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             𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 - Indie RP Hub Blog
Canon muses ( plus one OC ) from various fandoms
OC- and crossover-friendly on all blogs
Multi-verse / multi-ship on all blogs
All muses on individual sideblogs
More muses available! Check my muse page for a complete list <3
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Heads up, friends!
   I am moving Snotlout to a hub-blog over at @amalgammuses! His URL will still be @strongestrider. I will be finishing out what I have in my drafts there, aside from asks which I obviously can’t scoot over to the other account. <3
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Heads up, friends!
   I am moving Snotlout to a hub-blog over at @amalgammuses! His URL will still be @strongestrider. I will be finishing out what I have in my drafts there, aside from asks which I obviously can’t scoot over to the other account. <3
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Heads up, friends!
   I am moving Snotlout to a hub-blog over at @amalgammuses! His URL will still be @strongestrider. I will be finishing out what I have in my drafts there, aside from asks which I obviously can’t scoot over to the other account. <3
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Heads up, friends!
   I am moving Snotlout to a hub-blog over at @amalgammuses! His URL will still be @strongestrider. I will be finishing out what I have in my drafts there, aside from asks which I obviously can’t scoot over to the other account. <3
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ツ ツ ツ
Send me a ツ if you like the way I portray my muse​
   Thank you, anon!
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ツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツツ !!!!
Send me a ツ if you like the way I portray my muse || @awreckageofstarss
   Omg, thank youuu! ToT
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            “Hookfang,                                Snotlout!                                                                        Oi, oi, oi!”
Independent, semi-selective Snotlout Jorgenson of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. Crossover- and OC-friendly. Mutual-exclusive.
        promo credit: @eternalworks​ || follows back from @amalgammuses
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Heads up, friends!
   I am moving Snotlout to a hub-blog over at @amalgammuses! His URL will still be @strongestrider. I will be finishing out what I have in my drafts there, aside from asks which I obviously can’t scoot over to the other account. <3
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Too Shy To Reach Out?
Send A Symbol To Explain Why We’re Not RPing Yet
♔- I can’t think of a plot for us and I want to figure that out first! ☃ - I’m not sure how our characters would meet. ☁- I’m worried you only RP with a certain group of people. ♛ - I wrote you a starter and you haven’t replied yet… ★ - I’m intimidated by how much you write ☂ - I’m intimdated by how often you post ☾ - I don’t know how to approach you ☄ - I’m super anxious about EVERYTHING ☀ - I keep hoping you’ll message me first…
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   I think I’m going to turn this into a hub blog and migrate all of my muses to this account ( and move Naia’s to a sideblog here, maybe? ), because I currently have them spread out between two accounts; Naia’s and Snotlout’s. I think it’d be a little easier to keep track of them in one account, and I don’t wanna do a multi-muse because of the way I like to organize my blogs. 
   What do you guys think?
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these get around pretty fast, so here’s hoping!! give this a LIKE / REBLOG if you’re interested in an indie multimuse blog featuring PRINCE CALLUM & AARAVOS of THE DRAGON PRINCE. mun is semi-selective. blog is oc, au, crossover, multiverse and multiship friendly! 
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   So! I went to the doctor, again, yesterday because of the pain in my face. I FINALLY got the correct diagnosis after three weeks of suffering and two ER visits with two different doctors who apparently have no idea what they’re friggin’ doing.
   Details under the cut, for anyone who might be grossed out by medical stuff. Nothing I’d really consider gross, but, y’know, just in case. <3 Either way, my activity will be sporadic and considered low-activity for the time being, until this goes away, which may take a few more weeks or may take a few more MONTHS. D:
   So, my first diagnosis ( given at the ER ) was a tooth infection. Second diagnosis ( also given at the ER ) was a sinus infection. Both had prescribed me antibiotics, of course, which made me feel better for a day or two and then made my pain WORSE.
   It turns out I have something called Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is a miscommunication between a nerve in my face and my brain. So the nerve is overactive, but there’s not an actual physical problem, it’s neurological. I have to take a low-dose anti-seizure medicine to sort of relax that nerve, but there’s nothing to actually treat the problem, just the pain, and it will eventually go away on its own. The antibiotics made it WORSE because the miscommunication is making my body produce antibodies that I don’t need and they’re attacking something that’s not there, so the antibiotics just added to that.
   Soooo, basically, I am doomed to experience sudden and severe pain at random times, and the pain can be triggered by touching the face, chewing, talking, brushing teeth, smiling or frowning, cold air, etc. Like... Literally anything. :’) The anti-seizure meds are supposed to make it less likely, but idk how much it’ll help, yet, because I only just started taking them. I still have to go get a CAT scan this morning, too.
   SO! My focus right now is going to be on my commissions and I’ll try to do RP between comms and/or on the weekends. I’m not putting Snotlout on hiatus or anything, but just consider him low-activity for now.
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I’ve noticed people in this fandom doing this, so I made my own. So like/reblog if you’re interested in writing with a pretty new Runaan blog from The Dragon Prince. Not spoiler free. Remember to read the rules. Follows back from @unknownjenmun
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Send me a ツ if you like the way I portray my muse
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MY  DEAREST  ONE,      MY  DARLING  DEAR.     independent,      low  activity  valka  haddock  from  the  htt.yd  franchise.  
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                          ❝ I looked at him…                                                     …and I saw myself. ❞
                                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                                    INDIE | SEMI PRIVATE | SEMI SELECTIVE                                                        HICCUP HADDOCK                                                CHERISHED BY ALY [ TSUKI ]
『 personals do not reblog || promo template credit; x (source to be found) 』
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