#❛ :  threads; neville.
defensivelee · 5 months
TFC is great but it would have been 1000% better if there was a scene where Charles and James fucked Marly. i just know that man has the most beautiful moans...
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ricardian-werewolf · 10 months
Chapter 5: A Plea to Fate
Dropping in here to mention a new chapter's been posted, and its summary is thus: Moodboard images:
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"The towering spires of the medieval college city of Oxford give one of the ladies of our Dramatis Personae her chance at understanding the wider scope of the chessboard of power.
Or, what can be called: Anne Neville goes to Oxford to have some Girl TimeTM, but actually has an existential crisis."
Word Count: 5.3k
TW and CWs: heavy discussion of post nuclear societies, hospital and medical trauma, brutal depictions of gore, and violence. NSFW.
"England is a sick state, poisoned by nuclear war, starvation, and greed. Its rulers are a queen corrupted by her own power and an exiled husband with a Napoleon complex so great that Anne is shocked that America is not yet burned to ash. It is impossible to describe just how sickly England’s people are. So, Anne instead flits into a newsagent and opens a northern paper - The Manchester Times. The obituaries alone cover 3/4ths of the entire broadsheet.  10-20 million unburied dead. Stuck under rubble and lying in open-air mass graves. Beside the watery autumn sunlight filtering in through the plate-glass window, Anne peers at the headline of the day - VICTORIA LEVIES NEW LAND LAW. For what? We hold all of the coal stocks. The farmland is irradiated and there’s no fertiliser. Tilling the fields is impossible.  Anne’s fingers tremble as she closes the paper neatly and places it back on the stand. She can almost smell the miasmatic stench once more, seeping over the high stone walls. The screams of the wounded. She’d gone to a hospital in Sheffield at Candlemas to give alms and been violently ill at what she’d seen.  Salt and water as an antibiotic. Nurses frantically tearing sheets to let patients have something to bite as they tried to treat the dying and give the dead a merciful burial. The burns were so tender that touching them sloughed off skin, pink and blistering. She can see it now, and knows that it is much worse. Much, much worse. The industrial centres are haemorrhaging under the dead who they cannot bury. Men, women, and children all killed in a firestorm of unimaginable heat. There is no way to win a nuclear war. Only hell follows. There are days, like now, where Anne grips her crucifix chain in her fingers and stares at the sky, wanting to scream at god for denying the people of England a happy century."
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totouchthcstars · 2 years
@featherskies​ || Neville for Alice
.。.:*☆ Neville was doing alright, as far as he could tell. Like, he was not the best in his job, but his boss did tolerate it, and he was able to keep up his grades since starting to study again. He was even having a handful of friends, which meant a lot for someone like him. The clumsy one. The awkward one.
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Neville sighed, shaking his head and then, just as to prove how clumsy he was, dropping a few of his groceries just when jumping aside so the guy with the two large dogs would not run into him. “Merlin’s beard....” He groaned, shaking his head again, and then started to slowly pick up his groceries from the sidewalk   again.
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misericors · 3 months
battle thread: harry & neville
Harry: there's no retreat, but it's the last thing on harry's mind at the moment, curses flying from his wand as he fights towards the thick of the battle. senses are different in battle, sight and sound less reliable when the whole world is on fire, but he falls into a rhythm with the fighter beside him, one he recognises almost instantly. it's been years of fighting side by side, falling into step, covering each other without thinking. there's a brief flicker of hope in his eyes when they rest on neville's, the first flame of it that harry's felt in days. the relief on seeing him, alive, floods over him. but there's no time to talk, to debrief. except - voice hoarse, harry takes the moment he shouldn't. he has to know. "lily," he asks. "is she-" alive. he can't finish the question, can't bear to hear what the answer is.
Neville ( @ichorled ):it all happens so fast . one moment, he’s enduring his solitude as best he can, attempting to keep track of the moments, the long beats of silence, the murmurs, the threats, just to keep himself upright and sane in his confinement . and then he hears screams and curses over the dampened music from above-ground, hopeful movements that cause him to spring to his feet in preparedness for the battle to come . the gates open, and he takes the unexpected chance to jump in and join the races, not fearing the carnage ahead of him . there’s no time for dread .
and then he’s back . teetering from being in a holding cell underground, but grounded enough to keep up . to react to the string of curses coming from all directions . to fall back in line beside his friend, his leader, never doubting for a moment that he’d come to liberate them . a thankful nod is all he can muster as the soldiers move in time, like no time her circumstance has kept them apart . remorse colours his features as he shakes his head, a tragic unknown . kept apart, in isolation from one another, neville’s had no contact, and has obtained no information regarding the other captives . but “ we’ll find her . ” he nods, assuring his friend . a promise . “ i have your back .
Harry: “We lost Kingsley,” Harry reported quickly, while ducking wandfire. There was a battlefield detachment in the words that was entirely at odds with the aching grief that he felt, but now was not the time, darting around curses, flashes of green light that came close enough to hitting him that he felt the heat rushing past his skin, an unpleasant but not wholly unfamiliar sensation, touching this close to death. The fight went on, and he didn't doubt Neville' s word. There was no one Harry would be quicker to trust with his life. Focusing his attention on the fighter to his left, he was reckless, careless with defending his flank - he could be - Neville was there.
“No,” Harry said grimly, heart solidifying inside him, striking out with a blasting charm that splintered the Death Eater's wands into shards. Lily, still lost. He slashed again and the shards rearranged themselves into bullets, hit their mark, took him down. “We have to find him.” That, after all, was what all of this was about. Nothing had changed, not since he was fifteen and foolish, rushing right into the trap Voldemort had set, Sirius the only thing his desperate, frightened mind could think of. Harry may have since learnt to close his mind, but his heart had long been vulnerable, laid bare, and Lily owned all of it. Voldemort knew that, and he would use it. It had been years since Harry had faced him directly, and for good reason. The horcruxes made any victory only temporary, any cost sure to be high, but Harry was past caring about that right now. For once, he didn't want to defeat Voldemort. He wanted to make him pay. His eyes turned to plead with Neville urgently, “He’s here. I know him. I know he’ll be here. I know what he wants. Me for her. It's the only way, Neville - you and me, we take this to him.”
Neville: there’s no time to mourn, but his heart does stumble at the account . after the battle, there can be a tribute to the leader . to the last living member of the original order of the phoenix . the last living touchstone to the memories of both of their parents . later, the pair of them might take on the toll of that death . but for the moment, he takes it in stride, as encouragement to move forward despite the sweat rolling down his next . despite the exhaustion he feels . he tells himself that he can feel all of it later .
no . neville shoots his friend a questioning look, then understanding, then a fervent denial . it’s not the time . “ harry, that’s not — ” he counters over the curses, catching his breath, blocking curse after curse . he might be tired, but he’s unwavering . “ it’s not possible . get everyone out, now, and we may just leave here with a fighting chance . we find lily, and you leave . ”
Harry: In another time, another place, he would no doubt recognize the wisdom of Neville’s words. Even right now, the part of him that still clung onto reason did so. It just felt out of reach, in the face of his anger. What was more grounding was the realization that Neville had spent weeks in captivity.
Few others would be able to see it as Harry did, the exhaustion in his frame. Still he did not let up, and Harry matched him, jinx for jinx, now with more concern, more care. He fought well as ever - but how long could he keep out? Harry wouldn’t risk him. “You’re right,” Harry said slowly. He conjured an expansive shield charm, wielding it outwards like a weapon, defensive magic turned offensive with just the force of his will. It would give them seconds, Harry turning slightly, words hushed and fast. “But there’s a lot of ground to cover. We should split up. You start the retreat, the wards are blocking us here, we need to get out past them to get our people out. Go home, Neville.” They needed him there. Harry needed him there. He couldn't fight this war without him. He locked eyes with his friend. "That's an order."
Meanwhile, what he didn't say, was that Harry would go into the heart of the fray, searching for Lily. And anyone else who happened to be there.
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silcntsinners · 1 year
❛ you, uh, making a sundae? ❜ (from Neville)
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He smiles softly to his nephew and nods slowly “yes- I made you one too. Wouldnt forget that!” He said softly and smiled, handing him one before taking his own to the table. “How is school? I remember hogwarts far too well” he asks softly and takes a seat to talk to his nephew as he knew it was hard for Neville without his parents.
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yourmoonie · 8 months
How to live in the end
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Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming photoshoot? Your exams? Sp? Or maybe an event that hasn't occurred yet?
I have got your back
1. Focus on your end goal and not on the "lack/circumstances"
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Our fave stickman wants to go to Barbados, but instead of focusing on Barbados (aka the end goal) he starts focusing on not having the tickets or not having the money to buy the tickets (circumstances)
His entire attention is on the circumstance and not on the end goal
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
2. Thinking from THE end
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This is based on the timeline jumping method ( the thread, ♡ the visual thread )
So what do we do here?
Tickets are just the bridge of events for your end goal
We mentally go to Barbados and think FROM Barbados and not OF it
(That's how Neville manifested his trip, btw)
"Thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles" - Neville Goddard
The art of thinking from the end is about internally seeing the world as you would see it if your desire has already been achieved, even if it hasn't physically manifested yet.
3. Not seeing any movement?
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The stickman has got a photoshoot at MoonMoon studio in 2 weeks
On top of that the stickman is manifesting their desired body
> Out of the blue, the stickman gets anxious about their desired body and how they would look during the photoshoot because they "can't" see the results in the 3D
"The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything." - Neville Goddard
4. Think FROM & AFTER your desire
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They become anxious about the photoshoot BUT
How can the stickman get out of that anxious state?
Instead of thinking OF the photoshoot, they will think FROM and AFTER the photoshoot
They will mentally imagine that the event has already occurred
5. How to get into the state
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And they ask themselves this question
"How do I feel now when the photoshoot is done?"
"Wow, I like how the photos have turned out. I look so hot,"
They mentally prepare themselves for the best outcome and it helps them to get out of the anxious state
Inner action is an introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realised your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.
6. You are THE observer
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The Timeline jumping method in nutshell:
This is how you think FROM + After your desire
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. - Joe Dispenza
“Imagination is the act of creation. Imagination creates reality." - Neville Goddard
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bewltching · 2 years
tag drop !
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remcycl333 · 1 year
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notes from “the creative use of imagination” by neville goddard 🤍
step 0 is to decide what you want. maybe you want money, or a new place to live, or an sp, or physical appearance changes.
step 1: begin to observe those thoughts and reactions towards the thing you want to manifest.
“to arrive at a certain definition of self, you must begin by uncritically observing your automatic reaction to an event, for your reaction defines your state” -NG
throughout this post, I will use the example of physical appearance change.
maybe throughout your day, you see pictures of other people on social media that you view as more attractive as you, and your reaction to that is “I wish I looked like them, this isn’t fair why am i not as attractive as them, what do I need to do to look like them” etc.
or maybe you see yourself in the mirror and you think “god why do i look like that, why am i not attractive? why hasn’t my face changed yet?” Etc
if you were in the state of having your desired physical appearance, would you be reacting that way to your 3D?
the first step to changing our state is to first learn the way our old state behaves and reacts to things. it is our current dwelling state that is reflecting in our 3d right now, and when you stop and observe your reactions to things, it becomes glaringly obvious how they’re creating your 3d. if you’re ruminating on how ugly you think you are all day long, you cannot be surprised when you look in the mirror and are dissatisfied with what you see.
“If you react to that which is being objectified, you bind yourself to a certain level of awareness, but if you refuse to react, the thread is broken.” -NG
“Only by observing your reactions to life can you find yourself.” -NG
how are you supposed to know what state you are in if you don’t observe your reactions? And once you begin to observe your reactions, Neville says you will be shocked by how deceitful you truly are. but he always urges the importance of uncritical observation. you should not shame yourself for what you find, or even feel bad. these observations are simply meant to show you your current state, and the ins and outs of it so you are able to change it more easily.
“always examine yourself uncritically, for the moment you become critical, you automatically justify your reactions and associate yourself with the thing observed.” -NG
once you begin to observe your reactions, you will become more aware of them when they happen. they’ll grow to become uncomfortable and glaring. they will feel like they don’t fit you anymore. maybe before they were just knee-jerk, unconscious reactions, but now you will feel them take up the space in your head whenever they arrive. and because of this, you will be able to shift your awareness to what you really want your 3d to reflect. you will be able to let go of the parts of yourself you no longer wish to identify with.
“be transformed by the renewing of your mind by changing the ideas planted there, for you cannot change your thinking until you change the ideas from which your thoughts flow.” -NG
your state creates your thoughts, not the other way around. it is critical to understand this if you wish to change your dwelling state. your thoughts are not your enemies. if you constantly battle against your thoughts, without ever paying mine to your state, you will not have much success.
“accept an idea as true. identify yourself with it and it will out-picture itself in your world. but if you do not accept the thought and identify yourself with it through feeling, you are free from its results. you must become very selective and learn not to associate yourself with unlovely thoughts.” -NG
this is not to confused with the term “mental diet.” when you react negatively to something, you have two options. 1) beat the thought down and panic and tell yourself the opposite without believing it to be true, or 2) choosing not to identify with it. remind yourself that this thought is just a thought. it has no power over you, and if you don’t want it to be manifested into your reality, it will not. Neville says if you do not consent to a thought as true, it will not manifest into your world. if you don’t associate your inner being with that thought, it will not come to pass in your 3D.
“start now to consent only to lovely thoughts of fulfilled desires prior to their confirmation by your senses, and give up the animal instinct of suffering and bathing yourself in the feelings of hurt and self-pity.” -NG
ruminating in unpleasant thoughts where your desire remain unfulfilled can be comfortable, and even habitual, but at the end of the day it is a choice. a choice that you have to stop making if you truly want better for yourself. this is something I struggled with a lot at the beginning of my manifestation journey. there was some twisted pleasure and comfort found in picking at scabs in my mind, and feeling sorry for myself, and imagining what would happen if my desire was never realized in my 3d. but eventually I had to choose better for myself, and I had to choose to stop giving so much attention to mental conversations like that.
“control your imagination with steady attention and dare to stand and be heard.” -NG
YOU create the happenings of your imagination, and your imagination creates your reality. do not feel silly or foolish deciding better for yourself in your own imagination. and do not let the logical restrictions of the 3d to tell you what you can and can not give yourself in imagination. give yourself what you want in imagination and stand firm in that, even if your 3d shows the opposite. stop silencing yourself in your own imagination!
this is my thoughts and notes only on the first two chapters of “the creative use of imagination” so more may come as I continue my re-read! 🤍 just wanted to share this :)
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nyxcreate · 10 months
States:: Creation is finished
How to manifest literally everything you want in life.
What is a STATE?
A state is what you identify as. Example: poor, rich, pretty, ugly, master at manifesting, bad at manifesting etc. There are infinite realities and whatever reality you can think of, that state already exists. You are always identifying yourself as something.
Creation is finished is a basic concept of the law of assumption. What this means is that whatever state you want to occupy (desire you want to have) already exists. There is absolutely no work to be done. There are infinite realities that exist RIGHT NOW. This means that all you have to do is to start identifying as the person who has it!
Because creation is finished, you are not creating anything. This is why I don’t support methods like affirmations which is mostly focused on “say this affirmation 1mil times to get your desires.” BUT you can use methods to your advantage! Just not the way you were taught. Since creation is finished, you don’t need to do anything to get your desires. You don’t have to force your subconscious to be impressed… you don’t have to listen to subliminals all day. You don’t have to affirm robotically all day to the point you do it in autopilot. Tell me, does it make sense to do all that when you have your desires? Does it make sense for you to battle your negative thoughts if you have your desires?
Here’s all you have to do: Accept your desires as a present fact. Identify as the person who has it already. Occupy the state in which your wildest desires are yours. You cannot accept your desires as a present fact if you view it as sth you have to create or summon into being.
You remind yourself, creation is finished, the state already exists, your desires are yours. Relax in the knowing that you have your desires. The feeling that Neville Goddard spoke about, means KNOWING you have your desires. You are **not** forcing a feeling. How does it feel to have your desires? Ask yourself that question, please ask yourself that question even if you think it would not do anything for you.
I said earlier that you can use methods to your advantage. You would not be doing anything method to GET anything. Because remember, creation is finished- what is there to get? It is already done. You use methods to simply remind yourself that you already have your desires. Manifesting is not work, you don’t have to lift a finger to manifest. Whatever you desire already exists. It already is. The state is finished, all you have to do is mentally accept the fact that you are the person who has their desires.
Stop paying attention to the state in which u don’t have your desires. That state is also JUST a state, mentally view it as insignificant. Neville Goddard viewed the 3d as a dead state, which is how you should be viewing the 3d. Whatever happens in the 3d is none of ur concern.
“Will it happen?,” circumstances, how it will happen, timing- none of that bullshit is your concern. The person who has their desires already does not concern themselves with timing and being worried about the 3d. You are the creator. The creator does not ask such questions.
Note: this is just my thread on twitter that im reposting here! (@nyxcreate)
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eamour · 3 months
2 ⋮ neville goddard booklist
hello again, babes! for all the people that want to read the original source of the law of assumption, i have prepared two lists that, together, contain all 15 books of neville goddard from 1939 to 1966. this is list two, continuing with 7 books from 1952 to 1966.
the power of awareness ⋮ 1952
1 ⋮ i am
2 ⋮ consciousness
3 ⋮ power of assumption
4 ⋮ desire
5 ⋮ the truth that sets you free
6 ⋮ attention
7 ⋮ attitude
8 ⋮ renunciation
9 ⋮ preparing your place
10 ⋮ creation
11 ⋮ interference 
12 ⋮ subjective control
13 ⋮ acceptance 
14 ⋮ the effortless way 
15 ⋮ the crown of the mysteries 
16 ⋮ personal impotence
17 ⋮ all things are possible 
18 ⋮ be ye doers 
19 ⋮ essentials
20 ⋮ righteousness 
21 ⋮ free will
22 ⋮ persistence 
23 ⋮ case histories
24 ⋮ failure 
25 ⋮ faith 
26 ⋮ destiny 
27 ⋮ reverence
awakened imagination ⋮ 1954
1 ⋮ who is your imagination?
2 ⋮ sealed instructions
3 ⋮ highways of the inner world
4 ⋮ the pruning shears of revision
5 ⋮ the coin of heaven
6 ⋮ it is within
7 ⋮ creation is finished
8 ⋮ the apple of god's
seedtime and harvest ⋮ 1956
1 ⋮ the end of a golden string
2 ⋮ the four mighty ones
3 ⋮ the gift of faith
4 ⋮ the scale of being chapter
5 ⋮ the game of life
6 ⋮ "time, times and an half"
7 ⋮ be ye wise as serpents
8 ⋮ the water and the blood
9 ⋮ a mystical view
i know my father ⋮ 1960
1 ⋮ i am
2 ⋮ i come with a sword
3 ⋮ the foundation stone
4 ⋮ the i'm-pression
5 ⋮ he who has
6 ⋮ circumcision
7 ⋮ crucifixion and resurrection
8 ⋮ no other god
9 ⋮ thy will be done
10 ⋮ be ears that hear
the law and the promise ⋮ 1961
1 ⋮ imagining creates reality
2 ⋮ dwell therein
3 ⋮ turn the wheel backward
4 ⋮ there is no fiction
5 ⋮ subtle threads
6 ⋮ visionary fancy
7 ⋮ moods
8 ⋮ through the looking glass
9 ⋮ enter into
10 ⋮ things which do not appear
11 ⋮ the potter
12 ⋮ attitudes
13 ⋮ all trivia
14 ⋮ the creative moment
15 ⋮ the promise
he breaks the shell ⋮ 1964
1 ⋮ intro and 1st act
2 ⋮ 2nd act
3 ⋮ 3rd act
4 ⋮ 4th act
5 ⋮ conclusion
resurrection · a confession ⋮ 1966
1 ⋮ chapter
2 ⋮ chapter
3 ⋮ chapter
with love, ella.
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adambja · 1 year
✨Law of Assumption | Reality Creation✨
I offer tapes and coaching btw ;) the self-concept tape is guaranteed 100% 🫶🏻
The only post you would ever need.
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳
I am a Neville Goddard follower, it took me 2 YEARS to understand the law fully well. Through trial and tribulations it FINALLY clicked for me. I do NOT just follow any YT coach, only who understand the law, so my knowledge might contradict what you know but I hope you get something out of this thread, I want you to use your common sense, have an open mind, you never know, it might be of benefit for you.
Had to lay that out there, let's continue with the post.....
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜
Wake up! It is time for you to realize you were the operant power all along, life never "happened" to you! It is happening through you! You can realize this by seeing how life is going around for you, any area in your life if you do a little reverse engineering you would realize you created ALL your circumstances, good or bad! There were never coincidences, you created it. With this realization comes more questioning, how does it actually work? It is through your mind, your consciousness, your awareness I want you to realize that EVERYTHING you see in your reality is perceived by your mind, ALL IS MIND, studies show that if consciousness doesn't exist, reality that you know now does NOT exist
Source 👇🏻
When we say "the 3D is an illusion" it really is. You're the one assigning meaning/creating whatever the circumstances, the problem is that you were on auto-pilot, the human's non-understanding of reality made you that way, but that will be over now as you realize you hold the power.
Science calls it "the simulation theory" You're the one simulating it with your mind, your awareness, your consciousness, as consciousness is the only thing that we can call as real, spiritually speaking, you're a soul living through body, you are NOT your body.
There are people who went to experience the 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘬, where you get into a tank and restrict environmental sensory, people report that they don't feel their bodies at all and that they are only "aware" goes to show how consciousness is ONLY real (video from the movie: 𝘈 𝘎𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘹, I highly recommend)
I CANNOT stress it enough when I say that you're 𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘴 as Neville says it, to think this reality is real and that you can't change it and can't be malleable, you do that EVERY single day but UNCONCIOULSY until you awaken to this truth
The truth that you've always been a conscious creator you were just deluded by society from birth that you can't be "supernatural" and alter reality...that this 3D world is real... but this is over! It's time for you to WAKE UP!
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙨
How do we consciously create, you ask..
Let's read what science talks about reality creation..
In Quantum Mechanics there's a theory called "the observer effect" which states: the phenomenon in which the act of observation alters the behavior of the particles being observed" Which means whatever we focus on, be aware of; is changeable, more on that in this video:
If we explain this in more layman words, we will come to an understanding that reality CAN be shifted, with OUR MINDS through focus! There's also the theory in Quantum Physics where there are multiple version of you out there in the Quantum Field and the minute you observe that you become it!
Here's where the fun begins!
𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
Neville Goddard says "creation is finished" What does he mean by that? It means ALL things exists in the NOW, there was never past or present, there is always NOW It all exists. "All possibilities, all the things you desire, your healing, your job, your house, the wisdom you desire, the spiritual attainment you seek, the answers you seek, the partner, whatever it is, because we all desire different things, it's all finished and available."
So when you desire something, you're not trying to get it! It already exists, "Nothing needs to be summoned (manifested), but EVERYTHING already exists!" - Neville, all possibilities exist in the quantum field, all possibilities exist in the 4D. All you have to do is just SELECT that reality, with your MIND, your imagination.
• What's the difference between the 4D and the 3D?
One is where your mind generates images and thoughts so they can be reflected, it is your Godly power of accessing past, present, and future, the real reality, the 3D is just a reflection. 4D is where you CREATE
• How does the 4D pertain to the parallel realities where everything exists?
You access the 4D to choose what you want to experience in the 3D! If you desire it, know that the possibility of it EXITS! Your imagination is the TRUE reality, as Neville says: “When man finally identifies himself with his imagination rather than his senses, he has at long last discovered the core of reality” Remember when I said your senses (operating on the 3D realm) make you think your reality is fixed? It is not, it is always changeable.
• How do we choose/select/shift to the desired reality?
It was never about techniques and I will explain how you can CORRECTLY do this.
So we already know that imagination is the true reality (the 4D) and the 3D (physical reality) is just a reflection, a mirror, a shadow! And we already know there’s infinite versions of you out there and one of them that ALREADY has your desire
• How do we access it?
By shifting your focus, your conciousness, your thoughts! Neville calls it “states of consciousness”
When you change how you’re aware of your desire, how you “assume” it, that is what it’s gonna reflect! Remember the observer effect? What we are conscious of it will manifest
What do I mean by “Techniques don’t manifest, you do!” Most of you go through the mistake of putting importance on them thinking that “if I don’t do it right, I won’t get what i want” here’s why they don’t matter! We already know creation is finished so every possibility exists!
And we already know we create everything effortlessly with our minds! And we also know there’s infinite version of us in the quantum field right?
• Let’s take an SP example (since it’s the most popular topic on loatwt)
Let’s say I am in a version of reality where I don’t have my SP, knowing about parallel realities, I know there’s a version out there of me where I have them! So how do I shift to that version? I just simply ask myself a simple question (this where imagination comes in play the real reality) I ask myself “How would I feel if I was ALREADY in a relationship with them?) I would feel all the feelings of having them ALREADY, I shift to that state, I embody it! I shift my awareness to KNOWING I already have them! Its not about “attracting” things to you, it’s about SELECTING the state, the awareness of my desire! How would I think if I had it already? I jump to that timeline (that I know it EXISTS) and experience what I want so it will be reflected in the 3D, because I experienced in my imagination (4D) so I KNOW It’s REAL, IT HAPPENED! The minute you don’t GIVE AN EFF ABOUT THE 3D IT’S WHEN YOU KNOW YOU CAN CONSCIOUSLY CREATE!!!! Remember 3D is a MIRROR of what you selected in YOUR MIND! When you feel it is ALREADY done! 0 to 100 REAL QUICK!
“So like what about techniques, I don’t affirm anymore?”
Most of you use techniques to produce results. You are still operating on the 3D realm, thinking affirming or whatever will make your desires come true, when in fact you have TO ASSUME the STATE FIRST!
Think about it..if you ALREADY have it would you still be affirming non-stop? How did you manifest when you didn’t know about the law before?
After you assumed the state (conjuring the feelings of ALREADY having what you desire and playing with your imagination) that’s when techniques come in handy! You start affirming NATURALLY and EFFORTLESSLY! You don’t strain yourself by doing it! You are living in the END!
Always LIVE IN THE END! It is done.
Just how this post is. 💋
i reposted it here because I know it will help a lot of people!!!!
• Credits goes to @x3n97 on twitter
The link to @x3n97 post on X (previously Twitter)
Have a good day/night 🥹🫶🏻
I have coaching for the void state and self-concept also tapes and it's guaranteed from my side but it depends on you
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theluckywizard · 15 days
Horror Literature Prompt List
I spent some time pulling crunchy quotes from respected horror authors (and a bonus philosopher) to ignite our twisted little minds this spooky season. Please enjoy! Made for @dadrunkwriting
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“He couldn't get a grip on his sudden fear: it slipped through the safety bars of his mind and threaded—wormed—into the shadowy pockets where nightmares grew.” ― Nick Cutter, The Troop
"Pick a sin we can both live with, is what I ask." ― Joe Hill, Horns
“There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
“Do you think she can see us, talking to one another now? Do you think the dead come back and watch the living?” ― Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca
“If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
“Am I walking away from something I should be running away from?” — Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House
“The air out here was ghostly, craving something of her. Something she would never let herself give.” ― Alma Katsu, The Deep
“Passion has little to do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. It is not about feeling good. It is about endurance. Like patience, passion comes from the same Latin root: pati. It does not mean to flow with exuberance. It means to suffer.” ― Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves
“Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we’re open, we’re red.” ― Clive Barker, Books of Blood
“What looked like morning was the beginning of an endless night.” ― William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist
“There hasn’t been a time that we weren’t dying slow. The world just learned how to make it happen faster. While we weren’t looking,” ― Kristi DeMeester
Madness is when all your nightmares have come true and you just don’t care anymore. - Simon R. Greene, For Heaven’s Eyes Only
“Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there.” ― Cameron Jace, Snow White Sorrow
“The words thumped deep and low, rhythmically, like a little drum in a wooden box, beaten by unseen hands in a black room that opened doors onto another place you could not see the end of.” ― Adam Nevill, No One Gets Out Alive
“But they are only the faces of the dead. Coming into detail as we hurtle toward them. They see us, too. Fingers scratching at the ice’s rough underside, desperate to be the first to pull us down.” ― Andrew Pyper, The Damned
"Do not call up any that you cannot put down." ― H.P. Lovecraft, The case of Charles Dexter Ward
“There were always stories; people had to talk. Even if they were dying. Maybe the tongue was the last to go.” ― Kathe Koja, Bad Brains
“The light in the gallery changed subtly and he whirled and saw someone approaching him from between the exhibit cases. The individual moved with alarming speed, bent low to the floor, but straightening as he or she drew nearer. Unfolding…” ― Laird Barron, The Croning
“I think it’s good to be afraid. It means that I’m alive.” ― Paul Tremblay, A Head Full of Ghosts
“The cool breeze that ruffled her hair felt like something more than wind.” ― Bentley Little, The Influence
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acc3pt4nce · 1 year
choose, assume, persist. - a guide
first: decide whatever you want to manifest.
think– what do you truly desire deep down inside of you? for example: when manifesting a sp, are they truly what you want? when imagining the perfect sp do you envision them? or do you imagine someone else?
second: decide you have it.
this is the part that most people struggle with, but you can actually have fun with it. all you have to do is assume and accept that you have whatever it is that you desire. you want that house? assume you're living in it. you want that ugly ass boy? assume you're dating him? you wish ur english teacher would stfu? assume she's not annoying asl.
feel that you have what you want. this is when methods come in. methods are only for sustaining the feeling of the wish fulfilled (i'll go more into depth further in this post about this.) the most popular methods are affirming, visualizing, scripting, inner conversations, etc! this is the fun part, visualize whatever you want, hear whatever you want, feel whatever you want. you are, of course, not obligated to use methods and can just simply assume what you want is yours and move on. all you have to do is decide "i have _" or "i am _!"
third: persist in your assumption
persist in your assumption that you have whatever it is you desire in imagination. this means to continue to accept whatever you desire as yours. i suggest that whenever the thought of your desire pops inside your head you shift back to the state of the wish fulfilled. you dont have to think about it every single second of the day but i suggest once or twice a day.
now.. what is this feeling/state of the wish fulfilled stuff?
"When I speak of of feeling (feeling of wish fulfilled) I do not mean emotion, but the acceptance of the fact that it is fulfilled." - Neville Goddard
i absolutely adore this quote by neville and it simplifies tfotwf (the feeling of the wish fulfilled) so perfectly. when we talk about "feeling" in loass we don't mean emotion, we mean knowing. knowing = acceptance = belief. we mean the knowing that your desire is yours in imagination. all you have to do is decide "it is mine" or, once again, use methods.
to understand the state of the wish fulfilled you first need to understand states. a state is a mindset comes from assuming a new belief. now, the state of the wish fulfilled is just the state of your desire being yours. you reach this state by accepting and assuming your desire as yours.
so.. how does this stuff manifest?
the 3d is a mirror of the 4d, this meaning you have to change the 4d to change your 3d. your 4d meaning consciousness, imagination, the inner man and the 3d is the external world. what you see when you open your eyes. i've heard this example about 100 times and i love it sm: when getting dressed and you put on a shirt and you don't like it, would you try to change the mirror or change yourself into a different shirt? your shirt ofc! imagination is the real reality. imagination creates.
Your assumption, though false in the sense that it is denied by your senses and reason, if persisted in will harden into fact in such a normal, natural way that you will think it would have happened anyway. - Neville Goddard
dont place your focus on the 3d. dont check for proof expecting the opposite right after you accepted that you have what you want. instead, live your life in the 4d, experiencing whatever you'd like.
loll this was my first real post .. i'm not the best writer but i think i got most of my thoughts out! my faveee loass bloggers on here are nakedbibi333 sexynhedonistic - sexydreamgirl 0t0mie piercedblunt ella nd my favee twitter accs inbarbad0s (i absoluetly adore her sfmm.. her posts are so perfect plz check her out) stuckinthe4d visualdior (love her threads & her website) aliamanifests (shes on here too) scarlet anddd angel
fave guide love how easy it is to digest because the law is easy asl.. LMFAOO alright check out my twt for more rt's , if u have any questions use my askbox and yeah!
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totouchthcstars · 1 year
@roarunderpxpercuts || Neville & Willie cont. from x
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.。.:*☆ "Together? Yes, that would be... very helpful, I think!" Neville really was not the smartest, and if this guy was only a little like Hermione or Harry, he would make sure to rely onto him until they would find a way back home. Or, well, if not that, then back to Sydney, at least. Like, Neville was fully content with Sydney, as long as his parents were there, as well.
"Also, I first thought it would be full of magic, but... dunno. If so, it is different from any magic I ever came across." Which did not rule out the possibility, though. Like, Neville was not Albus Dumbledore. There was for sure a lot of magic he had never heard about ebfore in his life. "Alright though, okay - where do you think we should start to investigate?"
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dextixer · 7 months
The fandoms unfathomable arrogance in demanding how RWBY should be revived
As some of you might know Dillon Goo has expressed interest in acquiring and working on reviving RWBY from its current state. He is a very talented animator who has worked with Shane Neville for quite some time now and released animations that were even shared on our subreddit. Even GLITCH animation studio has expressed a passing interest in Dillon Goo talking about RWBY.
Regardless, this has of course received a positive reception for the most part, but it did not take long for detractors to come out of the woodwork and take issue with possible involvement of Shane, and saying things like "If CRWBY isnt a part of this, im not interested" "If CRWBY isnt in this, Montys vision is ruined.
This is a rant against those people, warning, high amounts of sodium ahead
I have seen many people say that if anyone ever aquires the RWBY IP, that CRWBY should then HAVE to be hired or these people will NEVER support the projects in question. They say that its because people like Miles and Kerry know "Montys Vision", that they know what he wanted and thus without them, RWBY would not longer be RWBY.
Let us be very clear here you entitled shits. You dont have much of a choice. RWBY is dead, its laying down on the fucking medical table, its heart is no longer beating. Its clinically a corpse. Who the fuck do you think you are to make demands of any kind of revival the show can get? You are not in a position to choose or demand anything, you either accept any kind of revival of RWBY, even if its not perfect in your eyes (Welcome to the shoes of the critics) or you quit and let RWBY die.
But let us fucking remember that many people in the fandom were gleefuly saying that they will support RT and RWBY when it was revealed how mismanaged RT was and how they abused their workers. I saw multiple people go and say "Yeah, this sucks, but i will still support RT because i want RWBY to continue". We had multiple threads in r/RWBY saying to support RT so that RWBY would continue and even moralizing that people who engage in piracy are just selfish people.
You were willing to kneel before an abusive corporation and open your wallets to it without fucking question to keep RWBY going. But now when there is a possibility that RWBY might continue on and just MIGHT possibly do so without CRWBY (Which is not even a guarantee). You throw in the fucking towel? THIS was your fucking red line? CRWBY not working on the show?
At that point, just be honest and say what you really believe.
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You are fucking DICKSUCKING Miles and Kerry as if they were the ONLY ones working on the show alongside Monty and know his "vision". Well, let me ask you then why in the fuck do you put so much effort in shitting on Shane huh!?
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Its always "Oh, we need the people who worked with Monty" but EVERY SINGLE FUCKING time i go on twitter right now i see someone whining or being worried about "Well, but what about Shane".
Shane worked with Monty from the very fucking start! When he was eventually booted out of the company and made his open letter, most of the things in that letter were then confirmed MORE AND MORE with each passing year! He cared about Montys vision so much he was willing to call out RT before ANYONE ELSE! And we know for a FACT that MK did not follow the "vision" because the things that Monty and Shane worked on for Volume 3 were not used in Volume 3 and were then reused in later volumes.
I repeat, NONE of you shits cared about Montys "vision" nor do you genuinely care about it now. What you care about is CRWBY. What you care about is the parasocial relationship between you and creators of a show you like when it panders to you.
Because Shane was there from the very fucking start. And now hes the fandoms fucking Satan who the fandom tried so fucking hard to demonize over the years. Didnt care about Montys vision then did you!?
Oh and by the way, didnt we hear for YEARS now that there is a RWBY bible? That everything in RWBY is planned? That we had an outline for like 11-13 seasons!? Well if there exists such a bible, who gives a shit if CRWBY is involved in any kind of Volume continuation. If the bible exists anyone with skill and interest can read it and create what is meant to be created!
Of course unless the bible has always been a crock of shit fed to the fandom to try and pretend that the show wasnt writen by the fucking seat of its pants. (Which it WAS!)
So let me end with this.
Miles and Kerry are not gods. They are not angels. They are not perfect beings and bearers of the "Word of Monty" they are WRITERS! And just like with ANY part of CRWBY, the companies that might want to remake RWBY or write Volume 10 can choose to NOT take them onboard.
And that is FINE!
I do not mind if people wish or prefer that CRWBY were involved with any kind of RWBY continuation. What i fucking hate is this hypocritical DEMAND to keep CRWBY on board or otherwise "Its not real RWBY". Because i will repeat for the third fucking time.
The Fandom seems to not give even a single solitary fuck about RWBY, they seem to only care about CRWBY.
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lgbridgertonqa · 2 months
The Great Queer Bridgerton Ship Poll: THE RESULTS!!!
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First off, we’d just like to thank everyone for taking part in this silliness. We clocked in at 204,232 votes when we closed the poll with votes still coming in. Deeply unserious, we’re very touched.
That being said this is also VERY serious. Lives are at stake.
Onto the numbers for places (under the cut - cos it's LONG!)
Or read the results thread here on our twitter.
31. Daphne Bridgerton/Alice Mondrich - 0 votes (0.00%)
Sorry girls!
29 =. Colin Bridgerton/Harry Dankworth - 1 vote (0.0005%)
The Danklin nation were not assembled for this fight. One noble voter stood proud!
29 =. Harry Dankworth/Lord Fife - 1 vote (0.0005%)
The vote is entirely anonymous so we will never know who this one brave soul was that swung for the only Fife ship in the poll. It will ever remain a mystery…
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23 = . Siena Rosso/Mme Delacroix - 2 votes (0.0010%)
Maybe next time, ladies.
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23 = . Violet Bridgerton/Portia Featherington - 2 votes (0.0010%)
The Mama’s did not do it for the voters.
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23 = . Mary Sharma/Queen Charlotte - 2 votes (0.0010%)
Not enough follow through on this tension to capture more votes.
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23 = . Mme Delacroix/Lucy Granville - 2 votes (0.0010%)
The girls are taking a hit in the polls.
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23 = . Gregory Bridgerton/Richard Abernathy - 2 votes (0.0010%)
Our first book character on the list! He fought valiantly.
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23 = . Lord Haselby/Neville Berbrooke - 2 votes (0.0010%)
This niche book only fanon couple did this against all odds. Respect!
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20 =. Kate Sharma/Sophie Beckett - 4 votes (0.0020%)
A previous fan favourite has slipped down the rankings in this poll!
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20 = . Eloise Bridgerton/Edwina Sharma - 4 votes (0.0020%)
A similarly previously popular ship has fallen on hard times this year!
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20 =. Will Mondrich/Simon Basset - 4 votes (0.0020%)
MIA since season 1, but sorely missed.
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19. Hyacinth Bridgerton/Felicity Featherington - 5 votes (0.0024%)
The show may have forgotten you Felicity, but voters haven’t
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18 =. Queen Charlotte/Lady Danbury - 6 votes (0.0029%)
Too many people afraid of the power of these two women kissing.
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18 =. Anthony Bridgerton/Thomas Dorset - 6 votes (0.0029%)
Apparently two men holding each other and falling into a lake isn’t homoerotic enough for some.
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16. Lucy Abernathy/Hermione Watson - 9 votes (0.0044%)
Another book ship taking on show giants.
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15. Eloise Bridgerton/Marina Thompson - 11 votes (0.0054%)
Some people hate to see lesbians winning!
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14. Brimsley/Reynolds - 38 votes (0.0186%)
Our first canon queer ship taking a hit! Only scraping top 15!
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13. Francesca Bridgerton/Edwina Sharma - 96 votes (0.047%)
The votes are starting to pick up now with this outside contender!
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12. Daphne Bridgerton/Cressida Cowper - 211 votes (0.1033%)
A very respectable 12th place for Daphida!
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11. Eloise Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington - 236 votes (0.1156%)
A perhaps shock result to not crack the top ten!
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10. Gregory Bridgerton/Gareth St. Clair - 403 votes (0.1973%)
Huge result for a book character not yet in the show! Top ten!
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9. Colin Bridgerton/Michael Stirling - 636 votes (0.3114%)
A now book based pair on the shortlist from last year, coming into the top ten as an underdog!
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8. Francesca Bridgerton/Michaela Stirling - 677 votes (0.3315%)
Michaela Stirling didn’t throw the first brick at Stonewall for 8th place.
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7. Simon Basset/Anthony Bridgerton - 737 votes (0.3609%)
Homoerotic tension legendary enough that it brought this show into infamy. You’ve served proudly, kings
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6. Francesca Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington - 970 votes (0.475%)
Another outsider in the top 10! The Fran/Pen shooters were not messing around!
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5. Colin Bridgerton/Phillip Crane - 1,052 votes (0.5151%)
One olive oil joke and discussions about Ancient Greece, next thing you know -
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4. Benedict Bridgerton/Paul Suarez - 1,713 votes (0.8388%)
Congrats on all the sex you had boys! It translated into votes!
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3. Kate Sharma/Daphne Bridgerton - 15,911 votes (7.7906%)
Kaphne were leading the way for 5 days this week, only to be pipped to the post in the last few days. Well done on bronze!
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2. Benedict Bridgerton/Henry Granville - 84,285 votes (41.2692%)
Voters gave it their all in the last 24 hours, but ultimately couldn’t take the win. A very worthy silver!
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1. Eloise Bridgerton/Cressida Cowper - 97,204 votes (47.5949%)
Unreal rush at the end, nearly breaking the poll. The sapphics take the crown of Best Queer Bridgerton Ship!
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