#✤ zadkiel — relation: miniel
mercifulmemories · 4 years
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◆Out Of Character Information◆ Name/Age: Maria, 16 Preferred Pronouns: She/Her. Timezone: GMT (+11) until the 13 of February. GMT (-3) after that. Desired Character: Miniel.
◆Character Information◆
(1) What pronouns will your character be using? Would you like to list their sexuality at this time?: She/Her. To be honest, I believe she is so worried (and busy with overall) about other people’s relationships she didn’t yet realize she might one day fall in love. 
(2) Any changes or comments? -
(3) Why this character? For me it was a matter of choosing two sides of the same coin - I was between an angel who knows too much and an angel who knows next to nothing. In the end, I ended up choosing Miniel because I can relate to the sense of being lost; after all, she was sent to do an important job with no help or guidance whatsoever. Also, it’s no secret I enjoy playing outcasts and characters who are happy about life in general. Miniel isn’t a human being but for most of her existence she’s been acting as such, so I’m excited to explore how she relates with other angels and how clueless she can be when it comes to her job and her own species.
(4) Interpret this character: Reading Miniel’s bio at first made me think of a character with a sense of cluelessness and naivety, someone too pure and way too honest - not in avoiding lies but rather in terms of malice. As somebody who was given a task from Heaven and never really got any help from her kind, one would suppose it has made her bitter, but to me it only highlights how decent she is in terms of not getting angry at her kin. She is happy to do what is expected of her not because she wants to please or as a result of pride, but rather because she appreciates human beings and finds herself grateful whenever their need for love and happiness is fulfilled. It shows much of her character just how concerned she can be with humankind; after all, for her, selflessness is a virtue she never spent too much time thinking about.
After reading her bio a second time, though, I realized she is much more wise - in a way - and concerned about her job than I first thought. Although not very certain of the role she plays and just how important it can be, she does realizes it will have consequences and some of them might be pretty bad if she isn’t careful. This appeals to me because she isn’t exactly a careful persona: her job is done through methods that work for her not because it is the right way but simply for the reason of working. As stated in her bio, she gossips, she makes herself involved, she is closer to the spotlight than she will ever be to the background, despite not at all being attracted to it. Sometimes she asks herself if there are other ways to do it, if maybe her results would turn out different if only she did her job from afar, but why stop herself from doing something that is working? Her concern now is exactly that: it is working.
Humans were granted free will and fate should unfold for itself, so how much is she changing the rules by getting herself in the middle of those relationships? She might never know. Thus, after twenty years of working as a cupid, she is now watching a lot more than acting. It doesn’t mean she has stopped, though, and she never intends to do so. It only means she is a lot more aware of her actions and said consequences.
I have a headcanon for her that she works as a tailor: when it comes to clothes, she is passionate about experimenting, and when it relates to humans, what better way to help them than in a job that not only allows her to travel, but also to ‘secretly’ offer a thing or two for those who doesn’t have the money to afford a certain piece? Miniel is successful both due to being good at her job and enjoying her work. She never allows herself to work only for the rich kind as she doesn’t want to distance from the normal people, and especially, she doesn’t want to be in the middle of attention; her job is better when people realize who she is enough to openly talk to her, but not enough to be suspicious. It isn’t so much a conscient thought, though: it is simply something she came to realize in a matter of years and decided it was suitable.
In the end, Miniel is a character whose love for life and lack of prejudice dictates how she lives each day at a time. As long as she is doing her job and putting smiles on people’s faces and their histories, it is enough to make her feel happy and at ease. As someone who is very interested and curious, and not at all afraid to express herself, no wonder she is a wonderful fit for the job of Cupid. ◆ Interview Questions ◆ (1) Question One: “Can you describe what you see or feel when you realize two souls could be bound together by you?” “What I see…?” The question hung in the air just long enough for Miniel to realize the person speaking to her wasn’t at all aware of what her job entailed. Instead of laughing, though, or raising her eyebrows as some weirdly rude personalities had done to her before, the angel simply waved her hand as if passing the question. In her lips, a vivid smile appeared in such a way one could believe she would tell them a secret. “I’m not sure why you imagine I see anything, dear. I suppose it would be nice to… and of course it would have helped me sometimes when I wasn’t certain if I should act. I’m not like Zadkiel, though. Unfortunately, there is nothing resembling auras in my line of work.”
“No, no, it’s more of a feeling. You are right when you speak of it. Maybe…” She had to stop and think for a second, Looking at her fingers, Miniel tried to gasp the right word: humans sometimes had an awkward way to express themselves. That, of course, was a thought met with another smile, a lot more subtle: she expressed herself just like they did. “A sixth sense? Yes! That’s perfect! A sixth sense it is.” She almost joined her hand as though celebrating the finding of the right expression. Her eyes met the person for only a second before realizing they wanted to hear more.
“Maybe you could say it is a mixture of joy with ecstasy? I’ve sent some kids the other way around because I had a feeling they might meet their best friends if they so did. I’ve given perfumes, hats and even dresses to ladies because those are helpers in terms of attraction. I have even told a few men to stop frequenting some… establishments - usually, they ended up spending more time in places I knew they would and that’s how some met their soulmates. Most of the time, I simply guide people through doing something and it works.” Another sip of the cup in her hand and there was nothing left to eat. A golden coin, an amused smile and a wink: all part of the scene, though not necessarily in that order, and definitely not in a scheme.
She kept talking, though: cases in which it wasn’t that simple, cases she wouldn’t ever forget. Her work was interesting and there was nothing she could do if somebody else wanted to listen - time wasn’t as precious for Miniel and she was willing to talk for hours if only someone would listen. (2) Question Two: “Have you been back to Heaven or has Earth became a permanent home until summoned away?”
Another question? They had been talking for hours. Between music, drinks, dances and flashbacks, Miniel had learned more about that person than she usually learned from most angels that stayed in touch. It wasn’t a particularly happy question to answer, after all, it brought back some memories Miniel usually had no problem forgetting about, but she didn’t mind. As long as they were talking and she was having fun, why not give them the benefit of knowledge? They had answered a few more questions than expected too. “I have. A few times, when I was younger. I tried to get some answers and they would give them.” She shrug her shoulders; it wasn’t for indifference as much as it was for lack of decision. In fact, it simply meant she regretted doing so. She knew now what angels said behind her back and it was clear, although she couldn’t understand the reason behind the talks, why most of them would ignore her. “In the end I realized it was best to focus on my job and just live life in general..” A sweet smile appeared, her features almost brightening up the room; she was truly happy now, thinking of the things she loved about Earth.
“I have music, clothes, happiness and so many interesting things going on here. I get to put smiles on people’s faces and realize it isn’t me the cause of it, but the person I help them find that makes them smile so easily. I get to experience their happiness and joys, even their suffering, and now it makes sense to me. I’m happy here. Why would I want to return to a place that never felt like home?”
◆Writing Sample:◆ Gazing towards the radiant background, all Miniel could think of was a place she once stood. Heaven. Sunlight filled the sky, clouds were almost nonexistent and birds flew as if announcing the beginning of another steady morning. Earth was simple and easy to understand: sometimes it rained, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes the heat and the sun would be there for hours, sometimes it wouldn’t. People came and went, each of them a small piece of a puzzle much bigger than anyone could ever guess. It simply… was.
Heaven, on the other hand, was as confusing and unclear as difficult words to a two-year-old. Near angels that lived to see Earth in its beginning, and even those whose existence only dated a few centuries, she always felt like a child: a lost, abandoned one, but still a child. How difficult to understand a place whose existence should feel like home for an angel. It never did, though, and Miniel was quite sure it forever wouldn’t (although, of course, ‘forever’ was, and continued to be, a strong word for her being). No matter how many times she tried to go there in the beginning, just after being sent to Earth, nothing life-changing happened, not even a grasp of what would be like to be heard and respected by the other angels. It bothered her in the beginning because wasn’t she supposed to have someone… guiding her? Apparently, not. Apparently, the only way to find happiness was to focus not on Heaven, but the place she was put to work.
Today, though, she wasn’t thinking about such bothers, but rather what it felt like to feel lost. Not only in Heaven, but in every situation one could experience the sentiment of not quite understanding, not quite being able to belong and connect. On Earth, for example, she would almost never have such feeling: it was easy for her to find people she wanted to be with, to find places that mattered to both heart and soul and made her happy by staying there even if only for a few minutes. Earth was home both because she could comprehend and not worry about it - at least, not in terms of Earth itself. For an angel, one could probably confuse her to a human being: after all, there was probably no angel as comfortable as she was away from her kind and the place that most reminded her of it.
“There was a moment, though.” An abrupt thought, almost a fugitive, but enough to bring her back to a moment of pure agony. She very well remembered the day that made her fear for humankind and its existence: a day when the sky first and last saw the hand of the one responsible for evil. Lucifer. She didn’t like thinking of that name. She didn’t like saying that name. Most days, she wouldn’t even try and remember it: it was easier to store it in the back of her mind and do good for the sake of remembering only good. But such days existed only to remind her that evil was lurking at every corner.
It wasn’t supposed to happen, of course. One would think demons coming out from the sky was a sight better to stay in books, but it did happen. And at first it paralysed her, until she was conscious enough to run and help those who screamed in the streets. It was the scream of a child that first made her do something. She remembered the fear, the heart beats, the despair, everything. If she closed her eyes and let the memories take her back, she would remember how revolting and sickening it felt seeing the dead bodies on the streets. Not even helping a few dozen of humans escape made her feel any closer to better for lots of the weeks ahead of her. Nothing good came from it. Nothing good could ever come from evil (except, maybe, the appreciation of all things that opposed to it).
“There are good days, though.” How freeing to think about such moments in which it was truly gratifying to be on Earth. Days when she would be out with some friends for the sake of enjoying the company. Days she would spend working, mixing clothes, buying makeup and doing whatever made her happy and maybe invent a new fashion tendency in the middle of everything. Simple days, good days. Even busy days, in which she would be all over the place, helping all kinds of humans, bonding people, finding them their soulmates, making sure they appreciated their partners and friendships. “Moments like now.” A smile appeared in her futures, as she lurked over the window to see some of the peasants on the street. Her eyes fell to the sight of a particularly beautiful gentleman, whose posture felt a little out of place as he stumbled and tripped during his way. She couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing fully well he was a perfect match to the girl she made sure would be there at the time.
“And she is.” Another smile at the recognition of a second peasant; Adalia, she knew. She lived just across the street and that morning Miniel asked for a particular quantity of fabric, giving her the exact time to be at her doorstep. Miniel had been observing both of them for about five days now and knew not only their habits and details of their life, but she had also been sure from the moment she met the gentleman that they would be a perfect match. Adalia’s habit? The peasant always made sure to leave the house at least ten minutes before she should be at a place. The gentleman’s reason for such appearance? Miniel had offered him to try a new piece of clothing that could only suit someone like him (it wasn’t exactly true, but she was happy to both get them together and have someone to try the clothing). The angel also knew he had a habit of stopping at any place available to check some pieces of cloth, at least once, and there was only one at the street right now, exactly where she instructed Adalia to get the last few materials (Miniel could do it herself but she gave the busy excuse).
And so, it worked, as it usually did. “And if it didn’t, how fun would it be to get them to talk right here where I work.” She was soon invaded by the warmth feeling one could only experience as a Cupid. They were talking now and she knew it better than any other person it was meant to be. As to prove it - as if Heaven wanted to help her, and that thought always made her laugh - a bow and arrow materialized on her hands. She stared only for a few seconds before finally sending the arrows to its targets. Another happy beginning. Another moment in the day in the life of a Cupid.
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