#❝  play: the bitter truth of reality.( v.1 ) ▹
hollenka99 · 2 years
BTS for the regicide AU? -River
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Regicide is a bit too big for me to comment on as a whole because as of the 16th, the total for the transcripts of au related dms I’ve been maintaining stands at 738,123 words over 1796 pages. However, I thought I'd focus on the behind the scenes of I Beg of Thee Have Mercy On Me (I Was Just a Boy, You See) since that's a good way to look at the world of Regicide through a single fic.
For any followers who might not know, Regicide is a royalty au that Anon and I created back in January and have brainrotted about on daily basis ever since. There are 15 paths, grouped into the three categories of Fratricide, Patricide and L’Manburg (aka war). So when I say stuff like F1 or P3, I mean the first fratricide and third patricide paths etc. 
It goes without saying but this will contain spoilers for the fic. And because this is F1, there is a section about suicidal ideation and self harm but I’ve put a warning right before I talk about it and it’s only one paragraph.
It's mentioned at the start that Wilbur is the 7th son and 13th child. There will be 26 kids in total, 15 of them being boys. The reason for this is because, when I tried to create half brothers, I was a dumbass who asked Anon to pick a number between 1 and 20. If I was smart, I would have said 10 or at least made 'up to 20' for siblings, not just brothers. Either way, she said 15 thanks to having no context regarding her decision and then when I was filling up the list with sisters, 11 girls popped up unintentionally. Oh and also, Wilbur was originally Sextus (6th son) with Septimus born a week after him. However we decided we didn't want Wilbur to have the awkward name so the other brother's birthday became September 6th, making him Sextus instead. This did open the door for me to decide I wanted Wilbur to get close to Sextus since he knows he could have been teased instead if their birthdays were switched. Which then developed into them becoming close just because of proximity in age in general. He is my favourite of the half brothers and I am holding him gently. He and Wilbur are so close that Fundy’s middle name is Christopher after Sextus in most paths (it’s Wilbur in those where he’s dead before he can meet his son).
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Anon and I tend to discuss non-canon versions of paths nearly as often as we do canon events. Kidbur's near death experience is no exception. A lot of talk is about a sweet 4 year old ghost who gets really upset because most of his family is ignoring him (aka literally can't see him). Also wholesome stuff like his grandfather looking after him once Wilbur moves on, then him meeting 17yo Tommy after Techno makes all their brothers join Wilbur. But in canon, we have it that he got sick while attending celebrations for the 1500th anniversary of the capital’s founding. As much as Phil is indifferent about his younger sons, he does rush back from attending celebrations elsewhere to provide moral support and keep an eye on their kids so Kristin can focus on tending to Wilbur. Once they’re in the clear, Phil takes Techno to see a play about Wilbur I, as a way of teaching him about the fratricide tradition.
I’m not sure why we decided to make 10 the age princes learn about fratricide. I honestly think it was just a nice round number, old enough for them to begin understanding the reality of their situation but young enough to not leave them oblivious for too long. Technoblade was told by Phil when he was 9 thanks to favouritism and of course, Techno himself revealed the truth to Wilbur when he was 7, right after Tommy’s birth. But Wilbur learning about the tradition then watching two brothers with whom he was close to die right in front of him marks the sort of era where his bitterness grows about being a Antarctic prince, a son of Phillip V at that. We never actually said in dms that the twins’ deaths happened the same day as Wilbur going into the crypts. Until June (when I finished the fic) those were just two events that happened when Wilbur was 10. But while writing, I felt they’d work really well side by side and in close succession. So when I showed Anon the finished draft, they wanted my head for making it worse by having it be the same day.
Also, speaking of Billy and Ben, I have to admit their names came from us memeing. We were discussing the idea of fathers naming eldest sons and mothers naming the younger boys, with the reverse being true for daughters. Given that Phil distances himself from his sons, I made a joke that he’d pick a dumb name for his 3rd and 4th sons, like naming them after Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men (British children’s characters for toddlers). Except it stuck and they’ve been Billy and Ben since February. Most side characters aren’t named but Sextus was named Christopher after Phil’s father, Tommy’s namesake is an uncle and Technoblade shares his name with a legendary warrior figure.
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I can't remember when we created Death and War but neopolitan trio come from blessed bloodlines on both sides. Thomas I (founder of the dynasty and the empire) attracted War's favour, causing him and his descendants to have premonitions while, as mentioned above, Death blessed an ancestor of Kristin's and as a result, her family can interact with ghosts. The reason Wilbur's gift from Death is unusually strong is because he's been in her favour since birth. The same for Techno with War (far more in tune with his premonitions) as well as Tommy with both gods (stronger premonitions and ability to see the dead but not as strong as the other two’s specialty). None of the brothers are aware of this though, they just assume it's a side effect of the dual divine heritage, so I haven't been able to mention it in fics so far.
We knew we wanted to include Sally and Fundy in the au and having her be L’Manburgian helped bring L’Manburg itself into the picture. We both love their wedding because they’re both a pair of pissed off teenagers whose parents have gone about this the completely wrong way. It’s typical for couples to spend at least a year getting to know each other before thinking about marriage since Antarctic people value unions that have good interpersonal foundations. This trial year is especially important for arranged couples since they’re not meeting out of chance. However, Kristin wants to maximise the length of time Wilbur’s happily married to a girl she feels he’d get along well with and as much as the Salmons want Sally to be happy too, they’re also aiming to put her in a powerful position. By definition, their marriage is actually forced instead of arranged because Salbur don’t meet until they’re at the altar and neither really consented to this, more just went along with it because they felt they had no real say in it. So those several months where they don’t want to interact with their spouse could have been avoided if their trial year was in the lead up to the wedding, not the first year of marriage.
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No official comment on this excerpt except for the fact it's sweet. But I do want to say Anon is the one who comes up with the majority of worldbuilding ideas that we then build upon, including linguistic quirks. They’re even in the middle of creating a conlang for Antarctic which is really cool. A lot of this linguistic stuff tends to go over my head a bit when they explain it so sometimes I worry my interest doesn't show properly when I struggle to convey how much I'm nodding my head as I listen to them talk about the ongoing process. But yeah, I am that Will Smith meme with his arms out like look at my friend create a language from scratch. She also knows a bunch of Ottoman and Roman history thanks to being a history major so that contributes a lot of inspiration towards the au. I mean the whole thing started after she told me about how the Ottomans practiced fratricide for a while and I went here's a fucked up Wilbur after coming back from walking my dog.
I used Technoblade's death and the build up to it to show that as much as Wilbur is acting on his paranoia, as much as he has painted Techno as a heartless villain, he still loves his brother. This is his turning point, in fact this is the turning point of the entire path. This murder isn't what sets F1 apart from all the other paths, him going on to kill Tommy too is what makes F1 unique, but this is where things truly begin breaking apart for him. It was important to us to portray Wilbur as someone who had lost his way, someone who did things he never wanted to believe he was capable of but still remained himself at his core. At the very beginning, Wilbur was meant to kill both his brothers because he was prideful and felt he was the only one truly suitable for the role. But then everyone got fleshed out before too long. Now he is as he's presented here: somebody who grew up in an impossible situation which has left him protective of those stuck in it with him, scared of the future and desperate for any semblance of control over it all.
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Phil is an interesting character in Regicide. We don’t want anyone to be black and white, all of them have layers and complexities. Even in F4 when we were planning to make Dream the main antagonist before the recent controversy, his corruption arc began with him trying to avenge Techno to feel like there was some justice to be had which then descended into him doing anything to remain in power, no matter how wrong. With Phil though, at least in the fratricide paths, he’s not that bad. He isn’t the best dad when it comes to his sons but that’s because he’s got it in his head that dying will be easier for him if he doesn’t spend his final hours dreading what his children are about to go through, the way he saw his own father dread his sons’ fates. With his daughters and Techno, he does his best to be there for them. When Wilbur or Tommy are set to be the next emperor because they’re the eldest/only living son left, Phil tries to reach out and get to know them. Patricide is a mixed bag since P1-3 are essentially ‘Fratricide but Phil is killed earlier′ so he’s more or less the same. Then in P4-5, those are war-centric paths so he’s the same version as the Ls.
With the L’Manburgian war paths, Phil isn’t so redeemable. He’s still the same guy but at his worst. I mean in P4 he orders his best archer to shoot Wilbur with arrows tainted with wither poison and in a few paths like L2, he literally has his sons imprisoned, executed then denied the ability to move on. And yet, for Phil, he just sees a wayward son deciding to undo the 150 years’ worth of effort it took their ancestors to finally conquer L’Manburg in the first place, all because Wilbur grew attached to the place. As for ordering the death of a 14 year old? Well, sending a message obviously. Same with making them die to an axe like a commoner instead of being hanged like a noble. Nobody is above the law as far as he has something to say about it. If Wilbur wants to act like he’s any other L’Manburgian then fine, he can die like them.
[Suicidal ideation and self harm warning for this next section]
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This is the start of F1bur's destructive habits. He‘s going to get worse over the years as his mental health drags his physical health down with it. All of it thanks to paranoia and a need to survive long enough to ensure Fundy never has to be hurt like he has. At times, he will quite literally only stay alive because he owes it to his brothers to finish the book or Fundy’s still young enough that he can convince himself that his son needs him. There’s a point in his 40s where the book is ready for publication and he contemplates brewing a spiked tea so he can finally stop being shunned by everyone he loves, as well as not have to deal with Tommy’s anger anymore. Fundy’s a grown man by now, he doesn’t need his dad holding him back. There’s a sentiment that keeps cropping up in this au and makes both of us put our heads in our hands (/pos) which is ‘If you love someone, you’d let them go’. This applies here too. The only good thing about that scene (other than Wilbur obviously never going through with poisoning his drink in the first place) is that Tommy’s ghost finally realises how much hurt he’s actually caused his brother, leading to him being able to move on soon after. Fundy also plans to get engaged around this time so Wilbur tells himself he’ll stick around until the wedding. Then to meet his first grandchild. And the next grandson too. Until it’s a decade later and he’s coming home from visiting Fundy in order to meet his new granddaughter. At which point 30 years’ worth of not looking after his health catches up to him. In terms of mental health, F1 and L5 (where he’s shut in a dark cell with only Tommy’s ghost for company after the war) are the hardest on Wilbur. But whereas F1bur died after a few years of his life finally feeling like it might be worth living, L5bur’s life being saved following a suicide attempt causes him to start gradually healing from what Phil put him through until he’s living because he wants to. 
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Ah yes, Karl. I don’t remember what exactly the process was but I think he started off as nothing more than a great-grandson of Wilbur I who died during the first ever round of royal fratricide so that Wilbur could relate to him. Karl then also served as inspiration for Wilbur since we knew we wanted him to write a collective biography about each of his brothers, causing Karl to leave behind unfinished notes related to a similar project. I don’t know when we came up with the idea for reincarnation to be a thing in this au but it was probably February, in the context of F1 crimeboys being reborn as two boys named Seb (Wilbur) and Isaac (Tommy) so in their new lives they could start their relationship over. Suggesting Karl might be Wilbur’s past life wasn’t too much of a stretch from there. In the afterlife, there’s a mist filled section where if you walk in, you will start to lose your memories so that by the time you eventually make your way to the other side, your mind’s blank and ready to be sent to your next life. Kind of like a gaseous Lethe to be honest. The concept of the mist is definitely all Anon’s so shout out to her for that. In my mind, Karl waited for Sapnap to show up then after they’d been reunited for a while, they went in together, hand in hand. We’ve never really discussed what happened to Sapnap but Karl obviously became Wilbur. Wilbur remembers nothing of Karl’s life, even if certain things trigger a sense of deja vu seemingly randomly. With Seb and Isaac though, they begin to remember being crimeboys after meeting but again, Seb has absolutely no recollection of once being Karl. Either way, I liked dropping subtle hints in this scene that Karl was more to Wilbur than he realised. That last line about the words bouncing back to Wilbur at Karl’s grave is my favourite.
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The coronation proceedings are heavily based on Elizabeth II's coronation since there's footage of the whole ceremony online. This bit especially is essentially just the same things she was asked to swear in an oath but tweaked a little to fit Wilbur and the Antarctic Empire. We knew that we wanted part of the coronation to involve the new emperor swearing to uphold the fratricide tradition. That bit is completely ad-libbed by me while the snippet of legalese that Wilbur read when he was 13 was based on the Succession to the Crown Act 2013 (I tried to access the 1707 version but legislation.gov.uk always makes stuff hard to read if they don’t have the original version which is the only downside to the website that really helped me through the legal modules of my degree). Anon and I were also talking about how difficult it must be for emperors who are fathers at the time of their coronation since those sons will have to watch their dad promise to ensure their deaths after his own. I’m sure Phil’s father had the same reluctance when he swore that oath since he had 7 sons, the youngest of which was Phil himself at 2 years old. It’s a shame the two never got to meet because I think Wilbur and his grandfather could have gotten on quite well since they were quite similar in some ways.
Either way, I hope this look into Regicide was interesting. There’s some stuff I wasn’t able to include since it was too niche or path-specific but this covers a fair amount of ground in terms of Regicide in general.
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helmctboy-blog · 7 years
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         “  i’m not  up  to  any  conversation  right  now. ”  clay,  with  his  headphones  tucked  around  his  neck  avoids  contact  with  the  other.   
                   // @serpentfamily sc.
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alhamdulillah10 · 4 years
This Life of Deception
This worldly life is like an unchaste woman, who is not satisfied with one husband. So, be satisfied with whatever Allah grants you from this worldly life.
Walking thereon is like walking in a land that is filled with beasts, and water that teams with crocodiles. That which causes delight, turns to be the source of grief. Pain is found in the midst of pleasures, and delights are derived from its sorrows.
Lusts were granted in abundance to humans, but those who believed in the unseen turned away from them, while those who follow their lusts were caused to regret.
The first category, are those, in which Allah says, “They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:5)
However, the other category, are those to whom Allah says, “(O you disbelievers)! Eat and enjoy yourselves (in this worldly life) for a little while. Verily, you are the Mujrimun (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.).” (Al-Mursalat, 77:46)
When the successful ones are aware of the reality of this worldly life being sure of the inferiority of its degree, they overcame their vain desires for the sake of the Hereafter. They have been awakened from their heedlessness to remember what their enemies took from them during their period of idleness.
Whenever they perceive the distant journey they must undertake, they remember their aim, so it appears easy for them. Whenever life becomes bitter, they remember this verse in which Allah says, “This is your Day which you were promised ” (AI-Anbiya’, 21:103)
Surah Al-Hadid (its title meaning, ‘the iron’) talks about the reality of the transient life of this world. Several descriptive words are used to reveal to us its true reality. After that, Allah warns us to remember that the life of this world is nothing but a “deceptive enjoyment”
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In order to see the real meanings being described by our Creator as He details to us the reality of the life of this world, it would be beneficial to ponder on the root meanings of the several Arabic words Allah has used in the above verse. All the meanings have been taken from Edward William Lane’s online Arabic-to-English Lexicon:
(i) Play, sport, game, fun, joke, prank, or jest.
(ii) Diversion, pastime, sport, or play; especially that which is frivolous or vain; that which occupies a person so as to divert him or her from that which should render him sad or solicitous/anxious/concerned.
(iii) Decoration, finery, show, pomp, or gaeity.
(iv) Glorifying or boasting (viz. to each other), praising or commending own selves for certain properties or qualities, such as enumerating or recounting the particulars of their own ancestral nobility or eminence; or their honorable deeds. Contending for superiority by reason of honors arising from memorable deeds or qualities, or from parentage or relationship, and other things relating to themselves or their ancestors; also: boasting of qualities extrinsic to themselves such as wealth, rank or station.
تَكَاثُرٌ فِى الاٌّمْوَلِ وَالاٌّوْلْـد
(v) Contending, one with another, for superiority in number of (different types of) wealth and children.
مَتَـاعُ الْغُرُور
(vi) The word مَتَـاعُ means anything useful or advantageous viz. utensils, furniture, or food, and the word الْغُرُور means that by which one is deceived; something false and vain. In other words, the life of this world is a provision that is deceptive. It can be used to achieve the best end i.e. Allah’s pleasure and an abode in Paradise in the Hereafter, but is very deceptive in and of itself.
Allah has used a total of five terms and phrases to describe to us the reality of the life of this world in the Quran. Analysis of their meanings clearly reveals that indeed, the life of this world is such that it makes a believer lose focus of the Hereafter.
Consider this – games are fun to play. They cause us to get really involved in them, whether as participants, or as onlookers. The aspect of winning versus losing, or earning more points by achieving a target, enthuses the more keen ones among us to a state of physical and mental euphoria.
When anyone is involved in a game as a participant, whether he is playing outside, or playing a computer game indoors, he is distracted perhaps from more pending matters that require his attention. For some sports enthusiasts, tearing themselves away from a game to answer a call of nature, eat a meal, or pray an obligatory prayer also becomes difficult.
Now, with this picture in mind, we can see why Allah has called the life of this world “a game.” We get so involved in the “game” itself, in its short-term goals and enjoyments, that we tend to lose focus on the importance of the Hereafter. As an example, someone might postpone performing Hajj if important events related to his career are scheduled to take place at the same time in the calendar.
Allah has next called the life of this world “لَهْوٌ” – a “diversion.” It has the potency to make a person lose focus of the goals of the Hereafter. Imagine a person driving  a car; if he or she spots something interesting on the side of the road that will “divert” him or her from driving, he or she will definitely lose focus of the road, resulting in a possible collision.
تَفَاخُرٌ بَيْنَكُم
These words imply boasting to others, and being boasted to, as the above explanation has stated, about intangible assets of prestige and value, such as honorable lineage, awards and achievements, or righteous deeds. Anything that can cause a person to become proud in and of themselves, can be boasted about. It is important to note here, that a person’s intention makes the difference. Several people display their, awards and plaques in their drawing rooms or offices, where they receive guests. This, too, if done to establish one’s credibility in one’s profession, for example, as a practicing doctor whose patients want reassurance that they are coming to a reliable person, would not be blameworthy. However, if it is done to make oneself appear better than others, than it would be تَفَاخُرٌ بَيْنَكُم.
It is interesting how Allah has combined two of the words He has used in this verse of Surah Al-Hadid to describe the life of this world, in another verse in the Quran: the first verse of Surah Al-Takaathur:
أَلْهَاكُمُ التَّكَاثُرُ
“The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things)“. [102:1]
Since تَّكَاثُرُ means contending to increase in numbers of tangible blessings, it is clear from this verse too, that human beings are “diverted” in this life by this, from their primary goal – which should be success in the Hereafter.
The word زِينَةٌ means beauty and decoration; anything that is instictively pleasing to look at, or beautified to attract our attention. This could include everything that falls under the umbrella of beauty e.g. scenic landscapes, lush vegetation, flowers, and waterfalls, to those things that are made beautiful; which the human heart enjoys.
Bring to mind jewelry, interior decor, architecture, branded/stylish couture, fashion, luxuries, accessories and diverse cuisines. Human beings love to create, experiment and play around with every conceivable kind of raw material provided by Allah, to transform it into something beautiful for their adornment or consumption. Yes, the life of this world definitely revolves a lot around زِينَةٌ !
Allah goes on after this, in the above verse, to elaborate the simile of this world’s life: of it being like the vegetation or herbage that grows on earth, and pleases its tiller/farmer when it reaches its lustrous, colorful peak viz. the plants or crops become strong and fully grown, bearing fruit or grain. However, after a short period of this lustre, color and vibrance, the plants eventually wither, become dry, lifeless straw, and die. The same earth that was alive with crops a while ago becomes empty and plain again; the color, leaves, fruit, grains or flowers are nowhere to be seen, as if they never existed!
That is, in reality, the same thing that happens to everyone and everything during the life of this world. The young, beautiful face becomes wrinkled and haggard; the lustrous hair becomes limp and grey; the strong bones become brittle, and strong muscles give way to weakness; the eyes lose their sight; the erect spine becomes bent. Moreover, every inanimate thing also goes into decline: the architecturally sound mansion becomes depleted and worn over the years, erosion causing its dilapidation and ruin; the clothes lose their newness, shine and glory, withering away; ‘new’ technology loses its value and becomes obsolete and unwanted; the flashy vehicle goes out of vogue and ends up in a junk yard as rubble. The list is endless.
Now that our eyes have been opened to the truth about the life of this world; about how its adornments and distractions are alluring but deceptive in nature, because they divert our attention from the Hereafter and make us think that all this ‘glitter’ will last forever; when in fact, everything on this earth will turn to dust as Allah has promised, we should remember the importance of consistently reciting and reading the Quran as a daily routine, so that we are reminded of this important fact about this transitory life. That way, the reminders such as this verse, that tells us in the end about the two options we have before us – either painful torment, or the forgiveness of Allah and His pleasure – will help keep us focused on those deeds that will enable us to enjoy the truly enjoyable, beautiful, desirable, and eternal life, in shaa’ Allah — the one in the Hereafter.
Please share.
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Fallen Angel (Venable X reader) Part 5
Michael's character might be inconsistent in this chapter if so I'll fix it later.
Also, don't hate me too much, I have a plan with this story.
Prequel Link: The Angel Among Us (Cordelia x reader) Plot: The event’s leading up to Y/N joining Michael and the Cooperative.
Summary/idea: Two strangers come to ‘save’ the occupants of outpost 3. Neither are what they seem.
Warnings: N/A
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4, Part 5 (Will add as I go)
The two of you wound up tangled in her bed. No words shared just gentle touches of hands brushing over bare skin. A black nightgown discarded on the floor. You held her close, her head rested on your chest. Most would have thought it would have been the other way around, you wouldn't complain, you won the girl- at least for now. Venable was like a sour candy, bitter at first but once you get to understand her, sweet. You hoped the lolly wasn't expired.
Before you'd found yourself, you posed her a question, "What next?"
"We take our places for ourselves."
You had no clue what she had in mind. Was this the time to tell her there was nowhere else to go? The sanctuary is destroyed and everywhere else had been contaminated with radiation. This was the sanctuary.
You could take this woman away from here and leave Michael to have this fun with the other. You had no debt to him or his father. The reason you'd joined him was because you sought the truth. You had your answers, you only stuck with them because you never found the remaining witches before the bombs went off. The witches lived on- well at least two did. There was no place to take her, you'd been exiled from your former home and hell wouldn't go so well either nowadays. Anywhere on earth would be contaminated so she wouldn't be able to go outside without a hazmat suit. The former sanctuary could be revived, steal one of the apples you'd brought from the garden, but that would take time. She'd require food for which you can't supply.
"Sounds like fun," you attempted to sound happy, but the sadness came through. "You're probably still tired, I accidentally woke you."
"I could say the same."
"Yeah, sorry, again."
"No need to apologise, we both made a fool of ourselves today."
"I should let you get back to... bed" You shuffled towards the door.
"Where do you think you're going?" Venable asked.
"Bed?" Venable raised her brow. "The generator room."
"That won't do at all."
"It won't? Got a better idea in mind?" You smirked.
"One or two."
"Do tell." You crept closer to the woman until you were close enough where you were forced to look down at her. "Does this idea involve me in less clothing by any chance?"
"It could."
"Are you going to keep me wondering or are you going to tell me?" Venable stared at you not saying anything. "Ms Venable?" Venable gulped and fought against the urge to shrink down and into herself. "Mina?"
"Yes," she croaked out. "I... don't-" Oh god, was she going to admit this to you? It's so embarrassing. What were you going to think of her when she told you? You'd probably have been with a lot of people and yet you were her first. "I haven't- Um, had intercourse before-" or even a relationship if that's what you would even call this.
"Okay and?"
"Isn't that shocking to you?"
"Not really, I kind of guessed that would be the case," you answered. "You outlawed sex; red flag number one. You appear generally uncomfortable any time I pursue you or get close to. Your distaste for connecting to people or building an emotional connection and the fact that the act involves some form of connection whether it be a fling or long-term thing. Also your fear of people seeing your back would most likely stop you or at least you'd keep a shirt on. Need I go on?"
"Please don't"
"You also have to keep in mind that won't be the weirdest thing. You would be fucking the devil's sister."
"-And Michael's aunt. Oh god I forgot about that. I thought you two were a thing"
"Only briefly. It was the first rational conclusion I came up with. It didn't help that in the beginning you didn't appear to do much, other than annoy the man."
"I think I'm going to be sick" you covered your mouth. Freezing then you had a lightbulb moment. "That's it. That's it!" Venable waited for you to continue. "We make them all sick."
The plan was simple to create an event based around some holiday, Halloween as an example and tell them that it was this weekend. The two of you would poison the supply of apples you and Michael brought with you with snake venom and feed it to the unsuspecting residents.
You'd put your plan in motion tomorrow, for tonight it was just you two. You wouldn't move an inch in fear that you'd lose her. Death followed you like the plague. Divinity doesn't come without it's consequences and yours was being unable to among the living for long. You pulled Venable closer, holding her tighter. She hummed, bemused by your actions.
"Y/n? Are you still awake?" Venable asked.
"Yeah," you mumbled.
Venable sat up, you frowned as she escaped your grip. She spun around to face you. A look of worry etched on her face. You scanned her face. You sat yourself up, pulling yourself out from underneath the redhead and gathered your clothes.
"Where are you going?"
"We need to by ourselves some time." You kept your head lowered as you dressed yourself. Venable made no attempt to stop you. A part of her forgot she was mobile enough to stall you.
"What's your plan? Think whatever you're going to do though first-"
"What I do is none of your concern," you snapped. She was taken aback. You fidgeted about as you gathered the last of your belongings. Your hands shook as you tied up your shoes. You thought about apologising, nothing came of that thought. "I'm going to see Michael-"
"I'm buying us some time."
"H-how? What are you going to do?"
"No clue."
You closed the bedroom door behind you. Walking down the long hallway down with no plan. Your movements became less shaky. A tune played in your mind, you shut your eyes for a moment convincing yourself you were anywhere but in the last standing outpost on planet earth. The imaginary music blared, you could feel the buzz of the sub, the vibrations shaking the floor. In reality it was the power in the air from the few magic individuals. To be anywhere but here.
You loosened up, body slackened as you walked like a drunk man. For a moment you thought of hightailing it, there's probably a club in hell you could attend. No- chickening out wasn't an option. Unfortunately. You halt immediately, your eyes flung open, your nephew stood half a metre away.
"You seem to be having fun."
"I am, Mikey. Don't be a buzzkill," you responded in your usual ditzy way.
"You seem to be getting close to the outpost leader." No shit sherlock. You already knew that... right? God, I don't remember anymore. He should know, you made it blatantly obvious.
"Hmm. Want something?"
"I want your answer to my question"
"What question, you never asked one?"
"Whose side are you on?" That's right, you thought. It had been some time since you'd been 'blessed' by the man's presence. Since the checkup with Venable and you were forced against the wall and choked you'd stayed away from your nephew.
You leaned in close to the man and whispered, "my own." You straightened up and moved past him, brushing shoulders.
"We'll see how long that lasts."
"You will leave her alone or you'll face me. Got that?"
"Crystal clear."
You sat in the auditorium tuning a trumpet when Venable graced you with her presence.
"Beautiful," you mused. Venable caught what you had said and blushed deeply.
"Unlike your trumpet playing," she said. She sat down beside you resting her cane beside her. She was still using it to make Michael unaware of her being healed. She rested her hand on your knee. "What's with the trumpet?"
"It's the end times," you said, forgetting she wasn't as knowledgeable about the biblical telling of the end times.
"They don't correlate. I mean an instrument and the state of the world-"
"Not one for religion?"
"Not as much as you... clearly."
She assumed all it was bullshit that was until she'd met you. She didn't understand your rule in all this or if you had any relation to religion other than being the devil's sister. She'd have to do more research to come to her own conclusion.
"Wouldn't blame you. Most of it's bullshit written by men from minenila ago. I'll fill you in when we're out of here."
"The trumpet?"
"Oh yeah, sorry. An archangel is said to play it at the end of time."
"And you think that's you?"
"God no, but I like the instrument. I like it's my brother Michael-"
"I thought he was your nephew."
"Not that Michael. There's more than one."
"Not confusing at all."
"Human's do that too."
"I presume we got that from your kind."
"Don't know, maybe."
"How many brothers do you have?"
"Stupid question. That's like asking how many angels there are."
"Do you know the names of all of them?"
"I'm not going to have to meet all of them, am I?"
"Don't want to have dinner with your future in-laws?" You said it as a joke but felt Venable tense up. "I was kidding V. You don't have to meet them-"
"It's not that. Do you see us two together-together in the future?" She didn't want to use the word 'married'.
"Yeah- unless you don't want that. I guess it would be hard seeing as I'm an angel and you're a human. It would be like a human dating the Doctor, mortals and immortals don't mix well even with my-"
"Doctor? Why couldn't a human date a doctor?"
"Not doctor....The Doctor. Doctor Who? BBC?" Venable looked confused. "God Mina, I'm forcing you to watch that later, I can't believe you haven't seen... oh wait your American, never mind. It wasn't important anyway." it also didn't help you've watched everything since the dawn of time. You'd say the same about any show.
"You're not american?"
"I'm not human, I can't be american... well animals can be American I guess- I'm not from earth so I can't be. I showed up somewhere in what's now Egypt when the land was still Pangea- at least I think it was Egypt."
"I keep forgetting how old you are."
"What can I say, those anti-aging creams work wonders." Venabe chuckled.
"Can you tell me a story from your past?"
All your stories ended the same. You alone, wandering the earth. A part of you assumed it was designed as punishment. All crumble away with time while you remain the same. Whomever you shared your life with will fade away too. The first human you befriended and the last. You left your imprint on the world as well as the people you associated with. What story to tell? One with a happy ending? if you could think of one. Your first interaction with a human, a similar looking woman to the one beside you, hair of fire, skin to pale for the beating sun of the desert you were both stranded in. You'd shown her a part of yourself you haven't shown anyone since. She left you in a bloody state, you left her worse. The kindness you showed her by healthing the damages she'd received by the dust storm (and other wounds) amped up until she'd beg you for death. That's what she deserved right? It took you eons to understand humans and every stowaway you had helped you more until you gave it all up for a taste of humanity, even if it was among witches.
Hours later, the two had retired back into Venable's room.
The selection where near completion. Michael was in his office going through his selections for the new world. He expected the company of the red-head soon. He had ordered one of the greys to fetch the woman as soon and have her come as soon as she was available.
She showed up half an hour later unamused. She addressed him by his last name as she did with everyone besides you.
"Ms Venbale, I'm glad you could make it."
"This better not be a waste of time, Mr Langdon, I was in the mix of some very important work."
Is that what she called you nowadays? Michael thought knowing just by looking at her she was with you prior to her arrival. "Then I won't keep you long. Please take a seat."
"I would rather not. If this is going to be as quick as you say it will be, I won't need to."
"Suit yourself."
"I've almost completed my selections."
"I want you to join us... but only if you end things with Y/n."
"I will not"
"I only have one vacancy left... so it's you or her," Michael explained. "There can't be both of you. Keeping her around is a liability. It would be best if you get done with the breakup before Monday, I don't want any mess and we'll be expecting visitors." Visitors? Who the hell would be coming to the Outpost?
"And why do you think I would agree to this plan of yours?"
"She is not the woman you think she is, Ms Venable. There is more to her than either you or I can ever comprehend. As long as she is alive she is a threat. All you have to do is read any of the journals in the library and you'll see her for what she is. You may think she loves you but in a second she'd change tones. Especially by Monday night."
"What's Monday?"
"The guests will arrive."
"Who are these guests? Are they from the cooperative?" Venable asked, gripping the topper of her cane tightly. "How are they getting here?"
"No one you'd need to be concerned with... only Ms L/n's ex."
There was no way she could trust the man. He had been nothing but trouble since arrival. He had a point, she could ever truly know you. If you found out that your ex was still alive you'd go back . It was evident from the interactions from the beginning of your relationship that you weren't over her.
There was only one way to know about you, google you.
Venable never noticed it until now but she'd never the hum of the generator in the room next to the lab. You'd always been tinkering with it, but it's never made a sound. Is that regular? She'd never been in the room alone, either you were in there and you'd usher her out after a moment, or the door was locked.
She decided to test her luck today and tried the handle. The door glide open with ease. The room was pitch-black besides the glow of some sticker stuck on the back wall. You're doing, of course. She felt for the switch, once finding it flipping it. Nothing happened. Odd, she thought. She had her candle from when she was walking outside this section of the outpost. The auditorium lights didn't switch on either.
She made her way using her candlelight to the generator. It was off, rusted over and looked like it hadn't worked or been maintained in years. But you'd worked on it the other week. Something wasn't adding up. She tried to switch it on, hopping to hear a rubble but received nothing.
Venable sped to the computer room to test if there was any electricity in this place. The monitor light was on. She entered your name in the search bar. ERROR. She tried different variants of your name. ERROR. She slammed her fists into the desk, one hitting the keyboard. The screen blacked out. Crap. She cursed and tried to get something to appear. System reboot, the monitor said. The computer restarted itself. Venable's eyes were glued to the computer. Once the scene had light up, the language settings has shifted to default. They were the same ones she'd seen the first time when you set up the computer for her.
Blindly, she went back to the search engine. She typed out your name once more. The text entered shifted about, glitching in between the default language and another. The jumbled mess of letters appeared to spell out a place, Salem.
This was all bullshit, you must have done something to the computer along with the electricity, Venable thought. Jokingly she entered the name into the search, she got the typical (from what she could tell as it wasn't in English), the place, witch trials etc.
She scowled around some random sites until she heard a gasp from behind her.
"What are you doing?!" You snapped at her.
The red-head said nothing. She needed time to come up with an excuse. You tore her away from the computer, pushing the chair across the room and shut down the system.
"I was searching up about witches," she lied.
"No, you- you couldn't even read that-"
"What's the big deal Y/N? I wanted to know more about the stuff you talk about."
You clenched your fists, not bothering to turn around and look at the woman. "Get out."
"GET OUT!" You spun around and roared at her. Sparks erupted out of the computer, leaving you unfazed.
You stared into her soul with your eyes fully dilated. Not just over the colour but the white of the eye. Your skin had paled down a couple shades giving you a ghastly appearance. Behind you, projected on to the wall was your silhouette, it mimicked you like a shadow but unlike you, it had wings.
Venable was stuck in place, trembling and not daring to look away for a second.
"Didn't you hear me missy?" you snarled. Her voice had a more demonic underlay. When she didn't respond you trudged up to her and pulled her up off the desk chair by her lapel of her blazer. She fought against her urge to quiver in your grip. "DON'T EVER use my technology to search me," the last part turned into a whisper.
You hadn't googled her and even if you had, she gave you permission when she first showed you the device. You had even suggested it. What had changed?
Venable grabbed you arm to try and push you away. Instant burning pain surged through her hand. She yelped and retracted her hand. You both immediately looked over to her hand. You dropped her instantly and backed away.
"I-I didn't mean to-" you stuttered out knowing your mistake instantly. Turning back to the monitor, you caught a glimpse of your ghastly reflection. "Please leave this room, you're not safe around me right now. I need to cool off."
Venable wanted to comfort you, but you made it clear not to and it was in her best interest not to aggravate you further.
You clenched your jaw, before smashing your fists into the mirror repeatedly.
She left you in that room to destroy whatever you saw fit. You were dangerous to be around, if she hadn't touched your icy skin who knows what would be of her. She hadn't searched you and yet you claimed she had. All she did was such up Salem, how was that connected to you other than witches? Where you there?
The skin that you'd touched began to deteriorate. The irritated skin bruised around the untouched areas as the rest turned to a nasty scablike wound. All in an hour, she'd found herself in the infirmary, wrapping the wound up with gauze.
"You screwed up, Y/n," Michael told you.
"I know that." Your body had yet to go back to normal no matter what you did to calm down. You teleported to Michael in hopes of his help and at worse a some snarky comments and 'I told you so's'.
"It's not so bad, now you can focus on the beginning of the world."
"Why am I here again? I got what I wanted out of this and I owe you nothing."
"You were bored and have nowhere to go."
"I could go back to heaven."
"As if they'd want you after the mess you've made."
"Do you want to go back there?"
"Not particular."
"Then where else would you go, besides I thought you were having fun. You enjoyed destroying the sanctuary-"
"That was my home long ago-"
"Didn't you enjoy watching it burn?"
"I want to see it burn again," you said. "Watch the waterfalls flow lava and the tree's goose blood instead of tree sap."
"Then do it. Nothing is stopping you from having your own hell on earth."
"But Mina-"
"Forget the woman Y/n, she's nothing to you. She's like all the others before her," Michael said. "You stole woman from there husbands and held them up in Eden, you were ruthless. Where has that woman gone?" He's gotten the story wrong, you didn't steal them, you saved them. "She's holding you back. Leave her and help bring a little more hell to earth."
"You're right. I'll do it," you said. He was pleased to hear that. "I'll do it this Sunday," a little less after that. "I need to... finish off Mina first."
"You can leave her to me-"
"You said to kill what 'it' wanted; I should be the one to do it." 'It' meaning the humanity in you.
"Don't take too long, the beginning of the new world can't wait any longer."
You and Venable made amends before the sunday. Both wary of the other but still going through with the previous plans of poisoning the members. Venable questioning whether to stick with you and go to the sanctuary with you or backstab you and go with Michael. You had to think about if you'd stay with Venable or find your own path void of her.
You hadn't gone back to your normal self. You decided to hide away from the others for the remainder of the week, only showing up on the Sunday night masquerade ball. Your outfit was an all black suit where the blazer with a train,paired with a black and gold belt you stole from Venable and your goldern devils mask.
The masks covered half your face, a black veil underneath to hide the rest of your discolouration skin. All skin was covered so you wouldn't harm anyone prematurely.
You stood above the music room looking down at all the unsuspecting survivors. Venable walked up behind you. You noticed she didn't have her cane with her.
"No cane?"
"No need to keep up appearances for the dead." You chuckled at her answer. "Soon it will just be us, we'll have the sanctuary all to ourselves."
"Yeah~" Venable noticed the uncertainty in your voice.
"What haven't you mentioned?"
"How do you now I haven't mentioned something?" You paused. "Oh, that's how." Your response gave you away.
"The sanctuary isn't real"
"It was, but we destroyed it."
"Why? Y/N!" The woman took a step back.
"This is the last sustainable place left," you said not paying the woman to much mind. "We torched the place before we headed here. Those apples are from the oldest tree in existence. The one that caused the downfall of humankind."
"And we poisoned them."
"You killed humanity."
"You had no problem with it when you were told you were going to an outpost leader. You wanted to have a taste of power. Well you have and doesn't it taste good. The world is over. Humans are gone and you... well, you helped caused it." She was to blame as much as you were. "You'll be fine though. You got me and I'm not going to allow anything to happen to you." You smiled. "I'm going downstairs to keep up appearances. Can you get the two untainted apples? and then we can end this once and for all."
Venable nodded doing as asked. She headed to the kitchen to retereve the two apples. When she had her hands on them she paused. Michael was right, there was no snatuaray. The foundation for the two of you being there was destroyed. What was to make her believe that everything else you was saying was true too. You did have magic, there was no way you could fake what you did to her back, but the rest, how much of that was real? How about your feelings? Hers were but yours- if you were willing to lie to her, how could she know for sure?
With the wrong apple it would create a disaster.
Venable handed you an apple watching you remove your cover from your lower face, smile at her and take a bite of the apple. You gleam at her while chewing. "Well, aren't you going to eat?" Venable eyed you weirdly questioning if she gave you the right apple.
"I think we should save it, as a treat for victory."
"Well if that's the case then have some of mine."
"I couldn't possibly-"
"Oh, no, insist." You handed your apple over. "Unless you did something to mine." Venable stiffened. You covered your mouth and started coughing, dropping the apple on the ground. You hunched over, coughing with an earth shaking strength for your body.
"I can't be with you," Venable said.
"Why?" you croaked out. She doesn't respond. After a minute you straighten yourself up and dust yourself off. There was no hit of blood on you. "Oh, I know what you did. Might I say the poison gave it a nice taste." You stepped closer. "Who put you up to it? Michael?" The endearing look you used to give her faded away leaving a plain expression. You always wore emotion on your person, you looked vacant husk. It made you unpredictable. "You fool, he tricked you." You grew anctisy, "It's fine... I can work with this." You slipped off the gloves covering your hands and shoved them in your pockets. "Your just as dumb as he is, thinking that destroying the sanctuary was a good idea. He's still human, he too will be infected." You kept your undivided gaze with her. The inhuman part of your grew more evident by the second. The shadow from the computer room was back but this time had the same horns as your mask. "All humans will be dead. It's truly the end of time. I thought it would be different, God said it would be different. Guess he too couldn't give two craps about us. Hell if you read the old testament he was a bastard-" You rambled on, growing more irritated and manic by the moment.
Venable grew worried. She was frozen in place.
You retracted a blade from her sleeve and inched as close as you could.
"If I can't be with you then you don't serve a purpose." You shivved her. She grunted. You shushed her. "It's alright V, death ain't so bad." You eased her body to the ground, still clutching the knife in one of your hands. Once she was against the ground, you straddled her hips pushing the knife further into her. "All you had to do was pretend to like me and you would have been safe. I mean come on, how hard is it to do that? You humans can't make up your mind. You guys deserve to die." You added more pressure. You felt a presence at the door. Michael.
"Wasn't your toy to your liking?"
"Mickey, she didn't like me, what did I do wrong?" You ripped out the knife in one swift move. She cried out in pain.
"There will be plenty more for you in the new world."
"Your psychotic," Venable choked out.
"You're one to talk. You'll do well in hell, love. All those people you killed." You looked back to Michael. "Maybe I should go back to hell and look after this one?"
"But what about my partner in crime?"
"You got Mead."
"We'll find you, someone better, if not, she's not going anywhere." She wouldn't leave hell any time soon.
You stared down at Venable, watching the life drain from her eyes. "See you soon love." You leant down and placed a kiss on her forehead before her vision faded to black.
Don't worry there is at least one more chapter joining the two stories together. and it will have a happier ending. So don't worry that Venable was stabbed.
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mountphoenixrp · 5 years
Tumblr media
We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                 Nylah Jang, who is known by no other name;                                                   a 28 year old daughter of Set.                                                       She is a dancer at Minx.
FC NAME/GROUP: heize CHARACTER NAME: nylah jang AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 28 / june 1, 1991 PLACE OF BIRTH: vienna, austria OCCUPATION: dancer @ minx
PERSONALITY: hello, welcome to the worst person you’ll ever meet, following closely behind her own father. nylah jang is a lovely young woman with a penchant for…dark habits.
detached, cold, emotionless ━ except when she isn’t. silver tongued with equally velvet fingers, the daughter of chaos has a talent of playing the role of any character to get her victims anyone to bend to her will. mask after mask, she slips them on and off with ease. if you manage to look past the seductive smirk and alluring eyes to find the vat of pure void…well, sweetheart, you won’t be alive for very long.
just enough to see her tower over you with the only flicker of true joy in those pitch black eyes as she watches you writhe on the floor in terror and pain until you pass out from shock. it’s as if she feeds on the fear. makes her stronger.
she feels no remorse, and doesn’t care to think about it. why should she? everyone is below her. worthless. trash. just play toys for her. nylah wants everything in the world, and she will do anything to get that. she plays with mortal lives as if they’re nothing, as if the people around only have one purpose: to serve her.
nylah’s done terrible things; torture, murders of varying styles. a short and very general list of things that she is quite proud of.
personal relationships are nonexistent in her world, simply a waste of her time. any resemblance of one is either a ploy to get what she wants, or ━ yeah, no, that’s it.
HISTORY: (tw: murder, torture, and animal abuse)
I. a mother weeps as she holds her child for the first time. it is a sob of a despair, drops of bitter salt at the sight of the creature in her arms. it stares at its creator silently.
her name is nylah, and she is a curse. the ever present reminder of a stroke of black ink across her past.
she does not release a cry, nor does she reach out for her sobbing mother. the infant simply stares.
she knows of her purpose.  
II. the daughter of chaos is three years old when she makes her first kill. it’s a small, sad pathetic thing that hangs lifeless in her hands. a kitten, she thinks. the incessant sounds it made had irked her to no end, and nylah found a solution. she does not understand why her mother is screaming. she wishes she would shut up.
III. gabriel schmidt is his name; the man that manage to charm and seduce his way into the bed of nylah’s mother. in some way, nylah can understand why his mother is so willing to drop her panties for the first man that gives her any attention. it’s been ten years since the last time she got fucked. ten years since she’s been born.
she hates him.
she hates everything about him.
how dare he insert himself into nylah’s life? without her permission.
nylah would have preferred if the man got his dick wet once and walked away without a regret. the loud sobbing of her mother would be a grating sound, but the bitter scent of despair and sadness would be intoxicating. instead, all she could smell was the sickly sweet syrup of love.
the pile of dead animals in the backyard grows larger each week.
IV. she sees the way her mother stares at her.
nylah stares back with eyes that speak of chaos and darkness and death. she smiles.
her mother does not look her in the eye.
V. mina schmidt is her name; the squealing red-faced thing that apparently shares blood with her. nylah looks at it with disgust, sneering down at the wriggling baby. she doesn’t know why her mother looks at it with such adoration; she’s never looked at nylah that way.
the next day she writes out her sister’s name on the side of the house in the blood of mutilated birds. love thy family.
nylah giggles at the screams that erupt from her mother and the husband as they discover the bloody message on their home; she savors the fear that seeps from their souls. the girl finds that it is the most delicious thing she has ever tasted.
she decides that she wants more.
VI. the sight of the boy curled on the floor before her is the greatest she’s ever had the pleasure to lay her eyes on. tears are streaming down his face, expression twisted in agony as he screams out. he’s begging her for mercy, apologizing over and over; nylah simply smiles at him.
lifeless, pitch black eyes suddenly come to life.
she would be lying if the waves of pure terror rolling off the boy didn’t turn her on. there’s a growing dampness in between her legs as she watches him claw at her feet, offering up anything to make her stop. it’s pathetic, how people are willing to give away their dignity in order to save their own skin. besides, nylah knows that she wouldn’t be able to stop; the swirls of chaos around her have already latched on to the girl and they’ve tasted the first blood. it’s too late.
it’s oh so easy to slip into the depths of his mind and bring out the deepest fears and sins to light. claws prod and poke at his thoughts, suffocating him until all she can breathe, see, and hear is fear.
nylah twists and squeezes his mind to her will, melting it into putty until finally her grip on him lets go. he’s laying in a puddle of his own piss and tears. she cocks her head to the side, lips curling into a smirk.
❝ do you fear me now? ❞
he vomits and passes out.
and nylah ━ a realization dawns upon her. she has the power to do what she wants; to terrorize and raze the earth. take and take and take until everything is hers, because who can stop her? she is god.
thus begins the fall.
VII. nylah is eighteen now.
her body count: 12
those were only the ones who weren’t strong enough to make it through the enlightenment. that’s what the daughter of chaos calls it ━ diving deep into mortal ears and twisting and turning and feeding on their terror until the only thing they wish for is death, and the only person who can give them that sweet mercy is her. until she becomes both their savior and greatest fear.
❝ do you fear me now? ❞
her family is next. nylah can barely scrounge up any love for them; it’s a disgusting concept: love.
it’s all too simple.
gabriel, with his mind so easy to mold and play with. she whispers to the man in his sleep, sleek claws sinking into the brain of a pathetic mortal.
nylah goes deeper.
and everything snaps.
this is channel ten with breaking news. police reports have confirmed that forty three year old gabriel schmidt went into a flying rage and brutally stabbed his wife and eight year old daughter twenty times each. afterwards, he took his own life.
we have updates that there was a single survivor.
his stepdaughter, nylah jang.
X. it has been ten years. she’s fucked and killed her way to the top, manipulating everyone around her until she’s filthy rich and swimming in luxury. chaos has unfurled from deep within, taking root as a deep and vile disease. the daughter of chaos has long been rotting from the inside out.
she’s traveled the world, leaving a wake of sin and utter wickedness ━ and she can’t get enough.
nylah has just been reaching the peak of boredom, until she finds a particularly interesting new victim friend. in a state of panic and desperation, the boy quickly calls himself a son of aphrodite. nylah pauses in curiosity; a demigod? she’s heard of the myths, but tossed them away as frivolous fairy tales.
another prod of the sniveling boy’s brain confirms the truth; a whole island full of….immortals and half-immortals alike. for the first time in a very long time, nylah finds herself excited. fresh meat.
and perhaps a way to get herself truly enlightened.
chaos manipulation : the power to manipulate the chaotic forces of the universe
001. chaos inducement: cause chaos in any scale, from minor disorder, confusion and/or disobedience, up to causing massive storms, destruction, loss of laws and order to cause mass panic, etc.
002. chaos empowerment: become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by/from chaos
emotion manipulation: the power to manipulate emotions
001. fear: manipulate the fear of people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, causing or otherwise channeling fear
002. anxiety: manipulate the anxiety of people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, causing or otherwise channeling anxiety
003. insanity: manipulate the insanity of people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, causing or otherwise channeling insanity
mental manipulation : the power to manipulate thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others.
001. this ability is highly limited, and only applies to her before mentioned abilities. she is able to slip into the minds of others to see their deepest fears to manipulate them to her will; though if a mental barrier is too strong, she will not be able to invade the mind. if that is the case, nylah is able to cause and manipulate fear, but isn’t able to see what exactly her victim’s fear is.
002. by slipping into their mind, she is able to whisper certain encouragements amongst other things to toy with her playthings
+ eloquent and charming
+ highly manipulative, she’s able to smoothly exploit and control almost anyone
+ quite the actor, nylah can put on any mask to play whatever game she wants to achieve the end…whatever the means
- falling into a spiral of insanity that will soon make her lose his grip on reality
- terribly power hungry, which may be her downfall
- an immature child that throws fits whenever things don’t go her way
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evilincarnatemoon · 6 years
Character Profile
+1 to be graced by the beauty of Dr.Sofen ꧁ ❦ | · Karla Sofen · | ❦ ꧂
【 Biodata 】 Name: Karla Sofen Aliases: Dr Sofen, Moonstone, Kate Sorenson,  Meteorite,  Ms. Marvel Sex:  Female Age:  Late twenties to early thirties Species: Human Mutate Race: American Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Occupation: Psychiatrist, SHIELD consultant,  Initiative psychology teacher, Thief Education :  Medical Doctorate and Psychiatry Doctorate, Masters in Psychology [Undergraduate] UC-DAVIS California, USA Place of Creation: Captain America (1968) #192 » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Physical Specifics 】 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Height: 5’11 Weight: 130 Ilbs (59 kg) » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Relations 】 ❦ Karl Sofen    Relation: Father    Status: Deceased ❦ Marion Sofen    Relation: Mother    Status: Deceased   » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Quotes 】 “Wh-what are you doing to me? I’m – I’m Moonstone again? I’ve been ‘reality-punched?’ That’s the stupidest @#%* thing I’ve ever heard of .” ”It always amuses me how people so ready to do the Devil’s work fall into asking for God’s help when things don’t play out as planned ” ” It’s hard to confront the deep truths about ourselves. Naturally you flee them at first  ” » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Personality 】 Dr. Sofen defines herself by her intelligence. And she is defined by a bitter, vengeful desire for social revenge and showing the world who’s the boss and who’s the bitch. She’s a user and a predator, desiring to be as independent and high-status as possible, through both money and influence.Sofen is proud of having neither morals nor ethics. She sees those as yet another set of constraints that only applies to suckers with a less prodigious IQ than her own. She regrets nothing and stops at nothing. Her only goal is to make it big. She’s greedy, and very open about it.But she is also smart and disciplined enough than it doesn’t constitute an Irrational Attraction in game terms. It was a while before she began to want to change. Or before she admitted it to herself, anyway. She seemed to initially stay with the others for the safety of numbers. The desire to redeem herself was so different from her normal way of being and thinking that it took a long time, and intervention by an alien intelligence, to make her understand that she actually wanted it. She never quite got the being a hero part though. Karla constantly questioned herself about whether she was simply doing what others wanted her to. Her superiority and need for independence make it difficult for her to ask others for help.  She developed a big-sisterly affection for Jolt, and romantic feelings towards Hawkeye, both of which could have influenced her path.Indeed, she worried it was Hawkeye’s influence in particular which had guided her down this path. This doubt may have stopped her being as committed to the relationship as she might otherwise have been. » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Background History 】 Karla grew up in the mansion of a Hollywood producer, the child of a butler. After her father died, her mother worked three jobs to put her daughter through college, and Karla vowed never to end up like her mother, to never put another’s needs before her own. Despite building a successful psychological practice, Karla so disliked being dependent on her patients for income that she entered the super-criminal world as an aide to Doctor Faustus. Learning of Moonstone (Lloyd Bloch), she became his psychologist and manipulated him into rejecting the source of his powers, an extraterrestrial gem of considerable power, which she then absorbed to gain the powers of Moonstone. Karla worked briefly for the Corporation, controlling the Hulk and manipulating General “Thunderbolt” Ross into a nervous breakdown. She continued to pursue greater power, stealing Curt Connors’ Enervator and searching the moon’s surface for further moonstone fragments. First Egghead and then Baron Zemo recruited Moonstone for their Masters of Evil, and she aided each against the Avengers. After the last of these fights, she decided to serve out her prison term and give up her criminal life. However, when Zemo formed a group of villains to masquerade as heroes, he broke Moonstone out of the Vault and she returned to villainy as the Thunderbolt Meteorite. Upon encountering a young victim of Arnim Zola’s genetic manipulations, a youngster by the name of Jolt, Moonstone nudged Zemo into accepting her in the team. She soon became a mother figure to Jolt and used her enthusiasm to create a power-base inside the team, rallying the others behind her. Zemo exposed the true nature of the team, but Moonstone opposed him, followed by MACH-1, Songbird, and Jolt. Zemo had brainwashed the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, but the small team of Thunderbolts, with the help of Iron Man, was able to defeat Zemo and Techno, his ally. After the battle the Thunderbolts had decided to pay for their crimes, but they were unwittingly teleported to an alternate dimension. In this world, known as Kosmos, Moonstone led the team to safety from the Kosmosian army and eventually executed the Kosmosian Primotur to ensure their return to Earth. Inspired by Jolt, she made the Thunderbolts see that it would be preferable to work for their redemption as heroes, rather than to be in jail. After gaining fake identities for the team, she led them away from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Lightning Rods, and she managed to defeat Graviton using her psychological skills, making him see that he did not truly have a goal, that he lacked vision . However, the Thunderbolts disagreed with her, for she merely thought of the present and did not care for the future consequences of her actions. When the former Avenger known as Hawkeye joined the team, claiming they would be pardoned if they followed him, she stepped down as leader and allowed him to get the position. Soon after the Thunderbolts fought the new Masters of Evil, a veritable army of supervillains, and Moonstone decided to betray the team. But something inside of her snapped, and she defeated Crimson Cowl and returned to the team. Weeks after, Graviton returned, having pondered the words of Karla. He took over the city of San Francisco, turning it into an island in the skies. Thunderbolts attempted to stop him, but they were captured. Graviton offered Moonstone a place at his side, as his queen, but she laughed in his face. As the youngest members of the team saved them, Moonstone wondered why she didn’t take Graviton’s offer. During a mission against the Secret Empire, she become romantically involved with Hawkeye. But as time went by, she became haunted by nightmares of an ancient alien warrior woman, who whispered in her thoughts. Soon after, the team was targeted by Scourge, who killed Jolt. The death of the youngster hit Karla deeply. Subsequently, Citizen V asked for help against her own team, the V-Battalion, and the Thunderbolts agreed to do so, engaging the V-Battalion’s operatives in battle. Karla was torn about fighting them, for they were heroes. She released a surge of her powers to stop the fight, making them all intangible, and fled, trying to find out what was wrong with her. Her first stop was Attilan, but the Inhumans were gone. She then searched the Fantastic Four’s computers and found the answer she was looking for. She flew under her own power to the Blue Area of the Moon, where she sought the Kree Supreme Intelligence and demanded the truth. The Supreme Intelligence revealed to her that the fragment she referred to as the “Moonstone” was part of a Kree Lifestone, which used to empower the Guardians of the Galaxy centuries ago. The alien warrior woman that haunted her dreams was the previous owner of the moonstone, whose memory was etched into it, and kept steering Karla into the path of heroism. The Thunderbolts managed to catch up with her, and so did Captain Marvel, who offered her help. Led by Captain Marvel, the Thunderbolts went to Titan, where Mentor and ISAAC attempted to remove the moonstone from Karla’s body. After a serious discussion about Karla’s potential to do good, Mentor allowed her to keep the gem but erased the memory of the previous owner, leaving Karla’s mind, and by consequence, her decisions, to herself. The team returned to Earth, only to find Jolt alive. She exposed Hawkeye, revealing the pardons Hawkeye promised would not be honored. Soon, the Thunderbolts chased Scourge, who was being manipulated by Henry Peter Gyrich. Thunderbolts fought the V-Battalion’s Redeemers but eventually teamed up with them to defeat Gyrich, who was being manipulated as well. Valerie Cooper offered the Thunderbolts pardon for saving the world from her own people, with the condition that they would hang up their heroic identities forever. Karla Sofen was soon contacted by Graviton, who hired her as a tutor. In the following weeks Karla helped Graviton understand and control his powers in ways he had not even dreamed, making him fall in love with her. Graviton soon attacked the Redeemers, slaughtering the team. He also managed to keep many of Earth’s heroes unmoving in the sky, as he lifted hundreds of cities all over the world as well, for he wanted to reshape the face of Earth into a semblance of his face. The Thunderbolts re-formed to stop him, only to find Karla at his side. In the end, she hesitated fighting them and helped them stop Graviton. However, his power imploded, sending most of the Thunderbolts to Counter-Earth. While trapped on Counter-Earth, the Thunderbolts became true heroes at last, rescuing thousands in their flying city, Attilan. Karla was given the task of reshaping the minds of the world’s leaders, creating a new way of thought to ensure the survival of all. Soon after, Karla removed a second moonstone from that world’s Lloyd Bloch (known there as the Phantom Eagle), dramatically increasing her own powers. The Thunderbolts eventually returned to Earth, leaving Jolt and the Young Allies to complete their task of saving Counter-Earth. When the Avengers later interfered in the Thunderbolts’ plan to control the world’s “transnormal energy”, a failsafe was triggered– a device that Karla had planted in her private plot against Zemo. The stolen energy was funneled into her moonstones, further increasing her powers. Karla attempted to use this energy to flee, but the Thunderbolts and Avengers combined forces to stop her. In the end, Zemo ended up in possession of both moonstones and Karla was left comatose. After recovering, Karla reunited with the Thunderbolts first with Zemo then under the leadership of Norman Osborn. Eventually she took the mantle of Ms. Marvel when Osborn created his version of the Avengers. Once that venture failed miserably, after the siege of Asgard, Karla found herself back in the Raft prison, but again she was allowed to participate in the Thunderbolts program now led by Luke Cage. » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Abilities 】 The Moonstone embedded in Karla’s body works through manipulation of gravity, and gives her a large toolbox of powers. She has high level super strength, speed, and durability. She is able to manipulate her density and the density of objects around her, allowing her to become intangible and phase through objects and attacks. She can manipulate gravity directly, using it to bend light (making her invisible), increase the gravitational pull of things around her, absorb energy, and even teleport. She can project beams of light as powerful lasers or simply emit bright light to blind opponents. She is a brilliant psychologist and uses her insight and way with words to get into the minds of her opponents in the middle of fights and effectively manipulate them Along with this ability, Karla also has perfect control over her voice. She can alter her pitch and modulation to varying degrees to literally drive a man crazy, as shown with what she did to Red-Hulk.. She is a skilled fighter and can fly at high speeds. She can generate and alter her costume at will, and can regenerate from wounds at a heightened rate. » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Themes 】 ❦ A Beautiful Lie [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kvd-uquuhI ] ❦ Pray 【https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLwKCdxN9vk 】 » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « [| Admin’s introduction |] [| Hello, I see you’ve stumbled unto this other account of mine, whereby I roleplay as the human mutate who happens to be a hero/ villain  Karla . Karla is an intricate villainous woman who I shall portray to the best of my ability and these are things you can expect to find here |] ~ Things related to the Marvel Universe ~ Quotes and edits on Moonstone ~ Roleplays ~ Admin posts/ shitposting for those moments when I feel so uninspired [[ And these are just some of the things  I wish to lay down  ]] 1) I wish to emphasize  when I’m speaking in character, I shall be using ❝ ❞ and for ooc character interactions , I shall be using [[ ]] or the dashes. 2) I’m a fairly nice person (despite the nature of the character I am rping as) so don’t be afraid to ask me if you wish to rp. My replies varies on how many lines one could reply with or if I’m feeling rather inspired during such moment so don’t worry if you think if your reply is too short or too long. Also if I seem to be taking too long on a rp, it’s either I  forgot or I got busy. 3 ) No starting any sort of  unnecessary drama on my account please for I wish to get along with everyone. With that said, if you have a problem with something I said or posted, don’t be afraid to talk to me about it so we can solve the issue.
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woodworkingpastor · 5 years
Believing the Father, Son, and Spirit John 14:8-17; Romans 12:6-8 Pentecost
Call to Worship
Acts 2:1-4 
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
We gather to worship on this day of Pentecost, remembering the work of the Holy Spirit equipping and sending the disciples into the world to make disciples of all nations.
May the Spirit move among us in our day as it on that first Pentecost, that we might also be sent into the world to make disciples in this generation.
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John 14:8-17 is an interesting passage to me, in part because of how often we encounter the verses that come right before it but stop reading before we get to these verses.  The chapter is part of what is known as Jesus’ “farewell discourse,” words of encouragement he shared with the disciples in the Upper Room just before his betrayal and arrest.  We often hear the first six verses at funerals, in large part because of two verses: “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places” (v. 2) and “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (v. 6).
It’s good to reflect on those promises at funerals, because people’s attention is keenly focused on eternal life. But if we’re not careful, we can fall into the trap of only thinking of eternal life as something that happens next.  But Jesus talks about eternal life as something that happens now, in large part because our real lives—our spiritual lives—are defined in relationship to a Trinitarian God: Father, Son, and Spirit.
Today being Pentecost, it is customary to think about the coming of the Holy Spirit to equip the disciples to fulfill the Great Commission and take the Gospel into all the world.  John 14:8-17 helps us understand how our relationship with God the Father, Son, and Spirit shapes the present reality of our eternal life and our role to play in the Kingdom of God.
The relationship of Jesus to God (John 14:8-10)
We join our passage in the middle of a conversation where the disciple Philip raises a very important question: he wants to know God. Philip has been following Jesus for almost three years now and he really seems ready to get this right.  I find Philip’s question to not be so different from what we’re thinking about at funerals.  We human beings are unique in creation in that we can conceive of life beyond our life. We have questions about morality and ethics and what it means to be human; we sense that life ought to have some larger meaning or purpose to it; we recognize that there might be something beyond all that we can see.
Philip had grown up as a Jew and understood that God had revealed a particular way of living, but who was ultimately unknowable. So he asks Jesus, “show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.”  Jesus’ answer is very simple.  “Look at me.” To understand God, we need look no farther than Jesus.
It’s a remarkably simple answer to what would seem to be a complicated question. Being a Christian is ultimately about being in relationship with Jesus. Everything that we have ever needed to know about God is revealed here, in Jesus, because Jesus is saying and doing the exact things that God the Father has said and done.  We don’t need to make this more complicated than that—if you have questions about God and what God’s role for your life is, just look at Jesus and begin doing those things, because Jesus has come to show us the way to eternal life.
Equipped for ministry (vv. 11-14)
But that’s not the end of the story because, again, for those of us in Christ, eternal life begins now, not later. Through Jesus Christ, we are brought into the family of God to participate in the activities of the family. The things that God was doing in and through Jesus to bring about the reconciliation of people to God and people with people are all things that you and I should expect to do as followers of Jesus.
I want to illustrate this with a question: “Do you believe Jesus?”  Now notice carefully that I’m not asking, “Do you believe in Jesus?” but, “Do you believe Jesus—especially when he says ‘Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and, in fact, will do greater works than these’”?
Before you answer that, imagine a few scenarios. Imagine that someone came to the church and was baptized, then
began thinking about their faith in light of the fact that we collect an offering each week and said, “I want to honor Jesus and my commitment to this congregation with my money, but I don’t know where to start.”  Would there be one among us would say, “I can help with that” and would be willing to sit down with them and show them a few things to do, based out of your own experience of financial sharing?
got into a bitter disagreement with someone else, and said, “As believers, this can’t be.”  Would there be one among us who could say, “You know, I’ve learned a few things about following Jesus that could help bring reconciliation here; I can help with this” and would then be willing to sit down and listen to the both sides and bring reconciliation?
I raise these questions because over the course of 20 years of ministry, I have heard people who have been members of the church a long time say that they don’t feel they are a spiritual role model for anyone. Or they see someone else act in a way that is embarrassing to the church and they say, “It’s not my place to get involved.”  I want you to stop and think about that for a moment.  What are we saying when we’ve been in church most every Sunday for our lives, but don’t believe we’ve matured in our faith enough to actually take Jesus at his word and do “greater works than these”?
Ministry sustained by the Spirit (vv. 15-17)
Jesus makes clear what is a significant New Testament point: our relationship with Jesus is validated in the ways we do what Jesus says; and, in fact, if we want to know God, it will be as we invest ourselves in the reconciling work as Jesus and see what God will do in our midst. The women’s fellowship in the DR congregation learned something about God, didn’t they?!  We can claim that we believe in Jesus all we want; but if that belief isn’t demonstrated in our transformed lives, then our statement of faith is invalidated.
We are not left alone in this life. Pentecost is a celebration of the Holy Spirit’s arrival to equip us for these works; to give us the things we need to do what we’ve been called to do.  The Greek word naming the Spirit in John 14:16 is parakletos.  It’s a name with a wide range of meaning.  We often see it translated as “Paraclete,” which isn’t so very helpful to us. Sometimes we see “Counselor” or “Advocate.”  The Greek word means one who exhorts and encourages; who comforts and consoles; one upon whom we can call for help; one who makes an appeal on our behalf.  
Paul describes what the activity of the Holy Spirit looks like in Romans 12:6-8. God’s grace is given to us through the Holy Spirit through certain gifts.  There are a number of New Testament passages that describe spiritual gifts; here Paul lists:
prophecy—inspired speech which connects the will of God to specific circumstances in our lives.  Sometimes a prophetic word is hard to hear because it challenges us in our comfort zones.
ministry—can be understood as acts of service to meet a particular need in someone’s life; helping someone through a difficult emotional or spiritual or financial time.
teaching—interpreting God’s word for people.
exhorter—someone who brings great encouragement to people in difficult times.  What an exciting, fun-sounding gift!
giving—contributing both in financial and other material or spiritual ways.
leader—a member who sees the bigger picture of congregational needs and mobilizes people to act upon them.
compassion—the Greek is literally “one who cares with zest.”  That person who is especially perceptive of the suffering and struggles of others and comes along side.
These gifts are for all of us, and they answer the question of what doing the works of Jesus looks like.  When we take seriously that eternal life isn’t just for later, it is for now, and if we are resolved in our minds that we do more than believe in Jesus, but we actually believe Jesus, then we can begin to open up our thinking to the idea that we do have something to offer one another; we can be examples of faithful discipleship to others, because we have been filled with the Spirit to do so.
And lest we think otherwise, we do well to remember that no church is made up of perfect people.  We can be humble; we can repent of the need to rush into to situations as if we have all the answers.  But we do well to remember that the church is made up of Spirit-filled, dedicated people who have accepted our place in God’s family.
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itsjustkp007 · 8 years
Trump Rant/Plea #1
I try to not be too political on social media in general, and I try to hold my tongue. I try to hope for the best. I try to be optimistic. I try so hard to not let things that I cannot change not bother me, but the last 5 days have gotten so out of hand and I am so disappointed that I find myself needing to say something. I want to give the new President the benefit of the doubt. I am trying to so badly, and you have no idea how much I want to be proven wrong or told that the media is villainizing him, but...it’s not. By signing for those pipelines, by signing for the reversal decision of Roe v. Wade, by making decisions without even consulting the people for guidance, I would feel that the Founding Fathers would be disappointed if I didn’t say something. I know that America has a controversial past (to say the least) and I know that we’re nowhere near perfect, but we were founded by standing up for our beliefs, for seeking opportunity in a new world (wasn’t ours, but that’s a whole other issue), and for fighting for what we believed was right. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence is one of the first documents where we established, as a country, what every person in the United States should be guaranteed. Abraham Lincoln stated that the country should be of the people, by the people, for the people. JFK stated that we should ask not what our country could do for us, but what we could do for our country. Despite any mistakes we made, despite our disagreements, despite everything that we have faced, there was this underlying belief that we are in this together, as cheesy as it sounds. Trump has made it clear that we’re not a united front anymore; we are more divided than ever, and that’s how he wants it. This isn’t just a critique anymore; this is what I have gathered from his actions over the last five days. I have disagreed with Presidents before, and I will disagree with all Presidents at some point, but I was at least heard.
I know that long text posts aren’t a lot of people’s “thing,” and I’m sorry. I have a Tumblr to share the things that I enjoy, share the random thoughts that I have, and whatever else comes to mind. I don’t claim to be a certain type of blog because I want to have the freedom to post what I want. If someone reads it, great. If someone ignores it, that’s fine, too. I just want to have an outlet where I can be whatever version of myself that I want. Yes, I’m a fangirl of a lot of things. Yes, I’m a book nerd. Yes, I watch way too much YouTube. Yes, I am very passionate about a lot of things, but I learn from what I post here. I learn from seeing others’ opinions. I love sharing similar likes and dislikes with people over the Internet, but I also love being real. I want to be real about my emotions and not hide in fear. I want to share my worries and concerns. I do it rarely because I prefer to be positive, but hey, if it makes one person feel validated, then I’m happy. No regrets. Anyway, now that that “disclaimer” is out of the way, here’s what I posted on Twitter (seeing as that’s where the President goes for opinions).
My Tweets: “1) I usually try to not be bothered by the things that I cannot change, and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but... 2) ...I cannot accept Trump’s behavior. I cannot accept his total disregard for humanity as a whole. I cannot accept his inability to listen. 3) We are a country made of the people, by the people, for the people, and he used his power for his own personal gain and to boost his ego. 4) I know that America isn’t perfect. I know that we have our problems, but I love my country, and I hate seeing my fears become reality. 5) I know God is in control and I know that I can trust Him, but how can I feel peace when the POTUS is going against what America stood for? 6) I get that America has a controversial past; who doesn’t? I can forgive and forget. Not every POTUS before him was perfect, but they tried. 7) At least if I disagreed before with a President, they explained their thought process towards why they made that decision... 8) ...I think I’m just disappointed that everything I was worried about with Trump has happened, and it’s only been 5 days. 9) I have never wanted to be proven wrong so badly in my life, and my worst fears became reality. I may sound bitter, but that’s because I am.”
Granted, I meant my worst fears of Trump being POTUS, but you get the gist of it. I want to be wrong about Trump. I want him to do a good job, and I want him to change his ways and do the best that he can. But actions speak louder than words. He has made it clear to me who he is looking out for, and I know it’s not me. It’s not Democrats. It’s not Republicans. He’s not looking out for anyone but Donald John Trump. Out of all of the hate that his family has received, he has only responded to those who oppose him. He has not stood up for his wife. He has not stood up for his son. He has only taken the hate thrown at him and delivered hate back. Donald Trump has fought fire with fire. He has no problem trying to defend himself and bring people down with him, but he has failed as a husband and a father. If I was married or had children and I saw someone talking shit about my family, you better believe they will hear back from me. I defend my loved ones. Honestly, I would be more likely to respond to hate towards my family rather than hate towards me. It’s not because I won’t defend myself; it’s because I don’t have time for comments about me from strangers that will not help me grow as a person. If Trump won’t defend his family, what makes anyone think he’ll defend us? If Trump won’t fight for his family, what makes anyone think he’ll fight for us? This is why I did not vote for him. It was not just because I disagreed with him, and it had nothing to do with his political party. It had everything to do with the fact that he has failed to show love and compassion to his family. I can’t expect someone to love and support my country and its people when they can’t even love and support their loved ones.
The parenting in my house was 50/50. My parents were, and still are, a team. They’re not perfect, but they always had my best interests at heart. My dad worked 7 PM-7AM for the first 14 years of my life, and he was still as involved in my life as he could be. He’d skip a nap to pick me up from school if I was sick. Whenever he got the chance, he would tuck me in at night, read me a story, goof off with me, and tell me to have sweet dreams before I fell asleep. If I had a nightmare, he would get up and check under my bed for monsters or stay in my room as my pretend bodyguard and protect me from any evils until I went back to sleep. My dad was busy and he did work a lot, but I could count on him. He worked hard to provide for me, but he also made me feel loved and protected. When was the last time Trump helped Barron with his homework? Did he ever take his kids to the park to play because he knew how much they loved it there? Did Trump ever spend time with his kids one-on-one? How many times did he attend a sports game, a dance recital, or anything that his kids were in to show how proud he was of them? These are legitimate, not rhetorical questions, and I don’t ask them to make him look like a non-existent father or to make him feel bad. I ask them because...I’m worried that he didn’t make an effort. If you can’t spend time with your kids, help with the kids, or even try to get to know your kids, that is lazy to me. I don’t remember my father ever saying he was too busy for me. I realize that I’m lucky to have two loving and supportive parents, and I get that my father was never as busy as Trump is/was, but I don’t understand how Trump doesn’t seem to think about his family for a second. How can I expect him to serve our country as President and make decisions for the benefit of our country if he doesn’t even think about what would benefit his loved ones? I hope that these observations are proven false and I really hope that I am wrong about Trump only caring about himself, but I’m not holding my breath. I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago.
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loycereiber · 6 years
Attestation Clause in a Will
I’m going to share a very important part of estate planning law in this post.
The act of witnessing an instrument of writing, like a Will, at the request of the party making the Will, is done in the attestation clause section of the Will. The validity and form of an attestation clause is usually a matter of U.S. state law, and can vary from state to state. The attestation clause in a Will is essential. Utah Estates, Powers and Trusts Law Section 3-2.1 provides the requirements for the signing and witnessing of a Will.  The statute has a number of provisions which include the requirement that the Will be in writing and signed at the end. A Utah attestation clause lawyer can guide you through these requirements.
The statute further provides that there must be at least two attesting witnesses and that any writing that is placed on the Will following the testator’s signature, other than the witness attestation, is not to be given any effect.  Another requirement of the statute is that the testator declare to the witnesses that the paper he is signing is his Will.
The preparation and execution of a Last Will may seem rather routine.  However, the provisions of the Will providing for dispositions to beneficiaries as well as the inclusions of significant statutory provisions such as the attestation clause allow a smooth and efficient probate and estate settlement process.  Without proper language and terms a Will may be subject to a Will Contest and invalidated.
A Will must be drafted and executed properly to be effective. I’ve seen poorly written wills and trusts alot as an estate lawyer in Utah. It is most important that the Will be worded in clear, unambiguous language. As noted, one clause that should always be inserted in a Will is the attestation clause (the part of the will that deals with the witnessing of the testator’s signature).  An attestation clause lawyer in Utah can advise you on drafting it. Utah requires that there be witnesses to a Will and that certain formalities of signing be followed.  The attestation clause in a Will provides that these requirements were adhered to. Sometimes the witnesses to the Will are dead or have moved. In either case, there may be great difficulties in obtaining probate if there is no attestation clause. The attestation clause of the Will, while not complicated, is important.
Although the statute only requires that there be two witnesses, it is common for New York Will Lawyers to have three persons act as attesting witnesses.  The witnesses should be disinterested and not receive any benefit under the Will.  At the time the Will is executed the witnesses usually also sign an affidavit which sets forth the basic elements regarding their witnessing of the Will such as the testator was over 18 years of age and that they saw the testator sign the Will and that all the witnesses were present when the testator and witnesses signed.  This paper is called a self-proving affidavit and is attached at the end of the Will and helps expedite the probate of the Will.
Free Consultation with a Will Lawyer
If you are here, you probably have an estate issue you need help with, call Ascent Law for your free estate law consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
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advertphoto · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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lewispascual · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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aretia · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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michaeljames1221 · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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loreneweiner · 7 years
Divorce Attorney Orem UT
Divorce is no laughing matter. But over the years, divorce lawyers have seen many television comedies that center around this sensitive topic, including “Reba”, “Cougar Town”, “The New Adventures of Christine”. But a new HBO comedy is now taking divorce to a new direction. The show, appropriately named “Divorce”, stars Sarah Jessica Parker and is being hyped as a comedy. But if you have watched the show, there is hardly anything funny. However, that does not mean Divorce is a bad show. It does manage to effectively capture the hurtful, spiteful and painful emotions countless couples in Salt Lake City go through on a regular basis.
What makes divorce a powerful show is its ability to reach people who have or have not gone through divorce. Parker portrays Frances, a scatterbrained woman who is involved in an unhappy marriage and begins to evaluate her life. Like many people who have gone through divorce, Frances quickly discovers that making a clean break is not always easy. Parker’s character is a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband Robert, played by actor Thomas Haden Church. She decides to have an affair with a man, who lacks any semblance of intellect. But at the same time, she has not taken any steps to end her marriage. She then changes her mind after her friend Diane, played by Molly Shannon, decides to pull out a gun during her 50th birthday party. From that point, Frances begins the long process of painful moments that many divorced people experience.
The show Divorce has plenty of awkward moments. At times, they can seem funny–especially to those who have never experienced divorce at any level. But make no mistake, this is not a comedy. Instead, When watching divorce for the first time, many viewers may begin to get the impression Frances is an extension of Carrie Bradshaw, the character played by Parker in the longtime HBO series “Sex in the City”. However, Parker has repeatedly insisted Frances is distinct from any character she has ever portrayed.
Whether you are going through a divorce in Salt Lake City or have already been through the process, the television show can sometimes be a bitter reminder. Frances and Robert have two teenage children, Lila and Tom. Like children of divorce in real life, they also find themselves caught in the middle of their parent’s bitter breakup. The truth is divorce does not just affect the couple. It has ramifications on just about every meaningful person in their life–whether it is your family, friends or business associates.
Many people watch television and movies to escape from real life problems. But there are times when art truly does imitate life. Divorce is one of those shows that entertains and yet makes us realize the seriousness, pain and anguish countless couples face. If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Salt Lake City, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney that can effectively help evaluate your situation and explain your legal options.
It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on men and women. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. As high as these figures are, what is also true is that the divorce rate appears to be dropping. The reasons for this change are not clear. Many people cannot afford to divorce, many people cannot afford to marry. Another reason is that “baby boomers,” who account for a large proportion of our population are no longer in their 20s and 30s, the ages when divorce is most prevalent. The societal expectation is that divorced life is less satisfying than married life. Divorce is associated with an increase in depression–people experience loss of partner, hopes and dreams, and lifestyle. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend: the same resources must now support almost twice the expenses. Fifty percent of all children are children of divorce. Twenty-eight percent of all children are born of never married parents. Divorce is expensive. Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) resources are drained by the needs of divorced and single parent families; including the cost of collecting child support.
Women initiate divorce twice as often as men
90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children (even if they did not receive it in court)
60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children
Single mothers support up to four children on an average after-tax annual income of $12,200
65% divorced mothers receive no child support (figure based on all children who could be eligible, including never-married parents, when fathers have custody, and parents without court orders); 75% receive court-ordered child support (and rising since inception of uniform child support guidelines, mandatory garnishment and license renewal suspension)
After divorce, women experience less stress and better adjustment in general than do men. The reasons for this are that (1) women are more likely to notice marital problems and to feel relief when such problems end, (2) women are more likely than men to rely on social support systems and help from others, and (3) women are more likely to experience an increase in self-esteem when they divorce and add new roles to their lives.
Women who work and place their children in child care experience a greater stigma than men in the same position. Men in the same position often attract support and compassion.
Men are usually confronted with greater emotional adjustment problems than women. The reasons for this are related to the loss of intimacy, the loss of social connection, reduced finances, and the common interruption of the parental role.
Men remarry more quickly than women.
As compared to “deadbeat dads,” men who have shared parenting (joint legal custody), ample time with their children, and an understanding of and direct responsibility for activities and expenses of children stay involved in their children’s lives and are in greater compliance with child support obligations. There is also a greater satisfaction withchild support amount when negotiated in mediation. Budgets are prepared, and responsibility divided in a way that parents understand.
Men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-attorney-orem-ut/
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BLACK FIGHTING FORMATIONS: Simultaneous Multi-Dimensionality Part 1
(graphics version here)
“We all are Americans. But the thing is, to the extent that national oppression has been lifted on all of us - that’s not true. Now if they can raise up people, just like that could raise up Chiang Kai-Shek or somebody, who's’ a straight-out comprador, no connection to you at all - they can come out of the ghetto, they can come out of the suburbs, but they have no connection to the people whom they feign to represent. We've always had those folks. But now it's building up into a class. You can actually see that we have a comprador class, a comprador bourgeoisie, a comprador petty bourgeoisie - people who represent imperialism. They might look like us, they might look like whatever they want to look like. They can be anything.” “Home Rules: An Interview with Amiri Baraka: by Van Gosse “Radical History Review: Transnational Black Studies,” Fall 2003.
The history of Black people, of African people, is an ancient one. Meticulous has been the work of Senegalese historian Cheikh Anta Diop. (“Cheikh” was his title, as in elder, noble, or knight, in the British since. Remember that the knights of Europe took their inspiration and skills from the Moorish sheiks.) Cheikh Anta Diop, born in 1923, was meticulous in his explication of the Negro origins of the formations of civilization in Alkebulan, or the Land of the Blacks, in the original indigenous Arabic language. Here is great video on Dr. Diop’s expertise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl7FKb4NPiI
The African Origin of Civilization: Myth Or Reality is not only a document that I believe everyone should own, as well as comparable literature, but it is the grounding reference necessary for my discussion on Music, black fighting formations, and the interpretations of signs I designate as simultaneous multi-dimensionality. In the Preface to my dog-eared version, Cheikh Diop writes, a year to the month after my birth, that he “felt that Africa should mobilize all its energy to help the movement turn the tide of repression.” Starting his research in 1946, he, for the English translation in 1973, declares that what interests him most in the meaning of his work is to “see the formation of teams, not of passive readers, but of honest, bold research workers allergic to complacency and busy substantiating and exploring ideas expressed in (this) our work. He, then, weaponizes a body of knowledge with ten bullet points of historical armament to protect the treasure of Africa’s past, present & future and broadcast revolutionary action. He declared:
Ancient Egypt was a Negro civilization.
Anthropologically and culturally speaking, the Semitic world was born during protohistoric times form the mixture of white-skinned and black-skinned people in western Asia. 
The triumph of monogenetic (or, descendent of a single origin) thesis of humanity compels one to admit that all races descended from the Black race. 
(1) The necessity to demonstrate possibility of writing a history of Black Africa free of mere chronology of events; and, (2) define the laws governing the evolution of African sociopolitical structures, in order to explain the direction that historical evolution has taken in Black Africa, therefore, to try to dominate and master that historical process by knowledge, rather than submit to it.
The necessity to define the image of a modern Africa reconciled with its past and preparing for its future.
That once the perspective accepted by official science have been reversed the history of humanity will become clear and the history of Africa can be written. (O)nly a loyal, determined struggle to destroy cultural aggression and bring out the truth, whatever it may be, is revolutionary and consonant with real progress; it is the only approach which opens on the universal. Humanitarian declarations are not called for and add nothing to real progress. 
(In 1955, the time of publishing) How does it happen that all modern Black literature has remained minor, in the sense that no Negro African author artist, to my knowledge, has yet posed the problem of man’s fate, the major theme in human letters?
In The Cultural Unity of Black Africa: The Domains of Patriarchy and of Matriarchy in Classical Antiquity, (he and his colleagues) tried to pinpoint the features common to Negro African civilization. (I have just obtained this book and am tempted to read it through before for finishing this essay, instead I will offer but a glimpse. The work argues that “the profound cultural unity of Africa is the history of African matriarchy….The result is a blueprint for a comprehensive African social history.” I have seen this book priced from $850 to $2000. I have electronic copy of this book, available upon request.)
In the second part of Nations Nègres et Culture, we demonstrated that African languages could express philosophic and scientific thought (mathematics, physics, and so forth) and that African culture will not be taken seriously until their utilization in education becomes a reality. (In Nations Nègres , Dr Diop translates a page of Einstein's Theory of Relativity in to Wolof, the principal language of Senegal.)
I am delighted to learn that one idea proposed in Afrique Noire Precoloniale -  the possibilities of pre-Colombian relations between Africa and America - has been taken up by an American scholar(s).
European Fighting Formations: An Origin of Bullshit!
“Origin of Negro Slavery,” Capitalism & Slavery by Eric Williams
“When in 1492 Columbus, representing the Spanish monarchy, discovered the New Word, he set in train the long and bitter international rivalry over colonial possession from which, after four and a half centuries, no solution has yet been found. Portugal, which had initiated the movement of international expansion, claimed the new territories on the ground that they fell within the scope of a papal bull (charter) of 1455 authorizing her to reduce to servitude all infidel peoples. The two powers, to avoid,controversy, sought arbitration and, as Catholics, turned to the Pope - a natural and logical step in an age when the universal claims of the Papacy were still unchallenged by individuals and governments. After carefully sifting the rival claims, the Pope issued in 1493 a series of papal bulls which established a line of demarcation between the colonial possession of the two states:  the EAst went to Portugal and the West to Spain. The partition, however, failed to satisfy Portuguese aspirations and the in the subsequent year the contending parties reached a more satisfactory compromise in the Treaty of Tordesillas, which rectified the papal judgement to permit Portuguese ownership of Brazil.”
Underground Railroad Terminology
The fugitive slave escape network of pre-Civil War times existed for many years before people began calling it the Underground Railroad. By the year 1804, long before any railroads were built in America, there were people in the Philadelphia area as well as in other parts of the North who were actively helping fugitive slaves escape from their Southern masters. By the 1830s , when railroads began to appear in the United States, the complex system for helping fugitive slaves was so well developed the unhappy slave owners talked bou thow slave disappeared as if they had taken a ride on an underground railroad (the railroad bing the newest technical marvel of the day).
Those helping slaves escape to freedom quickly adopted the term as their own and began referring themselves and the roles they played in helping slaves escape by using railroad terms such as:
Station - any place where a fugitive slave could spend the night, find a meal, or get instructions, advice, and help for the next part of the journey.
Station Master - anyone who ran a station, often called a safe house.
Ticket Agent - the person who made first contact with a fugitive and brought him into the system.
Conductor - could refer to someone who organized a link of the Underground Railroad or to someone who accompanied an escaped slave or group of escapees along a stretch of the escape route.
Passengers - the fugitive slave who bought a ride on the Underground Railroad.
Tracks - trails and routes followed by escaping slaves.
An underground is only possible if (1) there is a segment of the population that sympathizes with those who want to flee and, among that group, a few who are willing to risk their property and lives to help others find freedom; (2) the general population must have a degree of freedom that makes it possible to evade the law with some hope of success; and, (3) those who will be passengers must either have avoided capture, or have succeeded in escaping from capture.
Visual Culture of the Underground Railroad
Tactical media refers to the use arts practices and temporary forms of cultural and political intervention, such as culture jamming and guerrilla communication. Historians believe quilts were made visible by station masters or other alles by being hung out to “dry.” The images themselves have were apart of the visual culture of everyday life and, thus, inconspicuous. Ticket agents, conductors, or passenger-turned-conductors would often sneak back “behind enemy lines” to educate would-be passengers on the visual nomenclature of this self-emancipatory project. They might carry something with looks like this image to your right.
Monkey Wrench: Prepare the tools you’ll need for the long journey, including mental and spiritual tools.
Wagon Wheel: Load the wagon or prepare to board the wagon to begin the escape.
Bear’s Paw: Take a mountain trail, out of view. Follow the path made by bear tracks; they can lead you to water and food.
Crossroads: Refers to Cleveland, Ohio, a destination offering several routes to freedom. It also signifies reaching a point where a person’s life will change, so one must be willing to go on.
Log Cabin: A secret symbol that could be drawn on the ground indicating that a person is safe to talk to. It also advises seeking shelter.
Shoo Fly: Possibly identifies a friendly guide who is nearby and can help.
Bow Tied: Dress in disguise, or put on a change of clothes. Fugitives could be easily identified by their tattered attire by slave catchers.
Flying Geese: Points to a direction to follow, such as where geese would fly during spring migration.
Drunkard’s Path: Create a zigzag path, do not walk in a straight line, to avoid pursuers in the area.
Tumbling Boxes: A symbol indicating it was time for slaves to pack up and go, that a conductor was in the area.
Star: Follow the North Star. Worked in conjunction with the popular song, “Follow the Drinking Gourd,” a reference to the Big Dipper constellation.
To quote quilt historian Xenia Cord, "Quilt research and quilt history often rely heavily on the oral anecdotes and oral memories of quilters, stories that link women with common interests to a body of shared information. This information, strongly buttressed by written memoirs, documented sources, pictures, tangible artifacts, and previously published research allows the historian to contribute to the body of knowledge that is American quilt history."
Thank you for reading. Part 2 is forthcoming. 
Marshall R. Trammell/Music Research Strategies, May 12, 2017 ©.
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