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kemalamalam · 9 months ago
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i feel like having 2 durges with opposite attitudes to Bhaal pre-amnesia is very important
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fearsgod · 1 day ago
OKAY ALL NEGATIVITY ASIDE: to those who have welcomed me and Marceline with open arms, to those who take the time to know me as a writer but also Marceline as a character, to those who make any and every space safe for those who wander in be it though verses or through dipping their toes in a new character or fandom: you’re the reason I stay and likely the reason for many others staying.
If you’re reading this: you are one of those people. Keep doing what you’re doing and know I adore you with all my heart.
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jfouler · 3 months ago
[crawls out of toon boom harmony covered in blood and a mysterious black ooze] It's Over
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timeislikemusic · 8 hours ago
angry kiss. — xf to lx, he’s proving a point to him. doesn’t mean a thing. even if he keeps coming back. not a thing… see how little he cares? 🫡
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To halt needless concerns, Liu Xiao runs the table. He settles scores with businessmen. He rallies shareholders overseas. He subdues several bureaucrats. From Bridon to China and back again, he watches them fold. They mistake youth for naivety, and in their misguided beliefs, poison permeates. 
There are but two constants. One, the bloody dance of a devil he’d trust more than half a dozen knights. Two, the pursuit of a sunflower who can’t see through current clouds. In desperation, that sunflower turns to light which isn’t really there. 
…Xia Fei calls often. Above him meanders a shadow Liu Xiao wishes he could dispel. At another time, in another place, he will. He’ll replace it with the real deal, and not whatever force Xia Fei constructed in his head. Until then, Liu Xiao acknowledges the weight it sinks into the model’s bones. Its name won’t grace his tongue. 
Other things do. “Another bad day?” he asks. He turns from the digital poster they met in front of and leans into its glass cover, watching Xia Fei as much as the cars behind him. Neon colors backlight his silhouette. “You have a lot of those lately. I’m beginning to think they’re excuses.” He slips his hands into his pockets and stares. He sees through him. He sees flesh and blood and a heart beating, yearning, in denial. The shadow curls around the blond’s ankles but scorn pushes him through and— 
Liu Xiao smiles into the anger of Xia Fei’s lips. How many times will they play this game? How many times will Xia Fei feel the need to chase him? How many times will Liu Xiao, in turn, vanish? He tests the strings he’s tied. Strains them with self-imposed distance. Waits for the moment they snap. They never do. Xia Fei finds his way back no matter what, leashed to what Liu Xiao imagines must be hate.
Hate tastes like cinnamon candy: woody, piquant, maybe citrusy. Liu Xiao thinks it’s weird it tastes like anything at all, let alone something sweet. He reads the message clearly in the force behind it. Xia Fei says this means nothing. Xia Fei says he doesn’t care. Xia Fei riles and boils over as if he means to silence Liu Xiao with a gun to the roof of his mouth, and not a kiss. 
Teeth meet haphazardly. Liu Xiao breathes the spice in until they’re separated. Reddened lips retain their taunting curve, yet his hands linger in his pockets. With his eyes, he judges. With his eyes, he tells Xia Fei whose fault this is. He’s not the one pushing. He’s not the one bringing them together in a broken circle. That’s Xia Fei’s doing.
But he hasn’t stopped him. He busies himself with trivialities and gives Xia Fei a wide breadth, physically or else, as if it’ll help them both. Then a phone call like the one earlier knocks walls aside. The devil barged through with a tenacity Liu Xiao enjoyed and could predict. The sunflower, meanwhile, seems to have slipped roots among the grout of bricks. He ingrained himself in his mind, slowly growing. 
“You’re rather cruel,” Liu Xiao says, sounding neither breathless nor bothered. Hands freed, he touches the sting of rouged skin and wonders, blithely, if Xia Fei realizes what he’s done. Hostility clouds the mind. Never good to hold onto. Unhealthy, even. “Didn’t your lǎobǎn teach you manners?” This is dangerous. “Or to be polite?” This is damaging. “You could at least give a guy a warning before you try to drown him.” He wants him to do it again.
If anger is the only vessel (and the most this will amount to despite repetition) so be it.
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sansloii · 4 months ago
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“My dick is just shy of the tamest thing I could talk about right now. Like, I could be sharing a lot worse with a lot more detail.” — and while he had no intention of doing that, he smirks at the thought. “Someone—through no fault of my own—is just… very curious and it'd be oh-so wrong to take credit for causing that.”
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fightlikeafinlay · 6 months ago
After he'd said something to Tylynn when she had been drunk, in the back of his mind, he knew it was a conversation that they needed to have, especially since she didn't remember anything that was said. Somewhere, he knew his brother would be proud that he had come to terms with things. But at the same time, he was also unsure how Tylynn would react now that she was sober.
Should he have texted her before he showed up? Probably, but it wouldn't have been the first or last time he had just shown up at her place. He'd been out for a run when he found himself at Tylynns, which wasn't surprising with how his mind had been thinking. He stopped before her door, trying to catch his breath before knocking. As he waited, he frowned a little, forgetting that it was still pretty hot in Florida even though it was September.
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almostprime · 2 days ago
Are you aware that there are people watching you behind a magical barrier that separates your universe from reality?
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Blinding bewilderment overtook the young rookie at this transmission, processing the words spoken to him. Gradually, Smokescreen felt great discomfort budding against his upbeat spark pulse.
« Wh- What are you saying to me right now? People are watching me... through a what? » The transmission went silent on his end, lasting a few beats,
« -That's... not creepy at all.. » Smokescreen grew silent, contemplating what exactly he had been told.
Maaaybe a conversation with Optimus or Ratchet was required..
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savagecuhnt · 4 months ago
You know I want the if they had a kid meme with Ethan and Rose. 😃
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Name: Leviathan (Levi) Frederick Harrison
Gender: M
General Appearance: pale, with dark brown hair and blue eyes like his mama.
Personality: Timid but intelligent. From an early age he progressed rapidly, hitting milestones quicker than other children his age. He took an interest in the human anatomy and how it works early on, experimenting on small animals at first before moving on to larger specimen.
Special Talents: Inherited his mother's rapid regeneration and her psychic abilities, but focuses more on weaponry...knives to be specific.
Who they like better: Rose, yet has the need to impress his father with everything that he does.
Who they take after more: Ethan. Ethan for sure. He can be a little cold and a little too focused on his "hobbies".
Personal Head canon: Rose and Ethan did their best to keep their secrets away from their son, however it wouldn't last for long. At the age of 4 he had slipped away from naptime to hear his parents discussing the events of one of their "mommy daddy days" he grew so intrigued by the bloody detail that he made a mental note at how excited both his parents seemed to be with such a horrific topic. So one day while staying with his grandmother who he knew his father despised, he decides he's going to surprise his parents with an artistic display of his love for them. While dear grandma took one of her wine and Valium naps, Little Levi had managed to tie her up and set up his own little version of his father's "play room". Luckily Ethan had come early to pick him up when he walked in right as Levi was about to slice into his grandmother's chest with a kitchen knife. Fortunately Grandma never found out, but from that day on Rose and Ethan would have to plan a way to help their son with his dark urges, resulting in them moving to a large piece of land away from others so that they could teach their son the ways of coping with his own personal demons.
Face Claim: N/A used AI lol
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crowsandmurder · 1 year ago
Nathan's eyes tried to focus, but when they did that, he could tell it was light outside. When the hell had that happened? This also wasn't his bed. That was a newer feeling than he was used to. It had been a while, since he hadn't woken up in his own bed. But then, he opened his eyes again and that was when he saw red...everywhere. Oh damn.
He had another thought, but all the alcohol that he had the night before didn't agree with him and he ran to the bathroom, freshened up even a little and crawled back into bed. That was the first time he had really gotten a chance to glance over at her.
Had he and Peyton really...did they go back down that familiar path?
Well, he had a vague flash of them crashing into her door, lips and tongues tangled together, and it had made sense. He took a deep breath. He hadn't done this with anyone but Haley in a long time, but it wasn't like she was coming back.
Jake was gone but Peyton still might punch him when he woke up. Instead, he just put two aspirin on her side of the bed and some water and just waited.
Damn, he was proud of himself. He could feel the marks on his back and she had said before, that he was good in bed.
What did it all mean? Hell if he knew? It didn't stop him from glancing under the sheet though, and moving slightly closer to her. Round 2 could be fun. Okay, it wouldn't be round 2, he figured. It was more like Round 5 but last night counted as one round.
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fearsgod · 2 months ago
Am I fraud if i sometimes try to match my partners writing style when replying
Like idk I feel so mediocre compared to how some of yall write so I google big words to seem ,,, smarter
An example being: if a partner is more prosey than me I usually try to ,, also be more prosey???
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jfouler · 2 months ago
i'm gonna be busy as hell tomorrow so early happy new year !!
despite the horrors 2024 was a pretty good year in many little ways!! i chose to do a lot of things that scared me. i made some very cool irl acquaintances (touched a lot of grass.) killed the part of me that cringes. did a lot of yapping. i also kept a journal the whole year which i've never done before ??? idk i'm in my mental self care era
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timeislikemusic · 8 hours ago
drunk  kiss. early in their partnership 😆 for lx
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Scarlet red swirls around the wine glass at a steady, slow rhythm. He’s had too much. He’s had too much. The thought drifts loosely in Liu Xiao’s mind, taunting. He shushes it with another sip and swallows to hold it down. Vein has already outdone him in this game of theirs, he’s sure. He’s no lightweight. He just lacks the same experience, picky tastes deterring him from regular indulgence.
It’s not aggravating or surprising. He expected as much when he clinked their glasses together at the beginning of the evening in a toast. Liu Xiao is unafraid of losing a battle to win a war. One step at a time, he works his way closer to Vein. His greatest virtue is his mind, his patience, his willingness to stand his ground or tolerate a retreat — all in the name of the inevitable. He figures this, tonight, should help. Or at least contribute. Vulnerability in loosened inhibitions is a rare gift.
When they first met, he aspired to take Vein apart like clockwork. From the crown to the latch to the glass top plate, he needed to understand every uncovered feature, every ticking mechanism. He still recognizes the urging desire, just plans to go about it another way. Gradually, he pours Vein another glass, sincerity tugged at the corners of his mouth. Politeness is a mask best worn gently. Overwind the tension and it’d stretch to break the illusion. 
There is an illusion, after all. Liu Xiao would never meet someone bare-faced. The worst mistake a strategist can make is to lower their guard. Over years, he built his facade not in a false image, but in one removed from the surface. It’s safe. Controlled. Covered. 
It is everything opposite of Vein. Liu Xiao studies the shape of those red eyes with his own pupils dilated, lashes lowered halfway. The case is strikingly golden. He wants to take its chain and weave it tenderly between his fingers. Maybe he’ll trace the sharp edges of gears while he’s at it.
What an absurd notion. 
“Well, I believe that was everything I hoped to discuss,” Liu Xiao says. He resigns to one final taste of his drink before he gets to his feet. His body feels weightless, electric, like a storm cloud unrestrained. “I should get going. You’ve been a wonderful host.” Pulling on his jacket, he adjusts his sleeves in a distracted gesture. “Make sure to—”
Lips clash. While Vein might be better off, they fell in synched measure. A muffled sound Liu Xiao will forever deny startles from his throat. He retaliates by pressing back and taking clumsy fistfuls of Vein’s shirt. The scarlet tang of their drinks is more prominent shared like this, more intoxicating melded with human warmth. 
Except, this is not the plan. The iron flavor reminds him of blood, not time-telling metal. It’s all wrong. Leave it to Vein to upset his balance.
Begrudgingly, Liu Xiao pushes for room so he can breathe. He should ask what Vein was thinking, what he meant to do, or what could have possibly possessed him — anything to make sense of that mess. 
“Behave,” he ultimately chides, sounding in no part upset. He feels he could laugh. How annoying. “You’re… drunk.” So is he. A moment passes. He holds Vein’s face and leans as if to give one final kiss goodbye, but decides against it. He’s had too much. It already cost him an unprepared gash. Vein cut deep and fast; that’s plenty for tonight.
Exhaling a sigh between them, Liu Xiao drifts to make himself scarce. “Call and update me tomorrow, when you get a chance. I await good news.” They’ve worked together in this twisted partnership enough for him to predict it. That said, he hopes neither of them will remember what transpired towards the end of tonight. If that means Vein forgets to bring him in the loop until later, he’ll settle.
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sansloii · 1 year ago
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“I wouldn't do that if I were ya.” the redhead warns, nodding their head towards the cautious stray that's extended its nose towards the stranger's hand. “If ya don't got food in the other hand t'fork over, he's gonna scratch ya real good.”
— And, as proof, Mikah lifts their hand to show the small, but very red* scratch marks that decorated their hand. They hold it up for a moment, maybe two, before their attention goes back to the empty metal bowls they were crouched in front of. They slide their pack around to their front to pull out their water bottle.
“He chills out after he's eaten, though.”
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mini-starter call | @daemonry
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fightlikeafinlay · 7 months ago
It was a typical night for the two of them as they hung out at Brogan's place. They had chosen his place for the night since the Georgian Native had also decided to make dinner. Something simple because the man wasn't the most complicated cook. which was more due to the fact that while living at home, he'd never really had to cook; his mother had always been the one making dinner. So he was more so just learning to cook more regularly. It didn't help that there were many times when Tylynn would spoil him and cook for him as well.
At the moment though? The two of them where full from dinner lounging on the couch ready to watch a movie. He wasn't even sure what she'd decided on. Not that he cared. He enjoyed whatever time they spent together. “ you comfy?” He asked grinning since her head was resting in his lap at the moment.
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saintslaughter · 9 months ago
guys i havent read csm in over a year why did that happen
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fairfallcn · 7 months ago
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OUT. me over here playing ffxvi and what I've gotten from it so far is that everybody wants to rule the world somehow and that about 90% of the people in this game are just the worst.
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