#✿  · 、  she is filled with the desire to save the world .   、 ﹕  ❪     para     ❫
Not her canon romance, I know, but Aranea/Mephistopheles, if you're willing to indulge me by talking about Hell's hottest DILF.
II.1, II.7, II.10, II.12, II.14
Hello hello and welcome into my asks!! :D Sorry for the delay, I was rather occupied in the previous day with IRL stuff, but omg I couldn't stop thinking about these questions (because while Aranea/Mephisto are technically not the canonical endgame, they were canonically a couple for around a century or so, so OMG I CANNOT WAIT TO ANSWER THESE). So, without further ado, LET'S GO!
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1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did they go about it?
Aranea initiated their Warlock/Patron relationship, when she first started to find a way to summon a demon to gain the power she needed, but Mephistopheles was the one that initiated their tryst, determined to get past her wall of icy contempt and hatred for the world and the people around her and seducing her with murmurs of pure comfort for her damaged soul , alongside the promises of every power she could ever just imagine to possess. Aranea tried to resist for some time, but the more time she spent besides Mephisto, the more her hunger for him and his raw power - the only thing that seemed to quell the unconsolable pain that Halim’s death left behind - grew uncontrollable. It was at that moment that she decided to have her own heart frozen and removed, de facto allowing darkness to fill her entirely, as she lost herself in Mephistopheles and his burning desire.
7. What is their relationship with each other's families like?
PECULIAR, TO SAY THE LEAST. Aranea’s family of origin knows *nothing* of what she has done to become a warlock. Heck, they don’t even know that she is a Warlock, to begin with. So they are not aware that Aranea has spent a good part of a century in Cania, consorting with an Archdevil. On Mephisto’s side, instead, things are a tad different.
Raphael is very much aware of the tryst between his father and his favourite “pet”, so to speak, and because of this, he never misses the chance of trying to cajole her or trick her into pursuing all kinds of debauchery, if anything to get back to Daddy Dearest, since he knows her loyalty to her father is unwavering and corrupting her would just be a way for him to kick Mephisto in the shins, metaphorically speaking. However, in the past century, Aranea has learned to play the game from the Master himself, so she goes along with whatever Raphael is planning on doing just to put a spoke in his wheels for the sake of making things more “intriguing”, so to speak. (Mephisto and Aranea do like to see him squirm whenever he plans to just be a little shithead for the sake of it, especially after learning that he is after Karsus’s Crown). On his end, Raphael gets a kick from calling Aranea his “Step-Mom”, knowing that it miffs her to no end. Aranea does have a good relationship with Azriel, whom she actually considers like a daughter, the constant target of Raphael’s unwanted amorous attention and pursuit (I mean, Raphael resembles Daddy Dearest more than he likes to admit), and she does what she can to keep the Cambion away from her and give the poor Tiefling a bit of respite. She enjoys listening to her spontaneous joyous outburst and all her adventures around Faerun, sometimes even following her outside the Nine Hells and accompanying her around, something she would do even more often even more so after Zaynab, her own daughter, joined the family. 
As for Mephisto’s own relationship with Azriel, he acts very much the same way Raphael acts with Aranea, if anything to get back to his son and just teach him a lesson not to be a little shithead.  He doesn’t care much for her but looks at her as some sort of “fun experiment” to take care of in order to get under his son’s skin. It has happened more than once that Aranea had to intervene to save the poor tiefling by convincing the Archdevil to show mercy to her because Raphael is already torturing her enough.
10.What are their parallels, whether in their personalities or their histories? I think that, for a start, the main difference between Mephistopheles and Aranea lies in the extent to which their cruelty and callousness reach: Aranea, while deciding to deprive herself of her own heart and swearing to do whatever it takes to conquer the power needed to exact her revenge, still maintain certain moral boundaries that she is not willing to cross (albeit not as many), while Mephistopheles, in virtue of being an Archdevil, doesn’t share the same piety nor he feels compelled to discern which souls to spare or which to take based on ethic and morality.
That being said, in the century she spent at Mephisto’s side, Aranea has grown more and more disillusioned with humanity (could also be caused by the fact that she spent longer in Baator than in the Mortal Realm) to the point that her own moral boundaries have started to shift and become less rigid compared to when she first created the pact with Mephisto.
In terms of parallels between the two of them, both are creatures of intense temper, despite their calm and collected appearance, both are extremely prone to intense bursts of emotions, albeit Aranea’s are not nearly as frequent nor as intense as the ones of the mercurial Lord of Hellfire, and both can become cruel if pushed. But what truly connects them in an absolute understanding and motivates Mephisto to keep Aranea at his side, is the obsession they have for their goals: Mephisto in his constant pursuit of knowledge and Aranea with her quest for power to fuel her own vendetta against the people in Huzuz that had weaved the plan to destroy her late husband’s reputation and life. It was that glint of obsession in Aranea’s soul, her willingness to go to extreme lengths to obtain what she needed that had brought her to Mephisto’s attention, and the main reason why he was the one to answer her call when she performed the ritual to become a Warlock.
12.Do they hide anything from each other, big or small? Not as much as they’d like to. While they do not share everything that they plan/think about, Mephisto does trust Aranea, if anything because she has never given him a reason not to (and of course, because of their deal). But, while Mephisto does trust Aranea to do his bidding and bring him the souls he needs he is still very much intrigued with her for the length she would go, and trusts her even to let her counsel him on his plan of overthrowing Asmodeus, he still doesn’t see her as an equal, considering that she is still very much a mortal who has exchanged her soul for power and he an Archdevil. On the other hand, Aranea did never truly care about hiding anything from him, because in one way or another, he would find a way to know what he needs to know. However, that started to change the moment she fell for Gale, and she forced herself to be more secretive, if anything for Gale’s sake.
14.What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Lemme grab some songs from my playlist for them!!!
Within You - Labyrinth
Fleurs Du Mal - Sarah Brightman
Daze - Poets of the Fall
Hounds to Hamartia - Poets of the Fall
Break the Ice - Britney Spears
Music of the Night - Phantom of the Opera (Ben Lewis version my beloved)
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SO! THERE YOU HAVE THEM! THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE QUESTIONS! I ADORED ANSWERING TO THEM (also, please let me know if you received mine. I know that sometimes I send them and they disappear without being delivered :( )
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olivlad · 5 years
Ela definitivamente devia parar de ouvir @pequencprincipe. Quer dizer, ele sempre a empurrava para alguma enrascada que a colocaria em uma péssima posição tanto com sua governanta quanto com sua mãe e com seus irmãos. O problema é que ela gostava de quase todas as ideias do amigo, e também gostava dele (como amigo, claro!) demais para o deixar colocar seus planos em prática sozinho. Da última vez, quando tentaram entrar no Lunae Messis, foram pegos e Olivia recebeu broncas demais para seu gosto. Mas ali estava ela mais uma vez, passado o toque de recolher dos primeiranistas e o seu próprio, atrás de Josh, tentando encontrar um jeito de entrarem no Lual de forma bem natural e nada suspeita. ━━ Josh, você tem certeza disso? A gente pode simplesmente vir na praia amanhã, quando está claro. E outra o que a gente vai fazer ali? ━ Reclamou, tentando não sujar o vestido conforme andava. A verdade era que aquela festa estava parecendo bem chata, com um monte de adultos que pareciam não estar pensando muito bem. E a ruiva tinha quase certeza de que vira o irmão mais velho aos beijos com alguma menina, o que ela definitivamente não queria ter visto. ━━ Eles estão todos bêbados, ninguém vai se afetar se fizermos algo. ━ Reclamou, mais uma vez. Qual seria a graça de fazer alguma coisa se as pessoas ao redor nem ao menos ligariam? 
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logancrestcree · 3 years
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Name: Logan Crest Cree Nicknames: L, Lo, Cree, Crest (only those who know of his connection/position in his past/present “drug” business) Species: Vampire Age: 37 (845) Gender: Male Orientation: Straight (but of course has taken part of threesomes/foursomes/orgies/etc. ;) ) Pronouns: He/him Trigger Warnings: physical abuse, loss of a child, violence
Logan’s mother, Elizabeth Darla Cree, had raised him to be a young, handsome, and respectable man. A man who would only ever smile and never said no to lending a hand. Even with the disaster of Logan’s father, the woman had done the absolute best she could.
Cree’s father, Richard Cree, was a drunken fool with zero respect towards woman and much less his own wife and son. It didn’t matter what Logan had tried to do to please his father, it never seemed to be right or enough. The hunger in Logan’s eyes never matched the one his father always seemed to have.
But his mother did her best to shield him from the worst of it. That didn’t, however, mean Logan didn’t hear the hard slaps or beatings his mother received when little Logan was told to go to bed and not worry. This was Logan’s life from a very young age: try to please his father, fail, ordered to his room, beatings from his father to his mother.
Logan had asked one day why his mother and him didn’t just run away together, be free and happy. His mother simply told him that wasn’t the way of things. And instead, she showed her son the skills required to become the best mixologist there was. But those weren’t the only skills and qualities the mother had passed on to her only son. Kindness, patience, and a strong moral compass were the characteristics that made Logan the man he was today-sometimes.
It was at the age of 11 that the only Cree son had enough of his fathers abusiveness towards his mother. He was sick and tired of seeing his mother barley managing to climb out of bed the next morning or having to stay indoors for weeks until the bruising faded. Logan was done standing behind his mother. That evening, his father arrived late at night drunk as usual and looking for the first person with human skin to beat on-his eyes landed on his own child, a child who held the same facial features as he did but with blue eyes like his mother.
Elizabeth had done her best to try and stop her husbands fists connecting with Logan’s face, but the woman was small and no match for her ogre husband. The next morning, Logan had barley managed to open his eyes and move from his broken ribs and arm; his mother fared no better. This had been the first and last time Logan had stepped in to save his mother from any physical abuse-for it appeared his mother had suffered much worse then any of the other times. It was only when Logan had found his mother crying two days later that he had learned she lost her 12 week old child during Richard’s beating. If Richard knew about the child, he made no knowledge of it and continued his drunken and beating ways.
Guilt is not something any child should feel at such a young age; yet Logan Cree felt it all. The son grew up rather quickly after that-forgetting his days in the sun or playing with the children in the village. Instead, he waited patiently in his mothers room with hot tea, clean bandages, and any medical equipment (that his mother had kept hidden to patch herself up) after Elizabeth had endured any beatings. Logan was always there to provide support and hold her as they both cried themselves to sleep.
Years passed and Logan continued to grow into a handsome and respectable man in the village. Never did his smile falter. The human had become rather skilled at playing two faces: one inside his household with his mother and the other to the public who turned a blind eye towards his father’s actions and did nothing to help. As Logan got older, Richard’s visits to their house grew less and less, forcing Logan to always look for work to help his mother and him keep surviving.
And so the years continued to pass until finally, Richard Cree was no more. Logan and Elizabeth had felt a huge weight lift off their shoulders after hearing the news; neither one of them had cared for how the man had died. They didn’t care that his body had been found without an ounce a blood or that each of his bones in his spine were broken. No. None of that mattered to Logan and his mother.
Finally, Logan had whispered.
And so they lived. Both of them laughed and enjoyed the little things life had to offer; his mother had opened up a shop which sold special drinks for both medical purposes and to make all worries disappear for a little while. Logan at this time had also grown as skilled if not better than his mother. One day, his skills were put to the task when a beautiful woman walked in and asked for something to “lift her off her feet.” Logan couldn’t help but blush and please the woman with a drink he hoped was to her liking. But the woman hadn’t just come in for a drink.
And so the courting began.
Both we very happy in each other’s company. Both complimented one another. Elizabeth loved Logan’s girl-and she indeed was Logan’s girl. It wasn’t long before the whole village knew the two would end up together. Wedding bells were predicted to be right around the corner. And Logan’s proposal, as romantic as one would have ever want, was only days away.
Until his 37th birthday.
On that evening of his birthday, Logan came across a woman who would change his life forever.....and not in a good way. The woman, who had gone by the name of Lucinda at the time, had become Logan’s Maker. Like all Makers, she could command Logan to do whatever her heart desired. This left Logan without control or a voice of his own.
Events after that seemed to all be a blur for Logan. Logan would have been the worst vampire a supernatural world could offer if it hadn’t been for Lucinda. The man had been kept isolated and had missed both his mother’s and his soon-to-be-fiancé’s death and several important memories after that. Both Logan and Lucinda had left that village for several years traveling around the world doing a number of...well lets just say they kept busy. A lot happened during those years of Logan’s introduction to the supernatural world-and none of them were pleasant times.
Lucinda was nothing but a beautiful monster. Her trainings were in no way enjoyable. The freedom that Logan once had was nonexistent now. His emotions were no longer necessary or allowed. Logan was turned into another man completely. With time, he was no longer the same warm hearted and noble man. No-instead the vampire had grown colder, bolder, more manipulative, confident, and still charming with his words. Yet deep down, Logan’s moral compass still remained intact. But under Lucinda’s hold, the man was forced to push any and all good intentions down. (More coming later on Lucinda&Logan ;) )
Lucinda had her reasons for bringing Logan Cree into her world-of course all of her reasons were selfish ones. She introduced Cree to several different organizations and people/creatures to keep in contact with-one which was the drug and blood bag trafficking world-and had forced different positions onto him. During those years and around those people, Logan went by the name of Crest. Did he have a choice in following these orders or being around such creatures in these endeavors? No. He hadn’t.
When Lucinda’s death came, it had been the most painful and crushed emotion Logan had ever felt. To say the vampire wanted to be free of Lucinda’s hold would have been an understatement. But due to his emotional bond with the woman, it didn’t feel pleasant one bit when the bond shattered. After her death, Logan moved from place to place, never able to stay in one location for too long; and if the vampire did stay somewhere, he constantly left and came back-just like he has with Calamity.
During those times his father abused him and Elizabeth, Logan learned to rely on himself and only himself because those in the village did nothing to help his mother or him.
Logan doesn’t involve himself into situations where he can’t find a way out of them or that don’t benefit him in some way.
Logan is indeed an “old soul.” He has loved several people during his years but has done his best to not get involved or attached for several reasons. Main reason is: he doesn’t want others to use those he cares about against him.
Logan does his best to keep friends in all species.
Logan actually does want to help humans survive and doesn't believe in several things the vampires in Calamity do. He has done his best to offer or “claim” feeders as his own and offers them to stay in one of his places that he owns. He does this slowly and not often though to not rise suspicions with the other vampires around him. He has yet to find a way to get the “mark” off of them though.
Logan also wants to help the humans that are under the demon’s control. So, he’s always planning different ways to help them out.
Logan has been in and out of the “drug/blood bag” business for some time. Him disappearing for years could be due to that since he’s the one needing to get all the details and transactions in order. [This business is not like others: the blood bags are not filled with human blood but instead blood from other creatures. Or human blood that is mixed with other drugs to make vampires have “high” experiences. (More on this later in future self paras/facts about Logan’s past.)
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: blue
Skin: fair/light
Piercings: ear
Tattoos/Scars: TBD/ several scars on his back due to fathers beatings
Positive: fair & confident
Negative: impulsive & crafty
Talents: mixologist, pianist, guitar player
Favorite Weapon: Hands, fangs
Likes: planning, dealing in secrets
Smokes: Yes
Drinks: Yes
Drugs: Yes
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theholycovenantrpg · 4 years
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Admin Cas: There’s something so tragic about Dmitri that I love: everything about him is a contradiction. Yet, for all his love and light, he’s also really quite terrifying, and the way you balanced both of those aspects of their character was truly breathtaking, Emma. I thought your reflections on the idea of Dmitri as a sort of wingless angel was especially impressive. In spite of all the things that make them angelic, they can never truly be one with God’s angels. That, after all, is what sets him apart from their brethren; where they are ruination, he is its saving grace. I put this golden prince in your hands without fear that you’ll do wonderful things with him, and I can’t wait to see the directions you’ll go together! Please create and send in your account, review the information on our CHECKLIST, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Welcome to the Holy Land!
Alias | Emma.
Age | 21+.
Personal Pronouns | She/Her.
Activity Level | I’m able to get a reply or two out at least once daily; depending on length, it could potentially be more or less than.
Timezone | Eastern.
Triggers | REMOVED.
How did you find the group?  | LSRPG tag.
Current/Past RP Accounts | I delete my character accounts to create a blank blog for my next character account. I save snippets of threads I adore, so I’m so sorry. RIP - xoxo
there is a swelling storm and i'm caught up in the middle of it all and it takes control of the person that i thought i was the boy i used to know.
Dmitri , the Horsemen of Conquest
I’ve never been the type to write a sample for a character before fleshing out the other bits first, but Dmitri’s voice whispered, begging to be explored as soon as I read their biography. The first sample you’ll read below was the initial picture I painted and kept throughout this application because Dmitri resembled that of a poor Icarus, who simply overindulged in something not meant for him to enjoy. 
I imagined Dmitri in the seconds after creation gasping at the sights of Heaven, reaching back for white wings — only to be met by their bareback. Shoulders aching for the flight of angels, the purity evident in their veins to be his own, God’s presence given at a moments notice.
Yes — I very clearly drew these small, delicate details from a few lines, but Cas wrote this character in such a way I felt the weight of Dmitri’s needs as if they were my own to be met. The biography held me captive to do whatever would be in my ability to give this character justice for what they were never gifted. I still get butterflies reading over the biography and couldn’t stop what followed. 
This application is my confession of love for Dmitri, and I would even offer to say this could be read as a fever dream because isn’t that what God would want? His beloved, lastly mad Horsemen to be written in a state of complete and total euphoria for conquest and recklessness… but more importantly, I hope to show how beautifully flawed this character is to desire to be loved by a dead God, and the journey I would take them on to realize their purpose was never tied to God’s needs.
SUMMARY: I’ve written these in a format of progression based on what I think could occur first in-game based off of current connections, and Dmitri’s direct link of being a Horsemen, making it far more likely to push said plot first. Each builds upon the other in a sense of a video game character skill branching system. As in, I’ve written some answers or may propose them in a way, which would directly change a plot below it. Hope this helps explain the mess which is about to occur below!
what happens to those who were meant to end a world already destroyed?
Their purpose set forth to them by God has come to no fruition as the world destroyed itself, at least in a way. Each Horsemen dealing with their new identity as a mercenary in their own way, but I can only speak from the perspective of Dmitri. When it comes to them, the Horsemen are family. They came from the same Gos as them, shaped from different moments but important just the same. Their future as a whole could be explored by each Horsemen’s motivation. For Dmitri, the idea of leaving them to go elsewhere seems far-fetched at first; a type of daydream when the cleanup after a job is too heavy to stay focused on. If given a bigger glimpse at something else, something Dmitri could find himself desiring to do, I imagine the Horsemen could find a strain.
what is the purpose of being one of healing if you watched the wounds be inflicted?
Building upon a strain forming within the Horsemen, Dmitri would first need to experience something so terrifyingly out of character for them to do, which could trigger a wave of events to follow. The concept of using their healing ability seems to be the “fun” direction as this golden boy not being able to save someone caught in the crossfires would be an angst ridden thread to experience. I want to shape his tenderness in a way to correlate with his healing. Dmitri’s process of healing someone is something I haven’t ventured much into yet — but I imagine the sight of it to be something beautiful, almost too beautiful to fully understand what you’re looking at. This light bringer among those who only bring darkness is the difference enough to push the first plot and this one forward.
what does one do with love and praise when all they expected was hate?
Imagine the first time someone witnessed Dmitri healing a mortal. Who was it? What occurred? No one who lives now among the mortals knows, yet their growing affection towards him makes me feel as if he’s gotten his own personal tale passed between them. Here in this new found love among men, I think Dmitri sees what he’s always wanted out of life, rather existence. It’ll be such a wild ride of secret trips to different parts of the world to see if he finds this love and praise everywhere. He’d be drunk over this, but there also comes the dark side of being given something kept from you for so long. Yes, I would love for this beautiful, precious Horsemen to ride happily off into the sunset… but there’s definitely some trauma left from God. Here within this, I find Dmitri’s breaking point could take place and all of the above could shatter.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | yes — given a month’s notice and option to decline? i feel as if the answer would be different depending on how they were to die and character development, if this makes sense.
but there is a lightin the dark, and i feel its warmth
in my hands and my heart why can't i hold on?
It’s unknown at first- their motivation. Perhaps, God always intended the existence of those who were meant to cause the end of the world to possess no motivation. Life to them, the Horsemen, was simply a story already written down in the stars, yet Dmitri walked out into the New World with the story finished and no part to play in it. Purgatory had warped their glowing essence, satisfying God’s need to prevent prayers said to Conquest over the God of Creation. 
Yet motivations can still be rather fickle when they were never intended for you. Dmitri’s creation came from the infinite love God felt for man, yet they were never meant to have this (this being love) as their backbone. No, they were to indulge their fellow Horsemens’ wrath by mending the blows they were destined to cause. Their gift, their healing, their voice. All things given by God to serve a purpose not their own. Somewhere between all of the havoc and chaos of this world, there had to come a time where Dmitri sought to figure it out. 
Their motivation laid rotting within the crevices of darkness and filth they called home all these centuries. Purgatory did it’s job more so than God could have ever intended because Dmitri struggled with purpose outside of God’s. Sunshine filled his veins in a way the darkness fed off of and merely left the Horsemen of Conquest bare. So walking out of, rather escaping from, Purgatory to Dmitri awakened this desire for answers. With the death of God, Dmitri discovered their rebirth into something rather ungodly as he wanted to become everything God never intended on him to be: loved. 
From this death, Dmitri has discovered a solace with mortals he’d never found with the fellow Horsemen as there’s something to be said in regards to being made last. He didn’t resemble the others completely as he felt a mirror to man more so than his Horsemen. I imagine actions and motivation for him to be teetering currently as his own questions in the regards of ‘what’s next?’ as having a calling as a mercenary never sat well with him. He wants to be loved in a way God had left unspoken between them over the possibility of competition.
SUMMARY: Throughout interactions and inner thoughts expressed throughout this roleplay, I would love to dive into the future plots tying into Dmitri’s motivations above with the balance of being deemed as loved or worshipped. Dmitri needs to be loved, yet I think if it ever rocked towards him being worshipped, it’d be a nice little shift of what truly motivates him. Overall, I find my motivating factor to be Dmitri’s voice and relationships with the Horsemen due to my overall understanding of how much he truly values them. Yes, he’s always wanted more for himself, but there’s always going to be the glimpses of why he is among their ranks. He isn’t pure as the angels or as mischievous as the demons, but I find Dmitri’s complexities something of value as a character in a world without restraints.
‘Icarus, my son — your wings are too brittle for the warmth of light. Now, I shall watch you burn with the rest.’ Or was the name spoken across the lips of God dmitri? Did he curve the appetite of man’s undeserving love of their creator by existing? Were his screams - for more - not enough to make the tear from God’s eye a regret? 
‘But father, I shall fly with you. We can escape together. No mortal shall ever have to look upon our faces again. We can finally be--’ Scorned brow silenced all of his pleas, bringing the truth to the forefront. Dmitri dreamed before the tear was ever caught and molded into the literal form of his being. They knew of themself from the perspective of God’s eye and convinced themself of something which wasn’t there. ‘Am I never to be free of this burden then? Am I to suffer?’
They painted a world where they crawled from the depths of Purgatory, where their strength came from the purity of man, where God Himself welcomed Dmitri back into Heaven as if he’d never gone. In this recurring dream, God would realize the mistake to tuck away his most prized creation. 
The final Horsemen did not deserve the caverns of impermeable darkness Purgatory supplied them because somewhere in the infinite of his existence, he truly believed himself to bare wings. 
‘Suffer? Suffer! You are the brilliance of life; my creation. Do you wish to know what I plan to do with you? Follow me, Conquest. Your domain awaits.’ 
Their eyes open with horror, memories of a man - rather a god who loved him less. A god who created him by mistake. An outstretched arm from active slumber finds its way back onto their chest, an unsteady rise and fall of breaths lost. His own torment from sleep a self-given punishment as he allowed himself to fall into the corners of his own mind. The hidden doors which locked memories long forgotten as he believed himself to be more than he was. 
God regretted shedding a tear for out came the brightest of shadows, the technicolor snake of dispute in the form of a golden angel. They were truly no closer than their brethren to bearing wings, but if one deserved them, Dmitri would declare themself so. 
Instead of wings, however, cascading down their back, you would find a seeping hole of nothing; a hollowed out mine of what could have become of them. It is the wickedness they hide beneath enchanting smiles, minor suggestions, and lack of resolve which will keep their back bare. Denial being a sort of game which they’ve mastered over the years.
Once, one might have spotted the prospect of gold, sinless existence within them, but they were not created like the other angels, the other horsemen, the other fallen. They were made as the result of emotion, and one knew what followed closely with emotions — mistakes or rather the sins of man.
They were the rotten cavities created over years of divulging in sweets, buried in the crevices of newborn teeth who hadn’t the taste of sugar.
And in their devastation, Dmitri destined themself to find the answers which God withheld from them.
“You’re late — again.” A simple nod towards either Nerissa or Viktoria felt enough to find his place among his family, his fellow Horsemen.
One thumb found its way to his temple before releasing a heavy sigh. “Dreams haunt me recently. 
“You mean nightmares.” Nerissa could never resist correcting him over something so miniscule as words, yet this simple exchange caused a growing irritation to sprout wings and turn into complete rage.
His temples tensed, nostrils flared with fingernails already cutting at the skin of his palm. “You honestly think I’m mortal enough to switch the meaning of two words, War?” Tongue pressed against the back of their teeth, Dmitri allowed their body to sink into their assigned chair, of sorts. Each had a place within the others home as if each home belonged to all four of them collectively. 
“Someone woke up feeling out of place again.” Always Ryuk with a quick word before letting the storm brew on.
“It’s the dreams — I wake up in horror over...” Their eyes, washed in an array of gold, scanned the softness of their palms, the lack of scars on their flesh, the harrowing displacement of havoc in their words, and the deficiency of darkness their fellow Horsemen possessed. “...for it is the dream I can never grasp.” 
With the unblemished palm, he wiped away at both of their eyes, trying to remove the hints of sleep behind them. More importantly, he wanted more than anything to remove any attempt of truth being proven by Nerissa’s words.
Harsh snarled laughter came from the corner of their domain, mocking their spiral for something less than what it was. To Dmitri, they saw these dreams as something more of an awakening, uncovering their last moments with God.  
“What is the point of man if not to suffer, dear Dmitri?” 
“But I am no man!” Fists shattered the monotony of the discussion, calling in the last ounce of sanity any of them could take as they stood from the table.  “I am no god.” The once golden irises, which mirrored the glory of the sun’s warmth,  now mimicked the lava spewing from a devastating volcano. “I am Conquest, and I shall suffer no more!” 
Here in the brilliant, pure light of their anger, their risen voice, the very might of their denial gave birth to something else. 
A soft chuckle from the other side of the room destroyed any build up between the others as Viktoria waltzed over to them. 
“He’s not wrong… None of us are man, so none of us shall suffer.” Viktoria’s hand draped over theirs with a tenderness they’d only felt from the mortals, but it was enough to show Dmitri the horsemen had the ability to give him what he wanted.
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sepublic · 4 years
Nuva and Umarak
           Light and Shadow are two opposing forces, having clashed and dueled with one another since the beginning of time. But in the time before time, they were once merely two halves of a greater, singular whole; Korusca, the Deity of Twilight.
           In the time before time, Twilight was a state of being, found everywhere; It was omnipresent, with everything down from the most base, singular elements taking its form, to even pure Life energy manifesting the power of Twilight. Korusca was said to be one of the most powerful Deities in existence, rivalled only by the likes of the Elemental Deities themselves. They had their own champion, a Kaita of legend named Umbra, and for a while reigned supreme amongst a select few of the Okotan Pantheon, their power seemingly unmatched.
           But for reasons unknown –Perhaps because of the naturally transformative nature of Life- Korusca’s own soul became fractured, and eventually split in two. Twilight separated into two separate forces, Light and Shadow; And now reality itself was split between two parts. Both halves, Light and Shadow, sought to become the ever-present whole that they once were, and in order to do so, each sought to eradicate the other from existence; One could be allowed to exist, if reality was to be united beneath a singular, uniform alignment.
           These two opposite forces clashed with one another, and to win each of them birthed their own respective champions. The Darkness birthed Umarak, the spreading and consuming Deity of Shadows; While the Light birthed Nuva, the blinding and radiant Deity of Light. Nuva and Umarak clashed with one another for what could’ve been eternity, until finally the rest of the Okotan Pantheon had to take a stand.
           Reality was split evenly between Light and Shadow, and both were tearing each other part and the rest of existence in the process. A victor had to be chosen… Reality could not manage to sustain itself between two states of alignment at once- There was simply not enough Life for two worlds.
           A decision was made; The Elemental Deities chose to side with Nuva the Blinding One, with most of the Okotan Pantheon following afterwards. Some chose to remain neutral, but by then the choice had been cast. Darkness had been forsaken, and Light was chosen as the champion and dominant force for reality.
           And so, reality itself shifted between the two alignments. Most of Life itself manifested itself in the alignment of Light, leaving behind a hollow remnant of its dark-version… An empty, lifeless world that could do nothing but react to the World of Light and its formations, a parallel dimension that acted more as a shadow cast by Light than its own separate entity. Thus, the Dark World was born; Known later under many other names, such as the Field of Shadows, Para-Realm, Zone of Darkness, etc.
           With the Light-Dark split in reality, Umarak was banished to the Dark World. And for a time, peace seemed to settle, even if the overzealous Nuva remained anxious, wanting to fully eradicate her rival.
           A thousand or so years passed; But during that time, Umarak had managed to pierce the divide between worlds, bypassing the spatial barrier and crossing over into the Light World. Like Light, it was his nature as Shadow to spread as much as possible, especially since his own realm was so barren in comparison to Nuva’s.
           He and Nuva clashed yet again, but this time Nuva found additional support; Her own champion, another mortal that chose to be her Kaita. By performing a Kaita fusion with her warrior, Nuva created the Toa of Light, and in this ascended state managed to completely eradicate Umarak. Her blinding light burned Umarak’s darkness away, searing the entity into seemingly nothing.
           And so, another thousand years or so passed; But Darkness continued to exist. For nothing is truly destroyed, merely transformed… And afterwards, some things will transform back into what they once were. In the time that passed, Umarak’s will and essence reformed in the Dark World. Anxious for a rematch, he immediately set to piercing the veil between worlds once he reformed with full strength; And yet again, he appeared to challenge Nuva.
           Nuva found a new champion, defeated Umarak, and waited for him to respawn. And so time and time again, the cycle of Light VS Shadow would continue, with Umarak reincarnating and crossing over to the World of Light… Nuva could clash with him, before choosing a reigning champion to perform a Kaita fusion with, and then banish Umarak once more as the Toa of Light.
           This cycle continued multiple times… But with each victory, Nuva felt only more embittered, enraged, and frustrated. Yes, she had practically ‘won’ when the Okotan Pantheon sided with her, with Reality skewed towards the Light; But Umarak kept returning. And as part of her nature as Light, Nuva desired to spread and shine, burning with a radiance that reached every shadow and completely eradicated it. So long as there was darkness –and she could feel it in the Dark World, as hollow as it was compared to her own realm- Light would have the desire to glow brighter and fill the void with itself.
           One day, Nuva snapped; She decided then and there that she had had enough of Umarak’s repeated pestering. She would annihilate the Darkness once and for all, and do so by leaving no nook nor cranny for him to hide in; Nuva would engulf all of reality with her Light, and blaze eternally and omnipotently. She promptly went on a rampage, scorching Okoto with her searing Light as she sought to increase the Light World’s radiance and completely obliterate the Dark World; Light casts shadows, but make it bright enough and there is no darkness to be left.
           The Okotan Pantheon reacted, unable to stand by and let Nuva continue her mindless rampage. The very island of Okoto was being scorched to its foundations, and more, with the oceans boiling beneath the Light. Even Nuva’s own champion at the time, Avohkii, chose to rebel- And this act of defiance, of betrayal, drove Nuva completely mad. She lashed out, blinding all as her Light began to sear the veil between worlds, threatening to burn it away and the Dark World along with it.
           This would be disastrous; Not just for Okoto, but for reality, as Darkness was nevertheless an equal force alongside Light. Both needed to exist in tandem, and the balance between both could not afford to be jeopardized.
           And so, desperate, the Okotan Pantheon fought back. They lashed with all their might, hurling the raw power of the elements and Life itself. And while Light was mighty, it was not the only form that Life could take; It could also function separately as Darkness. Nuva was not invincible amidst her seemingly-endless strength, and the dragon was repeatedly battered from all sides. And without Avohkii’s blessing, Nuva was worn down from the constant onslaught, stripped of the support she had from her fellow Deities, rendered to almost nothing.
           Of course, Light cannot be destroyed; But regardless, she was weakened. And so to survive and hopefully recover, Nuva reverted to a smaller, weaker form, consisting merely of her Face, the most fundamental aspect of a person… She transformed into the Mask of Light.
           Wounded, battered, and burnt, the Okotan Pantheon picked up the Mask of Light. Nobody knows what happened to it next; But supposedly, they banished the blazing artifact away from the island of Okoto, far beyond into the endless oceans, hoping that none would ever find it again. Hopefully, Nuva would never re-emerge and resume her plan to scorch Okoto with her Light, and the balance would be maintained.
           …This was the ideal option, of course. But reality never turns out so simply. Umarak sensed the defeat of his ancient foe, and delighted, struck at the weakened barrier between worlds with twice as much force. Emboldened by the defeat of both Nuva, as well as the weakening of her former allies, he saw a chance and took it; Umarak pierce the veil and emerged into the Light World once more, ready to spread his shadows across all of Okoto and consume it with Darkness.
           The wounded Okotan Pantheon could do little to challenge Umarak; They were weak from their previous fight, and it seems only the blinding Light of Nuva could vaporize him. Helpless, they were unable to defeat the Deity of Shadow as his darkness spread across the scorched surface of Okoto, planning to spread into the endless oceans beyond. In an act of desperation, the Elemental Deities devised a brilliant plan; One that could save them all from both Nuva AND Umarak, while preventing either from returning once more.
           Every time Umarak was slain, he would simply reform… So to put it simply, why not keep him from dying? If the Elemental Deities could prevent Umarak from reincarnating, and holding him in place… Hopefully, he could no longer torment Okoto. And then, with Nuva trapped as the Mask of Light, the balance would be preserved…
           And so, the Elemental Deities struck back with the last of their strength. They hurled boulders and mountains and waves upon Umarak, burying him beneath an onslaught of pure elemental energy. Pillars of Stone and Earth were formed, impaling Umarak and helping to restrain him. A new island of Okoto was being formed from the Elemental Deities themselves, and Umarak was being buried beneath it.
           But it wasn’t enough- Umarak was already beginning to break free of his prison, and it seemed that the Elemental Deities wouldn’t be able to contain him. But in a blinding flash, Avohkii stepped up to challenge the Deity of Shadow without Nuva, using their own Light to wound and hinder The Darkness. Enraged, Umarak lashed out and struck Avohkii, greatly wounding the Kaita- But Avohkii held on just long enough for the Elemental Deities to complete their prison. Umarak was pinned down, preventing him from escaping as more foundations buried the Deity of Shadow. Avohkii, exhausted and wounded but with their work done, succumbed to their wounds and died.
          Trapped, Umarak let out a roar as the Elemental Deities dug his grave and sealed it with a new land, a newer version of Okoto, one neither scarred by Light nor consumed by Darkness. This new island would act both as an ideal home for the survivors of the great incident, but also as a prison for Umarak, keeping him trapped yet alive in the Light World; Unable to reincarnate and assault the new Okoto as he normally would.
           And thus, while the buried Umarak thrashed beneath the new Okoto, the Okotan Pantheon could finally fall and rest. But just before they did, they made sure to honor the fallen Avohkii, who had given their life to defeat both Nuva AND Umarak… Their body, retrieved by Uxar, was buried in a hidden grove, a sacred plot of land beneath jungles of foliage and underbrush, somewhere on the new Okoto. But even in death, Avohkii’s Light still shown; And shortly after their burial, new life sprouted from the ground. Fueled and grown by Avohkii’s residual Light, plantlife grew in the form of thorned vines that emanated powerful, sacred Light; Plants that would later be known as Lightvines, for their mystical, eternally-radiant properties.
           The Balance between Light and Shadow had been preserved; For the time being, at least. With Umarak trapped beneath Okoto and Nuva reverted into the Mask of Light, forever lost, neither could rise to spread their power and threaten everyone else in the cross-fire. It seemed that peace could return, after all… And for a while, it did.
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milja-svartur · 5 years
LFRP - Milja Svartur
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She's in that femme fatale territory; A captive slave who's been recently liberated and has acquired a taste for blood in the process. Very familiar with being objectified in the past, Milja now utilizes this to her advantage to exact vengeance/catharsis. Having been swept up into the throes of a traveling caravan known as "The Hiraeth Haj" early on, she had been initiated into a life of crime practically from the moment she left the Wood.
Presently on the payroll for Reign Enterprises, Milja is a self trained healer who picked up on a great deal of Astromancy during her years with the Hiraeth Haj, and is surprisingly adept with maiming as much as she is with mending. Reputed to be very sweet, pleasant, and polite, direct interactions may reveal there's a lil somethin'-somethin' off. While often flirtatious, she can occasionally seem naive about the world around her, and has been described as "unhinged"
"You've been kind enough to take me under-wing, but I am afraid I do not have a singular answer-- I desire to help as much as hurt, heal as much as maim-- but I am selective in both. I can don a smile amidst a house on fire with the best of 'em. Should you demand it, I could stroke an ego as well as a cock; But even I have my limits, and I can say with certainty that is far exceeding them."
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The Basics ––– –
Name: Milja Svartur. City name: “Cherry Blossom”
Age: 33
Birthday: 4th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Viera, Veena
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Withheld
Server: Balmung
Alignment: True Neutral, though may occasionally present as Chaotic Neutral.
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Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Glossy bone white interspersed with a deep mauve-pink
Eyes: Dilute amaranthine, like Althyk Lavender
Height: 5 fulms, 8 ilms
Build: Bodacious: lean with ample feminine curves
Distinguishing Marks: She wears a collection of faded scars like souvenirs. They riddle her body, though are not terribly noticeable without looking closely. While she has no permanent tattoos, Milja is often marked with elaborate henna patterns on her hands.
Common Accessories: She typically wears any variation of gold collar, of which she has a perpetually growing collection of. While not an accessory, she favors wearing dark make-up and accentuates it with gilt and gold dust powders.
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Employee of Reign Enterprises: Seduce and Destroy most of the time, but eye candy for the rest of it. Escort for hire.
Hobbies: Writing haikus, indulging in various cultural events, all sorts of entertainment, singing, gathering herbs, gutting men like fish, baking, eating at various establishments, and working with her hands.
Languages: Eorzean Common, fluent in body language.
Residence: A small apartment in the Mist, though she’s at home enough out in nature.
Birthplace: Othard, Skatay Range
Fears: Disappointing those she values the opinion of, ever finding herself in captivity again, one-sided relationships, being useless or insignificant, Leeches, and to a lesser extent, Crocs.
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Kaja (Mother), Styr (Father)
Siblings: None (at least none that she is aware of.)
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Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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Additional Information ––– –
Smoking: No, thank you.
Drugs: Hard pass.
Alcohol: Will indulge socially, exclusively in the presence of those trusted. Finds excessive drinkers to be weak in character.
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Historic Information ––– –
Milja was a child of the Wood in a Veena tribe which settled high in the Skatay Range during the Garlean occupation of Dalmasca. Being a very traditional tribe, rather than be exiled and bring shame to her kin, she voluntarily elected to leave and go out into the world to experience other places, people, and cultures at 25 years old. Within the first few months she was swept up into the throes of a traveling caravan in Othard by a Roegadyn named Ous, lured with sweet promises he could hardly deliver on. Essentially Ous and his lackeys were land pirate con-men, gamblers, slavers; Criminals who were known in various circles between The Far East and Eorzea as "The Hiraeth Haj".
What began as a consensual relationship was revealed to be something else shortly after embarking on her journey, and young Milja was essentially held captive, circumscribed to a life not her own and hid away from the world under less than pleasant circumstances. At 33 (recent/present), the particular caravan she was associating with was targeted by Reign Enterprises, which Milja believed had been employed to deal with the travelers by some organization or another, surely miffed by one of their many transgressions. During this exchange, the vardo where Milja resided went up in flames, and she was extracted by Dravitus, head of Reign Enterprises, where she has been employed since. As for the circumstances surrounding the events of her liberation; Very little information is known, save for the hushed rumors which circulated upon her enlistment into Reign Enterprises and have since settled down.
Find more information, art, and aesthetics - https://milja-svartur.tumblr.com/
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RP Hooks ––– –
Viera Proud: While she may no longer have as close ties to the Wood as she once held, and is contented with the life she leads now, Milja occasionally pines for the culture and kin she has voluntarily left behind. She is interested in other Viera and the circumstances which surrounded their departure (or continued connection) to the Wood.
Seduce & Destroy: Comfortable in her own skin, Milja tastefully flaunts what she has and will utilize feminine wiles as a means to an end. As an employee of Reign Enterprises, she engages in less than decent exchanges (up to a point) to advance initiatives as they may benefit her employer, but she will also engage in more recreational exchanges.
Teacher’s Pet: Opportunities to bring new (illicit) business and forge connections with other criminal contacts for Reign Enterprises brings Milja the biggest rush. Looking for business opportunities? Share your pitch. She’s more than happy to lend a long, fluffy ear, and perhaps even a hand.
Unwitting Savior: Milja is, by nature, empathetic and nurturing. She is also subtly sadistic, which results in a taut dichotomy that primes her to fill the role of someone’s errant heroine. Your character is in a tight place? Being abused or taken advantage of? Is subjected to the whims of a badguy™? Call Miss Milja-- service with a sadist’s smile.
Bad Girl with a Good Heart: While she may engage in criminal activity, enjoy brutalizing, dress like a high class harlot, and is capricious as they come, she is is loyal to the core. Milja is a good ol’ fashioned ride or die lady (you heard it right, underneath what very little clothing she wears, she is, in fact, a proper lady) who looks out for those she cares for while operating under her own set of conditions: doing bad things for the right reasons.
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OOC/Contact Information  ––– –
I am happy to entertain walk-up RP in game, but can also be found on discord (Poufkin#5707) or through tumblr: https://milja-svartur.tumblr.com/!
Veteran RPer who is new to the FF scene. How I have avoided this inevitable fate for as long as I have is beyond me.
Multi-para RP preferred... occasionally slow. I am sorry!
EST time zone, usually available after 8PM or on weekends. Also work full time. Also am a grad school student. 😬
Really friendly, kinda shy, derpy, and harmless. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!
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lathatcherofficial · 4 years
watch the world burn || self-para
WHERE: Kingsboro, New York
WHEN: June 29th, 2020
TIME: Early evening
WARNINGS: Fire accident, hospital, near death experience
CHARACTER MENTIONS: Finn Thatcher ( @finnthatcher89 ), Felicity Thatcher (NPC), Avery Oliveira, Monroe Oliveira ( @monroephile ), Mars Slater (NPC), Francisco Galvani (NPC)
PROMPT: When Laurel was suppose to be getting ready for date night with Finn, things go wrong instead.
Laurel had been excited for this night. She had a flight on the 28th to Boston, stayed the night, and then flew back home the next day and arrived back at around 5 pm. After her and Finn talked about this arrangement, they had an idea to have a date night once she got back. To have them meet up at Destino’s for a romantic night while Felicity was watched by Avery and Monroe for the night. She had two hours to get ready and her excitement couldn’t be contained. It’d been a moment since they had a date night; And after their little rendezvous at the reception Saturday night, the woman certainly wanted more moments with Finn. Of course, they weren’t lacking in that department already; But hey, it’s never a bad thing to desire that.
But even though she was excited, she couldn’t help getting distracted by the neighbors. They were lighting up fireworks out in the street, starting early in the Fourth of July festivities. Every loud whistle and crack made her jump and her heart stopped, needing a few moments to breathe. She didn’t like how jumpy she was concerning that. Loud sudden noises were one of her triggers, an affect caused by Francisco. Her husband, being a literal angel on earth, makes sure to comfort her whenever Independence Day comes around. It was her least favourite holiday due to the fireworks and he was good at distracting her and comforting whenever it got bad.
Upstairs in the bathroom, she was getting close to being ready when she heard a crash inside and then some screaming outside. Quickly hurrying out of the bathroom, she gasped as she saw the firecracker in the living room. It landed on a sofa and quickly, a fire started. The front entrance was blocked and the sofa blocked the otherwise open entrance to the kitchen. Essentially blocking the exit for the backyard. The fire started to spread, catching onto anything and everything. “HELP! HELP, PLEASE!” She tried to scream out, hearing people outside but the roar of the fire being too loud. 
She ran away from the staircase, the entire first level on fire. Being a wife of a firefighter, one would think that she’d remember what to do in this sort of situation. But everything Finn has taught her escaped her mind. And the fire was starting to climb up the stairs and walls. She ran to the master bedroom, trying to open the windows to see if she’d be able to climb out and land on something safely. She wouldn’t. There was nothing that would catch her and keep her safe and alive. The entire house was filled with smoke and heat, the flight attendant coughing her lungs out as she tried to breathe. Her eyes stung, blurry from the smoke. She tried to get to her phone, trying to get the opportunity to call her husband, went the heat exhaustion took over her. She fell to the floor, slowly fading in and out of consciousness. The last thing she saw was a firefighter kicking the door in, the bedroom becoming encased in flames as he quickly made his way to her.
She wasn’t awake when he safely wrapped her up and brought her out of the house. She wasn’t awake to hear the talk among the firefighters, realizing that the woman they just saved was their coworker’s wife. She wasn’t awake for them to call Finn to tell him what happened as she was brought into an ambulance and was drove off. She wasn’t awake when they brought her to the emergency room, putting her under a medical induced coma for the next two days until they were sure that she was okay.
And fortunately, she was alive. She finally woke up again on July 1st, at around 3 in the afternoon.
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howlingforapack · 4 years
Application for Tracy Stewart : accepted
Congratulations KC! Your application for Tracy Stewart has been approved. Please take the time to create your account and submit it back to the main RPG. 
OOC Information: 
Name: kc Age: 23 Timezone: cst Activity Level (1-10): 7 IC Information:  Name: Tracy Stewart  FC: Charles Melton  Age: 18 Species: kanima Occupation (If Student please add a major. It can also be undecided): Undecided  Ships: Tracy/chemistry  Biography:
Tracy Stewart was the only child of Paul and Sharon Stewart. He was a quiet child, preferring the company of a book over attempting to socialize with kids his own age. Well behaved in class, he was sometimes teased for being the teacher’s pet. However, most of the students left him well enough alone.  The fire that took his mother left him even more isolated. A skin graft helped make the burns on his back less unsightly, but he’s still a little insecure about them. However, what haunts him most about the house fire was the fact that he couldn’t save his mother. She’d insisted that the fireman take him first, and she’d paid with her life. This led him to become even more closed off.  Whenever he tried to talk to his father about how he was feeling, he was inevitably brushed off with ‘helpful advice’. “Keep your chin up, son,” he would say. “Your mother wouldn’t want you to waste your life being down in the dumps all the time.” Yeah, he’d always thought. It would be cool if he could just turn it off. 
Tracy threw himself into work in high school even though his problems only seemed to get worse with time. Waking up places he didn’t fall asleep in combined with the vivid nightmares had a way of shaking a person up. Not wanting to be even more of a freak, he does his best to keep these things to himself. His father wouldn’t notice anyway, and if he did, he’d brush it off.  It’s more difficult now, explaining away where he was to a roommate. However, he’s trying to turn over a new leaf in college and make friends in addition to working hard. He knows he can’t keep everyone at arm’s length forever, but his ideas and his actions still have a gap to be bridged. 
Para Sample (2+ Paragraphs): 
That old saying that the world wouldn’t end with a whimper but with a bang? Tracy was pretty sure that was bullshit. It always started with a whimper, just another nightmare he couldn’t pull himself out of. He had to watch, vivid imagination filling in the gaps of how she died that night. Sometimes it was smoke inhalation. It filled her lungs, choking her until the light finally, mercifully almost, died in her eyes. Sometimes it was a burn. The flaming beam falling down on her, the floor caved in, nowhere to run. Sometimes a flood came. That was good, right? Until the flood overtook the house and she drowned anyway. The singular common theme was the fact that Sharon Stewart never survived. His dreams were stubborn; they always imitated life.  It was vivid. He shouldn’t remember details from eight years ago, but they appeared to him clear as day. One fateful accident that messed up his whole life. Her screams clear as a bell.  He awoke to his own screams, breathing hard as his eyes flew open, welling with tears. It was dark. Cold. He was barefoot. Alone. He thought. The sounds told him he was outside, and he made himself use one of those strategies the college therapist told him about. Five things. Dark sky, trees, fallen log, grass, shaking hands. Four things. A hand through his hair. Gripping his wrist. The fabric of his t-shirt. The tears on his cheeks, wiped away. Three things. Bugs. Nervously cracking his knuckles. In the distance, a wolf’s howl. Two. Rain. It must’ve rained earlier. He was lucky he’d missed it. Himself. Yeah, he was going to need a shower. Had he run here? There was nothing around he had any desire to taste, so he’d leave that one for now. 
“You’re okay,” he told himself sighing as he wrapped his arms around himself, starting the walk home. “You’re okay." 
Second Choice (If OC, then wait after decision for first character has been made). I’ll probably make an OC if I’m not accepted as Tracy :)  Anything: Nope! <3 Wolfsbane
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emptyespada · 5 years
UlquiNel drabble ~ taken from Discord
{ Please keep in mind this is copy-pasting long messages from both writers so honestly idk what’s it gonna look like, ONE PARA = ONE MESSAGE FROM ONE MUN }
{ also tagging peeps who wanted to read it @svnshinex @lordsosukeaizen @glacies-tempestatem and the other mun - @raggedyespada }
They said that there was a thin line between love and hate- and perhaps, that was true. Both involved 'caring' for someone. Either caring enough to have the energy to hate them, or caring enough to have the energy to admire them. She fell in the latter category when it came to the Quatro. “During our missions for Aizen, he had always been steadfastly loyal and never... not even once... caused unnecessary damage or bloodshed. Perhaps... he was not as heartless as he thought he was. No. In fact,” she thought, “underneath that loneliness, there lay a lot of love that he possibly longed to offer someone. Or at the very least, he ought to relieve some of that loneliness in her favorite place.”  She lifted her eyes over to his, gesturing towards the corner of the library. "This is my favourite place in Las Noches." And one could see why. It was a blank room filled with white shelves- all piled high with an assortment of books. "A book is a type of friend that you can always share your troubles with.... they never judge us, so we should never judge them," Nelliel informed him with a fond smile as she stroked the spine of a book. 
Ulquiorra had not seen it coming, the way they agreed,  connection, similarities, possible attraction. Nelliel was an Arrancar he spent most of his time lately, started out as missions ordered by superiors, then talking to each other if they happened to be in the same part of the castle, and now there were meetings. Cuatro always found the books to be interesting and a good way to spend free time, if he had any that is. He has never been into the library simply because he was busy with many assignments by Aizen, but now he wasn't so hellbent on fulfilling tasks he didn't need to. He looked around for a bit and then back to Nel, listening to her words carefully. "Interesting way to put it. I assume you're here quite often then?"
Nelliel was here often. Usually she read, even when she was assigned on missions. Especially when these missions involved saving Nnoitra's self. He was always up to mischief . However, it changed when she got more assignments with Ulquiorra. He was calm and usually never tried to fight her. He was a lot better at accepting things that weren't his fault. "Mm... Yeah. I like making friends... But I don't like to fight," she sighed. 
Making friends is something Ulquiorra has seen as absolutely futile, but since it was a metaphor for books he let it slip without voicing his attitude. He could understand her about not fighting, he can be violent and gruesome as much as Aizen desires him to be in order to fulfill a mission, but he finds no pleasure in it, it is a duty and nothing more. "It is something that can't be avoided in this world of ours." He said almost casually but there was a hidden meaning behind the statement, something among 'don't disobey Aizen' lines "What is the last book you read?"
Nelliel hated violence. It was something she had been surrounded by all her life and now that she felt like she was above such things, there was no need to take part in anything so uncouth. So... Disgusting. She abhorred threatening behavior. Instead, she enjoyed people using their minds. And she liked Ulquiorra's curiosity. A keen intellect and somehow, she did not think he would remain the cuatro for long. "The happy prince. A statue with rubies and gold and gives all of his things away to make life easier for others. You would like it."
Spending time with Nelliel actually felt quite comfortable, he felt like he could be completely open with her and drop his cold facade for a bit. "If you say so." He shrugged slightly and looked around some more, the place seemed nice- big but comfy and private, he highly doubted any other Arrancar would bother them here. "Is it a book from World of the Living?"
Nelliel offered him a smile, enthusiastic as she spoke of her true love of words from the book of the living. She's laughing at his naivety. "Ulquiorra... The only people that write are those who have stories. And don't you know? Dead people tell no tales." Her eyes are sad and understanding, but her smile is still upon her face. She's pushing a book into his hand now. It's in a different language and she's holding his fingers underneath the book still. "You like the silence and I love these words... Maybe one day we can write a story."
He raised an eyebrow at her laughing at his statement, he didn't understand the reasoning behind it but decided not to question it since by now he learned she had no bad meaning, she was probably just amused by something. He doesn't quite understand the words she's saying, was she implying only humans write? It made him wonder do the Arrancars have anything worth writing down for someone to read. Or perhaps it was the opposite, he could never be 100% sure with Neliel. He accepts the book he's given, gently running his hand over the covers. If she liked it it was probably a good read and worth giving time to. Green eyes move to her again soon, slightly confused at her statement, but instead of asking he just nods a bit. "I can't say I understand, but I would be a liar if I said it doesn't sound interesting "
"Your sincerity is nice, Ulquiorra," she complimented him. Even if he did not understand, the fact that he was trying to- that effort alone- was worth every single word in this library alone. She flashed him another understanding smile and let her fingers leave his hands. He probably could not begin to understand everything that was running through her mind, but it was all fine. After all, didn't they have plenty of time to explore these things? "... Why do you follow me, Ulquiorra?"
"You invited me to come along, I simply thought this would be an entertaining way to spend my time." He shrugs slightly although he has a feeling that's not quite what she meant, but he didn't really feel like answering to it if she made herself clear. 
Nelliel nodded. "I did, I think you are.. not as violent as the rest of our kind. I feel like we get along."
"I would agree with that statement." It's not like he had much choice anyway, was he supposed to lie? "I find you a pleasant company unlike others that act with such a disgusting attitude considering their high position."  If there is something Ulquiorra is not fond of that is definitely individuals being regraded with respect while they would barely give any to Aizen, trash.
"You are correct. I can't abide by senseless slaughter..." Nelliel glanced over at Ulquiorra. She knew that this was not the norm for their kind. Arrancar sought battle. They sought that glory. "Ulquiorra... what do you seek in life?"
Her question did catch him slightly off guard, though he refused to show it anyhow, and doesn't hesitate to utter an answer almost automatically, like a programmed robot. "My only purpose here is to serve Aizen-sama." If she were anyone less generous than who she was, she would have been crushed by his answer. However, she could only offer him her usual, gentle look. She placed a hand on his cheek, her thumb running down his green estigma lines. "And?"
You could actually pinpoint a moment when Ulquiorra's pupils went wide at the sudden touch. They were on good terms yes, but this... Cuatro isn't comfortable with unnecessary touching in general, but didn't back away, although he could literally feel his blood flow increase its pace by each moment. "There is no an and, I've told you my answer." 
"I see..." she breathes out a sigh then and lets her fingers drop from his face. Perhaps she had been foolish to assume that he... held any fondness for her. After all, his devotion was entirely towards Aizen. Nelliel understood it and yet... it did make her feel a little sad. "Well then... I hope you enjoy the book, Ulquiorra. You should have more of a purpose than to serve others. You aren't just made to serve." 
He lets out a breath he's been holding for a few moments when her hand was on his cheek. It brought him small relief, though he wasn't exactly glad, when she moved it away. "Aizen-sama created all of us solely for the purpose of assisting him in his goal." 
"No... he did not create us, Ulquiorra. You and I existed long before Aizen-Sama came. He assembled us together. Gave us a reason... that is true... but we were here before that," she elaborated with her usual smile. 
"We were bloodthirsty beasts before Aizen-sama, Nelliel." He says in a cold voice, probably not the best thing to say but it was a simple truth, they were both Vasto Lordes, Hollows made of thousands of souls and following only their animalistic ways.  
"That's true. I am grateful to Aizen-Sama for allowing me to become something other than an animal..." she agreed quietly. "But it does not mean that was our only desire." "But it is our duty, and duty we have towards Aizen-sama is more important than what we might sought for ourselves." He pointed out, not really sure why exactly they would have such a deep discussion. "Is there another answer you want from me?"
Nelliel tilted her head, regarding him with something like curiosity once more. So that was how loyal he was to Aizen, then? His duty... he could not forget it even for a moment, could he? She wouldn't make him uncomfortable and so she shook her head. "No... if it's not in your head, then we don't need an answer. Ulquiorra... I'll protect you."
Protection? What would he need protection from? Did she doubt his abilities and doing it on his own? But it probably wasn't about something physical since she despised violence above all. "I need no protection." His voice is cold and dead, void of any emotion as ever.
Yes. He did. After all, she was stronger than him. Her hands were gentle once more as she held his cheeks. "I will still be on your side."
His eyes widen once again, seriously considering moving away but somehow managed to stay still. The touch felt so foreign, so unknown, something he could simply not comprehend.  "Are you implying you would get blood on your hands for me?" 
Nelliel caught the look on his face, almost haunted, if only he were capable of feeling that. She was grateful he didn't move away or dismiss her declaration. Instead, she leaned closer, pressing her forehead to his. "What I want to say is that... I won't let anyone hurt you."
Another form of touch occurred once her forehead was leaned against his, and his breath immediately hitched. Why was she doing this? All this, physical affection thing? It was something definitely new to Cuatro, not necessarily bad but definitely weird. He wonders why doesn't he just say the words back, he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty whatsoever if needed, and if there was someone he'd have to protect it would be Nelliel. "Why are you telling me all of this now?"
She knew this sort of closeness wasn't something they shared often. If at all. But now that they were in her safest place in Las Noches, apart from her room, she wanted to let down some of her walls. She also wanted to let Ulquiorra know that he was valuable to her. "Because we are... alike. We don't belong like the rest of the Arrancar... but we do belong here. And we are friends."
Friends? Ulquiorra wouldn't consider what they had between them friendship, not because he didn't care about her or anything alike, it's just that Ulquiorra does not know what being friends exactly is like, how would he know anyway? Anyone could tell any lame-ass definition of it and he'd buy it, but he wasn't too fond of the topic in general, since the only thing he knew about it is that it includes emotion, something that was a big no-no for him. "Where exactly do we belong then, Nelliel?" Sure there was a lot of similarities between specifically two of them and other Arrancar, but is that a reason to isolate from them even more? 
"I don't know... " She sighed. This time, she withdrew from him entirely. This was probably too much, too fast. Whilst she desperately needed a friend that was not afraid or disgusted by her... she could not pressure Ulquiorra to become close to her. Even if she longed for it. She stood up gracefully, dusting her uniform and then grinned at him. "You look so serious, Ulquiorra. I am not such a terrible friend, am I?" 
The slight relief washes over him once she steps back, even though he just started to get used to the feeling. "You are anything but terrible to me, Nelliel." His tone is barely a shade softer than it had initially been, and someone who hasn't spent much time with him probably wouldn't have noticed. "You, you are a good friend, an only friend." Maybe, just maybe, he would try to see it from her side, and let her show him what that friendship actually is
Whilst she was sad that Ulquiorra had no fraccion to fight beside him, or to even keep him company, she was honored to consider herself one of his friends. And to be acknowledged by Ulquiorra was such a momentous thing that she immediately threw her arms around him in a tight bear hug. "ULQUIORRA?! REALLY?!" She gushed, excited and even squeezed him tighter. "I'm so happy to hear that!"
The hug, especially one of Nelliel's trademark hugs, was definitely unexpected, and he stilled on the spot as though he was petrified. "...Did the protection you mentioned earlier apply to suffocation too?" It felt like she was gripping him with the same force she used to fight. Only after a few moments, slowly but surely, his arms loosely moved to rest on her back, barely touching the surface. 
“Ulquiorra is such a funny little thing sometimes.” Nelliel resisted the urge to squeeze him even tighter and instead, nuzzled his cheek with her own. She loved giving out hugs, though most could not handle them. At least he had the strength to even return it. One day, she wondered if he would hug her back? But... to have a friend hug her... it was so good. "O-Oh... sorry, are you... are you okay?" She loosened her hold on him, peering at him in concern. "Ulquiorra?"
The feeling of her cheek on his was such a new territory, and although it definitely lit a certain spark inside him it still felt weird. "I believe I've handled more dangerous situations." He responded to both of her questions with the same answer, although a simple yes would have worked too. "If I may ask, Nelliel, is there a reason for you initiating so much physical contact today?"
Nelliel was beginning to see him with a lot more fondness than she would have had even a few weeks ago. Truly it seemed that with time, she has learned a great deal about Ulquiorra. "Because it's what friends doooo~!" She laughed, taking his hand and twirling under it.
Now a hand, in the name of Aizen, so much weird and unexpected touching for him today. He doesn't know how exactly friendship works, so he can't exactly say that her putting her hand on his cheek or leaning her forehead against his is something people that are more than ‘friends’ do, he just had that feeling. "If you say so, Nelliel." He was almost sure it was more than what just friends do, something he could not prove nor compare to another friendship he had, maybe it was just a hidden and unconscious wish caused by spending so much time with her lately.
Hazel eyes kept meeting him as she faced him after every twirl and finally, she let go of him, just spinning on her lonesome. "You should dance with me some time, Ulquiorra! It's better than fighting!" Unfortunately, when tried to shimmy backwards, she was knocked over a desk and yelped. "Kyaa!!" She fell straight on her back, rubbing her head. "Oww..." Normally, this would not have caused as much embarrassment, except that... for the Tres to suddenly lose her balance... she flushed, grinning again. "Looks like we're all falling for you."
He watched her spin around and couldn't help but get a bit warm feeling inside of him, one he could not describe. It was like he was happy to be seeing her at this very moment, and watching her made him feel somehow... good? Like she had no worries in the whole world, so free and beautiful. "Gomen, I don't dance." She, and he, dancing? It as one of the last things he'd ever imagine himself doing with anyone, and found it weird how the comment was somehow out of the blue. For some reason he couldn't react quick enough to catch her when she fell but immediately moved to her side. "Are you alright?" He asked as he got down on one knee beside her, it was almost unconscious action, he had the natural need to check if she was alright, which she seemed to be except for the deep shade of red on her face. ‘Looks like we're all falling for you’  What was that supposed to mean? Was it because she hit her head? "Perhaps you should lay down on the couch, you are red in face and not exactly talking ordinarily."
Nelliel waved aside his concern and shook her head. She got up on her own and flashed him another smile. Ulquiorra was so clueless, even though she had been making her feelings so obvious. But... she supposed he could not help it. Things like... affection and other feelings, were foreign to the Espada. "Hmm... perhaps I will lay down, hehe, too much dancing?" "...Yes... too much dancing." He mumbled and got lost in his thoughts for a few moments, Nelliel was such an enigma, everything around her happens so fast even her mood was hard to follow, but unlike with other similar situations, he actually wanted to know more. "Here, lay down." He said pointing to one of many sofas in the library and this one was just a few steps away from them. "Would you want me to make you tea?"
He was still nice, despite his... disinterest (?) in her. She supposed just being friends with him was good enough. He was good company and she enjoyed the fact that he wasn't insecure about his strength. He was willing and thoughtful in his own way. They worked well together. She lay down on the sofa that he had pointed out, an arm over her masked head and wondered if there was such a thing as happiness that they could attain. She turned to face him. "I don't want tea... I want to sit with you."
He raised an eyebrow at her request, fining it somehow odd and maybe even attributing it to her fall a few seconds ago, but he believed Espada like her had to get a much harder hit to mess something up in her head. Slowly and carefully, he made his ways towards the sofa and sat beside where her waist was, emerald eyes locking down on hazel ones. "Is there something you wish to discuss with me?" 
Ah. He may be oblivious to her feelings, but not to her general sense of self. She still lay on the sofa, glancing at Ulquiorra who had now taken a seat beside her body. She knew she took up a lot of room, but Ulquiorra was still polite enough to sit beside her. She offered him a mild smile. "What do you think of me, Ulquiorra?"
The question wasn't a complete surprise considering her usual act most of the time. Not having to think too much, he answers pretty quickly. "You are someone I, above all, respect as a warrior and superior. I am aware that you have a sharp mind and skills good enough to conquer any nation you want." That's where he stops for a moment, that is Nelliel that is presented to everyone, but there were parts of her she didn't share quite so openly. "I admire your self-control in a battle, you are calm often but I actually do not mind you behaving more care-free when we are alone, and you are only delighting company around here." So, in short, not a trash.
She had heard this spiel before. Great warrior. Excellent fighter. Brilliant strategist. It sounded like Aizen had fed these words to Ulquiorra to regurgitate towards her. Nelliel sighed when he paused. So... she was just a superior to him. She blinked when he continued. Admire? Ulquiorra admired the things that infuriated so many others? That... those flaws of hers that she couldn't hide at all. Nelliel found a soft smile appearing on her face. "Thank you, Ulquiorra. You have a good heart. And my own can't help but relax around yours. Your company... it's so pleasant. I wish I could share it all day and night." 
{ mun’s note: IC: I have a good what? }
He was about to deny the existence of the alleged heart but he waited for her to finish speaking and once she did all the thoughts about the heart disappeared from his mind as the realization hit him- what Neliel was doing all along. Was she seeking a relationship with him? Relationship with Cuatro Espada, Ulquiorra Cifer, seemed almost impossible in theory. They were on pretty good terms but this... this was really unexpected, she actually saw something in him worth an effort? Even if she did he certainly didn't, he would have never imagined to be in this situation. Top ranking, and only female, Espada, one everyone feared and admired, and he did hear occasional comments about her hot body here and there, actually wanted something with him? His gaze adverts from hers, mostly down to the rest of her but simply to avoid eye contact. "Don't do that to yourself." He whispered quietly.
Yes. She was. Her hazel eyes waited for the penny to drop and she managed a little smile at his almost-shy response. He did not look... pleased. She supposed she ought to have expected this. No man enjoyed a more powerful woman as a mate. It was lonely in a sense, but... she was a forgiving person. "I like you... but if you are not interested, I will not mention this again, Ulquiorra."
"It's not about that." He responded almost automatically to her ‘not interested’ comment and moved his gaze back to hers. "We are Espada, with a lot of work to concentrate on." It was not an excuse it was just the truth, Ulquiorra treasures his duty to Aizen above everything else, Nelliel has been a distraction, a really pleasant one, so far. He couldn't even imagine how less focused on work he would be. Besides they are so different, she believes in emotion, she believes in the heart. "You could do better than me anyway."
Ulquiorra's gaze was stoic as usual and she could not read him as easily as she could the books in this library. If only... but she could not force him to like or enjoy her presence. She only offered him a mild and kind smile. She knew how important Aizen was to Ulquiorra and would not want to impose. "... I only want you. There is nobody better in my eyes, but I think I have been presumptuous. I'm sorry, Ulquiorra, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
Her words echoed in his mind a few times before actually registering them. She actually felt that way about him? Nelliel, in fact, considered him to be the best option for her? Ulquiorra honestly couldn't wrap his mind around it, he never thought anyone would even like him - he was cold, denied the existence of the emotions ( even though it was really hard to keep that stand while with Tres ) keeping mostly to himself, and considered almost everyone trash. Why would someone so kind like Nelliel even show interest in him? They did have common points and he enjoyed her company, so it wasn't weird to assume she liked it as well, but an actual relationship? "I would not be able to give you what you want." He didn't exactly even knew what it was, but it had to include emotions, which he was not capable of. "That is the reason above everything else." 
"Do you not feel anything for me?" She inquired, probing him a little more each time. The Espada... the fourth... “he always assumed that he didn't have emotions. That there was nothing inside his empty chest... but that was not possibly true.” She liked his restraint. She was attracted to his mind and his resurrecion was powerful. She believed he had the potential to do a lot more.. and be a lot more. Except... maybe not to her. "I think you forget what I said. What I want is you... but if you cannot be with... a woman who carries my rank... then I understand." No man enjoyed it if the woman under him could defeat him in battle. It hurt their pride. Their attraction... She was glancing back towards him and placed a hand over his cheek. "You are kinder than you think, Ulquiorra." 
He froze on the spot at her question, the automatic response would be 'no', because he does not feel, he can't allow himself to, but now... he found the answer to be... pretty hard? Did he enjoy her company? Yes. Would he be opposed to more of it? No. Did he find her attractive? Yes, but physical looks meant next to nothing to him if he wasn't fond of the individual's personality, which was definitely not s case with Nelliel. Was he attracted to her? She seemed to somehow draw him towards her... Even without any effort, just being herself, she awoke this feeling inside of him, a wish to be closer. But was it a real wish or something else? Is that what a feeling is supposed to be? "I... I don't know, Nelliel, but I can't say it's nothing." The truth, wasn't the worst response he could give her, but he was aware she knew him well enough to know that emotions aren't exactly his field of expertise, and won't take it the wrong way. When her rank was mentioned he immediately shook his head his, he didn't want her to assume his thoughts, especially about her. "That is not the case at all. Your power is something I admire about you, I would never see it as a downside of anything." Once her hand was on his cheek he stilled on the spot, he could actually feel his blood race faster through him and he looked down at her, his own hand gently moving over her own. "You are the only one that thinks that, meaning you are either incomprehensibly naive or dangerously intelligent." 
“I will take that response,” she replied graciously. At least… it was not nothing. She felt heartened by his admission - it must have taken a lot of courage for him to fight his loyalty towards Aizen, to be used as his tool… and suddenly to come to terms that he felt a friendship towards her. Nelliel was honoured. Ulquiorra’s good opinion was not easy to acquire and yet, he responded positively towards her affections. She wondered and hoped for more of course, but she should not get greedy. He was wonderfully complex… if one took the time to look. To understand. Her lips curved into a gentle smile. “I have been known for being both those things, Ulquiorra Cifer,” she’s glancing up at him still, holding his gaze for a long moment and feeling her throat run dry as his pale hand is upon her tan ones. She can feel the mildest of pink tinges upon her cheeks, fusing with her red estigma. “… ‌I truly like you. Would you like to explore this something you feel with me?”
He more of hoped than expected the response he got, Nel was warm-hearted and understanding. There she is with that smile again, that is one thing he always found somehow weird or incomprehensive about her, how could she smile so much. However a blush on her cheeks is something new, and green orbs narrow for a moment. She was a puzzle, something unknown, he could not know that he was letting himself into. Her question causes his breath to hitch, 'I truly like you', it's like he couldn't completely register that fact, and he takes a good few moments to think about his answers, although no seemed like a logical answer, he couldn't make himself say that.  "...Explore how?" 
Nelliel smiled around the people she liked. They put her in a consistent good mood - -and Ulquiorra always made her smile. He was thoughtful, considerate... and curious. ‘His curiosity made him gentle’, she thought. A gentle Espada... the thought was almost laughable. Except now she believed that it was true with his gentle fingers over hers. "Ulquiorra..." she's flushed now, not sure how to express it. Her hand is now moving over towards the center of his face and her thumb grazes over his lips. She's glancing away from him now, towards the floor. "I... if it is not something you desire, feel free to say no." 
For a moment he focuses on the feeling of her fingers beneath his, and he wonders how long has it been since he touched another individual so delicately, with care and no bad intention. Ulquiorra usually doesn't touch people, that is something he isn't exactly fond of but Nelliel was a whole another story, the feeling was unfamiliar yes, but it didn't have to mean it's bad. His eyes lock on her face again, catching the flush and finding it somehow amusing, how the powerful Tres Espada looked so innocent at the moment. His breathing stops once her thumb moves over to his cold lips, getting whole new sort of feelings to form inside him yet he couldn't make himself express them out loud. "I know when to say no, Nelliel, do what you seem fitting." 
She was powerful and with that power, came isolation. The isolation that she did not enjoy because she loved surrounding herself around people. Around other beings. And yet, he was now not shying away from her company as much as he had before. Her gaze slid back to his, she leaned forward, her mask almost crashing into his but she wasn't going to be impulsive. "May I...?" The Espada was now asking for permission, her lips hovering just inches from his. 
The tension was growing heavier pretty quickly, with each inch that shrank the distance between them. He knew she wanted to kiss him for a good half a minute now but it's like he just couldn't fully let that fact sink in, that's why he stayed still and didn't react most of the time. Asking for permission wasn't completely unexpected, but he felt like he should do something as well, this way he was giving her a hard time understanding his intentions and wishes, no matter his view of these actions. Slowly, he leaned forward, his lips just gently brushing over hers, not quite yet a kiss, he didn't want to play it too fast, in case she changed her mind or something. Heart racing inside her chest, Nelliel's quietest fears are alleviated by the gentlest, softest brush of his lips against hers. They are dark, but not as cold as she had imagined. She draws him into her warmth and soon, she's kissing him with a lot more urgency than she can quite control. Her lips move softly against his, gentle at first, then coaxing his lips to move against her own. She's tilted her chin to angle it better and has moved her body to pull him closer to herself. "Ulqui...orra...." 
For a first second he isn't really sure what to do with himself, did she want him to continue? Was he bad it? Was she reconsidering? About a thousand thoughts crossed through his mind but soon only one remained - how soft and warm Nelliel's lips felt. He expected her to be more of a type for some gentle, slow kiss, which was proved wrong, not that he minded, when notable vigor was added. Her lips do the perfect job of coaxing his own into more movement, and soon he completely surrendered himself to the feeling, allowing his body to move only in a natural way. "Nel..." he whispers her name against her lips between the kisses when he hears his own, his hand slowly, and unconsciously, moves up to gently rest on the side of her waist.
She had always imagined being like this with him. The images came more frequently as of late and suddenly her lips were upon his, inviting and hot as they pried his lips apart. There was no cero, no insults... just warmth and desire as pink tongue slipped out to slide against his lips. She enjoyed his attention, his mysterious beauty and... his hand on her body. Kissing him felt so unbelievably amazing. "Kiss me, Ulquiorra..." she whispered, running her hands down his back. 
{ mun’s note: LMAO he WOULD cero someone else if they tried to kiss him XD }
He never imagined, in his Arrancar life that is, that being with another person like this would feel so good, whether it was the fact that this was Nelleil or the pure physical act, although it could be a combination as well. His mouth parts for her instantly once he feels her tongue on his lips, and his grip around her waist tightens a bit, as though she would slip from his arms and disappear if he wasn't kissing and holding her stronger. When he hears her request he has no choice but to oblige, gently sliding his tongue against hers and changing their position in a way her body was being lowered more down on the couch with him moving accordingly above her, lips still locked.
Nelliel had admired him for a while now and she knew that once her desires were met, they would only grow. The fire in her body, at his touch, only continued to roar inside her blood. She was flush against his body and continued to run her tongue against his, exploring the cavern of his mouth until he started responding. He was not completely... naive? She had assumed she would be the one instructing him. Her head met the back of the couch and she sighed, staring at him looming above her, lips against hers and wondered if he would continue kissing her all night. "Don't stop..." she murmured against his lips.
Having her laying down gave him a better angle to kiss her, but made the situation more intense and heated, with him completely above her, their chests pressed against each other's and now he took one of her hands in his, entangling their fingers together and pushing her down into the soft surface a bit more. The feeling of her tongue in his mouth couldn't even be described, it definitely ignited some kind of a spark inside him, something that made him want to do so much more, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will, they are just kissing for the first time after all. His own wet muscle moves against hers, and it's like she is challenging him, tempting him to do more. 
With their position switched, she was now finding that she wanted more than just kisses from the Espada, but this... this was all she could ask for. She knew Ulquiorra had trouble expressing himself and so, she would be forgiving. Her eyes closed as his tongue slid against hers and she whimpered his name out, pushing her body against him with urgency. "Ul..Ulquiorra.." she's whimpering his name out as his fingers lace into hers against the back of the couch. He was... everything she was expecting and more. "Mmmh..." He found her whimpering his name to be such a wonderful sound, and moaned her own quietly in return. Her body being pushed up against his brought another new wave of sensation, sent shivers down his spine and made his blood boil at the same time. Their position was really.... convenient now, being so close; their hands conjoined, front parts pressed together, mouths locked on each other's. All of it sparked a question in his mind - did she want more? He did know her well but not exactly the kind to know what she thinks about sex, so he decided not to assume anything and just see how things go. "N-Nelliel..." He mumbled against her lips.
Her cheeks are flushed with every kiss and every slip of his tongue across hers. She's sucking on his lower lip now, grasping at her shirt with the other hand that wasn't holding his. The third Espada was exposed in a way she has not allowed many men. But for Ulquiorra, she would make every exception. She panted his name, feeling her breasts pressed to his chest and ran her soft lips along his neck. Her eyes are clouded over with tender lust as she adjusts their position just so she can untie her costume a little more. She's finally found the zip to the side and turns towards Ulquiorra. "Please... Stay with me tonight?"
The feeling of her sucking on his lower lip was so mind-numbingly good he couldn't even describe it, his eyes closed and every thought from his mind disappeared, he didn't even notice her grasping at her shirt. He found his neck to be more sensitive than his lips, and the new feeling was more intense and sensual. He was almost losing himself in lust and ecstasy but  snapped out it when he noticed her adjusting their position and going for the zipper, making him almost completely sure she did want to take this a step further, but he wasn't sure did he as well, even if he did, there was no way in hell that will be in the library. "I will, but not here." Even though chances were very small, someone could still walk in on them.    
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peacockxprince · 5 years
𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 ❦ Self Para
𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻 since the demigods returned from Athena’s trial, Renly has doubled his efforts in creating a spiritual connection with the Queen of the Gods. He wanted to be in Hera’s favor and earn her blessings. The help of a divine entity was always welcomed in times of great need. Luckily, two exceptional mentors led Renly to the right path of devotion. Ari has taught him the proper way to pray and commune with Hera. Meanwhile, Cooper gave some useful tips to better show his dedication and servitude. The Cupid was also kind enough to animate Argus for a brief duration on certain days, just so Renly could further feel the love and presence of his mother. 
The megalithic hand of Argus carried him all the way to the temple of the Olympians at the center of camp. Renly sat comfortably on his champion’s large palm, only to carefully hop off upon reaching their destination. Much to his delight, the main sanctuary was empty. He ordered Argus to stand guard by the entrance and prevent anyone who would intrude on his privacy. Renly reveled in the almost eerie silence and smiled as he approached the marble statue of Hera, a basket filled with offerings latched onto his arm. 
Renly opened the basket and carefully placed the offerings on the floor beneath the tall statue. He started with a few peacock feathers, followed by pictures of various cuckoos, and lastly some pomegranates. For flavor, he also sprinkled fresh cow milk mixed with ambrosia on the area around him. “Hello, mother...” Renly spoke with a bright smile. Hopefully she would receive him and his gifts today. “You answered my prayer during the quest. I'm here to continue expressing my thanks and gratitude.” Had Hera not intervened and stunned the wolves, perhaps Corey wouldn’t be around to grace the camp with his presence. “You even passed down your champion to me. Argus will serve me well. I just need to find a different method of permanently bringing him to life without Cooper’s help.” 
Up until now, Renly still couldn’t believe he was talking to a statue. Back in the real world, he’d be mocked and teased for such a display. However, he knew how essential the help of their parents was if they were to continue on in this journey. Renly pulled a soft pillow from the basket so he was able to kneel down but still be comfortable. “I did further research about you. I’ve discovered how most of the world views you as a jealous and bitter deity. But you are so much more than that.” Hera was painted to be a cruel and wicked woman, when in the background she kept Olympus from crumbling while her husband fucked every living thing he could see. “You’ve proven through the centuries how a Queen is sometimes better off without a King.” A sigh escaped him as he too began to reach the same conclusion. 
Eyes closed, head bowed, and hands clasping each other, Renly began his prayer in the ancient Grecian language. “Glory be to Her majesty...” he spoke in barely a whisper but audible enough so his voice could somewhat echo throughout the interior of the temple. “I offer my service and gratitude to Hera, Queen of the Gods. Through her help and guidance, I wish to excel in the upcoming trials.” They were ready to set off again and retrieve the artifact of Asclepius. Renly needed his mother’s divine assistance if he wished to not only survive but succeed as well. “Grant me the strength, courage, and wisdom to persevere.”
Renly opened his eyes and placed a hand on the marble statue. “Mother... I come to ask you of something else as well.” The blonde swallowed hard, unsure of how exactly to approach his entreaty. “I need you to harden my heart,” he finally managed to say aloud. A strange supplication, but lately, Renly has been distracted and enamored by his fellow demigods. Lust and desire was one thing, but he refused to allow another pretty face deter him from his true objective. “I can’t be falling in love when I’m supposed to be on my way saving you and possibly ascending into godhood. Allow me to put my feelings aside and think practically.” Again, sometimes a King isn’t essential for a Queen’s success. Renly bit his bottom lip, knowing he’d later regret making such a hefty request. He should do just fine by himself. Nevertheless, he offered Hera a grateful smile and walked over to his champion. 
He bid farewell to his mother and mounted Argus’ enormous hand. “Take me home,” Renly ordered and sighed. That was enough praying for today. En route to his grand villa, he turned to the megalith warrior. “I hope mother grants my request and keeps love’s influence far away from me. Then we’d be like brothers — cold and emotionless,” he teased. Argus simply grunted in response, clearly unamused by the comment. Seems like the big brute has feelings after all. 
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millenniumhprp · 6 years
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“Gina my love, I absolutely loved your application. Your original character sounds fantastic and I can’t wait to see him on the dash. ~Admin M
Congrats Gina! You have been accepted to play as Benjamin Cooper (FC: Chance Perdomo)! Now, you have 48 hours to create your blog and follow our checklist. Once completed, please send a message to the main page and we will provide the link to the OOC blog / Discord.
In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the process, just send us a message here and we’ll be happy to answer you. Great job! We can’t wait to see how you bring your character to life. Happy RPing!
Name: Gina
Preferred Pronouns: She / Her
Age: 23
Time Zone: MST-AZ
Activity level: I work for local news, so sometimes can be swept away easily for work – plus my shift is odd. However, I will try to get on every single night, if not every other day. <3
Previous Roleplaying Experience: over 12 years of forums and tumblr alike haha
How did you find out about Millennium? I’m an admin and set it up :P
What are you most excited for in the RP? THE TOURNAMENT – and older characters 😊
Anything Else: [removed]
Character’s Name: Bejamin Cooper
Face claim: Chance Perdomo
Preferred Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 17
School: Hogwarts
Year: 7th
Blood-Status: Half-blood
House: Slytherin
How do they feel about their house placement? Indifferent. He does not want his house to define him. Only himself and his actions.
Job: During the summers with his mother, something in the Muggle world.
Biography: (tw: abuse & alcoholism)
Vola anima per aeterna - fly through eternal life.
Growing up was something of a difficulty for Benjamin. His father was a Pureblood – descendent from the Nott family – and emphasized the need for the young boy to learn magic when Benjamin first started showing his abilities at a young age. His mother was a Half-Blood, raised by a Muggle-born mother herself. Thus, she pleaded with her husband frequently that Benjamin needed the chance at a normal life without magic or the wizarding world. Especially since her own mother died in a tragic accident due to the aftermath of a battle from the first wizarding war. She wanted to give her son another option – knowing that a storm was coming. She saw how dangerous it was and didn’t want her only child growing up in such a dangerous place – and had another life to escape to if need be. Often, their screams from their fights shook the house, sending Benjamin into tears as he tried to cover his ears to block out the world. Drown it with his own thoughts and dreams. All while hiding in the back of the broom closet. Later, Benjamin learned that his father manipulated him many times. The Nott family was keen on memory charms and influence – making impressions and dictating many decisions often by corrupt ways. Out of guilt from thinking he was causing his parents fight, Benjamin often hid away or sometimes even ran. But one day, he didn’t have to. His father, suitcases in hand, left with another woman while his mother was left crying. Out of spite, Benjamin took his mother’s last name, protecting her as the new war began.
Raising him as a single parent, Benjamin’s mother moved them to a two-bedroom house right on the shore-line of Weymouth, Dorset in England. It was away from the center of the war, but another waged at home. His mother was in a drunken state most of the time, leaving the boy to write to himself, feeling lost in the world. She even took him out of Hogwarts during his fourth year – fearing the war would take her precious boy away. He went to a Muggle boarding school but missed the halls and corridors of Hogwarts. His home. Afterall, there, he thrived academically, particularly in potions. He liked to tinker with them, making them better. And in charms, he did the same. His journal was filled with ideas and potential inventions. Even so, Benjamin still practiced magic, eager to return once the war was over.
Now that the school is reopened, Benjamin has refused to finish Muggle school and told his mother that he is returning to Hogwarts. No matter what. Of course, she was distraught, and still has not come around. The fear of the Triwizard Tournament clouds her mind, wanting to keep Benjamin as far away as possible. However, he doesn’t need her protection. He’s fine on his own – witty, intelligent, cunning…qualities he knows are passed down from his father. All Benjamin wants is to be his own self, independent, and make his name known to the world. Not a Nott – nor a Half-Blood. Simply Benjamin Cooper. And he will stop at nothing to get his way.
What will your character bring to the RP? A male character split between the traits of his parents and the ambition to be his own person. He’s got the wit and tendencies of a villain, but longs to be good. I want to toy with the light and dark of a soul theme – and let Benjamin find his own way.
Patronus: Gray Wolf
Wand: 11 ½ inches, slightly springy, alder wood, unicorn hair core.
Head Canons:
·        During his first school-years at Hogwarts, in the summertime, his mother (a professor at the University) would be sure that Benjamin had full knowledge of the history of the Muggle World as well. Many times, she gave him books to read and take at least one Muggle-schooling course. Although, the war had caused her paranoia and thus led her to be more distant. Benjamin would then browse the library in their home on his free will whenever he decided to visit. After years of studying, he finds that he likes literature from the Muggle world and learning its history; because of this, Benjamin has a burning desire to travel, but also incorporate magic.
·        Benjamin is pansexual; however; aromantic. While he enjoys sexual encounters, he does not actively seek love or feel it often. In fact, he is often even more satisfied with friendships and other non-romantic relationships. He thinks this may change because he’s never been in love and goes in with an open mind. Benjamin’s severely insecure and does not believe in love due to his parents.
·        To keep a savings in mind, Benjamin worked a part-time job during the summer holidays. Oddly enough, at a bakery that is owned by his elderly neighbors. After his father left, his mother wanted to move out of London completely and migrated them towards the sea-side in Weymouth, Dorset England. The ocean did wonders for Benjamin, allowing him to gain a sense of wonder and appreciation for Muggle life even more. The summer meant he could swim, relax, and study. His neighbor, Lyle, was elderly and allows Benjamin to take his sailboat out if he cleans it up and also gave him his part-time job at his wife’s bakery. Discipline and responsibilities come with a job, which is what Benjamin believes he needs to become a man; to have courage and never let himself standby and watch any other horrible event pass before his very eyes.
Extras: Jupiter by Sleeping at Last
Para Sample: (tw: abuse, fighting, & alcoholism)
“Look at him, Camilla! He’ll never amount to anything.” Nathaniel Nott shouted to his wife as she held a younger, four-year-old version of Benjamin.
“He’s just a boy! Of course he won’t with you talking like this!” Camilla bent down, wiping the tears from Benjamin’s reddened cheeks, “Sweetheart, go to your room…please…”
All the young boy could do was look at his mother, saddened by how she seemed so broken. Every night was the same. His mother, fearing magic, did not want the boy to learn it when it became time that he would get the letter from Hogwarts. She feared it because it had killed her own mother - but Nathaniel, his father, tried to reason that it was dark magic that had done that. And with the tantrums Benjamin sometimes had, he was proven to show signs of magic with lights faintly flickering from time to time when he cried. Nathaniel, from pleading with his mother, led to arguments and fights - leaving all parties saddened greatly. Seeing the look in his father’s eyes, Benjamin quickly ran up the stairs, hiding in the broom closet with his knees hugged to his chest.
Some years later, even after Nathaniel left, the pain of being different; a freak; grew worse…
While growing up, Benjamin was faced with many issues. First his abuse, his mother becoming an alcoholic, and his father leaving. It made him feel unwanted and uncared for….as if he was the cause for all the issues. As if he were to blame. If that was what love was, he wanted none of it. Unfortunately, at home was not the only place where his insecurities thrived.
At age twelve, despite having gotten the letter from Hogwarts, Camilla refused to let her son learn magic at first. In the end, he started a year later than most Hogwarts students, making him feel behind and stupid. However, it was not his fault. As his mother tried to raise him as “normal”, Benjamin knew in his heart that he didn’t belong. It became evident as he was starting to be brought up in Muggle schooling, unable to control his magic when his emotions were heightened.
Being an awkward, shy boy, Benjamin was always bullied. Whenever the kids would push him or tease him, the bullies would suddenly trip on thin air. And one day, the boys were going too far. They began calling the young boy names saying that he was talking to the ‘Devil’ when he would whisper in his sleep at nap time (from nightmares) or utter words that he remembered his father saying when practicing and showing him simple spells.
They kicked the back of his desk, threw papers at him, pushed his arms, and even put gum in his hair. And while trying to control his anger, the young Benjamin’s temper slipped, making the teacher’s desk move forward and even start to lift before Benjamin fell to the ground, scared and shaking.
“You freak!” he heard a young girl scream and all he could do was crawl up from the ground and run. He ran until he reached his house where Benjamin hugged his knees to his chest and cried back to his broom closet, where the lights flickered from his hurricane of emotions. The young boy was confused, scared, and angry. He had no idea what to do. But the gentle touch of his mother’s hand on his shoulder was the only comfort he felt at the time. He always thought he was a freak.
Even now, Benjamin still feels out of place. Having finally been social at new Muggle schools when he was pulled from Hogwarts, it had done him a lot of good, but a lot of harm as well. He craved to be “normal” or at least fit in. He didn’t want to cause any pain that he felt when he was younger. To him, he was scared to death of being his father, but he was also terrified of being that boy once more.  Benjamin has many fears; thus, those fears are his insecurities. Although he must be careful to not let them get in the way as he returns to Hogwarts – a new, improved, young man.
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olivlad · 5 years
Como a caçula da família Olivia era considerada a bebê entre eles. Seus irmãos mais velhos não perdiam uma oportunidade de a lembrar que era a mais nova, mas também sempre falavam sobre como tinham a segurado quando era apenas um pacotinho que nem conseguia andar e em como era fofinha. Quando mais novinha tinha implorado para a mãe para ter mais um irmão, queria poder segurar alguém no colo daquele jeito também, não era justo que até nisso os irmãos tivessem privilégios. Mas seus pedidos foram atendidos em formas de bonecas, várias bonecas que pareciam de verdade e que a própria Vlad costurava as roupinhas. Sabia que, tecnicamente, estava um pouquinho velha para essas brincadeiras. A condessa francesa, que era apenas um ano mais velha, tinha a falado isso semana passada. Mas agora ela tinha um ótimo motivo para continuar com Ella, Jasmine e Aurora e todo seu conjuntinho de chá de porcelana que tinha sido seu presente de Natal do ano passado: Cassie! Oli tinha conhecido a pequena princesa no início do ano, quando tinha ido até o quarto de Kiara, e ficou maravilhada em vê-la. Era como uma de suas bonecas só que se mexia e balbuciava de verdade, e ela quase deu pulinhos de alegria. E além de tudo isso Cassiopeia era muito fofa e parecia gostar dela. Então na tarde em que Josh disse que iria passar junto a irmã e seus outros amigos não estavam tão dispostos assim a fazer uma festa do chá, a ruiva foi até a porta do quarto da Brunelleschi. Segurava as três bonecas em seus braços e a maletinha do conjunto de chá nas mãos e quase não conseguiu bater na porta. ━━ @brilhabriana! É a Oli, eu posso entrar? ━ Já tinha feito aquilo outras vezes, ainda que sua governanta tivesse a olhado feio, mas Briana não parecia ter se incomodado, e se tivesse a romena não teria percebido. ━━ Hoje eu e a Cassie vamos fazer uma festa do chá, igual em Alice no País das Maravilhas! ━ 
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diveronarpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, TYRA! You’ve been accepted for the role of BIANCA. Admin Rosey: Be still, my heart! For you, Tyra, have created a storm in it -- a storm of utter adoration and devotion to our beloved Brigette of Verona. They are hard to capture, something ethereal but something horribly, horribly real. I honestly thought it would be awhile before anyone would grow to love our dear Bianca, but you have them down to a T. The sample that you provided sealed the deal and the plots you had in the works were merely the icing on a devilishly sweet cake. Take care of them for me, will you?  Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Age | 20
Preferred Pronouns | she/her
Activity Level | i just copy-pasted my this from my old app. I’m a college student and things can sometimes get super hectic for me, especially when I try to avoid studying and then I end up with so much work to do. But all in all, I think I’m a pretty active person and when I love a muse, there’s nothing that can stop me from playing them.
Timezone | gmt+2
In Character
Character | Bianca
What drew you to this character? | The mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts and while Brigitte wants to believe that she’s a god, there’s no doubt to me that she’s a true beast in an expensive and ornate disguise. Every good story needs an antagonist and it truly appears like Brigitte fits that role so well in Verona. You already know how much I adore strong women, but I wouldn’t technically call Brigitte strong. Brigitte is wicked and clever and once you mix that with her background you get a real ‘bad bitch’. Yes, I had to write that, because Brigitte is a definition of a spoiled princess whose ferocious appetite can’t be satisfied. She always wants more, more and more! She’s so greedy, but also ambitious in my opinion. I feel like that greed and all the riches are slowly devouring her on the inside.  It’s a curse of all the wealthy people, but once you have the whole world served on a silver platter, you really start wishing for more - daring to challenge the Gods themselves. The hearts of others, love, adoration, jewelry, money - it’s not enough. She could devour the whole Verona and it still wouldn’t be enough. Those are the reasons that simply made me love such a bad person and perhaps loving someone so rotten and spoiled should make me feel guilty - but I don’t feel any guilt at all. She is rotten and I see that when I compare her to her sister - Katarina helps others, the part with birds  just shows that she does have a sweet heart, but Brigitte only brings trouble and has the potential in her to wreak havoc in Verona. Katarina would help a wounded animal, but princess Brigitte would simply turn it into a lovely fur coat, after all the princess always gets what she wants.  All of her imperfections make her perfect for me.  Brigitte is also so cunning and the way she plays with people makes me respect her even more. Others have their fists and pistols, but Brigitte has her golden curls, pearls and sweet words. She’s the thorn in probably many eyes, but she lives her life to the fullest. Plus, who doesn’t love rich bitches who are ready to sink their teeth in the flesh of their opponents? And my god, this little wolf surely has big teeth.  
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | ( future plots always make me a little nervous because I’m an indecisive person and I never know what sort of idea could come to me the very next morning. )
ー let’s start with her darling sister. I want her to get under Katarina’s skin so much that basically Katarina gets a desire to arrest her. I don’t think she’ll ever let her sister live peacefully. It’s a secret feud, but Brigitte would do all in her power to probably sabotage her own sister. Let it be known that she is the only one their family loves. I think this constant bickering would be good for her, as it would keep her on the edge of her seat and make her wish to always keep improving herself. Her sister should always keep one eye open, even when she sleeps, because Brigitte is one malicious girl.  
ー a test of patience and loyalty would also be quite intriguing to see. Brigitte is that type of person that is ( in the end ) only loyal to herself and she does everything for her own personal gain. So, perhaps it would be nice to see her doing something that could come across as being disloyal to the Capulets? Maybe it could appear that she’s a bit too close with some of the Montagues? How would they react to that? She plays so much, but what if she gets all caught up in the game?
ー the next one belongs to Cyrus as they’re a match made in hell. Exploring their friendship/relationship is something that needs to happen. I do want them to get in trouble, but also cause so much trouble! A part of me believes that she’s very reckless and that if it ever comes to that, she’d support Cyrus and all of his decisions - especially when it comes to reclaiming his throne. Wouldn’t that make her his accomplice? But also a queen of the city? - And isn’t that the closest thing to a god? Watch them turn Verona into nothing but ashes, they’ll watch it burn like the Library of Alexandria.  
ー of course, I had to include Vivianne. While there’s no mention of her in Brigitte’s biography or connections, I think it would be so fun to explore their dynamic. Vivianne is the underboss and well Brigitte has to technically respect her, but I feel like that would only be a mask. In fact, she only supports her son and it’s quite clear that they don’t have a good relationship. So, how would Vivianne react to one of her soldiers being so close with her underdog son?  Please let the drama unfold.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | This question is tricky, but I wouldn’t be too worried about Brigitte! Mostly because I have a feeling that she would come back to haunt everyone. ;)
In Depth
In-Character Para Sample:
Every city had its poisons and rotten apple, and for that reason dear reader, Verona had Brigitte. But she, oh she wasn’t your typical rotten fruit. No, she was dipped into gold, an apple that even Snow White herself would pick in a basket filled with plenty of others. She truly looked like the sweetest apple, but underneath that layer of opulence and charm was hidden a sour disappointment.  Never trust just your eyes.
She entered a splendid banquet room dressed in a red lavishing Versace gown - but wasn’t their symbol Medusa’s head? It was a strange coincidence but my darlings - to kill this gorgon you would have to bring Perseus himself from the dead! Around her neck she wore no necklace, for she had two most beautiful and mesmerizing sapphires right above her nose - and just like Medusa, she could stop a man or a woman in their tracks and bring them to their knees with just one mischievous look. Blessed were the beautiful ones, for everyone adored and showered them with affection. Her abundant golden hair cascaded down her back, creating a holy image of a crown upon her head.
Among such a big crowd, she still managed to swiftly find her favorite and gullible targets - gorgeous men and women who would practically beg her to listen to their deepest secrets and fantasies. However, the biggest satisfaction came in the form of a realization that her darling and surely forever jealous sister wasn’t there. With a glass of the finest french champagne in her hand Brigitte made her way through the crowd, casually pushing people aside and making them look directly at her - she truly wanted them to take a good look at her,  wanted them to admire her beauty and even fantasize about her. Plant a seed of a pretty illusion and watch it grown into a wild obsession. That was the perfect trick, wasn’t it? Leave them wanting for more. However her true charms and faux sweetness was saved for someone else, her darling targets.
First came a man dressed quite formally - however the bow tie around his neck almost looked like it was smothering him. Nevertheless he still managed to plaster a sweet smile on his face for the lovely Brigitte, filling his sight with every inch of her mesmerizing face. He was surely twice her age, but by now creepy men were just the norm for this Italian gem.’’Brigitte, my darling. It’s such a pleasant surprise to see you here.’’
She tossed him a coy smile, nodding sweetly like a little fool.’‘But Verona is my home, monsieur. I should be the one that’s surprised. However, I do have to agree with your words and the pleasure is all mine.’‘
‘‘Brigitte, ah please you’re far too–’‘ She didn’t let him finish. Instead, she placed her index finger over her own peach painted lips and said,’‘In the presence of a man like you I have no choice but to speak the truth. My hearts doesn’t let me tell lies.’‘Her words were too good to be true, but he still believed her. Completely bewitched, he sought to pull her close but she spun laughing from his grasp.
‘‘You’ll have to give me a tour around Verona one day. I would be the happiest man in the world with you as my guide. I’m certain I could learn so much about you. What is your favorite place in Verona? Perhaps, we could meet there?’‘
She batted her long eyelashes at him, rosé blush slowly painting her porcelain cheeks. Dear Lord, she could even blush on cue - and such great talent undoubtedly made the best thespians in fair Verona envious. ‘‘My favorite place in this city… is wherever you are. I believe that when you’re in a great company, even the most dullest places can become beautiful. ‘‘
‘‘Oh Brigitte, you flatter me too much.’‘
‘‘But if I had to pick one, the Phoenix and the Turtle cafe is the one I’d gladly pick for a pretty meeting. They serve the best coffee in all Verona and I simply can’t get enough it of.’‘Lies, lies, lies. Brigitte actually loathed coffee, the taste of it was beyond awful and even sweets and cakes mixed with coffee were something that she always avoided. But she knew that her darling target adored coffee and so for the sake of her great performance, she had to lie. There were other places, too of course. Like the stunning cathedral of Verona, but she wasn’t an ideal example of a good believer. Even as a child, quite peculiar thoughts had plagued her mischievous mind. Imagining her own face upon the stained glass windows  ( high above the commoners, glowing so holy  ) - was a far more satisfying option than actually praying with her parents. Perhaps her own mind was the prettiest place in all of Verona.
‘‘Brigitte, then we must meet soon.’‘However, she stopped listening to him when she noticed another target, one that was far more important to her. ‘‘And we shall, but I must go and greet my other friends now. Until we meet again.’‘She bowed her head slightly and moved closer to the man, leaving a soft kiss upon his left cheek. God, he even tasted like sweat. Luckily, her other target seemed to be much more refined and in a better state.
The woman wore a beige dress that somehow made her black braided-hair stand out so well and even from a far, she left a trail of lavender scent behind. She looked unapproachable, almost stone-cold and no man had succeed that night in striking up a conversation with her that lasted longer than two minutes. However, Brigitte, like a true clever snake, knew her weakness and she just waited for the right time to strike.’’Do my eyes betray me or am I truly in the presence of Aphrodite?’’ Overly saccharine words fell from Brigitte’s lips, but she knew exactly what she was doing.
‘‘ Brigitte?’‘ The woman’s  eyes lit up with excitement, scanning Brigitte’s gorgeous body from head to toe. Everybody always had the same tendencies. ’‘But my eyes don’t betray me. And how could I forget your eyes?’‘ They both chuckled in that moment, playfully observing each other.’‘Well they say my sister has eyes green like the American money and while I think that’s a beautiful comparison, most claim that my eyes are as blue and clear as the Aegean sea.’‘
‘‘They are not wrong, my dear. Aegean sea is the most beautiful one. It’s no wonder people wish to compare your eyes to it.’‘
‘‘You are far too kind, but I have to admit that my heart skips a beat each time when you speak.’‘Those who actually believed Brigitte only had one thing to worry about - their precious lives! ( But if you’re foolish enough to trust her, isn’t that what you actually deserve? )
‘‘Would you like to join me for a walk? I can’t breath here, but I don’t wish to go alone.’‘The snake with the golden hair inquired, never once taking her gaze off the other woman. Her eyes held so much power that they could devour people. A killer cobra, she was nothing else.
‘‘How could I turn down such beautiful company?’‘
The two women strode alone, not daring to touch each other. It was upon Brigitte to make the first move and for the sake of victory, she did exactly that. She gently rested one hand on the other woman’s upper arm, tugging her slightly toward herself. And in just one moment, she pressed her lips to hers.’‘You’re as sweet as the finest Italian honey.’‘Brigitte whispered, giving her own lips a new shade with each kiss.’‘I’m a little bee and I wish to drown in all of your sweetness.’‘In the wilderness, most snakes had the same approach when it came to killing their precious prey. ( Locate them, distract them, sneak up on them, wrap your body around them and enjoy in your delicious little meal. ) She was the favorite Du Pont daughter for this exact reason. She wasn’t a wild lioness that roared at every target like her foolish sister, but a beautiful serpent hidden beneath the most beautiful roses, always waiting for the right moment to strike.
‘‘Brigitte, I…’‘She shushed her with another passionate kiss, delivering her deadly blow.
‘‘Come, I’ll take you to my room. There, you can tell me anything you wish.’‘
And they always did.
Sometimes death was as sweet as a lover’s kiss. Confess your sins to your favorite god who carries the name Brigitte.
Extras: /
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ryvxn · 3 years
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ — #𝐫𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐦 ; personal inscription.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐢𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬, 𝐪𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 — 𝟏𝟗𝟎𝟖
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠. murder, sexual implication
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& so what—if my feathers
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ are burning. I
never asked for flight.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ only to feel
this fully, this
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ entire, the only way snow
touches bare skin—& is,
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ suddenly, snow
no longer.
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the circus arrived without warning. no announcements preceded it. it was simply there when yesterday it was not. within the black-and-white striped canvas, tents were an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. it was called le cirque des reves, and it was only open at night. — and jang yeongrae, the obscure magician worked there. centre of rumours and curious eyes, the boy with nothing but sweet lies on his tongue. liars did make the best magicians, and he happened to be exceptional.
yeongrae never wished to be easily defined. he would rather float over other people's minds as something strictly fluid and non-perceivable. more like a transparent, paradoxically iridescent creature rather than an actual person. that was why he was a well-established magician, feeding the people with their desired wanderlust and always getting his payment in return. — a heart, an eye and sometimes the soul of life.
“ did you do it again, yeongrae? ”
by the time yeongrae lied the lifeless vessel of his sacrifice on a sunflower meadow and walked back to the circus tent, da xia was already there, well aware of his intentions. her jaw clenched and her eyes reflected the dark ocean of enviousness, as she scoped him out — searching for the fragments of sin on his flesh. and he knew very well that she did not do it out of worry or curiosity, she just happened to follow her heart. in which the seed of admiration grew ever since elders thought they would make a great pair. one line made her claim him as first love, and made him claim her as his nemesis.
“ you shouldn't waste your time with the questions that you know the answers to. ”
he took a step aside to leave, only to be stopped by her. hand holding his arm in a tight grasp, she looked at him with teary eyes — and yeongrae hated her more for that. oh, how he hated those that thought they could love him. she held him the way thirst held water. so sincerely, so obsessed. and his hatred towards her continued to grow as he bent slightly to whisper to her ear: “ should i just tear your heart out now? ”
her eyes widened upon hearing him and he looked at her with emptiness in his eyes. that was something she told him when both of them were children. that the human eye was god's loneliest creation. how so much of the world passed through the pupil and still it held nothing. the eye, alone in its socket, did not even know there was another one, just like it, an inch away, just as hungry, as empty.
“ 心肝 , are you scared to show me there is no heart in you for me to tear? ”
da xia swallowed hard and looked away, hating the weakness of her spirit. she was more than her current self, a wilting flower. she was stronger than what she showed. yet, he always found a way to hurt her. his words hurt because he was the man responsible for making her burn. for making her feel like a woman. it hurt because it had been a trick. an illusion of magic he created with the corner of his fingertips — for his audience and for his chosen sacrifice he adorned under sheets. and it hurt most of all because he did not see her, the woman she was.
“ you are a monster. ”
he smirked at her insult. what was wrong with being a monster? it just meant he was both a shelter and warning at once. — and not only in that life but many times before.
“ that, i am. ”
and the pair avoided each other for the rest of the day. until the lanterns of the circus were on and tale listeners filled the tent.
yeongrae was a talented magician. he told a tale that took up residence in someone's soul, became their blood and self and purpose. the tale of his magic moved his audience and drove them and people did anything because of his words. that was his role, his gift. and he used his gift to seduce, to drown himself in flesh and empty vessels that could replace the nightmares of his past.
“ how dare a lowly circus girl like you tear my dress. do you even know who i am? ”
at the end of his performance, yeongrae heard a maiden raise her voice over a small tear on her attire. her face flushed, she waved her arms in a discordant rhythm to scold one of the circus workers, da xia. he heard someone whisper how the woman did a mistake but unfairly blamed the other but instead of stepping up and protecting the one that promised him future, yeongrae just watched. he waited for her to stand up for herself, to say anything to not carry coals. yet, she just stood there, eyes blurred by the tears that refused to fall.
— and he once again, hated her for that.
“ aren't you going to help her? she is your lover — ” the old lady of the circus said as she appeared out of nowhere. she did not really have any responsibility on the stage, her crystal ball and divination skills brought income out of the circus tent.
“ she isn't my lover. elders fooled her to believe that because of you — ” yeongrae responded, well aware that the woman beside him was more than what met to eyes. she was a witch and was well aware of his damned soul.
“ you need an innocent soul to balance your damned one, ” the other calmly responded, only for yeongrae to laugh at her in disbelief. tone harsh and challenging, he shook his head before returning his gaze to the scene that happened in front of him.
“ do you want me to thank you for choosing a sacrifice for me, old lady? ” his dark orbs reflected the cold waves of the ocean. “ i won't do whatever you want to. i won't love a soul that grow flowers in her eyes, ” he argued before his gaze focused on the maiden that caused to scene. “ i will choose my own sacrifice. ”
“ be careful, child, ” the witched warned. “ you need redemption to save your soul but you keep colouring your hands with the sinful shade of scarlet. ”
— there she was again and her riddles.
“ i'm death's favourite for that reason, aren't i? don't worry yourself for me. you said i'll die in the hands of the child emperor, not in the bed of a young maiden. ”
that was true. he would not die under the fragile hands of the maiden that caused a scene in front of the circus. he would...
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acrimonious fingertips brushed the nocturnal silk that lacked the glints of starlight. the silence of the room ushered the symphony of life's mien, like a tempered chaperon. the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth. soft lips against the bite of liquor on their tongue. she knew the more they stayed in silence, the more she would miss herself in the unknown gaze of the forbidden magician. once she wed her unutterable vision to his perishable breath, her mind would never romp again like the mind of a goddess. — and that was what he was after. his kisses were talking, warning her for the last time about the approaching malignancy. yet, blinded by lust, she neither noticed the phlegmatic veil over his orbs nor the tenuous spicule he slowly injected into her cerebellum. a quiet falter, wide-open eyes that stared at him. and his plump lips that whispered against hers:
“ 心肝 , do you believe in magic? ”
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disclaimer. consists of references from the night circus and ocean vuong books. it is the messiest self-para i had ever written but please bear with it.
0 notes
TWIGW February 11 - 17th
Happy Sunday Gundam Wing Fandom!
We have some super awesome things for you to check out this week!  Many many thanks to those who submitted and tagged us in content - it makes our job so much easier! Especially with the archiving happening on AO3! If you’ve created something we missed, please feel free to let us know so we can feature you too!
Remember, if you find something you love, please please make sure you let the creator know how much you enjoyed it!  Every little comment/like/reblog goes a long way towards fueling their desire to do more!  
Thank you for all that you do, and keep submitting your great content to us!
-Mod CB
A Little Piece of Gundam Wing
The archive is being ported to AO3! Check it out!
Fickle Faithful
Heero-centric, implied future 1x5x3. This might grow into something more.
Late entry for @gwblockparty Rewrite the Romance
Rated T for swearing
Knife in Hand
When Duo learns there's a hit out on him, he turns to the only person in Chicago he believes capable of helping him. But will the cost of the Broker's help be too high?
Pairings: 2x3, past (underage) 6x2, past 1x3
Warnings: Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Consent Issues, Organized Crime, Assassination, child trafficking, Past Abuse, Federal Agents, Abuse of Power, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Gender Issues
Amberly with @yourbloodlikewine​
In This Light
Duo spent the last semester working in his older brother's coffee shop. He's resigned himself to a boring spring when a stranger appears, shaking up his entire life. Eli left home last fall, choosing to spend the last six months living out of his van on his travels from the Midwest to the East Coast. By the time he arrives at Ink's, the novelty of traveling alone has started to wear off. Still, the last thing he's expecting is to meet someone who's going to change all that for him
Pairings: 2xOMC, 3xOMC, Solo x OMC, 
Warnings:  Rape/Noncon, Original Characters - Freeform, Alternate Universe, child abuse mention, Sexual Assault Mention, homophobic parents, Re-Written Characters, Drug Use, Violence, off screen murder, gratuitous author indulgence
Cocktail Friday
Cocktail Friday drabbles.
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: bar, diplomats, Russian accent
Death Unspeaking
What happens when a Gundam Pilot is mute? What happens when the other Pilots look down at him because of it? Will he overcome the odds or will the odds overcome him? For Manny who encouraged me to work on this.
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
War Tactics
Heero's perception leads to an interesting discovery: Duo Maxwell avoids mirrors. An introspective ficlet that aims to explore using BDSM and possible lack of body autocracy to overcome self-image issues.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Mirrors, Body Image, Body Horror, Hand Jobs, NightmaresComfort, Emotional Discomfort, Control Issues, Complete
To Be Human is to Love
Duo and Heero are working a damaged part of their new colony, things go wrong.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Spaced
Broken and Bloodthirsty
Duo is terrible-awful at coping. Quatre gets the brunt end of it after a reckless mission-gone-wrong.
Pairings: none
Warnings: Pilot angst, Physical fight ensues, Underage Drinking
flamingofics (hey @idkmybffflamingo​ is this you? let us know!)
Will You Have Me?
Duo returns from a Preventers mission on the fourteenth of February. Trowa takes the opportunity to attempt to confess his feelings for him.
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Fluff and Angst, Confessions, Misunderstandings, Gundam Wing Valentine's Day Fan Exchange
Gift fic for @claraxbarton​ from a GW Valentine’s Day exchange in 2016
Past Tense
'Milliardo.... I'll be waiting on the other side....' A quarter of a century after the fight at MOII, the Epyon System follows the last command given by its maker, returning him to where he will, once again, be needed. But 25 years is a long time and the world he left behind is not the one he wakes in, and fighting to be more than the ghost that he has become to his friends and family may be one battle Treize Khushrenada really cannot win.
Pairings: 6x13, 3x11, 5xMariemaia, 4xR, 2xDorothy, 13,OMC
Warnings: Newtypes, POLITICS!, Sanc, Past Heero/Relena, Past Treize/OFC, Past Treize/OMC, Dysfunctional Family, Family Issues, Parents & Children, Discussions of Politics/War/Abuse/Sex, References to Drugs, Romefeller Foundation, Mentions of Past Nastiness, ZERO System, Canon - to a point
Poison Seven - A Thousand Words
Part 7 of Poison
Pairings: 6x13
Warnings:  none listed
Wild Roses: Cold Comfort
December AC 191: Six months after creation, Treize's new Wing is rapidly gathering a reputation as the best of the best. A routine patrol in space cements Zechs's status as an Ace and leaves Treize injured, revealing the depths of his religious beliefs.  As the 10th Anniversary of the Fall of Sanc combines with the fallout, Leia begins to doubt her husband, Lady Une summons the Zodiac to form, and Noin earns her wings. On Christmas Eve, Treize marks his 21st with a mission he did not expect, culminating in professional triumph and personal revelation for both men.
Pairings: 6xOMC, 6xOtto, 13x11, 13xLeia Barton, 6xOttoxOMC, 13x6, 6x9
Warnings: Nuclear-powered suits, The Duchess of Richmond's Ball, Medical Euthanasia
Aún existen los príncipes azules
Trowa sabia que habia separado a los 5 pilotos pero no se arrepentia de nada.
Bailemos hasta que se acabe el mundo
Quién puede tener una cena en medio de una guerra? Quatre y Heero te darán la respuesta
Quatre vs Duo
Los chicos se van de vacaciones a Playa del Carmen, Quatre y Duo compiten por las atenciones de Heero ¿Quién ganara?
Quiero Acordarme de ti
Resumen: Quatre encontró a Trowa, estaba preparado para cualquier cosa menos menos para lo que encontró 04x03 escena perdida del capitulo 38
Short Oneshot Requests
Occasionally I open the floor to short fic and drabble requests on my personal Dreamwidth account (same username, if you want access), and these are the fills I've deemed worthy of lurking eyes. I have a ton of fandoms. This will focus heavily on humor pieces and M/M and F/F ships, with some exceptions. If any archive warnings ever apply, I will make a note of it in the beginning.
Multiple fandoms/pairings, please see chapter specific warnings
All characters underage in canon are aged up accordingly in smut fics
If You Let Me
If Trowa could give the new residents one rule for surviving the ICU, it would be ‘Don’t Touch Anything. (Especially The Patients.)’.  In reality, he’d actually give them a lot of rules, possibly with diagrams for clarity.  But his main rule essentially covered the bases. When you worked in one of the largest ICUs, in the biggest medical center in the country, at a hospital known for taking on unstable patients for the most complex and risky surgeries that were performed no-where else, new residents were a menace. Until he meets Dr. Maxwell, the newest anesthesia resident.
Pairings: 2x3, background HxD
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Medical, Doctor/Patient, Nurses & Nursing, Fluff and Smut, this is literally my feel good thing guys ok, I mean I'm not saying there won't be any angst, but basically this is all WAFF
Going Home
Quatre has a secret that comes out unexpectedly and now everyone has to deal with the fallout. The news is hardest on Trowa, who still loves him, even after years of breaking up.
Pairings: 3x4
Warnings: Drama and Romance, Post-Canon
2018 Comment Fic_Feburary
Drabbles and short fics written for the Live Journal community Comment Fics which can be found here: http://comment-fic.livejournal.com
Multiple fandoms/pairings, please see chapter specific warnings
The Source of All Things
Center, a planet where magic and technology blend. Or more accurately, fight tooth and nail. A planet of Sources, holes in our boring dimension letting through arcane power, chaos and pseudo-deities. In this hot-house of myths and very real dangers, Trowa and Quatre find a mysterious man at the end of a shamanic voyage. Portents suggest this Heero Yuy is crucial to Center’s survival. He’s important enough to have some interesting enemies after him, at any rate: a devious killer and thief called ‘Shinigami’, and a very irate Dragon. Beyond them looms an even greater threat. Indeed, the greatest of them all.
Pairings: 3x4, 2x5, eventual 1x2x5
Warnings:  alternative universe, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Plot Twists, fairly graphic depiction of sex, Mild description of self-harm, Mathematical Magic, weird science, crones - Freeform, Magic and Technology brawling and eventually screwing, Eventual Threesome, Kinda, Insanity of arcane origin, The universe is a pile of marbles and other dubious allegories
Two Halves
The two kingdoms of Sanq and Lin were at war for years; a conflagration involving magic, armies and political murder. The conflict left both nations devastated and strewn with refugees. The king of Sanq finds his infant son, lost at birth, among the death and the ruin, a miracle he barely dared to hope for. But there isn't just one boy, there are two, clinging together like two halves of a whole that cannot be separated. Decades later, the truth behind that second child’s existence will put a hole in the world, or possibly save it.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Fantasy AU, medieval setting with magic, starts with our heroes as children, Cousin Incest, sort of, eventually, being royalty this is in fact the norm and rather expected of them, Canon-Typical Violence
By Demons Be Driven
For years she struggled to live, burdened by a long-forgotten past, an unclear present, and a non-existent future. War consumes her life, forcing her to live as if every day is her last. Fate has seen fit to gift her with unnatural abilities far beyond the normal human capacity. With those abilities, she leads a daily game of tag, putting her life on the line over and over again. Will a chance meeting with a young man give this tired young woman the will to keep fighting? And with the war escalating higher and higher, will she have the time to find out who, and what, she really is?
Pairings: 5xOFC, background 1x2, 3x4, 6x13, unrequited Rx1
Warnings: Relena bashing, Adult Content, Graphic depictions of violence - Freeform, Crude Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Strong Language, Torture, Violence, Psychological Horror, Magical Realism
In a reality where Kushrenada won, the five gundam pilots live a half-life, effectively prisoners. An unexpected chance at freedom may let them regain what they'd lost, but it also means a return to battle. Some things, once lost, cannot be regained. | Significant rewrite of original version.
Pairings: 4x5, 1xR
Warnings:  Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Multiple Universes Colliding, Post-Canon, Mecha, Alternate Reality, War, Politics, Rebellion, Slow Burn, Accelerated humanity, Paranormal skills, Butchered scientific theory, Global warfare, Significant battle scenes, Mecha reduxes, Multiple Pairings, Female gundam pilots
Wolves and Lambs
On the cusp of war, Remus Lupin discovers he has a son. Facing a prejudiced wizarding world unwilling to believe Voldemort has returned, Remus must now navigate his duties as both a member of the Order and as a father to one Duo Maxwell. Duo doesn't know a lot about families, but he knows war. HP Fifth Year, Post-GW main series
Pairings: 1x2, 2xHP, 3x4, Romione
Warnings: Harry Potter crossover, Family Reconstruction Act, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Politics, Wizarding Politics, War, Disturbing Themes
Ellion - Book 1
Set in a world where one mad man tries to rule all and destroy the last traces of magic, one young man must overcome a life filled with war and death in order to save those he holds dear.
1x2, 13x11
A/U, Fantasy, Angst, Mpreg, Character Death
WIP Wednesday - Post-canon 2xR snippet for @gwblockparty Rewrite the Romance
We Won’t - AU RxH snippet for @gwblockparty Rewrite the Romance
LAM!verse snippet featuring Relena on the Warpath
Thrill of the Chaste - AU 2x3, HxR Amish Romance for @gwblockparty Rewrite the Romance
Flu Aftermath Writing Prompt
Valentine’s Day drabble about cake, 13x11
Photo Edits/Manipulations
Incorrect Zechs Quote
Headcanons / Meta / Discussions:
Multiple Contributors
Self-Destruct suit discussion
Otakon’s Gundam Wing Panel thoughts
Heero and Duo
Dorothy Catalonia
Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell
Quatre Raberba Winner
Trowa Barton
Sally Po
Duo twin commission for @anaranesindanarie
Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell sketch
Taste the Rainbow
Hilde Schbeiker
Heero and Duo  from LAM!verse, commission for @lifeaftermeteor
Duo Maxwell 
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Friday
A new prompt every Monday!
Submissions should be posted Fridays between 3 and 5pm EST, and tagged with @gwcocktailfriday
Interview with a Creator by @remsyk-blog @interview-with-a-creator
Remsyk has created an online interview for fandom creators to fill out and then she features one each week so that everyone in the fandom can learn a bit about each other.
If you haven’t filled out her interview, go! do! now!
Honorable Mention:
@kangofu-cb​ was mentioned by AO3 Admin as a winner in the 2018 Feedback Fest Challenge, and won a prize!  Thanks to everyone who recc’d something on their post as part of the challenge! Over 500 fanworks (in total, not just Gundam Wing) were mentioned as part of the challenge! And special thanks to @terrablaze514​ for bringing this to the attention of the mods!
22 notes · View notes
nicolehampton · 3 years
TAGGED: @zekehq & @nicolehampton TRIGGERS: n/a
looking down at her the time on her phone nicole could almost feel her rolling eyes meet the back of her head. dating wasn’t her thing anymore, she’d done the whole ‘meet the love of your life, fall in love, have a kid, get married (or almost get married... twice)’ thing, the rebound turned toxic - broke her down to almost nothing, and the guy who was too nice and she probably would’ve destroyed a year down the road. it just… didn’t work, over time nicole had accepted that. she sat there with half a mind to text jordyn something offensive about making her get out of bed, get dressed up, just to meet some random person who she wasn’t going to have any interest in but instead, she locked and tossed her phone back into her purse & polished off the wine in her glass. if she was dressed up, sitting at a table for two, she wasn’t gonna let zeus’ sitter go to waste. the blonde chose to wine & dine herself (more wine than dine), go back home, crawl into bed, & pretend this ever happened. stopping a waiter, the femme asked kindly to be brought the bottle she’d been sipping on and fought the urge to call someone to fill the seat. that would’ve been pointless because madi was at home with her newborn, as was olivia, and she couldn’t think of a friendly way to text her ex to save her because she got stood up. though fate itself seemed to have other plans. after the bottle of wine had been brought to the table, and nicole filled her glass just enough to get through another twenty minutes of acting like she willfully went out to dinner by herself, her green eyes flickered up towards the door, zeke immediately commanding full attention - until the gut wrenching idea of him being there on a date too struck some sort of cord. did that stop her from smiling like an idiot? absolutely not. she did however wait a minute or two to see if some undeserving, all too beautiful (for her own liking) creature walked in to join him. that felt like the longest 120 seconds of her life, but she lost no time in grabbing her phone and sending an almost all too obvious, “you look too good to be sitting at that bar alone” text message.
after dropping hades off to hang out with kinsley and katia, even with the reluctance over who was in charge of things, zeke didn't waste time in making his way to moonshadows. grabbing drinks wasn't enough of a reason for the blond to go above and beyond with an outfit that tethered on the side of dressing to the nines, but looking exactly the royalty he viewed himself was was non-negotiable. there was an easy mood, and a reserved amount of relief over the reality that he was going to be drinking. perhaps it was a bad habit, how often and how thoroughly that isaac found himself with a drink in his hand but he couldn't admit to it being a problem. his kids came first always, and distorting the world for a couple of hours seemed reasonable. even more so with the added benefit of having his best friend to drink alongside him. he almost cocked his head back towards the door as he settled into a set at the bar, but the vibration of his phone in his pocket caught his attention before he could further wonder over the whereabouts of the femme who had setup the whole hangout. his features furrowing slightly as he slipped the phone from his pocket to lay it atop the bar, looking to the bartender and ordering a glass of whiskey for his first drink of the night as he scanned the one line text from nicole. just the realization that she could see him, brought isaac's attention to sift over the expanse of the bar he was seated at before he turned to get a full gaze of the place. when amber hues come into contact with the visual of the love of his life, a faint sting of the history that lay bare between them tugged at his being. if it wasn't enough that the king twin was often kicking himself mentally for his first fumble in their would-be love story, he was further given more ammunition on how idiotic he could be with the view before him. still, in true king fashion, a smirk lifted over his lips as he typed out his reply. "me? niks, have you gotten a good look at yourself? any day you're on fire. tonight is no exception." a bitter, unwanted idea festers up with a vengeance as he presses the send button, forcing himself to swallow the lump that followed his realization. the blond felt minimal relief when his drink was placed in front of him, barely pulling his gaze from niks to grasp the glass. he almost downs half of it, but watching nicole on a date? that wasn't something his sanity nor his impulse control could handle, so he disregarded the faint idea that he might not be allowed to take the glass away from the bar and made his way over to the table that nicole was seated at. a forced smile pushed as he took the free seat across from her, curious on it's empty state but not at all concerned over whether or not she was waiting on someone to return. "so, what's this? you, on a date?" subtle had slipped out the window at the first indication that she was on a date with someone new.
she froze mid-motion with her wine glass in hand when he saw her. unless she wanted to ruin the dress she’d gotten, surrendering the glass in hand was her only option due to the torturous tick of a tremble. it felt like it had been months since the last time she’d had an excuse to see him, when in all reality it had only been days at most. still much too long to go without feasting her eyes on the only real object of desire she’d ever had. the only real sense of home she’d ever known and one person she’d come to understand she’d always belong to. it was somewhere between his wedding and that ending, that she came to terms with things had really finished between them. but that damn look he gave her, the way his gaze washed over her felt like a little piece of heaven and she’d find a way to make that enough. a little bit of zeke was better than nothing, a part of her knew she’d never be able to handle them crumbling to nothing. there was only one person who’d had any kind of true hold on nicole’s heart and that was isaac king. she’d tried to fight it - but it was pointless. he’d stolen the entirety of her, which was all the more reason dating was mundane. she had nothing left to give, the man who’d captured everything she was, her heart and soul, was sitting only feet away. the soft exhalation that left her lips the second his response popped back up on her phone felt almost like treachery. with a shake of her head she texted her two responses “hmm, briefly to do my make up.” nicole paused to extend a smirk in his direction, “charm truly never fails you? not that i’m surprised… gotta say still think you’ve got me beat tonight, king.” it wasn’t a lie, per usual, she’d caught sight of him and her heart did somersaults, pulse picked up in pace, the brief escape of getting to type out her reply gave her a moment to remind herself of their current situation and her need for composure. but control was in impossible when she looked up only to see zeke sitting at her table. his question stung slightly, knowing had she not ran away from him the last time she had, she probably could’ve been… with him, and they probably would’ve been happy. “more like i was ambushed into meeting up with someone, who according to jordyn i had to meet, but mr. perfect didn’t show.” her heart screamed ‘oh but he did! and he’s sitting right there, don’t fuck it up!’ the second she relaxed into her chair finally feeling at ease for the first time since leaving bed. she could almost feel her eyes light up and glimmer as a smile tipped her lips upwards, “how about you? who’s heart are you stealing tonight?” god the question damn near provoked a physical reaction, but cringing would’ve been rude, so she had to bring her own glass up to her lips to wash down the idea and ease the bitter aftertaste of the thought.
catching the momentary halt in her movement only served to arch the blond's brow, but his features relax a millisecond later. resigning himself to the reality that he would always find some amount of difficulty in being wrapped up in even the brief company that was nicole hampton didn't make it remotely easier to absorb the physical reality of it. even with some distance between them, she took his breath away and the concept of her dating, a bitter memento to the fracturing of their relationship. it was bittersweet, to be surrounding by the person who owned him in ways many before had only wished to achieve and knowing that he couldn't have more than her friendship. in favor of the emptiness that surfaced in her absence, the blond was determined in all his obstinance that he would indulge in the pieces of friendship he was given. if anything, the femme was being generous and as much as his entirety abhorred the mere illusion of niks out on a date with someone else, he could begrudgingly suspend his own annoyance. the brief slip up in the back of his mind that seemed to surface of his drunken marriage, even with how quickly it had fallen apart, reinforced the idea that he could at least pretend to be supportive of her dating endeavors. still, even as the experienced actor he was, the blond couldn't seem to relinquish the idea that nicole was supposed to be his. letting that ideology slip was going to be a work in progress, worse than forcing himself to tolerate his sister and best friend's husbands. (and he hadn't yet mastered the tolerate part of that.) finally seated across from nicole, his features were alight with humor and arrogance as his gaze shifted across the screen of his phone that he placed atop the table now. his brow quirked up at her words, and it wasn't the first time he found himself disagreeing with nicole's compliments. "as flawless as you are with or without it, surprised you don't get caught up in your reflection more." he verbalized their text conversation. while anyone else could say or text him those exact words and zeke would agree, that he had them beat in the looks category, this was nicole. his ego was enormous in it's own right, but when it came to the femme across from him, he had never been disillusioned on the reality that she was the definition of stunning, ethereal in her existence even if she couldn't seem to agree. "i've been known to be charming, but i couldn't read a single bit of that last part cause your phone didn't send it right. all i can see is you looking immaculate, drinking wine and... alone? that's criminal." he decided, a small smile found it's way to his lips. his features fell flat as he awaited her answer to his question, a sinking emotion slipping to the pit of his stomach until he caught onto her words. specifically a singular name that wreaked with far too much familiarity, his thoughts trailing back to his own intended meet up with his best friend. "jordyn, huh?" he should've felt a twinge of betrayal, but as he was piecing it together he could only feel a bubble of amusement trickling in. a low chuckle resounding verbally as he cocked his head. "not sure i believe there was ever a mr. perfect intended to show up," he paused, offering a smirk as he winked. "besides me." he attempted to tease, a play of his usual superiority complex. her question brought another bought of amusement, a genuine smile slipping out at bother the realization and jordyn's attempt. "well, i was supposed to be meeting jordyn so we could do what we do best: get wasted." he offered, leaning back against the chair he was in and taking a sip of the whiskey in his glass before he placed it on the table, suddenly feeling less tense after piecing the small puzzle together in his head. "but i think we were set up."
a better woman would’ve known after two failed attempts, it was time to move on. to keep the memories, the lessons, the good and the bad and get on with her life. a better woman would want the person they loved, truly, purely, almost tortuously too much to have the world and be happy. but looking at isaac, smiling & sitting across from her in his painfully gorgeous glory all she could think of was how he could see at her without comprehending that without faltering she’d give him everything she could. herself entirely, past, present, future, her world, her last breath, the entire world moon, sun, and stars included. they were bonded, their soul ties were undoubtedly indisputable. whatever happened in the past didn’t matter, because the love she held from the very beginning ran deeper than most people knew in a lifetime. yet they sat, only a table width apart and it felt like light years from where she wanted and needed to be. what she needed was to be thoroughly immersed by everything that was isaac king, brought back home, the reformation that she was his and he was hers. the awareness didn’t stop her from reveling in his proximity and presence soaking in the way he sat down and like some sort of divination everyone else in the room faded away. so rather than stare like he was the last thing she’d ever look at, nikki folded her arms on the table - green eyes rolling at his compliment, corrupted by the heat that rushed to her cheeks and the grin the accompanied it. “it’s the glow you get from a king sitting next to you, flawless is reaching but sweet. thank you. there are better things to look at, though.” in all reality as much as she enjoyed catching a good glimpse of herself, she’d lose hours getting lost in the perfection sitting across from her. even now with their history, she was sure she wasn’t transparent with stealing glances of him, smiling like an fool because together or not, home was wherever he was, getting lost in everything that made up isaac king. offering a small laugh the blonde tipped her head to the side, “well, when you put it like that… thank goodness you ended up coming along because that does sound criminal.” entertaining him while he pieced together everything she’d failed to until it was laid out in front of her, nodding slightly when jordyn’s name slipped from his lips, nikki caught her lower lip between her teeth to keep from beaming. “that’s even better cause i was gonna end up texting you to pick me up after i found a window to sneak out of later anyways.” sitting there in what seemed like a fever dream, she couldn’t deny that he was most certainly mr. perfect, mr. right, mr. one who got away especially when he relaxed into his seat forcing her to use every ounce of self-control to simply walk across and fold herself peacefully against him. “i’ve been set up with worse… and since we’re here, we might as well indulge your little hellspawn. i’ve got a sitter until 2 which means there’s time to kill. but unless you plan on keeping me tonight and keeping me outta trouble, i can’t get zeke and jordyn wasted. it’d be a sin in and of itself to let the table and jordyn’s effort go to waste though.”
moving on was supposed to be a feasible, reachable option for most people in the world— but zeke king didn't have the option of retracting his heart from the beauty across from him. nobody in the world could scratch a hand at enticing the actor's attention, definitely not in a similar manner as to the way that the blonde across from him had managed to wrap him around her finger. if felt surreal to be seated across from the femme, and to know what it felt like to have all of her only to let her slip away from him. twice over. three times if his drunken mishap counted and the regret that surfaced was only another thing he found himself searching to drown out in the background noise. despite his own resolution on the fact that he was undeserving of the presence that she retained in his life ( a friend, not solely the mother of his child. ), it was impossible for the male to deny that he was solely for nicole. giving up on finding his way through strangers beds when he realized the emptiness would always linger with anyone who wasn't the blonde across from him, if she wanted him: isaac king was hers for the taking. the depth at which he felt connected to her was incomparable and there was a part of him that wished he could regret meeting her this early in his life, but he wouldn't ever find himself capable of regretting even a moment of his time spent with nicole. the male might dislike the feelings that circled in her absence, but everything about the femme brought a smile to his features. she entertained his ever wandering attention without much effort. nicole hampton was home, she was the one woman who zeke had soberly agreed to walk down the aisle with and the one woman he would risk everything for. it was a bittersweet fact, being completely and irrevocably in love with someone and not being able to have them. " trust me, i'm an expert at this and flawless is... the exactly right term. and it has zero to do with my presence, your glow is all yours. " he informed, leaving no room for debate in the words as his head very momentarily tipped to the right before he straightened up again. a rare moment of humility if only to showcase the blonde across from him and allow her to see his honest view of her. part of him wasn't certain she even believed the words he spoke when complimenting her, but they still shoved to the tip of his tongue as if he was obligated to speak them. he felt an easy smile, a relaxing sensation flood through him at the simple laugh coming from her. "that was exactly my thoughts. i really saved somebody's ass 'cause the punishment for not showing to a date with you?" he made a show of making a face and scoffing. "would hate to be that person on the universe's bad side." he added. as he came to the conclusion of the setup, jordyn's text about a surprise seemed to make sense and she had been nothing besides correct. the blond couldn't be even a little bit upset at the idea of jordyn setting him up to hangout with nicole. he didn't bother to hide the small laugh that came at her admittance. "well, considering i was the intended date, it's a good thing i didn't show up late and i didn't get on the universe's bad side by showing you up unintentionally."  zeke offered, features taking in the beauty across from him as effectively as he could manage. the description of mr. perfect replayed in the back of his mind and for once, he couldn't fit the title to himself in comparison. either way, he wouldn't look a gift horse in it's mouth. "ouch, a stinging review..." he playfully pouted before he nodded. "i've got no qualms about keeping you company, and if you think i've got qualms about adult-nicole-knapping you and keeping you tonight? now you're bein' extra silly. not sure i wanna get wasted as bad as i did before, but stealing your time and profitting from jordyn's efforts, i can do that."
nicole had been so busy trying to figure out what was going on in his mind, trying to hide the sheer maybe too conspicuous giddiness that she’d almost made a mistake. reaching for her wine glass she’d gone too far, almost going in for his drink. not that something stronger wouldn’t have been appreciated, wine was definitely not going to cut it. she found herself in the middle of a messy game, one drink too many and she’d probably spill every damn word she’d been choking down since his wedding. all it’d take was one maybe two bottles of wine or one too many shots for her to ask why the hell he’d gotten married - why he decided to marry someone else when all he had to do was say the word. she would’ve come back, no questions asked, no hesitation. at worst, she’d probably drunkenly apologize for running when she finally had him back again, apologies for not just taking the leap because… as much as she valued him still being a vital and essential part of her life being as a friend it was annihilating her inside. zeke’s compliments forced her gaze downward, it suddenly seemed far more dangerous to look at him and that smile that made her even more grateful she was sitting. her heart was racing like a frightened rabbit fleeing a predator, but to her surprise… the last thing she wanted to do was flee. it was a new accomplishment - another thing to add to the list of personal development. the blonde arched a brow when he’d all but left her no chance to debate, smirking as she looked back up and met isaac’s gaze trained on her own. “well i can’t argue with an expert - i mean i could… but i surprisingly don’t feel like arguing so, thank you. it means a lot coming from the king of flawless, the demon himself.” senseless instinct took over and nicole’s hand reached over and brushed the fingers encasing his cup, the small gesture would be insignificant even obscure to some, but the jolt of electricity reverberated from head to toe from a touch that lasted just a second. nikki was playing with fire but if it came down to getting burned by zeke, she didn’t mind. all too quickly changed direction and grabbed the wine glass and took another swig, “zeke king, knight in shining armor, keeping the cosmic balance by eating dinner with me. very admirable. is there anything you can’t do?” for a moment she was struck speechless, nicole hampton, the queen of talking, speechless. it was a power only he possessed, the ability to make her lose senses and words. she pondered over the words that had filled the space between them created by the sanity of the table. her ‘intended date’ - friends didn’t do dates. friends also didn’t almost get married twice, have a son together, have a handful of moments, think about the taste they left from a kiss, and sleep with each other when one of them got engaged. suddenly, she wasn’t hungry - she was lightheaded by promise. in fact, the idea of getting adult-nicole-napped seemed dangerously promising. "i said i've had worse, not that i had better, so is it really a sting?" she inquired coyly, hiding her smile by finishing off the remainder of her drink and setting the empty glass on the table, sights locked on the blond across from her. “if you don’t feel like drinking, whatever will we do? if it’s promising enough, you might just have to keep me. for the universe’s sake and jordyn’s effort - we might just have to give the people what they want.”
his thoughts weren't often a place the blond preferred to drown himself, least of all when in the presence of his current company. when his attention zoned back into the nicole, he barely caught sight of the misstep for her own drink. there wasn't a single part of him that minded if she took over on his drink, but he wasn't going for the wine. impulse control was a lost treasure, but keeping a lock on his feelings and everything in his heart was easy— except when he sat across from nicole, who looked every bit of flawless he remembered. a battle between pride and the missing impulse control somehow barely restraining him from telling her all that was on his mind. mainly, that she was supposed to be his. did he have the right to get lost in the woman who held his heart captive after he threw himself drunkenly into another marriage? probably not, but refraining from spilling everything on his mind was enough of a strain on his test of control. tongue sliding over his lower lip, an uncharacteristic bought of nervous energy suddenly brought to the male, he raised his glass to his mouth and took a deliberately slow gulp before he rested it back to the table. for someone who had just said he didn't want to be drunk, the stirring blend of emotions was serving to call him a liar. if he was drunk in nicole's presence, he might attempt to adult-nicole-nap her to a wedding or something else unreasonably impulsive. the primal part of isaac king could only see 'mine' when he looked over at nicole, feeling completely irked every time he was reminded that she had almost walked down the aisle to another. feeling like the space between them was frivolous when all he wanted was to hold her in his arms, every night. amber hues roaming her features the minute she looked down, the smile that found it's way to his lips faltering as curiosity of whether he'd said or done the wrong thing swelled. her gaze returning flipped the smile to another smirk. "you could, but i'd have to say, it wouldn't do anything to change my perception. please, don't thank me for a simply honest thought. " he shrugged, only to be momentarily struck with both surprise and a small jolt of electricity from her simple gesture. that one interaction made it marginally more difficult for the blond to keep himself in check, to refrain from closing the table's length of distance that lingered between them. behind the smirk, his teeth sank into the flesh of his lesser lip and gripped his glass just a little tighter as he reined himself back. "i refuse to lose the favor of the universe and not only would it be universally catastrophic, i'd  be personally offended. what can i say? the only thing i can't do is sing, so i hope that's no problem for you." he raised a brow. only a second later, he's second guessing the wording he'd used a moment ago, if only because it felt all too quiet. anyone else in the world could look at zeke with silence and he wouldn't feel half as awkward if he made the rest of the room uncomfortable, but the idea of verbally tripping up with nicole felt unnaturally embarrassing. though his words were true, considering it was clear that jordyn had intended him to be nicole's date, and attempted to go about that inconspicuously. his head cocked to the side at nicole's question, and he pretended to debate. "it was the lack of overwhelming excitement, so yes it stung." he offered dramatically as he playfully pointed towards his heart. "we could drink, if you'd prefer." he arched a brow once more, righting his head as he shrugged. "but as for what else we could do, anything you wanted to do. the possibilities are endless, and i'm a generous royal. it would be devastating if we didn't give the people what they wanted." his smirk widened. "besides, have to keep you? as if you think i'm not a willing participant."
nicole watched zeke's thoughts stir behind his eyes with bated curiosity and intrigue. they were back to their unrelenting game of catch me, i’m here, i’m waiting, i’m yours. make your move. it had turned into a ritualistic heart wrenching game of cat and mouse. only if she caught him this time, letting go wasn’t an option. the way that his smile withered into that of a cocky smirk made her heart tighten a little bitterly. she knew too well that he’d always possessed more of her love and devotion than she wanted to allot for him. absently she wondered as her eyes wandered on their on accord driving in the very sight of him; how could her man - her man that had the gall to marry another woman when she was so clearly and hopelessly in love with him be even remotely, minutely, offended that she didn't greet him with the same excitement a child would have for meeting santa for the first time. if she granted him that, she’d melt… but that wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen. nodding her head, picking at a loose thread on the end of her dress, "sorry that i wasn't at the level of enthusiasm that you were hoping for. my sincerest apologies, demon. i forgot, you like reactive." she caught that her tone had an air of malice or maybe a taunt to bait him into something that she shouldn't have invoked. he’d far too recently gotten divorced. with a little force, she contorted her face into a warm smile, suppressing the smirk begging to twist the corners of her lips. she wanted this encounter to be pleasant, despite everything, this was a chance - a flicker of hope. "i don’t think i can remember the last time i let you get me drunk, king. which is unfair. we might just have to see if i can keep up with you yet? i'll just - pay attention because i may or may not be a cheap drunk?" she chuckled narrowing her eyes at him playfully before listening to his comment about what else they could do, she couldn't pick whether she wanted to laugh or roll her eyes at him. anything was a big word, but he wasn’t wrong on the possibilities being endless. though if he flashed another damn smirk in her direction, the red flags screaming: stop, he moved on. you said friends. would without a single doubt in her mind turn pink and open the door to another realm of endless possibilities. "a generous royal?" nikki queried tilting her head and a lift to the corner of her lips, obviously entertained. "i think it’s safe to say you’re just assuming i’m not excited?" the humor was evident in her tone. "i don't want to be the decision-maker tonight. i’m here for a date with mr. perfect… so mr. perfect, show me the time of my life. i'm curious as to what i've been missing." that was a lie she knew exactly what she was missing. and it was him. the femme crossed her arms under her chest to keep herself contained on her side of the table a safe distance away from doing what she wanted to do and toss herself at him. "why don't you g'head and surprise me, king. since you're so generous. be generous in your ideas." a waiter waltzed by, carrying an empty tray and she raised a perfectly manicured hand to get his attention. with ease, she pulled a card from her purse, sitting upright to slide it onto the tray. "my bottle and his drink. whenever you can please? there’s no rush." the waiter nodded and smiled at her, and she returned it out of kindness. somehow, nicole knew that her little gesture would somehow irk zeke and she subtly got off on that. maybe it’d coax the ‘what the fuck is this? your mine’ she needed to hear. when it was the two of them alone again, the blonde perked up, a coy smirk on her features. "and you can’t even be mad… i’m too cute. be faster next time.” nikki spoke, batting her lashes feeling the need to cover her bases for paying, keeping her wits together in case she was pushing the limit on their line of friends and the date they’d been set up on tonight. “so we going for illegal, morbid, or possibly even... risque?"
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