#❛  、  dynamic.     ╱      alexander&freya.  ❜   ≽
atlaslandia · 2 years
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❛  、  BASIC
nome: alexander phillip middleton.  ╱  idade: 27 anos  ╱  ocupação: selecionado (casta 04)  ╱  orientação: heterossexual  ╱  origem:  província de columbia  ╱  faceclaim: xavier serrano.
❛  、  TRIVIA
O sobrenome Middleton tornou-se conhecido  através do ramo da culinária, quando o avó de nosso protagonista  mostrou-se um excelente chefe de cozinha, abrindo um restaurante  posteriormente. Mas Phillip   Middleton   era um homem de ambição, que treinou  seu filho William para ser ainda melhor. Para ser perfeito, leal, fiel,  obediente e tomar o controle da família. Fora por isso também que a  família o inscreveu na seleção da princesa  Eadlyn, mas Will nunca fora bom o suficiente para ela. Ou ao menos fora o  que concluiu ao ser dispensado sem sequer chegar no patamar da elite. O  desejo de tornar-se um Schreave, transformou-se em ódio quando fora  frustrado e embora tenha aprendido em sua infância que o amor era a base  de tudo, casou-se com a herdeira de uma rede hoteleira apenas para  acumular poder. Junto dela tiveram dois filhos: Alexander e Masha.
O primogênito recebeu os mesmos ensinamentos do pai a partir do momento  em que o nascimento da herdeira Schreave   fora anunciado, tendo a princesa a mesma idade de sua irmã mais nova.  Mas  Alexander nunca foi uma criança convencional, e nem de longe se parecia  com o pai em suas crenças e ambições. Enquanto as outras crianças  corriam e brincavam, o pequeno menino passava a maior parte do tempo  envolvido pela história de livros, e próximo da mãe. Não queria ser um  príncipe, não precisava de dinheiro, e mesmo sendo impossível tudo o que  desejava era que a irmã se tornasse a herdeira do hotel quando  atingisse a idade adulta, para que ele pudesse se dedicar à seus livros.  Qualquer ideia para o próprio futuro, contudo, desapareceu quando o pai  o inscreveu na seleção, e mais ainda quando fora chamado para fazer  parte dos selecionados.
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malec-ao3feed · 4 months
New Beginnings
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uzRSJEU by NightShade23 In which an 6-year-old Harry Potter is abandoned in a random forest after being severely beaten by Uncle Vernon due to casting accidental magic again that hurt his cousin, Dudley, he is certain that he is going to die due to blood loss, but as he goes unconscious, his many times over grandmother, Heka the Personification of Magic appears and heals him before taking him to the distant planet, Arcánea, where she gives him to her other descendant, Empress Aerith Peverell-Targaryen, who is infertile due to a curse upon her body. (If you would like a series of the history of Arcanea, let me know in the comments) Words: 3342, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Vampire Academy Series - Richelle Mead, Van Helsing (2004), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, Twilight Movie Series - Stephenie Meyer, Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M, F/M, Multi, F/F Characters: Imperial Prince Hadrian James Peverell (Harry James Potter), OC - Empress Aerith Peverell-Targaryen of Arcánea, OC - Imperial Prince Consort Raeran Peverell-Targaryen of Arcánea, The Hale Family (Teen Wolf), The McCall Family (Teen Wolf), The Stilinski Family (Teen Wolf), The Argent Family (Teen Wolf), The Martin Family (Teen Wolf), The Dragomir Family (Vampire Academy), The Mikaelson Family (Vampire Diaries), The Belikov Family (Vampire Academy), The Hathaway Family (Vampire Academy), The Salvatore Family (Vampire Diaries), The Peverell Family (Harry Potter), The Slytherin Family (Harry Potter), The Targaryen Family (Game of Thrones), The Petrova Family (Vampire Diaries) Relationships: Alexander Lightwood-Bane/Magnus Lightwood-Bane, Dimitri Belikov/Rose Hathaway, Ethan Steiner/Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Lissa Dragomir/Christian Ozera, Past Derek Hale/Unknown?, Past Stiles Stilinski/Malia Tate (Hale), past Stiles Stilinski/Lydia Martin, Past Malia Tate (Hale)/Scott McCall, Past Chris Argent/Melissa McCall - Relationship, Damon Salvatore/Elena Salvatore née Gilbert, Past Caroline Salvatore née Forbes/Stefan Salvatore, Keelin Malraux/Freya Mikaelson, Harry J. Potter/OC - Samuel Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Eventual Romance, Wizarding World is screwed, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Harry Potter is a Parseltongue, The Veil Isn't A Portal To Death, The Veil Is A Portal To The Homeland, Harry Potter Is Summoned By The Goblet Of Fire, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter Was An Horcrux But Isn't Anymore, Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), Royal Prince Harry Potter, Earth (Aka Terra) Was Created by Elementals To Put the Squibs There, Magical Population Of Earth Is Gathered by & Reintroduced To Arcánea (Aka The Homeland), Harry Potter was Adopted by Other(s), Harry Potter Was Descended From Necromancers, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, All Magical People of Earth Are Descended From Squibs, All Non-Magical People of Earth Are Descended From Squibs, Malec, Happens After The Shadowhunter Series, Alternate Timeline, Stefan Salvatore Is Dead, Peter Hale Doesn't Become Human, Harry Can Get Pregnant, Happens After Teen Wolf Series, Submissive Harry Potter, Time Goes A little Faster On Arcanea, Harry is seventeen, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uzRSJEU
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City Remnants — By BRUT Collective
BRUT is proud to present its new steps that will allow the collective to position itself even more vitally as a shared design practice and to formulate promising opportunities for future, client-oriented collaborations. Results of a year of increased co-creation and introspection challenged by the current situation but all the more in line with the philosophy and ambitions.
BRUT Depot — a permanent exhibition and meeting space
First of all, the collective’s dedication to materiality, monumentality and inter-personal relationships leads to the introduction of BRUT Depot. A new space for presentation and encounter, situated within the Haptic House in Antwerp, offering the possibility to continuously visualize and access the shared creations.
BRUT Depot opens in the autumn of 2020 with the first chapter of City Remnants, a third shared production in close collaboration with Antoine Architectural Finishes, with which the collective both continues and updates its path. From then on, the Depot will become a dynamic presentation context in which existing and future BRUT arrangements can appear anew and differently; an ongoing yet fluid exhibition to which you will be cordially invited at the appropriate times.
(BRUT Depot expands BRUT’s workplace in Zaventem Ateliers).
Milan Design Week 2021
Following the first chapter in the context of the upcoming BRUT depot, the collective will participate in the Milan Design Week in 2021, presenting a second chapter of City Remnants. A (delightful) prospect of which the details will be communicated as soon as the programme of this major event becomes available.
Transforming spaces: retail, public and domestic
Furthermore, BRUT’s attention to the architectural, sculptural and emotional potential of design and their unique expertise in the creation of delicate settings and spaces, now also nourish the ambition to transform interiors into atmospheric and well-thought-out environments. This client-oriented proposition ad- dresses both private and professional commissioners and includes domestic as well as public or retail contexts.
About BRUT Collective
BRUT Collective is Charlotte Jonckheere, Linde Freya Tangelder (Destroyers Builders), Nel Verbeke, Ben Storms and Bram Vanderbeke.
BRUT is a collective of emerging Belgian designers, founded in 2018. The junction of their practices is a natural consequence of their similarities in idiom, concepts and vision. They exemplify a young generation of designers that value the significance of collaboration and collective involvement within the contemporary and international design landscape.
BRUT has a dedicated attention to the architectural, sculptural and emotional potential of design. On the one hand, this focus is a result of the personal sensibilities of the participating designers – the corresponding characters of their practices. On the other hand, it creates a common ground and motive; it realizes and defines a shared environment where the designers can show, strengthen and challenge each other.
BRUT, in close collaboration, conceives and shapes installations: unique, sensible and conceptual settings which contain and emphasize the individual works, but at the same time provide proposals for collectively designed functional objects and structures. In doing so, they express their commitment to formulating collective answers to individual questions, both for domestic, retail and public contexts.
BRUT has a permanent presentation and meeting space - BRUT Depot - as part of Haptic House Antwerp and works together in their studio in Zaventem Ateliers. In 2019 the collective was honoured with an Henry Van De Velde Young Talent Gold Award.
All images by Alexander Popelier
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REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.  RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog !    tag 10 ! good  luck !        TAGGED. @judgmentcast​        TAGGING. Guys, this one is HELLA LONG. Have fun if you want, but I don’t blame you if you don’t. It’s open to all.
  FULL  NAME :  First Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair   NICKNAME :  Lieutenant, Sinclair, Blondie, H. K. Sinclair, H. K.   AGE : Twenty-nine   BIRTHDAY :   October 24, 1884   ETHNIC  GROUP : Caucasian.   NATIONALITY :  American (Identifies as German-American)   LANGUAGE / S : German, English, Japanese, Korean, Italian, French   SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Closeted Bisexual   ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Closeted Biromantic   RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  Widowed/Single (But technically verse dependent)   CLASS : Working class.   HOME  TOWN / AREA :   Stuttgart, Germany. Also will answer with Washington D.C., USA.   CURRENT  HOME : Verse dependent, but mostly she just moves around and does not stay in one area.   PROFESSION : Verse dependent; Army lieutenant, spy, bounty hunter, assassin, mercenary
PHYSICAL.   HAIR : Blonde   EYES :    Gunmetal blue   NOSE :  slender, relatively small, upturned at the end.   FACE :  High cheekbones, square jaw. There is a beauty mark beneath her left eye (her left, not yours). Moderate sized forehead.   LIPS :   Full, well-proportioned to her face, often painted red with lipstick without care to the social meaning of it.   COMPLEXION :  Fair with olive undertones. Not translucent thanks to plenty of healthy sun exposure. Clear and not splotchy.   BLEMISHES :  The aforementioned beauty mark.  SCARS : Scarred knuckles from years of hand-to-hand combat training, a couple superficial ones to the rest of her body (Major scars were healed/rectified by her exposure to Atlantean magick)   TATTOOS : None.   HEIGHT : 5′7″   WEIGHT : 150 lbs.    BUILD :    Curvy hourglass built and sculpted through exercise and activity. Tall for her sex (during her era). Otherwise, lean, muscular, slightly angular from aforementioned sculpting.   FEATURES :  Almost perpetually narrowed eyes, boldly painted lips, the mark beneath her eye. Her constantly-worn gloves.   ALLERGIES :  None  USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Worn in a braided plait, the end often partially over her shoulder from it being absently played with.   USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Eyes are hooded, giving her a bored but watchful expression, The pout of her lips is subconscious, but often hidden by an authoritative scowl or scheming smirk.   USUAL  CLOTHING : (When not in the military uniform of whoever she is working for) black turtleneck/button-up men’s shirt/tank top, pants (Men’s and often tailored until women’s become available), boots. She has an old Army greatcoat that will be worn until it dies of sheer old age, and wears a utility belt and gun holster. (Exception is in Modern verses, where she will dress as per the common fashions to better blend in.)
PSYCHOLOGY.   FEAR / S : Failure, abandonment, being alone, being wrong.    ASPIRATION / S : To try and find meaning and purpose in independence, to rise from her ashes.   POSITIVE  TRAITS : Ambitious, observant, proud, intuitive, intelligent, active, eager, clean   NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Sarcastic, spiteful, manipulative, loner, bossy, follower, dependent, distrustful, cynical, paranoid, fearful, bitter, skeptical   MBTI : ESTJ; The Executive (Surprised because I always had her as INTJ...)   ZODIAC :  Scorpio    TEMPERAMENT :  Brash.   SOUL  TYPE / S :  Performer/Leader   ANIMALS :  A cat - a white Persian in the lap of someone pulling strings she merely watches over the actions of. She can be complacent, but beware of her claws. A panther - deadly and sleek with little care as to who gets hurt to get to her end-goal. This is the transformation she has made.   VICE  HABIT / S :   Drinking, the occasional smoking, finding pleasure in the Flesh and material.   FAITH : Athiest.   GHOSTS ? : No   AFTERLIFE ? : None at all   REINCARNATION ? :  Nope.   ALIENS ? : On the fence, purely because she saw some things in Atlantis that just cannot be explained.   POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : Doesn’t care about politics or political workings so long as there are people against them willing to give her a job, or the people in power desire her services to take down the rebellious.   ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  Luxuriously wealthy   SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Part of the working class, but financially sound.   EDUCATION  LEVEL : Homeschooled as per the norms of a socialite’s daughter, but she benefits from extensive military training both from the American Army and Navy.
FAMILY.   FATHER :   Major Alexander Sinclair (father)   MOTHER :  Mrs. Marianne Sinclair (Formerly Stroh) (mother)   SIBLINGS : All younger: Johnathan Sinclair, James Sinclair, William Sinclair, Oliver Sinclair, Thomas Sinclair   EXTENDED  FAMILY : Aunts and uncles from both parents   NAME  MEANING / S : Helga: Holy or Blessed; Sinclair: Bright, Clear. (I appreciate this irony)   HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  One of the first famous connections is the Princess of Kiev, also known as Olga of Kiev of Saint Olga. Sinclair is of the Clan Sinclair, which helped in the Norman conquest of England and was given the land that is now Roslin, Midlothian in Scotland.
FAVOURITES.   BOOK :    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. She loved it as a child.   MOVIE : Once films were made, Casablanca.   5  SONGS :  Mein Sohn Nur Mut - Carl Maria von Weber;  Night on Bald Mountain - Modest Mussorgsky; Por Una Cabeza - Gardel; Killer Queen - Queen; Bat Out Of Hell - Meat Loaf    DEITY :  She always found Athena and Freya interesting to read on, but is not religious, so holds them in no regards.   HOLIDAY :    New Years   MONTH :  It used to be May (until someone had to die). Now it’s September   SEASON :  Summer   PLACE :  None  WEATHER :  The middle of a raging thunderstorm   SOUND : Waves lapping against a stone breaker, the crackle of a fire in the hearth, the metallic click of bullets loading into their chambers and a pistol’s hammer being pulled back, heeled boots running on wet cobblestones, a bed-frame’s creaks of protest.   SCENT / S :  Leather, steel, gunpowder, salt air, vanilla, musk, new rope, old books, whiskey, coffee, canvas.   TASTE / S :   Rich dark chocolate,  red wine, whiskey, umeboshi, black coffee.   FEEL / S : Silk against skin, rope against skin, quality leather, a firm grip.   ANIMAL / S : Big dogs   NUMBER : No preference.   COLOUR :    Olive green, black, gold, red, steely gray.
EXTRA.   TALENTS :  Helga is a skilled commander and leader when given the chance to be such. She speaks many languages, and has years of opera training to her name as well.   BAD  AT : Almost any artistic expression save singing, horseback riding, judging character, resisiting tempation   TURN  ONS :  Power, dominant personalities, charm, intelligence, danger   TURN  OFFS :   Bombast, sexism, weakness   HOBBIES :  Singing, antique firearms collecting   TROPES :  (ALL FROM THE TV TROPES SITE) Badass Longcoat, Contralto of Danger, Dark Action Girl, Deadpan Snarker, The Dog Bites Back, The Dragon, Femme Fatale, Flare Gun, Heel-Face Door-Slam (I like to contest this one), Kick Chick, Last Breath Bullet, Nothing Personal, Perpetual Frowner, Right-Hand Cat, Redemption Equals Death, Sexophone, TankTop Tomboy, Thrown From The Zeppelin, Wai-fu    AESTHETIC  TAGS :  Mausers, leather gloves, smoke, WWI, steampunk landscapes, red lipstick, femme fatale   GPOY  QUOTES :  I don’t know what this means...
FC INFO.   MAIN  FC / S :  Rachael Taylor   ALT  FC / S : N/A.   OLDER  FC / S :   N/A.   YOUNGER  FC / S : Maddie Hasson (specifically as Jo Masterson)   VOICE  CLAIM / S : Claudia Christian,  Karen Souza (for singing_   GENDERBENT  FC / S :  N/A.
MUN QUESTIONS.   Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ? A1 : Well, technically, she has a film. Though to be fair, I would make the whole thing longer, less PG, way more of a war film with Lovecraftian/Steampunk overtones than what we got.
Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ? A2 : German opera, steampunk instrumentals... Hans Zimmer. Maybe some prog-rock bits a la Savatage? 
Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ? A3 :  I loved Atlantis and Helga as a kid, so that has always been there. But while I was in the finals days of a fandom that didn’t care if I existed, I watched the film and we just... clicked. 
  Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ? A4: She was unlike any film heroine that I had seen before then (I was 8). She was sarcastic and kick-ass and not genuinely good. She was active and suffered real consequences in her story. May or may not have also found her hot.
  Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse. A5 : As someone who likes to think of themselves as morally upstanding, the fact she tends to give so few shits about others 
  Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ? A6 : The snark. that is all.
  Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ? A7 : I’m one of those stupid artsy types.
  Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ? A8 :  Joseph Korso, Gerge Armstrong Custer, Prince Adam (The Beast), Jacob Frye, Haytham Kenway, Judge Claude Frollo, Kent Mansley, Dean McCoppin, Charles Emmerson Winchester III, Prince Hans Westergaard, and there are many more but those stick out the most to me for their dynamics.
  Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ? A9 :  Honestly? Her compelling nature as a character. I don’t really have to look to an outside source to be inspired.
  Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ? A10 : HOURS
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