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the-heart-of-a-monster · 9 months ago
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THoaM Issue 9 PAGE 17
new to thoam or want to reread the comic but its really awkward to do on tumblr mobile? The official website has got you covered!
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majestativa · 2 months ago
Emerald serpents curled and bit about her arms but she wore not a single jewel upon her deep décolletage. She was like a disquieting statue to serpentine desire, to platinum depravity.
— MÁRIO DE SÁ-CARNEIRO ⚜️ Lucio’s Confession, transl. by Margaret Jull Costa, (2013)
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columboscreens · 2 years ago
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princess2x4 · 2 months ago
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[yawns] "I'd say 'I thought you'd put up more of a fight', but let's be real -- You never do."
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hiisheart · 11 months ago
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ♥︎ . *. ⋆ MOPING BECAUSE HE WANTS AFFECTION. MAYBE even kisses.
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angel-aqua1111 · 8 months ago
life update #2
i SHOULD be ending my hiatus next wednesday. sob
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gamblersbar · 9 months ago
REAL TALK THO. alastor KINDA did him a favor by taking his soul because overlord!husk was definitely just as fucked and just as power-hungry as the other overlords. by taking everything he had alastor HUMBLED him real quick and husk became a lot more... down-to-earth and he eventually learned to see people as people and not just souls that he could own. also he became a lot more drunk but you know.. if he ever got that power back it's possible he would regress quickly to something evil so. i know you didn't mean to make him a better person, alastor, but.. yay?
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 1 year ago
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"If I had 1G for every time I saved the world from a rogue A.I. that was trying to bring about a new world order, I'd have 2G."
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"Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice."
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tcpdog · 2 years ago
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↑ definitely has a secret unhinged yandere side / potential. it is not at all an exaggeration that Archer has an obsession problem (with a lot of things, but most prominently Team Rocket and Giovanni), and with the just right pushing of certain buttons in a certain way in a certain set of circumstances, he can absolutely get to the point of being dangerous in pursuit of those obsessions, including towards the obsession itself.
Archer has tortured, maimed and killed those who he's interpreted as having a less-than-platonic interest in his boss in the past, usually without Giovanni's knowledge. if driven to a point of paranoia and desperation, he could even try to keep his obsession captive, should Archer feel there is a very real chance that Giovanni might try to leave him or Rocket again.
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plasma-janes · 2 years ago
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Autumn has the Messy Eater Quirk
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britishchick09 · 2 years ago
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a rewrite comic about body positivity! :) (based on this post by @lestatsstims)
*arrows pointing to the statue saying 'small chest', 'smushy tummy', 'thick thighs'*
rewrite christine thinking: she's like me... *feels insecure*
rewrite erik: "wow, she's so beautiful! like a goddess!"
christine: "wha- you think so?"
erik: "yes. i'd love to have a healthy body like that. it's the perfect body in my eyes. so is being chubbier!"
christine: *blushes while gazing at the statue*
erik: *smiles* "i'd be so proud to have a body like that."
christine: "yes..."
christine: "i'm certainly proud."
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the-shy-artisan · 2 years ago
Any God of War item: has Kratos on it
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I don't have a problem.... no, not me lmao
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aventvrina · 18 days ago
@pairidaezah gambled:
"You always talk a lot, but you never really tell me much." He's tipsy enough that his tongue doesn't falter on the words, doesn't hesitate to loosen it's cool around the things he's been trying not to say. That he doesn't want to sound like an accusation but knows will be taken as such regardless. The wine in his glass tilts along with the idle roll of his wrist, never too far to spill, but just far enough for the worry to be a real thing. "Do you still not trust me? Not even a little?" The glass raises to his lips, and he drinks like he's trying to drown the next question before it can climb its way between his teeth.
He doesn't succeed.
"... will you ever trust me at all?"
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It's not unusual for his husband to drink. Aventurine will always find the word amusing, for how easily such a title had been given to them both over a failed scheme. He had expected Kaveh to want to cut ties with him, to have taken the money and forgotten all about their tryst as the truth came to surface. Instead, he was met with a very diligent and loyal lover, one who never ceases to amaze him with how strongly he is convinced that Aventurine is worth it.
He can't really fault the man for it. After all, it's Aventurine's own self deprecation that is ruining them. If he played the role again as intended everything would be smooth sailing for both parts, but Kaveh deserves honesty. Deserves to know who he's really dealing with. If anything to see, how unworthy Aventurine truly is of him. He should have ran with the money and yet.
Yet they ended up closer than ever. Aventurine finds the Zhuming is quite pleasant to visit, even more to live in now that he has more of a reason to stay. Kaveh's drawings crowd his work desk, his workshop almost mixes seamlessly with his own documents whenever he brings work with him. His clothes are in his closet, his warmth in his bed. He wonders when was it that he had started to see Kaveh as his new home, his own safe port.
There's an amused smile despite the accusation, if only for the man's display. Aventurine's reaches a hand to help steady the cup from Kaveh's lips. He can tell it took a lot of courage for Kaveh to question him. To say the quiet part out loud. Not that Kaveh is a coward, but he is mindful. Very mindful of Aventurine.
He's unworthy of it.
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He helps the cup back onto the table but his hand stays in place. Gloved fingers slowly tracing the calloused hand, where once was a ring transformed by the architect himself. There's a metaphor there, for how capable Kaveh is of redoing things into beauty. May haps he may just yet do the same with Aventurine, but not every material is easy to work with.
"I trust you." And it's honest. Even if his gaze remains where their hands join. Even if he himself is gathering courage.
"I'll always trust you." But the problem isn't his trust in Kaveh. He knows very well Kaveh's words ring true, but it's hard to accept them. The weight of his life is unbearable. He often asked himself why it had to be him to live. Why it had to be him to be blessed. Why it had to be him to walk towards the rain.
He finds it hard to forgive himself should it all be in vain. And there's a chance, there's always a chance of all of this to be taken from him. This peace is soothing as much as it's unsettling. He can only wish for it to never change but he knows it may just end in pain. One day he will really die, and then Kaveh will indeed have to live with the few memories he has left. To place such a burden upon him, even if he says it's what he wants, even if he says he can handle it, that he can save Aventurine from himself.
He smiles, resigned.
"You're the only person I've ever trusted." But if there's someone capable of forcing fate's hand is Kaveh. For how they ended up here is proof enough of it.
"Whatever you wish to know." His gaze is upon the flushed face, it's unfair how beautiful Kaveh looks even when drunk. Aventurine can't contain himself by kissing cheek.
"You'll know in due time."
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hiisheart · 4 months ago
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ♥︎ . *. ⋆ HE'S THINKING ABOUT KISSING WILL BYERS right now.
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princess2x4 · 8 months ago
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angel-aqua1111 · 1 year ago
status update
will start working on kokichi tomorrow, its my bestie's bday and i want to spend time w them so post will b delayed
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