logancrestcree · 2 years
Fox admittedly didn’t run in the same circles as Logan, but he was at least aware of the others presence. Fox made it his business to know of other people, even if it was the bare minimum. He ran on information and knowledge, and maybe this would be a good time to update his records. “No harm done amigo,” hand coming down to pat hard against Logan’s shoulder, “just do not do it again,” he added with a playful twang.
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Logan’s shoulder removed itself out of the other mans grip and gave him a tight smile. “I’ll avoid it when I can....” The man replied flatly, rolling his shoulders back and letting his eyes continue to look around before settling back on Fox. “Did you wish to pass or not Fox?”
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logancrestcree · 2 years
For the most part, the young prince had kept to himself while he was on the surface, staying out of trouble. But since training more with his abilities and various weapons or hand-to-hand combat, he felt more secure wandering around newer areas of the surface. He still had little knowledge of the Darklands, only really going there with Matty, but he’d wanted to pay his friend a visit and so ventured out to find him. Despite all his adventuring around the city, it was still easy enough for Greyson to get lost. “Uh, you don’t happen to know which way Bite Club is? Or maybe Vociferous?” He asked the other, assuming Matty would be at one of the two clubs. 
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Narrowing his eyes, Logan didn’t bother with formalities right now nor did he keep to his own personal space. Instead, reappearing right in front of Greyson and catching a better sense of his smell; interesting, he thought. Blue eyes meeting the strangers, he asked. “I know where both are; one is more ruthless than the other.” Or at least Logan liked to believe Bite Club held a bit more class to it since it was run and watched over by Jessie Davenport. “Who are you looking for?”
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logancrestcree · 2 years
“hey, pretty boy. it’s been a long time. where y’been?” harley had missed his presence, even though he was sure that logan was thankful for the absence of his. the vampire was one of the few people in calamity he hadn’t managed to bed yet, but the fledgling was no longer about that. sure, he very much still wanted sex but… that needed to be more focused on zane and their partners. “can you guess what i am?”
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Logan looked at Harley and rose an eyebrow. “Busy....” As usual, he thought but kept his mouth shut as he tugged on the collar of his shirt and let his blue eyes travel up and down Harley’s body and costume. Logan didn’t know what the man was, and it was evident in his short tone of voice, “Slave?” 
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logancrestcree · 2 years
“Apologies....did not mean to stand in your way.” Logan said, seeing he hadn’t gotten out of the way fast enough when the other approached. He was still fixing the vintage attire he wore that was in style several years ago when he first turned into a vampire. But the creature finally did look up, blue eyes meeting the other who had appeared. ( @hxlfcrxzy​ )
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logancrestcree · 2 years
Logan finished looking down at his phone, sending a few messages back that were urgent, and placed the item away. With a quick flick of his wrist, his cuffs were fixed as he turned his head to look who had approached; though the vampire dressed as a vampire, wasn’t sure if to gather his attention or simply because the other was passing through. “Yes?” ( @sirenxsong​ )
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logancrestcree · 2 years
Logan didn’t care to stress about this years halloween costume; a vampire would do. As if you could be anything else Logan, he mumbled to himself as he held back an eye roll and fixed the cuffs on his sleeves, only looking up when he heard and felt someone else approach. Blue eyes lifted then. “Yes?” His voice with a slight edge to it. ( @deathbeckons​ )
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logancrestcree · 2 years
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The curse word slipped out of Logan’s lips far too easily as he threw the last blood bag he held in his hands to the ground. Fists tightening immediately after, the urge to kill once more right there on the tip of his blood stained tongue. Distancing himself from Calamity wasn’t doing much for him—especially not when he headed in the direction of a farther town where others knew Logan by another name.
Another persona the immortal had to put on.
Crest-Logan-looked down at the dead vampire who laid at his feet now, neck torn apart and blood completely drained; reaching up, Logan wiped his mouth clean with the back of his hand, glaring at the mess he made. All to prove a point to others that he was still in charge.
Acquiring blood here was not easy and those who thought they could steal while being under the rule Logan’s dead maker, Lucinda, had created—well there were no shortage of ways to remind them to keep their fangs to themselves.
And here Logan Crest Cree stood, with those he had left in charge while he was gone; some proved loyal-others did not. The latter were easily torn apart and forgotten.
“Clean this mess up.” Crest ordered, cracking his neck and slipping his fangs back in as he turned around. His blue eyes watched as his hand clenched and flexed-the tension refusing to leave his body. But his tasks had been simple enough.
Make sure the underground operation of harvesting fey and witch blood tainted with high drugs remained. Make sure those who did the harvesting didn’t flat out kill the creatures. And make sure demand was still high for the bloodsuckers who no longer wanted simple human or witch or fey blood—but more.
Logan hated what his maker had left behind-what had fallen into his hands even if he wanted no part of it. But he knew: Better me than someone else who would butcher them all and leave them dry.
His ears heard a few feet shuffle behind him, could feel the next questions rising again before the others dared to speak.
How long would he be gone this time?
“I’m leaving. Next time I come….” He paused, face looking over his shoulders as his fangs slipped out and hissed the next words, “Either there is triple of what we are making or you’ll find yourself back on a lab table.”
And all knew how that went.
Logan didn’t bother looking back as he pushed his way forward and out of this old town-much farther away from Calamity; and he would do his best to keep it that way.
But the trip didn’t help his cravings for witch blood-didn’t help his cravings to rip other beings heads off just for breathing the wrong way-didn’t help him remind himself that humans weren’t all bad.
Logan Cree was still irritable and hungry-constantly. The controlled and gentlemanly immortal was struggling to hold up that act; but he would if it meant keeping others from asking too many questions. To keep others from digging into his past that he kept privet.
But as Logan spent his few days in isolation before heading back to Calamity, his hands shook with the anger he still held and the hunger….the constant hunger was there. Thankfully, he had enough witch blood to keep him stable until he regained full control.
Not my best, I know 🙈 BUT long story short, Logan was away to take care of some personal business, to try and get his cravings under control, and to remember that he wants to help humans and not ruin them because they are so stubborn they don’t want his help 😎
Sooooo, let’s just say Logan is also 60% in control; the other 40% is 😈😜
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logancrestcree · 2 years
Logan Crest Cree
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logancrestcree · 2 years
“Bushwa!” Bullshit. She shouted at him. An old word that she still used with her newly established modern vocabulary. “Something is wrong with you and you are keeping it in.” She insisted. She didn’t believe anything he was saying. He may have been this way – or something similar – long ago, but that wasn’t who he was now. 
As he stepped towards her, she suddenly felt small. Almost as small as she felt around her late husband and her Maker. I’m strong. This doesn’t affect me. He’s just another asshole. She swallowed hard. But he’s not. He’s my friend. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying her best to keep the tears back. 
If this is what he needs… “Fine.” She whispered as she stood there, as still as she could. “Take whatever you want.” She lifted her hand to him, offering him her wrist. Although, she wasn’t sure if he’d settle for that. Wrist veins weren’t exactly known for being large. 
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And in is where it’s staying, Logan told himself. His eyes followed her features, her body language as he stood close to her-waiting for Luella’s anger shot through again or for her to remove herself.
Except she did the exact opposite.
Cree’s eyes shut and a loud sigh came from him at her compliance. “Bloody hell Luella....” He hissed, eyes snapping open to look at her and the wrist she offered. Shaking his head, Logan moved around her and towards another self, his back to hers. “You shouldn’t accept like that simply because someone is in a foul mood or for whatever other reason they come up with.” He ran a hand through his hair scanning the wine bottles again and added, “Do not trust so freely Luella....” But his fangs pressed harder against his gums-wishing for release; the battle constant with who Logan wished to be and who he had to be even with something as small as this.
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logancrestcree · 2 years
“What you could be?” Luella’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you acting so strange?” She couldn’t figure it out. She thought she knew him well enough, and yet, it felt like she was talking to a different person. A new person. A darker person. 
She recoiled as he stepped towards her. Is he possessed? Her eyes widened at the thought. She had heard about such things, long ago. Her family had instilled such fear in her that it could happen at any moment. But could it happen to vampires. 
She lifted her hand and smacked him as hard as she could across the face. “I want you to stop acting like a different person!” She shouted at him. “I want you to tell me what is wrong. I want you to–” Want me around. I want you to give me attention. Tears bubbled in her eyes as she took a step towards him. “Talk to me.” 
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Strange? You haven’t seen strange luv, Logan hissed to himself. But the vampire didn’t answer. Instead he watched as she pulled back-a flicker of hurt in his chest that he chose to hide. Keep going Logan.... But then the sting to his cheek came-a reminder of her strength and the age she had. He let out a cold chuckle, a hand reaching up touch and move his jaw; blue hues met hers sharply.
“This is me Luella-you just haven’t known me as long to have seen it....” Liar, he told himself. But he didn’t care; Logan didn’t need any eyes drawing to him for the sympathy he still had for humans even after all they had done-or for others who were unable to defend themselves. He wanted nothing to be used against him or to have others think that Logan didn’t believe that vampires were the better species. “And you see luv....” He paused, immediately standing in front of her again-less space then before, “that’s the problem; I do not wish to talk. Now, either you offer a vein of yours or I’ll go find another who will.....”
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logancrestcree · 2 years
Luella flinched at his words. She had never expected Logan to be so rude to her. She had thought he was the one she could trust. The one person she could go to if she needed something, or just wanted to have a fun time. But the last time they had seen one another, he had showed another side of him. The side that reminded her like the other men she had let into her life. 
And here he was, still being an asshole. “What’s going on?” She asked. “Why are you being so…” She shook her head back and forth, trying to find the word. “Mean?” Her eyes glazed over as sadness filled her chest. “I want my friend back.” Her voice cracked. “Where did he go?” 
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Logan could make the woman before him hate him-do more than just flinch from his words. And you should scare her off Logan, his voice deep down pushed. But Logan swallowed hard, not wishing for anyone to want to flinch away from him-that simply wasn’t who he was. Though the vampire was still pissed off at what the humans did and his throat craved for witch blood or fae blood, Logan kept the act up that all was fine.
“Mean is too much of a nice word for what I could be.....” He mumbled to himself and looked away-giving a single shake of his head before pulling away and placing the bottle back on the shelf. “Perhaps your friend won’t be coming back.....” Logan replied, softly, too softly that his insides screamed it wasn’t true-but when he turned back to Luella, he pushed forward, staring down at her. “What do you want from me Luella? Aren’t there enough problems out of this office to be looking for more?”
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logancrestcree · 2 years
“Logan–” Luella muttered as she followed him. He was engrossed with the wine cellar. Or, he was pretending to be. Luella wasn’t sure. “You are hiding. You are being an ass and you’re–” She clenched her teeth as he continued to ignore her. She reached out and grabbed his upper arm. “Logan, look at me!” 
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“Who would have thought: being more an ass catches more attention than a gentleman-surprise there.” Sarcasm filled Logan voice as he shook his head and reached for a random bottle of wine. Not one he was specifically looking for, because there wasn’t one he wanted. But the vampire froze, allowing Luella to grab hold of him-his eyes finally meeting hers; a complete blank expression on his face. “What do you want Luella? More wine?”
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logancrestcree · 2 years
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(From) ❛ You’re avoiding the subject and you know it. What are you hiding from me? ❜ -Luella ( @oftragxdy​ )
“I’m not hiding anything luv-I’m looking for a bottle of wine that I knew was back here and isn’t anymore.....” Logan snapped back, not looking at the woman as he continued to look in the wine cellar, eyes scanning and scanning; but it wasn’t wine that his body craved, that his throat itched for. Stop it Logan, he ordered himself-his jaw tightening.
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logancrestcree · 2 years
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(From) ❛ I just thought you’d like some company. ❜-Adonis ( @deathbeckons​ )
How thoughtful, Logan’s sarcastic tone ran in his mind but his fingers began to twirl the glass on the table instead. Lifting his eyes and an eyebrow to the other, “And what gave you that impression?” It wasn’t a hard question, Logan knew he was not hiding his displeasure; just as long as no one knew what he was displeased about was good enough for the vampire-at least for now.
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logancrestcree · 2 years
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Cecilia just finished her set at the hotel castillo and stepped down into the crowd to get herself a martini from the bar. After retrieving it, she sat down and took a sip. “So, how did I do?” she smirked. “I figured a classic 1980s rock set would be fun, but then I’m not sure how many people here were alive back then,” she chuckled, glancing around the room. Her need to collect things she found valuable meant she had tons of sheet music of her favourites ever since she started performing at clubs in the 1900s, she was going to personally make sure none of the songs ever completely died out.
Logan made sure to spend his time at this location along with a few others-for a few reasons; one reason was obvious-to check out the competition. The other was simply because he needed to keep his connections open-and those connections weren’t always coming to his owned buisness Solace. Plus, he had a history with the owner of this location.
Lifting his glass to his lips, the vampire’s eyes scanned the woman singing and remained on her as she made her way down. The smirk on his face was easy to maintain. “You did wonderful-and I do say that keeping in mind that I was around back then.” He chuckled a little and set his glass down, nodding to the bartender for another before returning his gaze to the singer. “You gave it your own twist to it-but stayed true to the rock, very well done.” The vampire nodded.
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logancrestcree · 2 years
“Strip uno?” Logan almost coughed up his drink from such An answer. How innocent,he thought to himself and nodded. “I see….well yes then this place is quite indeed different then what you are used to luv….” Logan paused and ok a look around as she explained what she thought of the place and smirked. “A dream one doesn’t wish to wake up from-yes that is one way to view it….” He took one last gulp of his drink, finishing it completely and setting it on a table which he was sure would be picked up by some employee-or disappear from an illusion one of these creatures here had provided. Turning his blue gaze back towards the witch, the side of his lips lifted. “This place can become exclusive….the creatures who run it have ways of making it so I believe. But, if you meet the right people-I’m sure you’ll get a taste of it all yourself.” Straightening the sleeves on his shirt, he finally added. “But I wish you well on whichever path you take….but be cautious. Those who are not do end up lost with no way out.” The vampire warned and nodded his head at her in gesture of a goodbye and turned to leave the same he entered.
Logan nodded and brought the drink to his lips, taking a few silent sips as he watched her reaction and face; she seemed to be telling the truth, and the fact her heartbeat remained steady also confirmed that. “Well luv, clearly I am not your boss or a co-worker; you can go ahead and tell me what you really think of this place. Who would I tell?” He teased, a smirk coming to his lips. “But I suggest you try it all. Unless you plan on being able to get in here often….”
Her eyes scanned the crowded floor bustling with the well-to-do and desperate alike. Most were chasing after something be it a quick thrill or a get-rich-quick scheme. The one thing Daph knew for certain was that this place buzzed with life. It had a heartbeat all its own that the witch hadn’t noticed before. “I’m not sure that I have anything to compare it to. The most I’ve ever done was play a very rousing game of strip Uno after one too many wine coolers.” She leaned against the railing, trying to take it all in. “But if I had to say, I think that it’s like a dream. One that the people below never wish to wake from. You’ve provided them with the backdrop where anything seems possible, and they believe it so badly that it’s almost a reality.” She shrugged, hoping that she hadn’t just insulted him. “Is this an exclusive place then? The editors hadn’t told me.” 
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logancrestcree · 2 years
I wouldn’t come back if I were you either Luella love….. He told himself silently. But Logan’s face remained blank when he finally lifted his eyes from the bookcase and brought them to watch Luella begin to step out of his office. The vampire wasn’t sure what he was doing or how he could make up his few wrong actions-a man always in control suddenly loosing grip. But he’d find a way somehow, eventually, right?
“Goodbye Luella.”
Cree stumbled a few feet back-not bothering to stand strong against Luella’s push-even with her vampire strength. If it helped her get it out of her system, then Logan would allow it. I’ve said enough to deserve it haven’t I? He told himself and bit down on his tongue, drawing blood, but kept his mouth shut. His eyes caught hold of the vase, the man also didn’t bother catching it and moved to the side at the last second to let the vase crash against the wall behind him. Forcing himself to not look at her tears either falling or growing in her eyes, Logan’s attention remind on the side wall-a wall that held several books.
He knew he was different; but clearly Luella couldn’t see and Logan certainly didn’t have a right to point that out right now-not with the way he was acting. Instead, Logan swallowed hard and crossed his arms. “I’m-” Different, the same as I’ve always been, me. But those words never came. “busy Luella-I repeat, you should leave now.”
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She watched him step to the side and completely avoid the vase that she had thrown. He had his arms crossed now, and didn’t disagree with anything she had said. Sadness crept into her heart as she stared at him. She wanted him to say something else. Something that would show her that he was what she thought. Good. Kind. Caring. Things that Elias only showed her on rare occasions. 
But he didn’t. 
She lowered her head and let out a sigh. “Fine.” She muttered and turned on her heels to leave. “But I’m not coming back.” She said in a quiet tone of voice as she moved towards the door, opened it, and took a step out.
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