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fairydriver · 8 months
if you post an image in discord itll round the corners, but once you hit a certain smallness it rounds into a circle. so basically if you make an image that is 32x32 and you post it in discord itll go from this
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to this.
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so you basically can just draw a little face in mspaint or something and paste it into discord and itll look like a little emoji. you can potentially mess around with this a lot, its proportional to your image going smaller and it doesnt have to be a square either.
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leroibobo · 11 months
with my nakba posts, here's some website recommendations if you want to learn on the history of specific depopulated palestinian areas:
palestine remembered is probably the most famous and comprehensive website with full documentations of former locations and depopulated villages. it also lists information on palestinian refugee camps, guestbooks, and the ability to submit pictures/info if you know of any. information on each village varies.
zochrot is an organization dedicated to teaching both palestinians and israelis about the 1948 nakba (which is not covered well if at all in israeli schools, as you can probably imagine), which includes documenting information on villages and even an app. information on each village varies.
the interactive encyclopedia for the palestinian question's places page has some detailed histories and a map as well, but doesn't go into the detail of the last two sites, and doesn't have pictures or sources.
some villages also have their own websites, and many of them are also in english (for example, the one i linked for kafr bir'im). honestly just look up (village name) + website and if it's there you'll find it.
wikipedia also has surprisingly comprehensive coverage of the villages, the articles include a little more of the "war" background than the other websites do. (and of course since it's wikipedia you can find further sources on there.)
all that remains: the palestinian villages occupied and depopulated by israel in 1948 is a famous book by palestinian historian walid khalidi which gives a detailed account of what became of 400 different depopulated palestinian villages. it was released in 1992, so it's not current, but many of the things he wrote still hold. a lot of the above links use this book as a source.
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Mine: Refer to me however you want!
Mike: Yeah, for me too. I think I use all pronouns too.
[They high-five and fist-bump each other]
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[via @barbmine]
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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The final day
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andhumanslovedstories · 8 months
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hey here's another question that I've been thinking about for about a week with no particular breakthrough. I'm so much on the healthcare side that all my advice is on that side. Dude, I read academic articles for this and didn't come up with anything particularly useful. That's why I'm answering this publicly, so other people hopefully add something useful. (Also I know you said you're not looking for opioids. I'm gonna talk about opioids anyway they certainly affect perceptions of chronic pain. In your case, try making clear early on that you don't want opioids.)
I'll say some things that I've noticed from my work to maybe provide some insight into healthcare's side of the exchange. I'm not saying this is the way things should be, I'm giving advice based on how I see things are. I wish I could say this wasn't the case, but when there's a pain medication standoff, the two ways I've seen it work out best for a patient are:
A third party advocates for the patient. (like family, nurse, social worker, different specialist, patient advocate, etc)
Change in caregiver.
I don't like those as the top answers, but that's what I've seen and it's consistent with a lot of the accounts I encountered. There is also a third way that the pain medication standoff can quickly end in a patient's favor:
3. New evidence (new symptom, imaging, vital signs, lab test, etc) forces a reexamination of how we're thinking about the patient.
This is also the "oh shit they seem worse" method, but it can also be "we have gained new information that re-contextualizes the information we already knew." This is like hey the xray came back, your whole bone is dust, or hey your blood pressure is now significantly higher, or hey oops your appendix exploded.
In all three cases, something new happens to change the dynamic. This works for healthcare providers operating in good faith because someone comes in fresh and/or the new dynamic causes the healthcare team to do a new assessment and cost/benefit analysis with this updated information. This works for healthcare providers operating in bad faith because they are either removed from the situation or put in a position where giving pain medication is less onerous than not giving pain medication. I genuinely, genuinely believe far more healthcare employees are operating in good faith rather than bad faith, although the end results can look the same from the patient side. This means I think that far more people are swayed by additional information that makes pain management have more benefit and less cost.
I don't know how actionable any of this is from the patient side unfortunately. I don't love being like "my advice? wait till shift change, see if you can shake it up." Bring someone to the emergency department with you if you have someone available, preferably someone prepared to make a fuss on your behalf. If you don't have a third person, see if you can get one. Hospitals can have patient advocate as a job. If they aren't available, is there someone on your healthcare team that seems most sympathetic? Try asking them if they have any advice. They might be able to give you some, they might advocate for you. Be careful about badmouthing staff to other staff and avoid compliments to one member of the team that relies on insulting another member. You don't know the relationships at play, and it's sort of like how you shouldn't trash talk your old job when interviewing for a new job. You may be completely right in everything you're saying, but being like "my boss was a crazy asshole who refused to recognize my work," doesn't come off as objective. It can undercut your credibility and introduce hostility into the conversation where it is not productive.
I'd also be prepared to talk about what you already tried to relieve the pain. Again, with you I'd mention upfront that you don't want opioids because they don't work for you. Then say what you have already tried at home before you came in (tylenol, ibpurofen, heating, ice, exercises, stretching, shower, other meds, etc) and the effect of both the pain (can't sleep, makes you nauseated, had to call off sick from work, aren't able to be a caregiver to someone, etc) and your already attempted interventions (no significant pain control, symptoms got worse, called PCP, they said emergency was the next step, etc). If your condition is chronic, compare it on the pain scale and the functionality scale to your baseline. (i.e. "I'm always at least a 3 out of ten on the pain scale, but it doesn't usually leave me bedbound." "Normally Symptom improves after Intervention At Home, but that didn't work this time.") Something that can make providers hesitant is if opioids, benzos, or other powerful drugs are the first and only thing a patient says will help and they're unwilling to try anything else, so sometimes demonstrating flexibility with your pain plan can signal "I'm not here for oxy to sell, I'm here because I want my symptoms to stop (and, if relevant, figure out what is causing them)."
Also if you can and feel safe doing so, consider providing feedback to the hospital. Nothing changes without something documented.
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doccywhomst · 4 months
okay so i understand that daleks are one of the main brand icons of doctor who, and that they represent a certain breed of fascist thought that can never be fully stamped out, but. :/
i think im ready for the daleks to die.
daleks have been central to doctor who from the very beginning (the second ever episode, the daleks, and season 2’s the dalek invasion of earth), embodying fear, hate, imperialism, and the darker sides of our own nature - but it seems that, for a while now, their continued existence has been maintained solely by the doctor’s mercy and/or ineptitude ??? which sucks as a theme imo
a great example is remembrance of the daleks, a seventh doctor story from 1988 - yes, the one where the doctor blows up skaro. or, davros fires a device the doctor boobytrapped at skaro’s sun, which goes supernova and destroys every dalek in that region of space. it’s pretty baller. anyway! davros and a few daleks hop in an escape pod and fuck off, and the doctor just lets them. k.
(skaro’s destruction was later ‘corrected’ by widely-detested EDA author john peel in war of the daleks, which is unhyperbolically the worst book i’ve ever read, and thus disregarded! but this heretical text explains that the planet was a decoy named antalin. it’s awful yeah. i tried to warn you)
exhibit b: evolution of the daleks (2007). ten confronts dalek caan, the sole survivor of the cult of skaro, at the top of the empire state building. the daleks have just created and annihilated a slave race of pig people, and it’s horrible to watch. you get the feeling that they’ve done this millions of times all across the universe, because they canonically have. they are inherently imperialist, racist, and genocidal. the doctor knows this.
and the doctor’s response is basically “killing you would mean that I commit genocide, so let’s just hang out and have a conversation.”
dalek caan gets away.
and you’ll never guess where he goes. that’s right! he hops the time lock and grabs davros, who escaped in remembrance of the daleks!!! and they make a bunch of new dalek babies together, out of davros’ gross old flesh. it’s a tentacle fest.
so he was right. killing dalek caan would’ve been a genocide- but because he didn’t, now there are ten thousand genocides. a clear improvement!
exhibit d: victory of the daleks (2010).
after a couple of false starts, the daleks manage to make more daleks after tricking the doctor into confirming their species to open their own device (??? okay sure)- but then they trick him again with a robot scientist bomb that he failed to detect even after talking to the guy, and it’s just like…. fool the doctor once, shame on you, fool them twice? damn, you must be on the merch.
exhibit e: the witch’s familiar (2015).
the iconic ‘only other chair on skaro’ scene where twelve and davros chat on the rebuilt dalek home world - super fun, so fun i forgot how the doctor folded like a house of cards. davros, the genocidal maniac, wants to live another day to see a pretty sunrise, so the doctor *checks notes* gives him some artron energy? that can’t be right, wh- oh- oh, but it’s fine because it affects all daleks, and through some contrived science magic, they all ‘learn the concept of mercy.’ on accident.
and it changed nothing. later stories retcon this. i’m too tired to even think about resolution, revolution, or eve of the daleks right now, but those episodes only further cemented my malaise regarding the doctor’s apparent complacency.
again and again, the daleks depend on the doctor’s mercy, and they get it, and they WIN- and it feels like the moral is that they should be eliminated like an unthinking, unfeeling virus, but the doctor is just too compassionate or inept for the job. certainly not the first doctor to lose to a virus, but perhaps the first to do so willingly.
beyond a loss in revenue, i can’t imagine why the doctor couldn’t destroy the daleks, or why they wouldn’t want to - there was a point when, allegedly, “the time lord’s continuity could not survive without the daleks” (“neverland” audio), but i think the weight and relevance of that harry potter type threat has long since passed.
so… it might be time to put the daleks away, for now. sure, they can come back as a concession to the persistence of fascist ideology, but watching the doctor lose or win to fascism for seemingly arbitrary (always sentimental) reasons isn’t really satisfying. the show addresses that daleks cause untold suffering, but again and again the only obstacle to no suffering is the doctor, who can’t get their shit together! it’s killing me.
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rearviewghost · 11 days
one thing that really fascinates me about alex is his devotion to art – and more specifically, how he chooses to get some inspiration from scientific works of what he aims to implement in his art. every time one gets to examine some of his lyrics, or even how he explains these lyrics in an interview, they can be greeted by some bits of actual scientific information. an example is how he named his taquería on the moon with the term “information-action ratio”, coined by the critic neil postman, and referenced it in the song four out of five, something that might also indicate an interesting articulation with postman's concept. the line “cute new places keep on popping up”, for example, can express his well-known sardonic discontent regarding the flood of information being generated and transmitted over and over and, as much as it seems visually appealing and does give the idea of benefiting from advanced technologies, it doesn't really add anything substantial to the receiver's critical thinking – and worse, it distances the information receiver from the sender in a communication channel, according to postman.
what i'm saying with this interpretation is, it's known that alex is enamoured with the idea of gathering a bunch of references and condensing them into a mixture of metaphors in his writing, but it's so thrilling how, at times, we can find some bits of science inside of it – and it's even more exciting, just like playing a puzzle game, to find these references and analyse them by doing a similar research to what he did to create his works.
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hyunsvngs · 4 months
this pride month, let’s not forget our queer brothers and sisters in palestine. please donate if you can and if not, continue to spread awareness of this horrible genocide. we will not rest until palestine is free 🇵🇸
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xmaruu11 · 10 months
Hello Guys, would you be very kind and answer a silly question?
What types of Multiplayer games you play?
AND !!
Why do you like playing Multiplayer games?
its for a university work, so i would be really thankful if you could answer this :) !
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sonntam · 1 year
I don't think I've seen a write-up on various fairy-tale and Russian sayings references in the English translation, so I'd like to make one.
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"Puddles make poor drinks" and "Gorkhon water will turn you into livestock": what's up with that?
There is a fairytale about a big sister and the little brother. They walk for a long time and the brother is very thirsty. His big sister keeps telling him to keep going and not to drink from the puddles, like a goat. Eventually the little brother drinks from the puddle.
And promptly turns into a goat.
Rest of the fairytale is about the big sister returning the little brother to his original form.
So, this is where the talks about puddles and water turning you into livestock is about.
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The Akela joke did not work at all in the translation.
It comes from Mowgli, which is well known due to the USSR cartoon. In the book (and in the cartoon) the elderly wolf leader Akela misses during a hunt... after which he promptly is deposed as a leader of the pack. Mowgli loses his protection and this is a Big Deal.
So whenever a boss in real life makes a silly mistake (say, throwing a paperball into the bin and missing) everyone thinks it's very funny to say "Akela missed!" implying that they will get a new boss now and the current one will get deposed for this mistake.
Here "Akela never misses" means that Khan being at risk of infection and coming into the nutshell does not diminish his importance at all and his dogheads are just as loyal as before, happily delivering loot to him.
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There is a saying: "Better a sparrow in hand, than a stork in the sky."
It means that you should treasure what you have, instead of preferring that which you can't get (so easily).
Lara Ravel references that she can't be happy with the little she has. She wants to help others and for this she needs more.
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"Maybe I could be useful to you" is a classic thing that various animals say to people in fairytales, once they are caught and plead for their lives.
I think, this is a popular trope in English fairytales as well, but the phrasing here is lifted directly from fairytales in Russian, so pointing it out either way.
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"Everyone's shirt is closer to their skin" is a well known Russian saying.
It means that your happiness and comfort is always more important to you than the comfort of other people. Hence: your shirt is closer to your skin, so you care about it more.
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"Silence implies assent" is another popular saying (it even rhymes in Russian).
If someone proposes a course of action and no one speaks out against it or for it, then people usually say "silence is a sign of assent" and consider the matter settled. (Or, more often, people then suddenly say that they disagree and you get a more lively and productive conversation.)
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I can't find another screenshot, but Dankovsky says something similar about "I wore down seven pairs of shoes getting to this town".
It obviously could be taken as a factual statement, but most likely it's a reference to fairytales.
In a lot of fairytales the protagonist will be given on a long journey seven pairs of iron boots. Once all of them break, the hero has reached his destination.
Same here: it's a fairytale way of saying that you had a long and arduous journey (or in Capella's case, ran around the whole town for years).
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"I'll just peek with one eye" is another popular Russian phrase.
"Can I look?"
"How about if I look with just one eye?"
Obviously, it's nonsense, but it's a typical thing to say if you REALLY want to look at something, so you just say "pleeeease, I will just look only a little".
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strawberryteabunny · 8 months
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my wardrobe post for 2023 is done and up on my neocities! ૮ ෆ ´ ˕ ` ෆ ა
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Blog post and new item photos here and all of my wardrobe pieces here (both pages work better on desktop but are mobile-compatible).
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daguerreotyping · 2 years
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Daguerreotype of two men, affectionately entwined, circa 1845-50. Source: Dear Friends: American Photographs of Men Together, 1840-1918 by David Deitcher. This book is also available to read for free on Open Library, though the scan quality is a little rough. I've just acquired a used copy and it's so worth it, not only for the many lovely reproductions but also for Deitcher's writing, which is beautiful and I imagine very relevant to the interests of many viewers of this tumblr:
Anonymity, and the uncertainty it perpetuates, facilitate a kind of pleasure that would be more difficult to sustain under the potentially harsh, and always more limiting, details of a more concrete historical intelligence. Research into the gay history of nineteenth-century London prompted one writer to ask: "Do we view it with dismay, since it is a record of sorrow, of powerlessness, a record of lives wrecked? Or is it possible to read even these texts, written as they were by journalists, policemen and court clerks, with delight, as precious traces of dangerous, pleasurable, complicated gay lives?" Uncertain of anything that actually transpired between the men in such a photograph, the collector is free to imagine whatever he pleases. Immersed in their appearance, he remains ignorant of any tragedy that might have befallen them, or of any crime they may have committed or been punished for.
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kang-yo-han · 1 month
Casual poll because I’ve noticed something in some fandoms I’m in and now I’m curious!
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crazykuroneko · 1 year
Good News: You can watch IWTV on ABC iview for free with VPN!
So, if you are like me, who literally have no way to watch IWTV except by 🏴‍☠️ despite you really really want to give them the money and viewership, now you can!
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Just set your VPN to Australia, open ABC iview on your browser and sign up with email. They'll ask if you're in an Australian suburb and a postal code. Just pick "overseas" and it will work. You can then watch on browser or download the app APK on your phone (with VPN on). With this, at least we can help the viewership 😉
Additional info on The Newsreader: afaik the new episode will drop on iview after the TV broadcast. So, if you log in around 8.30-9.30 pm AEST, you can watch the TV livestream on iview (pick the ABC TV stream).
Of course please watch IWTV on AMC+ if it's available in your country. that will help AMC to know there are fans there 🫶
Other streamers that carry IWTV afaik: MAX (USA), AMC+ (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, South Korea via Genie TV), BBC/BBC iplayer (U.K), Sky (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), OSN+ (Middle Eastern and North Africa), TVNZ+ (New Zealand)
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zaahvi · 20 days
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when the brainrot is overpowering but you have no art ideas:
anyway heyy gimme dragon age characters to draw!! let's see i can actually commit to doing a fanart series this time
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Hello, my name's Pati and I'm a neuropsychology student writing my Master Thesis about the autism spectrum disorder in adulthood. I need 25 more people over the age of 18 with an asd diagnosis to fill out a questionnaire for my study to start finishing my thesis and was wondering if you would have the time to check it out and hopefully reblog to spread the word if you decide it's alright? If you do, it's the pinned post on my blog. If I'm overstepping please feel free to ignore this message. Hope you have a lovely day! 🌻
Hello Pati!
I’ll post this and have people pass it around. I’m sure you’ll find those 25 people soon. I would also like to participate if that’s possible.
Hi everybody!
Pati needs 25 more participants for their work and is looking for people who have an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). If you are interested, please contact @junghosoks.
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