#✏️ Fill Me Up With Everything Nice
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Wheeeeeee I love this game!!! Thank you @vroomjohnwatson for tagging me! 🥰🥰🥰
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous and tag as many people as you have WIPs. People send an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then you post a snippet or tell them something about it!
I’ll list the ones that I’ve made the most progress on and ones that are nearly finished. In no particular order:
• “I’m Dazed In Madness”
• “Maranello Holiday”
• “5 Is The Magic Number”
• “Feathers From A Dove’s Wing - CHARBER”
• “My Friend Jochen”
• “Fill Me Up With Everything Nice”
• “Butterfly Kisses And Eyelash Wishes”
• “I Know I’m Not Dreaming, So Don’t Pinch Me”
• “I Love You No Matter How You Look”
• “Honey Pie”
• “You’re A Winner In My Heart”
• “For The Sake Of Nature (Ch. 2)”
• “As Drunk As A Finnish Brown Bear (Ch. 2)”
• “Barefoot Seb”
Tagging @zoomguanyu, @sambirb, @kaossbells, @racingliners, @ararararo, @kingkestrel, and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it. No pressure! Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to do it. 💙
#ask game#my fanfics#✏️ I’m Dazed In Madness#✏️ Maranello Holiday#✏️ 5 Is The Magic Number#✏️ Feathers From A Dove’s Wing#✏️ My Friend Jochen#✏️ Fill Me Up With Everything Nice#✏️ Butterfly Kisses And Eyelash Wishes#✏️ I Know I’m Not Dreaming So Don’t Pinch Me#✏️ I Love You No Matter How You Look#✏️ Honey Pie#✏️ You’re A Winner In My Heart#✏️ For The Sake Of Nature#✏️ As Drunk As A Finnish Brown Bear#✏️ Barefoot Seb#fanfic#fanfiction#f1 fanfic#f1 fanfiction#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 fanfiction
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Writing Goals 2025!
(since it worked well last year (👉゚ヮ゚)👉)
To keep my motivation for writing, here's a list of fics I want to write/post over the year; hopefully I'll do better than last year, where I left everything pretty much last minute, so below you can see the list and a little preview of the chapter to be posted!
TOTAL: 1 / 15
Things I would like to update:
To begin with, the Re:Zero stuff, which is as usual my jam:
1) Start, From Minus
‘Citizens of the empire, be strong’—that was the only and most important teaching in Vollachia. And Subaru was. That is, a citizen of the empire and, thus, in his own, cowardly, revolting, tenacious way, strong.
Fifth and final chapter of this thing!! ( •̀ ω •́ )y
2) I’ll find you believing I’ll be found
At any rate, he was worried, it would have been impossible not to be, but Subaru knew that Felt would become Queen; because the only other option was that she’d die, and Subaru wouldn’t let that happen. Weapons or elements or poisons, the only way anything that meant to harm Felt would get anywhere near her would be over Subaru’s dead body.
I want to go back to my weird, not-quite crossover series; these two chaptersm though, are going to be much shorter than the fate and fe:3h ones
3) Coins in a Wishing Well
The boy was beautiful, or at least he was on his way of becoming so, and he was only a child. He’d have the kind of beauty that gods coveted. Subaru quietly prayed for puberty to spoil him. The attention from a god, any god, led only to tragedy for mortals.
a tiny bit of hollywood greek mythology, maybeee? also, I just want to get this chapter out of the way bc the next one is going to be super ✨funfunfun✨
4) just a little bit of blood in your hands [ON AO3!]
Of course, at first everything seems to go according to plan. Subaru breaks into the museum without problems, disables the security system with a little help from his accomplice, and proceeds to fulfill his childhood dream of filling a burlap sack with priceless artifacts and other shiny things.
Well, this one is crack; also, completely unrelated to the previous chapters ♪(´▽`)
Other stuff from various other fandoms:
5) a constellation of blood drops [Gundam:IBO]
Now, Gaelio might be in feelings with Mikazuki, but he’d like to think he isn’t completely brain-dead. He knows Mikazuki is a deeply flawed, troubled, damaged human being. But, as his friendship with McGillis can attest to, that’s apparently kind of his type.
The last chapter of my super self-indulgent fix-it fic! Please, please let me finish this thing this year so I can clean it up and move the nice version to AO3 (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
6) A Superscription [Persona 5]
Ren wonders, in that second before he throws his own heart against the ground, an instant that lasts forever, like a bug trapped in amber, suspended in the time just before the strike hits and the glass shatters, if he had loved Akechi after all.
The second and last chapter of this tiny thing, that hopefully I will be able to upload on february to celebrate the third semester
7) these brilliant-hued hibiscus [Multifandom]
He hadn't meant to trust L’arc, but he had wanted to. In spite of his history, in spite of himself, because this world had already chewed him up and spat him out and he should have known better. And yet.
The second chapter of my little rarepair self-challenge! This one is for The rising of the hero of the shield, a series I only know bc one of my siblings likes the LN, but I dislike pretty much the entire cast
This is the only thing I'm ever going to write for that fandom, haha
8) remember me (but forget my fate) [LCF]
Rosé is so startled he almost jumps, and when he whirls around to see who had so rudely interrupted him, he almost trips and falls face-first into the mysterious, gluttonous hole he just fed his own lunch to.
The third chapter of my TCF/LCF time loop suffering thing that's going to become an entirely different thing the moment we change POV characters, yay o(*≧▽≦)ツ
9) our wishes are the right lure [Pokemon]
“What the hell kind of game is this?” “It’s a stress management assistant,” Ingo says, straight-faced. “It’s a gacha game. You poke the characters and they speak,” Emmet informs you, conspiratorially. “It’s a waifu game,” you conclude.
Second chapter for the pokemon submas reader-insert I owe the Pokemon Masters Ex gods, since I got both the twins sygna suits; as you can probably tell, I'm not going tot ake this seriously, like, at all
10) Home Is Where the Smoothies Are [Ben 10]
So many dimensions, so many universes, so many Bens. So many ways in which he could fail, in which he already has failed in some other world, in some other time, in some other way. All the versions of himself that had grown rotten, corrupted, tainted. Each one weirder and crazier than the last.
... I keep forgetting ths series isn't finished; I'm literally missing the very last chapter, but I just keep f o r g e t t i n g about it! it's been so long!!
11) second chances (derogatory) [Persona 3]
Ichor runs down his knuckles, staining his hands, and marks his bloody path. The one he chose to traverse just to have a god, any god, grant this wish.
still haven't played P3 Reload so it's still on hold, but like I said, there are a couple of chapters that are 100% finished (and others that have only the title, but let's ignore those)
Things I would like to start:
12) (we’ve gone) to the dogs [BSD]
His life ends with a bullet between his eyes, no hope for Yosano to do anything at all. Just a bang and then darkness; a shimmering instant of relief before he opens his eyes again in a place and time that hadn’t been his for years. And that’s where it all begins (again).
the thing that I did not post last year, despite the fact that, like I said, there's a whole snippet ready to be posted; mostly bc my favorite character is Oda and the fandom seems pretty intense (in a bad way) when it comes to him, so I am kinda avoiding it. Honestly, I might just end up posting this series here rather than on AO3 :/
13) The Souls of Starfishes [Normal Me and Abnormal Friends]
They’ve gotten better at not flinching whenever they hear the name, but they’ve never quite managed to stomp out the hope that inevitably rises in them whenever they do. ‘Hajime’, it echoes with the beat of their hearts, discordant as they may be.
Normal Me and Abnormal Friends is one of my favorite android visual novels ever, and I really, really want to finally upload something for it this year; this year for sure இ௰இ
13) The Bridegroom’s Hedgehog [LCF]
It was probably a terrible, unsanitary idea to eat something a hedgehog had picked up from god-knows-where, and had put his little, dirty paws all over, and even had taken a tiny bite of, but dying of berry-poisoning (or even hedgehog-poisoning) could not possibly be any worse than whatever awaited Cale at the end of the road.
The fairy tale retelling for TCF/LCF that I was working on!!
15) sing us a song to move the stones [Persona 3]
Minato didn’t want a rerun of last time, though. He wanted to do much better; he wanted to go for broke. Minato turned around in the direction of the alley behind Port Island Station. This was just another choice he’d have to take responsibility for.
my attempt at a New Game+ fic that's still also on hold until i play Reload, sorry.
Other things I wish I could get around writing, but that have added complications:
with all the pieces of the broken-hearted
we'll build a bridge
Even the best laid plans
Arrested for Attempted Romance
from issues with the fandom to being pretty much abandoned by the author to just not wanting to write it and everything in between; I hope to finish some of these some day, but, yeah... (。﹏。*)
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Steddie Notes Part 4 (Welcome to Steve's POV)
CW//small instance that could be viewed as internalized homophobia
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
In the bottom of Steve’s closet is a Nike shoe box. It’s full of a year’s worth of torn notebook pages, paper menus, receipts, envelopes, sticky notes, notepad sheets, invoice carbon copies, discarded things from dnd, and whatever else they could find to write on.
It's this box that contains every bit of Steve’s heart.
Steve’s at the school to pick up Dustin, Mike and Lucas, but they don’t appear at 9pm on the dot like they promised. Grumbling and annoyed, Steve heads down to the drama club room.
He hears Eddie’s voice even before he walks into the room. The low baritone, all husky and threatening, sends shivers down Steve’s spine.
Steve strides into the room, ready to berate his kids for their tardiness, but he stops literally in his tracks when he sees Eddie. Eddie looming over the table, all that long curly hair framing his face; his expression uncharacteristically dangerous, his eyes flat and promising violence.
He can’t do anything but stare, mouth shocked wide. Eddie lifts his gaze, locks it on Steve. Eddie’s looking at him with such intense command, such focus, that Steve knows he’d drop to his knees for that look, give Eddie anything he asked, everything.
He wants. So hard and so fast it makes him a little nauseous.
Eddie’s gaze flicks away, while Steve reels from the striking clarity of feeling that rewrites the year of their friendship frame-by-frame.
Steve hardly listens, still trying to come to terms with his sudden realization, with how right it is, with how obvious it’s been this whole time. He remembers, after Starcourt, the way Eddie made him feel safe, cared for. The way Eddie calling him baby echoed for hours, days, weeks after.
Of course Eddie doesn’t miss Steve's distraction. He leans into Steve's space, murmuring softly, “You okay, sweetheart? Sorry we ran late. Lost track of time.”
“Just tired, I guess.," he says. And he is distinctly not okay, because Eddie is calling him sweetheart and how did it take him this long to realize how much he loves the pet names?
He tries to tell Eddie. Can’t. Too afraid of losing his friend. He keeps going out with girls; nice girls, pretty girls, but wishes that Eddie was the one sitting beside him in the movie theater, in the passenger side of his car, across from him at the restaurant.
Eddie…I think I really like you
You’re my favorite person in the entire world
Some days you’re the only thing I can think about
I want to wake up in bed with you everyday
I can’t stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss you
Do you like me? Yes or No
Steve’s in the Wheeler’s basement, leaning against Eddie's shoulder, waiting for the kids to finish up.
“What are they talking about?” He scribbles at the edge of Eddie’s campaign notes.
Eddie scowls at the note placement, responds anyway.
“Halloween costumes.”
“Wanna dress up together, Munson?”
“No way, Harrington, I’m not dressing up as Danny Zuko for you.”
“…obviously you’re Sandy.”
Eddie makes an offended noise.
“I could do end of the movie Sandy. But face it, baby, you’re the pretty, fresh-faced innocent and I’m the bad boy.”
Steve strangles back the sound he wants to make when his brain supplies him with an image of Eddie in those black, skin-tight pants.
“I could be a bad boy.”
Before Eddie can reply, the kids start shouting, and Eddie climbs on the wobbling card table, clapping his hands for attention.
“Jesus, Eds." He grabs Eddie’s ankle to keep him stable.
“I think a trip to the pumpkin patch is in order, what say you?”
There’s a blip where the whole room stills, every single one of them, aside from Eddie, remembering rotted fields and fetid tunnels filled with Upside Down spores and demo dogs.
“Oh, yeah, we don’t go to the pumpkin patch anymore. You know, since the tunnels—”
Steve shoots Dustin the most intense silencing looks he’s ever given anyone, which is really saying something.
They’d agreed, back in July that they would never tell Eddie what really happened at the mall. Eddie is too good, too gentle, brimming with too much pure kindness for Steve to want him anywhere near the Upside Down.
Eddie cackles. “Tunnels, Henderson?”
Lucas laughs, says, “He means the maze. Don’t you remember? They set it up one time a few years ago.��
“We got really lost. Took us hours to find the exit,” Dustin adds.
“Mike cried,” Lucas says.
“Hey! I did not!”
Mike’s anger at fake crying about a made-up crisis is enough to have them all in stitches, even Eddie who doesn’t know it’s a lie.
“What about that apple orchard?” Steve suggests.
Eddie pokes him in the cheek, excited. “Ooh, yes, apple orchard!?”
The orchard is a mad dash of fighting over wheelbarrows, shrieking sprints into the trees, Steve stressing at the kids throwing themselves across branches with zero regard for personal safety.
Eddie nearly sends him into a coronary at the ripe old age of 19 by walking down a branch like he’s doing a tightrope.
“Munson! Get your ass down from there!”
“I’m fine, Stevie! I’ve got reflexes like a cat.”
“The hell you do!” Steve shouts as Eddie wobbles.
“Don’t worry, baby, I know you’ll always catch me,” Eddie yells back. He winks and Steve blushes about all of it.
“You’ll just get us both hurt,” he says right as Eddie shimmies easily back to the ground.
“You worry too much,” he scolds. “All this beautiful hair is going to go grey,” Eddie shuffles his fingers through the strands.
“You’re a menace,” he growls. Pushes Eddie playfully away.
They pick apples and drink cider and it’s the best time Steve’s had in a while. He kids are spread out around him, Eddie and Robin on the quest for an apple that’s perfectly red, like you could poison Snow White with it, and he’s content. Happy.
He lets himself bask in the moment, but it’s cut short by a familiar whooping yell and the crash of Eddie Munson clinging to his back.
He groans, almost loses his footing, but quickly hoists Eddie’s legs higher against his sides.
He runs and Eddie screams, giggling, and clutches his fists into the fabric of Steve’s sweater.
“Can’t believe you caught me, sweetheart,” Eddie says once Steve slows to a walk.
“I’ll always catch you, Eds,” he promises.
Eddie makes a little noise, almost like a whimper, pressing his cheek against Steve’s.
And for just a second, the barest hint of a moment in time, Steve swears he feels Eddie’s lips pressed against the sensitive skin right beneath his ear.
It’s right then that Steve knows he doesn’t just like Eddie. No, he’s positively, totally, and completely in love with him.
(Part 5)
Thank you all so much for your comments and reblogs and likes! I appreciate it more than I can say and am still so honored that so many people like this little series. Please let me know if I missed you in the tag list, and I'll make sure to get you added for future updates (I think we're looking at 3 more)!
@gaysonthefloor @little-gae-shit @ineffablecolors @mojowitchcraft @hiscrimsonangel @thegingerrapunzel @adelicioustragedy @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @im-sam-fucking-winchester @rainydays35 @gobbledy-gluk-gluk @gay-stranger-things @sherilitchi @gezell-igg @leather-and-freckles @bornonthesavage @ramyayaya @awkwardgravity1 @chaoticvictorianspirit @thosemessyvibes @beeing-stuupid @silentiumdelirium @freyaforestafay @thatbitchgayasf @sapphirecobalt-1 @sahh-dude @adorkfromnewyork @ollie-in-gray @extralegobrick @snapshotmaestro @fandomgenderz @nuttychaosface @thatcottagecorewitch @idoquitelikebread @shinekocreator @savveth @mackfrfr 0@yourebuckingkiddingme @steddieassheg0es @gamerdano @thebig-smoke @questionablequeeries @zerokrox-blog @thegingervulcan @charlies-candid-corner @perpetual-trashcan @sleepy-rainedrop @marvelous-musicals @hoffmannwrites @fromapayphone @courtjestermunson@juicinmyjams @daydreaming-mood @aceflavouredyougurt @emly03 @pille1983 @darcyshandflex @anteaterballs @adankrivervalleynearyou @didntwant2come @kittsu-makes-glass @alienace
@somewhereatdawn @5pac3g1r7 @thequeervibes @paperbackribs @bitchysunflower @knitsforthetrail @wrenisflying @plasticcrotches @demoniccorvid @em9515 @savory-babby @loverliner @aceacebaby42 @trainchomp @anaibis @sharkruption @quickenedheartbeat @fandomcartographer
#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie notes#part 4#pov switch#steve pov#found family#the party#note passing#slow burn#mutual pining#steve has a crush#feelings realization#dnd#dm eddie munson#halloween#apple orchard#steve and eddie are best friends#friends to lovers#eddie would absolutely dress up as danny zuko for steve harrington#fluff#ficlet
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Chapter 33

Her Prince ✏️Prince Namjoon x OC ✏️ Romance ⚠️ Warning Fic includes: Fighting (sword and physical), blood, kidnapping, injury fighting additional warnings in tags⚠️
<<Previous Chapter
“We talked about this, Si-Woo. When we are alone you call me by my name,” Yeona replied without opening her eyes.
“Yeona,” she said with a sigh. “You need to get up so that you can get ready for dinner.”
“Fine,” Yeona groaned, sitting up and opening her eyes. “Where did those come from?” She motioned towards the shoes at the end of her bed.
“The Queen sent those. It started snowing while you were sleeping and she was afraid your feet would get too cold on the walk. So she sent each of you ladies a thicker pair.”
“I don’t even want to know how she knew our sizes.” Yeona stood up to make her way to the changing area.
“I picked this one out of the hanboks you brought. The blue is pretty and it would match the cape nicely.”
“That’s not,” Yeona stopped once she entered the changing area and saw the clothes that were hanging next to Si-Woo. “Kaira you little sneak,” she laughed and shook her head.
“Is everything alright Yeona?” Si-Woo asked with a face of concern.
“Yes everything is fine. It seems that my friend didn’t want me to leave my bags by the door for convenience, but so that she could sneak a new dress in there instead.” Yeona took a deep breath and ran her hands down her face. “Okay, let's get this done and over with as quick as possible.”
Everyone stood and bowed as the King, Queen and Prince entered the dining area. Yeona peeked through her lashes and watched their feet as they walked down the carpet in the middle of the room.
She couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face as she saw the seven swords she designed go by during the procession of royals and guards that entered the dining room. Without even knowing it, she’d accidentally lived out her father’s dream of having the royal family wear swords from his shop. The room filled with the sound of moving chairs and light chatter once the royal family and everyone else took their seats.
“Thank you everyone for joining us,” the King’s voice echoed through the silent room. “Some of you selflessly put yourself in harm's way to save not only the Prince and his men but also some women caught in the crossfire. Your bravery was above and beyond anything we have seen, or could have asked of anyone outside the royal guard. It is because of your heroics that a tragedy was avoided.”
The King raised his glass and everyone in the room followed suit. “To those who put their lives on the line and to the innocent ones that got caught up in the mess. The Royal family would like you to know that you didn't go unnoticed and we wish you a life of happiness and wealth. Cheers.”
Yeona had a difficult time keeping up with the conversations the men were having at the table as they ate. She could feel a pair of eyes watching her. She didn’t have to look up to know that it was Namjoon. Even from five tables back his gaze made her body heat up and butterflies form in her stomach.
“What did I miss?” BaekJee’s voice made Yeona jump. “Woah easy there Yeo. What makes you so jumpy?”
“He won’t stop staring at me,” she answered, taking another drink of her wine and looking back down at her plate.
“Jerkface up front.”
“Oh, him.” BaekJee looked up and gave Namjoon a wave, causing the Prince to finally look away. “There, he isn’t looking at you anymore. You can stop pushing your food around and eat to help absorb the glass of wine you just drank down.”
“I’ve already eaten some of it,” Yeona said, falling back against her chair with a huff.
“You need to eat more,” BaekJee picked up some of her food and brought it to her lips.
“I’m not hungry, BaekJee,” She laughed and pushed his hand away.
“Are you sick?” He placed his hand on her forehead.
“No, I'm not sick,” She said, moving his hand so that she could take a drink of her newly filled glass.
“Let me see.” He pulled the cup away from her mouth mid drink and placed his hands on her cheeks, “Ah, I see the problem.” BaekJee moved her head around as he looked into her eyes, “You're over-thinking something. Would it have anything to do with a certain member of the Royal family?”
“He lied to me,” she answered the best she could through squished cheeks.
“He did not lie to you, Yeo. He and the rest of us were just following the law, you know that. Now tell the handsome BaekJee what’s really wrong.”
“You aren’t handsome.”
“That’s a lie and you know it,” he pouted.
“How am I supposed to compete with those women?” Yeona turned her head the best she could to look at the four women a few tables away. “Look at them BaekJee, they’re beautiful and have had a proper upbringing.”
“Yeona, stop.” BaekJee turned her around to face him again, “You are the most beautiful woman in this room. Even the Prince knows that. He hasn’t even spared the other women a glance.”
“But he saw something in them, too. He chose them, too.” She couldn’t stop the tears that left her eyes.
“He had to because it is a part of the law.” He removed his hands and wiped the tears from her cheeks. BaekJee leaned back in his chair with a sigh. He glanced up at the platform and saw Namjoon looking their way.
“Let’s go find Si-Woo. You need some fresh air,” he said as he stood up.
“How do you know my maiden’s name?” Yeona asked, taking his hand so that he could help her up.
“Yeo, the castle might be big but word travels extremely fast.” He placed her arm around his. “Like I know that you had to save one of the maidens. Which, by the way, she couldn’t stop bragging about.”
“You’re just trying to cheer me up.”
“You are correct, I am. But you have also become a favorite of the workers. You’re a good person, Yeo. Everyone knows that.”
“Is everything ok Miss?” A wide-eyed Si-Woo asked.
“Everything is fine Si-Woo. I just need some fresh air,” Yeona smiled.
“It’s still snowing pretty hard are you sure?”
“That’s perfect,” BaekJee smiled and rocked on his heels. “The snow will calm her worries.”
As the two women wandered off to get their things, BaekJee turned to look at Namjoon. His eyes were filled with worry and his jaw was clenched as he continued to look in their direction. The muscles in his jaw relaxed when BaekJee signaled to him that everything was ok.
Namjoon nodded to him and averted his eyes elsewhere. He was being watched by the members of the court and they wouldn’t be too happy if he was caught giving more attention to Yeona than the other women. But he couldn’t help it. She was the only one he hadn’t gotten to talk to yet.
He didn’t know what to say to her, and he was afraid of what she would have to say to him.
Next Chapter>>
#BangtanWHQ#Kim Namjoon | RM/Original Female Character(s)#Kim Namjoon | RM#Kim Seokjin | Jin#Min Yoongi | Suga#Jung Hoseok | J-Hope#Park Jimin (BTS)#Kim Taehyung | V#Jeon Jungkook#Slow Burn#Slow Romance#Historical#Fluff#Fluff and Angst#Romantic Fluff#Alternate Universe#Minor Violence#Non-Graphic Violence#Prince Kim Namjoon | RM#Eventual Happy Ending#Romance#Action/Adventure#Adventure & Romance
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