#I just wish that he stopped signing bills like autographs and tweeting
itsjustkp007 · 8 years
Trump Rant/Plea #1
I try to not be too political on social media in general, and I try to hold my tongue. I try to hope for the best. I try to be optimistic. I try so hard to not let things that I cannot change not bother me, but the last 5 days have gotten so out of hand and I am so disappointed that I find myself needing to say something. I want to give the new President the benefit of the doubt. I am trying to so badly, and you have no idea how much I want to be proven wrong or told that the media is villainizing him, but...it’s not. By signing for those pipelines, by signing for the reversal decision of Roe v. Wade, by making decisions without even consulting the people for guidance, I would feel that the Founding Fathers would be disappointed if I didn’t say something. I know that America has a controversial past (to say the least) and I know that we’re nowhere near perfect, but we were founded by standing up for our beliefs, for seeking opportunity in a new world (wasn’t ours, but that’s a whole other issue), and for fighting for what we believed was right. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence is one of the first documents where we established, as a country, what every person in the United States should be guaranteed. Abraham Lincoln stated that the country should be of the people, by the people, for the people. JFK stated that we should ask not what our country could do for us, but what we could do for our country. Despite any mistakes we made, despite our disagreements, despite everything that we have faced, there was this underlying belief that we are in this together, as cheesy as it sounds. Trump has made it clear that we’re not a united front anymore; we are more divided than ever, and that’s how he wants it. This isn’t just a critique anymore; this is what I have gathered from his actions over the last five days. I have disagreed with Presidents before, and I will disagree with all Presidents at some point, but I was at least heard.
I know that long text posts aren’t a lot of people’s “thing,” and I’m sorry. I have a Tumblr to share the things that I enjoy, share the random thoughts that I have, and whatever else comes to mind. I don’t claim to be a certain type of blog because I want to have the freedom to post what I want. If someone reads it, great. If someone ignores it, that’s fine, too. I just want to have an outlet where I can be whatever version of myself that I want. Yes, I’m a fangirl of a lot of things. Yes, I’m a book nerd. Yes, I watch way too much YouTube. Yes, I am very passionate about a lot of things, but I learn from what I post here. I learn from seeing others’ opinions. I love sharing similar likes and dislikes with people over the Internet, but I also love being real. I want to be real about my emotions and not hide in fear. I want to share my worries and concerns. I do it rarely because I prefer to be positive, but hey, if it makes one person feel validated, then I’m happy. No regrets. Anyway, now that that “disclaimer” is out of the way, here’s what I posted on Twitter (seeing as that’s where the President goes for opinions).
My Tweets: “1) I usually try to not be bothered by the things that I cannot change, and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but... 2) ...I cannot accept Trump’s behavior. I cannot accept his total disregard for humanity as a whole. I cannot accept his inability to listen. 3) We are a country made of the people, by the people, for the people, and he used his power for his own personal gain and to boost his ego. 4) I know that America isn’t perfect. I know that we have our problems, but I love my country, and I hate seeing my fears become reality. 5) I know God is in control and I know that I can trust Him, but how can I feel peace when the POTUS is going against what America stood for? 6) I get that America has a controversial past; who doesn’t? I can forgive and forget. Not every POTUS before him was perfect, but they tried. 7) At least if I disagreed before with a President, they explained their thought process towards why they made that decision... 8) ...I think I’m just disappointed that everything I was worried about with Trump has happened, and it’s only been 5 days. 9) I have never wanted to be proven wrong so badly in my life, and my worst fears became reality. I may sound bitter, but that’s because I am.”
Granted, I meant my worst fears of Trump being POTUS, but you get the gist of it. I want to be wrong about Trump. I want him to do a good job, and I want him to change his ways and do the best that he can. But actions speak louder than words. He has made it clear to me who he is looking out for, and I know it’s not me. It’s not Democrats. It’s not Republicans. He’s not looking out for anyone but Donald John Trump. Out of all of the hate that his family has received, he has only responded to those who oppose him. He has not stood up for his wife. He has not stood up for his son. He has only taken the hate thrown at him and delivered hate back. Donald Trump has fought fire with fire. He has no problem trying to defend himself and bring people down with him, but he has failed as a husband and a father. If I was married or had children and I saw someone talking shit about my family, you better believe they will hear back from me. I defend my loved ones. Honestly, I would be more likely to respond to hate towards my family rather than hate towards me. It’s not because I won’t defend myself; it’s because I don’t have time for comments about me from strangers that will not help me grow as a person. If Trump won’t defend his family, what makes anyone think he’ll defend us? If Trump won’t fight for his family, what makes anyone think he’ll fight for us? This is why I did not vote for him. It was not just because I disagreed with him, and it had nothing to do with his political party. It had everything to do with the fact that he has failed to show love and compassion to his family. I can’t expect someone to love and support my country and its people when they can’t even love and support their loved ones.
The parenting in my house was 50/50. My parents were, and still are, a team. They’re not perfect, but they always had my best interests at heart. My dad worked 7 PM-7AM for the first 14 years of my life, and he was still as involved in my life as he could be. He’d skip a nap to pick me up from school if I was sick. Whenever he got the chance, he would tuck me in at night, read me a story, goof off with me, and tell me to have sweet dreams before I fell asleep. If I had a nightmare, he would get up and check under my bed for monsters or stay in my room as my pretend bodyguard and protect me from any evils until I went back to sleep. My dad was busy and he did work a lot, but I could count on him. He worked hard to provide for me, but he also made me feel loved and protected. When was the last time Trump helped Barron with his homework? Did he ever take his kids to the park to play because he knew how much they loved it there? Did Trump ever spend time with his kids one-on-one? How many times did he attend a sports game, a dance recital, or anything that his kids were in to show how proud he was of them? These are legitimate, not rhetorical questions, and I don’t ask them to make him look like a non-existent father or to make him feel bad. I ask them because...I’m worried that he didn’t make an effort. If you can’t spend time with your kids, help with the kids, or even try to get to know your kids, that is lazy to me. I don’t remember my father ever saying he was too busy for me. I realize that I’m lucky to have two loving and supportive parents, and I get that my father was never as busy as Trump is/was, but I don’t understand how Trump doesn’t seem to think about his family for a second. How can I expect him to serve our country as President and make decisions for the benefit of our country if he doesn’t even think about what would benefit his loved ones? I hope that these observations are proven false and I really hope that I am wrong about Trump only caring about himself, but I’m not holding my breath. I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago.
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chockmatsu · 2 years
IT HAS BEEN AN UTTERLY WILD DAY. for those unaware today (well, yesterday now) was the first day of sakuracon, which ray chase (karamatsu's english voice actor) is a guest at!! and BOY OH BOY. well, to start with, sorry (not sorry) for kara saying my name LOL but dw!! i will definitely make a version that ALL karamatsu girls will enjoy :)
okay so you know how i said i peaked when karamatsu's official english voice actor complimented my art
WELL. I WAS GONNA GO TO THE AUTOGRAPH SESSION FOR SURE TOMORROW, BUT I ACCIDENTALLY FOUND HIS TABLE FOR AUTOGRAPHS AT THE EXHIBITOR'S HALL. and it just so happened that i ended up being second in line for when he came back again. and my god. i put the karamatsu folder i was holding down on the table for a sec cuz i had a lot in my hands and ray sees it and me and instantly says OHH I KNOW YOU!! the person who did the karamatsu art i follow on twitter- the karamatsu superfan! LIKE HE RECOGNIZED ME INSTANTLY EVEN THOUGH I WAS IN COSPLAY?? and asked what i was there for and i said ok first off i gotta get a signed print, and he starts pulling out the print and the assistant starts adding it to the bill and he stops her and says "no no this is a gift" and he signs it with a message to me. and as hes signing he says yeah your video was so good, you're such a talented artist and even an animator!! what other skills do you have? and i was like UHH UHH I DRAW AND ANIMATE AND EDIT VIDEOS AND WRITE SOMETIMES... and he was like WOW you can do everything!! yknow we're always in need of video editors, i might be in contact with you about that later! WHICH LIKE WTF LMAO MY KARA SIMPING LEADING ME TO THIS POINT WTF WTFFFF
then i show him the lines i wanted him to say as karamatsu and ask if its ok that it's 2 sentences. AND HE READS THROUGH IT OUT LOUD AND i just immediately crumple to the floor screaming and hes like oh can i come over around (the table he's sitting at) to do this, and he comes over, and i give him my phone with the lav mic and hes like DAMN you even got the proper mic and all!! asks to see the line again, i try to switch apps on my phone, he sees my home screen wallpaper of me and kara, laughs, and then after looking at the line he records the bideo and its all i can do to not just cry on the spot right there. BUT I NOTICED THAT HE FORGOT TO SAY THE I LOVE YOU PART OF THE LINE, so i had to ask him to do it again and he got it right and i was just so happy so so happy. and afterwards he was like you're amazing can i give you a hug? and OFC I SAY YES AND WE HUGGED AND i was like OH YEAH i will have more stuff for you to sign tomorrow!!! and more money HEH and he said oh yeah yeah, like that art you made with yuichi nakamura right? yeah i saw on twitter it's awesome and im just 😭😭 also as a FINAL spaghetti sperg i was like OH YEAH UMMM i know this might be weird but would it be okay if i made a compilation of all of my hornyposting tweets that you liked and printed it out for you to sign and he laughed and was like hell yeah thats hilarious LMAO
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