#❜ ✞  knowledge is wealth! ( psa )
communistkenobi · 10 months
Hi, you tend to have well-thought-out political opinions (I don't always agree with you, but your reading liveblog were the kick in the ass to make me read Orientalism, and you have managed to change my mind more than once), maybe might have a better answer here than me.
Is there an ideological reason that American (b/c it typically is, god help me) left-of-center types love electoralism so much online (and offline too, tbh. College continues to deal new and fun kinds of psychic damage), but only in the context of the general national elections? I so often receive various extensive breakdowns of reasons that I MUST vote for Biden in 2024, but less about the benefits of, like, getting really invested in my city council elections or the school board.
We have so many freaking elections for goddamn everything because the US/Canada are fuck-off huge that it's super easy to argue for the importance of participating in electoralism and instead I (especially recently) see so many people picking the worst hill to die on, that I really struggle to. Well. Understand why.
I’ll speak mostly to Canada since that’s where most of my formal knowledge comes from and also because I live here lol. Also a lot of what I’m talking about is coming from books I’ve read - Still Renovating by Greg Suttor for example is a pretty in depth history of social policy (primarily housing) in Canada, it’s very dry but is useful for this conversation. This is off the dome and not meant as a PSA or anything, it’s my own perspective, if people want sources for what I’m discussing I can go dig those up, but I’m just putting this disclaimer at the top in case this post leaves my circle.
To answer your question, my instinct is that it’s because north american democracy is increasingly necrotic and disconnected from the general public (with the usual list of caveats about how much liberal capitalist democracies have ever been “for the people”). Reading up on social policy in Canada directly post-WWII is pretty bleak when comparing it to today - social housing used to be a robust part of the housing market, people were paid far better and had far more economic security, our healthcare was freshly socialised and invigorated, the promises of the Keynesian welfare state were generally being met (for a predominantly white middle class electorate, of course), and so on. Even conservatives were basically on board with these things in the 60s, at least in Canada, although that obviously did not last long. And over the decades we have become entrenched in neoliberal cutbacks, the gutting of public institutions, the sale of public space and utilities, the downloading of responsibility for social welfare onto provincial and then municipal governments who have smaller budgets and more limited institutional power, the massive expansion in public-private partnerships, the militarisation of the police - these things really kicked off in the 80s/90s in Canada and have showed little signs of stopping or even really slowing down since (something that also obviously happened in the US). People make the joke that if libraries were suggested as a policy goal today it would be called a communist plot, but it’s true - all of the shit the government offered us forty years ago is unthinkable to even suggest now. Life in general has gotten more difficult as private wealth and deregulation has taken a progressively stronger hold on domestic affairs. This happened slowly over the course of decades, and as political horizons shrunk in terms of what you could expect/demand of your government, there was a real air of this being inevitable, not a result of conscious political decisions but just some organic outcome that no one had control over (“the invisible hand of the market”). Democratic civic responsibility demands we vote as citizens of our country, but for all the reasons outlined above plus a bunch of others I’m sure I’m forgetting, the liberal conception of democratic participation shrunk to the ballot box alone.
And while we all joke about everyone having the historical memory of a goldfish, I think the pandemic made this a deeply dissonant position to hold onto - we saw the government seemingly awake from a long slumber to exercise its might. It placed eviction bans on landlords, enforced mass quarantines and social distancing measures, provided economic relief to people who lost their jobs, stationed itself inside every building and public space to enforce mask mandates, rolled-out universal vaccination programs that were mandatory if you wanted to keep your job - we saw the government flex its power in labour, in housing, in healthcare, in civic life, and at the border in a way previously unheard of, particularly for people who were not alive to experience the welfare state of the 50s and 60s and even 70s. The state revealed itself as the life-structuring force it always had been before receding again, telling everyone to go back to normal as if nothing had happened, as if millions of people had not died in a global plague, as if it had not just demonstrated to everyone in the country that the state can at the drop of a hat order your landlord to stop evicting you and your boss to give you paid time off. This of course didn’t really happen in the US, or at least not nearly to this degree, which resulted in the deaths of over a million people.
So now when politicians perform this same incapacity to do anything, when they trot out hyper-specific policies that might benefit a couple thousand people at most, when they make stupid non-promises and shrink away from even mild forms of social democracy (eg Sanders-style campaign promises), I don’t know how much people buy it. I’m not particularly optimistic about the pandemic radicalising large amounts of people, but I think even if it doesn’t, we saw what happened! And we’ve all seen a million fucking articles about how people don’t want to go to work anymore, about labour shortages, we’ve seen essentially every sector of labour go on some kind of strike in the past two or three years - there is popular organised political participation happening far away from the ballot box, and is only growing in power by the day. Socialism is now a word that exists in the national consciousness, something that was unthinkable even a decade ago. Currently right now we are seeing an international conversation about (and global popular support for) indigenous sovereignty, we are seeing a full-throated articulation of what a LandBack policy would look like, and this comes on the heels of the national Canadian conversation of residential schools and missing and murdered indigenous women. Decolonisation is now a household term. In the case of the US, we are seeing people make the very obvious point that America can conjure billions of dollars to bomb hospitals and civilians, but any social policy to help its own citizens is too expensive, pie in the sky fantasy nonsense.
And by the same token, there is organised right-wing and fascist violence happening in the streets, massive increases in hate crimes, insane political stunts and demonstrations like the Freedom Convoy and 1 Million March 4 Children (inspired by the Capitol Hill storming in the US), Qanon plots to kidnap and execute elected officials - things that right wing parties are actively encouraging, particularly the PPC and CPC. More and more we see that electoral politics is the domain of the far-right, whose culture war issues have the best chance of being realised through the sacred portal of the ballot box. Democrats can’t even offer people legalised abortion now!
I think this is why liberals are in a state of hysteria. A healthy liberal democracy does not require constant, unrelenting reminders to “vote your ass off.” Liberals are very much aware, even unconsciously, that voting does less and less of what they want every single day - you see this openly admitted to by American liberals, who are now doing Hitler % meter calculations about which fascist to vote for come the next federal election. Voting itself is what matters, even as they openly, frantically admit it will do nothing but slightly delay the inevitable.
So to like directly answer your question: I think it has less to do with federal elections as a specific political strategy and more just an expression of anxiety about the fact that voting does not do what you want it to do, or what it once did - perhaps encouraging larger questions if voting does anything at all. If national federal elections don’t do anything, if you voting for the most powerful position on the planet doesn’t really change very much regardless of who’s in power, what is the point of voting at all? So I don’t think they are articulating an actual political strategy or way of doing politics, because by their own admission it’s not going to do much of anything (while at the same time being an existential crisis). I’m in a similar boat to you, I vote in smaller elections where I feel they will do some measure of good (in part because municipalities are responsible for so much more of civic life than they were a few decades ago), I have engaged with the Ontario NDP for several years (although that has come to an end now because of their position on Palestine). Electoralism is a compromise, it is an avenue for potential good, but not always, or even most of the time.
Thankfully there are other avenues for politics - labour organising, protesting, mutual aid support networks, getting involved with community work, even something like local neighbourhood councils. Those are places of political potential, and a single person’s presence in them can make a legitimate noticeable difference (speaking from several years of heavy involvement in community orgs). I have never really felt like I was making a change while voting, but I have felt that way helping community members not get evicted, or offering them free daycare a few times a week, or running programs from lgbtq kids who don’t want to go home after school. Those things legit save peoples’ lives, a lot of them are low stakes relative to their benefit, and they help stave off the alienation and loneliness I know everyone feels. Obviously you run into the same structural problems you would everywhere else, it’s not a paradise by any stretch of the imagination, but they are so many avenues outside of voting that do actually help people around you.
And I think if liberals admit that these actions are more powerful, more effective than voting, they are admitting to themselves that their core beliefs are wrong, that the communists and anarchists are correct and have been correct long before their dumbass was born. They can no longer point to any institution that gives a fuck about them as a defense against left-wing critiques of liberal electoralism. I think that is part of what animates their hysteria, their temper tantrums, their screaming about the only thing to do is do nothing at all. It is a full-throated defense of self-defeat. They are wailing as everything they believe in dies. I’d be pretty upset too if that were me! Luckily I grew out of that when I was like 19
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ozzyscollectiblehub · 23 days
Sports Card Investing: A Modern Guide to Building Wealth in Collectibles
In recent years, sports card investing has seen a resurgence, transforming from a childhood hobby into a serious investment strategy. What was once a pastime for trading cards of favorite athletes has evolved into a lucrative market where collectors and investors alike are seeing significant returns. Whether you’re new to the world of sports cards or a seasoned collector, understanding the dynamics of sports card investing can help you navigate this exciting market and build a profitable portfolio.
The Evolution of Sports Card Investing
Sports cards have been around for over a century, with early examples dating back to the late 1800s. Initially, these cards were simple collectibles, often found in cigarette packs or candy wrappers. Over the years, they grew in popularity, becoming a staple of American culture. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s and 1990s that sports card investing began to gain traction as a potential way to make money.
The modern sports card market has evolved significantly, fueled by a combination of nostalgia, scarcity, and the rise of digital platforms that have made buying, selling, and trading cards easier than ever. The market’s growth has also been driven by high-profile sales of rare cards, some fetching millions of dollars at auction. This has caught the attention of not just collectors but also investors looking for alternative assets to diversify their portfolios.
Why Invest in Sports Cards?
There are several reasons why sports cards have become a popular investment vehicle:
Potential for High Returns: Some sports cards have appreciated dramatically in value, often outpacing traditional investments like stocks and real estate. For example, a 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle card sold for $5.2 million in 2021, demonstrating the potential for significant returns.
Tangible Assets: Unlike stocks or cryptocurrencies, sports cards are physical assets. This tangibility appeals to many investors, especially those who enjoy collecting and holding the items they invest in.
Nostalgia and Passion: For many, sports card investing is not just about the financial returns. It’s also about the passion for sports and the nostalgia of collecting cards. This emotional connection can make the investment experience more enjoyable and rewarding.
Diverse Market: The sports card market is vast and varied, offering opportunities to invest in cards from different sports, eras, and countries. This diversity allows investors to tailor their portfolios to their interests and risk tolerance.
Growing Popularity: The sports card market has seen a surge in popularity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when people sought new hobbies and investments. This growing interest has driven demand and prices for many cards.
Key Factors to Consider in Sports Card Investing
While sports card investing can be profitable, it’s important to approach it with knowledge and caution. Here are some key factors to consider:
Player Performance and Legacy: The value of a sports card is often tied to the performance and legacy of the athlete featured on the card. Investing in cards of legendary players like Michael Jordan, LeBron James, or Tom Brady can be a safer bet, as their legacies are well-established. However, investing in emerging stars can offer higher rewards if they achieve greatness.
Card Condition and Grading: The condition of a sports card is crucial in determining its value. Cards are graded by professional grading companies like PSA (Professional Sports Authenticator), BGS (Beckett Grading Services), and SGC (Sportscard Guaranty Corporation). A card’s grade, usually on a scale from 1 to 10, reflects its condition, with higher grades commanding higher prices. Investing in graded cards can reduce risk, as the grading provides a standardized assessment of the card’s condition.
Rarity and Scarcity: The rarity of a card can significantly impact its value. Limited edition cards, autographed cards, or cards with unique features (such as jersey patches) tend to be more valuable. Additionally, vintage cards, especially those from the pre-1980s era, are often scarcer and can be highly sought after.
Market Trends and Timing: Like any investment, timing is critical in sports card investing. The market can be influenced by various factors, including player achievements, retirement, or even broader economic conditions. Staying informed about market trends and news related to the sports world can help you make better investment decisions.
Diversification: Diversifying your sports card portfolio can help mitigate risk. This can be done by investing in cards from different sports, eras, or price ranges. While it might be tempting to focus on one type of card or athlete, diversification can provide a safety net if certain cards or players underperform.
Popular Types of Sports Cards for Investment
The sports card market offers a variety of cards that cater to different investment strategies. Here are some of the most popular types:
Rookie Cards: Rookie cards are often the most valuable cards for any player, as they represent the first card issued during the athlete’s rookie season. Investing in rookie cards of top athletes can be highly profitable, especially if the player goes on to have a legendary career.
Autographed Cards: Autographed cards are highly prized by collectors and investors alike. These cards often feature a player’s signature, either directly on the card or on a sticker. The rarity of autographed cards, especially those from star athletes, can drive their value significantly.
Insert Cards: Insert cards are special cards that are randomly inserted into packs and often feature unique designs, autographs, or memorabilia. These cards are usually produced in limited quantities, making them highly sought after.
Vintage Cards: Vintage cards, especially those from the pre-1980s era, are considered blue-chip investments in the sports card world. Cards from players like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and Wilt Chamberlain are examples of vintage cards that have seen significant appreciation in value over the years.
Parallel and Refractor Cards: Parallel cards are variations of a base card that differ in color, serial number, or other attributes. Refractor cards, which feature a shiny, reflective surface, are a popular type of parallel. These cards are often rarer than the base version, making them attractive to investors.
How to Get Started with Sports Card Investing
If you’re interested in sports card investing, here are some steps to help you get started:
Research and Education: Start by learning as much as you can about the sports card market. This includes understanding card grading, market trends, and the factors that influence card values. Joining online communities, reading blogs, and watching videos can be valuable resources.
Set a Budget: Determine how much you’re willing to invest in sports cards. Like any investment, it’s important to only invest what you can afford to lose, especially when starting out.
Choose a Focus: Decide whether you want to focus on a specific sport, player, or type of card. Having a focus can help you narrow down your options and make more informed decisions.
Buy from Reputable Sources: When purchasing sports cards, it’s crucial to buy from reputable dealers, auction houses, or online marketplaces like eBay. This reduces the risk of purchasing counterfeit or misrepresented cards.
Consider Graded Cards: Especially when starting out, investing in graded cards can offer more security, as they have been professionally evaluated for authenticity and condition.
Stay Informed: The sports card market is dynamic, and staying informed about player news, market trends, and auction results can help you make timely investment decisions.
The Thrill and Potential of Sports Card Investing
Sports card investing offers a unique blend of passion, nostalgia, and financial potential. Whether you’re drawn to the excitement of finding a rare card, the thrill of investing in a rising star, or the satisfaction of holding a piece of sports history, the sports card market has something to offer.
While it’s not without risks, with the right knowledge and strategy, sports card investing can be a rewarding way to diversify your investment portfolio. As the market continues to grow and evolve, those who stay informed and make smart, informed decisions will find themselves well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities that sports card investing presents. Whether you’re in it for the love of the game or the potential returns, the world of sports card investing is an exciting arena to explore.
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anactualinsomniac · 1 month
TTOI History Nuggets
1.3 - Small Details
The contraption already strung with yellow, blue, and red dyed wool threads, stretching about a wingspan . . . The pattern on a sheet of parchment, indicated with a symbol where she before left off, is with the loom and a thin charcoal pencil. She pulls up a stool, piloting alongside the phantoms of the hands which repeat the pattern, puppeteering the pallets and sticking the pencil through the vacant holes, preventing them from seizing haywire. A pattern of ‘x’s, diamonds, and vine-like interlocking rhombuses spread across the plane, melting the hours of the day.
Everything put into the weaving scene was taught to me through this video and channel by this wonderful woman!
And the braid being woven in the text is supposed to be the same one that was found at the archaeology site mentioned in the video that she is recreating {PSA, I will do this kind of thing often XD}.
She wanders to the cloaks, pinning the dark braid-trimmed one to her side, the fabric scraping her heels, and takes the container next to the basin before stepping outside.
Fun fact: Cloaks were pinned to one side to make it easier to complete tasks or fight. And the length of ones cloak or accessories like braid trim signifies the wealth of the person. {source}
A great shadow overcasts the sunset; and towering her is a night-coated horse. . . . “Nennir!” The Father cries, tossing her over his shoulder and sprinting in the opposite direction.
In this scene, Thórd thinks this is a Nykur, or Nennir, as I chose to use its other name; which is a horse creature that can be spotted near bodies of water that will try to lure its victims onto its back to drown them. However, if you call its name, the creature will retreat and is characterized as dark coloured with backward hooves. {source}
Its gaze follows, the horse morphing into a figure of fiery hair, its scarred lips stretching into a grin as they disappear over the hill.
A depiction of a mythologically accurate Loki 🤌
“Hark back Bjarni Herjólfsson? He docked in Iceland. He’s at our longhouse.”
Bjarni Herjólfsson was the first person, according to the Saga Of The Greenlanders, to discover North America {but actually not really since he only saw it from sea and spread the word once he got to Greenland}. Which happened during one of his trips to Greenland to visit his father. Here, I just decided to make the family and him know each other even tho there is no evidence that they did and in the future, I will be mixing details from accounts of certain events in Sagas.
The parents freeze in fear of coming across as unhonouring.
There is a surprisingly big culture on hospitality in Norse society. {further reading, if you're interested}
“What was there? Grapes? What did you name it?”
One of better known snippets of info abt the early voyages to North America are the Vikings finding grapes. She's basically teasing her knowledge of the future.
“‘Canada’? No—how about the name ‘Kanata’?”
'Kanata' {from the Iroquois word for 'settlement' or 'village'} is the name for Canada given by the French colonizers, but is beginning to to be reclaimed by the Indigenous people of the land. {source}
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daveg65 · 2 months
317 - That's a lot of Apple Services
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Guy Serle, Marty Jencius, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig. Apple’s recent financial performance, new iOS features, and industry trends. Apple reported a record-high quarterly revenue of $85.8 billion. Growth was driven by services. iOS Updates: iOS 17.6: Introduces emergency SOS via satellite expansion. iOS 18.1 Beta: Exclusive iPhone 15 Pro  including:Privacy enhancementsNew call recording and transcription functions Hardware Updates: Personalized spatial audio for AirPods. CarPlay on driving safety and accessibility. Comparison of Apple CarPlay’s popularity to Android Auto.Insights into the future of in-car technology.
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Quarterly Earnings Report today Apple results: Quarterly record, all-time high in Services
This is Tim: Q3 2024 analyst call transcript
Apple's Q3 2024 Earnings Call Takeaways
New Updates iOS 17.6 
Apple Releases iOS 17.6 With Bug Fixes and Security Improvements
iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 are now available, here’s what’s new 
Install iOS 17.6 to protect your iPhone against these 30 vulnerabilities
iOS 17.6 continues Emergency SOS via satellite expansion
Apple releases visionOS 1.3, macOS 14.6, tvOS 17.6, and watchOS 10.6
Apple Releases watchOS 10.6 With Bug Fixes]\
Apple Releases tvOS 17.6 With Bug Fixes 
Apple Releases macOS Sonoma 14.6 With Security Updates 
Beta this week. iOS 18.1 Beta 1 adds Apple Intelligence features Apple Intelligence Now Available in New iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS Sequoia Developer Betas 
Report: Apple Intelligence Delayed to iOS 18.1 in October 
This is every device that will support Apple Intelligence at launch
Here Are All of the Apple Intelligence Features in the iOS 18.1 Developer Beta 
All of the Apple Intelligence Features Not Included in the iOS 18.1 Beta
iOS 18.1 Beta Includes Call Recording and Transcribing 
PSA: Apple Intelligence and macOS installations on external drive
Safari gets Apple Intelligence upgrade in iOS 18.1 with new summarize feature
Apple Intelligence provides detailed privacy reports on user requests
iOS 18 Beta 4 continues
Apple Seeds Updated Fourth Betas of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 to Developers
Apple Releases Second iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 Public Betas
Six New Features iOS 18 Brings to the AirPods Pro
Vision Pro this week. Apple Releases visionOS 1.3
Apple Vision Pro Can Now Be Controlled With Brain-Computer Interface 
Google Maps and Waze Updated With New iPhone and CarPlay Features 
Apple CarPlay Contributes to Higher Vehicle Satisfaction in Latest Survey 
iPhone Driver's Licenses Now Available in Ohio 
Apple Fixes iCloud Private Relay After Extended Outage
Apple Agrees to Follow President Biden's AI Safety Guidelines
Macstock 8 wrapped up for 2024. But you can purchase the digital pass and still see the great talks we had including Dave talking about Apple Services and more. Content should be available in August - September.  Click here for more information: Digital Pass | Macstock Conference & Expo with discounts on previous events. 
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
Marty Jencius, Ph.D., is a professor of counselor education at Kent State University, where he researches, writes, and trains about using technology in teaching and mental health practice. His podcasts include Vision Pro Files, The Tech Savvy Professor and Circular Firing Squad Podcast. Find him at [email protected]  https://thepodtalk.net
Here is our latest Episode!
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princeofgod-2021 · 3 months
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John 1:4
DIVINE ORDER 93: God Seekers 22
Heb 8:5 The priests on earth serve in a temple that is but a copy modeled after the heavenly sanctuary; a shadow of the reality. For WHEN MOSES BEGAN TO CONSTRUCT THE TABERNACLE GOD WARNED HIM AND SAID, “YOU MUST PRECISELY FOLLOW THE PATTERN I REVEALED TO YOU ON MT. SINAI.” TPT
Worship Structure 1
We’re going to talk about the Structure of Worship which God set from beginning, but first, many of us are aware that God’s ways are mysterious, right?
Yet we can all acknowledge that He “stylishly” reveals much of His “ways” to us eventually.
1Co 2:9-10 But as Scripture says: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him." GOD HAS REVEALED THOSE THINGS TO US BY HIS SPIRIT. THE SPIRIT SEARCHES EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD. GW
Okay, so the physical eyes can’t even see these wonderful things but those who love God could be spiritual enough to connect with, and access relevant info about such benefits.
Even so, there are still many mysteries “released” by God for us to ponder over.
Rom 11:33 O how deep is the wealth of the wisdom and knowledge of God! NO ONE IS ABLE TO MAKE DISCOVERY OF HIS DECISIONS, AND HIS WAYS MAY NOT BE SEARCHED OUT. BBE
But if you take God seriously and seek His way, like Moses, He’ll show you much more.
Psa 103:7 He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the sons of Israel. MKJV
Secondly, we must also admit that there are many things God set in ORDER from start.
Isa 46:9-10 REMEMBER THE FORMER THINGS OF OLD: FOR I AM GOD, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING, AND FROM ANCIENT TIMES THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT YET DONE, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: KJV
So now, would it thrill you to know that the Temple Structure that Moses and Solomon built was set right from the beginning?
Do you remember the Holiest Place, Holy Place and Outer Court?
Let us examine the building of it as God laid it out. First, let’s see the obvious.
Heb 9:1-3 THE FIRST PROMISE THAT WAS MADE INCLUDED RULES FOR WORSHIP AND A TENT FOR WORSHIP HERE ON EARTH. The first part of the tent was called THE HOLY PLACE, and a lampstand, a table, and the sacred loaves of bread were kept there. BEHIND THE CURTAIN WAS THE MOST HOLY PLACE. CEV
Take note of “the RULES & TENT for WORSHIP here on Earth”.
These were built, by orders given to Moses, as said in our Main Text (Heb 8:5), but its Typology and Prototype right from the time of Adam and his first set of children in Genesis. Read this:
Gen 2:8 Then the LORD GOD PLANTED A GARDEN IN THE EAST, IN A PLACE NAMED EDEN. He put the man he made in that garden. ERV
You may wonder what the relevance of this is, but I tell you, the Garden of Eden represents the Holiest Place, where “sinless Man” could dwell and relate with God.
You must know also that the “Temple Worship” was not instituted until Man fell.
The garden was meant to be the only place to relate with us because it represents where God dwells.
Eze 47:1 Then the man took me back to the door of the temple. I saw water flowing from under the entrance of the temple toward the east. (THE TEMPLE FACED EAST.) The water was flowing under the south side of the temple, south of the altar. GW
Many references places the Temple of the Lord at, or towards the East. It is an allegory to the point of the rising Sun, as God is the Light of every living and created thing.
Rev 21:23 The city has no need for the sun or moon to shine, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. TPT
After Man fell and became “less Holy”, God set up the “Holy Place” outside and near Eden.
Gen 4:16 So Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and lived in the land of Nod, EAST OF EDEN. NET
This is too voluminous to tackle now, so we would continue next lesson.
May God establish in our hearts, the order of Divine Worship commendable to Himself, IN JESUS NAME.
See you on Friday, as we proceed with this Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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openteqsolutions · 5 months
OpenTeQ - Unleashing the Potential of NetSuite Development Company
The journey into the realm of NetSuite Development unveils a transformative pathway for businesses seeking to optimize their operations. NetSuite, as a unified business management suite, encompasses ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), PSA (Professional Services Automation), and e-commerce capabilities. This integration offers a seamless flow of information across various departments, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity. The role of a NetSuite Development Company in this scenario is to tailor these solutions to fit the unique needs of a business, ensuring that the technology aligns perfectly with its objectives and processes.
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Embarking on a NetSuite Development project requires a deep understanding of both the technological landscape and the specific intricacies of a business. It is a collaborative effort that necessitates a partnership between a business and its chosen NetSuite Development Company. Together, they embark on a journey of discovery, customization, and implementation, aiming to transform business processes, enhance operational efficiency, and ultimately, unlock new avenues of success.
The importance of NetSuite Development in today's business environment cannot be overstated. It offers a flexible, scalable solution that grows with your business, ensuring that you are always equipped with the tools you need to navigate the complexities of the global market. By leveraging the expertise of a NetSuite Development Company, businesses can unlock their full potential, setting the stage for unprecedented growth and success.
Benefits of Hiring a NetSuite Development Company
Engaging with a NetSuite Development Company brings forth a plethora of advantages that can significantly impact the trajectory of a business. Firstly, it grants access to a wealth of expertise and experience. These companies specialize in customizing NetSuite's comprehensive suite of tools to meet the specific requirements of a business, ensuring that every feature is optimized to support its unique processes and objectives.
Moreover, by partnering with a NetSuite Development Company, businesses benefit from a level of customization that goes beyond the capabilities of off-the-shelf software. This tailored approach ensures that the software not only supports current operations but also possesses the flexibility to adapt to future growth and changes in the business landscape. The result is a dynamic, scalable solution that evolves in tandem with the business.
Furthermore, a NetSuite Development Company can significantly accelerate the implementation process, minimizing disruptions to business operations. Their expertise enables them to anticipate potential challenges and address them proactively, ensuring a smooth transition to the new system. The support and training provided by these companies also equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to maximize the benefits of NetSuite, further enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.
NetSuite Development Statistics
The transformative impact of NetSuite Development is not merely theoretical but is supported by compelling statistics. For instance, businesses that have leveraged NetSuite have reported significant improvements in operational efficiency, with reductions in financial close times by up to 50%. This not only accelerates the reporting process but also frees up valuable resources that can be redirected towards strategic initiatives.
Additionally, companies utilizing NetSuite's integrated solutions have seen a marked improvement in visibility across their operations. This enhanced transparency facilitates more informed decision-making, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to changes in the market and capitalize on emerging opportunities. The agility afforded by NetSuite Development is a critical factor in maintaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business environment.
Furthermore, the scalability of NetSuite allows businesses to expand their operations without the need for costly upgrades or additional software. This seamless scalability has enabled companies to achieve growth rates of over 100%, demonstrating the pivotal role of NetSuite Development in driving business success.
Understanding NetSuite Development Services
NetSuite Development Services encompass a broad spectrum of activities designed to customize and extend the functionality of NetSuite’s suite of business management solutions. These services range from the customization of existing features to the development of entirely new applications within the NetSuite ecosystem. The objective is to tailor the software to align perfectly with the unique processes and needs of a business, thereby enhancing efficiency and driving growth.
One of the key services offered by NetSuite Development Companies is customization. This involves modifying the software to fit the specific workflows and requirements of a business. Customization can range from simple tweaks to existing features to the development of custom modules and functionalities. This tailored approach ensures that the software serves as a perfect fit for the business, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.
Another critical service is the integration of NetSuite with other business systems. In today’s interconnected business environment, the ability to seamlessly share data across different platforms is essential. NetSuite Development Companies specialize in creating integrations that enable the smooth flow of information between NetSuite and other critical business systems, such as CRM, e-commerce platforms, and external databases. This integration facilitates a unified view of the business, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.
NetSuite Developer Certification and Training
The complexity and versatility of NetSuite necessitate a high level of expertise to unlock its full potential. This is where NetSuite Developer Certification and Training come into play. These programs are designed to equip developers with the knowledge and skills required to effectively customize and extend the capabilities of NetSuite. Certification serves as a benchmark of a developer’s proficiency, ensuring that they possess the technical expertise to deliver high-quality NetSuite Development Services.
NetSuite Developer Certification encompasses various levels, from basic to advanced, covering different aspects of NetSuite Development. This comprehensive training ensures that developers are well-versed in the nuances of the platform, enabling them to leverage its full capabilities to meet the specific needs of a business. The certification process also keeps developers updated on the latest features and best practices, ensuring that they are always at the forefront of NetSuite Development.
Investing in certified NetSuite Developers is a testament to a NetSuite Development Company’s commitment to excellence. It ensures that the company has the expertise necessary to deliver customized solutions that can transform the operations of a business. For businesses, choosing a NetSuite Development Company that prioritizes certification and training is crucial for ensuring the success of their NetSuite implementation.
NetSuite Consultation and Consulting Services
Embarking on a NetSuite implementation or customization project can be a daunting task for businesses. This is where NetSuite Consultation and Consulting Services play a crucial role. These services provide businesses with expert guidance and insights, helping them navigate the complexities of NetSuite Development and ensuring that their projects are aligned with their strategic goals.
Hire NetSuite Consultants possess a deep understanding of the platform and its capabilities. They work closely with businesses to assess their needs, identify opportunities for optimization, and develop a tailored implementation plan. This consultative approach ensures that the NetSuite solution is perfectly aligned with the business’s objectives, processes, and requirements.
Moreover, NetSuite Consulting Services extend beyond implementation. Consultants provide ongoing support and advice, helping businesses to adapt to changes, optimize their use of NetSuite, and explore new functionalities that can enhance their operations. This partnership fosters continuous improvement and innovation, driving long-term success.
NetSuite Accounting Software Integration
One of the key strengths of NetSuite is its robust accounting software, which offers comprehensive financial management capabilities. Integrating NetSuite Accounting Software with other business systems is a critical component of maximizing its benefits. This integration ensures real-time visibility into financial data, streamlining financial processes, and enhancing decision-making.
NetSuite Development Companies specialize in creating seamless integrations between NetSuite Accounting Software and other critical business systems, such as CRM, e-commerce platforms, and external databases. These integrations enable the automatic flow of financial data across systems, eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. The result is a more efficient, accurate financial management process that supports strategic decision-making and growth.
Moreover, integrating NetSuite Accounting Software with other business systems enhances the overall functionality of the NetSuite suite. It allows businesses to leverage a unified platform for managing all aspects of their operations, from financials and CRM to e-commerce and beyond. This holistic approach to business management drives efficiency, reduces costs, and sets the stage for sustained success.
Choosing the Right NetSuite Development Company
Selecting the appropriate NetSuite Development Company is a pivotal decision that can significantly influence the outcome of your NetSuite implementation or customization project. The right partner brings a combination of technical expertise, industry experience, and a deep understanding of your business’s unique needs and challenges.
When evaluating potential NetSuite Development Companies, consider their track record of successful implementations, their approach to customization and integration, and their commitment to training and certification. It’s also crucial to assess their understanding of your industry and their ability to provide strategic insights that can enhance your business processes.
Furthermore, the right NetSuite Development Company should prioritize building a long-term partnership with your business. They should offer ongoing support, training, and consultation services to ensure that you continue to derive maximum value from your NetSuite investment. This commitment to your success is a hallmark of a trustworthy and reliable NetSuite Development partner.
The journey towards unlocking success through a NetSuite Development Company is both transformative and enlightening. By leveraging the expertise of a specialized partner, businesses can customize NetSuite’s powerful suite of tools to perfectly align with their unique needs and objectives. The benefits of this partnership extend beyond the immediate enhancements to efficiency and productivity, setting the stage for sustained growth and success in an increasingly competitive business landscape.
As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, the role of technology in driving business success has never been more critical. A NetSuite Development Company stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering the tools, expertise, and support necessary to transform your business. By choosing the right partner and embracing the transformative potential of NetSuite, you can unlock new levels of success and achieve your organizational goals.
For businesses ready to embark on this transformative journey, OpenTeQ stands ready to guide you towards unlocking your full potential. With our deep expertise in NetSuite Development and a commitment to your success, we are your ideal partner in revolutionizing your business. Contact OpenTeQ today to begin your journey towards achieving unprecedented success.
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 8 months
J.L Cupid's Aim
We have the same Mars! Also, can I just say, you've been crowned as my second favorite Gemini and my first favorite Gemini stellium? (This is high praise, just FYI.) but anyways, let's get into this.
Also, quick PSA due to your concern, I did in fact drink water because you asked me to so nicely thank you <3
Your Gemini Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus all residing in the 9th house create an irresistible charm that is hard to resist.
Your Gemini Sun shines brightly, and you have a lot of wit, intelligence, and versatility. Your quick thinking and adaptability make you an engaging conversationalist, effortlessly captivating others with your wealth of knowledge and diverse interests. Your curiosity knows no true bounds, and you have an insatiable thirst for new experiences, which adds a sense of excitement and adventure to your interactions.
With your Gemini Moon, your emotional landscape is vibrant and ever-changing. Your feelings wax and wane like the phases of the moon, making you a mysterious and intriguing person. Your emotional depth is enhanced by your ability to empathize and connect with a wide range of people, making them feel seen and understood. This emotional intelligence is a magnet for those seeking a partner who can truly comprehend their innermost thoughts and feelings.
Mercury, your ruling planet, also resides in your 9th house, strengthening your communication skills and intellectual capability. You have a natural gift for learning and sharing knowledge, inspiring others with your insightful perspectives. Your mind is expansive, always looking to understand the world and its intricacies. This intellectual magnetism draws people towards you, as they are captivated by your ability to engage them in thought-provoking discussions and debates.
Adding to your allure, Venus in Gemini in the 9th house infuses your love life with a sense of adventure and intellectual connection. You are attracted to individuals who stimulate your mind and share your thirst for exploration. Your love language involves deep conversations, stimulating banter, and an intellectual rapport that keeps the flame of passion burning bright. Your lighthearted and flirtatious nature makes you irresistible to those seeking a partner who can keep them mentally engaged and emotionally fulfilled.
Your Leo Mars in the 10th house adds a touch of fiery ambition and charisma to your romantic persona. You radiate confidence, assertiveness, and a natural leadership quality that draws others towards you. Your passionate drive to succeed in your career and personal life is an inspiring quality that captivates potential partners. They are attracted to your ability to command attention and take charge, while also being generous and supportive of their own ambitions.
Lastly, your Libra Rising grants you a charming and harmonious disposition. You possess a natural sense of grace, diplomacy, and fairness, making you an attractive presence. Your magnetic aura is enhanced by your ability to create balance and harmony in your relationships. People are drawn to your warm and inviting energy, seeking a partner who can bring peace and cooperation into their lives.
In summary, J.L., your unique combination of placements creates an irresistible allure. Your wit, intelligence, adaptability, and thirst for knowledge make you an engaging conversationalist. Your emotional depth and empathy draw people towards you, seeking a partner who can understand and connect with them on a profound level. Your intellectual capability, ambition, and charismatic presence make you an inspiring force in both your personal and professional life. Embrace your multifaceted allure, because it's the key to attracting those who are captivated by your many enchanting qualities this Valentine's season.
I really hope you like it! Much love!
I just realized you asked for a fic idea I completely missed that, so i'm adding it onto a separate post, but look out for that. I'll link it when it's finished. And... It's finished here.
0 notes
Heads up, friends!
   I am moving Snotlout to a hub-blog over at @amalgammuses! His URL will still be @strongestrider. I will be finishing out what I have in my drafts there, aside from asks which I obviously can’t scoot over to the other account. <3
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miraclexamined · 6 years
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alright I’m probably gonna revamp this blog... I don’t think I feel like moving it bc I got Attached but I’m gonna change my theme, (maybe) url and rewrite my pages I guess?? might or might not drop current threads, I still don’t know abt that but I’ll definitely let u know!!
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dailychapel · 3 years
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Lord, thank you for your greatness. Thank you that when I am weak, you are strong. Lord, the Devil is scheming and I know he desires to keep me from spending time with you. Don’t let him win! Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give into discouragement, deception and doubt! Help me honor you in all my ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Debbie Przybylski
[Psa 35:1-28 ESV] 1 Of David. Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me! 2 Take hold of shield and buckler and rise for my help! 3 Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers! Say to my soul, "I am your salvation!" 4 Let them be put to shame and dishonor who seek after my life! Let them be turned back and disappointed who devise evil against me! 5 Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the LORD driving them away! 6 Let their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them! 7 For without cause they hid their net for me; without cause they dug a pit for my life. 8 Let destruction come upon him when he does not know it! And let the net that he hid ensnare him; let him fall into it--to his destruction! 9 Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD, exulting in his salvation. 10 All my bones shall say, "O LORD, who is like you, delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, the poor and needy from him who robs him?" 11 Malicious witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I do not know. 12 They repay me evil for good; my soul is bereft. 13 But I, when they were sick-- I wore sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting; I prayed with head bowed on my chest. 14 I went about as though I grieved for my friend or my brother; as one who laments his mother, I bowed down in mourning. 15 But at my stumbling they rejoiced and gathered; they gathered together against me; wretches whom I did not know tore at me without ceasing; 16 like profane mockers at a feast, they gnash at me with their teeth. 17 How long, O Lord, will you look on? Rescue me from their destruction, my precious life from the lions! 18 I will thank you in the great congregation; in the mighty throng I will praise you. 19 Let not those rejoice over me who are wrongfully my foes, and let not those wink the eye who hate me without cause. 20 For they do not speak peace, but against those who are quiet in the land they devise words of deceit. 21 They open wide their mouths against me; they say, "Aha, Aha! Our eyes have seen it!" 22 You have seen, O LORD; be not silent! O Lord, be not far from me! 23 Awake and rouse yourself for my vindication, for my cause, my God and my Lord! 24 Vindicate me, O LORD, my God, according to your righteousness, and let them not rejoice over me! 25 Let them not say in their hearts, "Aha, our heart's desire!" Let them not say, "We have swallowed him up." 26 Let them be put to shame and disappointed altogether who rejoice at my calamity! Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves against me! 27 Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, "Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!" 28 Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.
[Jer 17:1-13 ESV] 1 "The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron; with a point of diamond it is engraved on the tablet of their heart, and on the horns of their altars, 2 while their children remember their altars and their Asherim, beside every green tree and on the high hills, 3 on the mountains in the open country. Your wealth and all your treasures I will give for spoil as the price of your high places for sin throughout all your territory. 4 You shall loosen your hand from your heritage that I gave to you, and I will make you serve your enemies in a land that you do not know, for in my anger a fire is kindled that shall burn forever." 5 Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD. 6 He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. 7 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. 8 He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit." 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? 10 "I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds." 11 Like the partridge that gathers a brood that she did not hatch, so is he who gets riches but not by justice; in the midst of his days they will leave him, and at his end he will be a fool. 12 A glorious throne set on high from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary. 13 O LORD, the hope of Israel, all who forsake you shall be put to shame; those who turn away from you shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living water.
[1Co 14:1-25 ESV] 1 Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. 2 For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit. 3 On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. 4 The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies builds up the church. 5 Now I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be built up. 6 Now, brothers, if I come to you speaking in tongues, how will I benefit you unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching? 7 If even lifeless instruments, such as the flute or the harp, do not give distinct notes, how will anyone know what is played? 8 And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle? 9 So with yourselves, if with your tongue you utter speech that is not intelligible, how will anyone know what is said? For you will be speaking into the air. 10 There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning, 11 but if I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be a foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a foreigner to me. 12 So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. 13 Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. 15 What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also. 16 Otherwise, if you give thanks with your spirit, how can anyone in the position of an outsider say "Amen" to your thanksgiving when he does not know what you are saying? 17 For you may be giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not being built up. 18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 19 Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue. 20 Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. 21 In the Law it is written, "By people of strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners will I speak to this people, and even then they will not listen to me, says the Lord." 22 Thus tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers, while prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers but for believers. 23 If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds? 24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
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jenroses · 4 years
So this is some backstory I wrote a few years back about the apocalypse. Four years later, I think I may have been overly optimistic about how long it would take for things to fall apart. 
~~~  The apocalypse wasn’t fast, and it wasn’t easy. Parts were dramatic and rapid, say, when the United States dissolved into chaos in 2020 and six new nations emerged from the rubble. The Pacific States of America became the progressive destination of choice, between California’s wealth and the Pacific Northwest’s natural bubbles of relative safety between the mountain ranges. Canada followed a few years later into disaster, with French Canada going its own way and British Columbia joining the Pacific States. The continent was re-shaped again by rising sea levels and sinking earth falling into the empty aquifers and the remains of fracking operations. 
The biggest issues early on were in the Confederacy, The Republic of Texas, and the Great Plains Republic. Rampant deregulation combined with widespread corruption resulted in the complete loss of vast areas to poisons both visible and invisible. 
Chaos in North America bred chaos elsewhere. A brief nuclear exchange in 2038 left vast parts of the Middle East, East Asia and the Indian Subcontinent uninhabitable. Washington DC and Moscow were hit, but as neither were particularly politically powerful by that point, the political fallout was less than the actual nuclear fallout of the 8 bombs. The EMPs from strikes in Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea, China and Tripoli took out communications and governments alike. In the resulting chaos, many nuclear materials were “liberated” and attacks with “dirty” bombs became common in many areas of the world. 
Texas did not fall to bombs or to the poisons or to war, but to the increasingly tight focus of the sun through God’s magnifying glass, with temperatures soaring beyond the capacity of failing machines to compensate. Between the floods, hurricanes, and summer temperatures upwards of 150° F, without a larger federal infrastructure, civilization in the Lone Star quickly stopped working, and those who relied on the grid were forced to flee ever-climbing temperatures. California, being a large and wealthy state and later the cornerstone of the new Pacific Union, managed fairly well at first. Two dams were built to try to protect the Bay and the Sacramento Valley from rising seas, but the Golden Wall fell to sabotage before it could be completed, and Vay-deo dam, as the locals called it, cracked in the Big One, causing one of the largest, most rapid floods in history in what was already a time of great floods. Los Angeles didn’t fall into the Pacific, the Pacific fell into Los Angeles in creeping, inexorable inches, but the heat and drought and weather sent people north long before a large section of the metropolitan area was submerged. A dirty bomb in Hollywood in 2045 sent anyone who was still in the area, north.
The Northeast crumbled under the weight of too many people and not enough resources. The flooding of New York was an afterthought compared to the bombing of Washington, which didn’t do anywhere near as much damage as the civil uprisings of the 2020s. Pockets of well-armed wealth remained, tiny Corporation States which promised survival in exchange for freedom once it was obvious that the federal government was not coming back.
Refugees were everywhere, fleeing the food shortages, the fallout, the rising waters. In 2048, rampant use of greenhouse gasses, combined with ever rising ocean temperatures and acidity combined to cause massive slips of land ice into the ocean in both hemispheres. The seas had already risen more than predicted, but the catastrophic shift of ice from land to sea brought sea level an average of 33 inches higher worldwide. In some places, the net effect was closer to 40 inches. The impact on water circulation was severe, and Europe plunged into an ice age. The surge stopped, even subsided a bit as storms dropped record amounts of moisture into the mountains in a winter that would not quit, but the damage was done, and the lowlands were abandoned. The death toll was unimaginable. 
It was 2050 before things were stable enough for the PSA to do more than triage the daily catastrophes. New technologies had been developed on the fly to deal with immediate problems. Domes and filters to protect from fallout. Desalination to give the mountains near the Bay Area water, and then water reclamation everywhere as people stopped trusting anything that came from the sky. Mechanical pollinators helped keep people fed. Every home had a garden, indoors or out, on a wall if need be where space was limited, shelving systems with tiny twinkling LEDs and recirculating water. 
By then, the birth rate in what had once been the United States had declined from around four million babies per year to four thousand, and of those four thousand children, eighty percent were born early. Fully half of those births were within the PSA.
It was when they realized that the pregnancy rate across the continent was likely close to two million that it became clear that something was fundamentally wrong with humanity’s ability to sustain pregnancy. Individual tragedies became a countrywide fear and then a worldwide terror.
The bees were mostly gone by then, the few remaining hives living in research facilities in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 
Animal births faltered and stopped, but by that point the science of meat meant the vast majority of animal protein in the PSA was vat grown, indoors, no brain, no bones, no ethical backlash. Refugees came looking for food, but fewer and fewer children accompanied them. 
Concerted efforts sprang up at universities around the world, but as each fell, their best and brightest converged on the last functioning, tech-capable democracy in the world. 
The internet was no longer reliable enough for worldwide communication due to lack of maintenance of infrastructure and widespread sabotage, but the tech corridor of I5 and the data centers survived, and the PSA sent out drones with food, communication equipment and emergency supplies. Carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, harvested and reassembled from dumps and compressed into shelf-stable bricks, accompanied durable, simple water purifiers, basic survival supplies, and informational pamphlets - pictorial as fewer and fewer people in the rest of the world knew how to read. 
The earliest iteration was called Project Dove, and the mission was to get as much information about humanity in other parts of the world as possible. Some of the drones were shot down. Some made contact and returned. A few simply vanished without a trace. The birth data that did come back was terrifying. Starvation in many areas was too widespread and rapid for the drops of supplies to make even a dent, but in the places closest to the PSA, they were a lifeline, and not always happily received. They had included information on birth control in the drops, because of the high rate of maternal death in unsuccessful pregnancies. What they did not do was put contraceptives in the food. But despite their adamant statements to the contrary, they could not shake the rumor.
Food Not Bombs, the second iteration of the humanitarian project, became not a nice pacifist organization but the only foreign policy that worked. Nutrient drops from the PSA, sent by drone, happened regularly across all territories that might be able to still threaten the PSA with terrorist attacks, and irregularly anywhere the PSA wanted information.The rhetoric against the PSA across the rest of North America was fierce, and fueled splintered and uncoordinated attacks by civilians, but after the Independent State of Exxon-Mobil was cut off completely from these drops for 12 weeks following their last incursion, no established government made any official attempt to wage war on the PSA.
The last year babies survived past infancy, anywhere in the world that the researchers could contact, was in 2059. 200 children were born within the domes of the PSA and nowhere else, where early doming and fanatic attention to clean food supplies kept the novel endocrine disruptors out longer than in most places. Their parents came from all over the world. However, a terrorist attack by religious zealots caused widespread contamination in the middle of 2059, and no more babies were born after that; though many pregnancies were documented, most failed in the first 30 days, and none survived past 15 weeks. Families with children banded together in several clusters, so that their children could take advantage of the wealth of expertise at the universities. But as the population of young people dwindled, first daycares shut down, then elementary schools, and families tightened their clustering so that the remaining children could be educated together. The Last Generation grew up with the knowledge that either they would figure out how to fix humanity’s problems, or that humanity would end with them.
Rapid transit built in the ‘30s still functioned from Eugene to Vancouver, and Seattle’s industry persisted even when families with children fled south to higher ground and less upheaval. Half of Portland was underwater, but the larger metropolitan area survived with varying levels of liveability. 
The University of Oregon ended up being the last fully functioning school by default, with enough agriculture and infrastructure to make it livable and just enough isolation to make it hard to get to for those without means. It was one of the oldest system of domes on the West Coast. 
It wasn’t invulnerable. The Jefferson Dissent, which began half an hour south of Eugene and ended in the mountains of Northern California, sent occasional raids until wildfires obliterated much of the area in the Great Draught. 
Parts of the school lay in disuse and disrepair, but groups of research scientists had colonized parts of campus that would otherwise have fallen by the wayside. A large team of scientists worked on nanotech and microtech in conjunction with the biology department, modeling tiny machines after viruses, bacteria and insects. 
In Portland and Seattle, competing teams of fertility specialists worked on the problem of the crashing population rate, but it was not until the agricultural specialists in Corvallis pitched in that they started making real progress at extrauterine gestation.
They found the problem quickly, once they understood the magnitude of the issue. Without the political chaos of the 2020s, they might have picked up on it ten or fifteen years earlier, when it was still fixable. But by the time it was determined that complex endocrine disruptors, wind- and water-borne, had spread worldwide in storms and floods and in the food supply, their epigenetic and generational effects were beyond easy remedies. Pregnancies might happen, but more things went wrong. In the war between placenta and endometrium, the endometrium had found a potent ally. Autoimmune disorders were endemic. And the last straw was a new disruptor, one which managed to interfere with the shift to placental support. 
Anyone who became pregnant died where medical support and birth control were inadequate. The resulting demographic shift did not help the political situation. The PSA became a refuge for people with uteruses. More conservative nearby nations screamed about the Godless heathens stealing their women. Within the PSA, gender was seen broadly as a social construct, though there were enough different religious and cultural groups with different ideas that the notions of binary gender were not completely obliterated.  
“God’s punishment,” the religious called the deaths during pregnancy. Science was blamed. Scientists were blamed. The last green places were blamed. In the transformed labs and classrooms of the last universities, frantic efforts were made to counteract the toxins in the environment, to find some way, any way for the human race to survive past the last generation. 
The population aged.
Suicide rates skyrocketed early, and surged even further when the fertility collapse was made known.
Animals started to be born that had been gestated from stored cells in vats, restoring extinct species from scratch, but the human puzzle was a tougher nut to crack. Fetuses could be grown, to a point. A few even made it to scrawny, translucent viability, but the children did not survive long, even with the highest tech support. 
Some changes were made to the tanks, with a regular program of stimulation, vibration, and auditory recordings. And a small cohort of infants were born, to cautious but joyful researchers. But the children did not adapt well, once born, and while they lived, the behavior issues and profoundly antisocial behavior they exhibited pointed to some deep flaw in the underlying gestational program. Babies screamed when held, preferring mechanical soothers. Language development was minimal, with babies averse to unfamiliar voices. Development was stunted and consistently unusual from child to child. They did not form attachments to the people who desperately wanted them.
At first, the researchers thought it was autism, but when autistic adults who specialized in the care of autistic children were brought in, it became clear that something different was going on. 
Brain scans were done which found profound abnormalities in many parts of the brain, abnormalities which were uniform across the cohort. 
As the children got bigger, slowly, they began to lash out, and it became obvious that the extrauterine gestational process was not going to be the answer as it stood.
The resulting scandal was huge, and an ethical oversight committee that had been bypassed on the grounds of emergency was reinstated. Meanwhile, The Babylon Cooperative worked frantically to salvage the human race, as the planet deteriorated around them. 
It became clear that cleaning the Earth would be a much longer-scale process than humanity could survive. The rest of the planets in the solar system were even worse. There was a Mars colony, a desperate, abandoned group of settlers too old to reproduce, the planned resupply missions scrapped when the world fell apart. 
No one wanted to say it, but there was a strong possibility that by the time the fertility problem was solved, there would be no one left to raise the resulting children.
Computing progressed, even in the chaos, in part due to breakthroughs in biosynth. DNA was a compact and complex data storage medium, and its structure could be used and mimicked to create self-replicating devices that stored their complete process in tiny spaces, scavenging what they needed from the materials around them. When the problem of controlling growth was solved, a research team made an excursion to an old dump, dropped a gluey ball of nano- and microtech on top of the trash, pointed a strong light source at the area to be salvaged, and waited.
Nanobugs were developed which could selectively break down molecular bonds. Microbugs were created to analyze, sort, inventory and group raw materials, and when that process was finished, they could then assemble into larger devices that continued the process of refinement and reconstruction. The self-replicating technology meant that a properly programmed bug could be placed on, for example, an old office building, or a pile of rubble, climb to the highest point, and digest it into a thousand more of itself, then consume the spawned bugs and create larger, more complex machines out of the result, eventually creating new structures in place of the old, from materials on site.
The end result was a pile of sugarplastic bubbles filled with raw materials and isolated waste products, which were set aside for more study, and along the edges, new gluey balls for other dumps. The remaining machines waited for further instructions.  
Someone asked if they had to be so sticky, and if they needed to have an artificial light source. “Not in an undomed dump,” the lead scientist said. “Plenty of bright light out there.”
The “genetic” programming was altered, and the next generation looked more like large pillbugs than badly drawn jellyfish. When the researchers built in the ability to power themselves from the waste heat of the molecular breakdown process, they could even work underground.
The raw material distribution included so many rare elements and complex hydrocarbons that as soon as word got out, and a few of the “pilebugs,” as they came to be called, were stolen, whole new resource battles broke out where there was not tight social control.
Control tightened everywhere. 
Biological interfaces with microscopic sensors and transmitters allowed many researchers to streamline their efforts with direct neural-computer wireless interfaces. Gone was the larger worldwide web, but enough had been saved, and the PSA had dedicated much of its resources to maintaining connectivity up and down the coast. Seattle was the hub, with redundant data backup of much of the cloud everywhere they had enough locals and infrastructure to support it. Redundant archives became a cultural obsession of a dying world. A hardcopy repository was started, in case civilization collapsed beyond help and humanity somehow survived.
The pilebug programming was a closely held secret, because of the potential for harm.  Backwards engineering was impossible for those without the Co-op’s resources. 
Within the PSA, the Babylon Cooperative became a dominant power. There were only a few people who truly understood how the bugs worked at a core level. It was clear that the potential applications were huge, but there just weren’t enough people who comprehended them well enough to make use of the tools to their best effect in the available time. Training the remaining young people became the driving goal of the Pacific States. 
As the PSA stabilized, it became clear that the entire population was suffering widespread psychological trauma. Efforts were made to train people to cope with the resulting stresses in productive ways, with varying success. Community beautification efforts were promoted as therapeutic.
Within the research clusters, neurodiversity was seen as an asset. New ways of thinking were prized, quirks and coping mechanisms supported, special interests encouraged. “Think outside the box” became “There is no box. The survival of humanity depends on new ideas.”
Skin-based links to the net abounded, traceries of gold at the temples and key points on the head for those who used it the most, headsets for more casual users. With the development of ever smaller and more powerful transmitters, it became clear that mental states could be influenced, if not controlled, and those without links grew increasingly suspicious of those with. Thus, “old-fashioned” data inputs did not die out, but the speed gains of working with a direct connection were obvious to those in the Co-op.
A wider culture of inclusion—motto, “We need everyone”—made for eclectic neighborhoods around the University, but farther from the research clusters, old tendencies for humans to sort themselves into distrustful subcultures persisted. As the years passed and no children played in the streets, nihilism and social unrest grew. As it became easier to rebuild and more people returned to school to learn about the newest technologies, the University grew, and changed, and became more isolated. Most people who came into the University were there to join the research projects, and only those trained for specific purposes in the larger nation ever left. 
In 2077, the last freshman class, about 80 students, gathered at the University of Oregon. The classes ahead of them were still attending, but what had, in its heyday, been a campus with 20,000 students was now a campus with 1500 researchers, 2000 educators and about 4000 students.
The speed of the population crash showed nowhere more than here. 2% of the student body were freshmen. 6% sophomores. 10% were juniors and 15% were seniors. The rest were grad and community education students of varying ages. There was no tuition. There was also no real salary, but the University, as the seat of power for the Babylon Cooperative, was already self-sufficient enough and powerful enough in the region to trade for whatever was needed. A monetary system still existed, of sorts—the robust local and regional networks also allowed for sophisticated tracking of barter of resources, skills and labor, but the social support networks that had come out of the Fall had matured well where they were allowed to thrive. 
Where the science was tolerated, housing could be grown, and with greenhouses built into the designs, food grown within the housing. Even computing resources could be grown. 
The science was not tolerated widely. Even within the PSA, dissent came and went in waves. Never monolithic, when crisis gave way to chronic, old divides resurfaced. As the population aged and skepticism about possible scientific solutions grew, rumors and rivalries brought political change.  
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nnumbskxull · 5 years
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                                                  〘  freedom is the highest right 〙
⤿ hello there fabulous people!!! to those that know me, you shredded scrub daddies, just skip a few lines before I kick you in the throat and into the sUN. to those who don’t! my name’s stirling, I also play the italian kiddo here aka titus wu the macgyver, and today I have decided to bring you the russian™ (that I may or may not have based off hannibal lector : D just less cannibal promise). jump on down below the cut to find out more about my new child (psa; i....REALLY did write a lot but I p r o m i s e you kai is incredibly secretive and it will take time for his past to be uncovered by other muses because i’m like that™) MWUAH!!
oh also blah blah blah like this and i’ll show up in your dm’s or discord aYEET
( im jaebeom, male, he/him, 26. ) — i hear that KAI SOKOLOV has been living in seoul for around 8 YEARS and works as a/an CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGIST. rumor has it, they can be LEVEL-HEADED & KNOWLEDGEABLE but also VENGEFUL & MANIPULATIVE which is why a judge’s blood-soaked robes, ancient textbooks coated in dust, and bruised hand prints around one’s throat make me think of them.
                                                                   ⤹ ―――― ⤸
〘  ABOUT 〙
full name: kai sokolov
nickname(s): brainiac
age: 26
gender: male
birthdate: december 23, 1993
birthplace: moscow, russia
occupation: criminal psychologist
ethnicity: russian-korean
orientation: bisexual / biromantic
status: single
languages: russian, korean, near-fluent english
pets: n/a
faceclaim: im jaebeom
hair: black
eyes: dark brown
height: 6'2 (187 cm)
weight: 176 lb (79 kg)
body: muscular, slim
style: street-fashion is his best friend on a normal day, sleek suits that scream professional while on the job
defining features: two moles on his left eyelid
tattoos: n/a
scars: a few on his knees, elbows, a small one on his nape
horoscope: capricorn
zodiac: rooster
element: water
moral alignment: neutral
type: INFJ - the counselor
house: slytherin
religion: catholic
fears: n/a
chronic: n/a
positive: insightful, clever, reliable, articulate, charismatic, level-headed, hard-working, incisive, authoritative
neutral: determined, distinctive, passionate, complex
negative: cold, blunt, manipulative, crafty, vengeful, presumptuous,
                                                               ⤹ ―――― ⤸
TW; Violence, Blood, Death, Cancer 
Born the illegitimate child of a Russian government-working father and a Korean graphic designer mother, Kai grew up in the blankets of wealth his parents never had - the boy was grateful enough to realize the state of comparison to the families around him, and from an early age he develops a humble and high-minded personality. Thanks to his father’s well-paying job, Kai receives personal schooling and is able to indulge in as many side-activities as he chooses, although the prior solidifies a slight awkwardness in approach to other children his age due to him not being as active in their social circles. Still, Kai is avid in his hobbies - the boy seems to be able to pick up many talents with little effort, most especially being wood carving and singing. Kai takes an extreme liking to the latter, and upon his parents noticing, begins to receive vocal training that will benefit his future. The boy was as happy as happy could be, and never once did he find himself breaking out of the childlike innocence that holds him to the moment. 
Innocence….a beautiful word. But innocence does not save Kai from the heartache to strike him at 11 years old. Too young to realize the exact intricacies of his father’s job, Kai moves on with his life while his father struggles to keep a scandal behind the scenes. Indeed the senior had made a mistake in some financial suites, resulting in the loss of a few tax funds that made anyone but pleased in the matter. His father was able to clean up the mess with no major issues, however, some people were still not satisfied.(edited)Their revenge was solidified when young Kai and his parents were out walking in a park late at night after viewing a recent showing of the boy’s favorite musical, The Nutcracker. Stopping briefly in the cold winter night to pick up a frosted-over flower, Kai was met with the sounds of screaming and bone cracking clattering against his eardrums as he watched on as a group of men surrounded his parents and beat them mercilessly with metal clubs and baseball bats. 
 And then it was over, just like that.
In less than 10 minutes, Kai’s entire life was ripped from his fingers, no inquiry given to why he was spared but only to the beaten and bloodied corpses of his mother and father. He never learned who carried out the act and who gave the orders, but as he watched on at their government state funeral decorated too lavishly for his own tastes, his hands clenched tightly at his sides, he swore he would find out.
Although inheriting all of his parent’s money, young Kai is unable to take on the mantle of responsibility due to the mental weight the incident left on him, and instead leaves Russia to live with his aunt in South Korea, his mother’s homeland. It is luckily for him that he ended up where he was and not in some random orphanage - most of his mother’s immediate family had renounced her for being with a foreigner and having a child before being married, all except for her sister whom had held steadfast in their family ties. After the murder of his parents, the last thing Kai would have wanted was to move thousands of miles away to a country he had never been to, yet he had little say in the matter as he said goodbye to the snow-topped buildings of Moscow and hello to the monstrous sun-lit skyscrapers of Seoul. 
He grows fast, although he never forgets the incident. The once outgoing and playful boy becomes a shell of his former self, a silence filling him as he takes on an icy approach. Kai is grateful for the kindness shown to him by his mother’s sister, and despite meeting her at such a disastrous time, grows fond of the woman and becomes attached to her. She teaches him Korean and English, languages he manages to pick up easily due to his mixed heritage, and he in return teaches her Russian for when she might want to visit his mother’s grave. The two grow to have a nearly inseparable bond, and although he will always hold a place in his heart and mind for his parents, Kai begins to slowly move on and finally heal. However, even at 19 years old, it seems fate is not yet done in sharing with him some of its tragedy. 
It happens quickly - one day she is as bustling and happy and ever, and the next Kai is standing over her body in a hospital bed as a doctor pulls the plug. Pancreatic Cancer, he hears them say, and almost in the blink of an eye he is back in a full circle of grief and mistrust as his heart is shattered before him. The simple pleasantries he has access to thanks to his wealth become insubordinate in comparison to the depression that sets upon him, and if not for an opportunity to present itself to him, Kai thinks he would have let himself rot away without meaning. 
From the flames of promise he had made to his dead parents in finding the perpetrators, so did rise a need to make clear of it. If not at that moment, then at some point would he make sure their heads hung from aged ropes in the winter wind. For the time being, though, his focus switched to something else; the mind. A bullet could get the job done, but Kai more so found himself wanting to understand and bring justice in other ways. Methodical and closed off from the rest of the world, he entered university for psychology and swept through with flying colors, hardly concerned with what other people dwelled on, there were hardly any distractions he allowed to take time away from his work. In the end, Kai graduated valedictorian and was immediately employed by the city’s law force as a criminal psychologist on the side of his own practice, unaware that the very man they were having understand delinquent’s minds was one himself with guarded secrets. Analyzing subjects before court cases, deeming insanity, attempting to extract information....Kai did it all, yet to him no crime was too great, and in every one he saw one of the masked men who had beaten his parents into the ground. This twisted mentality earned, in his eyes, swift punishment ― and with a silver tongue, intrusive methods, and hidden intents, he easily convinced many to initiate their own deaths or sent them to fates worse than death.
Because to him, no price was too great, and no crime too small.
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daveg65 · 7 months
292 - Vision Pro, Bad and Good - With Guest Dylan Stewart, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Dylan Stewart, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig.Beta this week. iOS 17.4 Beta 2 is released. Our guest Dylan has the Vision Pro and did an unboxing last week. He gives us his review and thoughts. YouTube Claims an Apple Vision Pro App is On the Roadmap.The Windows world officially has 3 apps, goodbye iTunes for Windows. Plus more.
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Beta this week. iOS 17.4 Beta 2 is released.  Apple Releasing iOS 17.4 in March With These New Features and Changes 
Apple Seeds Second iOS 17.4 Public Beta With EU App Ecosystem Changes 
Apple Starts Improving Vision Pro Personas in visionOS 1.1 Beta 
Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4 to Developers 
Apple Seeds Second Beta of watchOS 10.4 to Developers 
Apple Seeds Second Beta of tvOS 17.4 to Developers 
iOS 17.4 Allows Video Calling Apps to Turn Off Hand Gesture Reactions to Prevent Awkward Moments
Apple Releases iOS 17.3.1 With Fix for Text Bug 
Apple Releases watchOS 10.3.1 With Bug Fixes 
  Our guest Dylan has the Vision Pro and did an unboxing last week. He gives us his review and thoughts. Here is his unboxing video. Unboxing the Vision Pro
We find out his likes and dislikes and maybe a demo. 
 Difficult to share with others
Battery pack - not battery life
Non-Spatial Apps - from Appl e (Calendar)
Watching videos is amazing
Siri and dictation work well
iPad Apps
Ability to be productive/multi-tasking in an infinite environment
Ability to toggle from immersive to
Vision Pro news
YouTube Claims an Apple Vision Pro App is On the Roadmap 
Apple Shares Vision Pro User Guide and Dozens of Support Documents With Useful Tips
PSA: You'll Have to Visit an Apple Store If You Forget Your Vision Pro Passcode
Vision Pro Demo Appointments Begin Today at All Apple Stores in U.S.
This hospital system just bought 30 Vision Pro units and launched a new ‘Spatial Computing Center of Excellence’
The Windows world officially has 3 apps, goodbye iTunes for Windows. 
Apple Officially Splits iTunes for Windows Into Apple Music, TV, and Devices Apps 
Apple Redesigns iCloud App for Windows
iOS 17 Adoption is Slower Than iOS 16 Adoption 
Apple's 2024 Swift Student Challenge Now Live 
Apple TV+ Previews 2024 Lineup of Shows and Films 
Bluesky Social Network Ditches Invite Codes, Opens Registrations to All
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
About our Guest
Dylan Stewart first discovered Apple computers and technology in 1981, and ever since then has loved pushing its boundaries to create the simple out of the complex. 
In 2001 Dylan founded 2 Smart Techies, a Mac and PC computer consultation company that would set the stage for his future. As it grew, he grew. Along the way, Dylan was dubbed the MacWhisperer, and became the go-to guru for Los Angeles and beyond.
Over the past 20 years, Dylan has hosted podcasts, live trainings and seminars, and online courses.  He has recently created the MacWhisperer Monthly Membership to help technology enthusiasts of all ages and technical abilities to improve their skills, and to their tool chests, and take their technology to the next level. CLICK HERE to sign up. 
Find Dylan on YouTube, TikTok , Facebook , Linked IN, Instagram:  and X/Twitter: @macwhisperer
Here is our latest Episode!
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princeofgod-2021 · 6 months
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John 1:4
DIVINE ORDER 58: Law Of The Tree Of Knowledge 6
The indications of the ONENESS of God’s Divine BOOK OF LAW are quite copiously and elaborately displayed all over scriptures, at least for those who care to LOOK when reading.
This is why it is advisable to read the Word with an open mind rather than to read “the secrets of being successful” or “principles of multiplication”. you will simply get “lost”.
Everything we read about Patriarchs, the SEED, Branch, Kings, Priests, Prophets and Laws, all Point to Jesus, who is the ONE LAW that ties together all scripture and gives Eternal Life.
Joh 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME. MKJV
Some of us get distracted when we read some scriptures, thinking the “focus” is isolated.
Jos 1:8 BE SURE THAT THE BOOK OF THE LAW IS ALWAYS READ in your worship. STUDY IT DAY AND NIGHT, and make sure that you obey everything written in it. THEN YOU WILL BE PROSPEROUS AND SUCCESSFUL. GNB
Many Christians read that verse and [mostly] want to equate it with Financial & Material wealth, along with good health and long life to “cap” it all.
In the Spiritual stance however, what do you [really] think God counts Prosperity and [good] Success as?
Psa 119:9 HOW CAN A YOUNG MAN STAY PURE? ONLY BY LIVING IN THE WORD of God and walking in its truth. TPT
Now, is PURITY proportional to Prosperity & Success before God?
Think carefully please.
Now, whom would you have resembled with the image of a Gentle and Quiet spirit please?
Mat 11:29 TAKE MY YOKE ON YOU AND LEARN FROM ME, BECAUSE I AM GENTLE AND HUMBLE IN HEART, and you will find rest for your souls. NET
I have just used some cross reference to show you how scriptures start with Jesus and runs all the way back to Him.
Now, WHO does the cleaning of the young man in Ps 119:9?
Eph 5:26-27 TO MAKE US HOLY AND PURE, cleansing us THROUGH THE SHOWERING OF THE PURE WATER OF THE WORD OF GOD. All that he does in us is designed to make us a mature church for his pleasure, until we become a source of praise to him—GLORIOUS AND RADIANT, BEAUTIFUL AND HOLY, WITHOUT FAULT OR FLAW. TPT
Do you know why worldly riches is too minute on the scale of prosperity in God’s eyes?
Rev 21:21 The 12 gates were 12 pearls. EACH GATE WAS MADE OF ONE PEARL. THE STREET OF THE CITY WAS MADE OF PURE GOLD, as clear as glass. GW
You’ve not seen original Gold till you see those in heaven.
That’s why we’re born with nothing and have no need to go back with anything. There’s much more than enough there.
So beloved, JESUS is the “One Stop” LAW of Righteousness and the ticket to heaven.
If any of you has an argument over this, I have no other answer but these same scriptures and many more.
I have no “Mentor” but Jesus; He trained me and these are my lessons.
Act 5:42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, THEY CEASED NOT TO TEACH AND PREACH JESUS CHRIST. KJV
That is why the Good News must always be JESUS CHRIST, the Author and finisher of our Faith. He is the LAW, the Obedience and Fulfillment of it.
May our lives tell His story, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Monday, as we proceed in digging into this inspiring Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Friday, April 05, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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scroll-of-thought · 2 years
I tried working with metal for the first time today and I thought of your blog 💚 Do you have any advice for taking up metalwork as a hobby? I did my first piece at someone else’s place, so I don’t have any equipment of my own. I’d love to do this more often, but I really have no idea how do go about it. Thanks!
I donno why but it makes me really happy that you thought of my blog 😊
It really depends on what kind of metalwork your doing. Blacksmithing is different from white/silver smithing, is different from working with wire, is different from metal fabrication, is different from metal casting.
I do have some fairly universal advice:
Find a method you like to learn through and find a source that's in depth and reliable. Most of the time for me, I like to find people on youtube who can do what I want to do and I learn from their videos and examples.
If you can take classes or lessons from someone who knows the craft, that's invaluable. You'll be amazed the things a person can teach you face to face, and you get to do stuff like ask questions, which doesn't work often when learning online.
If you try it a few times with someone else's tools and equipment, and you find that it's something you really really like and want to do more of all the time, then it's time to invest in some tools. And unless you have a ton of money, this will be a long pursuit. You can often find used but well maintained tools at garage sales and sometimes fleamarkets, and you'll pick up something here and there for years, slowly building a collection that fits your needs, as you discover what you need
But sometimes you'll need a specific tool that you're not going to get lucky enough to find used. Look and see if someone sells new ones that are good enough to get you started. Like anvils are good examples. You might get incredibly lucky and find an anvil at yard sale for $1 per pound, but you're probably not. And new/quality anvils cost as much as $5 per pound right now, so you're probably going to have to settle on something like a cheap harbor freight anvil for $60, or maybe just a thick slab of scrap stea or sledge hammer head (I donno if your doing metalworking that needs an anvil, but if you are and use a hammer head as one, please anneal it first and be careful. Hardened hammer heads can chip, sending dangerous shards flying, so you need to heat it up and let it cool slowly to lessen this risk, and be careful to not hit any hardened anvil surface with a hammer, or it could crack and send sharp metal airborne. This is a long safety psa, but seriously, it can be bad). And specialty tools like forges, look for cheap but good enough versions, like lower power propane forges on ebay or even walmart. (Yes, walmart sells blacksmithing tools, and I just double checked their inventory and now the sell small anvils too. Kinds of mind blown by that and wish they did when I started learning.) If you get really into it over the next few years you'll want to upgrade to a better one, but get what you need to experiment, practice, and experience it as a hobby.
If you need specific tips, I have a wealth of knowledge or can at very least point you towards some people who know more than I do. I'm glad you found something you're having fun with, and all forms of metal working can be really fun and gratifying.
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countess--olenska · 6 years
How to tell the difference between court dress...
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And wedding attire:
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After my last PSA about Consuelo Vanderbilt, I’ve had a few people message me photos and images regarding various Dollar Duchesses of her era. Some of these also contained images which were either wrongly attributed or contained other errors. So, because I am The Biggest Pedant Ever, I thought I’d branch out and make another PSA about an issue I see happening a lot in the historical fashion community. 
Both dresses pictured above have been attributed to Consuelo Vanderbilt and both have been described as featuring her wedding dress (I haven't found a definitive source for the 2nd image to say whether it is her wedding dress but the sleeves are different from those pictured in the newspapers of the time which makes me suspicious). I see a lot of pictures of court dress being described as wedding dresses and vice versa.
Here’s a quick guide on how to tell whether the dress you’re looking at is intended to be worn at court or if it is a genuine wedding dress of the era (for the purposes of this post I’ll be referring to Edwardian era court dress in the United Kingdom):
1. Google Is Your Friend: I know it sounds patronising but if you’re unsure, Google It.
2. Pinterest is Not Your Friend (Pinterest Hates You): Ok, I’m being dramatic because I have a bee in my bonnet about Pinterest but the reason I say this is because both of these images (and many others) found on Pinterest contain either wrong information or no information at all. For example, after doing some digging on the internet I found that the top image is of Baroness von Linden in Court Dress (Lafayette 1898). If I had simply stopped my search at Pinterest I would have been spreading misinformation which would have been sucky.
3. Feathers: One of the main ways to know that you’re looking at court dress rather than evening or wedding attire is the plume of three ostrich feathers on the wearer’s head. From the 18th century onwards the rules regarding court dress would be published by the Lord Chamberlain’s office in an official publication called Dress Worn at Court (for those of you who may be wondering, the 1937 edition is still in force for those occasions where court dress is still required). According to these rules no hats are to be worn by ladies at court, only tiaras, and three ostrich feathers are to be worn on the head (in what is known as the Prince of Wales plume). Due to how expensive ostrich feathers could be it was practically unheard of for brides to wear them in their wedding attire, and never in the Prince of Wales plume.
4. Train-spotting: According to the official rules court trains must be a minimum of three yards long. In the above image, Baroness Linden is wearing an evening dress (again stipulated in the rules for the reign of George V - no afternoon dresses allowed!) with a detachable court train. Because a dress made to be worn at court would be ridiculously expensive, the wearer would naturally want to get the most use out of it. Therefore it made sense to create an outfit that could otherwise be used for regular dinner or evening events with the train and other accouterments removed. There also may or may not have been a matching bodice appropriate for daytime wear outside of court functions. So, taking the above into account, the second dress pictured cannot be court dress because it isn’t evening dress and it does not have a train.
5. Versatility and Complicating Factors: During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, we start to see more high society women wearing wedding dresses made specifically for their big day. This was done as a sign of wealth in contrast with lower class brides, who would often be married in their best dress (usually an afternoon or day dress in any colour, often their Sunday best). In the 1890s wealthy brides could have their wedding dress made according to the latest fashion, rather than opting for something timeless and versatile like the lower classes. British court dress, on the other hand, often seemed designed to take the wearer from coronation to coronation with few alterations in between (perhaps to take some pressure off cash-strapped peers?) while still displaying wealth. Queen Victoria famously made white a popular colour for brides in the 1840s but white was also a popular colour at court, especially for unmarried debutantes. And, to complicate things further, a young bride would sometimes wear her wedding dress to court following her marriage (after being altered to follow the rules for court dress). All of this is to say, its hella difficult to tell the two apart sometimes and it’s no wonder things can get confusing.
6. Presentation: The above photos show two different ways of presenting historical fashion. One is a studio photograph of the dress being worn by its intended wearer, while the other is an ensemble put together by a curator using their knowledge and understanding of the era. In addition, photography, while no longer a novelty in the 1890s, was expensive and time-consuming and was often reserved for special occasions and it’s important to keep this in mind when thinking about the garments intended use. Flowers are present in both pictures, although the second photo has a sprig of what appears to be artificial orange blossom on the crown of the veil which suggests it to be a wedding dress (another trend started by Queen Victoria). The top photo has gloves as part of the ensemble which was required for court dress but not for weddings in the 1890s and 1900s.
This has been a PSA.
Disclaimer: The above is compiled from my own knowledge and research, and I welcome any input or opinions to further my own learning. Also, putting this post together was super fun so if anyone has any ideas for similar posts you’d like to see then drop me a message!
Sources: Wikipedia / Dress Worn at Court / Source for Baroness Linden / Lafayette Archive of court presentation photos / 
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