#✧*∙  ❛    DARK  EYES  SOFT  HEART    /     (  img. 001  )
valvntinass-blog · 7 years
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me ?? late 2 the party ?? ofc ( it’s also be i’m a complete embarrassment & also wanted to attemPT to write smth worthy of reading ) but hey there, demons. it’s me, ya girl, aka shan aka probably the worst ?? anyway i’m chillin in the gmt timezone probs for the rest of my life bc who has the money to move anywhere else these days ?? i’m 19 w she / her pronouns & spend waY too much time on photoshop & instagram so i’ll probably disappear for hRS just to make smth or go cry over some insta model ?? ummm i watch too many tv shows ( s/o to the og joey tribbiani up there ) & am alsO a huge film buff !! ( kinda mad bc apparently the newest transformers is supposed to be the last one like ?? whY end it like that ?? ) anywaY imma stop rambling bc i’m a rambler & am literallY just gonna copy & paste most of my app bc i’m too lazy to write it all out !!
˚✧* ( CINDY KIMBERLY, FEMALE + SHE/HER ) welcome the exuberant valentina morales. this club’s great for twenty year olds. plus, i hear you’re the skux, huh?that’s interesting, since you’re so manipulative and devious. but i guess it makes some sense given you’re coquettish and alluring as well !
    ❛ congratulations, you’ve had a beautiful baby girl ! ❜
    these are the words that francisco & nadya morales would never forget. for years, the power couple of barcelona had been trying for a daughter, after being blessed with a handsome son, alvaro morales. & then by some miracle they had her. a gorgeous, tiny baby with jet black hair & dark brown eyes. her name ? they called her valentina.
    that girl was a sweet child. she had a smile that could make the wind blow & a laugh so contagious that when other hear it, they had to join in, afraid of missing such an beautiful experience. she lived to make people smile, to see them happy & be the one who makes them happy. she loved to pick roses & to smell flowers, be surrounded by nature & love. she was happy.
    her parents were naturally busy, however. her father, being the owner a well-known &successful business, which had been passed down from generation was always travelling to different places, sometimes taking his family with him. whereas her mother was a model who people loved worldwide, so valentina, so small & young was left in the HANDS of her older brother.
    valentina grew close to him. he was like her best friend, he confident. he helped her with her homework & protected her from anyone who would try to do her harm. he loved her, & she loved him, & whenever all the family was together it was complete bliss to her. she couldn’t think of anything she wanted more than this.
    growing up, it was clear to see that valentina had talent. not only were her features soft& pretty, much like her mother’s, but she had a love for the camera & the camera had a love for her. she wasn’t quite sure what career she wanted, however her mother did. but as a child, growing up in spain & knowing little english, how could you ever do something with that ?
    she did, though. she was taken to small photoshoots at home to kick start her career, &for a relatively shy & timid six year old, this was scary yet oddly exciting. needless to say, valentina loved it. but she loved something else, too. at school, they did plenty of plays &productions which valetina threw herself into. she loved it. she loved acting & singing &dancing, almost as much as she did modelling. then she knew what she wanted to be — she wanted to be a model, but she also wanted to be an actress.
    she was comfortable. she loved her life & wouldn’t change a thing. but then her parents dropped the bomb that they were moving & val felt her dreams shatter into a million pieces. moving to america was hard at first. she barely knew any english & the city was intimidating. but as she lived on & met the tempest, the hellion, & the quixotic, things started to even out & as time when by she was pretty much in the same place she was before she moved.
( TRIGGERS ; CAR ACCIDENT, DEATH )     but then came that night. when the crash happened, her heart broke. she never even got to say goodbye to her brother which just made her hurt more. it made her nights restless ; she couldn’t close her eyes without seeing it so she seeked comfort in other people. she slept around, not really thinking about what people would call her. she needed the distraction, & distracting it was. her parents disagreed but she ignored them. she learned to separate her emotions from her thoughts so she became devious, flirtatious, poisonous. anything to forget about the empty feeling in her chest.
    over the years, val has altered incredibly & now works as model for img models. she goes to college, however recent opportunities have made it so she hardly has time for it any more & so tends to cut class to work on her acting career. she tries her best to work her schedule around her friends as well as her arrangements for the night time. never the same person, is a rule she’s set for herself. she’s scared of attachment & anything that could mess with her feelings. god help everyone if that happens.
val has two sides to her. there’s the sweet side, which can throw people off when they experience her devil side. she’s been described before as a ’ quiet genius ’, meaning that she can seem all cute & innocent but in the meantime is probably planning your downfall. she’s incredibly destructive, reason being why she doesn’t believe in romance or love so her interest in the tempest is quite confusing &annoying for her. but val can be very possessive & jealous, so if she ever found out about the quixotic’s feelings she’d probably flash a smile but secretly would be thinking of all the ways she can destroy them. even though they’re one of her best friends & val is incredibly loyal, nobody gets in the way of what she wants. val can be very withdrawn, however, which would probably be an issue for the hellionbecause she’d rather be out sleeping with someone than she would talk about her issues.
ENTJ ; as an ENTJ, val is very leader-like. she focuses on the most efficient &organized means of performing a task. this quality, along with ger goal orientation, often makes val superior leader, both realistic & visionary in implementing a long-term plan. val tends to be fiercely independent in her decision making, having a strong will that insulates them against external influence. generally highly competent, val can analyze & structure the world around her in a logical & rational way. due to this straightforward way of thinking, val tends to have the greatest difficulty of all the types in applying subjective considerations & emotional values into the decision-making process. as an ENTJ she often excels in business &other areas that require systems analysis, original thinking, & an economically savvy mind. she is a dynamic & pragmatic problem solvers. she tends to have a high degree of confidence in her own abilities, making her assertive & outspoken. In her dealings with others, she is generally outgoing, charismatic, fair-minded, unaffected by conflict or criticism. however, these qualities can make her appear arrogant, insensitive, & confrontational. she can overwhelm others with her energy& desires to order the world according to her own vision. as a result, she may seem intimidating, hasty, & controlling. she tends to cultivate her personal power. she often ends up taking charge of a situation that seems ( to their mind, at least )to be out of control, or that can otherwise be improved upon & strengthened. she strivea to learn new things, which helps her become a resourceful problem-solver. however, since she relies on provable facts, she may find subjective issues pointless. she appears to take a tough approach to emotional or personal issues,& so can be viewed as aloof & insensitive. in situations requiring feeling & value judgments, she is well served to seek the advice of a trusted feeling type. when striving toward a goal, she often puts personal needs aside until the work is done ( & may expect others to do the same ). for this reason, she may be considered self-sacrificing by some, but ’ cold & heartless ’ by others, especially those who prefer feeling.
HOW VAL FEELS ABOUT BEING A MEMBER OF THE EXUBERANT CLUB ;val is very prideful, so being a member of one of the most affluent clubs in new york really does make her hold her head a little higher. she’s already boastful, but to have this privilege is just as good as winning an oscar to her. she loves the privacy & the inclusivity of the place, meaning that she finds herself feeling very comfortable & rewarded.
001 ; valentina is more known for her talent in modeling & acting, but what many people don’t know is that val loves to dance. since she was a child, whenever a song came on the radio she would be moving whatever she could in the back-seat of the car & one time, when she & her brother went to the mall her favourite song came through the speakers & she just dropped what she was doing & started dancing. she’s an avid fan of music & so can dance to any song, especially spanish songs because that’s a part of her heritage & they’re generally good for dancing.
002 ; val is a very dedicated vegetarian. she says it’s to aid her diet ( because god-forbid if anyone thought she cared about anything for one second ) but in truth it’s because she’s highkey against animal cruelty & won’t eat something that another creature has died for. to be honest, she has a huge love for animals & is the ambassador of a cause that’s fighting against animal cruelty, & although her reasons are genuine she tells her peers that it’s just for the promotion. yeah, right.
003 ; she absolutely loves roses, specifically white ones. whereas people are forced to believe it’s just because of the aesthetic — after all, everything val does is for the aesthetic — the reason is actually deeper than that. when she was little, her family went to a rose garden & her brother told her to pick her favourite rose. she spotted a pristine white one, the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen & he picked it for her to take home. the rose lasted a good couple of weeks before it died, leaving val feeling devastated. she’s never told anyone that story in fear they’ll see through her cold mask.
004 ; she’s an exquisite baker. before moving to america, she used to visited this bakery on the weekly. her parents were good friends with the bakery owner & so when val wanted to learn how to bake something new, she’d always go there &they’d teach her all their tricks. val likes to bake for her friends her friends on the daily yet claims that it’s just to pass the time rather than a genuine hobby, but if you go to her place you can guarantee that there’s always cookies on the table.
005 ; is still very connected to her life in barcelona. she visits her friends & family there as often as she can & loves indulging in her hispanic lifestyle. although spanish is one of her main languages, she’s fluent in many others & won’t hesitate in using them to her advantage should the opportunity arise. she’s very culturally orientated & still favours her old life, however she claims to love america more than anything & that clouding her emotions is the best thing she ever did.
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miserysfirst-blog · 7 years
Kailah Finally Does Tags:     An Anomaly   !
✧*∙  ❛    STAR ANISE TEA    /    (  a. 002  )  ✧*∙  ❛    MOUTHFUL OF ASH    /    (  a. 001  ) ✧*∙  ❛    SHADES & SECRETS    /    (  a. 003  )  ✧*∙  ❛    DISTANT LULLABIES    /    (  a. 004  )  ✧*∙  ❛    PARCHMENT & DUST    /    (  a. 005  )  ✧*∙  ❛    GUNS & SHIPS    /    (  a. 006  ) ✧*∙  ❛    DETERIORATING DRESSES    /    (  a. 007  ) ✧*∙  ❛    MOTOR OIL     /    (  a. 008  )
✧*∙  ❛    THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING    /    (  ch. study  )  ✧*∙  ❛    HORRIFIC HEADCANONS    /    (  hc  ) ✧*∙  ❛    PONDERING PROMPTS    /    (  memes  ) ✧*∙  ❛    ACCUTE ANSWERS    /    (  asks  )  ✧*∙  ❛    PLEASANT FACIAL FEATURES    /     (  img. 002  ) ✧*∙  ❛    DARK  EYES  SOFT  HEART    /     (  img. 001  ) ✧*∙  ❛    MY SISTER IS A NICE GIRL    /    (  selfpromo  ) ✧*∙  ❛    SHE KNEW THE TIME TO ACT WAS NOW    /    (  promo  ) ✧*∙  ❛    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯      /      (  ooc  ) 
✧*∙  ❛    THE ERRATIC EPILOGUE      /      (  v. 001  )  ✧*∙  ❛    THE BAD BEGINNING      /      (  v. 002  )  ✧*∙  ❛    THE SECRET SNICKET    /     (  v. 003  ) ✧*∙  ❛    THE NAIVE NOBLE     /      (  v. 004  ) ✧*∙  ❛    THE RAVENOUS RAVENCLAW     /      (  v. 005  ) ✧*∙  ❛    A HORRID HISTORY     /     (  v. 006  ) ✧*∙  ❛    THE BROKEN BRIDE     /      (  v. 007  ) ✧*∙  ❛    THE MELANCHOLY MECHANIC     /      (  v. 008  ) 
✧*∙  ❛    I MISS YOU MOST ARDENTLY      /      (  klaus  )  ✧*∙  ❛    I CARRY YOUR HEART      /      (  sunny  )  ✧*∙  ❛    LETS GO ON TOGETHER      /      (  violet & klaus & sunny  )  ✧*∙  ❛    IN FROM THE COLD      /      (  sebaldcoded  )  ✧*∙  ❛    RUN  ,  RUN  ,   RUN       /       (  olaf  )  ✧*∙  ❛    SHE WAS NEVER YOURS TO LOSE     /      (  lemony  )  ✧*∙  ❛    A LOVELY VIEW    /    (  quigley  )  ✧*∙  ❛    A HOME IN YOU       /       (  lionfifth  )  ✧*∙  ❛    SAY SAY MY PLAYMATE       /       (  lycanbirth  )  ✧*∙  ❛    MY MANIC & I       /       (  sythegun  ) 
#✧*∙  ❛    PLEASANT FACIAL FEATURES    /     (  img. 002  )#✧*∙  ❛    DARK  EYES  SOFT  HEART    /     (  img. 001  )#✧*∙  ❛    MY SISTER IS A NICE GIRL    /    (  selfpromo  )#✧*∙  ❛    SHE KNEW THE TIME TO ACT WAS NOW    /    (  promo  )#✧*∙  ❛    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯      /      (  ooc  )#✧*∙  ❛    STAR ANISE TEA    /    (  a. 002  )#✧*∙  ❛    MOUTHFUL OF ASH    /    (  a. 001  )#✧*∙  ❛    SHADES & SECRETS    /    (  a. 003  )#✧*∙  ❛    DISTANT LULLABIES    /    (  a. 004  )#✧*∙  ❛    PARCHMENT & DUST    /    (  a. 005  )#✧*∙  ❛    GUNS & SHIPS    /    (  a. 006  )#✧*∙  ❛    DETERIORATING DRESSES    /    (  a. 007  )#✧*∙  ❛    MOTOR OIL     /    (  a. 008  )#✧*∙  ❛    THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING    /    (  ch. study  )#✧*∙  ❛    HORRIFIC HEADCANONS    /    (  hc  )#✧*∙  ❛    PONDERING PROMPTS    /    (  memes  )#✧*∙  ❛    ACCUTE ANSWERS    /    (  asks  )#✧*∙  ❛    THE ERRATIC EPILOGUE      /      (  v. 001  )#✧*∙  ❛    THE BAD BEGINNING      /      (  v. 002  )#✧*∙  ❛    THE SECRET SNICKET    /     (  v. 003  )#✧*∙  ❛    THE NAIVE NOBLE     /      (  v. 004  )#✧*∙  ❛    THE RAVENOUS RAVENCLAW     /      (  v. 005  )#✧*∙  ❛    A HORRID HISTORY     /     (  v. 006  )#✧*∙  ❛    THE BROKEN BRIDE     /      (  v. 007  )#✧*∙  ❛    THE MELANCHOLY MECHANIC     /      (  v. 008  )#✧*∙  ❛    I MISS YOU MOST ARDENTLY      /      (  klaus  )#✧*∙  ❛    I CARRY YOUR HEART      /      (  sunny  )#✧*∙  ❛    LETS GO ON TOGETHER      /      (  violet & klaus & sunny  )#✧*∙  ❛    IN FROM THE COLD      /      (  sebaldcoded  )#✧*∙  ❛    RUN    RUN     RUN       /       (  olaf  )
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planetzuri · 8 years
by Tasneem Dhinojwala
Get inspired by the best of fashion ideas to sport this Valentine’s Day!
Valentine Day can be another excuse for all you fashionistas to get all dressed and dolled up. Whether you are celebrating love for your beloved, other important people in your life, or the love that you have for yourself, looking your best can never be wrong. A perfect day to show your love for fashion, dig out from your wardrobe, mix ‘n’ match, or go for a new buy, celebrate love in style this Valentine. We bring to you some fashion ideas to choose from, depending on what mood you are in this year.
1. Feminine and flirty: Be a heady combination of the feminine and the flirty and knock him off his feet. Use the reds and the pinks to build that effect. Go for the kill with the tantalizing red, maybe a layered red top paired with a neon pink skirt. Keep the makeup nude, just highlight the eyes with black kajal and liner.
2. Wear your heart on your sleeves: Love is in the air and you show it in what you wear. Heart shaped printed outfits can make a style statement. For some it might sound tacky, but if you can carry it well, become the Queen of hearts and steal one. This can be girly and fun even if not red.
3. Sparkling chunky jewelry: To enjoy the funk and fun of V-day, go for sparkling chunky jewelry with your outfits. Be it chunky earrings or a big silver belt, statement neckpieces or trendy bracelets, add on to your style quotient with any of these or a combination that completes your look. You are definitely going to turn more heads.
4. The sequined look: A dash of sequins does add glamour to anything you wear. You can either go for a full sequined dress or accessorize it with a sequined belt, clutch, hair accessories or footwear. For a sensual, flirty look you can try some sequined lingerie over a sheer red top.
5. Silk, satin and velvet: Feminine to the core, these fabrics have a soft sensual feel to them. Opt for any one of them. Combine your outfit with makeup to either create a soft feminine look or the ultra modern sensual look. These fabrics work either ways. For example, a soft pink satin gown or frock will give you a demure petite look, when you combine it with toned down eye makeup, pink lips and flushed cheeks. On the other hand, a dress in red silk when paired with red lipstick and dark smokey eyes will definitely give you the bold and sensual look.
6. A love-hate look: This last one is for those who do not believe in celebrating Valentines’. You can be dressed in all black and add a dash of red in the form of red lips, red scarf, belt or bag. You can be the Valentine’s Day vamp in all your glory ☺
Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
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