#✏️ × What if I were more than just a doodle? (posts)
h4dal-blacksite · 26 days
yall i wanna do the thing
if this post gets.....
10 notes - I'll get the alter packs that we yoinked into our system DONE
15 notes - I'll go switch out our clothes from the garage DONE
20 notes - I'll practice quads outside DONE
30 notes - I'll have a nap :3 DONE
40 notes - I'll force ask my friend to go on a walk w/ me DONE
50 notes - I'll grab a snack DONE (I had a banana)
60 notes - I'll clean out our storage DONE
70 notes - I'll organize our simply plural/pluralkit IN PROGRESS (taking 4ever)
80 notes - I'll have a shower & do other self care stuff DONE
90 notes - I'll redo the theme of this blog (Pressure themed) & make sal his own blog DONE
100 - Anything the 100th note wants (nothing sexual or too weird tho.. & im not deactivating [in case an anti gets their paws on this]) DONE
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elena-oc-blog · 2 years
round 2!
🌌 ✏️ 🌪️- Goop
👑 ❇️ 🔥 -Aurora
HI SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY, I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO DRAG MYSELF TO MY LAPTOP UNTIL NOW Now onto the answers to your wonderful questions uwu 🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I created goop when I was still living at my dad's. I was working in my little studio room and I think some kids were being very loud outside? And it was giving me sensory overload so I doodled a very anxious crying dragon with big ears and colored it and that's how goop came to be! His most important features are his big pupiled crying eyes and long sensitive ears as noise is the thing im most sensitive to. He is basically my anxiety sona!
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✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
Since he is a sona of sorts rather than a full on OC I don't really think about them a lot in that way. I moreso think of them any time I am experiencing a large amount of anxiety, emotional distress and/or sensory overload. Maybe "The world is a loud and scary place"? 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Well the first iteration of him is the image i added to the milkyway question. Since I was stressed (and also it was 2018) the art and main personality points are a bit rough. However with therapy and time I refined his personality a lot more. He enjoys nature (and its sounds) and being by himself, they don't like going out in the fcrowded city, they are an artist that prefers using traditional media. Basically he now also has some of my more positive traits instead of only being constantly terrified and crying. I mean he still is but he also finds comfort in things and some sensory experiences. Its not all bad.
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(also he has beans now because beans make everything better) 👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
She doesn't really worry about having to be remembered as something. She is a goddess and practically immortal (though gods can be killed in my universe. It would just take a lot of effort) so she doesnt think about post mortum things. She also doesn't really want to be remembered by most, she works mostly behind the scenes pulling on strings. Some mortals worship her and while she "blesses" them with dark powers and corrupted bodies, she doesn't really care about them all that much. Sure they help her in causing chaos and fear in the world but she doesn't necessarily need mortals for that. She has her demons and creations afterall. A few she is a bit closer to like sable and marble crocodile man once i make him but to them she is more like a wine aunt. She sometimes chats with them, gives commentary and advice as well as blessings but again she isnt super attached. So in short, her goal isn't really to be remembered by mortals. Just to destroy them.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
That would be her creation Thorn. She is very pleased with how he turned out and how good he is in spreading terror amongst mortals. Rex is probably a close second, as he is basically her security cam system as well as manager of her many imps and demons. Very valuable as he allows her to watch and see all after most of her divine power was sealed away. Being a goddess, she can materialise items without any trouble so material goods do not interest her. It's souls and her living creations that she is invested in. Souls for providing an energy source as well as a base for demon creation so it costs less energy. And her 3 main creations Rex, Thorn and Crom were early creations that she made out of pure magic when her powers werent fully sealed away yet. She doesn't want all that magic to go to waste. Even if Crom gets on her nerves a lot, she doesn't want him to die. He performs pretty outstanding on soul reaping actually, she just wishes he was less clingy and annoying about it and was less obsessed with killing his little brother. I hope i answered this properly my brain is being a lil weird. 🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Aurora is extremely bitter and refuses to let go of the past. Astron is hoping that her time on earth will make her appreciate and understand mortals but so far no luck. He won't return her full powers unless she stops being so hateful and destructive towards mortals so I guess thats kinda self destructive of her to obsess over making all mortals pay for the betrayal the people she made commited. Also consuming souls is kind of a no no and might be fucking with her already corrupted ethereal body. It might make her sick. I'll need to look into that.
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h4dal-blacksite · 2 months
WSS: actually good points, does research, doesn't send death threats
SSS: only point is "Wilbur is an abuser", no research done, sends death threats to WSS and others, forces CCs to speak about the situation, probably all listen to tally hall (problematic member, but they wouldn't know that, refer to point two), just icky in general.
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h4dal-blacksite · 1 month
I hope Zerum has tumblr and sees this.
You and Zeal making Sebastian mean to the player just because people are mischaracterizing him is so fuckin stupid, cuz like, why the hell does it matter?? Yeah, I get that he doesn't like the player, but people liked the silly voicelines, and you got his VA BECAUSE HE WAS CUTE.
It doesnt fucking matter if people mischaracterize him imo, because like.. that happens no matter what. I've seen people say that pandemonium is babygirl. Wouldn't that be mischaracterizing as well??
At this rate, if you keep making Sebastian a bitch, people will eventually stop playing. Yes, it's a good game, but if, for example, people get annoyed or frustrated because they're dying so much, the silly voicelines might boost their mood, but by making Sebastian mean and shit, it makes people not want to even interact with him. Yeah, it's fun to use the flash beacon on him, but when he kills you out of the blue, it just doesn't make sense to me. We are paying customers, and yes, I understand that he hates the lights, but instead of having him kill the player and ruin a run, just make him smash the beacon or something. I know he does it already if you flash him once, but you know what I mean.
And with him being cAnNoNiCaLlY married to you, that's just fucking stupid. You say you're against selfshipping, yet you're doing that very thing! If you wanted him to be married to you so bad, you should've added yourself in his shop. Don't get mad because people like a character and want to ship themselves with him. He is a fictional character. Selfshipping happens all the time with fictional characters. You can't control that. And banning people from the discord server just because you don't like them doing that is just rude. Just delete their message and tell them, "Hey, please don't send selfshipping art here" or something. And with you posting that very same art with you and him just because you're married to him is hypocritical and petty.
My point is, give us back the silly voicelines (even if its just some of them), stop being a little bitch about selfshippers, and let people think what they want about Sebastian.
AND you being married to him doesn't make sense either, since he was pronounced dead for 10-13ish years, I do believe. You would've moved on by then.
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h4dal-blacksite · 13 days
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I love Twitter.
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h4dal-blacksite · 5 days
fiinally got motivaation to redo out tumbllr. feell free to watch the struuggle
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h4dal-blacksite · 1 month
does anyone know if transvapeaddict has been coined yet?? or would that fall under transnicotineaddict?
if so can someone gimme the link :3
please and thank yew
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h4dal-blacksite · 1 month
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h4dal-blacksite · 1 month
I love fucking around with our septum piercing.
spin it around a bit, make it crooked, flip it up and down
its so fun
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"New stim" template below cut
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h4dal-blacksite · 11 days
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h4dal-blacksite · 12 days
forcefem this.. forcefem that....
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h4dal-blacksite · 21 days
first person to interact w/ this post gets to decide what I do for the note game thingy since idk who the 100th note was
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h4dal-blacksite · 1 month
sal n his boyfrens :3
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He really likes the last one (& the ones with him cuddling with larry / trav)
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h4dal-blacksite · 1 month
Its weird, we hear people say how hard it is to talk in the third person, but Puppy ( @n4m3l3ss-pvppy [shameless plug] ) is doing it just fine
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h4dal-blacksite · 23 days
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h4dal-blacksite · 16 days
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
bites you /pos
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