#☾ ˙‧﹒˙ threads .
lunarruled · 2 months
Daryl nodded. He ended up putting in the movie. It's the black and white version of the Wolfman.
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"Great choice babe!" Kyleigh commented once the movie started. It had been a long time since she saw it, and this was the first time she was seeing the black and white version. Laying on her side she rested her head against Daryl's shoulder and focused on the show.
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necrostar · 13 days
How unbelievably embarrassing. Him, the great Bakura, the master of stealth, the clear know-it-all of everything... got locked out his own house again. This time, however, with his lockpicking set still inside. He'd forgotten it when he left that morning.
And now, with nowhere else to go, he was at his doorstep like a stray. What a nightmare. It was one thing if he was here for... literally anything else. It's another when you need something.
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Without a word, face tinged red, he knocked with the side of his fist.
"Atem! It's me, open the door!" He barked, stepping back with his arms crossed. He looked impatient, annoyed, and most importantly: like a wet cat. It poured rain the entire way over. Even the sky wanted to point and laugh at him.
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hdahlia · 1 month
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ANA DE ARMAS? Não! É apenas DAHLIA RADAMÉS TORCUATO, ela é filha de HECATE do chalé 21 e tem 30 ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL 3 DOS PODERES por estar no Acampamento há 16 anos, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, LIA é bastante LEAL mas também dizem que ela é DESCONFIADA. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Resumo: Dahlia nasceu em uma família estramente religiosa pois a família em questão chamou a atenção da deusa da bruxaria falando mal de bruxas. Como o avô dela nunca havia visto a mãe da neta dele, achou que a menina era fruto de uma bruxaria para acabar com a família dele, e começou a realizar alguns rituais (tortura, pra ser exata) até que um dia os poderes dela despertaram e ela foi encontrada por um sátiro e levada para o Acampamento pela primeira vez.
Poder - Magia Demoníaca: possui a capacidade para manifestação de magia relacionada ao submundo em um ponto de conseguir controlar as criaturas, assimilando assim parte de seus poderes.
Arma: Mortal Reminder: Foice longa, com a lâmina trabalhada em Ferro Estígio, com a capacidade de se transformar em uma pulseira. 
Habilidades: previsão e fator de cura acima do normal.
Faz parte dos Filhos da Magia. 
Instrutora de combate contra monstros. 
Participa da equipe azul do clube de luta.
Personagem baseada no prompt 01 - os sonhadores, dos interceptados.
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miidnighters · 10 months
@starlyht | continued from h e r e
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"I think you're asking questions you already know the answer to." She didn't like being questioned, but couldn't deny the logic in it. In these extenuating circumstances, they're all having to learn a lot more about each other than they'd rather share. "But since you've asked, no, I can't hunt."
In fact, she'd been rather coddled as far as vampires went - the other clerics at the temple would allow her to drink from them in small amounts, so Bella had never really needed to procure her own food. "I won't bite you." Not without asking, at least, and he was making it clear that was pointless. "I've lived on humanoid blood for a long time - I have a better handle on things than the spawn." Uncouth as he was. Honestly - trying to bite people while they slept with no warning? "That said, I don't think he's spent a great deal of time hunting his own food either, as far as feeding on animals go, so I'm sure you'll be happy to leave the both of us to muddle our way through."
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sd-vtm · 11 days
We ain’t so different, you and I. @red-in-revolt
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S Y S T E M S E T :: L O W E N E R G Y M O D E
E N E R G Y L E V E L S 2 3 %
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With a flicker, the red written words stand by mode flickered off and her visor lights up with two yellow optics blinking slowly as she wakes.
Ow.. her head was just killing right now, felt like someone shoved a bunch of rocks and nails in there..
With a shift the other sit up slowly and whimpered to herself, rubbing the side of her head with index and middle digit. V blinked a few times before her optics scanned the area, finding herself on some sort of large medical berth, feeling unease, the femdrone shifted to sit up, optics hollowed and darting about.
This looked waaaay too familiar, whats next, another crazed worker drone at her neck?
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Optics then squint, it’s too blurry to make out much around her but she knows its another medical room. A rather bright one too.
She see’s a large face peering at her causing a gasp to escape, with a jerk of her arm going straight out, she tries to online a weapon but her energy levels deny her access. V growled with frustration befor lashing the syringe tail forward out of reflex, ready to stab whoever was looking over her like that. Maybe we should find some glasses.. but there hadn't been any dead humans around with a pair that was good enough for her shit far away optic vision..
“..Who a-are you?! Get back, t—this thing is loaded b-buddy..!” Static and weakness felt heavy on her voice and the other struggled to even keep herself upwards, body trembling with each exhale of her mouth.
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believingmagic · 1 month
@starsdrew / / regina george & clover ewing.
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"we will ever get lucky enough to get better shopping picks?" regina muses. "i've been here for so long and it's been the same things over and over again," she sighs, before taking a sip of the lemonade that she happens to be carrying. "we deserve nice things, don't we?"
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 2 months
💫 from here
"Perhaps not, but that is nothing new to me." The words were followed by a defeated sigh. Obi-Wan didn't care to admit it, but he had been in over his head since the very day he took in a padawan who shined brighter than a dying star. Nothing was ever easy, nothing was ever without danger, and he'd learned his lesson early just how quickly a lack of knowledge could lead to a knife in the back. Though, in truth, he was acting brash. There was no need to make an enemy in place of where he could easily have an ally, a friend.
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"No . . . I should apologize. I was curious, but I had no right to snoop. You're entitled to your privacy—obviously—it's just, everything you are, I have so many questions."
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The mando-raised scrutinized the jedi with a sharp eye. A shake of the head, knowing this conversation had to have been sitting with the other man for some time. Sensed the change in interest, like an unspoken current in the air.
Between his hands flips the handle of his vibro-knife, blade glinting. A nervous tic he never rid himself of. Memory brought back to that rocky planet with its rockier history. His coming-of-age in a place that wasn't home.
His lips press in a thin line before speaking. ❝ You're awfully curious, Jedi. At this point, those who know of my existence oughta be lined up down the block. Even some I thought I'd left for dead. ❞ Shoulders give a nonchalant shrug underneath synth-leather. The blade stops, tip zeroed in on Obi-Wan's chest. He has no intent on striking. No reason to do so.
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His wrist goes limp, and it thunks into the metal of the table with a hollow ping. This is not interrogation, these are simply questions.
His eyes, those light blues are not harsh, not cold. They are weary, in a sense. ❝ Answerin' as best I can is all you're gonna get. I'm still chasin' the pieces myself. ❞
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xohalseyx · 2 months
Happy belated birthday to you! I know you're off living the dream and traveling the world with your rockstar girlfriend, but when you get back home there should be a package waiting for you from me. Spoiler: it's a bunch of About Face products that are new and a couple that have yet to be released. Feel free to share them with your girl, who I'm dying to meet sometime. @lckeexposed
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bexjae · 3 months
ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ
for @bexria
everyone knew that jaesung loved makeup. it was apart of his job and he wore it any chance he could when it was permitted. he loved a good discount even more though which was why he was alongside ria in the makeup isle. seeing all the different products that they put discounts on had him itching to get all he can.
he glances over at ria, a smile on his lips. "i can't believe that all of this is such low prices. i feel like i'm gonna end up buying too much." a laugh leaves him instantly. he at least found ones that he needs since he's been running low as well as a few bits of makeup that just caught his eye.
"anything get your attention? i know there's too many choices around." he's curious on what's going on through her mind since he knows that this is something they both love getting to talk about. makes him enjoy being close to her since not everyone enjoys makeup talk.
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goetiiaprince · 1 month
starter for @keeperofquestions
He should have visited sooner, though in Stolas' defense, there were very few members of the Goetia family or within its circle that he felt particularly close to. He effectively isolated himself for better or worse, and in doing so, it took him arguably far too long to notice a certain absence. Stolas stepped through a small portal, barely managing to keep it steady. He had been neglecting his own spell-work and lightly clucked his tongue. Then again, he could cautiously assume it had something to do with this...place.
Steady and confident strides bring him upon a somewhat familiar castle. His head cants to one side, red eyes sweeping the rubble. Feathers ruffle in alarm and confusion. Most of the structure seemed sound, but the dilapidated areas raised...questions. Perhaps he had the wrong location! Maybe no one was here at all. Oh, Stars. If he arrived...Too late, or even to some poor other soul's home --
He moves towards the door in sight and raises a fist to its surface, rapping thrice. There was no point in leaving until he knew for sure whether or not the structure was abandoned.
❝ My apologies for coming unannounced! Is anyone there? ❞
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necrostar · 15 days
Every time Bakura passed that god-forsaken building, a cold shiver went over him. It wasn't haunted, run-down, or even scary. No, no. It was a reminder, that was all. A reminder of how he spent nearly his entire existence being, well, a little hellion doing what he thought was right. A hellion puppeting the poor kid who was destined to hold the ring. He'll never be able to look him in the eyes if he saw him on the street.
The worst part? This stupid building is the only game shop near where he lives.
Kame Game Shop. This is where Ryo used to frequent when he needed things for Monster World. It was home to his friend Yuugi, and the bearer of the puzzle he was destined to fight for. And now look at him! He's standing here like an idiot, staring at that shop across the street, because he's looking for the newest Monster World core book. This is a nightmare. Sure, he could go across the city and get it somewhere else, but that's so inconvenient when this is right here.
Half of him was telling him not to do it, the other insisting. They must feel his hesitation. Before he knew it, he was making the trek across the street. Pale hands gripped that handle, and it was thrown open a little harder than necessary. Hm. Overestimated the weight of it.
The ex-spirit felt his heart hit the floor as he walked inside. A cursory glance didn't single out what he was looking for, which made this entire experience even worse. He'd have to go to the front. Kick the man while he's down.
Both hands were placed against the desk, and he looked forward with both confidence and a burning desire to get this over with as fast as humanly possible as he asked,
"Hey, do you have a copy of the Player's Guide for Monster World second edition?"
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He didn't even look at who was at the counter. He was just hoping it wasn't someone he knew.
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orangeshinigami · 4 months
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ok so gonna do a bit of organizing on this blog to hopefully get things going on here once more. i will be dropping a few threads and deleting some stuff that's been in my ask box for too long, i apologize for that but pls don't let that discourage you from plotting / interacting with me-- a lot has happened in the past few months and rl stuff ended up pulling me away from here. :(
i do want to be more active on here from now on though, so i feel like dropping a few things and starting new ones is super necessary.
ALSO i've noticed a few people who are on my mains list have gone inactive or haven't plotted / written with me in a long time so i'm gonna be posting a new mains call soon!! until then, i'll be keeping @lockedtowers / @familiarache, @toomanydamnmuses, @glacialdeath & @adversitybloomed as my mains only, who are the ones that have either recently interacted with me and/or are close friends and i know for sure are still interested in writing with me (despite me being the slowest rp partner ever <3)
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lilitophidian · 4 months
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" She's crying, she's naked, she's beating people up!! " - About Lilith
I swear I'm a serious writer!!!
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miidnighters · 8 months
[ text ] pls take this as a compliment [ text ] but u strike me as the kinda person who knows how to get blood out of clothes [ text ] how do I get blood out of clothes
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witchnordemon · 5 months
@pacexlikexaxghost His arrival to this world, like all others, was preceded by a celestial event. Whether it was a comet passing by, a meteor shower, or maybe something large-scale like an eclipse this time, he wasn't ever there to witness it. One thing at the moment was certain though, he felt giddy about getting to explore this new world.
He had taken a moment to settle in, out of the ways of civilization, summoning Laika and letting her run around to get all her puppy zoomy energy out before placing her back into his backpack to nap. He snapped his fingers, taking on his human-like appearance at once. A brief moment of consideration later, and he reached back into his hammerspace bag and pulled out a packet of cosmic brownies to snack on before he got on his way; into the town he had found himself on the outskirts of. He somehow always forgot just how much energy it took to keep a mortal-like form even semi-functioning. How in the cosmos was he already a little tired?
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Slinging their star-adorned bag over their shoulders, they began the trek into town to hopefully do a quick survey of the area. On the way, they had to remind themself, as always, that they weren't here to interact. Interacting with mortals more than strictly necessary was dangerous for both of their kinds. They were just here to observe. Just to observe.
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believingmagic · 1 month
@mazeheart / / regina george & cady heron.
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her perfectly manicured fingertips are pushing through racks, eying up all of her options. "no that's ugly," she says. "that's completely last year," she added on. "and that one is a compete travesty," she states. her attention is taken away from her task, though, when someone comes up next to her, someone who seems kind of familiar. she puts on that certain smile that she's knwon for, before turning to them. "oh hi, cutie," she states. "you should try this, it's totally your style and i think it would really bring out your eyes."
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