yikesharringrove · 4 years
Forced To Confront Feelings: Steve and Billy are enemies with benefits, and in true angst fashion Steve’s touch-starved need to connect to someone ends up on Billy but he doesn’t dare say a word of it. Once he does, he knows Billy will leave and not come back. It comes to a head when Steve is majorly ill one day but is still forced to take the kids to the pool, as Billy picked up an earlier shift. (1/2)
(2/2) He’s in a bad mood and Steve doesn’t wanna make it worse so he does what he’s asked (told), but the heat of the day and his exhausted body meet head to head, and he passes out and falls in the pool. Billy’s gonna have to face up to what he’s been desperately trying to squash when he rescues Steve and sees he’s hit his head and isn’t breathing.
There’s some smut mentions, but nothing outright
Read on Ao3
Billy rolled off of Steve, left him panting and tired, laying in his own cum and sweat.
Billy patted him once on the thigh, getting up to get dressed, to leave.
That’s how it always went. Billy fucked him good and hard, and then left before Steve could even say goodbye.
At it was fine.
It was.
They weren’t together, weren’t even friends, really.
Steve was just being a baby, just being needy and clingy, everything Nancy always said was so bothersome, Steve.
He watched Billy get dressed, biting his tongue every time he wanted to ask Billy to stay, to spend the night and hold him.
But Billy was already stomping down the stairs.
So Steve rolled over and tried to imagine strong arms around his waist.
He could feel the illness coming for days before it actually hit.
His throat was sore every morning, and his cough was dry, made him hack for days.
He was curled up in bed, had a heating pad on his aching stomach, the trash can close to his bed just in case.
He absolutely fucking longed to have someone there, to have Billy there, bringing him hot soup and pressing a cool wash cloth to his head.
He was running a mild fever when the kids showed up, begged him to bring them to the pool.
He rolled his carcass out of bed, shoving himself into the first swim trunks he could find, the only shirt he saw.
Dustin raised one eyebrow at him when he tromped downstairs, but he didn’t care, just drove the little shits to the pool.
It was fucking hot today, and Steve felt fucking delirious sitting in the heat.
He was in the bathroom, his head pressed against one of the lockers, the cool metal.
“You’re on my locker, dipshit.” He stood up slowly, blinking at Billy.
“Sorry, Bill.” Billy furrowed his brows.
“You look like shit.” Steve smiled wearily at him.
“You gonna take care a’ me?”
“Fuck no, Harrington. Fuckin’, get outta here.” He shoved Steve aside, made him stumble a little.
Steve pouted, still leaned against the lockers.
Billy just shook his head, started changing into his lifeguard uniform. Steve jsut watched him.
Billy looked up at him slowly.
“Harrington, get out. Fuckin’ perv.” Billy shoved him again, made him slam into the lockers. His head spun.
He stumbled out of the locker room, the sun beaming into his eyes, making him dizzy.
He closed his eye, squatting down where he stood, pressing the heels of each hand into his eye sockets.
He took some deep breaths, trying to get the world to stop spinning. When he thought it was safe, he stood back up.
His vision went dark.
Billy was just stepping out of the locker room, unlit cigarette in his mouth when he saw Harrington stand up.
It was almost comical, the way his body just went down, like someone had cut the strings off a marionette.
But then Steve wasn’t surfacing, had sunk right to the bottom.
Billy scrambled to blow his whistle, throwing caution to the wind and sprinting forward, diving into the water.
He grabbed Steve around the middle, swimming up with him.
Billy’s blood was rushing in his ears.
Freddy was there, helped Billy pull Steve out of the pool.
Steve was just laying there.
And then Billy noticed the blood.
A gash on the side of Steve’s head was bleeding, the blood mixing with water, made it look like there was so much.
He tugged off his wet shirt, pressing it to the wound, staunching the blood as best as he could.
And then Billy checked over him.
And Steve wasn’t breathing.
Billy yelled for someone to call an ambulance, vague heard Heather yell back through the blood rushing in his ears.
He tilted Steve’s head back.
Okay, okay. You can do this. Chest compressions. Just like in training.
He tried to be methodical, tried not to think about how it was Steve under his hands.
He breathed into his mouth.
Steve’s lips were chapped, already fucking cold.
He started compressions again.
A crowd had gathered now, Steve’s kids all front row, all of them had a hand on the curly one, he was crying, his hands shaking.
Billy kept pushing on his chest, counting each compression.
One of Steve’s ribs gave way with a crack. The crowd around them gasped.
Billy gave him another few breaths.
He couldn’t think about their last interaction, how he had pushed Steve away. Couldn’t think about the last time he was at Steve’s house, the way Steve had looked at him, so soft and pretty and asked you wanna stay? We can go again. And Billy had laughed at him, called him a pussy.
He gave him more breaths.
And Steve coughed, spluttering.
Billy rolled him onto his side.
He was coughing, water coming out of his mouth.
Billy patted him on the back as everyone fucking clapped. Billy ground his jaw.
Steve was taking shaky breaths now.
The paramedics had arrived, pushing through the pool gates.
They got Steve onto a gurney.
“I, uh, I think I broke a rib during compressions.” Billy was following behind them, Steve’s kids following him like little ducklings.
“That’s okay. Better a broken rib and a breathing person.”
“He just passed out. I think he’s sick.” The loaded Steve up in the ambulance.
His eyes were wide, he looked panicked, staring at Billy, chewing on his bottom lip.
“Can I come with him?” One of the paramedics just nodded, Billy leapt into the ambulance, held Steve’s hand on the way to the hospital.
“You don’t have to stay.” They were in the E.R., waiting for a doctor to come back with the scans of Steve’s chest. They had already stitched up his head.
“Got nothin’ else to do.”
“You just, you don’t gotta take care a’ me.”
Billy dropped his head into his hands.
“Shoudn’ta said all that.”
“It’s fine, Billy. We’re not friends. You don’t owe me shit.”
“Honestly, I think I owe you an apology.” Steve shrugged. “Been treatin’ you like shit for a while now.”
“Look, I had no illusions about what we are to each other.” Billy sat back in his chair, glaring at Steve.
“That’s a lie.”
“No, it’s not. I knew we were nothing more than two people who fuck sometimes.”
“Maybe, but you wanted more.” And Steve’s cheeks went bright fucking red. “I could fucking see it. Just, the way you fuckin’ look at me, man. It was terrifying.” Steve ground his jaw.
“You’re in love with me. Don’t know when, or why, frankly, but you are. And those fuckin’ big eyes a’ yours pretty much show every emotion you feel. So we’re fucking, and I pull outta you, and you give me this look, like you’ve never been happier, like you’re so in love, and Stevie I can’t take that shit.”
Steve’s mouth was hanging open.
“I guess I’ll stop then?” He spoke slowly.
“No, I- shit, I’m not sayin’ any of this right.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “I was so scared because I’m not allowed to love you back.”
“But you do?” Steve was still talking all slow. Billy looked at his shoes, crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh my God, you big baby. You’re allowed to have feelings and emotions.”
“Not in my house.” Steve just stared at him. Billy sighed. “My dad would, would fuckin’ kill me if he found out. And I’m not just being dramatic. He doesn’t take nice to queers.”
“Who says he has to know?” Billy huffed a laugh.
“He always knows. Has ways of findin’ out all sorts a’ shit.”
“We’ve made it this far without him knowing.”
“Yeah, ‘cause he thought I was out fuckin’ every girl in town. He’d rather have a slut for a son than a homo.”
“Tell him you’ve got a girlfriend, then.”
“He’ll wanna meet her.”
“Then get some girl to cover for you. Get Heather or Robin or someone.” Billy chewed on his bottom lip.
“You think one of them would do it?”
“Oh yeah. I mean, Robin hates you on principle, which, sorry about that, but she’d probably do it if you change your ways or something.”
“Yeah? What’s that entail.”
“Don’t give me shit to complain about. She’s my go to when I would be all mopey about you, so if I start bein’ all excited about you, she’d notice.”
“What if she just hates me?”
“Nah. You two would get along great. Her favorite pass time is making fun of me.”
“Okay, but that’s the main pass time of everyone that’s ever met you.
“Hey. Aren’t you supposed to be nice to me now? Now that we’re all in love.” He grinned as Billy flushed.
“Never gonna be nice to you if you rub that shit in my face.”
“Oh please. You broke my fucking rib trying to save my life. Don’t act like you don’t love me.”
“You never thanked me for that shit.”
“Figured I would thank you when I got out of the hospital.” He smiled all coy, biting his bottom lip just a little.
“What you got in mind?”
“Remember like, three weeks ago, when you asked for that thing, and I said over my dead body? Well since I was almost a dead body, figured you could have this one.” Billy’s eyes went wide.
“You’re really gonna let me? Fuck you in you dad’s office?” Billy had stumbled into the room accidentally, kept saying please, Harrington? Just lemme take you on this fuckin’ desk.
“Oh, yeah.”
“That what I get for bein’ your boyfriend, or whatever?” Steve looked down at the thin blanket covering his legs.
“Depends. Are you my boyfriend?
“You want me to be?” Steve nodded, still looking at his lap. “Then, sure. I am.”
And when Steve smiled at him, it was bright as the fucking sun.
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docholligay · 4 years
What hobbies or activities would your OW crew each try and pick up during corona quarantine?
Lena is going to try and learn a second language. She took French in school, didn’t she? And didn’t she graduate school? Right! So this should be an absolute walk in the park. French it is. Her first choice was Arabic, as it was, in fact, the prospect of Amari drama that made her embrace the wisdom of being a polyglot in the first place, but Mercy’s gentle suggestion that she start with something a bit closer to home base made her try for French. Arabic could be her third language. 
And it isn’t that Tracer is stupid, so much as she has the full confidence that she can try hard and find success. This has been true so many times in her life, that she was simply the one most dedicated to the outcome, and so she managed to wrench it from the hands of fate. She is quick, and clever, and capable! What’s FRENCH got that she can’t handle. 
Lena, five minutes in: Oh, right, I hated school. 
She tries, god love her, but it just doesn’t hold her attention. She’s trying so hard to write verb forms and study and study, but she doesn’t honestly care much to KNOW French. It reminds her of Amelie, for starters, and that always gives her a little bit of a pit in her stomach, and without Amelie, there seems very little reason to know it. Only one in the house who speaks it is Mercy, really. 
So she takes account of the languages her team knows. 
Hana...Korean, of course, and at least some Japanese, mostly for promotional reasons. Lena takes one look at the Japanese rules of politeness and deference and gently sets the language to the side. She thinks about Korean--Korea’s been so much help since the omnic crisis, and it’s a good thing to converse with your allies--but the daunting aspect of having to ask Hana, who seems not even to know herself whether she likes everyone in the house or not, overcomes her. 
Fareeha, well, that’d be Arabic, and that’s it, so far as Lena knows, and Ang’s already warned her off of that one. Fareeha’s feeling a it pricky about the whole Arabic situation since her mother’s come back, anyhow, and all her workout music has turned to English, and Lena’s not certain why she seems to be blaming the entire Arab world for Ana, but then again, Lena doesn’t understand Fareeha in the best of times. 
Winston, he’d of course help her, but a lot of his knowledge is tied up in Latin and Scholarly Greek, and she’s not sure why anyone would take all the effort when you couldn’t even properly go on holiday. He does know a fair amount of German, she figures, but if she’s going to do that, she may as well go to Ang, and besides all that, Winston dos so much for her. No need to throw in another thing. 
Ana: No. 
Jack: No, but a bit softer. 
Angela seems the natural choice, as she knows so many languages, comparatively. Her father was a linguist of sorts, to hear Ang talk around the edge of it, and so German, French, Italian, Latin, Hebrew, at the least, all come to her quickly and easily. It’s English she likes the least, and she’s better at it than she gives herself credit for, near perfect but for a few stange tenses. It really only Ang who notices. But Angela is, well, Ang, and with all the troubles of the world, she’s lost her mind, a bit. 
So there’s no real help to be had, and Lena buys a few Muzzy tapes in French and learns how to say “I am a young girl” and “I like apples” before deciding that her quarantine time is better spent ensuring that she can actually climb the drain to the roof, jump from the roof into the pool, and other extremely valuable information. No one was hiring her for the language department anyhow. 
WInston is more used to solitude than the rest of them, and as far as he’s concerned, it’s not really loneliness if Tracer is with him. THough he feels bad for her, and how stir crazy she’s getting. It makes him sad to see her so bored and glum, though she is trying to make cheer of it. 
And so Winston has a genius idea. Tracer LOVES gymnastics, and Winston loves a project. So the idea for the super bounce trampoline is born. 
You cannot tell Winston this is a bad idea. You cannot tell Winston this is a bad idea, because, on some level, he already knows. He knows, but he sees Tracer doing her little cartwheels in the yard, running laps, trying to create little games for herself where she creates time trials around the house, trying to improve on each activity lap. At the time where she breaks three plates trying to see if she can beat her time for table service, it even starts to sound like a GOOD idea. 
He’s fine making little picnic lunches together and watching TV and having her ‘help’ in the lab, but she is becoming despondent with the boredom of it all. It has been ten days. 
And so, he looks at the metals he’s engineered for use in his prosthetic limbs. Couldn’t they also be used to create a spring that would double your strength and energy return of a normal spring? Than Lena could do all kinds of maneuvers on the trampoline, and besides, it’s always important to know the limits of engineering. 
Angela tries to remind him hospitals  are full. 
The first day of quarantine, Hana Song pops a soda in her pj shorts and says, “It’s a pandemic! Why do we have to improve ourselves? God, isn’t it enough to be alive?” She takes a deep sip. “I’ll do some charity streams, okay?” 
As she’s walking away Tracer asks her if she’ll help paint the upstairs den. Tracer is making little physical projects for herself in varying levels of horror, sometimes while watching the Muzzy tapes to convince herself she hasn’t given up on the bilingual dream. Painting seems tame. Hana stops for a moment, then agrees. 
She is the only reasonable person in this house. 
Angela is in a panic. The entire world seems to be crumbling at her feet, and though she is no epidemiologist, she knows that none of this is good. She wants to go. Pharah begs her to stay. She is afraid for Angela. To put her in some ICU where she could get the illness, where it could be, as such, that Fareeha would not be able to come to her. She understands Angela’s need to help, but also, she says, what if something happened to you? You are the only doctor with any real knowledge of Tracer. What would be come of her. 
Angela only looks at her for a moment before her face darkens, and Fareeha shakes her head, ashamed. “I was using Tracer to excuse my own fears. I am selfish. You should go.” 
And in that moment, Angela does not leave not because she is the only physician who can properly work with Tracer’s condition, but for the great love of Fareeha Amari, who for the first time since Angela has known her, is truly afraid. 
The days pass with difficulty. She is writing guidelines and ideas to anyone she can, coordinating donations and writing out thank yous and pleas, sitting in the bay window of their bedroom as the sleeting snow and rain fall against the window one bleak afternoon. The sun and storm come in patches, she’s noticed, but the grey seems to speak to her most all. 
Fareeha comes to her one day. She has a mug filled with hot chocolate and whipped cream and brandy and love. She gently places her hand on Angela’s knee. 
“I hear you crying in the night,” she says, though she cannot look to Angela’s face, “You should go. You must go.” 
She loves Fareeha so very much. 
She goes. 
Which immediately drives the sort of disconnected and floating morass of ennui that is the Overwatch household into Von Trapp style whistle blowing order. 
Pharah’s project, you see, is everyone else. 
Fareeha is a lovely person in most respects, all of them would say in one way or another, but she has certain control issues, and these never become more pronounced than when her life seems, well, out of control. 
No more laying about. There is a kitchen to be reorganized, there are drills to be done, when was the last time you lifted? There is a color coded schedule posted in the kitchen and we should all take note of the way Fareeha has scheduled our time. Tracer balks, of course, that she’s the leader as well, and Fareeha has a terrible habit of assuming that it’s her who’s the leader entire and complete, and you know what else--
Winston pulls them apart. Neither of them, he tries to say, are actually angry with each other. He shakes when he says it. 
And so Pharah tries. God love her, she tries SO HARD. She improves herself, and tries to let others be. She reorganizes the entire kitchen. She labels every bulk container, She scrubs every floor in the house to a gleaming shine. Her clothes, and Angela’s all washed and organized by sshade and season. 
One night Lena comes downstairs and sees her looking out the window, drinking a Labatt, rubbing at her wedding ring. Lena wouldn’t embarrass her by asking, but her eyes seem to beglistening, jsut a bit. 
The next morning, all three of the rest of the OVerwatch team are lined up, at the bottom of the stairs, at 6 am sharp. 
It’s true that Fareeha takes herself on three hour runs across the prairie in all weathers to give everyone some down time where they don’t have to be doing anything, but they broker a sort of peace wherein they spend a certain amount of time doing Fareeha Amari’s Twelve Point Improvement Plan every day, and time doing their own thing, and Fareeha seems genuinely cheered to be plotting out their workout and meal plans, their online seminars to listen to. She and Lena even watch a few Muzzy tapes together. 
She even forgives Tracer when the first test of Winston’s trampoline finds Lena sailing through Pharah’s (Thankfully open) bedroom window. 
Ana and Jack:
 They spend all of quarantine watching 90 Day Fiancee and eating TV dinners.
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c0untb00z · 5 years
I would just like to clear, I don't hate the BBC Dracula 2020 Show. In fact, I actually like the idea of Dracula being set in modern times like in the show, but I would like it a lot better if it wasn't written like a fucking reader insert fanfiction.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some reader inserts every once in a while but they're meant to be on Wattpad. Sometimes, you can find really fucking good fanfictions that could genuinly be movies, but this really just feels like someone wrote an erotic fanfiction for Dracula. It almost reminds me of a worse version of 50 Shades of Grey with less kinky sex.
First and foremost Agatha Van Hesling. I actually kinda liked her personality, how driven she was and determined to never give up, but she was literally created for a love interest. In Dracula by Bram Stocker, Sister Agatha is a nun that nurses Jonathan back to health, claiming he was 'sick in the head' as he ranted of what he had seen and warning others of Dracula. She doesn't even have a last name.
However there is a Dr. Van Hesling in the book, hes dutch(???) Professor that mentors and taught(????) Jack Seward who was in love with Lucy, who was fed off of and eventually killed and eventually undead by the means of the one and only Dracula. Dr Van Hesling plays a large role in the plot of the book. He has an open mind and was able to draw connections between things that some others couldn't, as he had access to more sources and could speak to most off the charecters involved. He's the first person to present the idea of a vampire, and Lucy turning into one. Thanks to Jonathan he was able to identify the vampire feeding on Lucy as Dracula and finds out how to kill the vampires.
So basically Agatha was literally fabricataed for the sole perpose of being there, to fall in love with Dracula or something.
I know we all are horny for Dracula. I'm horny for Dracula. Vampires are fucking hot but the sexiest part of vampires is that they ya know. Kill you and are mercily and heartless. The show does show that in a lot of parts and even decapiates a nun and yeets it into a gaggle of nuns which i fucking died at. But it also, humanizes him way to much, hes literally a monster. The scene in the boat with lord whats his name really portrayed that. It was really,,,, weird cause me being a kinky fucker I don't find the particular phrases of "you're going to need to be quiet now," and " youre doing so well" that creepy and if anything a little hot but looking at the circumstance and the look on that kids face, it was like r e a l y fucked up. Which is why i liked that scene. It showed just how fucked up Dracula is.
To be fair i did like Cleas Bangs acting and casting as Dracula. He had a certain charm that was ever so s l i g h t l y off. I heard people say he just 'made up an accent' but fuck you guys its a fucking danish accent you incolent twats anyways. He could be really funny at times and i actually apprecited it.
However the casting AND acting of the modern parts is absolute shit. Ep.3 is where i kinda gave up on the show and finsihed it for the sake of torturing myself. FIRST OF FUCKING ALL LUCY i cannot fathom how P I S S E D i am about Lucy. Why did they have to make her a phone obsessed basic asshole with no regards to anyones emotions besides her own and the extent of her personality is 'getting likes on socail media is all i care about because it makes me feel validated so im gonna wallo in self pity because i was obiously written by white man in his 50s that would have made me white if he wasnt forved to throw in diversity points" like shut the fuck up steven king.
Also lucy and mina never meet??? Theyre in different fucking time lines??? Theyre friendship and love for eachother was fucking golden how dare you rob that form me and give me a garbage bag full of shit with a shiny little bow on top in its place jesus f u ck.
The cemetary scene was o k ay i gues?? I liked the little nod to the book with the bloofer lady and the concept of random sprits being undead because of unfinished buisness. But this really just felt like it was slapped in the show for the sake of going on a date with Dracula in cemetary. I actually kinda apperacted it but it just felt awkward.
Also who the f u ck is Lucy's friend? The gay one??? Like,,,, is that supposed to Arthur???? His chatecter was so fu king weird and offset he just didnt feel like he should be in there. Hes literally just there for a-50-year-old-man's-interpretation-of-young-women-now-a-days verson of Lucy to have a gay best ffriend.
Ok i not even sure if i want to talk about Quincy. It just hurts. It physically hurts me to think about how d i r t y they did my baby. His charecter is the defination of american chivalry, just as great as regular chivarly but with a little extra cowboy vibe. Quincy is jist the biggest,,,, sweet haert,, like he asked lucy to marry him in his cool american cowboy voice cause he knew lucy loved it and it always made her laugh. And even when she turned him down becayse her heart belonged to arthur, he stayed. All he wanted was for lucy to be happy and all he requested was that they stay frirnds. Hes also invovled with taking fkwn dracula although hes not a main charecter percice ly as he doesnt have any entires in the book he still has an amaizing precence and sometimes while reading the book ill be readying one of dr sewards passanges and think "huh i wonder what quncys doin. I hope hes dooin good. Cowboy vibes n stuffs" amd boy dles he do that. Everh dracula film adaptataion robs us. R O B S U S of quincy morris best scene. In the middle of dr van helsing ranting about vampires( thats basically what half of the book is. I could write a 4p minute mono louge of his rambling jesus how does sweard take note of all this) quincy litterally just walks out. And nobodg really pays any notice beside glancing ag his leave and shrugging at one anouther and going back tl listneing tl van helsing explaining his vampire fan theories quincy moris , the quincy morris from texathe untited states of the amerkca the land and the free and also cowboys.stands outside of the bouilding and pints his gun up at. Dracula whos in the shape of a fucking bat eves ddopping outside the window and just fucking,,shoots it. Now he doesnt hit it cause thatt wouldnt be as fun as brutally stabbing the fucker witja wooden stake. But S T I L L. And the fucking bullet hits the window that everybodys in anprobably causes arthur to shit himself the ppoor boy. Can you belive that theh didnt fucking flim thatfor any dracul? Now i i under stands why not put in this adaptation because quincy is only mentionsed like three god damned times. And when theh DK mention him jesusnshit they literally jsut made him some popular jock from amwrica just to conter jacks white twinky ass and then they had him propose to lucy in the middle of a fucking night club and she says yes???? Lile ok jut throw Arthur out a window then cause cause fu c k him i guess. And then after lucy dies he jjsy fucking moves ?? The only thing thta makes this version of qincy quinccy is the fu king name and fact hes from america
Ok now jack fucking seward. He reminds me of when ylu forget you had a pb&j in your back pack so in the bos after school you pull it out cause yoyr hungry and yoyr mom put WAY to much jelly on it so now its like. All obsorbed into the bread and joggy and squished. Just sad and really white. They even had some kid call him whate bread and they werent fucking wrong. His obly personality traits were ' omg i love lucy but shes a hoe ;,,,((' and being connected to Zoe.
Now last and definately least the god forbaden ending. Just thinking about it gives me a fucking head ache. So , jesus, zoe, who is agathas great niece or someshit, a d looks exactly like her (its literally the same fucking actress) is a detective lile scitist reasearching dracula. So dracula is illedatly attracted to her becasue he thinks shes like agathas reincarnation or soenshit. So he tries tk drink her blood at one point and spits it all out and pukes and sjit cause her blood is poisonous bevaise she has fucking c an c e r. So later we find out that draculas weaknesses ( the sun crucifix) arnt actually real hes just afraid of dying so he has like irration fears or some shit so for some fucking reason. They deside. Its a good iea to end the show with this:
Dracula fucking drinks all of zoes blood killing her and himself because her blood poisonus. And ghe fucking emd scene is them like,,, in the sun???? Or soemt hi ng??? And theyre naked and like presumably fucked and dracula says some shit like " its doesnt have to hurt" and i almost tore my wrist open wiith my teeth because of how shitty this ending is.
Not lnly is it disrespectful to zoe but agatha, agathas whole thing was K I L I N G. dracula she wanted him fucking D E A D she woULDNT FUCK HKM
anyway if anyone actually goes through the effort of reafing my god damn eS S A Y about Dracula that i finkshed typing (im not gonna bother editing tbh) at 4 fucking am. Then thank you and please get a life
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bunslakes-artblog · 6 years
Small collection of bnha stuff I’ve written
Ok so I am not a story writer, I can’t write a full story that is enjoyable to read. However, I do like to write specific scenes, try to convey a mood, or just write down scenarios that have been floating around in my head. This is probably not the the most convenient-to-read format, but I don’t have an accound for any fanfic sites or anything so..  Here I have put together some stuff I have written down, I think you could class all of them as angst lol. It’s kiribaku, but could be read as platonic in most cases too. 
These are all written like little extractions from fics (that don’t excist other than said extraction), so don’t expect a full story coming or anyhting. I’ll try to explain some context to each one if I feel it’s needed though. Warning: super long text under the cut
This first one is so over  the top angsty it’s almost funny, but here goes (context plus some extra in cursive at the end): The last piece of concrete was lifted by a light tap from Uraraka’s fingertips and the rescue group could finally see into the small space they had been working for hours to find and uncover after the building had collapsed during the battle with the villain. All Might was standing by the opening, blocking most of the view, but Midoriya could still catch a glimpse of what had been trapped in there. He almost recoiled when he was pierced with a crimson gaze, colder and sharper than an iron rod to the heart. Kacchan. He'd been in the center of the action when the building had collapsed, fighting side by side with- "Young Bakugo! Worry not for I-" All Might stopped himself from finishing his sentence, and Midoriya could see why. Bakugo was sitting, leaning against a broken piece of wall and rubble, the furthest into the small space. He was covered in small scrapes and cuts, hero costume torn, his body tense, face exhausted. Dried teartracks that had drawn visible lines over his dusty cheeks. And in his arms, leaning back to his chest, Kirishima. Bakugos arms were tightly wrapped around his upper body in an embrace, his head nuzzled in the dip between the redheads shoulder and neck. It would've been a tender view, if it wasn't for the redhead's unmoving chest. His pale skin. His almost closed, blank eyes. 
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It had been hours since the building collapsed, since the rest of the class and teachers were able to start digging for survivors.. Midoriya felt the dread sink its cold claws into his gut. All Might looked like he was about to say something, but stopped when Bakugo's arms hugged the lifeless body they were cradling a little tighter, his eyes suddenly burning white hot, most of his face still buried in the crook of his friends neck. "How dare you- How fucking DARE you show up now, when it's too late. When it's been too late for HOURS." Bakugos voice was low, cracked and rough like gravel from the emotional strain it'd been through. But it cut through the silence like a blade. The class had gotten involved with another villain attack and Bakugo and Kirishima had been fighting together inside the building while it collapsed. They got trapped in the small space under a fallen supporting beam that kept the rest of the rubble from crushing them. Or well, most of them. Bakugo had got off lightly compared to his friend who he found gasping for air in his arms once the dust had settled. They had been in there for a long time and both were noticing how difficult it was becoming for the redhead to breathe. How soft his voice had become. And there were still vague sounds from the battle outside, so rescue was still far away. Bakugo had already overused his quirk and could not let out any explosions without risking hurting Kirishima even more, so the only thing left to do was to sit still, wait, and hope.
  Bakugo would try to keep Kirishima talking, terrified of the silence. Kirishima would be terrified too, not wanting to leave Bakugo alone in this small space with his dead body, knowing he’d be trapped in there for a long time before getting rescued. In an attempt to comfort them both, Kirishima had been gently massaging Bakugos strained palms, and Bakugo had had to sit there and feel Kirishima's grip getting softer and softer until the hands laid limp in his own. After the last breath had left his friends body, hed cried, yelled, cursed, cried some more and then some. But eventually tears run out and he was still trapped in there, now completely alone. The only thing he could think of to do was hugging the body in his arms, trying to keep the warmth from slipping out. And he had to stay in there like that for hours before rescue finally came.
This next one is kind of strangely written. Sometimes I like writing super vague and avoiding to talk too much about the characters, and more about what they feel and experience. Trying to show who’s perspective we are reading from just based on context clues. But to be clear, the first chunk is from Kirishima’s perspective and the second is Bakugo.  The main thing here was just that I wanted to write about being trapped and abandoned for a very long time with no contact with hte outside world. Kind of tuning in to pure survival instinct and so on. There’s no context to this, I don’t know who or why he was captured or how, it jsut is how it is haha.  Every gap in the text is a timeskip. How long a timeskip is is not really the point, but it could be anyhting from hours to like a week. 
He had lost count of the days he’d been held there. Not that it was hard to, the complete lack of access to the real world made it more or less impossible to keep track of the passage of time. It was just him, alone in a windowless cube, a wooden rectangle sticking out from the wall to sleep on, a door with a tiny slot to push food through, and a bucket in a corner. It was just him, his only company being the rare sound of the slot opening and the scraping of the tray as it got pushed into his cell. No talking. He'd stopped talking to himself. Run out of things to say. He'd stopped hallucinating the sound of distant explosions getting closer and closer, stopped imagining the heavy door getting blasted open, blessing him with fresh air from the outside, and the sun. God he had almost forgotten what the sun felt like. What natural light looked like. What the voices of his friends sounded like. Their faces. Only a name with a vague blurry face shape to accompany it. He'd lost count of the weeks. No one was coming. The silence was unbearable. It was like pressure on his ears. The isolation was driving him insane. He'd laid by the door-slot, waiting for it to open, just to perhaps at least catch a glimpse of a hand, a sign of another human being. He'd lay on the floor in front of the door, watching the slot open, over and over. Nothing. No one. He can't stand it. Anything is better than this. No one is coming. He has to get himself out. Warmth and the taste of iron and salt fills his mouth. For a moment his hunger takes over and he bites down harder. The pain quickly takes over though and he lets out a whimper. Everything slowly fades. It hurt. The pulsating hot pain under the sloppy wrapping around his wrist, and the cold, piercing pain in his mouth. His tongue wouldn't stop running over the empty spaces and broken, filed down points that had once been his teeth. Failure. Weakling. They were not letting him go. No one was coming. It's so dark. There had been a distant rumble. The ground shook. Something deep inside him tugged at his heart, tried to revive a distant memory. A connection his brain wanted to make. An association. The smell of burnt sugar. Hope?  The feeling didn't last long though since soon after the rumbling had begun, the artificial lights went out and his world became absolute darkness. In the beginning panic was the only thing he felt. He couldn't see. He didn't understand. What had happened? The air felt dusty, still and old. And it was so quiet. He didn't get used to the darkness. This wall of black right in front of his eyes at all times. He didn't understand. The meals had stopped coming. Not that they came very often before, but now they were nowhere to be seen at all. Abandoned. Forgotten. Left to rot. No one was coming. The air is so thick. Old. Same. He can almost taste himself with every breath. Disgusting. He doesn't know when he's sleeping and when he's not. It all looks the same. Black. Moving is hard. He doesn't know what his limbs are doing. He can't see. He accidentally tipped over the bucket when weakly fumbling for it in the dark, spilling the contents over the floor. Disgusting. Putrid. Unspeakable. Sobbing, he crawled back up on his bunk. He didn't go on the floor anymore. Liquid. His dry lips are pressed against the wall, trying to soak up every last drop of what's slowly trickling down the uneven surface. There had been a crack, the first sound since the horrible wet clash of the bucket, and he'd breathed in a mouthful of dust. Then he'd felt it. Cool against his fingers. Slowly trickling. Wet. That tug in his heart is there again. Fainter than ever, making a last attempt. He can't do anything else than keep pressing his lips against the wall, absorbing every last drop of hope. It was becoming almost unbearable to force himself to breathe. He was so tired. Felt so heavy. Nothing to breathe but dust and stench. No one was coming. He was just going to sleep for a little while. Finally. Finally they found it. The place they'd been tirelessly searching for for months. His body was out of shape, exhausted from endless sleepless nights dedicated to searching, because dammit, they had taken HIM. Those fuckers. Those absolute evil monsters. They were his. He felt his body preparing to give it its all now when they'd finally found their target. The attack had been successful, executed with the element of surprise in their favour, along with pretty much the whole class, all the teachers plus some other pros. And he'd been in the lead, blasting anything that moved, sometimes even if it didn't. Like a machine he'd plowed through corridors upon corridors, searching for the only thing that mattered to him. Nothing yet. "Th-the basement. You ha-have to.. it collapsed" "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN COLLAPSED? IS THERE ANYTHING DOWN THERE??" he was getting impatient. Impatient and scared. He hadn't found him yet. And all the captives had been rescued. Where the fuck had they hid him? He refused to even consider the unthinkable. He WAS here. Somewhere. "Don't shake the victim, are you crazy?!" The annoying voice of some adult shouted. He let out an irritated “tch” but let go of the shaking, thin human. The adult took over listening to what the rescued had been trying to say. "The basement.. it's where they kept.. where they kept the struggling one. The one who wouldn't stop fighting.." A wall of rubble. Impossible to get through. There must've been an earthquake or something with equal force that caused this massive disaster. They couldn't get down. And it looked like no one had been able to for a very long time. He could feel hope run out. Quickly. His chest tightening, making it hard to breathe. But he dug. God it's so dark. The air almost impossible to breathe, having been still and filled with dust for so long. His heart was racing with horrification. Was he here, in this complete, silent darkness? This hell of isolation? "When did this happen?" "I-i don't.. days.. weeks ago?" That's what the rescued person had said. Fuck. His explosions was barely enough to light the floor in front of him. He walked quickly, every step echoing in the earnumbing silence. There was a door at the end of the hallway. The glimpse he'd gotten of the horrifyingly small cube of a room before getting pulled away had been enough. His head was screaming. Stomach tying itself into a hard, cold knot. Throat tighter than it'd ever been. It had been complete darkness when he'd swung open the heavy door, followed by the stench, hitting him like a wall. Old, musty and way too over-recycled air, rot and something else he didn't want to think about. Then the lightbeam from the rescue torches had lit the scene for a moment. A small bare room, no windows, nothing on the walls or ceiling but some built-in fluorescent lights that had since long gone out. A mess in a corner. A crack in the wall with a small trail of water from some broken pipe trickling down, leading down to a wooden rectangle sticking out from said wall. And on it- "Oh no" That was all he had heard from the pro that had been right behind him before quickly being tugged away from the scene. His heart was still and cold in his chest. He couldn't comprehend what he'd seen in that room. The thin, boney figure on the bunk, lying, folded in on itself, looking so small, so fragile. The head pressed against the crack in the wall, the head covered in greasy, tangled, matted hair. Fading crimson red hair. He was throwing up, couldn't help himself, couldn't stop. Dry heaving on all fours, he felt a warm hand on his back, large, bony, familiar. Unwelcome. They had been too late. They had let this happen. They weren't worthy of calling themselves heroes. People. FRIENDS. He'd seen it when they were carrying him out, up to the surface. The filthy bandages that had almost slipped off the thin wrist that had once been strong and muscular. The badly stitched together bite marks. The glimpse of the demolished, once sharp teeth. Those fuckers had even denied him his last option to get himself out of there. Those fucking monsters.
His heart almost couldn’t take it anymore when he heard the medic’s voice gasping.
“There’s a pulse!”
You really are stupidly strong, aren’t you.
This one is not much of a story, but more a little “headcanon” I have for Unbreakable. I like to imagine Kirishima being able to reach deeper and deeper states of unbreakable, getting bigger and more rock like. This text is pretty much just a description of the very specific sound that a deep-state unbreakable could make.
At first it was just a feeling. A vague sensation of pressure, almost like airplane ear. The sensation grew and he could feel a low vibration in his ribcage, rumbling like an earthquake throughout his entire body and, or so it seemed, the ground as well. What the hell? Then it hit him. It's a noise. He can hear it now. It's so loud and in such a low pitch that it's more something to be felt than heard, but it's definitely there. A deep rumble, like rough boulders grinding against each other (not in a stupid metaphorical way, no, it was literally the sound of rock grinding against rock), coming from what felt like the ground itself. The strong arms holding him down loosened their grip for a brief moment, probably due to the surprising sound, and he took the opportunity to break himself free enough to look around. "Oh." That was all he could say. Where his friend had stood as he had gotten himself stupidly overpowered by the villain now tightening their grip once again, was now something he would never had believed was the same person unless he'd seen it before. Or at least a similar version of whatever this was. Skin no longer even remotely resembling its true soft self, the rough texture made him look like he'd been bluntly carved out directly from a cliffside. Every soft curve was replaced with hard, angular edges and sharp points. His friend, or he was almost sure it still was his friend in there, looked more like a living mountain than a person. And he was still emitting that sound, even though the stalactite filled cave that was once a mouth wasn't even open. No, this rumble came from his core, vibrating out from the chest, through the bones and into the ground. "A growl" he realized.
This is not a perfect representation of the sound I’m imaginiang but it’s sort of a combo of this and the first half-second of this. Or maybe a bit like this, but more rock-y sort of. These growls would be close mouth vocalisation, emmitting from deep withing the gut/chest. 
This last one is also about unbreakable, and has a bit more of my headcanon for it. I’m sort of thinking that the deeper Kirishima goes into unbreakable, the more one-tracked his mind gets, eventually running almost like a machine, carrying out each task (thought) the quickest, most convenient way before forming the new task. More on this at the end. 
The class is in the middle of a particularly heated sparring session, everyone having been divided into the hero- and villain half.
The arm reached out for Bakugo, ready to grab him. If it reached, it would all be over, and Bakugo doesn't have time to dodge. Being too caught up in the heat of the moment, reality slips for a moment and weeks worth of nightmares of villain hands grabbing for his friend, taking him away, killing him, floods his mind. No no no no no! Kirishima feels his unbreakable form deepen, and suddenly his mind can only keep in one track. "NO. DENY." A loud bang echoes through the training hall as rock-hard jaws slam together, stalagmite teeth snapping shut, leaving no gaps in-between. The world goes silent as an object goes flying, spinning, in a wide arc across the battleground with liquid drizzling behind it like a firework, faint traces of green lightning still sparking around it. The object collides with the wall with a thud and a small choked gasp can be heard from the projectiles source. Then the tense silence is further broken by a scream. "MIDORIYA!" Uraraka rushes to the green-haired boy who's now sitting slumped down on the ground, pale as a sheet, clearly in shock. More screams are heard around the hall as the other students start realizing what had happened. Blood is pouring from the stump ending right below the boys shoulder, the same blood that's dripping from the still closed, still harneded jaw, frozen in place. Kirishima's min is blank inside Unbreakable. His heart is racing and out of his control, he goes deeper and deeper into his hardening, choking himself, crushing- And suddenly it stops and he goes limp and falls to the ground. Aizawa had taken hold of the situation, canceled the red-head's quirk to stop him from panic-crushing himself, and then headed straight to pick up the mutilated boy who had started muttering incoherently, looking like he might pass out any second. Pretty much the whole class kept as much distance as they could from Kirishima as they followed their teacher carrying their classmate to recovery girl, fear, shock and confusion clearly visible on their faces. The whole class. Almost. Kirishima didn't know he was hyperventilating until he felt a grounding hand on his shoulder. Bakugo's hand. His head was spinning. What happened? His eyes dart around the area and they land on the object on the ground across the room. The arm. The taste of blood suddenly made itself very present and he brought both his hands up, tightly holding them over his mouth as he breathed shallow and hard from his nose. "Kirish- oh fuck." Bakugo placed his hand on the red-head's back and did his best to keep the red hair out of the way as Kirishima vomited on the floor. He kept going until he was just coughing up saliva and dry-heaving, tears flowing down his face, the warm hand still on his back rubbing soothing cirkles. "Sit down, put your head between your legs or you'll faint" Bakugo's voice said softly. When he had enough control over his breathing to speak, he managed to croak out; "I-.. Ididn't mean to- I thought- I didn't know-" the sobs were taking over again and Bakugo gently pulled him into a hug. "I know. I saw what happened. And-" he stroked Kirishima's hair "I know he saw it too. In your eyes. He won't hate you."
Ok so back to how I imagine unbreakable’s mind would work in this deep state. Kirishima’s last thought before hardening was to stop the hand from reaching Bakugo, which carried over into a more compressed, literal state once in unbreakable mode. Like a computer sort of his mind would now work like: stop hand - closest? mouth. - bite - task complete.  For visual reference, I imagine the movement when he turns to bite is similar to how Saitama bites the sword. Not this exact motion, but the same suddenness and power of it.  The way the arm flies away is similar to how Eren’s arm gets flung away when the titan eats him.
Poor Kirishima, imagine how bad he feels about hurting a friend so badly. Dw, they will probably be able to put Midoriya’s arm back again, it was bitten off cleanly and with this world’s technology, anything is possible. 
Okay, so if you’ve made it all the way to the end, thank you so much for taking the time to read my strange, “let’s see in how many ways we can hurt kirishima” angst texts! This is actually the first time I’ve written anyhting similar to fanfics. I don’t know if there will be more in the future, I guess I’ll see what people think of this first.. 
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lunartrashbin · 5 years
Drake X Female Reader (Plushies)
Remember that drawing of Drake with the plush? That was for this.
Also this came from my Wattpad in case you wanna know. And it a bit oldish soooo... Yeah.. Hope you like it :P
Feel free to give criticism as long as it's not rood™
Warning: Fluffly adorkable dino ahead(?)
Alsooriginallythoughtof @crapitskizaru whenwritingthisatfirstcuziknowshelovethedinosotagginghercuzwhynot
People always say, "Calm down," or shit like, "Be more chill," or some other shit. And honestly? I feel like I'm perfectly fine and I'm always chill... Not. I can "be chill", but cross the line and test my patience and I might kill a bitch or two. Like always, only a few people get spared. Examples my parents obviously, my friends most of the time, people who are somehow surprisingly barrable, Law, Robin, etc, aaaaaand him.
No not that shit from PPG, sorry not sorry, but Mr. Shy Dino Boi.
Diez Drake.
Why is he shy? Two- three, four??? words. Women. And their bodies. Why he dino? Cuz I'm preeeetty sure he has an infatuation with them. Not like I'm jealous, or... anything...
So yeah, basically, I like mister I fall to the ground and have these random friggin hearts around me for some reason because I saw a girl's almost naked body. Trust me, it has happened.
Even to me.
But they were all accidents, he claims. In his first year, I think Zoro may have possibly possessed him in an unknown way cause somehow he ended up lost on the way tO THE MOTHERFUCKING MALE LOCKER ROOM. ITS NOT EVEN CONFUSING!!!!!!!! Yeaaaaah, he's still claimed to be a pervert for that. Just a few people. Not many, but just a small handful. Even though I'm pretty sure he only saw Nami. . . Lucky bitch... probably. Toootally not jealous. Totally.
As for me, since I get put in the friend zone, apparently he came to my house unannounced once, eventhoughapperentlyhesentamessage, and I juST HAPPENED TO BE CHANGING. Think someone said he had a nosebleed. Might have been my fault for not checking my phone. But it's not my fault he texted me the one time I don't have my phone on me.
Anyways, while I have been to his house/room before, and yes it's filled with Jurassic Park/World posters, today just takes the cake.
Because never before, have I seen that dino plush before. Yes, I know what I said. A DINO PLUSH.
And I just spirited away and died on the inside from the cuteness. Thank god he left for the restroom when I saw it on his bed. Cause I swear I'm pretty sure I squealed a bit. Luckily it was quiet, but iF HE WERE IN THE ROOM. HE WOULD QUESTION THE FUCK CAME FROM ME AND JUST STARE WITH THE CUTEST FUCKING FACE THAT ALWAYS QUESTIONS ME WHEN I DO WEIRD SHIT. And I'm pretty sure that's 95% of the time, most of them internal. The other 5% is filled if me questioning him, which, isn't alot... Oh god, hope he doesn't hate me when I do weird shit.
After dying from fangirling, which is a lot, I then slowly got curious as to who got it for him. Maybe even jealous. Or not. You readers will never know.
I mean- what.
Finally, after what felt like forever, he came back. "What took you so long?" I ask only to then see cookies in his hands.
"... Nevermind, you're excused. Now gimme the cookies ples."
He just gave me a small chuckle that melted my heart and handed me some yummy cookies, moving to sit on the edge of his bed.
I was at his desk, backwards on the chair while I nibbled on the (favorite flavor) cookie in silence. Sadly, I didn't notice his blush to the way I ate.
It was quiet for awhile until he cleared his throat to speak, and scratched the back of his neck, which I actually saw this time. Adorable.
"I-I hope you like them. I actually, made them myself." He muttered loud enough for me to hear. He had a small  but noticeable blush while averting his gaze and instead to the floor. I swear, it took everything NOT to just whip out my phone, take a picture,and set it as my wallpaper. So instead, I just died on the inside from his constant cuteness.
I hummed a little happy tune to signal I enjoyed them, but really, I just wanted to rant how amazing he and the cookies were.
Honestly, it didn't surprise me much since I already knew he lived alone. His mom was dead, and he had moved away from his abusive father, who I may or may not want to strangle if I ever met him. Luckily for his so called father, I haven't met him. Yet. Not sure if I wanna meet the asshole who made my crush suffer as a child.
After I finished my cookie, don't know how many I already ate, I spoke up.
"You know, I'm not really surprised, but what does surprise me is that it taste fucking amazing! ... Sorry, jsut saying." The adorable shy bastard chuckled again, even though he wasn't exactly fond of my cursing. But seriously, how many times is he gonna chuckle at my misfortunate life.
I grabbed another cookie while he grabbed the light green dinosaur plush and made his way over to me. Once next the the seat I was at, he started to lightly attack me with the plush, holding out the little arms to attack me. I'm pretty sure I was gonna die of a heart attack today.
"Noooo," I playfully yelped. "Not da cookies~" And we both lightly giggled. But his was more of a chuckle.
I went to lean back while shielding myself, but life decided to be a bitch and I went in to fall on the floor.
I'm not sure why, but I flapped my arms around like a lunatic for an unknown reason. My body probably thought it would help. But when I thought I was sure my head was gonna hurt like hell from the fall, my left arm gripped onto the arm of the chair.
Thankfully the impact never came. Somehow. . .
I open one of my previously shut eyes to see Drake looking a bit scared, a small roll of sweat currently rolling down his face. His hand had grabbed mine as his other hand went to grab my left pulling me up. Apparently he dropped the dinosaur plush on me, probably not wanting to drop the the lil cutie on the floor... Drake's still cuter. I took his hand and he pulled me upwards, bringing our faces closer.
We were both blushing messes by the time we pulled away and I had clinged to the dinosaur plush.
My eyes darted around the room, becAUSE I SWEAR I HEARD A GROWL SOMEWHERE.
"You should really be more careful (Y/n)." The worried yet flustered male spoke up as my eyes landed on him. When I sorta stared while he spoke, I could've sworn his blush grew a bit. God that's adorable.
"Don't worry I'm fine..." I mumbled clinging a bit more onto the plush T-Rex.
I turned around and set my feet on the floor to avoid that again when Drake suddenly picked me up. I turned my head to him as he set me on the bed and pried the plush from me, setting it near the pillows. When he did that, he laid his head on my chest and hugged me. I think my face was as hot as the sun by now.
"(Y-Y/n)?" God, his stutter, will be the death of me. I know he already stuttered earlier, but my God he's just too cute.
I hummed again in response because I'm pretty sure my throat was dry from the cuteness.
"I-I know this might be awkward for us, but I-I just want to let you know that I-I think I l-like you... I-it's fine if you don't like me back, but I just, wanted to let you know." He mumbled into my chest, his grip tightening around my waist.
What's hotter than the sun? Because that would describe my face perfectly right now. I'm pretty sure he felt my heart beat sooooo fuck it. I hugged him back and looked to see his face. He was just an adorable little tomato right now.
"Shhhhh. Just, be quiet right now."
He lifted himself up closer to eye level, us still a red mess, but smiling.
"Just for the record, I like you too." My smile widened. "Also, you're adorable." His eyes widened as I brought myself closer and dozed off into my dreams.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Wanna Dance With The Devil? // Biadore - Eligh
A/N Hello, my names Eligh I’ve done quite a bit of reading but no writing and I had an idea. So since it tis the season have a little bit of a college Halloween party with some Biadore with a side of Witney, it’s quite short (And very possibly quite shit) pls enjoy regardless. Have a happy and safe Halloween and drink lots of water if your drinking (Nobody likes hangovers, nobody.)
Also please excuse my grammar/punctuation they’ve never been by strong suit.
tw - Drinking, name calling (slut) but just playful/teasing not actually malicious, almost smut i guess?
Summary - Adore drags Courtney to a Halloween party and Adore spends the whole evening trying to find a devil with brown eyes.
“There she is!” Courtney yells as Adore walks into her house a little to loud for Adores hung over liking.
“Ah the walk of shame.” Another voice says. “I know it well.” Adore looks up to see William emerging from the kitchen, travel mug of coffee in hand. “Well, I did.” He looks at Courtney with a smile.
“Ugh, so cheesy.” Courtney giggles.
“I’ll see you tonight lovely.” He says with a kiss on Courtney’s cheek. He walks past a dishevelled Adore in the hallway who gives him a faint smile. “There’s fresh coffee in the pot and blister plasters and aspirin in the medicine cupboard.” Adore looks down at the floor and purses her lips trying not to laugh. ‘Fuck’ she thinks ‘Courtney told him everything’
“Thanks Willam.” She mumbles. With that willam walls out the front door and drives off. Adore turns ever so slightly annoyed at Courtney.
“What the fuck Court.” She says dropping ridiculously high heels on the stair case and walking in the sun lit kitchen. “You told him.”
“I’m sorry.” She says apologetically. Handing her a cup of much needed coffee. “I was just so exited and I had to tell someone.”
“So let me get this straight.” She says in the most pissed off voice she can muster. “You needed tell someone about me hooking up with a girl I met at a party fine, and you seriously thought the person who you would tell would be your heterosexual, male boyfriend…really.” She wasn’t really annoyed she jsut wanted to prove a point.
“Ok, Ok I’m sorry, but enough about that how was it.” She says intrigued motioning for Adore to follow her into the living room in the back of the house.
“Oh my god amaaaaazing.” Adore says sliding down onto a chair.
“This takes me back.” Courtney smiles nostalgically taking the chair opposite.
“Really?” Adore questions wondering what part of this situation reminds Courtney at all of the short but sweet time her and Adore had spent together in college. Adore was still there of course, Courtney graduated last year and had moved into an apartment with Willam soon after. Adore remembered the first time she met Willam she wasn’t a huge fan, he was a little to blunt for her but had warmed up to him. In fact he was as much a friend to her as he was to Courtney without the commitment part, ew!
“Well,” Adore snaps out her thoughts as Courtney continues “I guess the falling into the house at 9am part is the one that resonates with me, the successful hookup however that’s pretty new.” She snickers.
“Oh fuck you.” Adore curses chucking a pillow at her. “I did ok with hookups.”
“No you did not.” Courtney took a sip of her coffee. “You just passed out drunk in alley ways and stumbled back into the dorm with makeup down your cheeks and having already taken off your heels that were usually broken.” Adore scowls and was about to retort before Courtney harked up again. “You still haven’t told me all the details I want all the tea.” She smiles deviously. Adore sighs and settles in for a long story.
The night before
“Well.” Cortney stares at the frat house they were about to spend a night in. “This looks like a fucking nightmare.”
“I know, i probably should have warned you but it’s a friends Halloween party and a barely know anyone, please Courtney I need you.” Adore begged.
“Who’s party is it.” Courtney continued, ignoring her friends pleads. She stared cautiously at the house in front of her, people had already arrived, mostly in their late teens or early 20′s dressed in the tiniest piece of fabric they could find and some how not getting hypothermia. The god awful music could be heard from a mile away. The cliches were far too many and far too cheesy.
“Um,” Adore mumbled looking at her hands.
“Oh come on Adore seriously?!” she exclaimed, looking at how nervous Adore got at that question she had put the puzzle together. This was Jay’s house. Jay had been Adore’s first very serious relationship, she had ended it about a month ago because everything was happening to fast for her. Courtney respected her and her choice and as honestly kind of glad she wasn’t really a huge fan off Jay’s but couldn’t help but get frustrated by how often she had to take Adore’s phone off her and stop her for calling and texting him.
“I’m sorry,” she started. “I’m really sorry i just really wanted to see him just one more time to be honest I feel like I need the closure.” She tried to sound confident but failed miserably.
“Are we even invited.” Courtney raised her eyebrow.
“It may or may not be a free for all.” Adore bit her lip nervously.
“For goodness sake.” Courtney turned on her heel ready to leave but Adore caught her arm. “Adore if this is a free for all its just going to be breathtakingly full of people and not in a good way. I’m too old for this now.”
“Your like two years older than you were in college now and honestly the worst your going to find in there are some medically inaccurate Halloween costumes.” Courtney had gone to college to become a psychologist and in her opinion ‘sexy nurse costumes’ were the damning of society. Courtney was torn she had missed college and the parties but this was not what Adore needed then again she couldn’t convince her otherwise and, oh fuck it.
“Fine.” Adore gave a huge smile before taking courtneys hand and going in. “Just for the record, I think this is a terrible idea.” She added before being drowned out by the deafening music.
Courtney was right, Adore hated to admit it but this was the personification of every high school, party cliche ever. Kegs, noz balloons, blasting music and suck and blow, they even had a couple making out in the corner. You couldn’t escape people drunkenly ‘dancing’ and chatting. Adore turned around to find Courtney was gone, she wasn’t worried for her. Although it wasn’t saying much she was probably her most responsible friend, however it did mean she was alone at her ex boyfriends house. Fuck.
She made her way to the kitchen to get a drink by around midnight any and all good drinks were gone so she settled for watered down red wine in a almost definitely dirty cup. She sighed and looked around the room.She had lied to Courtney she did want get back together with Jay or just look so hot that he was at least jealous. And she did look amazing, and she knew it she was dressed as an angel. A tight white dress, high white heels, bright pink lips and a little halo fixed to her long red, curly hair to bring a touch of the devil to such a pure costume.
She continued to look around the room leaning against a kitchen island. Her bright green eyes settled on deep brown ones. It was like it was fate, a slightly smaller girl maybe the same age as Courtney possibly slightly older who was dressed as a devil gave a small smile before vanishing behind a tall figure now towering over Adore.
“Adore?” Questioned the tall figure.
“Jay.” Adore said coldly, looking round him to find the gorgeous devil with deep brown eyes.  
“Why are you here?” Adore rolled her eyes at the stupid question.
“I love a party, you know that.” She looked at him and his costume, a pot leaf, hm creative. “Do you know the girl who’s dressed as the devil?”
“Adore, I think we should talk.” He said, very condescendingly. The funny thing was that sentence was the reason she had come to the party she now didn’t care she just wanted to find the devil with the brown eyes.
“I’m sorry do you know her or not?” He seemed taken aback but finally answered.
“Um, yea Bianca one of Justin’s friends.”
“Ok thanks.” She walked passed him but he pulled her back, she stumbled backwards. “The fuck Jay!”  Now she was pissed, trying to chase a stranger i’ve decided is the love of my life do you mind!
“Adore I…I still love you.” He stumbled over his words.
“Party.” She said harshly wrigling free of his tight grip and dashing off. That was a little mean but you shouldn’t grab people.
“There you are.” Courtney exclaimed. “I was worried.”
“Your the one who wandered off.” she mumbled still fixated on Bianca who was sitting alone sipping out of what was probably a questionably clean cup, just like her. Eventually Adore had given up stalking her when she realised she needed just a little more liquid courage.
“What are we looking at?” Adore subtly motioned to the brunette on the other side of the room. “Bianca Del Rio, yea i could see you two together. Oh!” She gave a fake shocked face “Does this mean your over Jay? Are you moving to an older woman to comfort you and show you the way?” Her voice getting unbelievably higher with each word.
“Um,” Adore started looking at the floor. “Jay proclaimed his love for me and then grabbed me.” Showing faint nail marks in her upper arm. “So you know fuck him people don’t do that, really.”  
“Ass, I never liked him.” Courtney rubbed Adores arm in an attempt at comfort. “But Bianca, She’s older than me you know?” Adore just feebly nodded. “Your OK with that?” She said putting an arm around her.
“Yea that’s fine.” Adore smiled. “She’s probably experienced.” She smirked wiggling her eyebrows. Courtney slapped her.
“NO, NO, NO YOUR A CHILD YOUR TOO YOUNG AND PURE,” Courtney shouted, she was a little tipsy which made her sound even more Australian than usual.
“Oh do you not like that hm, don’t like that your small friend is having sex Courtney, I’m a grown up and I drink and have sex all the time with boys and girls.” Adore giggled teasing Courtney, her favourite thing to do. Adore screamed as Courtney jabbed her ribs and proceeded to fall of her chair.
“Shit, you ok.” Courtney got to her feet helping adore up still in fits of hysterics.
“Yea fine.” Adore laughed standing up and brushing herself off. She looked around the room, Bianca was talking to one of Jay’s roommates, Justin. Her wandering glance caught Bianca’s, she quickly looked away to avoid those awkward ‘I caught you looking at me’ looks. “Can we dance?”
“Stupid question.” Courtney said taking Adores hand and going into the open living room, where thoughts were drowned by booming music. Adore looked over her shoulder at Bianca who looked back intently and winked. Dear god could you not just die
Adore and Courtney found themselves perched in a bathroom upstairs, Courtney had said she felt sick and then decided she hadn’t then she did again, Adore took the executive decision just to camp out in a bathroom until her friend was inevitably sick.
“I’m not drunk.” Courtney slurred.
“Yes sweetie.” Adore gave a sweet smile, she knew she would love reminding Courtney of this in the morning.
“Have I told you how much I love Willam.” Yes she had, six times. “I just love Willam. But i love you too babe,” She stroked (hit) Adores cheek. “I just want you to be happy and Jay wasn’t making you happy I could tell, but I think Bianca and you would make a great pair.” Adore smiled drunk Courtney was annoying but also truthful.
“Yea i think so too but bear in mind i have never spoken to her.”
“But I know both of you, me and Bianca were on the same course, we were pretty good friends and I know everything and you too are destined to be together.”
“Right.” There was no point arguing with drunk Courtney no matter how ludicrous she was being. The bathroom door swung open. It was Bianca holding a makeup bag. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Oh sorry.” She said seeing the bathroom was occupied.
“It’s fine we’re not fucking.” Courtney said very matter of factly, Adore smacked her forehead into her hand and Bianca laughed an amazing genuine laugh.
“Thanks.” She laughed and walked into the room and stared in the mirror, fixing her makeup. There was an awkward silence filled only by Adores heel on the tile floor tapping to the beat of the music under them.
“I’m Bianca by the way.” She said giving adore a pearl white smile.
“I know, I’m Adore.” Shit she sounded like a stalker.
“I know you because Courtney never used to shut the fuck up about about you!” She gave the blonde a look. “Seriously you, her and Willam are her phone background i though you two were dating. How do you know me?” Fuck.
“Em, I might have asked about about you.” Wow go Adore.
“Yea?, all good things I hope.”
“Sure.” Adore smirked. Courtney looked between them noticing little body language cues and smiling to herself she knew what she was going to do.
“Adore that’s Willam, he’s outside waiting for me.”
“Oh ok,” that was a little abrupt she thought she didn’t even remember her calling him. “can i get a ride home?”
“No!” Courtney put a hand out to steady herself as she stood up “Stay your having such a nice time don’t leave because I am.” She made her way to the door. “Bianca it was lovely to see you.” She slurred. Blink and you’d miss her, she was gone before Adore could protest.
“Weird.” Bianca interjected.
“Good its not just me.” she laughed stood in the doorway not really sure what to do with herself does she stay with Bianca?,  try and find another ride home?, go downstairs and dance? Thankfully Bianca interrupted her thoughts before she went mad.
“You wanna go outside its so hot in here?” Was that a pickup line or a genuine complaint of discomfort.
“Love too.” Adore breathed a sigh of relief.
Without realising it 45 minutes had passed. Just talking about school, work, TV, music all the typical stuff. Nothing was forced, it was lovely but it was 2am and Adore was ready to get things moving a little faster.
“So tell me, are you actually Satan herself or is it just a costume.” Adore said earning a cackle from Bianca. Who moved her eyes to the unnaturally blue coloured pool they were sitting next to.
“I guess you’ll have to find out won’t you.” Shit she went there and she wasn’t done. “But can I tell you something,” she motioned for Adore to move closer until Biancas lips were right next to her ear. “I don’t think your so angelic as you appear.” Adore bit her lip. Who the hell was this seductress.
“I guess you’ll have to find out wont you.” Adore smirked, mimicking Bianca. Adore stared up into Bianca’s eyes. They looked at each other for a second you could have cut the sexual tension with a knife. Adore moved impossibly closer to her before kissing her. It was fleeting and drunk but somehow brilliant. When they broke apart Adore smiled. “Fuck I’ve wanted to do that all night.”
“Slut.” Bianca giggled and Adore smacked her thigh. Bianca kissed her, properly this time neither of them cared who was watching everybody as probably too drunk to notice anyway. They broke apart again Adore frowned. “My place ins’t to far from here wanna get out of here?” Adore simply nodded letting Bianca pull her to her feet as they practically ran to Bianca’s apartment.
Bianca unlocked the door and shooed away two small dogs that yapped at her feet when she opened the door. She motioned for Adore to follow her into the living room where the two fore mentioned dogs settled in their beds and almost immediately fell straight back asleep.
“You want something to eat?” Adore turned round to face her and walked across the wooden floor, heels clicked under foot.
“Yea, you.” She smirked running her fingertips along the top of the couch. She came up with that on the spot and was very pleased with herself. Bianca rolled her eyes and Adore swore she heard them.
“If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times, slut.” Bianca snickered
“Oh my god, your so not making it better or then again, maybe you are.” Adore whispered, stepping right up close to Bianca. She connected their lips and made quick work of pulling her onto the couch all while manoeuvring her lips perfectly. Adore rests herself on Bianca’s thighs pushing down ever so slightly now and again. She moves her lips from Bianca’s mouth down to her neck leaving bright pink everywhere and the occasional hickey. Bianca’s fingers are digging into Adores waist, her hands begin to explore feeling for a zipper at the back of her dress until Adore abruptly stands. “Bedroom?” questioned Adore. Bianca nodded in agreement trying to catch her breath. She follows Bianca into the bedroom and shuts the door behind her.
She barely has time to turn around before there are hands on her hips and shes being pushed into a wall. She had the sneaking suspision this might be rough and tumble! Bianca has made quick work of her dress too as it sits a little white heap on the floor next too Bianca’s red one, along with 2 pairs of heels and little devil horns and a halo which seems wildly inappropriate but hey ho.
Adore’s already turning into a but of a sweaty mess but shes loving every second of it. The kisses have lost the neat and tidy element but are none the less passionate and so hot! Adore is pushed onto the bed as Bianca returns the lipstick and love bites onto Adore’s neck. She makes her way further down until she reaches Adores red, lace panties.
“Do you want this?” Bianca asked softly.
“You have no idea.” Adore laughed.
The morning at Courtneys house.
“Do you want me to stop talking Court?” Adore says laughing seeing the almost scared look on the blondes face.
“Kinda.” Courtney says, “I’m sorry I bet this is really exiting but your like my baby sister I’m not quite ready to hear all the intimate details of your sex life.”
“Fair enough but I am only 2 years younger than you.” Adore shrugs.
“Thanks,” Courtney smiles with a sigh or relief “what brings you round by the way.” Courtney inquires.
“I just wanted to see my bestie!” Adore giggles. Courtney raises an eyebrow. “My house is really far away and I didn’t want to ask Bianca for a ride.”
“There it is.” Courtney laughs, “Grab your stuff I’ll take you home.” She stands up Adore follows closely behind and her phone chimes.
‘Last night was amazing need to meet again soon, don’t know how long I can wait ;P’
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