#❤ Blood and Velvet
shipsational · 2 months
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make your guy in the sims, do it now
bonus searing red version under the cut ↷↷↷
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kewpidity · 4 months
Okay So i had a brain blast about my ship with alastor so this is gonna be the Definite Kewpie x Alastor Ship Post that covers everything i have so far about it ↷↷↷
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so this whole thing starts because somehow someway i get a demon attached to me as a kid, a toddler even, dont really know how or why, but because of this my whole life growing up is plagued by insane near death experiences all orchestrated by this demon (this is based on some real shit in my life btw, not to sound superstitious or anything and i dont even think i believe in demons of any denomination but there was some Weird Shit going on, i might talk about it someday) and by the time im an adult ive tired everything under the sun to stop these things from happening- different religious practices, spells and charms and rituals and so on and so forth im at my god damn limit im so tired
eventually im pushed to try to fight fire with fire, and end up summoning Another demon to try and idk cancel out the old one? make a deal to keep me safe? not sure What my plan was but i'd come this far and i didnt know where else to turn
well the demon i summoned was alastor. he wasnt even my intended target, in fact of demon of his power shouldnt really be able to be summoned at all under normal circumstances, and would require someone with a ton of power of their own to pull it off (havent decided if this is something i managed to do because of all the varied rituals etc mentioned earlier, or some dumb luck) and that alone is kind of intriguing for him
tbh he hasnt been summoned in a While, its something that got lost to time and he kinda assumed it would never happen again, and even when it happened before he would usually just kill the person without bothering to strike a deal, cause even people who did manage to do it usually werent strong enough to do it safely
but hell has been kinda Boring lately, the hotel hasnt given him as much entertainment as he had hoped (this is like. mid season 1, and with the understanding that the story stretches way longer than the breakneck speed the actual show takes) and he sees this as an opportunity for something interesting to do for a while
when he hears what im looking for, he's gotta laugh about it- there's no way this other demon that had attached to me would give him any trouble, and this was a great way to guarantee he get another soul when i eventually died anyway, so he offers up this deal:
for a few hours a day he gets complete control over my body, a full on possession to do whatever he wants with that time.
obviously im hesitant, but we go back and forth on it a bit before deciding to make the deal with some ground rules (like he cant do anything thats gonna get me killed prematurely for example- after all im doing this specifically so i dont die by another demon's hand)
so we strike the deal! no all he has to do is get rid of that other demon and my soul is as good as his! its not that simple tho of course- he's not sure how the demon is accessing the living world, and figures its likely similar to what he's doing- somehow tethering himself to the living world, while their actual physical body is still in hell, so he needs to figure that out on his end, and it ends up being a more difficult task than previously expected- so he could be dealing with something older and more powerful than he realizes.
he'll figure that out later tho, he's got living stuff to do! at first he's v dismissive when i ask him what he could possibly want to be doing with my body, like what was he even planning to get up to, but he cant keep me completely in the dark about it cause im still sorta There when im possessed- its a bit like lucid dreaming where you're aware that you're dreaming, but not quite aware enough to control what you're Doing in the dream, and over time i become more and more present the longer he's possessing me
so eventually he admits that he's curious about what happened after he died- he was a bit of a celebrity when he was alive after all, he's sure it would cause Quite a stir when it was revealed after he died that he was a criminal- a moonshiner for one, but a serial killer and cannibal! he wants to know if there was a media circus, where he was buried, wants to visit his old stomping grounds, and so on and so forth. this leads me on all kinds of adventures through the deep south, the dusty aisles of libraries and newpaper archives, old graveyards, and so on, all the while we keep getting more comfortable and close despite ourselves
and eventually i realize that he isnt actually interested in what happened to himself after his death, he's actually using all this to try and find out what happened to his mother. she was Not a local celebrity, and his infamy was so large that it eclipsed most of the people he knew in life, so tracking it all down was kind of a hassle. but he was and is a mama's boy, and he wanted to know if she lived a good life
now all of this eventually winds down to figuring out why there was that first demon attached to me, probably some fucked up nonsense a little while back in my family tree or something (tbh im not sure how much i want to focus on the how and why but we'll see) and we get that settled finally as well as finding out how alastor's mom's life played out and put him at east there, and all that's left is to simply live my life until i die, where i'll go to hell and alastor will have my soul to keep (we're v cozy at this point and quite comfortable cohabiting a body and mind space so he's not particularly eager to completely break the tether until my time comes)
and the thing about sharing a mindspace with something extremely dangerous and powerful that has just enough sway over the world around you to keep you safe in a bad situation, or even fully take over your body to get you out of it, is that you feel v confidant most of the time and fear isnt really something you deal with anymore, so i frequently go wandering around the woods at night for example because im sure nothing can really touch me when i have a demon for a companion
a demon in your head cant protect you from a bullet however, and maybe i should have known better than wandering the woods at night during deer season, and maybe the unholy aura i had around me hit the moonlight just wrong and the hunter thought he was aiming for the silhouette of a creature with antlers, and then i was dead
and then i wake up in hell
if this was a fic, at this point it would be like the 'part 2' (and who knows if i iron it out enough maybe i Will write it sometime) and im not sure exactly what i want to do about it just yet obviously it would loosely follow the canon of the show, just with a lot of extra stuff thrown in. maybe in 'part 1', we didnt actually Kill the other demon, just broke away from it, and its still in hell somewhere, fuming about losing my soul, or maybe finding out about his mom actually did Not put alastor at ease- maybe his actions made her life very difficult and now he has to deal with knowing that and i can use that as a catalyst to him getting redeemed to see her again in heaven, not sure yet!
but i do know a big part of the interpersonal situation is that we dont share that mindspace anymore, we're just physically There Together and tbqh its really difficult to cope with. we both got so used to it that we feel like something's missing now, and we might even go so far as to try to find a way to reestablish that mental link, or maybe there's still echoes of it lingering, but only if we're asleep or something like that
like i said, still ironing out the hell part of it all, but thats what ive got! much to think about much to think about
and to add to this- some stray little Thoughts and Ideas to play around with in regards to this story:
while researching alastor's life and 'hunting grounds' we run into a copycat killer, probably someone who has a personal collection of alastor's things, works at a library maybe, who's always dreamed of following in his footsteps, and that decides i should be the first victim since im also sooo interested in alastor's 'work' that i surely wouldnt mind (i do, and so does alastor (he does Not consider imitation as flattery and who tf does this loser think they are coming after something that belongs to him (he's gotten attached)))
i for sure need to come up with more fun and awful little adventures like that
alastor's ability to effect and manipulate the living world around me through his powers alone (so like Not literally using my body for example, this is more like a poltergeist) is stronger when there's radio static playing in the air
going off the idea that the mental link gets stronger and clearer the long it lasts, maybe at sone point it gets so strong that one time when i go to sleep, i 'wake up' in a v similar state as when alastor was first possessing me, that floaty, kinda-lucid-kinda-not, excpet now im hitching a ride in His body in hell and at this point he's so used to having me as a v general and vague presense at the back of his mind that he doesnt even notice at first that im much more clearly and actively There- its a frightening idea for us both when the realization sets cause now we Really gotta face whays going on here and how far its gone
when i get shot by the hunter, alastor is actively co-piloting my body at the time, and since i headcanon he died in a similar fashion (bullet to the head) its like he experienced his own death all over again (something something tied even in our death etc etc) and he sort of 'wakes up' back in his body afterwards and after realizing what happened having to fight the urge to be seen frantically searching the streets for me now that i must be here
considering we Were linked up when i died, and the black mark this whole situation would leave on my soul, my demon form would probably echo his design
how far am i willing to go while alive to achieve our goals- ive definitely been put in situations where i needed to do harm for survival, but would i go further than that, not because i needed to, but because i wanted to? is it alastor's influence or something that i was always capable of? do i indulge in cannibalism? what about after im in hell, what then?
thinking on it, i think Will go with alastor's mom suffering from his life choices, and him having to deal with that, as Well as having to deal with that first demon in 'part 2' to carry over as an overarching plot
maybe we Both get redeemed but we dont actually like it in heaven like its too bright so we fuckin.
act up to get sent back (this is mostly jokey but could you imagine)
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kentopedia · 13 days
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ᡣ𐭩 𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 . . . the french are glad to die for love
after a night performing, you meet with the duke, but he's not anything like you'd been expecting.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬. ft. sanji ! f!reader, moulin rouge au, alcohol, smoking, romance, prostitution, burlesque/cabaret dancers, humor, very very brief mention of suicidal ideation, suggestive content. 8.7k words.
𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, i'm very nervous to post this so pls be kind to me ‪‪❤︎‬ if you aren't familiar with moulin rouge, the writing's a bit silly / eccentric at times, which is a little outside my comfort zone. so if you hate it... say nothing lol ><
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Paris was the city of lovers, as they said. Romantic and doused in shades of red, painted with hearts for stars and a dazzling galaxy complete of past romances. 
Red, yes, was the color of Paris. But it came from not from dalliances, but from blood and tears, the scarlet hues mixed in shades of pain and misfortune. Nothing you had expected when you’d first stepped foot in the city with a half-developed mind, just off the boat from your own country. You’d had a suitcase filled with your finest clothes, which truly weren’t much, and a few necessities. But you’d been leaving from nothing, and you’d go on to have nothing, finding yourself in yet another desperate situation. 
In the wake of revolutions, Paris was supposed to be a place of rebirth, to start fresh and finally live out your dream as an actress. But things never turned out the way they were planned — such had been the case since the beginning of time. 
Instead of finding your way into the Palais Garnier, on the stage in beautiful velvet gowns, laced with glittering diamonds and rubies, you found yourself on the streets, singing for anyone who would listen. Then, you were acquired by a man who promised you a life of luxury and an opportunity to be a star. 
And who were you to refuse such an offer? 
Thus concluding the simple, albeit melancholy tale of how you found yourself at the Moulin Rouge, part-time singer, part-time dancer, and full-time actor. A cliché story of ambition and lost dreams, of aspirations that had never come to fruition.
Still, you had your moments of stepping into the role of the glittering ruby, the dazzling diamond. There were even times when you felt that, maybe, you were shaping up to be the prima donna you’d dreamed of becoming. That you had already taken that role on and made it your own, not in a golden opera house, but on a stage of darker colors, crafted for those that crept in the shadows, rather than the heavens. 
But what being an actor at the Moulin Rouge meant was forgetting what it was to be yourself. Each evening, you put on a mask of beauty that you didn’t feel to your core, shrouded in cheap jewels that had become meaningless in the face of giving up your real dream. No matter how many times you told yourself this was right, a stepping stone to the path of greatness, it still felt like a lie.
But the years carried on, and the pain subsided. You got used to the sharpened eyes of hungry men, of people that would never want you for any longer than an evening. They were charming, sure, and they paid a pretty penny for a night — if you were willing to give it to them. 
It was enough. It had to be. 
Things weren’t so bad, you supposed. You’d left your home like you’d always planned to, even while this shapeless existence was hardly any better.
Still, returning to your house of cards, of rags and dirtied floors, seemed like an even bigger failure. Perhaps not to your family, who would’ve deemed your life as a courtesan the greatest shame of them all. To you, though, the greatest shame would have been to admit that you were wrong. 
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Your fifth year of working at the Moulin Rouge set into motion the beginning of the end. There was nothing different about the evening that tipped the first domino… Not that you could recall, at least. 
As always, an array of stars glittered over Montmartre, a beautiful Parisian night, lit up with red. From the streets, the Moulin Rouge glowed like a beacon, combating even the loveliest parts of the French skyline, outlandishly bright, but mystical all the same. It wasn’t often that you saw the outside of the cabaret, not the way your patrons did. Sometimes, you wondered what it was like for them, to walk in for the first time and see the beautiful stars, dancing just for them on the candlelit stage. 
The very stage you were soon to find yourself on.
A necklace of rubies — undoubtably fake — hung heavy on your chest, weighing you down just like a cough in your lungs did. From beyond your four walls, you could hear the crowd that had formed in the intimate hall, already wet with anticipation of the dancers. And while some, perhaps, were doubtful, here for the first time, you knew they would leave with an itch to return, if only to see the star of the Moulin Rouge.
Staring into the mirror, you listened to the heels of your friends click across the stage, getting into position for their first number. It was comforting, almost, how the simple sound was there for your every night, alerting you of just how much time you had before your final act. 
You smeared rouge across your cheeks, sporting a grim smile, and made sure the color was bright enough to combat the lights that would illuminate you. 
Then, you inhaled, and stood from your chair, to get dressed before your number began. 
Unfortunately, you didn’t get far, already crowded by the chest of your keeper, the flashy owner of the Moulin Rouge. Buggy. 
He was dressed as he always was — to the nines, and impeccably lively. Much livelier than you would ever be outside of the glittering nightclub. Sometimes, you wondered just how much of his persona was an act, and how much of it was every bit the extravagance he’d been born with.
“There’s my star,” Buggy said, dragging a finger across your cheek, eyes lit up by his pale makeup. “I’ve been looking for you.” Your name left his lips cheerfully, and you smiled, thinly plastering on enthusiasm. 
“Well,” you answered, batting your eyelashes heavily. “Here I am. Where I’ve been for the past five years, every night, at this very time.”
He threw an arm over your shoulder as he always did, like the two of you were old friends, and the air of professionalism you tried to keep between you was needless. “Yes, yes,” he responded, waving off the slight bit of sarcasm. “Listen. I have a manner of business to discuss.” 
Your smile quickly fell. You knew what that meant. “Buggy,” you said, unreeling yourself from his embrace, his hot palm dropping from your shoulders. “It’s hardly been a day since the last one. You promised me I wouldn’t have to take on any more.” 
Not that you’d believed him when he’d said that, but… There were only so many men you were willing to seduce, especially when the other dancers would have gladly accepted the work. You weren’t the only courtesan at the club, and just because you were the star, didn't mean you would put the others out of a job. 
“I did, I did, and I’ll keep that promise… After this last time.” Buggy’s words were on the edge of charisma, but they weren’t able to reach that delivery. Full of a dramatic flair, sure, but nothing further. His smile was thin, desperate, and though you wanted to ask his true intentions about this particular meeting, you wouldn’t. You already knew the answer.
You held his gaze sharply, eyes narrowing before you relented, a heavy sigh leaving your lungs. 
There had been talk about the finances, only recently, and just through the grapevine. Claims that the Moulin Rouge was going bankrupt, and there was only one person with enough beauty and charm to save it.
A heavy burden to bear, indeed.
And while you were hopeful, devastatingly so, that the claims weren’t true, you weren’t blind to the dwindling waitstaff, the decreasingly lavish decorations. One of your dancers had even left in the last week, a young girl who didn’t bring much to the table, but didn’t deserve to be tossed back onto the streets either. 
You’d be a fool not to notice that there was trouble… Trouble Buggy had convinced you not to worry about, but that concerned you all the same. 
With a frown, you bowed your gaze, then perked back up with a smile. As if holding a tiara high on your head, you straightened, erasing the depressing dimness from your eyes, hoping you shone as brightly as he wanted you to. “Alright,” you hummed, softening your voice, “What do I need to do?” 
Buggy grinned, face revealing perfect showmanship, and pinched your cheek. “There’s my star.” 
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The man you were to seduce on the stage tonight was a duke. 
He wasn’t from Paris, wasn’t from France at all, but instead, from some intriguing land further East, hailing a vast amount of wealth and a large wallet that could easily bankroll the entire nightclub. Salaries, performances, food and so on. That alone told you all you needed to know. 
Just one night. That would be enough to convince him that you were a dazzling diamond, and you deserved a place on the stage. A different stage. It would be enough to get him to put his money on the table, entranced enough by the energy of the evening to invest in the Moulin Rouge. Enough to intrigue him, even if he was a difficult man to please. 
One night might not turn out be just one, you knew that. But you’d do anything, anything it took to achieve you dreams. Not just for yourself, not for Buggy… but for all of the others that you called your friends. You deserved an opportunity to be a real actress, and they deserved a place to live, a place to work. 
Besides, you were getting older, already closer to thirty than your early teenage years, and those of the underworld did not want an aged woman, so much as they sought the delicate features of a barely turned adult. It was a disgusting, filthy world you lived in, but it kept you alive, and sometimes, that was all you could ask for. 
“Remember,” Buggy’s words echoed in your ears, sharp and desperate to be heard, even over the drowning noises of the orchestra. “He’ll be in the back booth. There’s a group of men with him, they’ll all have drinks. Just catch his eye, sometime during the dance. But don’t worry too much about that, otherwise you’ll lose your focus.” 
What you got from that was: You should try extra hard to catch the eye of an impressive man, but you should not seem like you were trying at all. 
A somewhat daunting task, but it would be simple enough. There hadn't been a man yet at the Moulin Rouge who hadn’t stumbled over himself when you gave him your brilliant smile.
You breathed, a deep inhale that cleared out the anxiety lingering in your chest. Then, you blew it out, and the curtain rose, blinding you with overwhelming yellows and reds from the lights, ones that ignited the jewels on your neck, outlining your chest, drawing everyone’s attention to you.
It was hard to see anything at all, but you could feel all their eyes on you — a hundred or so pairs that scoured you like a piece of meat.
And when you got to the floor, close enough that you could feel the hot breaths of your favorite clients, they threw bills at you until you could no longer hold them in the tight lines of your bodice. 
You smiled at every individual like you’d never smile at anyone again, patted their cheeks until they passed out with red, swooning faces. Then you left them, still reeling from your touch, eyes glued to you with the focus of a tortured scholar.
Performing had always been a rush to you, left you lively and with an energy that you’d never found in anything else. But sometimes, performing like this, exploiting no one but yourself and your magnetic charm, left you empty at the end of the day. You left the stage cold, drained of every ounce of warmth that had been dragged into you from the spotlight. 
It was invigorating to be wanted, but it could never compete with the crushing loneliness that came with being used.
And that warmth you got from the stage, the rush of devotion and adrenaline that came with incessant adoration? Well, you’d never felt anything like that, never been able to replicate it either, until a set of eyes landed on you from a distant booth, where the Duke was said to be sitting. 
You felt the heat before you saw him, the candy-red color of desire bleeding into you. It dragged across your back, digging into your shoulder-blades like a needle, piercing, but only lightly. There was something soft around the harsh edges of want, and when you turned to meet that stark desire, you almost faltered in surprise. 
He wasn’t what you’d been expecting.
Just as Buggy had said, the corner-most booth held a man, surrounded by many others. The table was littered with glasses — both empty and full of alcohol, and a cloud of smoke hovered around them. All of the men leaned over the table, eyeing you with awe-struck eyes, as you sparingly gave them your sweetest smile. 
But it was the innermost man that you honed in on, one being jostled around by the wealthy others in his booth. Blonde, blue eyes alight with a conflicted sort of desire, wearing a suit tailored to fit him perfectly. 
The Duke. 
From what you’d been told, there were enough clues to convince you that this dazzled man was the one you were looking for. Surrounding him were older patrons, ones that were familiar with Buggy, and nearly all of the dancers. Rich men that would have gladly accompanied a foreign noble, shown him the beauty of Montmartre before the sun rose and they were back to respectable conversation. 
Yet, he seemed… 
Well, he didn’t seem very lordly. 
That, though, was not a question you wanted to linger on for too long. Your mind would spin into uncertainties, and you would fuck this up before you could fuck him. 
Instead, you sharpened your smile, lowered your eyes seductively, and continued your performance, painting more attention onto that side of the room. 
Which raised another red flag that you were all too happy to ignore. Far opposite of what Buggy had sad, the duke did not seem like a difficult man to please. Rather, all you could think was that he would be an easy catch, with the way his cigarette dangled from his lips, parted in awe. His irises might as well have shaped into hearts as he watched you, tracing your every movement without so much as blinking. 
You brightened. For some reason, his adoration gave you much greater satisfaction than you would have liked to admit. 
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Riding on the elation that your prey, the source of your future, was in the palm of your hand, you wrapped up the rest of your performance perfectly, tying it up with a beautiful scarlet ribbon. Buggy was standing on the edge of the stage as you made your way down, bowing dramatically, knowing that you had succeeded in every goal he’d set for you. 
“Do you think I lured him in?” you asked softly, accepting the robe given to you by one of the stage-hands, a man just on the cusp of his twenties. 
Buggy smiled, his red-painted lips spreading across crooked teeth. “I don’t call you the diamond for nothing, do I, my dear?” he said, pinching your cheek. 
The rouge came off between his fingers, and your eyebrows crinkled, before releasing, as you remembered all the ways you could keep yourself from looking older. You swatted your friend-not-friend’s hand away before wrapping yourself tighter in the robe, feeling so much smaller and younger than you truly were. 
Despite all the men you’d taken to bed, all the nights you’d shared in throes of passion (their’s, of course, never your own), you still felt the scared, hardly-adult you’d been when you first set foot in Paris. 
Buggy noticed the change in your demeanor, as you tried to gear yourself up for an encounter with the Duke. The charming, blonde noble seemed kind enough, softer around the edges than many of the men you’d seduced over the years. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad. 
Never, though, would it be something that you wanted to do.
“What’s the matter, my gem?” Buggy asked, not quite in a way that was kind, but enough to show concern. His eyes were gentler than the rest of his appearance, and you weren’t sure you were grateful for it.
You curled away from his hands, sniffing back the onslaught of doubt and self-loathing that always came upon you when you used your body in such a way. It was something that you’d been taught to feel disgusted by, even though it kept a roof over your head, and the heads of the people that you’d come to call your family. 
“It’s nothing,” you said, because it was the truth. It was nothing new. The same blur of feelings that had haunted you since the first day you’d sold yourself to another still lingered. You’d always thought it would get easier… but it hadn’t. It still ended with you wanting to tear your skin from your body, but never following through with a slide of poison down your throat. 
Because that was the easy way, wasn’t it? A quick way to end your torment, without knowing if you’d ever see the other side. And, perhaps you weren’t as brave as you wanted to believe, but you wanted to see if there was another side. If there was a brighter end, a brighter future, where you could shine on the stage of the Palais Garnier as a real actress, and not just in the glittering scarlet lights of the Moulin Rouge. 
Buggy eyed you skeptically, any kindness in his irises now gone as his lips turned into a thin line. “It better be nothing,” he said, guiding you across the stage, before reaching a doorway that would send you up into the Elephant Room.
Which was the most private area of the Moulin Rouge, one saved for the most illicit affairs. It was your room, and only those patrons that were willing to pay the highest price were allowed entry. 
“Remember, I’ll send him up to you, and all you have to do is give him a night he won’t forget, alright?” Buggy stood in front of you, gripping your shoulders in a warning. “Now, show me that dazzling smile, diamond.”
Reluctantly, but with all the passion you had gathered in your chest, you smiled, knowing that it was real enough to set something alight in his own. The reaction — just a small quirk of his lips in return — was enough to let you know he was satisfied with the show you’d put on.
“There she is. We’ll have a new investor soon enough.” 
You were certain of that. You had to be certain of that, or your livelihood would be down the drain, and a future of shimmering lights and diamond-encrusted gowns would be out of the question. 
On the walk up the stairs, you spoke soft words in your head, hummed the same tune you did for every show. It reminded you of who you were — at least, who you were to them. The ones who would have sold an arm and leg for a chance to win your heart, even though, after all the years that passed, you didn’t think you had one to give anymore. 
The stage was all the love you had to offer. Perhaps, the only type of love you believed in, anymore. 
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You made your way up the spiraling staircase to the Elephant Room, and opened the door with a sigh, letting your weight rest against the doorknob. For a moment, you deflated in the threshold like a woman in a Shakespearian tragedy, exhaling the tension that had wrought in your shoulders. 
Until you felt eyes slide across to you, unexpectedly, and you found you weren’t alone in the Elephant Room. 
Without pretense, the Duke was waiting for you, his eyes dancing along the interior, taking a moment to gaze at every corner of the room. There was interest in his irises, as he searched for other secrets of your life through your belongings
Then, the door slammed shut behind you, and the spell was broken. The Duke turned to face you, eyes widening with alarm, as your back went straight as a wire.
He wasn’t supposed to be there already.
A second slipped by, and you gawked at each other, your own mouth dry with the confusion and surprise of his ill-timed appearance. Surely Buggy hadn’t sent him to the Elephant Room already? You’d only just parted.
Well, you supposed it didn’t matter now anyway.  La vie continue.
Smoothly, you recovered, raising your shoulders to release an air of confidence, and smiled brightly. You twisted your hair across your collarbone, hoping it would highlight the smooth planes of your chest, where the ruby necklace had already been removed. “Ah, my apologies, monsieur. I wasn’t aware you were waiting for me.”
The Duke blinked as you strutted past him, taking the two quick steps to your vanity. Just enough to brush against him, feel the desire rolling off of him in waves. 
Pointedly, he tried hard not to let his eyes drift lower, tracing just along your hips before snapping back up to to the back of your head. “How would you have known?” His words came out thick, as if something was lodged deep in his chest. “I haven’t even introduced myself.”
“Oh, there’s no need,” you said over your shoulder, lowering your voice huskily. “I’ve heard so much about you. I trust your visit to the Moulin Rouge has been pleasant?” 
He met your gaze through the mirror, seemingly enraptured, and cleared his throat as he calculated a response. “Très agréable, mademoiselle.” 
You smiled, humming through an affirmative, before continuing. “Wonderful. I’ll be ready in just one moment.” Imperceptibly, you sprayed perfume, hoping it would mask the sweat that had gathered from your performance. Then, you made your way over to a cart, sifting through expensive bottles of alcohol. “Drink?” you said, speaking softly to yourself. “I have champagne or…” You shook each of the bottles, realizing they were all empty. Not a drop left. “Well. I have champagne.” 
“I’m alright, madame. Merci.”
You began to pour your own glass, which you would certainly be needing, when it dawned upon you that his accent was rather Parisian, and absolutely not as foreign as Buggy would have had you believe. Your champagne slipped, nearly spilling over the edges of the cup, before you turned to eye the blonde with what you hoped with a sultry grin. 
“Ah. Your French is very beautiful,” you said, smiling over the edge of your glass as you sipped at it, wondering if your eyes were as alluring as you believed. “You’re a quick learner.”
He stared at you, lines creasing his features as his lips parted, obvious skepticism weaved within his posture. Then, without another word, he ignited the cigarette he had slipped between his lips, the end glowing before he inhaled. A long drag was taken from it, settling in his lungs. “Je suis désolé, mademoiselle. I’m not sure how to answer that,” he said, exhale releasing a cloud of smoke into the air. 
You laughed, a high-pitched giggle that turned you back to face him, his free hand stuffed in his pocket like he wasn’t sure what to do with it. “Usually people answer compliments with another thank you, but it’s no matter.” You forced another small sound up out of you, suddenly unsure exactly what to do next. 
He was… not what you’d been expecting, and the usual turn of events wasn’t progressing as it should have been. The Duke was supposed to be an intimidating man, one who knew what he wanted and would take it without question. That's what you'd heard, anyway. You were starting to wonder if what Buggy had told you were nothing but rumors. 
Waving the comment off, you made your way back to the vanity, checking that your scarlet lipstick had not smeared. His lingering gaze still traced against every curve of your body, and you stuck your hips out further, leaning towards the mirror with a small grin. “I apologize I didn’t have time to change. I wasn’t expecting you here so soon.”
The Duke nodded, only slowly processing your words before tapping on the cigarette. “Oh, there’s… no need.” Then, he shook his head, blinking, as if cringing internally. “Unless you’re uncomfortable. In that case, I’ll um… turn around.” 
You laughed, hiccuping as the quick gulps of champagne came bubbling up inside of you. “Well, it’s no matter, really. I’m sure they’ll come off soon enough.” The comment was meant to be a simple segue into the rather normal routine of your work, low and seductive. 
Instead, his eyes went wide, cheeks flushed as he looked, quite pointedly, anywhere but you. “No,” his voice rang at a higher pitch as you stalked towards him, your glass of champagne drained and discarded. “No, I’d really rather you keep them on, actually.”
You blinked, a bit puzzled by that. But it wasn’t the strangest request you’d ever gotten, and you were determined to please him, just as Buggy had requested. “Alright. Whatever you want, amour.” 
Like a cat, you crept up to the Duke, splaying your hands across his chest. A small sound left his throat, cheeks turning a darker shade as he took a step back, grasping for words. Your hand fisted his tie, satisfied by his reaction as you followed his stumbling lead back towards the bed. 
“How would you prefer to start?” you whispered, as his knees hit the edge of the heart-shaped mattress, legs buckling until he was flat on his back, gawking up at you from the bed. “I admit you are a hard one to read. Just say the word, I can be whatever you want.”
You scrambled on top of his thighs, dress hiked up to reveal the smoothness of your own legs, which quickly caught his attention.
“I-I’m not sure that we’re on the same page here,” he said, swallowing, though watching every one of your movements with rapt attention. 
You plucked the cigarette from his lips, and took a long drag, smiling down at him. 
The smoke filled your lungs, calming your nerves marginally. They were cheap cigarettes — not those usually desired by the nobility, but who were you to judge for odd preferences? He’d found his way here to you, after all. 
“No?” you answered softly, taking one more long inhale of the cigarette before you leaned forward, placing it into the ashtray, still burning. There was a long streak of red from your lipstick, staining the thin cylinder of white. “Then what is it that you’re here for?”  
He exhaled, fingers reaching up along your thighs, the touch so featherlight that you almost weren’t sure it was even there. For a moment, he seemed to have forgotten the question entirely, jaw slackened as he stared at you above him, before he swallowed, and sat up on his forearms. 
The movement brought your faces even closer together, his nose just centimeters from brushing your own. It was then you realized just how blue his eyes were, the color illuminated by the dim candlelight, deep hues of turquoise and navy swirling together to create a stormy sea. His thick, blonde eyelashes fluttered closed as he blinked at you, and the movement alone brought you out of your stupor, his voice raspy upon each syllable.  
“I’m here for the play…?” 
You drew back, needing a moment to breathe as you squinted your eyes to study him. It was rare for you to get a client like him, wealthy, but so uncertain, a charm about him that you couldn’t quite pin. They were never as handsome either, most far older than you, willing to throw cash at a younger, beautiful woman. 
Questions raised at the back of your mind, desperate to be asked, but you ignored them, beaming as you angled your head. “Ah. Of course. The play.” Your voice was saccharine, octaves higher than your usual volume. “What is my role, then?” you asked, tugging off his tie as you leaned into him, your lips just barely brushing his own. His breath was hot against your mouth, a hint of cheap alcohol still lingering on his breath. “I’m far too used to being the seductress, but I can be the damsel in distress, if you’d prefer that.” 
“Your role…” It was said more to himself than anything, not stopping you as your fingers began to unbutton his starched white shirt. You tilted your head forward, noses brushing together as you rested your forehead against his. 
The air grew warm between you, and for a moment, a beautiful, fleeting second, you lost yourself. Your grip on his top grew slack, fingertips caressing the warm expanse of his chest. He breathed into your mouth, and your eyes fell shut, letting him connect his lips to your own, the moment exploding in a rush of beautiful, ruby fireworks. 
And you were keen, then, to let him do whatever he would have wanted, his touch so featherlight and gentle, you wondered if you could have fallen in love with him. How quickly your heart, coated in steel and another layer of iron, betrayed you, dropping from your own chest right into the palms of the man that you needed as a savior.
But the moment did not last so long, and your vulnerability evaporated as quickly as the layer of dew beyond la Seine. As if coming back to himself, he choked, pulled away from your lips and pushed you back by the shoulders, staring at you with wide eyes and warm, tinted cheeks. 
You paused, watching as he rushed to his feet like he couldn’t get up fast enough. How easily the mood had soured, even as he muttered one apology after another, unable to meet your gaze. 
The Duke’s hands were shaky as he held the cigarette to his mouth, eyes fixated on the ceiling. He had plucked the same one back up from the ashtray, the streak of your bold, crimson lipstick imprinted on the end of it.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, hoping the worry wasn’t obvious in your words. If there was a problem, you were desperate to fix it. You couldn’t afford to ruin this, not when so many things were at stake.
He hesitated, another cloud of smoke leaving his mouth as he waved his hand around, ash falling from the cigarette. “I’m sorry — I’m sorry. I can’t focus when you’re,” he swallowed, cheeks burning, despite the hardness very obvious in his pants, “looking at me like that.” 
“Focus?” you said in gentle confusion, eyebrows pinched tighter, as the beginnings of a dreadful realization dawned upon on you. 
Feeling discarded on the bed, you sat and watched as he pulled a sheet of paper from his pocket, straightening like it was an important doctrine, before clearing his throat, and reciting a beautifully composed poem. 
The words were horrifically romantic, each line strung into another as if they had been pieced together by his very own heartstrings. And though you had not processed a single word, it had still struck a cord down deep in your weathered heart, and you continued to stare, sick with your own shame. 
It was beautiful — hauntingly so — a poem of love that could rival even the greatest of French writers. But, all you could think about was the pounding in the back of your mind, the panic steadily rising up within you.  
“You’re here for a play. An actual play,” you said stupidly, gaping back at him, your entire body going rigid with embarrassment. “You’re serious.” No longer was your tone beautifully high-pitched, innocent despite your sensuality. It had lowered in horror, your eyes going wide as you realized that all of this was a terrible, terrible misunderstanding.
Which seemed a lackluster reaction to whatever he was looking for, and he frowned, tilted his head back before heavily inhaling another puff of smoke. “Well, I suppose I would prefer that sort of reaction to hearing that my writing is awful. The play wasn’t my idea, just for the record.” 
“Writer?” you screeched, scrambling to your feet. “You’re not a Duke? Not the Duke?” 
His eyebrows lifted, searching your face for any hint of a joke, and when he found none, he laughed, face splitting beautifully with a smile. He gestured to himself like he was amazed you would even think so, his suit hardly of the latest fashions, the cufflinks a dulling silver. 
Which, in hindsight, was truly a marvelous mistake. 
“No, I am not a duke.” His forehead wrinkled, and he, finally, stamped the cigarette out on the ashtray, subtly putting the stub back into his pocket. “Is that why you thought I couldn’t speak French? Je viens de Paris. I thought that was obvious.” Once more, he laughed, smiling in a manner that was far too out of place for the situation. Then, just as dramatically, his face fell, eyes going wide with concern. “Hold on. Did you not know that I would be here?” 
“No!” you exclaimed, putting your finger to his chest as you shot forward, glaring with the heat of a thousand suns. Your features morphed into something horrible, though you doubted it was as intimidating as you hoped. “No, I have been waiting on a Duke, not some amateur, impoverished writer from this dreadful city I regret ever stepping foot in. And if you tell me that you’re another one of Luffy’s tragic bohemian protégés—”
He smiled sheepishly, tilting his head before you could even finish your sentence. “Well. First of all, I wouldn’t say I’m an amateur.”
Your hands flew to your mouth, a sound leaving your throat in dismay as another voice — the exact voice you were hoping not to hear — called out from the window. 
“Sanji!” Luffy said, a headful of black hair falling over the side, grinning at both of you. “How’s it going? Have you convinced her yet?” 
“No!” you shouted, already rushing towards the window, shooing Luffy away. Over and over you repeated the word, Luffy merely swinging back and forth from whatever rope he’d tied himself to, more amused than anything “Get out of here, Luffy! I should’ve known it was you that put him up to this.” 
For years, Luffy had been trying to recruit you, hoping you'd be an actress in one of his performances, and that the Moulin Rouge would be the place that funded it.
With his endless confidence, Luffy was certain that one day, he would create the best production in the history of Paris. But you were certainly skeptical of his ideas ever taking off, Buggy even more-so, and he refused to put even a single franc towards funding any of Luffy's productions.
Despite the rejection, you continued to get pestered, Luffy somehow convinced that he could help you become an established actress quicker than your current occupation could.
Luffy laughed, still with the audacity to ask if you liked Sanji’s writing, and you pushed his head back out the window, muttering profanities to yourself. 
“Who’s with you? Usopp? Zoro? I’m going to kill all three of you!” 
You yelled that last bit louder, just to be sure the two men you knew were up on the roof could hear you as well. And, just as expected, a muttered string of words escaped Zoro, and a much louder, panicked sound came from Usopp. 
They peeked their heads into the window with Luffy. 
“I tried to stop him,” Usopp said, wailing as Zoro hushed him, his dark eyes clouded with regret. “I knew it was a horrible plan, I’m so sorry.” 
Your lips drew into a thin line, unconvinced, despite all the theatrics. “I want you all out! Get back up there before—” 
Footsteps started up the stairs, and your eyes went wide, panicked as the voices of Buggy and the Duke, the real duke, started up the stairs. 
“Leave!” you hissed, shoving Luffy and Usopp back out the window, before turning to face Sanji, who was rather uselessly standing in the middle of the floor. Groaning, you gripped him by the arm, pulling him across the room as you scanned for a good hiding spot. “Hide. I need you to hide. He can’t see you.”  
“What’s going on?” Sanji asked. “Luffy told me—”
You released a sharp laugh, rolling your eyes. “Oh, I’m certain Luffy told you a lot of things,” you huffed, letting your hand slip down into his own as you dragged him into a corner of the room. “Unfortunately, Luffy’s plans are sometimes too grand, and he needs someone to bring him down to Earth. Which you, clearly, did not do and now—”
Your name was called out from behind the door, and you cursed, pushing Sanji into the corner of the room, near the vanity. “Stay there. Just… hide under something!” 
But the door was already opening, and you scrambled into a chair, running your fingers across your hair to make sure you seemed somewhat presentable. You brought your legs up under you, lowering your gaze to bat your eyelashes as the Duke and Buggy entered the room, both staring at you with intrigue. 
“Here she is,” Buggy said, gesturing towards you with a curious look in his eye, a dark smile forming on his painted face. There was a warning there, one that you were not foolish enough to ignore. “My beautiful diamond. Hopefully just as lovely as she was up on the stage tonight.” 
The Duke’s regard for you was hardly passionate, though you could see a sliver of desire under all the layers of intimidation. He was a tall man, dark hair falling to his shoulders in thick strands. A long scar ran across his cheekbones, over the bridge of his nose, and he looked down at you, studying every piece of you like you were nothing more than a decoration to admire. 
You waited for him to say something, but it was clear he was waiting for the same, and you stood, perhaps too rapidly, and made your way over to him. 
“Monsieur, what a pleasure it is to meet you,” you smiled, if only to ease the anxiety strung through your body. Dipping your head, you looked back up at him with siren eyes, “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit.”
The Duke paused for another moment, studying you before taking your hand, and kissing it softly. It was a soothing gesture, despite the intensity of his eyes. Tension seeped gradually from your shoulders. 
“The pleasure is mine, my dear,” he said, his voice deep, raspy. “And there’s no need for such pleasantries when we’ll be acquainted soon enough.” His thumb ran across your cheek, before his hand fell back to his side. “I’d prefer Crocodile.”
Buggy, just feet behind the Duke, began to back away, exhaling in relief. “Well, I will leave you to it, then. And—”
That was all he could get out, as the scene shattered. 
Before Buggy could make his escape, a sound came from the window, a yelp, then an echoing shout, as Luffy, Usopp and Zoro fell down from the window, swinging into the room from the dangling rope. They landed in a somersaulting heap, just inches from where Sanji had been hiding, and your jaw slackened, before your entire body stiffened once more. 
Not a word rang through the room as you stared at the three of them, Crocodile sliding his gaze over to you for an explanation. The silence was tangible, heavy with uncertainty. 
A nervous laugh left Buggy, but it was quickly cut off as Usopp pulled both Zoro and Luffy up by their coats, and exclaimed, “Are you ready for rehearsal?” 
“Rehearsal…” you muttered, and at the same time, Crocodile posed the words as a question, his eyes narrowed, unamused.
“I wasn’t aware that there were other things going on this evening,” he said.
“Ah,” you continued, keeping yourself composed as you moved to stand in front of him. “Non, there’s nothing going on we just…” Internally you cursed, over and over, glancing at Buggy, who was near to shouting at Luffy, the two of them locked in a stand-off. There would be no help from any of them it seemed, as they waited for your reaction.
You placed a gentle hand on the shoulder of Crocodile, softening your expression into one of expectation. “Well, I know this isn’t what you had in mind, monsieur, but we thought now would be a good time to introduce you to our new production… Right, Buggy? While we’re all here together, of course. A once in a while opportunity.” 
You smiled, eyes narrowing exaggeratedly at Buggy, before the obvious question became clear to him. 
“Oh,” he nodded slowly, before bursting into the same smile he always used for your shows. “Right. Of course. Our new show—”
“Which, we have written specifically for you, Sir, if you would be so keen on investing.” You took Crocodile’s arm gently, leading him past the chair where Sanji was hiding, hopeful he would reacquaint himself with the rest of the troupe. And, as if reading your mind, Sanji scrambled to his feet, standing alongside Zoro and Usopp like he’d been there all along.
You exhaled softly, continuing to the Duke, “It was going to be a surprise, but we supposed it would be best for you to see it now, before we started any production. You are so wise with your investments, we didn’t want to be presumptuous.” 
Crocodile gave you an odd look, and for a moment, you weren’t sure he believed you. Then, you flashed him a hopeful smile, naive under all the great bravado, and he relented, amused by your earnestness. 
“Well, I am not usually interested in investing in such small ordeals, but…” He waved a hand, before running the other down the breadth of your spine, a touch that was near possessive. “If it stars our lovely diamond, it is sure to be a hit, no?” 
You relaxed, making a show of leaning into his advances. 
“Of course,” Buggy proclaimed, far too intense for your liking, as he tried to ease the Duke back out of the Elephant Room. “Would you like to get started on paperwork? How about we work out the details, and we’ll find another evening for you and—”
Crocodile raised a hand, the room swiftly silenced. “I need to know the story first, before we handle business. Not even the most beautiful of stars can carry a dying universe, I’m afraid.” He turned to you, his eyes so intense it was hard to muster up the courage to speak.
“Story?” You blinked, your smile falling. “Yes. Right. The story. Well, that’s an excellent question, and you would be certain to ask that, of course…” You looked to Buggy, then Usopp, who seemed all too happy to blend in with the shadows. Then to Zoro, who stood stiffly, and shrugged. Finally, your eyes landed on Luffy, who was grinning wildly and pushing Sanji forward, far too excited that this was all taking place.
“Here’s our writer,” Luffy proclaimed, patting Sanji on the back before taking a step away and crossing his arms. “Go on and tell them.” 
Which was a way to say the play hasn’t been written yet, and we’re making this all up as we go, in less obvious words. 
You wanted to melt into the floor, curl away from the hot palm that still rested on the small of your back, as you stared at Sanji helplessly, begging him to come up with an answer. 
And while the time seem to pass far too slowly for your liking, he didn’t even fumble for words as he nodded to you, dragging his eyes across the audience that was watching him expectantly. 
“It’s about love,” he said smoothly, confidence seemingly regained now that you weren’t the only person in the room. “It’s about love overcoming all obstacles.”
His eyes met yours once again, so deeply blue and beautiful. Against your better judgment, your heart surged out of your chest. 
“Yes! And it’s set in Switzerland!” Luffy exclaimed, laughing with delight. 
“No, no,” Sanji snapped, before recovering his story, mind working rapidly as he thought up a tale that would be imaginative enough to spark the interest of the Duke. “It’s set on the seas!” Then he lowered his overexcited voice, the words softening with adoration. “And there’s a courtesan. The most beautiful courtesan in the world.” 
Sanji's gaze fixed on you, and you blinked away, hating that awful feeling that bloomed in your heart. Still, a small smile tugged at your lips, one that you hid from everyone else. 
“But,” he said, tearing his attention away from you. “Her city’s been invaded by an evil pirate Warlord. Now, in order to save her kingdom, she has to seduce the evil Warlord. But, on the night of her seduction, she mistakes a penniless… A penniless…” He looked around helplessly, licking his lips. “A penniless cook, and she falls in love with him. He wasn’t trying to trick her, but he was dressed as a prince because… well… he was trying to infiltrate the Warlord’s headquarters.” 
“And I will play the captain of the crew that the cook works on!” Usopp interjected, taking a step in front of Sanji, his arms raised high with excitement, far too proud of himself. 
You coughed down a laugh as Crocodile regarded him with an impatient look. “Alright... What happens next?”
Sanji spared a quick scowl to Usopp, before regaining the attention of everyone in the room, weaving each word with precision. “Well, the cook and the courtesan, they are to hide their love from the evil Warlord—”
“With the help of their actual Captain, who has magical powers where he’s made out of rubber!” Luffy, this time, decided to add his own artistic storytelling, which silenced the entire room from skepticism.
Sanji blinked, hesitant. “Yes, well, that part’s still in the works,” he promised Crocodile, waving his hand dismissively. “There’ll be a crew, with a swordsman and a navigator… and of course the Warlord will have his own set of pirates working for him. It’s a grand production, the embodiment of the Bohemian ideals…” 
Sanji continued the story, crafting a plot of truth, beauty, freedom and love. But you were focused only on him, the passion with which he spun the tale, softening at the tragic romance that would take place between the courtesan and the cook. Every so often, your eyes would meet, and you would smile, if only slightly, with encouragement, enough to keep up his unwavering confidence until the end. 
"The finale hasn't been written yet,” he admitted, wrapping up his summary of the unfinished play, as the rest of you huddled around Crocodile for a reaction, his face dreadfully unreadable. “But—”
“We would love to get you involved artistically,” Buggy interrupted, excited by the prospects of the thrilling production and an investor. “If you have any suggestions.” 
A tense ten seconds passed, as Crocodile regarded each one of you, thoughtful. “The story could use some work,” he mused. “But, generally I like it.” 
An eruption of cheers burst out from each of you, and you smiled, giggling as you leaned into the Duke, hopeful that your gratitude was evident. Across the room, Sanji relaxed, lighting up another cigarette, and Buggy gestured forward, talking at such a rapid speed you were certain his words were slurring together. 
“Come, come with me,” he said, ushering Crocodile out of the room. “We’ll talk business.” 
Crocodile followed, but spared one last moment for you, as you followed the two men to the door, guiding him out. 
“I apologize that our evening together was different than anticipated,” you said, as genuinely as you could, tracing a hand down his chest. “Perhaps another night would be best for us to talk.” 
“Perhaps.” He hummed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his smile widening crookedly. “I still need to get acquainted with our star. Fame will suit you, my dear.” 
You smiled, a surge of pride overcoming you, one so strong that you couldn’t even wallow in the discomfort of his touch. “I look forward to it.” 
The two of you parted, the moment evaporating as Crocodile followed Buggy out the door. And, when it finally slammed shut behind the two of them, you exhaled, all of the anxiety leaving your body in a flush. 
The four other men went silent as you whirled on them, expressions dour as they waited for you to be the first to speak. Sanji’s jaw was tight as he looked away from the door, back to you, regarding you with an unreadable expression.
But, you were still reeling on your success, too excited to care about the anger you’d felt earlier. You broke into a cheerful grin, rushing to throw your arms around the young ring-leader. “Luffy,” you said, close to weeping. Things weren’t over yet, but there was a parting in the clouds, a sun shining through, as the hope of a future, a better one, became real. “Thank you. For the first time, one of your ridiculous plans actually worked. I’m very grateful.” 
He smiled like it was nothing, and your laughter became infectious, bubbling out of you in an effort to keep down your tears. You turned to the other two, both watching you curiously. 
“Usopp, thank you for that wonderful recovery. I’m not sure what we would have done if you’d not planned an emergency rehearsal.” 
He grinned wide, puffing his chest out. “Ah, well, I knew someone had to act fast.” 
Lastly, you turned to the green-haired man, and his name sooner died on your lips, when you realized he had contributed very little. “Zoro. You were useless actually.” 
Sanji snorted, and though Zoro’s face twitched, he didn’t bother saying anything to the writer. “You looked like you had it handled.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Well. I suppose we did.” You rolled your eyes, your mood suddenly deflating. The high of panic and elation had worn on you, leaving you with an ache in the back of your head, your hands still jittery. “Anyway, I’ve just about had all the fun I can handle for one night—”
“Uh-huh,” Zoro scoffed, a jab at your rather unconventional occupation.
You ignored him, pushing them all towards the door. “—I am very grateful for your help in getting our new investor, but we’ve got a busy week ahead, and I would like some rest. So, leave.” 
They all held their hands up in surrender, and while Sanji hadn’t been a part of the group you’d been addressing, he slowly followed when Luffy called out to him. There was talk of throwing a party across the street, at the dingy apartment complex that all the Bohemians lived in, despite it being late already.
The four of them made to leave, waving enthusiastically as they rushed down the stairs, far too worked up to be quiet. Sanji lagged behind them, giving you a kind smile before making his exit, a soft bonne nuit, escaping his lips.
“Sanji…” You called out, just before he closed the door behind him, his hand resting on the frame. Sanji turned, glancing over his shoulder, bright eyes pinning you right where you stood. “I’m sorry. So very sorry for the misunderstanding.” You waved your hand, drawing your fingers across your face to rest on your cheeks, already warm with shame. “I feel horrible.”
He paused, before a a grin split his face, irises burning with soft intensity. “Don’t,” he said, exhaling a laugh. “I enjoyed it, actually.” 
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thank u so much for reading and for all the endless support!! i appreciate you all so very much ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
tagging those who rb'd / commented <3 pls let me know if you'd like to be added !
@cerberels / @keeper-of-my-heart / @chuuminn / @eussstasss / @mncxbe / @tetzoro / @msheds0519 / @awealuc / @akuma-coffee / @stunie / @chositooo / @piichuu
147 notes · View notes
oceanlue · 2 years
hey! if it's alright, could i get the yv boys with a s/o who's obsessed with their hands
Sure also ⚠️ lime
He loves that you are obsessed with his hands I mean every time when you guys chill out together basically all the time you just play with his hands whether it be in your hair on your back rubbing it up back and forth to soothe you into a nice sleep or just have your hands in his
He loves the fact that you can't get enough of his hands especially when he just boops you on the nose
But when you guys are alone in the bedroom he loves to use his hands
"Damn boo if you really loved my hands that much then could have done this a lot more sooner if you would just say you like my hands"
Whether that be slowly sliding down your sides for mainly going to town on your lower region and not stopping
He loves the fact that you love his hands so give him extra love and he'll do a little bit more than what he's doing right now
Seth doesn't mind if you love his hands or not His Hands went through a lot of things in life like beating up people chopping up wood building campfires in the woods and a whole lot of other stuff
If you love his hands he'll just let you hold them and as you keep on feeling up his hands his palms and his fingers maybe give him a little pedicure too if you're feeling it
You also like it when you guys are doing that Devil's Tango that he likes to smack that cake of yours until it's red velvet and maybe after that he'll spread some icing on it~
"Now now sugar if you behave like this then ima take my hands away....no....you really like my hands that much~, well then I won't stop until you tell me"
Even though after a fight with someone you'll always kiss his knuckles so he knows that he's been taking care of.
He knows you love his hands and he's shy about it
He won't say it but i think he likes how you love his hands, like he get all flustered and immediately start to mumble phrases that he will probably say
Only on days where are he is feeling bold enough he will grab your rest with his hands and pin you to the table and as he reaches down to make a mess of you he'll start to swirl the batter and make sure everything is in the right place
"Orchid everything that led up to this. I knew you loved my hands but this is a bit too much for you don't worry my beloved I'll go easy on you"
But he loves to hold your face with his hands so he can look at you
He loves how you love his hands
On that night when he took you out to that VIP place to escape he knew right there and then that you loved his hands especially when they were bruised and you can start loving on him because of it give him all the attention he deserves people
Every time when he has a chance between you or when you two are alone either when it's at work lunch time in his office or at home you will play with his hands whether it be just drawing circle patterns or holding his hands no matter where you two are his hands are going to be on you
And he is very smooth when it comes to his hands since his hands have done a lot of work about the Blood Sweat and Tears on all the pleasure that was on there he's going to give you a little taste of it too
"Well rookie if I didn't know any better I would say that you love the way my hands work you know if you keep on begging for me like this I might give you more but you're going to have to convince me my little pet~"
I think you're going to lose your walking privileges for a week good luck with that
Hope you like it
Peace out
75 notes · View notes
memoiich · 5 months
꧁Masterlist ꧂
Ao3: Galavant the grey
The rules
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Ink & oil
Shared work with @catnipaddictt (<-if you want s-tier anakin/hayden content its over there)
Summary ❥ Modern au (separate love interest) with anakin and obi wan.ꕥ𖧷
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Darth maul ❥
Red velvet- you meet a stranger at a ball. Sadly the night goes south…ꕥ𑁍
Raspberries & blood oranges-husband maul and you go grocery shopping.ꕥꕥ
Ask -reserved maulꕥ𖧷
Maul headcanons ꕥ𖧷
The (non)promotion ꕥꕥ - maul comforts you after a horrible work day
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Obi-wan ❥
Giving obi wan a message ꕥꕥ
Obi wan headcannons ꕥ𖧷
Ask -Obi wan reacting to anakin getting his padawan.ꕥ
Captain rex ❥
Headache -rex comes home after a long mission with a headache luckily you arethere to take care of him 𖧷ꕥ
In service of serenithy :prt1 - after a bad injury reader safes rex and helps him recover while they grow closer. ꕥ𖧷
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Guide: ꕥ=fluff 𖧷=angst 𑁍=smut
❤︎︎❣︎My reqeust are always open so be free to ask and i hope you enjoy the content❣︎❤︎︎
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joliseed · 2 years
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❤Fun facts about Velvet!❤
tw for mentions of blood
-2600 years old.
-dislike velvet cake.
-love cats.
-has a british accent (kinda raspy but bubbly).
-she can walk in the sun despite being a vampire (not for long tho).
-she works as a fashion designer but wants to be a singer.
-she doesn't like biting people so drink blood from a blood pouch.
-cannot understand sarcasm.
-addicted to drama book
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stupiidgood · 2 years
bold what applies to your muse, italicize what applies situationally or in certain verses. repost or reblog.
born glamorous.
deeply emotional.  
graceful movements.
heavy air in a nightclub.  
heavy perfume or cologne.
impetuous in love.  
intense eye contact is a sport.  
marble floors.  
milk baths with champagne bubbles.  
presents a certain decorum.  
a regrettable tattoo.
rose-colored glasses.
scornful jealousy.
sets fashion trends.  
sex & love therapist for their friends.  
soft lips.  
stacked rings.
velvet, latex, & lingerie.  
approves of necromancy.  
can see spirits.  
collects bones or feathers.  
collects secrets.
embraces the unknown.  
feels most comfortable at night.  
fishnet stockings.
fog at night.  
is aware of their shadow self.  
knowing too many secrets.  
melting wax.  
partakes in rituals.  
prefers canine companions.  
prophetic dreams.
red wine.  
smell of cinnamon.  
symbolic jewelry.
understands poisons & herbs.  
being around the campfire.
charming words.  
dirt paths.  
easily excitable.  
falls in lust.  
nature for jewelry.
penchant for sticky fingers.  
physically stronger than given credit for.  
pine trees.  
poetry & prose.
smell of decaying leaves in autumn.  
the sound of wind chimes.  
stamina for days.  
talking to animals.  
thriving in social circles.  
welcomes luxury.
analytical of own emotions.  
balance & harmony.  
bruised knuckles.  
can’t stand ignorance.  
clean workspace.  
cold morning air.  
everything in moderation.  
fluent in curse words.
humorous under the sarcasm.  
looks like an angel but isn’t.  
marble columns.  
more perceptive than people realize.  
protective of their values.  
resting glare face.  
silver jewelry.  
snow capped mountains.  
very rigid morals.
well read.  
can’t sleep somewhere unfamiliar.  
carries drugs.
comfy or loose clothing.
crystalline chandeliers.  
dislikes bright sun.
dreaming big as a full time job.  
easily overwhelmed.  
existential questions.  
fairy lights.  
fluttering eyelashes.
gives amazing hugs.  
head in the clouds.  
has a sibling they’re close with.  
horrible money management.  
not good at memory based skills.  
plush furniture/blankets.
relaxing is their vice.  
a soft voice.
starry eyed.  
transactional friendships.
very calm demeanor.
winged animals.
always has candy.
always traveling.  
beaming smiles.
blood made of honey.
blushes very easily.
confident laughter.  
decorated handwritten letters.  
feels fulfilled when helping others.
flirting by accident.
fresh fruit slices.  
gossamer curtains.  
has a lot to say.
a healing aura.
just trying to be a good person.
life’s a technicolor spectrum.
sentimental heart
a social chameleon.
stained glass windows.  
surprisingly well connected.
treating people with kindness.  
uses a staff.  
vases full of wildflowers.  
walking to the beat of their own drum.
—    𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆:   whomstever   ❤
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
195 with chrollo❤🎨
I finally started with Fruits Basket!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, paranoia, alcohol, emotionally broken s/o, blood, death
Prompt 195: “~Found you~”
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Turning your head multiple times around to see if someone was following you. Feeling instant paranoia as soon as you saw someone walking for more than a minute behind you and increasing your speed. Locking every door and window up thoroughly, even buying extra locks. Owning only an outdated flip phone that could only be used to call people. Paying with only cash. Changing your name. Dyeing your hair and wearing contact lenses. Turning into an outsider who avoids making friends and keeps only to themselves. Refusing to contact your family and friends out of fear they were already long gone or would be used to lure you back. You'd rather prefer not knowing at all.
This had been your life for the past few months now. Ever since you had managed to do the unthinkable. Escaping the leader of the spiders. You were still in a state of shock that you had managed to run away at all considering who those people were. Instead of being relieved though, the only thing it had brought upon you was a gnawing anxiety. It was hard to believe that you were freely walking around and instead you feared that that man was only toying with you, letting you enjoy your freedom before snatching you back. What would he do to you then?
Everyday had just been torture, you couldn't enjoy anything and didn't trust anyone, paranoid that they might work for him. The life you had created out here was one that only brought you misery since you didn't allow yourself to feel even a tingle of security. You worked in a company in a position where you were stuck the whole day inside, just cleaning and running small errands so you didn't have to interact with anyone who could recognize you. You lived in a tiny apartment in a rather shady district together with a roommate who didn't get along with you most of the times yet you both were only able to afford that place by paying rent together.
Once upon a time you had led a good life but that was before he had come into your life and stole everything from you. You remembered his smooth velvet voice so clearly, how he had whispered his admiration and adoration in your ear and whenever you felt your earshell tingling from the memory, you jerked up frightened. You recalled the days where you had been placed inside his lap, one arm secured around your body whilst he had read a book out loud for you. Honey words and touches of affection, so gentle and sweet that you had fallen right into his trap. You had inhaled too much of his poison, unaware how sweet venom could be.
You still hadn't recovered from him either, much to your terror. In your worst and exhausted nights where you were all alone you fantasized his warmth around you and his breath tingling you, his scent you wanted to embrace tightly. Life with him had never been tiring, he had never sneered at you or thrown such mean glares at you. Chrollo had only provided you with his suffocating obsession and love, had given you earthly possessions you could never hope to afford. All you had ever been required to do was staying by his side and returning his love and in return he had showered you with his love. Deep down you missed that and that scared you. The thought of being so addicted to him to the point where your heart started fluttering whenever you thought of him. He was haunting you.
This evening wasn't any different from any other as you were walking late at night back home, glancing behind you every few seconds. You hated the darkness since you never knew who was waiting behind the next corner and the street lights only did that much to help you. You felt tired and like crap since you had been bossed around from one room to another today, your knees were sore from all the kneeling you had done to clean the ground and the skin on your hands was peeling off due to the water, soap and whatever other chemical stuff they had come into contact today way too much.
Even the bag of groceries pulled on your arm terribly much even if you hadn't bought that much. You had to be so careful with the money you spent since your pay wasn't the best. Only the cheapest of the cheap was enough for you and you feared that the milk you had bought would be sour again due to the low quality. The food often made you feel sick since the quality was either terrible or it had been expired since a while ago. Yet another toll your body and mentality had to take, you had lost weight due to not being able to stomach the food or going without a meal at all.
You had also bought a few cans of cheap alcohol in hopes of avoiding yet another argument with your roommate that would give you a headache. You had found out that they were happy as long as they had something alcoholic to drink and even if you knew that encouraging them to drown themselves in beer and wine wasn't good, you just wanted to go to bed peacefully and take a quick shower to rid yourself of the smell of chemicals.
You fumbled around with the key when you reached the door, feeling a faint sensation of nausea and dizziness after this shitty day before going through the process of opening every single lock on the outside. It took you a while every time yet it was what made you feel the faintest bit better, you didn't care if anyone else looked at you as if you were crazy. What did they know anyways? They didn't know what you had gone through, you had every right to be paranoid. You dropped the bag inside, the smell of cigarettes and mold greeting you as soon as you stepped inside. You could see the dust swirling around when you switched the weak light on and thought that you should clean the house again. Your companion wasn't a big help at all since they knew that you'd do it anyways but it was maybe better this way.
You feared that you'd end up having another bottle thrown your way if you would ask them to help a bit. Chrollo would have never treated you that way...
You abruptly stopped when that thought entered your head before you stroke off your hand and slapped yourself harshly in the face. The impact was audible and the burning sting in your cheek caused tears to bubble up a bit yet you hardly bothered with the pain. Your heart was beating painfully as distraught took over you which caused your vision to blur from the rush of water. Why couldn't you just get him out of your head? Why was he still there?
Your hands were shaking as you started to lock everything up inside again, holding back your cries in order to not get on their nerves. You didn't want to be ridiculed again for your tears nor were you keen to be pushed to the ground and enduring their annoyed hisses and insults about being a loser and crybaby again. When you heard the water-tap in the bathroom, you quickly wiped your tears in hopes that they wouldn't suspect anything before your grabbed the bag and hurried to the kitchen.
You weren't really hungry and there was nothing in the fridge that would have spiked your appetite anyways. There were leftovers from three days ago and a few random food items randomly sprawled around, all of them already half empty since your roommate had an appetite. You were just silently putting the cans of alcohol inside before closing the fridge again. The smell wasn't helping with your slight nausea at all. Just as you were about to head out of the room to wait until they got out of the bathroom so you could quickly shower, another smell penetrated your nostrils. You took a deep whisk only to feel your stomach flipping around.
Whatever it was, it was a rotten and disgusting scent. There was already mold in your house as it was and this environment made you sick enough already so you feared that you'd really get sick and would end up not being able to work and get paid. You were sure they'd throw you out of the apartment if you couldn't help to pay the rent. Next to the sick feeling you felt anxiety racking up your body slowly once again as that thought entered your head and you instantly went to the source of the smell. Hopefully it was something that you could get rid of. It came from the living room and you only noted absent-mindedly that the door separating the kitchen and the living room wasn't closed. Surely they had just not bothered to close it.
The smell was pungent when you passed through the door and you felt a gag reflex tensing up your stomach yet you ignored it. What in the world could produce such a smell?
You didn't know what you had expected to find but it certainly hadn't been said roommate. Or rather their corpse. Their hands and feet were bound together with some invisible threat and they were dangling upside down from the wall. A puddle of blood was glistening under them and you could even see a threat strung around their neck, cutting effortlessly through the flesh and muscles that for a moment you wondered why their feet hadn't been cut off yet considering the sharpness of it.
There was only that much you were able to take in before a shrill scream escaped your lips, horror washing over your body before you stormed back and slammed the kitchen door closed. The scent of rotten and bloody flesh had infiltrated your nose and brain and the image of sinews and a dangling human body was stuck before your inner eye as your muscles started stiffening with the incoming gag reflex. It hurt like hell since you didn't have anything inside your stomach and you barely managed to rip open the garbage bin, leaning over it as you felt the first tears streaming down your face. This was a nightmare! This couldn't be real! Who had done this?! Where they still inside the house?!
A sudden realization struck you deep within your core, one that managed to break you down completely. If they had been hanging inside the living room, who had been using the bathroom earlier? The conclusion was obvious and wrecked you up in despair and sorrow but beyond that all, a frustrated and exhausted tiredness. Would you be murdered here as well? In this rathole, this hell? Why did it always have to be you? Why did you have to suffer like this?
When you heard footsteps going down your stairs, your heart and breath stopped functioning before you choked on your next sob. You really were going to die right now. You didn't dare to look back even when you heard the creak of the door when it was opened nor when the footsteps echoed painfully inside your brain and heart until they stopped right behind you. Nothing happened after that, the person just waited behind you. For what, you didn't know. Just maybe, you suddenly thought, just maybe you could escape this misery of life you were leading right now. Maybe this was a chance to finally find peace again.
You took a few deep breaths, trying to stop your trembling and crying as good as you could before straightening up from the trash can.
"Whatever. Just do it quickly, please. I don't care anymore."
You didn't receive an answer and you hadn't expected one either when you spat out your answer laced with bitterness and resentment. Instead you just closed your eyes and waited for the end. Your life flashed before your eyes as you contemplated your decisions and you weren't really surprised when you felt sadness when thinking about Chrollo. It didn't matter anymore though, you would be dead soon anyways.
You didn't account for a pair of familiar arms to wrap around your torso as you were pulled against a well-built chest. Strands of hair were tickling your neck and face as you felt warm breath fawning over your skin.
“~Found you~”
You expected to tense up, to start shaking, to have your heart beating in terror and fear yet something entirely different flooded your body. It was a mixture of relief, excitement, mild nervousness and a sprinkle of happiness all together that caused your stiff body to relax instantly against his own. You twisted your head slowly back and it didn't take long before your own eyes met his grey ones. You'd never been particulary good in reading Chrollo, he was an enigma to you so you weren't able to pick up possible emotions inside of his orbs. All you could tell was that he was observing you right now closely, taking in your face and body that he hadn't had this close to him since months. A true wonder indeed.
There was this amused huff he let out when he saw the look in your big eyes. Surprise, shock, relief, amazement and under it all a longing gaze. When your legs gave in out of shock from the good scare you had just received, the adrenaline finally leaving your system, you supported yourself instantly against his own body and from the greedy way he held you closer, you knew he had no objection. His heartbeat was drumming calmly and composed against your head as if there wasn't a corpse hanging inside the living room, like a soothing rhythm that invited you to let your guard down completely.
"What are you doing here?" was the first thing you managed to say after a few moments of just taking in his scent and his warmth, your tone more surprised than scared or hostile.
"Why asking me when you already know the answer yourself? I'm here for you, little spider."
Were you surprised by this? No, not really considering that you had robbed yourself precious sleep whilst thinking about when he would come for you. Now that he actually was, you were less frightened than you would have expected. Maybe it was because you had expected some serial killer or criminal of sorts which was why you were glad that you knew this devil. Maybe, and just as true, it was also because you knew deep down in your heart you had missed him more than you would have wanted.
"I missed you, (y/n). I felt weirdly empty without you." he mumbled gently whilst his grip tightened even more against your body but you leaned only against him, enjoying it even.
"And I know that you longed for me just as much."
Your eyes snapped shortly up to his own as if to disagree but you wavered when the confidence, the certainty, he had spoken those words, sank into you. You didn't want to admit that he was right, you had spent nights fearing just as much as longing and your body reacted on it's own to his mere presence. There was a strong sense of safety now that he was here, your body more relaxed than it had been those past few months. Every sore muscle made itself known and the stress you had carried around ever since was magically just lifted. The biggest traitor was your hert though, beating wildly in excitement.
You kept quiet and instead snuggled closer to him, only confirming what he had just stated and a deep feeling of satisfaction blossomed in Chrollo's chest as a result. He had been mildy worried that you hadn't undergone any process whilst with him at all but turned out your resolve had been quickly extinguished when you had tried to live without him. You were broken and he could continue to break your resolve completely from there. He was glad that you had indeed been wishing for him to take you back inside your heart, your logical way of thinking was as of now just in the way.
"Come, let's get you back where you belong."
It wasn't a suggestion or even a demand, just a natural assumption that you'd follow willingly. One he was completely right to believe him. Honestly, what had you gained by living without him? You had been overly paranoid and instead of living and enjoying your freedom, you had only been there to work yourself tired and sick. You hadn't lived a life at all.
"Please get me out of this place. I hate it here. I hate everything." you pressed out, voice cracking as the whole disaster of the past few months flashed before your eyes. You had no energy left anymore to continue.
"I know. That's why I came to get you back. You don't have to worry, everything will be how it used to be. How it makes you happy. After your little punishment that is."
The mention of punishment should have unnerved you just a bit but instead there was only a fluttered heart beating inside your chest when the thought of living with him entered your mind. Maybe that was when you finally acknowledged that you were indeed truly and utterly insane.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
For the mini nsfw event, Ichiji using his germa 66 genetics on you. Rough and hard that ended up with you overstimulated, squirting and even pissing all over him. Some more kinks I would like is size kink and belly bulge🥵🤤
Hiii my sinful anon, here I am with your request! I chose to write this fic as maybe a continuation of my first Ichiji fic! You can read it even if you haven't read the first one tho! I hope you enjoy 😈💖 ~
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😈💜Sashi's Dark Corner💜😈
NSFW ~ Vinsmoke Ichiji x F! Reader ~ The Prince Is Back
tw: NSFW. Rough sex. Overstimulation. Squirting and pissing all over the damn Vinsmoke. Size kink. Belly bulge. Oral. Face fuck. Gag. Vag. Kinda cute ending?
a/n: you can read this fic as the second part of this one or by its own ~
wc: 2.9K (heh)
Like this event? masterlist ~
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A slow morning that soon turns to afternoon finds you in complete peace. The sun is setting over the horizon and the breeze of the Grandline plays with your hair. Living in the castle, as his personal… bitch, as he likes to call you, has been a really good experience. You are still a servant, but not like the others. You are his “woman”.
Ichiji has changed since he met you. At first you were supposed to be just a semen container, an incubator for the next prince, but he found something in you he had never felt before… Is not that he suddenly became like his brother Sanji, so delicate and lovely, but for a Germa prince to sleep with the same woman on his bed every night is a lot.
In the distance, while you look through the balcony of your lover’s -owner- room, you can see the flying flag with the double 6 on it. Ichiji is coming back, the next King will be received with pompous canticles from the army of clones but he won’t mind, and instead he will come straight to your room… and for that you should get ready; the adrenaline of fighting and slaughtering enemies makes him extremely aroused and horny.
It is not that you are not anxious, in fact you are, your body is. They have told you not to fall in love with him, that he won’t feel love for you, because he can’t. But what do they know? They know nothing. And the exhilaration on your bowels at the anticipation of him taking you is everything you are focusing on now…
You are completely naked, just like he wants you. He doesn’t like to waste time undressing you -ripping apart your clothes-. He likes you waiting for him kneeling in front of the door, with the perfume of roses he specifically asked them to prepare for you. For some reason, that special rose oil turns him on like crazy… maybe it has to do with the fact that you were the “girl of the red roses” when he first saw you around the castle…
or maybe it is not that romantic.
And you wait, kneeling over the red velvet carpet, pressing your core against your heels, moving side to side to ease the anxiety of Ichiji coming home.
A loud bump on the door opens it in front of you, revealing him still wearing his crimson raid suit. White cape, so different from the rest of his brothers, his face a little stained in blood. Blood you are not sure whether comes from him, or from his enemies -most likely from others-.
“Where is my bitch?”
“Here I am, Ichiji-sama ❤ ~”
“Come here, bitch ~”
Sparking Red lifts you up with just one hand, so strong, body hard like steel. A yellow glove around your naked waist, tickling your flesh with the half leathery half cold feeling of them. You take off his glasses and throw them to the ground. You are the only one allowed, because he has specially granted you the privilege to do so.
Sky blue, deep like the ocean, so full of lust, eyes fix on yours. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, bitch… so fucking hard. Today I wanna keep the suit…” he says, with that classic smirk, paralyzing yet sexy, announcing how sore you will be tonight.
The white cape that covers his neck ends up on the floor, there is no need for him to use it here, the hardness of his skin and especially his dick is enough density for the time.
You fly to the bed as he throws you like you were made out of air. “Spread!” he commands, just like the first time, he always wants you spreading your legs for him. “Gonna ruin that little slit right there…” he laughs, taking off his special belt and sticking his tongue out. A little string of saliva from his mouth falls over your entrance, making your squirm at the warm touch of it.
“Let me see…” he says, taking one of his gloves off his hand and passing his thumb up and down your sex. “So wet, bitch… have you been playing without me, hhm?” he asks, always smirking, never mad at your arousal.
“I… I was a little horny while waiting for you, my Prince” you confess, biting your lower lip and pressing your knees together as you balance yourself from side to side. “Oh… you did? I should leave you tied next time so you don’t touch yourself waiting for my dick” he perversely communicates to you what he is probably doing next time. “In fact, I think I wanna tie you now, too…”
Ichiji passes his hand through his hair, undoing his fancy hairdo. Red longer strands fall over his shoulders giving the prince an extra wild look. Beast so horny for you, unties the red fine scarf around his neck and pounds over you. While his pulpy lips linger over yours and desperate pants warm the reddish tone of your smile, he ties your wrists over your head with his bandana. The tightness that you can definitely feel in your skin, the silky material sharply leaving marks on it as he pulls more and more from it to constrict it.
“There, there is no way that you could touch yourself now. I am the only owner of this pussy and I get to choose whatever I wanna do with it”
You moan at his supremacy statement; you are nothing but his cum doll and you love it since the very first time…
Ichiji-sama sticks, not subtly but ferally, his middle and ring finger inside you. Pressing your lower belly, a little too hard, he goes in and out with beckoning motion. He hits that special part, the heavenly pressure inside you that makes you squirm and moan louder. “M-more” you whine. “What? This? You like...this?” he smirks, going in and out faster and rougher. “Y-yes… my prince I…”
The red haired demon has just started touching you and you are already on the verge of tears, pleasure tears. He knows how to make you tremble, and he always wants you to lose control, complete and total control of your own body. As a ruler, as a future king with clear royal ideals there is nothing he likes more than to be the maestro of your body orchestra to make you play the most beautiful melody with your moans.
You, on the verge of climax, can only moan and let him do as he pleases. And even if you wished you could touch him, the knot of the bandana around your wrists it’s too tight for you to free yourself from it.
He sticks his fingers out, playing with the strings of your arousal elixirs. Always smirking as he inspects the wetness that covers them up, so proud of being the one to make you so horny and needy. “Taste test, heh” he mumbles, and takes his hand to his mouth. He devours his own fingers, tasting your fluids’ ambrosia, closing eyes in delight.
“I’m kinda hungry…” he says, and flops into bed with his face in between your legs. He does not wait a single second, and uses his whole tongue over your sex, making you scream at his initial touch. “Ooff, bitch you are wetter than ever. Did you miss me?” he asks, muzzled by your throbbing anatomy. “I did… baby… my prince…” you moan, slipping a sweet “baby” in the middle, realizing you have probably committed a huge mistake…
You hear him laugh, whether sarcastically or for real you don’t know, but definitely you will face the consequences of such a cute nickname. “Baby?” he asks, cleaning the mess of your sex on his chin with his forearm. “I… I’m so sorry, Ichij-sam-” you mumble, but he is not mad, and instead kisses you with salty lips.
“You love me, don’t you?” he asks, burying his nails on your cheeks. “Tell me you love me, come on…” he insists, eyes on fire and perhaps with a special sparkle behind. “I… I do. I love you, my prince” you mumble, sad because you know deep inside, he is asking because he think his worth only comes for how good he is when fucking you… damn Judge, raising monsters that believe the only love they deserve is given if they don’t fail…
He smirks, once again. A huge grin, in between perversity and relief. You wouldn’t expect for him to be insecure, but he is, and he needs constant reassurance. “I love you so much” you dare to repeat, just to make the idea settle into his brain.
“Good girl” he grunts, and you hear the zipper of his red pants go down. And you tremble, oh you do… you don’t know if it’s just part of his normal body or because of the genetic modifications, but he is huge. Really huge. And you, compared to him, look like a little nymph.
Ichiji’s length now rests over your belly, he gets ready to fuck you and you know that means feeling you are being ripped apart. His Germa powers make him extremely strong and resistant, and also fast. His hips are fast, his hips move mercilessly in and out every time he takes you… and today it won’t be different.
His pants finally fall to the ground as he stands next to the bed. You, so ready for it, wait for him to finally attack. His hard, long, sex barely covered by the long upper part of his suit, drips precum into the floor. Your mouth gets watery, but you want him fully undressed. His body is a perfect work of art to be covered by clothes.
The prince looks at you up and down, ocean eyes scanning your naked body. He spits on his hand and takes it to his dick, while pulling his red shirt up with the other. “Come here, kneel on the edge of the bed” he commands, and that means just one thing; first, you will be faced fuck, then he will destroy your insides.
“Yes, my prince” you diligently say and crawl closer to him with difficulty as you still have your wrists tied. “Call me baby, if you prefer” he whispers, looking at the side, and you could swear his cheeks tinted in red after that statement. “Sure, baby ~” you tell him, smiling sweetly. Step by step… he is learning the meaning of love.
His thumb plays with your lips, before commanding you to open your mouth and receive his sex inside. You do as he tells, feeling your cave stuffed. He is so big and even if the tip of his dick hits your throat repeatedly it is impossible for you to take it all inside. You gag, tears in the corner of your eyes, gasping for air, strings of his honeys form on your tongue. Your eyes fix on his head thrown back, and the way his sharp jaw pulls and tense his neck’s muscles.
With grunts, like a beast, he thrusts in your mouth while pulling from your hair. “Swallow” he orders, and you feel his gland get imprisoned by your throat flesh, making him moan with that sweet sexy voice tone he has. “Bab…Bitch, you do it so well… you were done for sucking my dick”
But the twist and pull of your nipples while he keeps fucking your mouth are not enough and you sincerely want him to fuck you… and call you baby.
“Stop, stop. Let me fuck you now, I wanna fill you up and I want you to moan loud enough for the whole castle to hear you, ok?” “Yes, baby”
He pushes you back, falling over the mattress with your back. But Ichiji won’t fuck you in a classic missionary position, of course not. “Turn around” he orders, helping you lay on your belly. You watch his reflection on the window next to bed, and before him taking off the long sleeved upper part of his suit, he takes a look at the orange sky. You know this man too well to notice there is more than lust in those eyes…
He flops over your back; his crushing weight makes your chest to barely and superficially move in order for you to get at least some gasp of air. Your wrists hurt; the bandana gets tighter every time you move your hands. Your arms rest over your head and you use your forearm to separate your face from bed.
“Let me take this out for you” he utters, placing first a kiss on your back that makes your skin go bumpy. His veiny hands skilfully untie the bandana revealing red marks around your wrists. “Auch” he giggles, grazing the marks with his index. But as much as the whole red marks situation is getting most of your attention, you can't ignore how his hand is now guiding his sex in between your legs.
Ichiji keeps your legs closed with his own, on each side and sits softly over the back part of your thighs. “It will feel tighter, you know? Bite my bandana” he warns and commands you, making you get the cloth inside your mouth. You close your eyes, and bite so eager to receive this man inside you. He slides inside you, slowly -torturing you, not to protect you from any pain-. Your walls stretch, as you feel him filling your cave. The position makes his dick’s subtle up curving form hit your g-spot and just when you thought he was completely inside you, he gives you a violent blow. Deep, so deep. You could swear you felt the tip on your stomach.
He grunts at your clenching, constricting walls around his length. You moan, shouting louder not because he has asked you for it, but because you genuinely feel the need to do so. “Ich… Ichiji…” you moan, biting the bandana, getting drunk with the scent of his skin. Classical, delicious, sweet like a treat, like a dessert.
Ichiji grunts, and annoyed pulls from your hair. His lips graze your cheek, and he whispers in between moans “Ichiji?”. “Baby…” you whine, so sorry for disrespecting your owner. “That’s. So. Much. Better” he says, each thrust pronouncing a word.
And he goes rough, rough, and hard. Huge palm open that sometimes squeezes and sometimes slaps your ass. You feel stuffed with his member inside you, sweating and out of breath, leaving you once again on the verge of climax, you are losing control of your own organic functions.
“Come here” he whispers and stops his hammering motion just to turn you around. You end up sitting over his crossed legs, Ichiji grabs your waist and pushes you against him. He goes even deeper now, and your eyes widen to see how the bulge in your belly shows every time he impales you. He doesn't need to make an effort, his hips move in and out of you quickly, hard, strong.
You rest your arms with sore wrists over his naked fair and wide shoulders, almost going limp, almost crying. The stimulus of his dick destroying your inside, the way he breathes into your mouth, panting, grunting, sometimes biting your lip, everything is making you ascend to heaven.
You feel a pressure so soon to be relieved, pressure that builds up on your lower belly, getting wet by increasing arousal fluids but also about to lose control even from your bladder.
"B-baby… I feel like I'm gonna pee myself here" you moan, desperately because you don't want to ruin the moment but you are desperately trying to regain consciousness on the administration of your own body parts.
"That means you are about to burst and come, do it" he moans, this time less serious and letting himself go into the upcoming orgasm that soon will hit him too. "But..." You whine, tears in your eyes from the overstimulation, from the incapacity of control yourself.
"Shut up and let it go...baby" he insists, kissing you, burying his nails into your ass so he could make you hump even faster over his dick.
Baby… baby… he called you baby…
You moan, he moans too and the pressure inside you releases. Squirting, letting your bladder do whatever he wants, wetting his lap, you come. This is the first time you are experiencing so freely to allow your body to do whatever it pleases, while fixing your eyes into his, feeling soon how Ichiji gets extremely aroused by your fluids lets himself go, filling you up with his warm release.
Messed sheets, kissing passionately like never before, his arms around your waist, caressing your back up and down in loving motions. "Baby…" he smiles, with his lips pressed against yours. He is happy, so happy to pronounce a sweet nickname to you, this is a new him, a free him.
Every time your bodies encounter, he takes a step further into understanding that what he feels for you might be something they say he is unable to experience; love…
"Come on, let's take a shower" he says, and even if you thought he was telling you to go get clean by your own, you were wrong. Ichiji carried you in his arms, and both enjoy the warm feeling of a soothing bath, together 💜~
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violettduchess · 2 years
Could you do sensory description of the new princes (what they look like, smell like, taste like, sound like, feel like)?
thank you, i love your writing so much ❤❤
A/N: Thank you anon for the request! This was a really interesting one to think about and write.
Word Count: 772
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Silvio Ricci
He looks like the ocean kissed by gold, the play of light and shadow shooting through the soft strands of his hair. His eyes are a blue that shine with the light of endless self-confidence. When annoyed, they cut like the roughest of sapphires. When angry, they turn as cold as a winter’s morning devoid of clouds. And for you, they burn bright as blue lava, his desire as hot as sulfur when it kisses the air.
He smells like luxury. Like sea salt. Like the perfumed lotions of far-away isles you have only heard of, but never seen. 
He sounds like blades coming together in combat, voice sharp and cutting. That voice is wielded as deftly as a chef would a knife, knowing exactly how to make his mark, how to make those tiny cuts sting. Thousands of them if it suits him. Lingchi. And yet….that same sharp voice can be gentle in a way only you know, the iron of those blades melting down into something smooth, something blunt yet paradoxically soft. 
He tastes decadent and tart, lemons and ruby chocolate, flecked with gold. You would think a mouth as rude as his, as cruel as his, would be rough, unyielding, unpleasant, but it isn’t. He is effervescent and you drink it in, the taste lingering on your tongue like the finest prosecco.
He feels like the stones that have been caressed by the ocean for centuries, smooth and cool and pleasant to touch. Hard with lean muscle. Your hands never tire of touching him, of discovering the secrets underneath his gold and silks and furs, of exploring the truth of him.
Keith Howell
He looks like the embodiment of when your heart beats for something soft and sweet. The soft gasp of ‘aww’ when you see something that touches you. His hair, ash blond waves that beg you to brush them away from the gold of his eyes. His long, lean body a shelter. You want to feel his strong arms wrap around you and allow yourself to be engulfed by all that he is.
He smells like wheat fields in summer, golden and drenched in warm sunlight. An earthen scent full of welcome and promise.
He sounds like the rustle of wind through forest branches, soft-spoken and almost shy. But beware for wind is capricious. It is the destructive squall as easily as the gentle breeze. You haven’t heard him grow forceful…..yet. The promise of it lingers sometimes when he trails off, the faint rattling of branches echoing in your ears.
He tastes sweet and soft, like strawberries and cream. He is gentle, imploring but never demanding. Never overwhelming. And if every now and again, his teeth sink into your lip hard and draw a gasp from your throat, you chalk it up to eagerness. Nothing more.
He feels like heaven, like your hands have been given the sky made tangible, from the soft cloud of his hair to the expanse of his shoulders, wide as the firmament above. He is warm as sunshine to your touch, all of him divine. 
Gilbert von Obsidian
He looks like the night, from the moonlight of his skin to the soft darkness of his hair. His one eye is mercurial, so many alluring shades of red: the bright red of poppy petals, the deep red of roses, the sparkling cherry red of rubies and the stark crimson red of blood.
He smells like a winter’s night, clean with a crisp bite, sharp when you breathe him in, a cold that nearly hurts, that rides the very cusp of being unpleasant and yet you keep breathing in, over and over again. 
He sounds like silk velvet. You want to shed your clothing and wrap his voice around you, let it touch every part of your bare skin. To luxuriate in the feeling of all that softness, to wrap yourself so tightly in it you can’t move, a prisoner to his intonation, his inflection, his heady words.
He tastes like dark chocolate, melting in your mouth and making a memory of any other taste that was there before. Rich, bittersweet, and sublime. Not a taste for everyone. Only some appreciate it and oh, you do. You savor him down to the last morsel.
He feels cool, his skin the soft sheen of first snow as it coats the earth. Your fingers press into that cold, unabashedly eager as they run over the landscape of his body, seeking the heat that burns underneath. Gilbert, febrile and frost, a fantasy made flesh to your touch.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesroseforclavis @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @gilbertvonobsidian
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shipsational · 2 months
Okay So i had a brain blast about my ship with alastor so this is gonna be the Definite Kewpie x Alastor Ship Post that covers everything i have so far about it ↷↷↷
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so this whole thing starts because somehow someway i get a demon attached to me as a kid, a toddler even, dont really know how or why, but because of this my whole life growing up is plagued by insane near death experiences all orchestrated by this demon (this is based on some real shit in my life btw, not to sound superstitious or anything and i dont even think i believe in demons of any denomination but there was some Weird Shit going on, i might talk about it someday) and by the time im an adult ive tired everything under the sun to stop these things from happening- different religious practices, spells and charms and rituals and so on and so forth im at my god damn limit im so tired
eventually im pushed to try to fight fire with fire, and end up summoning Another demon to try and idk cancel out the old one? make a deal to keep me safe? not sure What my plan was but i'd come this far and i didnt know where else to turn
well the demon i summoned was alastor. he wasnt even my intended target, in fact of demon of his power shouldnt really be able to be summoned at all under normal circumstances, and would require someone with a ton of power of their own to pull it off (havent decided if this is something i managed to do because of all the varied rituals etc mentioned earlier, or some dumb luck) and that alone is kind of intriguing for him
tbh he hasnt been summoned in a While, its something that got lost to time and he kinda assumed it would never happen again, and even when it happened before he would usually just kill the person without bothering to strike a deal, cause even people who did manage to do it usually werent strong enough to do it safely
but hell has been kinda Boring lately, the hotel hasnt given him as much entertainment as he had hoped (this is like. mid season 1, and with the understanding that the story stretches way longer than the breakneck speed the actual show takes) and he sees this as an opportunity for something interesting to do for a while
when he hears what im looking for, he's gotta laugh about it- there's no way this other demon that had attached to me would give him any trouble, and this was a great way to guarantee he get another soul when i eventually died anyway, so he offers up this deal:
for a few hours a day he gets complete control over my body, a full on possession to do whatever he wants with that time.
obviously im hesitant, but we go back and forth on it a bit before deciding to make the deal with some ground rules (like he cant do anything thats gonna get me killed prematurely for example- after all im doing this specifically so i dont die by another demon's hand)
so we strike the deal! no all he has to do is get rid of that other demon and my soul is as good as his! its not that simple tho of course- he's not sure how the demon is accessing the living world, and figures its likely similar to what he's doing- somehow tethering himself to the living world, while their actual physical body is still in hell, so he needs to figure that out on his end, and it ends up being a more difficult task than previously expected- so he could be dealing with something older and more powerful than he realizes.
he'll figure that out later tho, he's got living stuff to do! at first he's v dismissive when i ask him what he could possibly want to be doing with my body, like what was he even planning to get up to, but he cant keep me completely in the dark about it cause im still sorta There when im possessed- its a bit like lucid dreaming where you're aware that you're dreaming, but not quite aware enough to control what you're Doing in the dream, and over time i become more and more present the longer he's possessing me
so eventually he admits that he's curious about what happened after he died- he was a bit of a celebrity when he was alive after all, he's sure it would cause Quite a stir when it was revealed after he died that he was a criminal- a moonshiner for one, but a serial killer and cannibal! he wants to know if there was a media circus, where he was buried, wants to visit his old stomping grounds, and so on and so forth. this leads me on all kinds of adventures through the deep south, the dusty aisles of libraries and newpaper archives, old graveyards, and so on, all the while we keep getting more comfortable and close despite ourselves
and eventually i realize that he isnt actually interested in what happened to himself after his death, he's actually using all this to try and find out what happened to his mother. she was Not a local celebrity, and his infamy was so large that it eclipsed most of the people he knew in life, so tracking it all down was kind of a hassle. but he was and is a mama's boy, and he wanted to know if she lived a good life
now all of this eventually winds down to figuring out why there was that first demon attached to me, probably some fucked up nonsense a little while back in my family tree or something (tbh im not sure how much i want to focus on the how and why but we'll see) and we get that settled finally as well as finding out how alastor's mom's life played out and put him at east there, and all that's left is to simply live my life until i die, where i'll go to hell and alastor will have my soul to keep (we're v cozy at this point and quite comfortable cohabiting a body and mind space so he's not particularly eager to completely break the tether until my time comes)
and the thing about sharing a mindspace with something extremely dangerous and powerful that has just enough sway over the world around you to keep you safe in a bad situation, or even fully take over your body to get you out of it, is that you feel v confidant most of the time and fear isnt really something you deal with anymore, so i frequently go wandering around the woods at night for example because im sure nothing can really touch me when i have a demon for a companion
a demon in your head cant protect you from a bullet however, and maybe i should have known better than wandering the woods at night during deer season, and maybe the unholy aura i had around me hit the moonlight just wrong and the hunter thought he was aiming for the silhouette of a creature with antlers, and then i was dead
and then i wake up in hell
if this was a fic, at this point it would be like the 'part 2' (and who knows if i iron it out enough maybe i Will write it sometime) and im not sure exactly what i want to do about it just yet obviously it would loosely follow the canon of the show, just with a lot of extra stuff thrown in. maybe in 'part 1', we didnt actually Kill the other demon, just broke away from it, and its still in hell somewhere, fuming about losing my soul, or maybe finding out about his mom actually did Not put alastor at ease- maybe his actions made her life very difficult and now he has to deal with knowing that and i can use that as a catalyst to him getting redeemed to see her again in heaven, not sure yet!
but i do know a big part of the interpersonal situation is that we dont share that mindspace anymore, we're just physically There Together and tbqh its really difficult to cope with. we both got so used to it that we feel like something's missing now, and we might even go so far as to try to find a way to reestablish that mental link, or maybe there's still echoes of it lingering, but only if we're asleep or something like that
like i said, still ironing out the hell part of it all, but thats what ive got! much to think about much to think about
and to add to this- some stray little Thoughts and Ideas to play around with in regards to this story:
while researching alastor's life and 'hunting grounds' we run into a copycat killer, probably someone who has a personal collection of alastor's things, works at a library maybe, who's always dreamed of following in his footsteps, and that decides i should be the first victim since im also sooo interested in alastor's 'work' that i surely wouldnt mind (i do, and so does alastor (he does Not consider imitation as flattery and who tf does this loser think they are coming after something that belongs to him (he's gotten attached)))
i for sure need to come up with more fun and awful little adventures like that
alastor's ability to effect and manipulate the living world around me through his powers alone (so like Not literally using my body for example, this is more like a poltergeist) is stronger when there's radio static playing in the air
going off the idea that the mental link gets stronger and clearer the long it lasts, maybe at sone point it gets so strong that one time when i go to sleep, i 'wake up' in a v similar state as when alastor was first possessing me, that floaty, kinda-lucid-kinda-not, excpet now im hitching a ride in His body in hell and at this point he's so used to having me as a v general and vague presense at the back of his mind that he doesnt even notice at first that im much more clearly and actively There- its a frightening idea for us both when the realization sets cause now we Really gotta face whays going on here and how far its gone
when i get shot by the hunter, alastor is actively co-piloting my body at the time, and since i headcanon he died in a similar fashion (bullet to the head) its like he experienced his own death all over again (something something tied even in our death etc etc) and he sort of 'wakes up' back in his body afterwards and after realizing what happened having to fight the urge to be seen frantically searching the streets for me now that i must be here
considering we Were linked up when i died, and the black mark this whole situation would leave on my soul, my demon form would probably echo his design
how far am i willing to go while alive to achieve our goals- ive definitely been put in situations where i needed to do harm for survival, but would i go further than that, not because i needed to, but because i wanted to? is it alastor's influence or something that i was always capable of? do i indulge in cannibalism? what about after im in hell, what then?
thinking on it, i think Will go with alastor's mom suffering from his life choices, and him having to deal with that, as Well as having to deal with that first demon in 'part 2' to carry over as an overarching plot
maybe we Both get redeemed but we dont actually like it in heaven like its too bright so we fuckin.
act up to get sent back (this is mostly jokey but could you imagine)
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kewpidity · 4 months
and to add to the alastor post, some stray little Thoughts and Ideas to play around with in regards to this story:
while researching alastor's life and 'hunting grounds' we run into a copycat killer, probably someone who has a personal collection of alastor's things, works at a library maybe, who's always dreamed of following in his footsteps, and that decides i should be the first victim since im also sooo interested in alastor's 'work' that i surely wouldnt mind (i do, and so does alastor (he does Not consider imitation as flattery and who tf does this loser think they are coming after something that belongs to him (he's gotten attached)))
i for sure need to come up with more fun and awful little adventures like that
alastor's ability to effect and manipulate the living world around me through his powers alone (so like Not literally using my body for example, this is more like a poltergeist) is stronger when there's radio static playing in the air
going off the idea that the mental link gets stronger and clearer the long it lasts, maybe at sone point it gets so strong that one time when i go to sleep, i 'wake up' in a v similar state as when alastor was first possessing me, that floaty, kinda-lucid-kinda-not, excpet now im hitching a ride in His body in hell and at this point he's so used to having me as a v general and vague presense at the back of his mind that he doesnt even notice at first that im much more clearly and actively There- its a frightening idea for us both when the realization sets cause now we Really gotta face whays going on here and how far its gone
when i get shot by the hunter, alastor is actively co-piloting my body at the time, and since i headcanon he died in a similar fashion (bullet to the head) its like he experienced his own death all over again (something something tied even in our death etc etc) and he sort of 'wakes up' back in his body afterwards and after realizing what happened having to fight the urge to be seen frantically searching the streets for me now that i must be here
considering we Were linked up when i died, and the black mark this whole situation would leave on my soul, my demon form would probably echo his design
how far am i willing to go while alive to achieve our goals- ive definitely been put in situations where i needed to do harm for survival, but would i go further than that, not because i needed to, but because i wanted to? is it alastor's influence or something that i was always capable of? do i indulge in cannibalism? what about after im in hell, what then?
thinking on it, i think Will go with alastor's mom suffering from his life choices, and him having to deal with that, as Well as having to deal with that first demon in 'part 2' to carry over as an overarching plot
maybe we Both get redeemed but we dont actually like it in heaven like its too bright so we fuckin.
act up to get sent back (this is mostly jokey but could you imagine)
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vargskelegore · 3 years
satin beauty - will poulter x black fem!reader
pairing: will poulter x reader
plot: you're the younger sibling of your brother, algee smith. recently, his new movie detroit just came out, and since he was already popular from the new edition story and needed a plus one once again, he took you to the detroit release. there, you get acquainted with new and old people, but you get to know someone you've never really spoken about.
character count: 7,649
originally written in 2019, specifically intended for an audience of chubby black feminine people as i am a chubby black feminine person and have these inner thoughts about my body all the time. i tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible as anyone can be feminine, but i apologize if this isn't good enough !! anyone can read this but just keep in mind who this audience is for ❤ i also take requests, so if you have a will request, lmk :-)
"we're gonna be late!"
you're getting ready for a party your older brother, algee smith, was going to for the detroit movie release party. you're in a cute dress he bought you for your birthday earlier this year. you absolutely loved it, and waited for a perfect time to actually wear it, and it was a perfect time.
the dress was a satin, somewhat deep red, open slit dress, smooth and silky. you were self conscious, algee assured you that it would be gorgeous on you.
you sighed to yourself in the mirror, looking at your makeup, the expensive diamond necklace and diamond earrings on you that your mother used to wear, and you were overwhelmed with how rich you looked.
algee was right, no need to be insecure of anything. you look hot as hell! and you sure will be finding yourself flirting with someone that night.
a car honked outside, making you alarmed, grabbing your clutch and phone, before slipping your dark red velvet heels on.
you almost broke your neck trying to get outside, and waiting outside was a limo with algee in the backseat, cheesing hard at you.
the driver opened the door for you, and you slipped yourself inside, sighing deeply, blood rushing to your face because you guys were really about to go to this party.
“wassup, big head? hey, you look great, you know you don't look bad.” he smiled, patting your shoulder.
“it compliments your skin, did you use that lotion i sent you from on set?” his eyebrow quirked up.
“yes, yes i did! it feels hella good.” you said, laughing a little, and then driving off to the party.
getting to the party, paparazzi and fans were outside, being loud as ever. you and algee got out of the car, and were immediately greeted with the cameras and screaming from adoring fans.
once you two both made it inside, algee immediately walked off to the cast of the new edition story, seeing as they were invited because of the popularity of the docuseries, and algee wanted them there.
he basically left you alone, and now you stood awkwardly, feeling like you were VERY exposed and too chubby.
what if no one likes my dress? what if i get catcalled? what if i can't find algee? your inner thoughts were scaring you, and so you distracted yourself.
you walked off to a spot of the party where the table was completely empty, nobody there at all. you immediately got on your phone, isolating yourself.
algee was over on the other side having a good conversation with anthony mackie, and a person you never really knew about, named will poulter.
as you looked over, you noticed that the trio was looking back at you, algee cheesed for a second before turning to will.
rolling your eyes, you looked back at your phone, posting a quick selfie on snapchat before sighing.
"look, man, you will never know if you don't talk to them." anthony sighed, crossing his arms. algee just shrugged in response, earning a groan from will.
"i get it, i do, but i also don't. algee, are you sure it's fine if i talk to your sibling? i know how some brothers get, and—"
"will, cut the bullshit man, you were looking at their twitter on set, and now you're too shy? i find that hard to believe." algee scoffed.
will frowned. "yes, that's exactly what it is." he then deadpanned as he shook his head and turned to look at you again.
this time you caught the looking, and the staring lasted for about 3 seconds before the both of you looked away.
okay, that was awkward!
algee laughed his ass off at how you two interacted for the first time, making will heavily embarrassed. soon, someone was coming over to you. it was john boyega! you were a huge fan of him, and spoke to him a few times when you were on the phone with algee while he was on set.
actually, now that you think about it, you talked to everyone on facetime on set, except for will. will poulter was the only one you never got to meet, thus you barely knew anything about him.
with that thought in your mind, you didn’t even notice john calling your name.
“y/n? y/n! did you die on me?” john joked as you came back to your senses. catching your breath and giving a shy smile you laughed and shook your head.
“nah, i’m good, i’m so sorry john, good to finally to meet you in person! i enjoyed our small conversations on algee’s phone.” you joked, earning a smile from john.
“oh yeah, totally. you enjoying the party? you’re over here alone and you got absolutely no food or no drink.” he sounded a bit concerned and you just brushed it off. “i’m fine, parties are just not my thing. algee dragged me here and so now i have to go along for the ride.” you rolled your eyes and john nodded.
little did you know, mackie, smith, and poulter were all listening to your conversation.
“y’know, you should talk to will! i know he’s been dying to meet you, but somehow he’s shy. he was never shy flirting with the girls coming to set, but he’s scared of talking to you!” john knew they were listening, and he knew exactly what he was doing, which earned anthony choking on his drink and will disappearing into his coat from embarrassment.
you were intrigued by this statement, and your eyebrow quirked. “interesting. alright then!” you nodded, and john was off, walking past the trio with a smug smile on his face as will glared at him.
“at this point you should go talk to them. there’s nothing to lose.” algee said and anthony nodded in agreement, will sighing after that statement was made. “fine.”
about ten minutes passed and you managed to get a small appetizer to eat because you didn’t wanna seem too much. there was champagne, so you got that as well as you continued to be by yourself, still on your phone, that was until someone came to sit next to you. “hi.” the voice said, and you turned to look. it was will.
you felt your heart jump from the sudden interaction, and you quickly set your food and phone down, smiling a little. “hello. we never got to interact.” you said, and that made will scratch his neck, and look down. “yeah uh sorry, i was just always busy.” he quickly lied.
you didn’t really buy it, especially not after what john said, but you just went with it. “that’s ok! i just talk to whoever wants to talk to me when i’m on facetime with algee!” you laughed and will chuckled a little. 
“yeah. interesting man by the way, algee? i enjoyed working with him.” he nodded, and you grinned at that. “i’m glad. he’s annoying but he does great work.” and will chuckled.
“also, i don’t think i told you but you look very.. stunning tonight. beautiful dress.” he complimented, and you felt like you were gonna just melt away. you gave a soft nod as a thanks, and took this as a moment to take in wills features.
the man was gorgeous. beautiful eyes, wonderful healthy hair, and a pair of dangerously sexy eyebrows. you didn’t know eyebrows could be so hot, but, they are. you might have an eyebrow fetish now!
“so, how did you feel about the film?”
for the whole night, you and will got to know each other more as you two had more and more sips of champagne. it got to be a lot more flirty as the night went on.
“you’re really gorgeous, y/n. really, love.” he said with his fist on his cheek, looking at you. you were telling him some stories from you growing up with algee, and to hear an incredibly good looking, very talented celebrity call you this? it was beyond shocking.
“thank you, will.” you murmured with a small smile as you looked up and saw algee talking to the other people he invited. “looks like he’s having fun.” you chuckled, and will smiled and nodded. “we’re having fun too, right y/n?” he asked, looking at you with this expression of attraction and too much alcohol in his system. good god, he knew what he was doing.
it got to be overwhelming for you, and you nodded.
“look, i’ve seen some of the pictures algee has shown of you, and i’ve taken an interest in wanting to get to know you since i heard your voice on his phone calls. i’ve just been too shy, but, i think you’re an incredibly smart, attractive, and talented person, not to mention you help algee write music? that’s very attractive.” he was getting bolder by the seconds and you couldn’t help but enjoy it.
“i’m an avid r&b listener, you know. i’d love to come over and hear a song you’ve been producing.” this was his subtle way of asking to see you again. maybe not a date, but close to that. 
“i’d like to get to know the magician behind it all. is that okay with you?” he asked, desperately seeking for you to say yes, and to his luck, you did.
“of course.” you said, before getting up, about to leave. it was late, and you had work to do that following morning. you feel an arm grab you as you’re turning to say your goodbyes and leave. 
“let me give you my number. call anytime.” will said as he took out a small paper and a pen from his coat. looks like he was waiting for this moment.
he wrote his number on this paper, before placing it in your hand, and turning your wrist to kiss it. “have a safe trip home, darling.” he winked before getting up, and leaving before you ever could, leaving you in a state of shock.
“damn, that nigga is smooth!”
“algee, get your ass in that limo.”
omgod i hope yall enjoyed that!!! might be a little ooc, idk, but i wanted to publish this fanfic again since its been a while since i wrote one and i just thought this was a cute plot to do. again, requests are open!! i write mainly for black & queer people but let me know a request you want!!! thank you <3
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Howdy \o/
Prompt: Karkat has been planning to propose for a while, he's bought the ring and everything. One day, he somehow lose the ring only for Reader to unexpectedly find it.
Bonus: Reader questions a flustered Karkat about the ring. Bonus 2: Reader uses the ring to propose instead.
Thanks ~♥
♋ Karkat Vantas x Reader Oneshot Ring ❤
Karkat has been sorting through all his belongings for almost an hour in search of a small box that he lost. There was a ring in this box that he bought to propose to you. Trolls didn't have such a custom, but he knew that to humans is an important part of the culture. You have been in a red relationship for a long time and he wanted you to become even closer, even if it was just an ordinary earthly tradition. But no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find the ring. He was going to propose to you today, but his plan was collapsing right before eyes. You were surprised when you came to him and saw him during the search.
"Karkat? Everything is fine? Have you lost something? Can I help you?"
He turned to you. Although he tried to stay calm, he was panicking inside. He couldn't have wanted you to find out about everything ahead of time.
You shrugged your shoulders.
"Whatever you say"
Karkat returned to the search, completely unaware of what exactly you are doing.
"Karkat... Can I distract you for a while longer?"
When he turned back to you, he saw that you were standing, holding out to him an open velvet box in which the ring was lying. You smiled gently at him.
"I understand that you wanted to do it... But I hope you don't mind if I do it."
You held the box a little closer to him.
"Will you marry me?"
Karkat looked at you in surprise. Blood rushed to his cheeks.
Karkat smiled at you. Perhaps everything really went wrong as he had planned, but now the result was important to him. And the resulting result more than satisfied him.
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plus-plus46 · 3 years
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"Red Velvet's representative smile."
Han Minah is a South Korean singer, dancer, choreographer and actress member of the South Korean girlgroup Red Velvet. She was the last member to be added to the group, making her debut in "The Red" era. Although there were some small complaints about her addiction, overall she had a good reception from the fans and the knetz in general. Since her addiction, she became one of the most popular and loved members thanks to her flawless visuals, lovely personality, bright charisma, sweet voice, powerful dance and always speaking up for important causes.
☆ Personal Info
• Birth name: Han Minah (hangul: 한민아 / hanja: 韓玟雅)
• Nicknames: Little Minah.
• Languages: Korean (Native), Mandarin (fluent), English (Advanced), Japanese (conversational).
• Ethnicity: Korean.
• Nationality: South Korean.
• Birth place: Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
• Birthday: 23rd September, 2000. (20 years old)
• Religion: Mahayana Buddhism and Korean folk practices.
• Zodiac sign: Libra.
• Chinese sign: Dragon.
• Blood type: O-
• Height: 158cm.
• Weight: 46kg.
• Sexuality: Straight.
• Relationship: Im Jaebum (2016 - 2018)
• Face claim: Sooviin38 (ulzzang)
☆ Career
• Company: SM Entertainment.
• Group: Red Velvet.
• Years active: 2015 - present.
• Training period: 3 years.
• Positions: Main dancer, lead vocal, visual, maknae.
• Survival show: None.
• Color: Red.
• Emoji: ❤/🦢/🍎
☆ Personality
• Good traits: Sociable, elegant, well-spoken, charming, encouraging, charismatic, generous.
• Bad traits: undecided, codependent, clingy.
☆ Family.
• Father: Han Sejun (Age 48 - 1973).
• Mother: Park Youngsoo (Age 44 - 1977).
• Older brother: Han Minho (Age 24 - 1997).
• Younger brother: Han Minhyun (Age 15 - 2006).
☆ Endorsements:
☆ Louis Vuitton: 2018 - present.
☆ Chanel beauty: 2019 - present.
☆ Burberry: 2019 - present.
☆ Pantene: 2020 - present.
☆ Solo Discography:
• Love Me Like You Do (2018) - Cover.
• I (2020) - Cover.
• Midnight Sky (2021) - Cover.
☆ Filmography:
☆ Movies:
• The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos (2019): Secondary Character - Ok Jaein
• Train To Busan 2 (2020): Main Character - Jeong Wonyoung
• The Call (2020): Secondary Character - Byun Eunbi
☆ Dramas:
• The Bride Of The Water God (2017): Secondary Character - Nun.
• One Hundred Days My Prince (2018): One episode - Seol Jeonyeon.
• Falling For You (2018): Lead Character - Son Minji
• Abyss (2019): Secondary Character - Kim Yoosun.
• The World Of The Marriage (2020): Secondary Character - Yun Soojin.
• Hi Bye Mama (2020): Secondary Character - Park Sooyoung.
• Start Up (2020): Secondary Character - Jung Yuri
• Imitation (2021): Cameo - Herself
☆ Statistics:
• Vocals: 10/10
• Rap: 8/10
• Dance: 10/10
• Variety: 10/10
• Acting: 10/10
• Songwriting: 8/10
• Stage presence: 10/10
• Production: 7.5/10
X Controversies:
• During a variety show in 2019 she said that although she really liked blackpink members, the group's musical style wasn't her favourite. This caused her to receive a massive hate from blinks and started a giant fanwar between most of kpop stans that were defending her against the blinks, this deeply affected her and made her stay out of social media for quite a few weeks and even SM had to make an announcement saying they would take the legal actions against those who were making malicious comments about her online.
• Her dating announcement with JB in 2019 wasn't very well received in the korean fanbase, many accused her of betraying them and being unprofessional for dating while being active as an idol. Chinese fans and western fans defended her fiercely, and eventually the korean fans "accepted it", but it's not uncommon to see korean reveluvs that don't support her because of the dating thing.
☆ Trivia:
¤ She comes from a very wealthy family, they own one of Korea's biggest international trading company.
¤ She used to went to China a lot when she was younger, that's why she started learning Mandarin at a very young age.
¤ She had private English classes since very young too.
¤ She started learning Japanese when she joined SM, and quickly mastered the language, she can easily hold a conversation and understand almost 100% of spoken Japanese.
¤ There are a lot of pre debut pictures of her, and she's often complimented for not having changed a lot, still keeping a youthful and innocent look.
¤ Since pre debut she only owns brand clothing, and when people see pictures of her during the trainee period wearing expensive clothing they get really surprised.
¤ Her parents didn't want her to become an idol, it was only thanks to her grandmother that really fought for her that made them let her try to pursue her dream. But they gave her one year, if she couldn't join a company in one year, she would have to go back home.
¤ She used to practice rhythmic gymnastics before becoming an idol so she's very flexible and graceful because of this, since 2018, she started to practice it again because she stills likes it a lot.
¤ She auditioned to SM but she didn't think she would make it, when they told her she was accepted she didn't believe at first and thought it was a scam.
¤ Her favorite groups are Girls Generation and Shinee, and they are the reason why she wanted to join SM.
¤ When she founded out she was going to join Red Velvet she fainted.
¤ Alongside Seulgi, she's the only one female monolid idol on SM, and this is something she talks about very often and with pride. She's always trying to discuss this as a way to help to break the obsession a lot of girls have with double eyelids, to end the pressure for surgeries to get them and make more monolid girls comfortable and happy with their eyes.
¤ Her favorite Western artists are Lady Gaga, Adele, Nicki Minaj and Selena Gomez.
¤ She wants to act in a Chinese drama as a Chinese character and speaking Mandarin.
¤ She prefers Red Velvet's red side instead of velvet.
¤ She's closer to Joy and Seulgi out of all members.
¤ Most of her close friends aren't famous, but she said many times she's very close with Tzuyu.
¤ She thinks of cooking as a therapy and she's a great cooker.
¤ Her main hobby is painting. She wasn't very good at it when she started but now she's quite good and she keeps improving.
¤ She participates in a lot of ocean conservation events and she's an ambassador of 4ocean.
¤ She thinks that her charming points are her smile and her eyes.
¤ Her ideal type is someone that can make her feel protected and loved.
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ask-the-jester-buds · 5 years
Venter Lokiss
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✦MUN: . . . MunK.
✦FULL NAME: . . . Venter Lokiss.
✦NICKNAME(S): . . . Ven.
✦BLOOD COLOR: . . . Purple.
✦SIGN: . . . Capriborn.
✦GODTIER: . . . Witch of Rage.
✦GENDER: . . . Agender [They/Them].
✦SEXUALITY: . . . Demisexual.
✦HEIGHT: . . . 5'5’’ (165cm).
✦OCCUPATION: . . . Stay-at-home Puppet.
✦STRIFE SPECIBUS: . . . StringKind.
Starts and ends every Paragraph with an “O…/…O”, Capitalizes all “O”’s and changes “at"s for @
O...The quick fOx jumps Over the lazy dOg...O
✦LUSUS: . . . Giant penguin Dad
A Big, Dark and creepy high-class hive with a vintage feel to it, Hidden at the back of the block. Despite being on a neighborhood, it is not surrounded by other hives, it stands on its own on the dark end of the street.
✦TATTOO(S): . . . N/A.
✦SCAR(S): . . . N/A.
Very intense nightmares and hallucinations, their powers are mighty strong, but they cannot hold them for long as their body is weak..
Born a runt has a naturally weak body and frail health.
✦VOICE CLAIM: . . . Komaeda (Megumi Ogata) X
✦HEMOLOYALTY: Low, Doesn't really care about blood.
Low, Doesn't really care about other people, unless they mess with them or Pygmlo.
✦ALIGNMENT: . . . Chaotic Neutral.
✦FEARS/PHOBIAS: . . . Moths, Pygmlo not waking up.
Playing games 
Collecting board games
collecting music boxes
Collecting The Muppets merch.
❤ [Romance Macabre]
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◆ [Romance Macabre]
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♠ [Romance Macabre]
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✦PONVAH OSZAIN (Ask-these-fantrolls) • Bestest Best friend • Loves platonically
✦HARONA MARTHS (Ask-these-fantrolls) • Best friend
✦MUSIRO ALMAWT (Ask-them-bois) • friend
✦RISATA HIAENA • Friend • Playmate
✦KORESH SKELER • Despises • Jealous of them
Troll or puppet? Venter is an enigmatic character.
They seem to be a moving breathing puppet, but are they really?
Master of the stare contest, Venter always seems to never blink. They are often seen in the same position, just… sitting there… staring. Can be quite unnerving to the unknowing troll.
They have a deep interest in games of all kinds, this includes games that might put someone’s health at risk. They also have a deep love for creepy toys and music boxes, it seem to make them feel right at hive.
They also enjoy sweets, creepy shows for wrigglers and The Muppet show.
They have no interest in castes or politics, they will treat anyone with the same disinterest… unless they share something with them.
Though not actively aggressive, if you get too close to their partner you will get the pointy end of the stick and messiahs have mercy on you.
Venter is a runtish troll and suffers from a frail health, however they are always well taken care of by Pygmlo, to whom they are deeply devoted to.
Venter doesn’t seem to talk… and how could them? They are just a puppet after all.
QUIET - Barely talks, it is even believed that they are mute. They do communicate, but only if its really necessary.
PLAYFUL - They love games, and people that enjoy to have fun. If you want to get on their good side, bring a board game or say that you want to play a game.
MISCHIEVOUS - Games are good yes, But Venter likes to take them a step further. Pranks and jokes are a forte for them, They enjoy to scare people around them.
LOYAL - Pygmlo is the love of their life and they will stand by his side until the end of days. Friends are also precious to them and they would protect them if needed.
CHILDISHLY CRUEL - They can cross the line and be cruel to others... but it's not like they mean it, they are just playing right?
✔ Pygmlo  
✔ Playing games  
✔ Including videogames  
✔ Bowties  
✔ Looking cute in suits  
✔ Sweets 
✔ Specially Red velvet Cupcakes  
✔ The Muppets 
✔ Creepy stuff 
✔ Creepypastas  
✔ Music Boxes  
✔ Cuddling with Pygmlo 
✔ ...or Ponpon 
✔ Dolls and Puppets 
✔ Taking a stroll 
✔ Hide and Seek  
✔ Scaring people  
✔ Cartoons 
✔ Being spoiled  
✔ And Pygmlo 
✘ Loud sounds like Thunder  
✘ Being alone  
✘ Dresses 
✘ Loosing at games 
✘ Pop music  
✘ Koresh 
✘ Anyone getting to close to Pygmlo  
✘ Pygmlo sleeping too much  
✘ Remembering their lusus  
✘ Pictures taken to them 
✘ Bullies  
✘ Moths 
✘ Fire 
✘ Mold 
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