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whiskerheir · 6 years
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HEADCANON.   with some basics as to get it out in the open , naruto currently goes to college  (  Konoha University  ) just for an example  ;  where he’s been sent on behalf of his adoptive-honorary grandfather , who which wants   NOTHING   to do with him  ——  so out of respect he carries out naruto’s parent’s wishes   &   accepts him into the school. he’s given little allowance , basic survival needs while he’s living in his own dorm   &  he takes that as he’s out on his own  ——  free spirited as well as a little rebellious at times , too. he’s kind of the university’s   class  clown  as well as the mascot image at times.
01. naruto used to live alone in an apartment / condo styled home where he   &   his parents once lived , but mysteriously they ended up leaving the town which left naruto alone to pretty much fend for himself. friends   &   their parents of course took care of him , until he received the letter from his honorary-grandfather , the dean of the university to accept him in. this helps boost little income   &   gives him a much better roof over his head.
02. college life is rather difficult , especially with the education he previous attained before entering  ——  so not much is too known about his history  ;  at least through his parents. his professors always gave him a chance   &  never forced too much pressure onto him , unless he somehow messes up a test or something. he’s made a few friends , few of which persuaded him into working part-time at the KU’s coffee shop , where they could all hang out after classes.
03. he’s a musician by heart  ;  guitar , piano and a little bit of violin for he’s trying to practice. he mostly enjoys singing  ——  something straight   FROM  THE HEART   as he can pour himself into his work. it doesn’t pay much , between donations , YT where he does covers of songs   &  little places where people pay to hear acoustic play. he knows money isn’t everything , however he needs it for partial   rent   since he literally has a dorm to himself.
04. naruto’s a good kid , behaves well to a certain standard  ;  goofing off during class just to make people laugh , perhaps in hopes of them liking him as he tries fitting into the crowd. he doesn’t do anything extreme , despite it being the college life that you always read about  ——  he avoids drug use , despite having friends who do it   &   they respect each other in their way. drinking is something naruto   DOES   get into , but he’s responsible when he indulges drinking. avoids the really hard stuff , unless it’s after a game or something off topic. he’s too focused on his work , as well as schoolwork to get himself messed up with any addictions.
05. at this point he’s about second year of UNI   &   a friend of his that he’d meet through social networking   &   s k y p e-calls , finds themselves into a certain line of work where he’s pulled the blond by ear to discuss somethings that could probably help him get some extra cash  ——  nothing that would involve personal information   (  names , age , etc.  )  so he figures it’s a big break   &   he finds himself becoming an   escort   at a nearby establishment that’s the total works. he never figured to find himself in such a place , or the part of town that he completely doesn’t fit into. as this friend of his explains , that getting donations from being a   c a m b o y  &  the lines alike are rather dangerous , as to where being an escort is 100% safe. they know these people , the whole complete background check galore.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
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           time  to  collect  frogs  AND  turtles.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
UZUMAKI  *   just gonna put this down for my forgetful ass.
close relations between the uzumaki  &  uchiha clan. this would include the friendships between mikoto, fugaku, kushina, and minato as parents along with itachi having to babysit with looking after the two of them. probably how well the two clans worked together during the time of minato’s hokage reign. the fact that naruto was probably    ALMOST  ADOPTED    by mikoto  &  fugaku uchiha but the third hokage forbid it. in some ways danzo was also probably behind it, not wanting the power of sharingan  &  kyuubi in close distance of each other. the third simply just wanted naruto to basically suffer.
as stated above, rework former headcanon on previous blog to update it
forgiving itachi in understanding the sacrifice he made to guarantee the safety of both sasuke, naruto  &  the entire village as a whole  (  mainly his little brother ofc  )
naruto’s interests that vary from a little gardening, to learning little medical skills from baa - chan, sakura and ino both. although his own body can heal rapidly due to kurama it just never hurt to have a bit more knowledge just in case    SOMEONE    needed that kind of help and we know that naruto would just freak tf out  &  probably cause more harm than good in doing so.
he fucking loves    ASTRONOMY    so he’s signed tf up. he loves stars  &  all that good shit.
continue to harness knowledge and understanding of what kind of control over his power he can muster, thus having to train along with kurama whenever he has that free time. let’s face it  ,  kurama ain’t going nowhere. continuing to build up his own    PERSONAL    jutsu, some of his father’s as well  &  perhaps using his flying thunder god kunai. he still has the very same ones during the great war, even those used in final moments before death those years ago. naruto treasures them  &  respects what his parents knew and went through for him. hell, he even does some training with kakashi - sensei and shikamaru whenever he uses them to see what he could pick up on.
the good boy that he is always lending a helping hand  ,  be it daily tasks around the village, the orphanage, academy, even as far as to make sure that everyone knows how important they are. does naruto still feel that pang in his mind and heart from those younger years? yeah, a lot. not like he’s gonna let that stop him. naruto enjoys making friends after all. of course having to make that three day trip to suna is gonna be a pain in the butt but he’s gotta go meet the sand sibs  &  help them out too  !
teach konohamaru everything he’s learned over the years, somewhat being his own sensei in the matter for him to master the rasengan better. he’s got the fire inside him, and he’s pretty much someone he really looks out for as he always seen himself in him from the time they met.
FAMILY REUNION !   oh yeah, he’s gonna track down every uzumaki out there. rebuild the enire family village? damn right. it’s important. karin get in the fucking car.
along those lines he’s actually able to talk to both minato  &  kushina, although it’s in spirit he’s just so unsure how it happens, not like he’d question it really. if he isn’t getting any advice  /  help from shikamaru on important things, then he’s seeking guidance from mom n dad. sometimes he doesn’t get the chance, but then there are days where he could spend hours talking to them. naruto still gets upset that they can’t be there when he comes home physically, but he can feel their love no matter what.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
UZUMAKI  *   update on the   THIRD HOKAGE IS BAD   trip is that even kakashi  &  iruka both had admitted that the old man has made bold rash choices. like??? making iruka become naruto’s homeroom teacher, even though he’s admitted that naruto isn’t to blame, but kurama? afraid if anything were to happen that he’d escape   &   pretty much he’s stressing the hell out having to try keeping naruto in check until the whole narutostealsforbiddenscroll but anyway! kakashi too seemed to despise him, especially with the danzo / root scene. truthfully I don’t think many seemed to care for him. sarutobi family aside, just no.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
rules  : you can only say “guilty” or “innocent”. you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages or asks you. repost, don’t reblog!
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asked  someone  to  marry  you?   INNOCENT. kissed  one  of  your  friends?   GUILTY. danced  on  a  table  in  a  bar / tavern?   GUILTY. ever  told  a  lie?   GUILTY. had  feelings  for  someone you  can’t  have?   GUILTY. ever  kissed  someone  of  the same  sex?   GUILTY. kissed  a  picture?   GUILTY. slept  until  5pm?   GUILTY. fallen  asleep  at  work / school?   GUILTY. held  a  snake?   GUILTY. been  suspended  from  school?   GUILTY ( modern au ) worked  at  a  fast  food  chain / restaurant?   INNOCENT. stolen  something?   GUILTY. been  fired  from  a  job?   INNOCENT. done  something  you  regret?   GUILTY. laughed  until  something  you  were  drinking  came  out  of  your  nose?   GUILTY. caught  a  snowflake  on  your  tongue?   GUILTY. kissed  in  the  rain?   GUILTY. sat  on  a  roof  top?   GUILTY. kissed  someone  you  shouldn’t have?   GUILTY. sang  in  the  shower?   GUILTY. been  pushed  into  a  body of water  with  all  your  clothes  on?   GUILTY. shaved  your  head?   INNOCENT. slept  naked?   GUILTY. made  a  boyfriend / girlfriend  cry?   GUILTY. shot  a  gun?   INNOCENT. still  loved  someone  you  shouldn’t?   GUILTY. have / had  a  tattoo?   GUILTY.  liked  someone,  but  will  never  tell  who?   GUILTY. been  too  honest?   GUILTY. ruined  a  surprise?   GUILTY. been  told  that  you’re  beautiful  by  someone  who  totally  meant  what  they  said?GUILTY. stalked  someone?   GUILTY. thoughts  about  murder?   GUILTY. still  have  communication  w/  your  ex?   INNOCENT. how  about  mass  murder?   GUILTY. cheated  on  someone?   INNOCENT. gotten so  angry  that  you  cried?   GUILTY. tried  to  stay  away  from  someone  for  their  own  good?  GUILTY. thoughts  about  suicide?   GUILTY. had  a  girlfriend / boyfriend?   GUILTY. gotten  totally  drunk  during  a  holiday?   GUILTY.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
Bold what applies to your muse: flaws edition
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easily scared | whiny | repetitive | selfish | arrogant | easily excitable | too silly | stubborn | blank minded | overly cautious | loud | easily bored | untrustworthy | disloyal | manipulative | over sensitive | possessive | clingy | obnoxious | gullible | annoying | judgemental | tactless | merciless | unlucky | soft-hearted | sarcastic | reckless | paranoid | unsophisticated | pushy | self critical | smart-ass | solemn | erratic | asocial | complex | dubious | egotistical | tongue-tied | temperamental | lazy | sadist | masochist | predictable
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whiskerheir · 6 years
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UZUMAKI  *   although it was  /  still kinda sinday  ——  I was gonna write headcanons in relation to him having the monthly    heat  cycles   due to a certain beast inside of him. I written one up before on my previous blog  ,  yet I kind of want to update it   &   how it sometimes can mess up his train of thought along with growing up being able to control it in time. friend of mine who was a kiba also basically combined ideas that uzumaki  &  inuzuka were somehow related. this is pretty dumb I know  ,  just figured to put this out there. tl;dr   naruto has a extremely high sex drive but has control over it at will. 
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whiskerheir · 6 years
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15 ASSOCIATIONS. repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question. tagged by: stolen from @raikodai (hope you don’t mind! ❤)  ||  tagging: whoever wants it ! 
01. ANIMAL. fox 02. COLOR(S). blues , purples , pink , orange  03. MONTH.  december  &   july - his mother’s birth month 04. SONG.  savages  -  breathe carolina 05. NUMBER.  10 07. PLANT.   ivy 08. SMELL.  rain & cherry & fresh brewed tea.. 09. GEMSTONE.  aventurine.  10. SEASON.  fall. 11. PLACE:   a place somewhere quiet , but not too far from the busy life outside & yet somewhere to walk barefoot in the grass be it day or night. 12. FOOD:  watermelon 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN.  libra 14. ELEMENT(S). earth , fire.  15. DRINK.  tea  &  lemonade.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
UZUMAKI  *   truthfully it still pains me to this day that as a baby he was left in the care of the third  ,  in which he made a goddamn promise to protect him  &  make sure that naruto was loved and cared for. then we see that’s not the case as naruto is basically left alone to his own defenses  &  basically had to take care of himself. we’re still unsure who taught him the basics of speech  ,  learning  ,  and whatnot  &  I’d think iruka would be the whole reason   (  fathering him  )   until finally joining the academy. his entire life was of torment due to this  ,  the neglect caused by rumors whispering throughout the village   ———   the leaf has never been a place of sainthood let alone do they deny their history of being a dark village. naruto has ALWAYS been the one to try making himself a symbol of good let alone TRYING to get everyone’s good graces. 
at times naruto isn’t really sure if they thought of him as a hero or were afraid of the complete strength in destruction naruto can cause  &  simply try to make naruto happy. there are those who truly think naruto is a great friend  ,  they fought beside him  ,  some died for him while naruto also was literally going to die for his friends one way or another. it’s in his mind that naruto has to keep pushing himself to get everyone to support  /  like him for who he is  &  not what is sealed inside. 
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whiskerheir · 6 years
5,14,17 :^)
sinday’s here y’all/ accepting !  |  | @anon
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5. Do they masturbate often?
when he can find the time , yeah  ——  it can be very often truthfully he tries not to masturbate whenever on mission , don’t need to get caught with his pants down literally normally he takes his private time seriously , but if in a rush he’s quite able to handle himself. due to also having an annoying fox sealed inside , he’s also easy to blame for most of his coming urges.
14. What’s their least favorite sex position(s)?
truthfully any position where he can’t see the other’s face , or where he can’t at least touch them or himself. positions can vary , but denying him the ability to see them can become good or bad depending on situations. it might seem like a possessive thing , or he’s just really nervous he’s missing out.
17.  How long can they last before they cum?
since he has the stamina , two hours at most? although , he’s willing to keep himself from doing so if he’s feeling a challenge , or proving a point he’s well aware that the longer you hold it the better it feels , but he’ always the one focused on the other first , then himself. sometimes he doesn’t even cum at all , which is both sad and fine at the same time. he’d rather have his s/o find out about that sort of thing if he ever dates or hook ups.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
who would naruto duet with?
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UZUMAKI  *   truthfully ? himself. he’s not the  BEST  at voice acting , but he’d try his best to play the part of another. even if he’s  REALLY  into the song ( I won’t say I’m in love, baby , it’s cold outside , hamilton or any song tbh ) but he wouldn’t mind singing with anyone , as long as they’re comfortable to sing. even if it’s something stupid during a karaoke night too.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
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go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride
scary vs. sweet
sweaters fancy coats vs. boots
socks vs. mittens
bonfires vs. football
trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies
bake pie vs. bake cookies
rain vs. fog
black cats vs. owls
ghosts vs. wizards
harry potter vs. halloweentown
go hiking vs. sleep in
cinnamon vs. nutmeg
reading vs. writing
hot chocolate vs. tea
live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7
candy apples vs. caramel apples
blankets vs. pillows
roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts
coffee vs. apple cider
red leaves vs. orange leaves
braids vs. bows
scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods
carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie
pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes
coats vs. oversized sweaters
beanies vs. berets
candy corn vs. peanut butter cups
jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire
corn maze vs. haunted house
bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch
whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate (tbh all the things too)
Tagged by: @dcscrtwind​   I stole this awhile ago & just never posted it smh
Tagging: I also hate tagging people, so I’m tagging at you all & just say I did if ya want. 
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whiskerheir · 6 years
UZUMAKI  *   naruto is flexible asf. during his training before the whole fight before pain, he’d spent that time meditating  /  various forms that could mend his body well into weird positions. of course he thought it was pointless, but then again figured some could be helpful   &   here we have naruto being able to bend himself at different angles to perform various tasks. now he figures it is good meditation that keeps him in good shape, especially out in the field on missions. when you see a bunch of narutos coming at you, best beware.
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whiskerheir · 6 years
HEADCANON .   during the days growing up, the only thing he had around the house to actually make was ramen. he was unable to cook meals for himself in ways that any mother  /  father could prepare for him. the allowance that was given to him by the third was barely enough for a proper gathering of groceries  &  naruto simply stocked up on instant ramen  &  basic junk food that still was high in protein, fiber, and what little vitamins he can throw in along with the rest. milk was his drink of choice, along with apple juice  &  what money he had left over was saved up inside his frog wallet for himself down the road.
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