#✦ •・ SUPPORT─ inigo/laslow
emblemxeno · 2 years
Can you imagine if Owain, Inigo, and Severa shared an Emblem bracelet or even just were just in Elyos for some reason with new aliases i’d love them to keep being recurring characters it’s so fucking funny lmao
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fellpurpose · 9 months
Everything's quiet. Peaceful, even.
And then, like an oncoming storm, he hears the voice of his closest friend thundering down the hallways. Laslow grins even while rolling his eyes, detouring from his planned route to the greenhouse. Pebbles crunch underfoot as he cuts through a row of hedges.
"Odin Dark!" He shouts upon spotting that familiar yellow head. "Do my eyes deceive me? Where have you been, eh?"
Laslow halts before Odin, fighting to adopt a mock-serious expression. It doesn't work. His lips keep twitching, and laughter colors his voice. "Good to see you again, old friend."
fate is often foe, but in moments like these, it is a friend.
they are cut from the same cloth, he and laslow. they are bound together by shared scars, linked by a thread that remains intact after all these years, across all timelines and worlds. for once, odin is seemingly at a loss for words when he spots his old companion. what to call the feeling that burns in his chest? relief? affection? gratitude? perhaps all of the above. an emotion to be named at a later time.
odin can't help himself. "LASLOW OF THE AZURE SKIES!" he bellows in response, forgoing his practiced, regal stride for eager, quickened footsteps that meet his friend halfway. inigo of the indigo skies. so much to say. hopefully time is on their side now.
in his excitement, odin nearly skids into laslow. under normal circumstances, his cheeks would color with embarrassment, though no such thing happens. he flashes laslow a bright smile - a genuine one - and puffs out his chest. "IT APPEARS THAT OUR WILLS ARE ONCE MORE ENTWINED WITH FATE'S THREADS~!"
"old friend." a welcome sound to weary ears. there is no one owain trusts as much as inigo, and none who know him as intimately. "it's good to see you too." he beams. with that, he punches the other's arm playfully. "we should catch up. that is...if you're not busy."
odin eyes the other over, pleased with what he sees. what a welcome change it is to see his loved ones happy and well, rather than bloodied and beaten down. "i'm glad you're okay."
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laslow · 1 year
( repost, do not reblog. )
Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. Then tag your friends.
“What? Why? Don't apologize. If I want to help people with my dancing, I need to become as alluring as possible. If I can't talk my way into a date or five, I know I've still got a long ways to go. Flirting is another part of my training. ...With its own benefits, naturally. So, really. I'm thankful." (Olivia and Inigo B Support, FE: Awakening)
“You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!" (Father [Henry] and Inigo B Support, FE: Awakening)
“Hey! Not so fast! Life is full of twists and turns and unexpected happenings! We should approach each day as if it were our last, as for all we know it will be! Just think, tomorrow I could be spirited away—or worse! What if you never have an opportunity to see me again? Would you not give anything to then apologize for how you treated me? Perhaps...over a cup of tea?" (F!Corrin and Laslow B Support, FE: Fates-Conquest)
“That's a dreadful thing to say. I may not have been born and raised here, but I have many dear friends. Is it that odd that I would stake my life fighting for them?" (Camilla and Laslow A Support, FE: Fates-Conquest)
“Girls never say anything nice about me... I want to make sure I remember what this feels like. It'll take some of the sting out of losing all my money, that's for sure!" (Mozu and Laslow C Support, FE: Fates-Conquest)
Tagged by: the lovely dash Tagging: the beautiful lass reading this <3
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Xander and Olivia's warriors support is so funny. It's just two people slowly beating Inigo to death with dramatic irony. Xander saying, "Surely your child would never be such a philanderer" (In reference to Laslow) really had me going "Oh buddy I've got news for the two of you!"
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willowitxh · 8 months
kisses scattered along a hardened jaw to try and soothe
kiss meme || still accepting
Living humans were always fascinating creatures, even back when Thrasir was alive. So... emotional. So much anger. Rage. Hate. Fickle hearts of the living, always guiding them off cliffs or down traps. Why, it wound them up so tight, their emotions made them weak, and at times volatile. Much like poor Laslow. Inigo. Whichever name this hero of this realm went by.
Just another doll to Thrasir.
She ran her hands up his arms lightly, her precious toy needed comfort, something she had done had clearly upset him. Her lips pressed a line of kisses against his jaw. Over the years she had learned that many would succumb to gentle touch such as this.
"Your face ill suits such a severe expression," she purred in whisper once her lips had reached his ear. Come, beloved doll, let go of your anger. "Your frustration dulls your mind."
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good-beans · 2 years
Summary: Lucina and Inigo are cast as Clara and the Nutcracker in an emergency production of the show. With opening night approaching, tensions arise.
Happy holidays to @ nymphlings on twitter, I was your secret santa for @nagamas ! I always love a good ballet au, this was so much fun to write 😊🩰
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liaytolisia · 1 year
👋 + greenhouse! ;)
Perhaps it was just how green it was, but Lianna loved the greenhouse. It was beautiful inside, and it reminded her of the gardens that were in Aytolis, slowly regaining their splendour. She found it calming being in here. There always seemed to be someone within, speaking to the garden keeper or thinking or even tending to the plants around themselves.
This was how she met Laslow.
She hadn't met him before, but something just a little familiar about him. She couldn't quite place her finger on it. Perhaps it was that slight familiarity that drew Lianna to approach.
"Hello," she hummed, smiling in greeting. "My name is Lianna. It's a pleasure to meet you."
She dipped into a quick curtsey as had been drilled into her from the moment she could walk and then straightened to hold out her hand.
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I love the supports in Awakening where Inigo takes another guy out on the town to be his wingman, or make himself look better, only for the other guy to get all the ladies instead. They're so funny
I don't remember most of fates' supports but if they had those with Laslow that's amazing. NO bitches
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salt-n-eve · 2 months
For no reason I wanted to list my FE ships
Here we go
-Raven×Lucius (They are married)
-Ares×Seliph (IDK why. I just like them.)
-M!Alear×Rafal (My baby dragon needs Alear to live long enough.)
-Nel×F!Alear (Fell Xenologue only. I like my Yuri with one of them DEAD.)
-Peony×Sharena (Schrödinger's Selfcest? In my Yuri? Yes please)
-Camilla×Selena (Just the right amount of TOXIC in my Yuri. Love it.)
-Xander×Laslow (Their Support A is just... *chef's kiss*)
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antivanwine14 · 2 months
Hollywood Xanlow AU Idea (long) for Laslow's birthday
Xander is the heir to Nohr Studios, one of the largest studios in Hollywood. It has been around for a long time, but Garon is currently the head. His womanizing, erratic, and toxic behavior has caused many issues, and the studio has been in a slump for a while.
Xander started his career as an actor, and he was decent enough, but it was mostly his looks that made people sure he could be a leading man. Eventually, he switched to directing and really thrived there. He won a few high-profile awards, made some large box office smashes, and is one of the only bright spots at Nohr Studios. His reputation as a serious, no-nonsense, respectful director and leader earned him a lot of fans. Many people want him to take over, believing he can save the studio.
Inigo(stage name Laslow) is Xander's personal assistant. He came to Hollywood to follow his dream of dancing, but dancing does not really pay the bills, especially because his shyness makes him a bad networker. He did discover he was a pretty good personal assistant, and Xander needed one.
At first, things are rough between them, but they get to know each other and bond, especially since Inigo gets on well with Peri, Xander's bodyguard. As their relationship improves, Inigo quickly falls for him, seeing how hard Xander works and how much he really cares about the employees and trying to do things right (plus, he really does have movie star looks).
Xander discovers Inigo's dance skills and offers to help him, which Inigo quickly shoots down. However, Xander does start to talk up his assistant's dance skills, and Inigo starts to get invited to perform.
Xander struggles with his growing crush on Inigo since he really doesn't want to be that creep who flirts with his employees. He knows what that can do to a studio, and he wants to save Nohr. Things build between them as Inigo starts to learn the business and makes the connections through Xander to be able to dance more. It is mostly a part-time job he does for fun, but Xander encourages and supports him.
Eventually, Inigo confesses his feelings, and Xander admits he has them too, but he can't do anything since he can't be that creep. His reputation needs to remain clean for the good of the studio. Inigo is sad but also understands. He knows what is going on with Garon and has supported Xander with everything. Inigo, though, is not willing to give up! He offers to find another position since he dreams of being a dancer, not a personal assistant. They begin to quietly date as Inigo eventually gets a position as a dance coach at one of the local theatres.
After a year (8 months after Inigo left his employment), they go public with their relationship. There was some scandal initially, but it died down quickly, especially once they got married and adopted two children.
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sieglinde-freud · 2 years
brainrotting about fates again why is this funny as hell who wrote this
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this shit dumb asf but im losing my mind
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Whaaaaaat? You prefer Awakening and Fates characters dumb tropey characters over 3H's super deep and complex characters with dark gritty backstories?! I am truly shocked and appalled! (in case it wasn't clear, this is all sarcasm lol)
You're good lol 😭😭😭
But fr tho, I kinda think people lost the plot on how FE character writing is. In supports specifically, it's either pretty rudimentary, sad/dark, funny nonsense, or just emotionally rich in some way. 3H isn't really that different-or better-in that respect. I think people just get the faintest whiff of political intrigue and sad backstories (no matter how sloppy or Yikes they can seem in a meta perspective) and lose their shit.
Also because Fates was so divisive for being "anime weeb trash that lets you touch your waifu like a creep and FORCES you to marry your family members and has TROPEY CHARACTERS and HAS NO CONTINENT NAME OR TEH GOOD LORE" people honestly just took 3H and ran when it handed them building blocks in a sandbox.
And no shade to hardcore fans to 3H characters, cuz I also am a fan of a majority of the cast. But if I can be candid, I'd really rather have more Awakening and Fates-esque characters because it just feels like an extension of what FE character writing has been since FE6: the general fandom remembers each characters for specific things (hell that's why there's personality archetypes for the series) and the big fans of certain characters put the time and effort into them and are rewarded with more facets that others may not see!
Saizo for example, he's seen as overly serious and angry, and always seems to be talking about Ryoma. Lots of people write him off as just that. But his fans know about his backstory of losing his father and how he got his scar, how he's always suspicious of people due to his feelings regarding Mokushu and his status as a retainer, how he's a representative of Hoshido's more traditional and close minded perspectives (like you could see him as an actual example of toxic masculinity the way he's disrespectful towards women and so unwilling to express emotions aside from anger, for instance), etc.
That's just one example too! Tharja is the army therapist who begrudgingly starts to care about the Shepherds. Inigo/Laslow is super fucking contemplative about death and being separated from people and excessively fraternizes with everyone as a result. Rinkah can be seen as a meta commentary on supports with how she and her tribe don't like making meaningless friendships and she only starts being friendly at later ranks because of that. Lissa and Elise both serve as their family and friends' emotional rock, and keep people smiling and able to work. That's just the very tip of the iceberg.
And that's what makes FE good on its own merits. Characters are written to appeal to someone and that someone will respond in kind by loving them and appreciating all that is able to be offered with said character. I guess in a way, what I'm trying to say is 3H tries to appeal in multiple areas at once, and for as good as its character writing can be on its best day, it seem very spread thin and disingenuous as a result; characters have to have flaws, but also be able to be endeared and marriageable, but also involved in game lore in some way but also not essential so they can die/not be recruited with no issue, but also able to be appealing on the surface so as to incentivize recruitment, etc.
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
Brainstorming child units for these Engage characters
I was super sad that we couldn't have child units in 3H, and this was echoed in Engage--though I will praise Engage for being able to S-support everyone (even though not all of them are romantic). So because of this, I wanted to brainstorm ideas for child units in Engage. Sadly, I have no artistic skills, but I've got my imagination.
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Iliad, the child of Alear. Early to mid teens, and I'd imagine they have a different color scheme so they don't look like carbon copies of their parents like Kana and Morgan do. I thought male Iliad's hair would be predominantly blue with a streak of red while female Iliad had red hair with blue highlights in the front (similar to Rogue from "X-Men"), but it'd be a cool detail if the ends of their hair matched the hair color of whoever Alear married. I imagine since their parents showered them with love and affection, they're much more emotionally and psychologically stable than Alear, as well as being a bit of a pacifist. In a contrast to Fates and Awakening, I'd like for Iliad's gender to match Alear's.
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Neciso, the son of Pandreo. Originally I pictured him as a wolf pup type of kid, but then I imagined him as a young man who's also a kind priest like his dad--but he doesn't have the energy for parties. He's more of a scholarly type, but occasionally he'll let out an energetic howl.
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Adele, the daughter of Alfred. Given the fact that Alfred dies young but it's never said how young that is, I think his daughter is super protective of him as she grows up (she'd be a teen here), training herself to be the strongest in the kingdom.
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Emeraude, the daughter of Diamant. Due to the circumstances that made Diamant king, he wants Emeraude to be fully prepared for the worst-case scenario if she needs to become a queen immediately. That said, he also makes sure to spend a lot of time with her just in case she never sees him again.
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Lazul, the son of Alcryst. A young man very big on upholding the honor of the royal family and looks up to his dad a lot, despite the latter's embarrassment. His cousin also encouraged his uncle to give him an education befitting a monarch, as she always saw him as her equal, just as their fathers did before them.
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Aquamarine, the daughter of Amber. A young woman who inherited her father's romanticism and affinity for animals, she comes across as a fairy tale princess. She strives to become a legendary heroine--along with seducing a village boy or five. She's basically the female version of Laslow/Inigo and isn't shamed for that.
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Chikai, the son of Yunaka. He frequently slips in an out of situations, and has a bubbly personality. It's believed he is also a thief, though he's so likeable most people find it hard to believe. He's a sly charmer (very similar to Hermes from the Hades video game).
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Rubis, the daughter of Saphir. She's a popular knight and friend of Emeraude and Lazul. Her duty takes precedence first and foremost, and is the oldest of the child units (being in her mid-20s).
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Eos, the son of Ivy. He's a young man known for being even-tempered and uncharacteristically kind by those who still deem Elusia with suspicion. He frequently wears a ghostly-white rose in his breast pocket, and while he's shy like his mother, he pushes himself to be more sociable to make others lose their fear for his kingdom.
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Solanum, the son of Hortensia. As a little kid, one would be unsurprised by his childish behavior--though those who know Hortensia think it's because she spoils him, and that he'll likely be that way when he's older, too. He often sticks to Eos like glue, and is quick to protect his family.
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Salix, daughter of Zelkov. Considered a counterpart to Chikai, she's known for being dangerous and charming--though while Chikai often keeps his criminal activity to non-life threatening activities, Salix is known for being lethal to her enemies. Her father doesn't seem to mind, considering her loyalty to the crown.
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Tia, daughter of Timerra. Known as "the wandering princess," she's often found camping with her family and traveling on her own--unless her retainers happen to catch up to her. She has a close relationship with her family, and has a singing voice that is much better than her mother's--something her uncle frequently takes advantage of when Timerra tries to sing.
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Taralli, the son of Seadall. Like his father, he is a renowned dancer and fortune-teller, though he often prefers to leave fate to chance, only reading fortunes when truly necessary. I imagine his outfit is similar to Inigo's "Indigo Dancer" outfit in FEH, except Taralli would probably be called the fated dancer.
Hope you like my ideas! Who knows, I may make more for other characters--maybe 3 Houses. Lemme know your thoughts or if you have any questions!
Update: check out the art @yanderefairyangel made inspired by these posts! We've both posted them on our Tumblr accounts.
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laslow · 26 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Sam
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): 5/28! Cyan and I share a birthday with: Liam O'Brien, Laura Bailey, Ian Fleming, and Siegbert :)
Where are you from? What is your time zone? California, USA! PST (west coast best coast)
How long is your roleplay experience? 10+ years? Is it closer to 15 now? If you listen you can hear my joints creaking
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? None other than Wajas.com. Middle school, what a time you were
How were you introduced to TOA? iirc a FE blog I was following reblogged a ToA post and I thought "hm, that's pretty cool! I'll look into it!" and then I blinked and 5 years passed.
Do you have any pets? No :sob:
What is your favorite time of year and why?(Season, holiday, general period) Winter! The weather is actually livable
What is your IRL occupation? Office Assistant though I ask for good vibes I have some new opportunities coming up to leave my current place
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Writing, reading, cross stitching, karate, journaling, language learning
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Legend of Zelda, Persona, Stardew Valley, occasionally I dip my toes back into Honkai Star Rail
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Vaporeon and Water Type!
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! Dunno if I've mentioned this in the past but I have crooked pinkies due to a recessive gene in my family! My dad has crooked pinkies as well :)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Five/six year old Sam watched my brother play Path of Radiance on the family Gamecube and I never looked back
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates Conquest route, 3 Houses, Engage. I have read the scripts for Genealogy and Thracia. Halfway through Blazing Blade!
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First was Path of Radiance! Awakening is still my fave all these years later
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Inigo, Ilyana, Dimitri, Xander, Haar
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Ilyana! I honestly can't remember why anymore I just thought she was super cool something about the thunder magic spoke to 5 year old me's imagination
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Laslow AND Dimitri that has not changed
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom, still Chrom - Fates: Silas, still Silas OR perhaps Laslow if I'm feeling Spicy- Three Houses: Dimitri, still Dimitri - Engage: Diamant, still Diamant
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Assassin or Swordmaster!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? A very mid Myrmidon who can get some good stats if you have good rng luck
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions pride baby!!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? -Boon: Sword, Bow -Bane: Heavy Armor, Axe -Budding Talent: Authority
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? Tee-Oh-Ae
Current TOA muses: Laslow, Leo, Nephenee!
Past TOA muses? Ilyana, Vanessa, Azelle!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Inilow is here to stay I can't make this man leave my head if I tried.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? I love my flirts, and I also enjoy more serious characters who have a relaxed side if you know them well enough. Also youngest siblings.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Villains! As interesting and multifaceted as they can be, I struggle staying within that mindset for a long period of time.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I do still enjoy combat--nothing like getting your adrenaline pumping!--but recently I've found I enjoy some of the more emotional things, too. Relationships, grief, etc.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Not really; I've been extremely lucky over the years to have written pretty much every scenario I can think of. I would love to continue exploring both Lazzy's and Leo's arcs as fathers.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Oh goodness....way too many to count! Most recently, I still find myself laughing over Leo (muse) dying for Jan 2024's event plot. Iconic
Present or past tense? Present!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? No preference! I try to use small text on Leo solely for that #aesthetic, but that's it
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  Not at the moment! I'm happy with my lineup! (But if you twist my arm.....a certain knight from SacStones still lives in my head. And there's this wyvern rider from Tellius who occasionally whispers.)
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elder-sister · 3 months
Okay so!
Hoshido is very peaceful, and prosperous. But also isolationist and racist
Nohr is a land in eternal night, and with few resources, forcing them to Conquer other lands, starting a war with Hoshido who refuses to trade with them. It doesn't help that an unknown (until you play the third route then you find out) killed Nohr's good king and slowly turned him into a brutal, bloodthirst tyrant.
While many of the Nohr characters who aren't recruited are obviously evil, I do think things are a bit more gray.
And also, Nohr's worldbuilding is interesting
Plants grow via moonlight, most cities are underground, the castle is in a hole. The place is militeristic, the history of the royal family is VERY interesting, the flora is bioluminescent, it's just cool
Nohr survives by conquering nearby lands such as the Ice Tribe, Notre Saggesse, and Cheve
Even then, those places are small. And have a tendency to rebel
Also, Conquest is more difficult. Units level up slower, you need to buy DLC for grinding, and it's harder and more expensive to get items. The map designs are also some of the most difficult yet fair in the series. Birthright is very Easy
Also, Nohr's music is pretty Celtic, with instruments such as bagpipes.
Hoshido is heavily Japanese inspired
And oh boy. The royal family of Nohr...
I feel bad for them. So very bad for them. They are the reason I can't play Birthright because I don't wanna hurt them ;-;
Yeah the Hoshido siblings lost their dad and Corrin but oh boy that's NOTHING compared to Nohr.
And also the Hoshidan royals, specifically Takumi and Hinoka, are racist
Nohr had a Queen, Katerina. She had a son with King Garon. Xander. And then she died. Now at this time, Garon was a loving father. Then, the concubines wanted power. They used their children for this. Hundreds of them forced to kill each other, or play the roles of political pawns. This lasted years. During this time, Garon remarried a woman named Arete, a foreigner with a daughter named Azura. However, throughout what would be called the Concubine wars, with so many of his children dying, he grew cold and callous. And eventually the whole mysterious guy killing and secretly puppetyring him thing happened.
Only 5 kids remained.
Xander, Camilla, Azura, Leo, and Elise
All very traumatized.
Xander constantly facing assassinations, Camilla made into a weapon for her mother, Azura being picked on relentlessly and the guards turning a blind eye, Leo forced to be a pawn and outright stating in a support that his mother didn't love him, and Elise was too young to remember, but she was never around for good guy Garon.
Then came Corrin's kidnapping and Azura's kidnapping.
And when they met Corrin, their new sibling, they became EXTREMELY close. They only had each other.
But they are effected. Xander hides his feelings for the greater good, Camilla is so violently protective and attached to people if she leaves she freaks out, Azura honestly got the best out of this because the Hoshidans saw her as "one of the good ones" Corrin was isolated and longed for the outside world, Leo has a massive inferiority complex, feeling his not good enough, not worthy, and strives to make his siblings proud even when they already are, and Elise takes it upon herself to make sure everyone is happy.
Even their retainers aren't as close to them as they are to the siblings. Niles broke in with a group of thieves and when they abandoned him and Leo confronted Niles, he begged for death, intriguing Leo enough to spare and hire him. Beruka was hired to kill Camilla, so Camilla hired her for more money to be a retainer. Laslow, Selena, and Odin are actually Inigo Severa and Owain from Awakening and are thus incredibly secretive. And Peri loves killing. Elise has the best retainers with her best friend and a Justice loving man.
Every trauma thing stays the same except Corrin. I mean her first experience outside the Northern Fortress is being a commander in a war so...
Also, headcanon ages (during the game)
Elise is 16 (Japanese Version has her as a child and she's written like one but she is called an adult once in the English version so I'm going with 16 as a comprise), Leo is 18, Corrin is 20, Azura is 20, Camilla is 22 and Xander is 25. But the ages are just headcanon
Oof that was... uh. Something? /pos
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feh-alt-battle · 6 months
who has the most votes now?
As of now I believe it's Inigo/Laslow with 259 votes off the top of my head but Dimitri's already almost there after just one day I think so he may not last long!
Characters from more recent games have a higher chance of getting a lot more votes because more people have played them or are currently playing them as opposed to games locked behind aging consoles that are no longer supported. If I'm honest I think Edelgard has a good chance to get the most votes because she's the face of Three Houses alongside Dimitri and Claude. I can't properly gauge how popular Engage really was but from what I gather it's not exactly a well-loved game
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