” Event?:
The “Happy Fall, Y’all” Tumblr challenge is a nine week long event where Sonic artists and writers unite and share their works all throughout the autumn season. Starting in October, artists and writers will be given the chance to participate in a friendly event to display their skills and love for the fall season. Each week, participants will be given an autumn-based theme and encouraged to create works of art until the last week in November. Participants will be given the chance to display their love for the season, as well as the company of other Sonic fans. Beginning and advanced artists and writers are always welcomed!
All nine weekly themes will be made available on August 25st, 2024. The official launch date to present work for the week is October 1st.
Prompts for each week will be highlighted/recapped on a sunday at 9am EDT. Each prompt will have a weekly window for artists/writers to create their work and present them on Tumblr.
Each prompt will be given a small index of what each participant will be doing for the week. Index descriptions are small notes to inspire the participants for their work. These are not a set of rules.
Artists and writers can create more than one piece for the weekly theme, just make sure that the title is present to see.
Do not feel pressured to do it every week. Remember, this is a fun challenge to strengthen our skills and enjoy each other’s company. Move at your own pace and present when you’re ready. The point of a weekly theme is to give you breathing space while making your works of art. (I’ll be doodling these prompts with you 🤗)
Keep works Safe for Web (SFW).
No tracing of others’ artwork, plagiarizing, or AI is allowed. This is strongly discouraged and frowned upon.
Use the hashtag #HappyFallY’All2024 or tag me (@welcome-to-green-hills) when completed.
A listed transcript of themes will be provided below:
Pumpkins/Pumpkin Patch (September 29th to October 5th)
Harvest Festival (October 6th to October 12th)
Leaf Pile (October 13th to October 19th)
Fall Fashion (October 20th to October 26th)
Trick-or-Treat (October 27th to November 2nd)
Campfire and/or Ghost Stories (November 3rd to November 9th)
Autumn Colors & Feels (November 10th to November 16th)
Sweata-Weatha/Ugly Sweater (November 17th to November 23rd)
Parade–Last Week of the Event (November 24th to November 30th)
Have fun! Let your creativity fly! Let this be a fun little activity that we can do together.❤️✨
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eldritch-nightmare · 3 months
i love liu so much he is just. That guy. to me.
everything about him is just. he's such an interesting character to me. he is so tragic in the sense that no matter how many times he loves someone, they're always doomed to die. he can never form any bonds, platonic or romantic, because death follows him like a loyal dog. it's his fault, he supposes. divine punishment for going down the path of revenge. something along those lines, he thinks.
i think liu tries so hard to protect those close to him. i think, even though they always end up dead, he never gets used to it. he feels to much. he never grows numb to the grief. maybe that's why sully is the one to always deal with death, because he knows liu will crumble at the sight of it. sully is the only person he's yet to lose, simply because he can't.
i've conjured up many different scenarios of liu falling in love, only for his lover to inevitably die in his arms. it haunts me like ghost. but there's always one specific one that haunts me the most.
heads up: many mentions of death, major character death, blood, and god.
i think about him meeting someone one day. it wasn't anything romantic or ‘drama’ worthy. hell, it probably wasn't even a meet-cute. realistically, it was probably something as simple as bumping into each other one time and then suddenly that person is like… everywhere you go, yknow?
and meeting you the second time, the third time, the fourth… it all felt natural. it was scary, how easily you wormed your way into his heart but then again, he never built up any walls. he can never stop himself from getting attached. he's only human, after all.
he never intended on becoming friends with you. he had wanted to keep you as a mere acquaintance, but you wanted more. you always asked to hang out with him whenever you saw him, even if it meant sitting in silence as he prayed or read a book. you didn't care, because you already viewed him as your friend.
viewing you as a friend was scary, because he knew the moment he got attached, then he was basically cursing you to die. but then months went by, and you were still here. you didn't vanish. you never got sick, or hit by a car, or murdered in a failed robbery. you were still alive. maybe that's when he started getting more comfortable around you, hesitantly letting himself get attached bit by bit, piece by piece.
death never came for you. you were so… alive. it took his breath away each time he saw you.
you started becoming a constant in his life. the one friend he allowed himself to have. even sully seemed to like you, which was saying a lot. he smiled more when you were around. it felt as if he could actually live a normal life, if he wanted to.
it's a shame that he didn't. maybe things would have turned out different, if he had.
you added color to his world in ways no one ever has before, and it was only a matter of time before he found himself falling in love with you. day by day, every time you came around with that sweet smile of yours, liu could feel himself falling. it was… scary.
would you die if he loved you? you haven't yet, so it would be okay, right? he could love you. he wants to love you. he does love you.
and loving you was as easy as breathing. it was an embarrassed, flustered mess when he told you how he felt about you. the guy wears his heart on his sleeve, so you weren't surprised when he confessed to you. but he was certainly surprised when you reciprocated his feelings.
it was like every day felt brighter with you in his life. he got happy over the smallest things. your smile, your laugh, the way the stars reflect in your eyes, how you light up like the sun whenever you start talking about something you enjoy… liu could spend hours just looking at you. you're like a painting come to life. he thanked god every day for bringing you into his life, because he simply couldn't picture himself living without you anymore.
and sully was just as smitten as liu. you had him wrapped around your finger. he's never had anyone other than liu, so he was fiercely protective of you. he was like a dog, the way he stuck by your side and scared off pretty much anyone he considered to be a threat. but the moment you call his name, he's turning into mush. he looks at you like you're the only other person in the universe. to him, nothing else could ever compare to you. nothing will ever match your beauty. if he could, he would devour you.
for the longest time, liu was terrified of leaving you alone for long periods of time. if he left you alone, you could die. but you always reassured him. no matter what happened, you weren't going to leave him.
“you're stuck with me, liu. even if you grow tired of me, i'll stay by your side.”
he had always been scared of telling you he loved you, but you said it so easily. you two could be sitting in total silence, and you'd suddenly say it. looking at him as if he were the stars and ocean combined, holding his face so gently in your hands, whispering it like a prayer.
sleep was easier with you. he felt safe. he felt like a different person with you. he felt as if he could forget about everything, and that he could just be liu woods.
it would take him forever to tell you about his past. he was worried that you'd want nothing to do with him if you knew. you listened to each word that came out of his mouth the night he told you, his head resting on your lap as you played with his hair. he thought you'd tell him that revenge wasn't going to make things better. he was prepared for it, actually. but instead…
“you won't leave after you kill him, will you?”
liu would have hesitated to answer before he met you. he never saw himself living after killing jeff. it was a bit grim, but that was his reality. but not anymore. not with you.
“i could never leave you. you're stuck with me.”
and that was all you needed to hear.
he was so caught up in his love for you that he forgot. he forgot. and he fucking hates himself for forgetting.
three years. three years into your relationship, almost five into knowing you. he left you alone for the first time. four days. he was gone for four days, and not once did he think anything bad could happen to you.
not once did he ever consider you crossing paths with his brother. he really should've, but he was so… so sure that this time would be different. you were supposed to live. you had so much life in you that liu couldn't even imagine you dying anymore.
you're the only reason he had a phone. you wanted to contact him when he was away, so you had got him one and added him to your plan. and when that phone rang, liu answered it happily with a small smile on his face, excited to hear your voice.
“i love you.”
your voice had been quiet. he could hear the terror in your words, the tears you were no doubt crying. worse, he could hear his brother in the background, mocking you.
“aw, i give you one phone call and you don't think to call the police? god, you're dumb. now your poor lover boy is gonna hear you die.”
and liu has never ran so fast. the panic, the adrenaline, it was the only thing that kept him from blacking out even as his lungs begged him for rest.
but it was too late. jeff was gone by the time he got there, and you were barely clinging to life in the middle of your bedroom floor. your blood pooled around you, staining your clothes. the floor. your skin. your phone.
it was like the world was coming to a quiet end. he held you in his arms, crying tears he couldn't feel.
“are you an angel?” you had playfully asked, your voice quiet. so quiet.
he begged. he begged you to stay alive. he begged god to not take you from him.
“i’m sorry i lied.” you said. “it looks like i won't be able to stay with you anymore.”
your heart was starting to slow. there was so much blood. why was he so cruel with you? what did you do to deserve this?
liu couldn't think of anything to say. he couldn't comfort you. he couldn't beg anymore. it was pointless, it all was.
“i love you.” it was the first time he said it, he realizes. three years of dating you, and he's only saying it now.
and you laughed. it hurt, but you laughed. that was all you needed to hear.
shakily bringing a hand up to his face, looking at him as if he were life itself, “i love you too.” he grabbed your hand before it could fall, your breathing starting to slow.
“i'm cold.”
watching the life leave your eyes was the worst thing to have ever happened to him. when you took your last breath, it was as if liu died with you. the grief he felt was so much that he shut down, sully having to take over.
and when sully saw your lifeless body in his arms, he laughed. this was a joke, right? you were just pretending. you can't be dead. you can't… you can't die. and when he stopped laughing, he cried. sully has never had to grieve someone before.
he cursed god. he cursed jeff. he cursed liu. he cursed himself.
i don't think liu or sully will ever heal from this, honestly. the grief will never go away. if anything, your death solidifies the idea that jeff needed to die.
for the longest time, i think sully would despise you for dying. how could you leave them? you promised you'd stay by their side, and now all they have left of you is a tombstone.
everything reminds them of you. it's like you were still with them, and yet they could never feel you.
how are they supposed to ever get used to never seeing your smile again? they'll never get to hear your voice or your laugh. they'll never feel your skin underneath their hands anymore. it's gone. you're gone.
liu would kill a thousand people if it meant bringing you back to life. sully would tear the heavens down and kill god if it meant you'd breathe again.
and sometimes, on the rare chance that liu is able to sleep, he dreams of you. he always hates waking up from those dreams.
liu will never stop loving you. no matter how much time passes, he always ends the day visiting your tombstone.
you were right.
he was stuck with you.
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regal-bones · 2 years
Hey do you like video games? Do you like supporting trans creators? Do you like exclusive content, and plenty of early access?? If so please check out my Patreon!
I just uploaded a whole bunch of artwork for Last Sprout 🌱 that I have been very excited about sharing! If you want to help bring his game to life, please check it out!
Click here to sign up! It’s just £1 and directly helps me out! (also, picture is very much related)
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luyo-mi · 8 months
hi hello if you do floyd and jade (and all the others really) like that ruggie and leona i'll just die on the spot (very positive)
3 a.m. and you activated my brain just now
-hypmic anon (this time i'm bringing a blanket for u)
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Get ur coffin ready hypmic anon 💪
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corpiote · 3 months
it's a will simping day
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lemon-criminal · 1 month
spencer reid is sooooo "We'll Never Have Sex" by Leith Rose coded I lobe 👂 him
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candyheartedchy · 5 months
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Focus on me.
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It's an odd thing to focus on, but now I wanna know the family's breakfast preferences after watching the scene where Maddie prepares it for the boys. She has two platefuls of food before noticing Knuckles' throne, and Sonic is about to grab one of them before he sees it too, but we've also got grapes (no guessing who that's for), watermelon and orange juice on the kitchen table where Maddie's getting everything together.
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Hi Hon!❤️✨
Whatever Maddie is making sure looks good! It looks like she made the boys bacon, a bagel with cream cheese, pancakes (which has been stated as Sonic Wachowski’s favorite breakfast food), and egg whites. Looks like she’s got a green goddess drink for them as well.
Ooh! Could you imagine the fun they’d have with making breakfast together?! Like, making breakfast tacos with pancakes as tortilla shells? I bet that’s always fun.
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strawowoberry · 9 months
See those posts? Those posts have cost you your life because I’m going to squish you and the drawings to death, TO CUTE SORRY , JUST TO CUTE YOUR MISTAKE TO CUTE KICKING MY FEET ZADR OVERLOAD TODAY AND THAT MINI COMIC REALLY DID IT FOR ME
SERIOUSLY THO, YOUR ART IS JUST SO- RAHHHHH- GOOD MAKING ME RAVENOUS AT HOW BABY DIB IS 👁️👁️ 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🫶💞🫶🫶🫶💞💞💞🫶💞🫶💞🫶💞🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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sugarsnappeases · 7 months
@hpsaffics femslash feb day 24 - unhappy marriage | 2.3k words (whoops) | lesbian lilypad (regency au!! rivals to lovers!!) | warnings for a little bit of violence, a little bit of angst, and a little bit of making out <3
for my darling @themuseoftheviolets ilysm and you pushed me off the edge of a cliff the day we first started talking about them. so. hope you enjoy!!
It wasn’t meant to be like this.
Lily was being shown around Potter Manor by her new husband, James was telling her anecdotes about every piece of furniture, welcoming her into his heart and home, and it should’ve been perfect - but it wasn’t.
James had always been the goal, the plan, the marriage that would elevate her family, solidify her status, grant her security - he was meant to be her happily ever after, but she couldn’t seem to manage the ‘happily’ part, and she quite desperately didn’t want this to be ‘ever after’.
They had been married for a day, just one day, and Lily could feel every second of it, the weight of the gold band around her left ring finger, the weight of the life she had married into, the weight of til death do us two part. 
And there was nothing wrong with James. 
That was why she had wanted to marry him in the first place; he was handsome, and wealthy, and charismatic, and polite, and everything she had ever wanted; he was the stories her mother used to read to her and Petunia before bed, the way she had always envisioned her future, the prince charming to her fairy-tale princess. He was walking her through the manor and trying to engage her with stories from his childhood, trying to make her feel at home, trying to make her happy, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with him but it wasn’t working. 
It was with her that the problem lay. 
It was in the way that she hadn’t really been listening to a word that he was saying, smiling and laughing in the right places but not properly paying attention. 
In the way that she found his enthusiasm grating, his words hitting her ears jarringly, the wrong voice, the wrong cadence; the way that she couldn’t bring herself to care, couldn’t bring herself to fully engage, to offer any of herself in return. 
It was in the way that walking around the manor felt like a hollow victory, something almost chasmal between her ribs, threatening to swallow her whole, something with dark, silky hair and silver-grey eyes, a bottomless abyss. 
Lily had everything, she had won, the husband and the title and the dream come true, and yet it all just felt wrong, uncomfortable and stifling and not at all how she had always imagined it would feel - it was everything that she had ever wanted and she hated it, and she hated that she hated it. 
And she knew exactly who’s fault it was, knew who had slipped between her ribs like fingers through dark, silky hair and opened an crevasse, pushed her down avenues she never would have dared to explore, changed the things she dreamt about, the things she fantasised about. 
James pushed open a door, still talking, telling her some inane story that she had completely tuned out. 
Lily smiled mindlessly as he gestured for her to enter ahead of him, glancing over the room she was walking into and - stopping dead in her tracks. 
She knew this room. 
She had been in this room before, just over a month ago now, a memory that she had been trying to suppress, trying to push it down into the depths of that gaping hole inside of her, a memory that she didn’t think she would ever be able to consign to oblivion, a memory that tormented her, that swirled through her mind like smoke, impossible to contain. 
Lily could feel sharp fingernails digging into the skin of her upper arm through the fabric of her dress, a hand pulling her along and then shoving her through a door.
A hand that was attached to an arm that was attached to a body that was draped in finely-embroidered white muslin and emerald silk. A body that belonged to Sirius Black, a body that was looming over her now, one hand on each of Lily’s shoulders and shaking her, silver-grey eyes flashing with anger.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she asked, shaking her harder as Lily tried to pry her hands away, those fingernails digging into her skin again, sharp and cruel and unrelenting. 
Lily scowled, crossing her arms instead, feeling that deep well of anger in her ribcage start to bubble up in the way it always did when she was around Sirius.
“What’s wrong with me?” she replied, “You were the one who was all,” - Lily put one hand to her chest, batting her eyelashes, adopting a breathy, simpering voice, and quoting, - “Oh! My lord! Might you like to dance the second with me as well?” 
Sirius rolled her eyes, pushing Lily away with one last shake and making her stumble backwards further into the room. Lily looked around as she recovered her balance - it was an extravagant room, yet somehow still elegant despite the excess of red, and likely intended to be used as some sort of parlour. 
She glared across the room at Sirius who scoffed, “I don’t see why you’re complaining, you danced five times with him at the Longbottom ball, honestly you’re so entitled”
“I’m entitled?” Lily interrupted, heat starting to rise in her cheeks in the way that it always did when she was mad, “Everyone knows that the first dance is the most important one, especially at his own ball, but, of course, that still wasn’t enough for you, no, you had to have the second one too, you have to have everything-”
Sirius interrupted her then, narrowing her eyes, silver-grey like the diamond necklace around her throat or like the jagged rocks at the bottom of a cliff that Lily wanted to push her from, “And you’re jealous, you’re jealous and immature, you’re like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum because someone else took your toy”
As she spoke, she stepped closer towards Lily, index finger pointed in her face, those sharp, unrelenting fingernails, “Duke Potter wanted to dance with me, he chose me this time, and yes, maybe I do think I deserve it - I’m certainly more deserving of it than you”
That last word was emphasised with a harsh jab of that index finger into Lily’s collarbone. 
“Is that so?” Lily asked, swatting Sirius’ hand away and putting her own hands on her hips. This close, Lily had to tilt her head up to look into Sirius’ eyes - silver-grey, bright and cruel and hard, “Might I ask what you’ve ever done to make you more worthy of Duke Potter than me?”
“You might,” Sirius replied, smirking down at her, the same smirk that had been on her face when she asked James for a second dance, glancing at Lily out of the corner of her eye, the same smirk that had fallen from her face when Lily had tripped her up, making her fall and interrupt the entire dance.
“For one,” Sirius began, lifting her hand to count out the reasons on those cruel, unrelenting fingers of hers. “I’m fluent in six languages and I know for a fact that your Latin is subpar”
Lily frowned, still looking up at her, still standing so close that the hems of their dresses were touching, “I play more instruments than you, though, you only play the three and even then your flute is really quite abysmal”
“Numeri duo,” she continued, in Latin because she always had to be ostentatious, lifting a second finger and not even acknowledging Lily’s words, “My family name is much more prestigious than yours and so the match will be both auspicious and widely favoured”
“But your parents disagree about almost everything, surely that would make the match rather more disagreeable than my family name would,” Lily rebutted, reaching up with one of her hands to try and forcibly fold Sirius’ middle finger back down again.
Sirius grabbed her wrist with her other hand, struggling to pull it away so that she could lift a third finger, “Thirdly, I have been taught how to properly behave myself in public and don’t go around tripping people over and ruining balls like I’m still four years old”
Lily grinned, because maybe it was messy but she could be just as sharp and cruel as those silver-grey eyes, as those unrelenting fingernails which were now digging into the skin of her wrist, pressing against her pulse. She could ruin Sirius’ pristine reputation, the belle of every ball, the perfect heiress to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, make her the centre of attention in a bad way, trip her over and make it look like it was Sirius’ fault that half the ballroom was knocked over in the process. 
“If you didn’t want to fall over, you should have learnt to balance better,” Lily replied, something almost vindictive behind her teeth and rising up her throat from that well of rage in her ribcage, “Didn’t your family ever teach you about the importance of carrying yourself correctly?”
Sirius took a step closer and Lily felt the angry heat in her cheeks start to spread down her neck as well. 
“Didn’t your family ever teach you about the importance of growing the fuck up?” Sirius replied, those silver-grey eyes fixed on Lily’s green ones with the weight of an anvil, of a wedding ring, fingernails digging further into Lily’s wrist, not enough to draw blood but enough to hurt.
Lily narrowed her eyes and picked up her foot to press the heel of her shoe into one of Sirius’ feet, relishing in the way she winced slightly, moving even closer, close enough to almost feel the heat of her body through the layers of their dresses.
“Didn’t your family ever teach you about the importance of not being an arrogant, egotistical, conceited, self-important brat?” she hissed back, twisting her foot further into the top of Sirius’.
Sirius kicked her in the shin with her other foot, knocking Lily’s foot away and making the two of them stumble backwards slightly, Lily’s calves pressing against the edge of a red, velvet sofa. She ground her heel into the top of Lily’s foot in turn, hand around her wrist squeezing tighter and the entire line of her body pushed up against her. 
Lily forced down a grimace from the pain and scowled up at her, craning her neck to meet her eyes as Sirius spoke again, “Didn’t your family ever teach you about the importance of not being an uncouth, selfish, desperate, grasping whore?” 
Lily slapped her. 
The hand that wasn’t caught between Sirius’ fingers coming up almost on instinct and slapping her across the face, a sharp crack ringing through the room. 
“How’s that for uncouth?” Lily asked, breath heavy, hand stinging. There was a red mark on Sirius’ porcelain cheek in the shape of her fingers. 
Sirius looked at her then, an intensity in those silver-grey eyes that was different somehow from the cold cruelty of before, an intensity that made Lily’s breath catch in her throat.
There was a moment where the two of them just looked at each other, a pause, and then Sirius was moving even closer, letting go of her wrist to instead slide her fingers into the base of Lily’s elaborate hairstyle and pressing their lips together.
They were kissing, and it felt like Lily’s world was being ripped in half, an abyss opening up between her ribs, fathomless and ever-expanding, a chasm that chanted her name, Sirius, Sirius, Sirius, everything was Sirius. 
Lily had both hands on Sirius’ shoulders, fingers digging into skin through the fabric of her dress, and she was falling backwards off a cliff, eyes shut tight and hot lips on hers, falling backwards into that bottomless well, filled with something that maybe wasn’t anger, swallowed by the dark, silky hair and silver-grey eyes of the abyss, falling backwards onto the red velvet sofa, a leg wrapped around Sirius’ and pulling her down on top of her, teeth clashing together messily as they fell. 
There was a hand in her hair, pulling at it, ruining the up-do that had taken hours to perfect, hair pins falling out onto the sofa, and another hand high on her waist, pushing against her ribs through the corset she was wearing and manoeuvring the two of them so they were sideways on the sofa, Sirius with one knee between her legs, body pressing down close on top of her, hot breath and sharp, unrelenting fingernails digging into her skin.
Sirius moved, trailing kisses down her jaw and neck, and Lily’s back arched, head tilting backwards, panting as she moved her hands to squeeze at Sirius’s neck, thumbs pressing into her sharp jawline. There was heat wherever Sirius touched, all over her body and it wasn’t like the angry heat that had been in her cheeks before, it was burning and passionate and carnal in a way that came directly from the depths of that abyss, that splitting rupture in the life she had planned for herself, those intense, silver-grey eyes and the dark, silky hair that she was now running her fingers through. 
Sirius bit down on her neck, hard enough to draw blood, hard enough to hurt, sharp and cruel and unrelenting, and Lily gasped, pulling on Sirius’ hair, opening her eyes - 
- and the room looked the same, the same red velvet sofa, the same extravagant elegance, but everything was different, everything was wrong. 
Sirius wasn’t there. 
It was just James, looking at her concernedly, asking if she was okay, and Lily, with the infinite chasm in her ribcage that was eating her alive, irrepressible and boiling with something and burning her up from the inside out.  
It was suffocating. It was tormenting her. It was the realisation that maybe she wasn’t the fairy-tale princess she had always dreamed of being, maybe everything she had ever thought she wanted was wrong, maybe she was going to spend the rest of her life feeling hollow, a bottomless abyss that she would never be able to fill.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
Sharing & Caring (Cookies 💕 🍪) [Based on this official story image.]
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(I haven't read the full book, but based on this image, I'm assuming there's only one page for this part.)
"Oh my, you all have a surprise for me?" A sweet and innocent smile graced Snow White's blood red lips as her eyes were closed and her seven small friends led her inside their cottage.
"That's right!" Doc would confirm with a smile of his own.
"A wonderful surprise!" Happy added.
"Something sweet," Sleepy would say as the drowsy dwarf emitted a small yaw.
"For our sweet," Bashful chuckled, blushing a bit.
While Dopey would nod in agreement about the surprise, Grumpy would grumble and roll his eyes, his annoyance clear on his features.
Sneezy, of course, would just sneeze. "We hope you like it!" He sneezed again, which made Snow White giggle.
"Oh, I'm certain I will."
"Okay, princess, you can open your eyes now."
Once Doc gave Snow White the okay to open her eyes, she did so and immediately let out a gasp.
"Oh, my!" Elation shined in Snow White's brown eyes at her surprise.
Two platters piled with freshly baked golden cookies were sitting on the wooden kitchen table.
Her favorites too.
"What a sweet surprise!" Snow White placed a hand on her heart. "I'm so utterly touched by your kindness. Thank you everyone!"
After thanking them, Snow White and the seven dwarfs sat down at the table.
"Oh, you're very welcome, princess," Doc told her, taking a cookie from the platter.
"We've been watching you bake!" Happy would reveal as he happily helped himself to two cookies.
"And taking..." Sleepy yawned with a single cookie in his hand. "...notes." He fell asleep, which made the others, except for Grumpy, laugh.
"Apparently, we're not too bad at it," Sneezy would say, holding a finger to his nose while holding a cookie in his other hand.
He was attempting to steer clear from sneezing at the table as it would not be polite.
"I liked baking!" Bashful would giggle while munching on his cookie. "It was fun!"
"I bet old Grumpy did too since making these cookies were his idea!" Doc would divulge with a chuckle, causing his grouchy brother to shoot him a glare.
Snow White turned her kind smile towards Grumpy. "Grumpy, is this true?"
Grumpy would grumble and nod while looking away from Snow White, taking a cookie and reaching for another one.
Snow White would give a short giggle at his surly behavior before looking to Dopey who was sitting near her.
"Dopey, may I please have a cookie?" She asked him, to which Dopey, holding the cookie that he bit into, nodded with a smile while reaching for a cookie to give to his friend from the pile.
Being the polite princess she was, Snow White would always say please whenever she wanted a treat. 💕 🍪
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artekai · 3 months
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*said while gripping the sink and covered in blood* only three days late :D
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