#❄️ I shiver just to feel your warmth ❄️
lovebugism · 10 months
"s'mores are perfect when the marshmallows are burnt" "you jsut can't cook" + eddie munson for blurbcember ❄️
ty for requesting! :D — you freeze your ass off to spend some time alone with eddie; he learns you love him more than s'mores (established relationships, fluff, 1.6k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
You and Eddie sit stranded in Steve’s backyard, the only ones brave enough to weather the late-night cold. 
The bursting bonfire died down to a couple of sparkling orange embers, and the party followed accordingly. While your friends sought shelter in the warm living room, unfreezing their fingers around cups of hot cocoa, you and Eddie remained outside in the navy blue winter — too stubborn to tread behind them.
“But wait— we haven’t made s’mores yet!” you’d whined. The shivering bodies of your friends rushed by you and into the heated house, anyway. Eddie was the only one to stay with you after the fact. ‘Cause his girl was gonna get her s’mores even if it was the last thing he ever did.
He makes the first one perfectly. Mostly because that one was for you.
You sit patiently in the slanted wooden chair, knees up to your chest, drowning in the thick leather jacket Eddie gave you for warmth. It smells just like him — like pine and childhood. It keeps you as warm as the smoky marshmallow on your tongue. 
The melted sugar gets caught in your teeth, along with the chewed-up graham cracker and gooey milk chocolate. You smile with it all anyway when Eddie’s second batch doesn’t turn out nearly as good as his first. 
“Eds, that’s burnt!” you laugh with your mouth still full as he smacks a blackened marshmallow between two square cookies.
In several layers of dark flannel, the boy shrugs lazily. He plops onto the adirondack beside yours and shoots you a lopsided smile, tinted pink and softly chapped. His skin, made more pale by the dark and wintery night, rivals that of the shining full moon. It makes his flushed cheeks that much more rosy.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about— s’mores are perfect when the marshmallows are burnt.”
He takes a too big bite to make a point. You grimace at the crunch of the over-cooked confection, then smile when the melted sugar sticks to Eddie’s chin. “No, you just can’t cook,” you retort with a lovesick grin.
“But I’m right!” he insists, black crumbs sticking to the corners of his mouth.
He’s too hardheaded, and you’re too in love with him to argue about it any further. You just smile and shake your head, so full of adoration you’re sparkling with it. “You’re so cute,” you murmur, features warm and visibly fond.
He grins wide, never minding the food caught in his teeth. “I know.”
“Should we make everyone else one?” you wonder, nose scrunched as you spare a look over your shoulder. 
Through the sliding glass door, you can see into the golden-lit living room. Everyone’s lazing under blankets, crammed onto couches or lounging on the floor. You can’t tell if they’re sleeping or not. You feel the need to take care of them anyway.
Eddie scoffs with his mouth still full. “Hell no! Those cowards chickened out on us,” he answers bitterly, then in a deeper and posher accent, continues. “Only the bravest of warriors can be rewarded with such fine delicacies.”
“Getting hypothermia makes us ‘the bravest of warriors’?”
“You’re the one who wanted to stay out here!”
“I did,” you argue with a laugh. “But not for the stupid s’mores.”
He gets cartoonishly confused. His bushy brows furrow and his winter-kissed features swirl together. If you weren’t weathering the winter for his obviously unmatched cheffing skills, then what exactly were you out here for?
“Then… for what?” he wonders slowly and with his dark eyes squinted.
You roll your eyes at your oblivious boy. A smile hints at the corners of your mouth. “Eddie…” you murmur, hoping your sudden sheepishness might give him some sort of hint. Telling him, ‘I’m out here in the freezing cold because being next to you makes me feel warm’ is far too sweet and not at all on brand for either of you.
“What?” he says with a faint laugh, still visibly clueless.
“I stayed out here because of you, you idiot,” you confess, giggling softly when it makes his doe eyes get all squishy around the edges.
“Oh,” he hums, then grins all wide and giddy. “Sweet.”
It’s too easy to forget how much you like him sometimes. Mostly because he doesn’t feel very deserving of you at all. He just takes all the sweet moments alone with you that he can get, then tries not to explode every time you remind him that you love him back.
“I am starting to get cold, though,” you murmur, jaw tense to keep your teeth from chattering. 
A crisp breeze rolls by and shoves its teeth into every inch of exposed skin it can bite. Your cheeks and lips have long gone numb with it. You can only wrap Eddie’s jacket around you so much before it stops helping.
“Well, I know something that’ll warm us up…” the boy beside you croons with an audible smirk.
Your face scrunches at the implication. “Eddie…” you grouse.
“Get your head out of the gutter— I’m talking about booze.”
You squint at him. He reaches between his many layers and pulls out something from the inner pocket. It glimmers beneath the moonlight for a moment until you realize what it is — a glass, small and polygonal, half-filled with amber liquid.
“I picked the lock to Steve’s dad’s liquor cabinet,” he confesses, twinkling with boyish excitement. “This looked the fanciest, so…”
At a loss for words, you shake your head. “You’re insane,” you tell him, even though your smile says that you’re in love with him and all his crazy.
“I’m surprised it took you this long to figure that out,” he quips and unscrews the glass cap. He sniffs the liquid inside, then takes a sip without fear. He winces at the taste.
“Is it good?” you ask, hiding your laugh behind your palm.
“It’s great—” His answer comes wedged between coughs.
When he passes the small glass off to you, you take your own baby sip of the alcohol, with much more hesitation than the boy beside you. The bitter taste coats your tongue and stings going down. The burn makes you cough. Your chest blooms with warmth.
Eddie’s brows raise expectantly. His lip quirks at the edges. “Good?”
“It tastes like rubbing alcohol,” you grimace and hand the thing back to him.
“That’s how you know it’s good!” he insists. He takes another sip and doesn’t flinch this time around. “Like— this is the shit rich people spend hundreds of dollars on just to pretend it tastes good.”
“Being rich must suck,” you observe with your face screwed up.
“Oh, totally,” the boy scoffs. He goes to take a swig, then sends you a worried glance with the glass up to his lips. “Are you warm yet, at least?”
“Not really… My throat just kinda burns.”
“C’mere. Before you end up like that psycho from The Shining.” 
Eddie slouches softly in his seat and holds his arms out beside him. The invitation is a hard one to turn down. Hair wild, cheeks rosy, and dressed all snug — he looks so visibly warm. You want to curl into his chest like a cat and stay there forever.
“You want me to sit in your lap?” you wonder with your brows pinched.
He nods.
“Eddie. I’ll crush you.”
His features swirl with hurt. “I’m offended that you’re doubting my strength right now, sweetheart.”
“Shut up.”
“Get over here before I cause a scene.”
There’s not much of a scene to cause. Both of you know this. You rise on rigid, frozen limbs anyway and walk the short distance to him. 
His palms are oddly warm as they curl around your hips. You sit hesitantly on his lap at first, as tense as a rock, until he pulls you down completely. His arms settle around your waist like they were always meant to be there, hands fitting with you like a puzzle piece. It doesn’t take long for you to melt against him.
Eddie grins at the comforting weight of you. “See? This isn’t so bad, right?”
You try to bite back the beam tugging at your lips. This kind of love makes you feel like a teenager again — heart singing like it’s never been stung before. 
“I mean, yeah, but Steve and Robin are watching us through the blinds,” you tell him as a laugh sputters from your lips. 
You can tell they’re trying to be discreet, but their eyes showing through the slats — at two varying heights — are a dead giveaway. It took the two of them ages to get you and Eddie together, so you’re not entirely surprised by their snooping. They’re nothing if not your biggest cheerleaders. Even if it does make them a couple of creeps sometimes.
Eddie doesn’t bother to look over his shoulder at them. He just tilts his chin up at you and smiles with all his teeth. “Wanna give ‘em a show?”
You smile. Then press your tingling lips to the cold skin of his rosy cheek. 
You know that isn’t exactly what he was asking for, so his plea for another doesn’t surprise you.
“One more?” he wonders quietly, chocolate eyes glimmering with boyish hope.
Happily, you lean in for another peck to his cheek. He turns his head at the very last second and smacks a proper kiss to your mouth.
You pull back, face agape with shock, like he’s never kissed you before. “Eddie!” you gasp.
His doe eyes sparkle with feigned innocence. “What?”
“You’re incorrigible,” you insist and settle further into him.
His contented sigh brushes your temple when you rest your head against him. His ringed fingers give your sides a squeeze. “That’s a real big word, sweetheart. Means you like me, right?”
You let yourself smile wide. He can’t see how lovesick you are from this angle, or else he’d know that you do a whole lot more than just like him. “Yeah, Eds. That’s exactly what it means.”
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sanrikis · 9 months
cold confessions ❄️ — c.b
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genre. fluff, friends to lovers (?), non idol au // pairing. beomgyu x fem!reader // cw. teasing, angst if you squint // wc. 1047 // synopsis. you and beomgyu take a late night walk and the cold brings out some unexpected feelings
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you and beomgyu had been friends for a little over a year, and late night walks weren’t unusual. but, the the recently fallen snow and the crisp, cold air had made something about this walk different.
whether it was how you were snuggled up to beomgyu, your winter coat not being enough to shield you from the sharp, stinging cold, or how both of your cheeks were constantly flushed from the nights weather, neither of you being able to look at one another for longer than a few seconds.
walking further into the night, you and beomgyu found a small rest area, tall lamps and benches to complete it. “hey, n/n! take some pics of me for my insta,” beomgyu giggled, handing you his phone and bending down to pose.
“mmm okay,” you sighed, missing the warmth of your friend (you told yourself).
as you grabbed the phone and started to take pictures of your friend, you found yourself staring at his features. his eyes, his lips, his nose. since when was he so perfect?
“gyu, can we get going? the cold is doing something to me. i’m not thinking straight or something,” you murmured, sure that this was just the night breeze and lack of heating doing this to you.
“not yet, n/n! i need more pictures, please,” beomgyu pleaded, his lips forming an adorable and irresistible pout. (what the hell did you just think? irresistible?)
“fine,” you mumbled, focusing the camera back on your friend and snapping more photos of him.
“thank you, my precious n/n! now let me see! my handsomeness can never fully translate in pictures, but you’re my witness,” beomgyu teased, his finger poking your cheek before coming behind you to look at the photos you took.
you could feel his breath on your neck, a shiver running down your spine as he grabbed you hand and scrolled through the pics. “these looks really good, n/n. the ladies are gonna eat these up.”
you snorted, to which beomgyu backed up and look at you in mock shock. “what’re you laughing at? i’m very popular with women,” beomgyu pouted, his arms crossing almost instinctively as he turned his head away from you.
“sure, gyu. whatever helps you sleep at night,” you laughed, patting your friends shoulder.
“what do you mean? i’m telling the truth, n/n,” he whined, his hands grabbing your shoulders and forcing you to look at him. “my amazing looks along with my charming attitude make me a heartthrob. literally.”
“amazing looks maybe, but charming attitude? you’re lying to yourself, gyu,” you teased, your hands coming up to play with his hair.
before what you were doing could even process in your mind, beomgyu had backed away.
“so you agree i have amazing looks? don’t tell me you’re falling for me too, n/n,” beomgyu nervously chuckled, his air of confidence wavering.
“don’t worry about it, gyu. even if i were to ever catch feelings for you, i would never tell you. i couldn’t risk ruining our friendship,” you smiled, looking down at the ground feeling you had spoken too soon. the more you looked at beomgyu, the more you wanted to kiss him.
the more you wanted all your cuddles and movie nights to be not platonic. the more you wanted to hold his hand as a lover, and not just a friend.
but this was beomgyu. one of your best friends.
you couldn’t risk that relationship over something that might not even work. beomgyu as a friend was better than no beomgyu at all.
“that’s a shame. i don’t agree with that all,” beomgyu sighed, his hands making their way into his pockets.
“what do you mean?”
“if i had feelings for you, i would 100% risk our friendship,” beomgyu replied, stepping closer to you. “i think taking a risk to be more, and be happier, is better than being in a stalemate and having to live with that pain.”
“beomgyu,” you started, taking a step back, scared of what was to come. you were too emotionally constipated for this. “i don’t think either of us should be talking about this right no–”
“y/n, please don’t say that,” beomgyu pleaded, his hands reaching out for yours, the warmth of each other enveloping you both. “i like you, y/n. a lot. i don’t knew when it started. i don’t know how. i just know i like you. you can reject me if you want, but i know the way you look at me. it’s how i look at you.”
he pulled you closer to him, waiting for any sign of resistance or rejection from you.
“can i kiss you, y/n?”
“yeah…” your soft reply came out, barely above a whisper, but loud enough for beomgyu to hear in the dead night.
as his lips connected with yours, you felt something you had never felt before. like a piece of you was finally complete. since when did you feel like this? about your bestfriend? were you really denying yourself closure to hold onto whatever little bit of him you could have. an emptiness you hadn’t even realized was there was filled and everything felt brighter, warmer.
when you pulled away, the shock and lack of air getting to you, you looked up at your bestfriend, whose face was blushing a deep shade of pink.
“i think i like you too, gyu,” you confessed, a newfound assuredness in your voice.
beomgyu laughed, arms wrapping you tightly. “yeah, i know!”
you wiggled your hand loose and lightly pinched him, earning a hiss from him and another pout.
“you’re no fun! i was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend, but you’re too mean,” he scoffed, looking away from you once more.
“okay. will you be my boyfriend, beomgyu?”
“not fair! i wanted to ask. but, fine. i guess,” beomgyu huffed, his eyes rolling.
“stop being so dramatic. you’re too pretty,” you retorted, your own arms wrapping around beomgyu.
“man, you’re right. come on! let’s get my girlfriend home before she freezes,” beomgyu smiled, eyes closed as he tilted his head towards you.
“finally. i feel like my toes are gonna fall off,” you whined.
“stop being so dramatic,” beomgyu chided, taunting his finger at you.
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authors note - i spent like 50 mins writing this 😭 i just couldn’t get beomgyu’s ig pics out of my head… it’s 1am rn so ignore any mistakes..
© sanrikis 2024 do not repost, translate, or plagiarize
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minghaoslatina · 4 months
7:34 pm ✰ HONGJOONG
now playing 🎧 infrunami by steve lacy
word count ⌨️ 626
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As you exited the company building, a blast of cold wind sent shivers down your spine. Gentle snowflakes fell from the sky, creating a serene and gorgeous atmosphere. Walking beside you was Hongjoong, your dedicated and hardworking boyfriend, who finally agreed to take a break from his studio. You felt incredibly proud of him but knew he needed some well-deserved rest, too.
"I feel like I'm freezing to death," you say, hugging yourself to keep warm. The sound of snow crunching beneath your shoes fills the air as you make your way to the nearest cafe. Hongjoong came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, making you feel safe and loved. Resting your head against him, you couldn't help but smile as you admired him wearing a beanie in the snow. His long eyelashes caught snowflakes, creating a beautiful sight. The air was crisp, and the scent of snow added to the moment's magic.
"You're the one who wanted to take a walk in this horrible weather," he teased, letting go of your waist and taking your hand in his. You playfully pouted, feeling the chill of the winter air on your cheeks. "Hey! Winter is a beautiful season. It might be freezing, but I'd rather be cold than have a heat stroke," you laugh, the sound blending with the soft patter of snowflakes around you as you swing your intertwined hands back and forth.
"Sorry, beautiful, you're right," Hongjoong grinned, his warm breath visible in the frosty air. He suddenly kissed you on the cheek. Your cheeks turned warm, contrasting with the cold, and you looked away as Hongjoong's laughter mixed with the serene quiet of the winter evening.
You walk behind him momentarily and grab some snow to throw at him, bursting into laughter when it hits his back. Hongjoong gasps and looks at you in disbelief.
"You started it," he said with a mischievous grin before scooping up a handful of snow and launching it at you, starting a playful snowball fight. You squealed and darted away, laughter bubbling out of you as he followed you around a tree. Eventually, breathless and flushed, you signaled for him to stop, doubling over to catch your breath. Hongjoong chuckled, patiently waiting as you straightened up. But before you could make a move, he playfully pelted a snowball at your arm, eliciting another delighted squeal from you. His laughter mixed with yours as he enveloped you in a warm, tight hug. As you locked eyes, a deep sense of connection and love passed between you, evident to anyone around that you were meant for each other. Lost in the moment's warmth, you gazed into Hongjoong's starry eyes and leaned in to kiss him. His lips were soft and tender, eliciting a smile from you even as you kissed him.
You pulled away from Hongjoong's lips and smiled at him once more, admiring your boyfriend. You took a step back momentarily but soon regretted it as you felt the slippery ground beneath you. You almost stumbled, but Hongjoong caught you just in time. You were about to thank him, but both of you ended up falling to the ground. Hongjoong ensured that you landed on top of him to prevent any harm. Both of you burst into laughter before you roll off Hongjoong and land on the snow. You turned to each other, sharing a lovestruck gaze. Before getting up, both of you made snow angels on the ground. Hongjoong was the first to rise and offer you a hand to help you up.
"I really want that coffee," you say, poking his nose and walking towards the cafe. Hongjoong smiles and walks behind you, placing a hand on the small of your back.
a/n 💌
this was self indulgent because I miss the winter ❄️
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
headcanons or a one-shot of astarion x gn!tav baking cookies and/or doing other wintery things? thank you for the bonus prompt! i love domestic wintertime vibes 💙❄️
Hi! I fucked up with your last prompt, so here is your bonus one! And Merry Christmas!
Prompt ✶New Beginnings✶ for BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge
The pieces of the book Tav is reading are taken from Forgotten Realms Wiki.
Got inspired by this amazing piece of art by @demiesop
The Sea of Moving Ice
Synopsis: Astarion returns too early with a confession.
Tags: fluff, comfort
Read on AO3
Nestled by the fireplace, you find solace amidst the raging blizzard outside. The crackling flames cast a comforting glow, kissing your face and enveloping your arms in their gentle warmth. You slowly turn pages.
The Sea of Moving Ice is located west of Icewind Dale and northwest of the Cold Run. Almost completely uncharted, the ice masses set wide enough apart for a ship to pass.
You shiver. Well, as it wasn't cold enough. Now you can't stop thinking about the freezing hell stretching far to the north.
The domain of ice dragon and unimaginable horrors!
You wrap yourself in a fur blanket. You never had a chance to learn how to read and Astarion always teased you about that. Whenever you wanted him to read for you, he would try to sit you down and teach but you knew the dance. You would make puppy eyes and praise Astarion's voice and the vampire would give up and read any book you want.
But the end of autumn met you far in the north, in the town of Firesheer. You got sick and, by the time you fully recovered, it was already too cold and dangerous to keep travelling.
So you decided to wait until the beginning of spring. In the meantime, Astarion finally made you learn to read.
Along with seals, walruses and polar bears, the Sea of Moving Ice is also home to other dangers. Lairs of ice trolls can be found in errant shipwrecks, and white dragons often make home within larger icebergs.
White dragons! For some reason, the idea of seeing those creatures fascinates you. You turn pages further trying to find a chapter about them.
Adult white dragons have several abilities well suited to their arctic habitat: they can climb ice cliffs with ease, fly very high and fast, and are exceptional swimmers.
The door to the room opens and you see Astarion.
"I thought you wanted to walk around till sunrise?" you ask. 
He doesn't say anything and sits behind you wrapping his hands around your chest and pressing his face against the crook of your neck. 
"Astarion, is everything all right?"
He doesn't move as if frozen. You suppress a desire to stand up to hug him, to make him tell you everything. Maybe, a year ago you would have done it, but now you know better. Sometimes it's best not to pay attention.
You caress his knuckles. 
"I've read a few chapters already. Well, of course, you would have finished the whole book, but I am trying my best."
Another page. The picture of a fortress captures your attention. It looks like a giant skull adorned with a crown.
No matter how much Far North scares you, your innate desire for adventure craves to see all these places.
Astarion is silent and motionless. He wraps you tightly not allowing you to move. Maybe something triggered him? Reminded him of his recent past? Or is he just overwhelmed? He almost never spends nights inside, even if there is a snowstorm like that.
"Thank you for having patience with me", you say. "You were right. Being able to read feels so nice."
Silence. You listen up. Astarion has a very unsettling skill of being able to cry without making almost any sound.
"I love you."
The words return you to reality. Astarion holds you tightly and presses his lips against the nape of your neck. You feel as if you were submerged in warm waters. 
"I love you too, Astarion" You smile.
Expressing his feelings doesn't come easy for him. While he's become adept at discussing negative emotions, fears, and traumas with you, simple confessions are still quite rare.
"No, you don't understand," he muffles. "I love you. If I were alive, my heart would skip a beat every time I see you. You are so warm and kind, I can't believe you are real. Your sole presence is enough to wash away the nightmares from my mind. I feel new with you. I feel innocent. I feel … redeemed."
You finally set yourself free and turn to him. Tears prickle in the corners of his eyes but he smiles with this sincere goofy smile you saw on the graveyard for the first time. 
The real him.
You cup his face and kiss his forehead. Then you proceed kissing his cheeks and lips, making sure no part of his face is left untouched. 
"So, you’ve returned earlier to tell me all that?"
"Yes. You always tell me good things. How much you love me; how much you care. You bath me with affection and I just wanted to reciprocate."
You shake your head. "My love, we agreed on that. You don't need to reciprocate. You don't owe me anything…"
He sighs. No his face looks serious. "Isn't love always about a fair exchange? One-sided affection sounds awful. I owe you and you owe me. That’s the deal, isn't it?"
You reluctantly agree. Yes, if Astarion never returned any love, you would probably have lost any interest in this relationship months ago.
But, gods, he loves you!
There is so much love and care in him! Somehow, Astarion managed to conceal them deep within his undead heart that he forgot about their existence.
But yet he found access to them as if finally obtaining the key from an intricate locked box.
Ability to love.
Ability to care.
Ability to laugh and enjoy life to its fullest. 
When you wake up, the first thing you see is his eyes. He watches you sleeping with such adoration it makes your heart skip a beat. He cares about you so much; you can fully give yourself to him and not worry about anything. 
Astarion, your beloved. 
"You know... I lied"
"About what?"
"That nothing bothered me when I came back"
"Oh? What happened?"
He turns away collecting his thoughts. "You know... I've never really thought about the nature of our relationships. The very idea someone could love me the way I am seemed ridiculous. When I confessed to you, I expected you to break up with me. I couldn't understand what you are to me. My love? My partner? My significant other? I didn’t know. To this day."
The conversation takes an unexpected turn and you wait. 
"I walked around the town and bumped into a woman - she was closing her jewerly store. She started bothering me with all these stupid questions. Where we are from, where we are heading. Who you are. Who I am. Who we are to each other. And, well… I ended up buying something."
"Buying? Not stealing?"
"We are going to spend here at least two months. Wouldn’t be smart to steal from locals. Close your eyes."
You oblige and in a second you feel something cold on your palm.
Two rings.
"W-what is this, Astarion?"
"She was trying to find out if you are single. Or if I am single. She probably couldn't decide which of us she liked more. I just… threw her money saying "We are going to marry so fuck off."
"Listen... if you don’t like this idea... I..."
"I do."
You take his left hand and without hesitation put the ring on his finger. Then you kiss the knuckles and it seals the deal.
Astarion's hand is trembling as he puts on the second ring on you. "I want to see the world with you, Tav. I want to see all these weird and scary places. I want to be with you. I want to be with you in every possible form."
You lean for a kiss. "And we are going to see the Sea of Moving Ice !"
Tag List
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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bitchiswild · 9 months
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Skating Hearts
Kazuha x F! Reader
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 1k
A/n: ⛸️❄️☕️
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Ice skating has never quite been my strong suit. Frankly, the mere thought of stepping onto the ice sends shivers down my spine. But when Kazuha, with her irresistibly charming persuasion, suggested it for our date, how could I refuse? Her excitement was contagious, and her enthusiasm was enough to make me forget my lack of skills.
"Zuha!" I exclaimed, anticipating a not-so-graceful landing as I began to lose my balance. However, just before I met the ice, Kazuha swooped in, catching me effortlessly.
"I've got you, don't worry," she reassured me with a soft chuckle, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Pouting playfully, I couldn't help but express my frustration. "I'm hopeless at this. You've got to teach me your secrets!" I exclaimed dramatically, hoping to lighten the moment with a touch of humor.
Kazuha laughed at my antics, her melodic laughter echoing through the rink. "Don't worry, I'll turn you into an ice-skating pro in no time," she promised, her smile warm and encouraging.
And so, with her patient guidance and infectious laughter, our time on the ice turned from a potentially embarrassing disaster into a heartwarming memory. Her unwavering support and the way she turned my fumbles into shared laughter made me appreciate the charm of this new experience, all thanks to Kazuha's unwavering enthusiasm and patience.
As we continued our escapades on the ice, Kazuha's determination to help me skate better was both endearing and adorable. She took my hand in hers, guiding me slowly across the glistening surface, her touch gentle yet reassuring.
"Okay, follow my lead," she instructed with a mischievous glint in her eye. With effortless grace, she demonstrated a few basic moves, twirling gracefully before coming to a stop in front of me.
I tried to mimic her movements, but my feet seemed to have a mind of their own, causing me to wobble unsteadily. Kazuha, ever patient, simply grinned and gently adjusted my posture.
"You're doing great! Just relax and feel the rhythm," she encouraged, her voice as soothing as a melody.
Despite my initial struggles, her unwavering support made the experience enjoyable. With each small victory—managing to glide a few feet without stumbling or attempting a clumsy spin—Kazuha cheered me on with infectious enthusiasm.
At one point, amidst our laughter and clumsy maneuvers, we found ourselves in a comical tangle of arms and legs. Instead of frustration, it sparked a fit of giggles between us, turning the mishap into a hilarious moment we'd remember fondly.
As we took a breather at the edge of the rink, cheeks flushed from both the cold and laughter, Kazuha leaned in with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "You know," she teased, "I think you're getting the hang of it. Maybe it's my amazing teaching skills!"
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, but her playful banter was as delightful as her smile. "Yeah, yeah, sure it is. It's definitely not because you're the most patient and adorable teacher on the ice," I retorted, unable to hide the grin spreading across my face.
And in that moment, surrounded by the laughter echoing in the frosty air, I realized that even though my skating skills might not improve drastically that day, the joy of being with Kazuha, her patience, and the shared laughter made it a perfect date I wouldn't trade for anything.
After our playful yet slightly clumsy ice skating adventure, our cheeks flushed with both the cold air and laughter, we decided to warm up with steaming cups of hot chocolate. The cozy cafe nearby welcomed us with the comforting aroma of cocoa, and we settled into a corner, seeking refuge from the winter chill.
As we sipped on the rich, velvety warmth, Kazuha let out a contemplative sigh, drawing my attention. Concern etched my features as I turned to her, the hint of worry evident in my voice. "Is everything okay?"
Kazuha's eyes, usually filled with unwavering cheer, held a mix of nerves and unspoken sentiments. "Y/n, being with you... it's like discovering a new part of myself," she began, her voice soft, yet filled with an earnest emotion that tugged at my heartstrings. "You make me laugh, you make my heart flutter in ways I never imagined."
Her sincerity touched me deeply, and a rush of warmth spread within me. Tenderly, I reached for her hand, offering silent support amid the vulnerability of the moment. "You make my heart flutter too," I confessed, a smile forming as I gazed into her captivating eyes.
A nervous yet hopeful smile graced Kazuha's lips. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Her question hung in the air, tinged with anticipation and a touch of apprehension.
My heart swelled with joy, feeling the connection between us deepen. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend," I replied, excitement bubbling within me at the thought of our shared journey ahead.
Unable to contain her happiness, Kazuha's fingers delicately traced my jawline, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "Can I kiss you?" she asked in a hushed tone, her warm breath intermingling with mine.
My pulse quickened as I nodded, feeling the tender anticipation between us. In that serene moment, surrounded by the aroma of chocolate and the warmth of our cups, our lips met in a sweet, gentle union. It was more than a kiss; it was an exchange of unspoken promises and burgeoning affection, a beautiful start to a new chapter in our shared story. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of our embrace and the blossoming love between us.
With the lingering taste of chocolate on our lips and the sweet warmth of our embrace, we pulled back, our gazes locked in a newfound depth of understanding and affection. The cafe around us buzzed with life, yet in that moment, it felt like time had paused just for us. A tender smile graced Kazuha's lips, a silent reassurance of the beautiful journey ahead, and as our fingers intertwined, I knew that this date, with its mishaps on the ice and heartfelt confessions over hot chocolate, marked the beginning of something truly special between us. As we left the cafe, the chilly air felt less biting, the world more vibrant, all because of the warmth we found in each other's hearts.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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fanficforge · 9 months
A Spark Through Snowfall ❄️🎄
Kakashi x Reader - Fluff
{Drabble from holiday prompts}
Standing in front of a dark tree in the center of the village while the woman beside him shivered didn't seem like the best start to the outing. A few moments later he felt someone move his arm from behind to wrap around her. Based on the rushed walk of a certain shiny-haired shinobi, Kakashi could guess who.
It ended up being for the best though, as she leaned against his arm for warmth and he didn't find himself pulling away.
"Are you okay?" He asked after some time. Even with his mask on, the cold was rather bitter.
"Mmhm." She said between chattered teeth.
"Maybe we should go inside." He offered and began to pull away but she quickly clung onto him with a fervent shake of her head.
"We need to see them light the tree." She said, her eyes staring straight at the dark silloute.
The tree was lit every year, but Kakashi couldn't say he ever bothered to see when it happened. Usually it was just something that wasn't there until it was. He wasn't sure what all the fuss was about but... that look in her eyes said that this was important to her.
"Alright. We'll stay." He said, his voice calm and smooth.
Soon music began to play. Soft and almost nostalgic. The countdown began, and he could feel her begin to jump a bit from the excitement. He held her closer as he kept his eyes on her.
A moment later... the light encompassed the darkness in a brilliance of colors and sparkles. Kakashi first saw the tree through the reflection of her eyes and somehow... it felt so much more beautiful that way.
She was staring at the stunning display in awe for a while before she realized that Kakashi was looking at her instead. She chuckled softly. "You're not going to look at the tree?"
He gazed into her eyes. "I am." He said, confusing yet delighting her the moment he took off his mask and gave her a kiss just as the snow began to fall.
With a gasp, she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck, cupping the back of his head with her palm as they embraced. Once they pulled away, there was snow on her hair, and she giggled as she realized she couldn't even see the snow on his white hair. It all blended in.
Her cheeks were warm despite the cold, blushing with pink lips. "My first kiss on my first date? I feel so lucky." She smiled.
He raised his eyebrows slightly, pulling up his mask. Mostly from shyness. "Mm. Date?"
She laughed. "You didn't know?"
"Not... really." He admitted, putting his hands in his pockets, but she put her hands in his pockets too, keeping close.
"That's okay. Now you know." She winked, then kissed his cheek over his mask. "We should get you warm."
"Me warm?" He said with playful snark.
"Yes, you. Come on. I'll make you hot coco." She said, moving her hands out of his pockets so she could loop one of her arms through his and lead him away.
"Make it... where?"
"At my house."
"We're going to your house?"
"Mmhm. If you want."
"Who... else is going to be there?"
"Just you and me." She said, and he swore he heard a hint of a flirt in her tone. "That okay?"
He was quiet for a while, seeing the other couples all cuddled up and realizing for once that... he was now one of them. A part of a couple. It was strange... but in a good way.
"I'd like that." He said simply, his voice warm and content.
It had always been just another season, another day... but now, for the first time, it truly felt like more than that. Finally... Kakashi understood what all the fuss was about.
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warmblanketwhump · 2 years
hiii love your drabbles so much, can you write something where a touch-starved character gets hypothermia and their teammates have to wrap them in a blanket burrito and cuddle them to warm them up? maybe they could take a cozy group nap together too '
thank you! here ya go!! ❄️
“Shhhhhh, bring them in here.”
“They’re blue.”
“I need warm blankets in here as fast as possible.”
“How did they last that long out there?”
“Because they’re a fighter, that’s why.”
B’s far too out of it to know who said what. The only present thought in their mind is cold.
Deep, bone-aching cold.
The fire within them died ages ago as they struggled to stay afloat in the icy water, trying not to sob as they screamed for help. Their limbs had lost all feeling, and their pleas had fallen to soft whimpers as they’d surrendered to their fate.
A fate they’d face alone, like they’d faced most things in their short life.
It was harder to face the end now, because for a brief moment, they’d had a glimmer of what belonging felt like. They were new to the team, lingering on the edges, trying to work up the courage to let themselves get closer and be a part of this complicated tangle of people, so different and yet so accepting, so welcoming, so close. People constantly leaning on one another, scooping each other up and carrying them around, curled up together on a couch watching something together, affectionate shoves and ruffles of hair.
At first, it had all just been too much for them. They’d flinched hard the first time A had reached for a hug, and A had snapped their hand back, face blushing and apologetic. From then on, the team was welcoming, full of kind words, but the offers of physical touch faded as B made their discomfort with it clear.
But lately, something strange had been transpiring in their body. A restlessness in their limbs, a buzzing feeling in their nerve endings, a pressing ache in their chest that felt a little like they were dying inside.
After several weeks, A realized that what they felt in their chest wasn’t fear—it was longing. They were desperate to be a part of the thing they’d cut themselves off from, but they didn’t know how to ask—so they resigned themselves to hugging their knees to their chest, inches apart from everyone else piled together on the couch, wondering if anyone would mind if they leaned their head on their shoulder.
They’d been working so hard to build up their courage. Just that last night, B had been on the verge of asking for a hug—something to soothe the anxious ball of nerves that had risen in their stomach at the thought of the mission at hand. But the mission alarms had sounded, and they’d missed their last chance. And now, they wouldn’t get another.
What would it have felt like? To be held like that? To hear the soft thud of someone’s heartbeat against your ear, the circle of someone’s arms clutching you close to their warmth as they cradled your head and buried their face in your hair?
It was something B would never know, but the thought was nice to dwell on in these last few moments. A hug. A warm, soft, hug, instead of these glass knives stabbing their every limb.
As they felt themselves fading away, they wondered if they were dreaming the shouts they heard.
The next moments passed by in snapshots. A flash, then strong arms gripping them, pulling their soaking frame into the boat. Frantic hands tugging at frozen clothes, complicated by B’s stiff limbs. A rattling noise that they’d realize later was the sound of their own teeth chattering. The sound of the boat hitting land.
A few more flashes - out of the boat, in someone’s warm arms, a dry coat placed over them, being transported, cold, cold, cold….
After a while, the snapshots string together into sequences - being eased onto a soft bed, cold wet skin dried and covered in warm blankets, a warm hand pushing frozen hair off of their forehead, the sound of someone crying softly in the distance. And shivering. So much shivering.
When B finally has the strength to lift their heavy eyelids, their first sight is of the faces, several of them tear stained, all of them watching them intently. They’re wrapped in half a dozen blankets, propped up in a large, unfamiliar bed, while a large fire blazes in the nearby fireplace.
B can’t form words between their shivers and chattering teeth, but they’re awake enough to feel the soft, warm pajamas they’re now dressed in and the thick wool socks over their cold feet. Even so, their body’s internal heat seems to be switched off, pure ice in their veins. Under a pile of warmed blankets, hours after being rescued, they don’t feel warm at all. And there’s a constant shiver in their core that they can’t seem to stop. They’re so tired, and so, so cold.
“You scared us, B.” A’s voice cracks, and the other members of the team nod furiously.
B clutches the blankets closer to their chin, trying to hold the warmth closer to their chilled body, when they see A’s hand, white-knuckled and twisted in the top blanket on their bed, inches from their own.
They’re waiting for an invitation.
Slowly, shakily, B reaches their cold hand from under the blankets to place over A’s. A’s vision snaps up, and B tugs at their hand, more than a little desperate.
“Please. C-closer. M’ so c-cold.”
That’s all it takes for A to gently slide into the space next to them on the bed, slipping under the blankets and curling their body next to B’s, cocooning their trembling body in warm arms. The rest of them follow suit, until they’re wreathed in a tangled mess of warm limbs and sleepy bodies, each jostling for a place closer to them. B’s neurons nearly explode at the touch.
A shifts closer, cupping a hand around B’s head and pulling it closer. “This okay?”
B nods furiously, already feeling a warmth unlike anything they’ve ever felt before blooming in their chest and flooding their limbs. They’re totally surrounded by people they care for more than anything in the world, and it’s better than they could’ve ever imagined.
“We’ll warm you up, B. Don’t you worry,” a sleepy C mumbles from somewhere down in the pile.
Despite C’s promise, B’s bone-cold for two more days - a deep, lingering chill that’s only eased by someone’s warm body pressed against theirs - and they stay bundled up in bed to preserve the meager warmth. The rest of the team gets the bright idea to take shifts with them, but the “shift” idea soon fades because no one wants to leave once their turn is up, and the whole team ends up on the bed by the day’s end. Sometimes they talk, or read a book out loud, but mostly B just craves the warmth being held. After years of loneliness, they can’t get enough.
It shouldn’t make any sense. B’s exhausted and weaker than they’ve ever been in their life, and they’ve never been happier.
It’s late now, the remainder of the fire burned down to coals, and everyone’s brought their own pillows and blankets to spend the night. B’s mostly recovered, by now, but they don’t want to say anything out of fear of losing this thing they found.
“Your hands are finally warm,” A mumbles, wrapping their own hands around B’s. B’s stomach drops. Caught.
“Y-yeah…..I guess so. If that means….you want to go back to your own bed…”
A snorts. “Are you kidding? You’re never getting rid of us now.” They shift slightly, allowing B to ease their head on their chest. “Unless you want us to go—“
“No.” B’s hand fists protectively in A’s shirt. “I mean…I don’t mind. This. All this.”
B could be imagining, but they think they hear relief in A’s next sigh as they raise their hand to B’s head, threading their hand through their hair. “We’re never gonna leave you, B.”
B swallows the lump in their throat as they hug A hard, and B feels A’s arms tighten back.
Warm. Safe. Loved. Was there anything better than this?
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ceapa-mica · 8 months
Honeymoon with Thrawn ❄️ - a headcanon
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I'm back with my fluffy smutty honeymoon headcanon, you're welcome! ☺️ Thank y'all for reading!
Reader's gender is not mentioned.
Taglist: @bingbongooo @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @ele-millennial-weirdo @enaelyork @jesslove23 @thrawnalani @thrawnsboots @twincesskorisoka @davesrightshoe @shoe-bag @blackddarling
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You just got married to the love of your life and now have a Galactic Standard week (5 days) just for yourselves without interruptions.
When you decided on a honeymoon destination with Thrawn, you remembered his preference for a frigid climate. You don't mind the cold as long as you can dress warm enough. Thrawn was surprised when you showed him a remote tundra planet with snow, ice and beautiful nature.
That's where you are headed after your wedding celebration. You land near a cabin in the woods you've rented, half an hour away from the nearest village. It looks clean and quite modern.
For five days Thrawn doesn't have to act as a Grand Admiral. It's not easy for him. He served in the military since he was a teen and his duty has always been his top priority during all those years. You want to help him relax, show him that from now on, when you're alone, with you he can be just Thrawn, no rank required.
As soon as the door shut behind your backs Thrawn is on you, kissing you deeply.
He calls you “ch’eo cabp/en” (my wife/husband) between kisses. Tbh he's still in disbelief that he actually tied the knot. Thrawn feels there's no greater honor than being your husband. No rank in the Galaxy can compare to the look of love he sees in your eyes.
Seeing you in your wedding outfit does things to him. He doesn't want to hold back any longer, same goes for you. Instead of unpacking your luggage he picks you up and heads straight to the bedroom.
Prepare to be taken in every position you're comfortable with, until you're too overstimulated to form a coherent thought.
You got some sleep on your way to your honeymoon, so you're not that tired yet and after cleaning yourself up, you and Thrawn go on a walk around the perimeter in your winter clothing. The cool evening air of the forest feels refreshing after a good fucking.
When you return to your cabin you prepare a hot bubble bath. Thrawn joins you, adding additional warmth. You will probably never get over how his body temperature is higher than a human’s.
During your bath he whispers sweet nothings in Basic and Cheunh in your ear, kissing, nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin of your neck while at it.
I might add that Thrawn is too tall to fit into the bathtub completely.
Afterwards you eat dinner in front of the fireplace while looking back at your wedding. You're glad the event went according to plan.
Thrawn makes love to you until you're so tired you can barely keep your eyes open. He doesn't need as much sleep as you and loves watching you sleep in his arms.
Every morning during your honeymoon you wake up to the smell of breakfast and kisses all over your face. Thrawn wants to spoil you, so kisses and breakfast in bed are a must.
His crisp masculine scent lingers on your body after last night’s activities.
After finishing the breakfast he made you, you want to thank him. It doesn't matter if you're still sore from last night, he just feels too good when he's inside you, as if his cock was made just for you.
After showing your gratitude, you doze off again without really wanting to. Thrawn lets you rest though. When you wake up again you find him chopping firewood in front of your cabin, wearing only civvie pants and a black tank top with his muscular arms on display. While turned on by it, the mere sight also makes you shiver. You could never go outside without a thick winter jacket on while he doesn't seem to mind the cold.
One afternoon you visit the nearby village. He can tell you the artistic value of each souvenir you wanna buy. You also enjoy the local cuisine very much.
On another day he shows you how to survive in such a cold climate. Teaching you survival skills is actually something he takes very seriously. You realize that when you take him by surprise and push him against the nearest tree, kissing him hungrily. He pulls away, lecturing you about always staying alert in the wilderness - no distractions!
He would have taken you then and there if what he was trying to teach you wouldn't have been so important. He makes up for it once you're back in your cabin though.
Your bedsheet is ruined with cum and sweat at this point, you should probably wash it.
You have these moments of silence, moments that simply do not need words, where you sit together and do what makes you happy. Like you're reading a holonovel while Thrawn gathers all the information on the artwork on the cabin’s walls.
It feels so natural, you're just two individuals being so comfortable and at ease with each other. You hope that it will always feel like this.
After your honeymoon you both feel energized and are eager to start your life as a married couple. Marrying Thrawn has been one of the best decisions you’ve made in your life so far and you doubt it will be the last.
Those five days pass way too quickly for your liking. Thrawn’s duty calls, and you have to make arrangements to start a career, doing what you love.
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The Married Life headcanon comes next! I love sharing my headcanons with y'all and that there are actually people on this hellsite who like reading them. 💙
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
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𝒩𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾ℯ’𝓈 ℱ𝓁𝓊𝒻𝒻𝓂𝒶𝓈 𝒞ℯ𝓁ℯ𝒷𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃!
You guys, it’s my birthday, the holidays are here, I’m all lost in the big feelings, and I just hit 7,000 followers, so I’m doing a little celebration from now until the middle of January to provide us all with some much needed softness and fluff!
I’m going to be opening my inbox for prompts and small requests, but only for the couples in my AUs and series. Choose a dialogue or scenario prompt (or one of each) from the lists below and pick a couple from one of my AUs that you’d like me to write a holiday drabble for and send me an ask!
You can also ask for a holiday card for the couple of your choice and I will provide one for you, because I love that cutesy shit 🎄☃️🤍❄️🛷🎅🏻
ᥲᥙs :
𖢻. No Love Like Your Love
𖢻. Poison Paradise
𖢻. Goddamn Prince Charming Looking DILF
𖢻. Vices Assemble
𖢻. Jake and Khaleesi.
𖢻. Swimming Through Sick Lullabies
𖢻 “Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe.”
𖢻“That should be our Christmas card this year.”
𖢻“I know we said no presents this year but…”
𖢻 “What do you think? Like the tree?”
𖢻“Open your stocking!”
𖢻“It’s snowing!”
𖢻“What are you doing?” - “Making a snow angel.”
𖢻“Do people even use nutcrackers?”
𖢻“Is that supposed to be a snowman?”
𖢻“This is the best gift you could’ve given me.”
𖢻“You have snow on your eyelashes, looks cute.”
𖢻“Please don’t make me wear this, I look ridiculous.”
𖢻“I’m never letting you convince me to go carolling again.”
𖢻“Here, you can have one of my gloves.”
𖢻“It’s bold of you to assume I haven’t eaten my entire advent calendar.”
𖢻“Christmas hot chocolate is not normal hot chocolate. Where are the marshmallows?”
𖢻“I’ll let you sit on my knee.”
𖢻“But I wanted to be Santa this year!”
𖢻“Did you make me a tinsel crown?”
𖢻“I can’t get the star on, would you give me a hand?”
𖢻“I’m freezing, let me steal your warmth!”
𖢻“Get closer to the fire, you’re shivering.”
𖢻“I told you I shouldn’t wrap the presents!”
𖢻“I don’t care that you’re putting up lights, get off the roof!”.
𖢻“Are you telling me we’re stranded?” - “I’m telling you the snow is higher than the goddamn door.”
𖢻“So what you’re telling me is you don’t want to wear matching sweaters?”
𖢻“I don’t know that you’ll get any presents with that filthy mouth…”
𖢻“I can't sleep without you, it's too cold.“
𖢻Decorating the tree
𖢻Dancing in the snow
𖢻Present shopping
𖢻Gift giving
𖢻Wrapping gifts
𖢻Making a gingerbread house
𖢻Snowball fight
𖢻Christmas baking
𖢻Christmas market
𖢻Making snowmen
𖢻Christmas/holiday party
𖢻Watching Christmas movies
𖢻Going ice skating
𖢻Christmas dinner
𖢻Secret Santa
𖢻Both reaching for the last cookie
𖢻Making Christmas decorations
𖢻New Years countdown
𖢻NYE Party
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
❄️ For yasuno please! 💧for fennec please!
Late night meme
❄️ Ask for my jacket
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Yasuno sighed... in the darkness of the night him and Victoria took a walk... mainly cause she wanted to ask him questions of the past but he gave such cryptic answers that it was hard to even think what he clearly meant with what he said... Eventually he could see her shiver a little.
“Hey Yasuno... would you mind if I borrow your Jacket?”
He nodded and put the Jacket loose over her shoulder but not before laying his arms around her, causing her to blush.
“Oh I thought you needed a little Warmth Vic... also are you still calling me by my name despite our relationship.. I am hurt.”
He jokingly acted dramatic trying to rile her up but instead she looked back at him.
“So what do you want to call me?”
He sighed. “Do what comes natural to you, Babe... just thought it would be cute if you have nickname for me.”
“You really are an unbearable moron sometimes.”
She pulled him closer in a hug which he enjoyed a lot as they embraced the small cold of the night.
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💧“…Did you just feel a raindrop?”
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Fennec wanted to actually go to watch the stars with Ellis however somewhat she noticed something.
“...Did you just feel a raindrop?”
“Guess we are not lucky today.”
They quickly rushed back into the ramshackle dorm, trying to dry up their clothes as Fennec sighed in dissapoint ment.
“We can watch the stars another day, don’t worry...”
“I just... hoped today I could give you this.”
He held out a necklace that seemed like shimmering stars were inside...
“I would have been perfect if the weather cooperated to gift it to you there.”
She walked up to him, put it around her neck and hugged him tight.
“Its really fine Fennec... its sweet that you tried to plan it out well. I love it.”
“Okay then at least, how about I tell you a good story to make up for it.”
And so they had a comfy night in the lobby.
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viilpstick · 10 months
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꒰͡🎄  ׅchristmas' rosantée event 🕯️ 𝆬 ㅤ⠀͡ㅤ꒱ ׂ
hosted by yours truly; @viilpstick
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Hi there guys! i hope you all had are having a great day! Recently, I have came up with the idea of more lore into the Rosantée, so I've decided to make a small event on it, where it will be more explained in the prologue.
With that, i'll be making a silly series of the mystery hidden behind the west wing, as if it was a Twisted Wonderland event !
status: finished
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DISCLAIMERS: I won't be able to constantly update, please be patient.
Although, this is a Christmas event, it doesn’t involve any religion, specially since in the own Twisted Wonderland it does not have any religious paths by any character even though “implied”
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑’𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐋𝐄 For the beaten curse, the Fearless princess and her enchanted prince, could finally life their lives together without any issue of loving one another.
With that, the joyous moment came! Yet, it went away easily. And so the fearless princess noticed how unpleasant it was to stay in the village with such a cold weather, whenever the winter was close.
But, she wasn’t going to give sadness any satisfaction. The fearless queen and her husband had the brilliant idea. In days of cold weather, they would throw special parties at the castle! Where all the villagers could attend to. To take extra firewood and have delicious meal along side the fearful one.
But with time, the weird tradition of extending gifts with each other also came to be known. So, every winter for that day on, would be a way to show the village the other types of warmth that aren’t just sitting at the fire place.
— ❄️
“The end.”
Adeline closes the book with a pleasant smile on her face, awhile the girls: Fauna, Isabelle and Poppy looked at her with a bright smile on their faces… Lucie gave a tired huff.
“Finally!” She says standing up from the couch. As everyone gives a soft laugh at Lucie’s reaction. Well, except for Isabelle who pouted. “Sevens, I don’t understand why is so important for us to know that. It is just a raffle between Royal Sword Academy and Night Raven College, and girls, let’s be honest. Us, against them? Pftt! We win without a doubt!”
The blonde one holding the book stands up from bed. “Is not just that, Luc.” She playfully rolls her eyes, as Lucie sits in bed again. “As people who have the same ideals as The Fearless princess, we should respect it.”
Isabelle stands up. “Without counting, this raffle is something to commemorate this event made by her. Shouldn’t we consider to at least know where it’s from?”
The answer to both girls were just a annoyed sigh. “Parties should just be parties! No need for reasons.”
“In my kingdom parties can only be with a reason, if not it will be considered to disturb peace.” Fauna comments to her friends. And as she finishes her phrase the little girl with braids: Poppy. Enthusiastically stands up.
“This is so cool! I can’t wait to we talk with the others, like Epel and Rook- OR EVEN JACK. I feel like they all are going to love this raffle.” Awhile Poppy ramble to the girls, Adeline makes her way to the desk to put the boom there. “We can even see if headmage would tell what is in West Wing-“
“-No!” There was a loud noise of someone punching the table with both fists. It was Adeline, who seemed nervous by the thought. Poppy shivers down, remembering to never mention the West Wing close to Adeline. “If the headmage says he doesn’t want no one in there, he meant it. Maybe the magic is so big that they couldn’t even get closer to it!” Adeline says, her angry tone alarms Isabelle who stays quiet. “It’s past midnight, you all should go to your rooms. Now.”
All the girls scared by Adeline’s dementor, nod leaving without further ado. Just muttering good night to Isabelle before closing the door.
Isabelle heads turn to Adeline with a sigh, she opens and closes her mouth. Thinking of what to say to the girl who was clearly nervous.
“Adeline, now be serious. Why you. Literally the most adventurous person I’ve known, don’t try to go in there? If you are scared of the rumors of you. I will like to remind you, that: they are just rumors! Plus, you have Malleus! Literally the most powerful wizard! How’ve come you never—“
“Isabelle.” The friend stops her tracks. Looking to Adeline who seemed hesitante to speak before she bites her lip and… “Good night. Se you tomorrow.”
Knowing it was better not to resist, Isabelle sighs turning her head away from Adeline making her way to the door. “I am in the next door if you need anything, Delih. Goodnight.”
With that she closes the door. Adeline looks behind herself before opening the drawer of her desk, taking pen and paper.
“My dearest, Malleus Draconia,
After time and time it’s becoming more hard and difficult to have people away from West Wing. The spell you’ve put on it’s coming off and the more I resist my friends’ urge to go in there with them, the more it seems to alarm them in a way or other.
I am helpless, I can’t help it. I wish you and Lilia-Sama could assist me in the raffle, turning the spell stronger and somehow making people not think about it. I hope to have your understanding in the cause.
—With all my true love, Adeline.
(Ps: When are you going to use cellphones like a normal person, Malleus?)”
With a simple spell, the letter arrives Malleus, she awaits for the reply. Awhile deeply thinking into the worse of the scenarios. One moment the Headmage wouldn’t approve her too keep everyone away from the place. Soon, Isabelle or the others would try to go into there… In any moment, she would have her whole being and blood exposed by all the students—
—Someone… Is trying to enter the West wing. She looks down for where it is, noticing a small light that once gets closer to where the curse is. Fades away.
Adeline whispers running like the wind down to the place. Despair is a word to describe. Mystery is a word to have more meanings than one in their story. How likely, would the situation turn out?
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PROLOGUE | this one
CHAPTER 1 | within lies, there are unspoken words
CHAPTER 2 | the same rules, the different reasons
CHAPTER 3 | let the game begins, let the truth be investigated
CHAPTER 4 | be our guest, wait... what was that?
CHAPTER 5 | the silence in a full room
CHAPTER 6 | first game, first revelation
CHAPTER 7 | the twisted ending
moots' taglist :: @mhedusard @midnightmah07 @justm3di0cr3 @shinysparklesapphires
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tinaotaku · 2 years
Muzan having a snow day with his family! His s/o and child starting a snowball fight with him, ice skating, and building snowman demons ☃️❄️♥️☃️
Thank you for requesting! I apologize for not writing fanfics as much as before. I was taking some time from writing fanfics as I'm not in a good mental state. Please, enjoy!
(Y/n)'s age: 6 Both Muzan and his S/O are a demon.
"Mama, look, it's snowing!!" You said as you looked outside the window with excitement all around your face. Your mama chuckled as she sat on her chair, "It sure is, honey," Then, she took a sip of her cocoa before looking at you, "It will snow very heavily tonight. It would be best to sleep early tonight, ok, dear?"
You looked over your back and nodded, "Ok, mama. By the way, where is papa? I thought he promised to bring me outside once it snowed?" You still remember what your dad said to you three months ago when he'll accompany you to play outside.
"Your papa is doing his job, dear. Come now, let's change your clothes,"
"Papaaaaa, it's so coooold!!" You shivered as you hugged yourself, trying to make yourself feel warm. Your papa is walking behind you with patience. "Didn't I tell you to wait for us? Look at you with that silly red nose. Come here," He ordered. You, being a good kid, walked towards him. You could see him holding a small jacket for you to wear. After your dad puts you on your jacket, you feel warmer.
Muzan chuckled as he saw your chubby red cheeks. He looked at you with warmth and love, especially when he saw you running around the snowfield. Meanwhile, his S/O suddenly stood beside him while putting her head on Muzan's shoulder, looking at you.
After playing with the snow for some time, you rose from the snow and looked at your parents, who were watching from the side.
"Mama! Papa! Play with meeeee!" You screamed while waving your hands.
Both of your parents looked at each other and smiled. "Sure, why not?"
You grinned silently and threw a snowball at your dad, hitting him directly on his face. Although Muzan could easily dodge your attacks, he didn't as he wanted to play with you.
Muzan let the snow fall from his eyes before he smirked, "Well then, TAKE THIS!" He took some snow and threw it at you very quickly. Luckily, you moved to the side, and the battle started!
You spent your time making snowballs and running around the snowfield while Muzan took his time and played it slowly with you. While your mother just looked in your direction and smiled whenever you managed to hit your dad.
"HAHAHAHAHA, YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME!!" Muzan screamed while continuously throwing you his snowballs. You managed to move from all of his attacks until one sneaky snowball hit you on your forehead and pushed you to the ground.
Muzan and your mother ran at a very fast pace to see you lying on the ground with some snow covering your face. Soft laughter could be heard, then you jumped from the ground and threw your hands in the air.
"Papa, it was so fun! I had a very great time! We should do this to- ha… ha… HATCHIU!"
"Oh no,"
"It seems like you catched a cold," Muzan said as he lowered himself and put his palm against your forehead. "Let's head back," Mama said as she grabbed your hand.
You sniffed in sadness, "B-but I thought, we're going to spend the day playing with each other…"
"No, (Y/n), your health comes first. Now, let's go home,"
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Anonymous asked: Can I request some general Douma relationship Hc's?
I honestly find Douma so interesting due to his downright psychopathic and disturbing personality. That dude literally just pierced his head with his fingers and fiddled around in his brain!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, gaslighting, clinginess, touchiness, sadism, worshipping, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of death, Douma being as disturbing as he can be
Relationship Hc's
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❄️You're searching for some good delusional Yandere? You get him in form of this demon here! Whether it is due to the fact that he has his own cult that worships him or was since youngest days unable to feel real emotions, he gets it all wrong the moment he falls into this sensational feeling that can only be described as euphoric. Douma thrives and lives for the emotions that you spark inside of him and for that he needs you by his side all of the time since he became aware of the emptiness in his heart after only the first time. So kidnapping his darling happens quite fast, even if they should be part of his cult or he manages to coax them into joining.
❄️He is convinced that he safes his s/o from all the other lowlife and slow-witted people by abducting them and kidnapping them just as much as he believes that with time s/o will adore him the same way he adores them. It's really a catastrophe because Douma never lies to his darling about anything since that is supposed to be how lovers act with each other. All the gruesome and cruel things he has done and every life he takes is never kept from you, especially not if he did it out of love for you. It is all the more bad since Douma is someone who removes all people of significance to you. He labels it as an act of kindness for them, freeing them from their pitiful existence and helping the female humans into the so called paradise by devouring them. Above all it is a sign of love for you by killing those who mislead you and were never worthy of your own greatness. They're toxic for his darling.
❄️Such acts of love are common for Douma and he's overzealous to prove his loyalty and devotion by killing everyone who was unworthy of the air you breathe and god save them if someone upset you because Douma will gladly torture them. Giddy to return to you every time after, still covered in the blood of the poor victim to proclaim proudly what he just did and with hopes of being rewarded with love and affection. Gets confused when you instead just stare at him in horror and start to cry, only to let his twisted mind think that you're just so happy and relieved that you just start to bawl or that you aren't satisfied with what he did and expected more. You're getting in either case smothered with his affection, your skin stained with the blood of the lives he's taken after. It has to be said that this is the harmless route, it's not unlikely for him to bring back whatever is left of the victims as some sort of present for you or going as far as torturing someone in front of you to bring his point of dedication even more over.
❄️Him and his darling are joined by the hips since there is nothing akin to personal space with him. He's always where his s/o is and since he loves the feeling of darling's warmth against his body, or really any sort of touch that elicits a sparkling shiver of pleasure and euphoria inside of him, he always touches them. He's seen that people enjoy it when their lover gives them physical affection so he takes it to the extreme with it, serenely ignoring any sort of protest. He lets his hands wander freely around on their body, nuzzles his face in their neck, literally mouth rapes them sometimes and knows little to no boundaries at all. He's demanding of attention and starts complaining and whining in a really chilish way the moment he realizes that your attention is somewhere else.
❄️Next to his disturbing touches, his words are no better either. He's told his darling several times already how delicious they smell and that he could just eat them up since he finds them so sweet and given what he is, it's no wonder that they freaked out. Being a worshiper he croons about how much he adores you and what he would do for you out of love, a daily singsong of praises and unwavering devotion. Douma even lets his cult worship you, though it's rare that he lets them see you in person. It's rare that he lets anyone see you, to be honest.
❄️It doesn't stop Douma from slipping up with his sadistic side which really only fits right into his overall disturbing yet awfully cheery personality. Honestly, he doesn't intend to really hurt you at first but is prone to become a little bit too excited which ends up in applying too much force on you and winds up hurting you. He does feel sorry, is fascinated from your blood and your tears though and does not dislike the sight of you crying. In his eyes his s/o is ethereal in either way and knowing that those tears and this blood are his cause satisfies his possessive nature since only he is able and allowed to elicit such reactions from you and if he has the chance, he will get his small share of your blood so part of you is inside of him.
❄️You should never label him as dumb though, even if his constant sappy and wicked grin and his somewhat childlike behavior can confuse you. Douma is a very intelligent individual who merely decides sometimes to amuse you by playing a little bit dumb if it means that you pay him more attention. Sure, his mind can turn all fuzzy and dizzy whenever he basks in the emotion you provide him with. He is someone who trusts easily when it comes to you but is quick to snap back into his calculating mindset if you should try to use it as a way to escape him.
❄️The real peak of his delusions is shown in situations like this since he never entertains the thought of you simply trying to escape because you're terrified and don't love him. It can't be more than a small lovers quarrel or maybe you just want to play with him a bit, whatever excuse his mind accepts first before he chases instantly after you. This inability to truly feel angry with you is both a blessing and a curse since you never seem to be able to trigger him and he only finds your mood swings and outbursts of emotions cute.
❄️Gluts his darling with gifts and presents of all sort, provided by the cult or by himself. It can range from more bloody and gruesome presents to flowers, food, jewels, books and clothes. His obsessive nature and his observation skills are quite good so once he notices that you are into something specifically, he makes it a point to get you more of it. It would be easy to force people to tell him everything, the thing is just that Douma does not desire to do this. He'd rather discover everything on his own since it's more fun, more personal this way and he is certainly not bad with it. Being as proficient with his Blood Demon Art as he is, molding sculptures out of ice for you is another common gift. Often in form of you too and often featuring him as well. In those statues he sometimes lives out fantasies he has with you and he presents those statues to you as well, the detail gone into it stirring nausea up inside of you.
❄️He keeps that carefree, friendly and cheerful personality in front of you, but it's not like you are never able to see beneath it, to discover the truly cold and ruthless side of him. Not against you of course. Never against you. More against everyone who dares to try to free you and take you away from him, who insults you or insults the love he knows you two share. That's when he drops his mask, turns serious and literally just lunches at someone with the intent to kill and slash blood everywhere only to turn around smiling again after he's spared you from this nuisance.
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queenmylovely · 3 years
Day 28: Huddle for Warmth
pairing: Pedro Pascal x fem!reader
warnings: fluff and implied smut 
words: 733
a/n: I wamt to cuddle 
Last, Full List, Next
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When Pedro had told you about the light show in the botanical gardens that was going on throughout the winter you thought it sounded super fun. And it was! Everything looked so beautiful covered in lights and the botanical garden itself was a comfortable temperature since it was an enclosed space. But the walk home had been hell.
Since the two of you only lived a 15 minute walk and train ride from the gardens it didn’t make sense to drive or get a car, but that didn’t make the walk any warmer. And despite the fact that you were bundled up to the max, the wind and slight dampness in the air made you get chilled all the way to the bone.
Pedro, it seemed, was not as affected by you. Sure, he wasn’t enjoying the cold but he also wasn’t shivering so hard that his teeth were audible through a scarf around his mouth. You were.
You got irrationally angry at him for not being as freezing as you, blaming his burlier frame and calling him, “Burt Reynolds looking ass” in your head.
But as soon as you inside the apartment, it was him you were turning to for help getting warm. He suggested taking a hot bath but the idea of taking off any piece of clothing for even a second sounded like torture to you. Then he suggested tea and you said it would take too long. His final idea he didn’t tell you, just did it.
Pulling you over by the electric fireplace he turned it on at full blast and sat down criss cross in front of it. He pulled you down on top of him so you were sitting with your butt in his lap and your legs wrapped around his hips, the fire warm at your back. Thankfully, the one thing you had been willing to take off were your boots so they weren’t getting the rug wet.
Pedro unzipped his coat and pulled you closer into him so you could lay your head on his warm chest. Soon, with his warmth, the fire, and his big strong hands creating friction over your arms and back, you began to warm up and let him take off your and his coat, your hat, gloves, and scarf.
“My hands are still cold,” you told him in a small voice, feeling a little tired and a little silly.
“Poor girl, here,” Pedro took your hands in his and kissed each of your palms sweetly. Then he stuck them under his armpits.
You squealed in laughter and pulled them away, “Ew! No!”
Pedro grinned, “Do your own armpits then!”
“I don’t see why any armpits have to be involved,” you told him, eyes widening in disbelief but there was plenty of laughter in your voice.
“To warm your hands up, isn’t that obvious?” Pedro returned with that goofy smile of his.
You squinted, “Well maybe they’re not that cold actually.”
“Then why were you complaining?” Pedro countered.
“Yeah, I don’t think they’re cold at all. In fact, I bet they’ll feel nice and warm here,” you said, moving your hands up to touch the tender skin of Pedro’s neck and he squirmed away from you, landing with his palms behind him. Perfectly exposed for you to move your hands under the hem of his shirt to his soft tummy, “Or here!”
Pedro gasped at the cold and sat up, grabbing your hands with his. Then he maneuvered you until both were behind your back and he was holding them in place with a hand around your two wrists.
“Bad, bad girl. And here I was, helping you, warming you up,” he said, in mock disbelief, but still his words and the way his restraint of your arms lit a different kind of fire within you.
“I’m sorry,” you said, dropping your gaze to the floor. Or really Pedro’s lap since it was in the way. Then you looked back up and gave him your best sad eyes, “I’ll make it up to you.”
Immediately he could tell what you were angling for and he decided he would give it to you, on his terms of course.
“You better,” Pedro told you, leaning down and capturing your lips in an unexpectedly harsh kiss that made you moan in surprise against his mouth before you melted into it and into him.
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martsonmars · 3 years
Winter Dust [2.4k, T]
@carryon-countdown Day 29: Snow and Day 30: Flames.
For @sillyunicorn. I wanted to remix your fic Warm, and I had the Snow prompt, and this happened. Merry Christmas my friend, I hope you like this <3
(Not edited much and not betaed because I love danger)
Read on ao3 or under the cut!
“They are going to arrest us for trespass.”
I stop in the middle of the dark room and cross my arms, hoping I'm glaring in his general direction and not towards one of the walls. It's so cold that even pouting hurts me, but I'm not going to let unfavourable weather conditions prevent me from expressing my annoyance.
Simon stomps somewhere to my left and I turn around to follow his movements, because I need to know where he is. (I always need to know where he is, but the darkness and the unfamiliar location intensify my need to be a compass always pointing to his heart.)
“Who would arrest us? A reindeer?” I can't hear his heavy steps anymore, and I shiver. “There's no one around.”
Because no one's insane enough to go camping in the middle of December when there's a 65% chance it'll snow, I think, but I don't say it. Because somehow Simon's still excited about this trip, and I don't want to ruin his mood. (Not that I'm not going to complain. I am.)
“There are no reindeer in these woods either.” Because even reindeer are smarter than us. “Only ice and desolation.” Right, maybe I don't really care about ruining his mood. My body temperature is one too many degrees lower than it should be for me to be mindful of his feelings.
Something touches my shoulder and I scream, stumbling backwards.
“It's just me,” Simon laughs, and I glare harder, even though he can't see me.
“Why were you so silent?” I can't feel its warmth through layers of wet clothes, but his hand on my shoulder reminds me of just how freezing everything is, and my teeth start chattering.
“I took off my boots.” He pauses, and his hand moves to my cheek. It stays there just for a second before falling down, thankfully not enough for me to lay into his touch. “You should do it too. If you keep your cold clothes on you'll be a popsicle sooner than you realise.”
I want to comment that I'm very much already a popsicle, but I just sigh. “Didn't you bring enough torches to light up an entire city?” Light won't make me any warmer, but at least I'll be able to assess exactly what brand of trouble we've gotten ourselves into. (And see Simon's face, which always works as an incentive.)
“Yeah, give me a second.”
This time I hear him moving away from me, and I take a few steps towards the sound of him rummaging through his backpack, tentatively raising an arm to find him. When I do, he isn't startled, and just lays his hand on top of the one I've put on his chest.
“Here,” he says, and a beam of too bright light flashes between us. I blink to chase away the dark spots in my vision and try to study his face, only to remember that my glasses fogged up when we entered the room. I wipe them as well as I can (which means, rather poorly), and finally take in Simon's redder-than-usual cheeks, his smiling eyes, and the snowflakes dotting the curls peering from under his hat.
Before I can make a fool of myself – asking him, for example, how he can be so beautiful – I steal the torch from his hand and turn to judge how fucked we are.
We're in a wooden cabin – timber walls, roof sustained by lintels, a few tiny windows adorned by lacy white curtains. The furniture is simple and cozy-looking – there's a tiny kitchen corner with table and chairs, a huge fireplace, a few trunks covered in pillows and blankets, and an enormous bed taking up at least one third of the space. A door leads to what I hope is the bathroom, and everything looks like the typical cabin in the woods you’d see in ads for “A Weekend Of Relax”.
Simon's already in front of the fireplace, weighing up different logs as if the right piece of wood held the secret to a perfect and long-lasting flame. (Hell, as far as I know, it could be true.) (Next time I'm forcing Simon to hang out in a museum, I'm tired of not knowing what's going on.)
“You need to get your clothes off,” he says, piling wood on the grate in a convoluted geometrical shape.
“In this glacial room?” I wrap my arms around my torso, trying to protect the little body warmth that's left in me.
“You'll freeze even more if you keep them on. I'll get the fire burning, and there are blankets and maybe even clothes in the trunks.” There’s already a tiny flame in the hearth, probably because he stared at it hard enough – not even nature can resist his puppy eyes. “And we can always snuggle in the bed.”
I fail to contain the choked sound that erupts from my throat, because he turns to look at me, his figure back-lit by the little fire that's beginning to catch. “What? We share a blanket on the sofa all the time at home, I'm sure we can survive a bed.”
I'm sure I cannot survive sharing a bed with Simon, but he doesn't have to know just how far gone I am, so I just skeptically nod.
“C'mon,” he says, his attention back on the fireplace. “Look if there are clothes we can wear in one of the trunks.”
I drag myself towards them and lift the pillows to open the first. There are towels, a few board games older than us, and, miraculously, some jumpers that look like they'd fit us just right. I take them out and stare at the diamond pattern of the fabric.
“Isn't it too convenient that we found a cabin with blankets, clothes, and wood for the fire? The owners are probably serial killers, and they use this cozy place to lure gullible campers and tear their limbs apart.”
I shudder, and Simon rolls his eyes at me. He's gotten the fire going, and now he's peeling his soaked clothes off his skin to spread them to dry by the fireplace. I divert my eyes when he starts wiggling out of his trousers, and I throw a jumper at him.
“Baz! Clothes off, don't be a baby.”
I don't dignify him with an answer, but I shrug off my coat and the three other layers I'm wearing, putting on the jumper I've stolen from the trunk. Then I look back at Simon, who's sitting in front of the fire with only his jumper and pants on, between piles of drenched clothes. He's already staring at me, something dark in his eyes that I can't quite place but disappears when he smiles at me, and he's back at being my sunshine-y best friend.
“Trousers too,” he whispers, and I hate that I let him convince me not to bring a change of clothes so that our backpacks would be lighter, because I can’t deal with us sharing a bed half naked.
He sits on the bed as I finish undressing, and pats the spot next to him. The air between us feels charged as it's never been, not even once in the five years we've been friends, or the two we've shared a flat. I don't want to think about what it means, so I don’t.
“I'm sorry it all went to hell,” he says when I join him on the bed, not as close as I'd like. I hope the fire will start warming up the room soon, because the cold's giving me gooseflesh.
“It's okay. Next time I'll act like the functioning part of your brain and save us from hibernation.”
We both know I won't, because I can't deny him anything, but neither of us says it. We just stare awkwardly at the space between our naked legs until Simon, always the hero, stands up to get the food out of his backpack.
I take the chance to explore the bathroom, a tiny square of white tiles and crammed furniture. Of course there's no water – I guess it'd make the pipes freeze and explode – but I suppose this is still better than peeing against a tree like a fucking animal. (Simon made me do it earlier, and I will have nightmares about it as long as I live.)
When I get back to the main room, leaving too many wet wipes behind me, I feel the warmth of the fireplace finally filling up the room and sigh contentedly, though my glasses are threatening to fog up again.
Simon's under the covers, eyeing with a loving expression the display of soggy sandwiches and packets of crisps in front of him. I join him, hiding my naked legs under the soft duvet, and he hands me a flask. “Will warm you up.”
I open it and take a suspicious sip – it tastes sweet and strong, and there's a hint of spice that ignites my throat in the best of ways. I feel the liquid burn down my oesophagus, and for the first time in my life (I've never been a fan of alcohol) I think I understand what liquid courage means.
I turn to face Simon, and he's already looking at me. (Again. He's already looking at me again.) We both have our backs against the headboard, and there's too much space between us. Our friendship has always been somewhat physical – we started with punches and shoves, and they turned into hugs and lingering hands with time – but there are lines we never crossed. Like cuddling in bed.
So my breath catches when Simon moves closer to me, even though he just hands me a sad looking sandwich and a water bottle. We eat in silence, and some of the warmth I thought I'd never experience again starts finally seeping into my exhausted body.
Simon’s reassuring presence and the liquor in the flask surely help me forget we broke into a cabin and we’re stuck in it, because before I know it I'm waking up in the middle of the night, warm and surprised that I don't have a headache.
The room is dark again – the lights we found earlier are off, and only the remaining flames in the fireplace are casting feeble shadows on the walls.
Simon's not in the bed next to me, and I sit up abruptly, scared that my prediction about serial killers has really come true. I pat around me to find my glasses – Simon must've taken them off when I fell asleep – and when I've put them on I notice the door's ajar.
I curse and fight to get into my trousers before peeking out from the door. Simon's sitting on a camping chair right outside the cabin, his head pointed to the sky. He has his trousers on, but no coat, and I want to throttle him. (Bloody Snow. And bloody snow.)
“Simon,” I hiss. “What the hell are you doing? It's fucking freezing, your nose will fall off.”
He turns and beams at me, as if I’d just handed him a present. “Come here and shut up.”
I groan and – because I’m a constant disappointment to myself – go back to get my coat, gloves, scarf and hat, thanking any superior entities that might be listening to me that they're pretty much dry by now.
I sit on the chair next to Simon, so close that our shoulders are touching, and I feel warmer than I would feel in front of the fire.
He doesn't talk, just points towards the sky. I look up, and I almost gasp aloud. The clouds that brought rain and snow during the afternoon have disappeared, and every inch of the sky is covered in stars, more stars than I’ve ever seen in my life. More and more seem to appear as my gaze roams the firmament, and I can't control my hand when it slips into Simon's.
“It's beautiful,” I whisper, and he squeezes my hand.
“That one is Cassiopeia. The M shaped one.” My head falls on his shoulder, and I’m struggling to keep my eyes open, so I just mmm as he tells me about letters, and constellations, and creatures hidden behind tiny specks of light, and I wish I could write down the infinity of my feelings for him using just the stars.
I’m definitely dozing off when something warm touches my forehead, and I startle, lifting my head from Simon’s shoulder ready to feel a monstrous creature – or a serial killer – on my face and bolt away.
He laughs and tugs me back down. “Calm down, I only kissed your forehead,” he says, as if this was any better than the catastrophic scenarios I’d pictured in the previous instant.
“Why?” I ask, but for some reason I don’t fear the answer. Maybe because there’s still enough alcohol in my system, maybe because I’m tired from an afternoon of walking under a storm and little sleep. Maybe because we’re sitting under the night sky, and they’re beautiful, and Simon’s beautiful, and I love him so much.
“Because I always want to kiss you.”
It’s just a breath, and I wouldn’t hear it if I weren’t pressed against him. I lift my head again, unsure – is my head playing tricks? Am I drunk?
But Simon’s looking at me with a stupid hopeful expression, and all my doubts melt on his lips when I kiss him. (I kiss him.)
And he kisses me back, and back, and back.
My hands are in his hair – because of course he’s not wearing a hat – and he’s tracing the lines of my face as if he’s trying to commit them to memory. (I want to study every inch of his body.) (I will, if he’ll let me.)
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” he says against my mouth, and as much as I appreciate the sentiment, and I’d love to hear him say all the things he thinks about us (us – I suppose there’s an us now, or there could be), I’m slowly turning into an ice statue.
“I don’t. Please, let’s go inside.”
He laughs again and pulls me up, keeping my body flush to his. (We’re still holding hands.) (I never want to let go.) “Say bye to the stars,” he says, and I shove him towards the door.
My glasses fog up in a second when we stumble back into the room and crash on the bed, so I take them off and lose myself in Simon’s lips again.
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kathonyxbee · 3 years
Kathony Advent Ficlets - Day 4
Happy Day 4 of Kathony Advent! 🛷
Kate and Anthony are going on a sleigh ride! Enjoy!
Day 4 - "Sleigh Ride" ficlet is below the cut ❄️🐝🌷
It’s a winter day, the kind that has Kate wishing to stay in bed, drinking a cup of hot milk or drinking chocolate, or perhaps canoodling with Anthony, making love lazily, using each other’s bodies to stay warm. But, alas, Anthony is out and she’d just had tea at Number 5 and returned, shivering slightly as her maid takes off her cloak and gloves when the door opens to reveal Anthony himself, cheeks a little red from the cold, but looking devilishly handsome in navy blue.
“Ah, Kate, darling, you’re here,” he says, striding over to her and tilting her head slightly before pressing a cold kiss to her lips, making her shiver.
“Anthony!” she exclaims when he pulls away. “You’re cold. Where have you been?”
“Out,” he tells her.
“Yes, that’s quite obvious,” she mutters, completely deadpan. “And, what were you doing out?”
“Making plans, dear. Will you join me for a ride?”
“A ride? Isn’t it a little cold for a ride? And, I’d have to get my habit on,” she sighs, not particularly excited about it. “And, the carriages can’t make it through the snow,” she adds.
“Oh, I know,” Anthony says, unbothered. “That is why I’ve arranged for us to go for a sleigh ride. I’m having the horses fitted to one right now and we can go at once,” he informs her, smiling proudly, and she feels herself warm from the inside at how adorable he looks.
“That… that does sound rather wonderful, Anthony,” she says with a smile. Her maid helps her dress again, and she fastens her winter cloak, then slips on her gloves. Anthony offers her his arm, and she takes it, following him outside to where the sleigh awaits. Gallant as ever, Anthony helps her up and follows after her, wrapping a blanket around them both, and she snuggles against him, seeking his warmth.
“Shall we?”
“Of course,” she nods and the sleigh starts moving. Turning to Anthony, she quips, “this is certainly one of your better ideas.”
“When have my ideas been bad?”
“Oh, I can think of several occasions,” she quips, her lips curving into a smirk. “But, I love you all the same.”
“How kind of you, dear wife. Lucky, I happen to feel the same.”
“I know,” she murmurs, letting out a small chuckle before pulling him into another kiss.
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