#✺;;|| thread - cloudpools
lostusagis · 2 months
@cloudpools ask continued x
There was the internal conflict of believing dying in battle was the best way for a Yato's life to end given their love for battle, along with the self loathing he already had, then the thoughts of how his death would hurt someone extremely important to him too. As the blood would continue to fall from his wounds, so many things swarmed through his mind.
Of all people to find him though, it had to be her. That annoying samurai. He'd threaten her, but it was empty words since he was pretty sure a punch from him in this state would give the same amount of damage as a toddler. He'll bluff and play it off though. Kamui despised weakness, he hated the memories of being that weak child unable to do anything, the one who failed to kill his father when he needed to the most. Being vulnerable in front of someone he fights with is out the question.
He couldn't. He just couldn't.
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What if she'll look down on him? It'll make him want to kill her even more.
He'd grit his teeth, still feeling the pain throughout his body. Hell, he was in so much pain he couldn't think straight. ''I'd rather bleed out than accept help from you get away from me. Worthless human.'' Words were hissed out, despite his current state.
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2isms · 2 months
@cloudpools | CONTINUATION
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“Pretty sure people trying to talk wouldn’t look as pissed as those do,” he told her, watching as the robbers ran at them. There was an option to simply escape, buuut those guys were being real jerks to the poor girl earlier, so maybe he should teach them a lesson or two. It’s been a while since he’s been in a real fight, either way, so might as well have some fun.
Easily dodging the attacks, the martial artist jumped up a nearby stack of cargo boxes, before carefully lowering the girl down to sit on the top. “Wait here,” he instructed, with an easygoing grin that contradicted the gravity of the situation, then hopped off the stack.
It wasn’t long before he hopped right back up, dusting off his hands. The guys had quickly scrambled away after he was done with them, carrying their now-unconscious third member away. “You twisted your ankle, huh?” he mused, crouching beside her to look at the injury. “Well, I guess I could just carry you home for now, but that really needs to be looked at. It’s looking nasty.”
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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People watching was something Hydre had learned to get used to, over the many thousands of years of his miserably over-purposed life. In order to pass all that time without utterly leveling the whole of the mortal world, he had to...adapt, learn to live with being idle, unmoving, a statuesque addition to the scenery - imagine his surprise that such should become his preferred way of being. So, he sat on a filigreed bench, legs spread wide, head thrown backward over the steel back rest, hands lazily clasped in his lap, black cloth hiding the frigid shallows of his gaze--
Watching, eyes flitting about the form of a seemingly rambunctious (at least, by his standards) girl, flailing her arms about as some hideous fishmonger barked at her, the both of them disgruntled and moody. He didn't care why or how the altercation began, lips pursing, brow lofting - they seemed so small, their problems smaller, but there was a faint urge to lumber nearer, sniff out the troublemakers in this situation, and eat them. His stomach gurgled with a low, rolling growl - he was hungry anyway. Funny that, it was simultaneously real and false, a metaphor made tangible, a dream made flesh. It wasn't supposed to be legitimate, a certain truth niggling at the back of his mind, one he wouldn't always be able to ignore.
He stood slowly, and the evening moonlight sent his shadow long down the blackstone steet, condensation and evaporation taking place within the murk - and he lumbered over, a hand reaching past the girl's head, fingers spread over the man's face. Just as quickly, did he retract, all the surprise, confusion, angry words turned to stutters, cast aside in favor of a simple, easy calming spell. Threads of magic jolting through the fishmonger's face and skull, deep into his brain, through touch alone. He ushered the girl aside with his free hand, wordlessly bade her run lest he swallow her whole next, snake-like in the twists and turns of his body, grin toothy, fangs on clear display- Unmitigated terror in the eyes of a man drenched in fish-stink and sea water, jaws slowly opening wider and wider and wider and wider, near to unhinging--
A tap on his shoulder interrupted him, however, as did the girl's voice, and before he could take the fishmonger's head into his mouth, flesh and bone snapped into a particularly human place. Evidence of a glacial hydric truth erased as quickly as they'd come about. He touched the man again, ice spidering forth from his fingers, frost and chill freezing him to the spot - silent, unmoving, in stasis. A perfectly good meal, frozen, gods above, this couldn't fly.
"Are you going to let me eat him, or do you like getting reamed?"
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chaoscrawls · 7 months
@cloudpools- liked for a stater with nyarlathotep
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The sensation had likely been at the back of their mind all day. The prickling of static, the sensation of eyes on them, the feeling they were being followed. And they were, but the creature had chosen to keep a safe distance between them.
Each time their prey turned to find the source, they would only capture fleeting glimpses of the strange creature sinking back into the darkness or shifting from shadow to shadow. Seemingly biding their time till the sun went down.
Now, as the sun dips beyond the horizon and the streets become darker, they too grow bolder. Gnarled fingers curl around buildings, leaving scratch marks in their wake. Burning mauve eyes blaze from their hiding spot before snuffing out and appearing closer than before. Each gesture is a threat and warning that they are coming.
“Now now, you can’t just keep ignoring. Hoping I go away.” The god calls to their victim, words echoing unnaturally. “I think you’ll find I can be quite persistent.”
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cometcalloway · 4 years
Lorian finds Lothric in his lonely tower room. The place gives him the creeps. So does the elaborate costume Lothric has to wear. So does the way Lothric startles at having a visitor and looks scared. Lorian judges Lothric for always acting so nervous, listless, and passive. He can’t help but judge, Lorian would be eaten alive in his world if he acted like that. But he can't figure out how he expects Lothric to act instead, either. The thought of being helpless to circumstances makes him deeply uncomfortable, on a deeper level of awareness than he’ll go. Judging Lothric feels safer. Judging him means the right kind of person would make helplessness just go away somehow. Lorian likes to think he’ll always be able to make helplessness go away.
“I’m... going to get married,” Lorian says, carrying himself in a stiff and overly-formal way. He arranges his features into a smile (he’s trying it out) because that’s an occasion that should be smiled about. “I wanted to be the one to tell you.” Because they’re still family. Because that should mean something, even if they hardly interact. Even if Lothric only has a few years left in his hourglass now.
Lorian didn’t walk with a cane the last time he visited, months ago. Lothric doesn’t hide that he’s noticed. For a moment he looks concerned, like he wants to ask if Lorian’s okay. Lorian balks at being pitied, much less by someone who complies with anything asked of him. Any attention to a weakness must be pity.
“Why are you telling me this?” Lothric says, finally.
“Because you’re my brother,” Lorian says.
Lothric flashes a complicated expression and subtly shakes his head. I don’t hate you, but I don’t know what that means. Lorian feels like he should argue his case, should patiently explain exactly what family means. But perhaps to Lothric, family has been the group of people who specifically arranged for him to live like this, die like this, dressed up in a costume and hidden away, meant for the flames. And Lorian isn’t sure what to do with that. Neither of them are very comfortable in the interaction, and it’s not long before Lorian wishes Lothric well and leaves. Lothric congratulates him on his way out, but there’s no pretense of warmth. It’s just a handshake, an echo of the connection Lorian showed in stiffly telling him the news.
Lorian supposes he didn’t share his news with Lothric after all, not all of it. Not the detail that he’s been set up with a merchant’s daughter, a clear sign that the son their mother is expecting, Ocelotte, will take the throne once Lothric’s symbolic coronation is over, despite Lorian being the oldest. It’s news of Lorian’s disgrace. Perhaps Lothric’s disinterest is justified, with an admittedly worse fate to contend with. It’s always so hard to tell how to interact with him, what’s going on with him. And on some level, Lorian truly doesn’t want to know. So much of his life would come undone, if he did.
Lorian is more nervous than he thought he’d be, the day he’ll be introduced to Nara.
He doesn’t trust his father in a general sense, but he does trust his father to care about the family’s public image. It already doesn’t look good for a prince to marry a merchant’s daughter, despite the growing influence of the merchant class. And Nara comes from a wishy-washy country, the sort of peace-love-and-human-rights place his father ridicules without hesitation. Therefore, Lorian reasons, he can expect Nara to be exemplary, to make up for everything else. The thought that society, the society he bled for and sacrificed soldiers’ lives for, is patiently expecting him to treat Nara how his father treats his mother to create exemplary doesn’t cross his mind. He had no qualms being hard on soldiers, but all of that was to protect civilians. Scaring or hurting civilians is incompatible with his idea of respectable knighthood, everything he was taught about honor. So if Nara will surely be exemplary, what is there to be nervous about?
He’s nervous because he’s never really had any close friends. And now he’ll be living with another person for the rest of his life. He’s been a prince, a knight, a general, always above people. It wouldn’t have been right for him to have a friend, so he never got one. He keeps fussing with his appearance in the mirror, long past the usefulness of fussing, and frowns. He’d like the way he looked better without the beard, but it wouldn’t look as kingly, and he’s not trying to make himself look like more of a loser. He’s dissatisfied with how he looks, and the dissatisfaction feels permanent. ...How’s he going to live with another person? It’s the goal for spouses to like each other, right? He hopes Nara likes him. He’s never had to worry much about whether he was liked or not, his rank usually enables him to more or less get his way no matter what people think of him, with leverage over anyone but his father. What if Nara doesn’t like him? It’s out of his hands. How can he do all the right things to earn it if it’s completely out of his hands? He’s already actively planning to hold back huge chunks of himself, and it doesn’t occur to him that that could sabotage a connection. It’s the goal for siblings to like each other, and Lothric doesn’t like him. Is that a bad sign? He sighs. Surely helplessness can always be beaten, never really exists for the right person. This unease feels uncomfortably personal.
He meets Nara in a gazebo in the largest of the palace gardens. He has a gift for her, a powder blue parakeet in a golden cage. It never crossed his mind that the bird could serve as a depressing visual metaphor for anything, he just thought it looked nice. He rises to greet her when she arrives, smiles (he’s still trying it out), and bows, with both hands resting on the golden griffin head of his cane. His first impression says that he and Nara are both tall, tidy, and purposeful. His idea of her before they met was that she’d be shorter, and more shy. But what’s not to like, if they have more in common? He wants to like Nara. Meeting someone he can get along with is a good outcome that can still be salvaged from this. He told himself he wouldn’t worry about being liked in return for these first few meetings; he’s not out to embarrass himself. He welcomes Nara to the castle, acknowledges that her journey was long, and says he hopes she finds her accommodations to her liking. He presents her with the parakeet.
He can’t help but notice that...well, he has a feeling that maybe she doesn’t like him.
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cadcnce-archived · 4 years
Have you ever cried because of a thread?
guilty as charged (bear deluxe edition) || [ open ] @cloudpools
Have you ever cried because of a thread?
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So if we’re defining “crying” as like-  actually having tears going and sniffling up? Then nothing in RP has ever made me cry. I’ve never been brought to that point in my years for better or worse. Have I gotten emotional? ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY, there are things that have tightened my chest and had my face scrunch up looking stupid, but I’ve never actually cried.
Last thing that really got me emotional was the end of the confrontation thread with @onlyhorn because I really fucking hurt myself writing out Wylan trying to save Ram after everything had been done and over with. Giving the last bit of his life to bring her back from the brink, starting to die, and realizing in that moment how much he really wasn’t ready to go despite all the bravado for his suicide mission.
Tie that with my playlist at the time and I was stupid close to actually letting some tears loose. Good times. Look forward to getting a feel like that again if anyone’s up to plotting that kinda bullshit.
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imtwentyfuckingfour · 7 years
To my knowledge I still owe replies/threads/etc. to @usurpxrregalis​ and @cloudpools​ & we’ve gotta plot more & I’m in the middle of those convos so I’ll go ahead & answer the new threads now.
Do I owe anybody else replies!  Like from a month or so ago!  Let me know!
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
hannah’s super sappy bias list 2k17
☽║☾ OOC. u heard it here folks-- i’m in love w/ all of you....  in all seriousness, it’s been a hard year for me, between  school, work, and family commitments, i felt myself on the  edge of a breakdown all year. truly, it’s only thanks to all of  you lovely angels here that i’m still ready and rearing to meet  2017 head on. b4 i get too sappy and weepy, i just wanted  to say that i appreciate everyone so much!! you’ve all been  nothing but supporting and patient with me even though i’ve  had a very hectic schedule lately. you’ve made me laugh, smile,  and generally, have given me a place and community that i can  truly be happy in. i’ve made invaluable friendships here that i  know i will cherish forever. 
now, i’m gonna give out the bad news before i get to the good  stuff-- i’m officially putting this blog on a semi-hiatus. when university start up again, i will be juggling quite a lot-- between working on my  capstone, preparing myself for a study abroad, general science-y classes,  studying for the MCAT, longer work shifts, and getting ready to apply for medical school, i will need as much free time as i can get. this means i will most likely only be on to rp on the weekends-- however, i will always log onto this blog every day to reply to messages, inbox stuff, etc., so it’s less of me  being away and more that i’ll be even slower than usual w/ my replies.  i’m sorry that i have to do this, but i have to make time for what’s  important in my life right now, and above all else, i have to focus on my  future plans. i do wanna reiterate that i’m not abandoning this blog by any  means-- merely that i will have to take a step back and focus even more on  my studies!! 
and now, to the fun stuff! underneath you’ll find a list of lovelies whom i love  chatting w/ ooc and who make my dash bright and cheery!! *smooches* 
lil’ special mentions: 
@askharukakujo // ELYSE ohmylord are you just the sweetest thing in existence??? i know i say it a lot, but i seriously am so lucky to have become friends with you!! your writing has always been astounding and the amount of love and effort you put into making haruka such a well-developed character is just mind-boggling. thank u so much for sticking w/ me from basically the beginning of this blog!! i love you so much <333333333333333
@viiorels / @edelweissmage // ZACK thank u so much for sticking w/ me for all this time! you have some of the best world-building i’ve ever seen and i sincerely hope you do write a book someday!! i love all of our interactions, and i’ve truly come to love Vai and Mihai so much!! the amount of detail you put into your character’s is amazing and i hope that u have the best year of your life yet!! sending good vibes ur way for, well, forever!! *hugs foreverrrrr* 
@valorandheart + all ur other blogs lmao // JPP you are such an inspiration! you and bun bun are so amazing!! to be writing your own books and everything?? honestly, u guys are one of the reasons i’ve gotten back into writing my novel even tho i had been on a hiatus for like 3+ months. thank u so much for letting me ramble about my novel and listening to me rant about anubis and chet 24/7. you have to be a saint to be able to put up w/ me lmao-- i love being ur friend and i hope that in 2017 you and bun bun complete all ur writing goals for the year!! *insert more gushy words of affection here and a ton of hugs* 
@photographicink // JACKEE *inhumanly screeches* i could go on forever and ever about all the reasons i love you, but it’d take up 99% of this post so i’ll leave u w/ this: thank u so much for befriending me back then!! you were my first online friend and it’s been lovely seeing how much you’ve grown as a person and a writer! i love you for your creativity, your kindness, and overall, for just how awesome you are and how you make me wanna be a better person! i love our oc ramblings, how passionate you are with your writing, and how kind you are! you’re always so positive despite everything going on the past few years and i hope more than anything that 2017 brings you nothing but happiness and good times!! i love you with all my heart!! 
@servusx // MA u are hella cool and deserve all the goodness the world has, okay?? it’s been so awesome talking w/ you ooc and being able to just chat about our muses!! richard has such a special place in my heart-- he’s an absolute sweetie just like you!!!! i hope that 2017 is kind to you and that you continue to grow as a writer! it’s been so great rping w/ you-- ur so talented and it’s always a joy being able to come up w/ different threads/plot ideas. overall, i love how easy it is to talk to you! i really treasure our friendship and i hope we get to rp for many more years to come~ 
@deadmans-last-breath / @badlydrawnphichit // LUKE BRUH *just koala clings forever* you are an adorable boi with so much talent and potential!! you are legit a ray of sunshine on my dash and i’m so happy to have become friends w/ you!! i’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished in 2016!! know that i’m always rooting for ya and that i love being able to talk to you all the time!! ur an absolute sweetie and that i love all of our interactions!! anubis and arthur are so cute and i’m still squealing over the drawings you’ve done of them ahhhhhh 
@ichorspit // ALEKS you are amazing!!!!!!! i love you and lonnie so much and am so happy when i see you on my dash! ur such a lovely person and i sincerely hope you have a wonderful year!! thank u for sticking w/ me for so long and indulging all my AU ideas and general ramblings! i truly treasure our friendship~ i look forward to rping w/ you more in the future and once again, hope you have a lovely 2017!!!!! *hugs* 
more super rad people who i’m hugging in my mind: 
@xsesi | @unholybloodshed | @agricolor | @wondcrkid | @nightslay | @bxttcrfly | @nymphxllus | @cloudpools | @iimpiia | @electrograins | @carnivoroushowl | @condicionibus | @uiscex | @diamondhortensia | @alicehart | @razalghoul | @phlegmxtical | @pxllidum | @carnivoroushowl | @oplitis | @mulni | @victorianteatime | @lapxus | @omnecosmos | @poppicede | @treurspel | @suncharmed && any others who i may have forgotten!! my memory’s been so bad so forgive me if we’ve interacted and i haven’t tagged you here ;3; 
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cadcnce-archived · 4 years
Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun? Have you ever written a thread by just ‘winging it’?
guilty as charged (bear deluxe edition) || [ open ] @psychcdelica
Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun?
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Stalked is a strong word that I reserve for the way Wylan acts thank you very much. That said I have definitely followed other ships that I wasn’t involved in? The case that immediately comes to mind is no longer active, but the ship between Alice and Shirogane ( @alicehart @episentre ) was LITERALLY a return by death plot before I knew what re:zero was and it was fantastic. They did it so well. LOVED IT.
I may have unintentionally used some facets of it for my RBD verse with @cloudpools come to think of it. Oh shit. It wasn’t intentional Mia! Katie! 😅
Some other ships I’m amused by and followed now and in the past are your Boss and @sentofight‘s Falco.
@cromwellharvests and their garbage ship between Easy and @creepitus's Kimblee.
@crossxskulled with Ryuji and ANY Haru because I live for that ship.
and then-
@floralfiness and @stargazingking with Sol and Rex because GOD they’re so weirdly hilarious together.
Have you ever written a thread by just ‘winging it’?
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Less now than I used to. Well, I guess I wing the fuck out of ask prompts by their nature. But I also do the same once in awhile with threads. But I vastly prefer talking to other muns and getting their vibe on things and where they want a thread to go. I want to feel compelled and I want to feel like people are actually fuckin’ interested. It feels like wing’d threads are more likely to smolder out when the other writer or myself can’t figure out how to keep things going.
I’m glad that since putting up the Great Bear Fort Walls I haven’t had to deal with that NEARLY as much. Most of the people I write with are pretty chatty with me, so I don’t feel lost as much.
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cadcnce-archived · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog. WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: . . . Wylan and Mari.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: I’m actually not fond of doing a lot of slice of life stuff? In threads at least? I’ll send meme things and do drabbles but ehhmmm. Otherwise I’ll write it all. Build ups. Fights. Big events. Fights. Wink wonk. Angst. Have at it.
But like. Extending off this. I’m more likely to start an AU with a ship partner or roleplay things earlier in the process once the pairing has been “set” then continue from there. Because. I need more development!! ALWAYS.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: Nothing involving minors. And I will not ship anything romantic with minor muns either!! Or anything about strict platonic!! Thank. Wylan won’t become romantically involved with people under 20 I think. So six years younger? For main verse anyway. And I suppose 40 would be an upper level but that’s a bit more flexible. SHRUGALUG. ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: I’m so selective with shipping romantically. I need to have good faith and trust with the other partner before I let things go from friends or FWB to love love. HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: I consider them nsfw once they hit the point where those certain parts are being touched or directly referred to. Otherwise it’s not that bad? But if hands go under the clothes and into panties or bras then yeah its getting tagged and readmored. WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?:  Aight. Here’s a ones that I’ve discussed a romantic ship with at length. Nara ( @cloudpools ) Lily ( @losteidolon ) Mari ( @dissimulxte ) Mei ( @meinior ) . And then I have ultimate platonic ships with Emke ( @sabuleum ) and Nausicaa ( @bluecladprincess ) DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: It’s a good idea to. But it’s also a very bad idea to push ships on me or rush them. Wylan goes at his own pace and he’s more prone to loving some muses more than others. He’s also prone to NOPEing. HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: I don’t like to ship with everything that moves. I’m aware Wylan is easy to get along with but part of his character is dodging the dokis. Trying to stay true to him means staying away. P: ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: More-or-less. I try not to make it the focus as much as interaction and shenanigans in general. ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Yes. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: Given I’m fandomless? Uhhhhh I don’t really have one.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Best way is to let things run a little bit, like a thread or a couple interactions, then drop a line. I may not always ship it off the bat (lookin at you Cat) but that doesn’t mean my opinion won’t change over time. And I also won’t cease interactions just for that sort of disagreement.
Tagged by: @naotoshirogane-rp and @calystegiaidol (AIGHT AIGHT IM DOIN IT) (thank you both)
Tagging: @siiinuously @floralfiness @ribboncollection @dissimulxte and @episentre and whoever!!!
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imtwentyfuckingfour · 8 years
I think I’m down to two threads to reply to, for @usurpxrregalis and @knowledgebeyondbooks (and @cloudpools but we were gonna start a new thing).  If I didn’t list you here and I owe you a thing, let me know!  
Stuff is still reasonably hectic & replies are still going to be slow in general, but I haven’t forgotten & want to make sure I get to everybody!  Thanks for waiting!
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