#☚for answering asks
tonia-aaaaa · 26 days
ah yes, the infamous Pinned Post
i just recently ran away from instagram and their AI bullshit - i'm still learning how to use tumblr, please have mercy milord i beg of thee (☚i've been here for a while now, so i should probably remove this line, but it sounds funny so i'm leavin it)
some links:
my insta
my youtube (kinda mid, lower your expextations please)
stuff i use to make my art:
Samsung Galaxy TAB S7
IbisPaintX (for all sortsa digital art)
FlipaClip (for vids/animatics)
Pinterest + my dogwater samsung phone camera (for references)
Canson sketchbook + scrap paper + stickers + literal trash + Copic & Posca markers (for traditional art/collage)
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ctheathy · 1 year
Rules and boundaries for requesting
Requests : Open // Closed,, but do not send in asks for Secret History Tails, WWMH Miles or Nine atm. I want to focus on the overstocked requests I still have for them before getting any more. Boundaries, please. It's just cruel to test your luck and send one in anyways, especially since I'm a person who struggles to say no.
Masterlink ➘➘➘
Communities+ Characters
Current Drafts + Inbox Requests
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Little shout-out to my dear anons <3 :
Sky Anon • 🐋 •
#scenario answered --- Replies to the requested RP scenarios
#dumb drabbles --- Short stories that are too insignificant to be placed in my masterlist
#ctheathy answers --- Small Q&As about me or the blog you've send <3
#the guide's gabbling --- Any unimportant remains of content/no actual writing
Make sure to specify;
Platonic • Romantic[Committed relationship] // Romantic Tendencies[Non-dating for now] ,, [When unspecified, it shall likely just be written off as romantic.]
SFW/Fluff/Yandere Alphabet [6-7 letters per ask] ☚
General/Fluff/Angst/Suggestive/NSFW/Yandere Headcanons☚
Short Concept of your choice☚
Drabble inspired by a song☚
Talk to the characters☚
Small RP scenario☚ [This one requires an OOC sentence/question, interaction or given scene by the requester]
Let me know what you're expecting for the request!!
♧Suggestive or NSFW,, just the characters assigned with • or • [dom readers only, no exceptions.]
Suggestive ➼ Turn offs/ons ,, Light fetishes ,, Their vocality/moaning ,, Arousing intimacy ,, Kissing ,, Non-explicit sexual activities ,, Tame smut content
NSFW ➼ Will often include a climax ,, Intercourse ,, Genitalia mention ,, Bodily fluids ,, Kinks ,, Descriptive details
🌻Some rather rare a-okays for requesting :
• Given characters as yanderes. [yan. Readers are no biggie either]
• AUs for each of the characters
• Dark topics : obsession - addiction - drugging - self harm - suicide // suicidal tendencies - detailed torture - abuse in general - manipulation - emotional dependencies - grooming - neglect - incest - sexual abuse - noncon/r#pe implications - eating disorders - near-death scenarios - one's demise - heavy/descriptive gore
• Fics on the suggestive side + smut are allowed on this blog. [No age confirmation has to be given either. It’s not in my right to tell you what you can and cannot read & request. Besides; people lie.]
• Major character death. Mainly referring to the Reader, but I’m positive any side characters won’t give me any trouble either way ;)
• Hypersexual reader - pregnant reader (female only) - mother/father reader
• Vent requesting
Explanation+rules for vent requests :
Every now and then, I get a request with some very explicit details about either a problematic scenario or a negative trait/problem the reader is dealing with. Many of these also often include darker topics that can be a major issue to deal with in real life, something a lot of people would struggle to recover from, relapsing included also. These are what I'd like to call vent requests. They refer to a very distinct ask that goes far into details that are so very precise that it's quickly considered to be an experience or event the requester has underwent themselves. With the request just being a plead for comfort/validation.
I can usually tell these apart, but please try to mention it anyway if you send in a vent request, so I can try and be more cautious of how I write it. Some people tend to write a very toxic/abusive dynamic and the [insert character] in clear distress whenever a troubled reader is requested. And it's just not something that I really agree with... The issues they've described should never be actively validated, excused nor romanticised when they're clearly written off as problematic for both the character in question and the reader themselves. But it shouldn't be unrealistically written as the only trait in the entire relationship.
People can recover and are redeemable. Besides, when somebody sends in a request that clearly includes something that's troubling them, [nobody would send in a self harming reader request for shits and giggles.] it isn't just fiction anymore. It's real life and somebody's personal struggles. Writing a toxic/abusive dynamic with that reader+the character due to those problems would just be rubbing salt in the wound. You'd basically just be walking all over the requester's struggles, which can cause embarrassment, shame and make them feel like terrible people even when they're not. They just need guidance.
🌷Some minor rules and information to keep in mind :
• I’ll allow the minimum of gendered readers, but only on short concepts/plots. If you request for general or detailed headcanons, the reader’s identity shall remain vague no matter if it was in the request or not. This rule of course doesn't apply for NSFW/actual intercourse for various and obvious reasons. But I find making it unpleasant to read for other people due to some small, insignificant confirmation to the gender at the start of the fic incredibly unneeded.
Please just don't if you don't have to. It's not like I'm making specific and descriptive details about body parts anyways [smut excluded]. And neither would a character love you any more or less if you just so happened to be that one specified gender.
• I am a lot less experienced writing for male readers due to being a girl myself, obviously. It'll definitely take me more time and practice to grow confident in my NSFW work for the lads out there and have the guts to post it for that matter.
• All the characters I'll write for are aged up to a certain degree to fit a more appropriate demographic. When the said character happens to remain underage for the sake of the concept, it'll be mentioned in my greeting beforehand.
• Five characters per headcanons post is the limit. For any oneshot + RP scenario requests, keep it at one unless if rivalry/sharing is caring is specified.
• Please don’t mix up any fandoms in one single request. Several characters of programs who are connected to one another is no issue, but not directly from a whole nother community.
• Any given requests likely won’t be released in order. I’m truly sorry about this. But as soon as I finish an ask, I try posting it as quick as I can. It truly just depends on my interest for the said character and the motivation for the post itself.
• I’ll do a variety of non healthy concepts,,
BUT. I do not want to take the risk of supporting unhealthy mindsets and I advise you don’t get off on the idea of being taken advantage of in such ways, especially with relationships that are clearly written off as abusive. When you're experiencing these in real life, please reach out for help/support
🌹🚫Things I shall strictly not accept :🚫
• Character x Character requests. Might throw out a small shipfic here and there, though.
• Readers with a specified ethnicity, there’s only one race out there and it’s the human race. I want my work to be readable for anyone out there and I personally do not care about anybody's skin color.
• A whole request just being about a reader coming out as homesexual/lesbian, trans, et cetera. I apologise, but these subject matters are not the type I prefer getting myself involved with.
• Yandere [insert character] x yandere reader
Everyones opinion is vary, but I do not find the concept of two highly toxic individuals emotionally eating at eachother all that appealing ...
• smoking reader - masochistic reader - brainwashed reader - hypnotized reader - reader obtaining stockholm syndrome
• I won't allow ocs/self-inserts/readers with too many requested oc-like traits for the sake of keeping it remotely relatable to the audience. Of course my reader insert isn't going to be a dry wall with no personality. But writing for a "reader" with too many explicit characteristics isn't it.
• Sub!Readers when requesting smut/suggestive themes. Your request will automatically get deleted due to discomfort reasons for the author.
• NSFW threesome. Please request for just one character per smut post. I'm not too comfortable with writing steamy content for threesomes and/or more than just the reader+[insert character]. Plus, I'd really just wanna concentrate and go in unnecessary explicit detail for that one character.
• Many projects of my work are proofread several times in order to prevent spelling errors and gendered labels. But if you still manage to come across one, let me know!! I'd wanna fix it.
• If any artwork that appeared in my posts just so happens to belong to you, and you dislike having your art attached to my work and/or want it removed, please DM me and I'm sure we can figure something out together =} I usually try giving credit with a link right under the picture, but it's unfortunately quite difficult to find the original artist nowadays.
• You may translate pretty much any of my fics as long as credit is given to my blog. In which, I'd love to see the translations as well! So please consider sending me a link too~!
• If you suddenly happen to feel embarrassed/ashamed of a request you've sent in my inbox for whatever reason, feel free to let me know! I'll either remove the request as a whole or make a separate post that doesn't have anonymous asks/your blog name attached to it, deciding on your preference <3
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May add more in the future ...
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shining-gem34 · 10 months
❛  why can’t you just let it go?  ❜ // IL @ dh
Angsty Question Prompts !! Accepted for @etherealguard
||Companion Quest to this blog.
"Why can't you just let it go?"
"What do you mean, Yinyue Jun?" Dan Heng asks coldly, turning around to meet the High Elder's stoic gaze.
The question leaves him confused, annoyed, and irked- all packed into a bundle of spite swirling in his chest. He's not sure what prompted Yinyue Jun to ask this. Why was he even asking this at all?
Is this another mind game of his? Was he baiting him to see a reaction? Or was he trying to confuse him with the question(s)?
Because Dan Heng knows exactly what the High Elder is referring to. Yet like always, he refuses to acknowledge it.
Yinyue Jun remains impassive. His tail sways lightly behind him before it stops and he responds, "Do you remember my words, Dan Heng?"
☛ You are not weak. I know you are not. Because you are not me. ☚
"No matter what anyone says otherwise: My sins are not yours to bear." Yinyue Jun explains, staring straight at his incarnation. "You are free."
Outside past the door, the skies start to rumble. A drop of water hitting the ground summons a storm. The heavy rain drowns out the sound of Dan Heng's blood rushing to his head. Fury blooms within his chest, its red petals curling hideously around his heart like spider lilies.
"Free?" Dan Heng repeats, fingers curling tightly into a fist. His shoulders trembling with thinly veiled rage, "How dare you, Dan Feng? How dare you presume I am free when your past chases me like a shadow?"
Lightning flashes between the clouds, striking the ground as quickly as Dan Heng's temper.
"I am not free, Dan Feng." The guard states coldly, shoulders sagging, and he shakes his head. "So please don't ever say I am free when clearly I am not."
For once in a long time, Dan Heng feels tired of everything. He wants to be alone, praying for Yinyue Jun to get the hint and leave him be.
Like always, the High Elder refuses to respect his wishes.
Yinyue Jun rises from his seat and approaches him. His incarnation takes a step back, but no more, and turns his head away. He stiffly raises his hand to touch Dan Heng's cheek. The young man flinches from the contact, but he remains resolute in avoiding him.
"Sooner or later, you'll understand the meaning behind my words." Yinyue Jun sighs wearily, but a faint smile breaks his stoic mask. "When that time comes, you'll be liberated from the chains that shackled you."
Dan Heng snaps his head up and asks, "What do you-"
"It's time to wake up, my pearl."
Then in a flash, Dan Heng is gone from the dream leaving Yinyue Jun alone in this room.
He returns to his seat and closes his eyes to meditate. Perhaps, this will give Dan Heng time to ponder over his words. The young man will need to find the answers on his own at his own pace.
The High Elder opens his eyes to stare at the floating feather on the shelf. A beautiful turquoise plume from the tail of the eastern dragon that commands the winds. Another unrelated artifact with a deep significance to those who understand it.
As if a gentle breeze tickles his ears, Yinyue Jun can hear a whisper in the wind.
"What does freedom really mean when demanded of you by a god?"
Outside, the heavy rain slows down to a light sprinkle. Soon enough, the winds blow the clouds away revealing the beautiful full moon once more.
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decoysouled · 10 months
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prompts for workaholic characters who push themselves too hard // accepting. @etherealguard // ☛ i'm not stopping until this is done. ☚ // yinyue jun @ yingxing
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IF ONE WERE TO ASK WHAT THEY HAD MOST IN COMMON, the answer would be their working habits — although, Yingxing is sure he is far more stubborn than Yinyue-jun when it comes to being dragged away from the forges on day four of a self-imposed work marathon. Then again, it seems Dan Feng could easily rival his own stubbornness given the chance; here & now is a good example of such a fear, one that he might admire if it wasn't like looking into a mirror.
( a mirror filled with disappointment, that is. )
Yingxing's expression is one that seems particularly unamused, an exasperated sigh falling from his lips as he reaches to place a firm hand on his shoulder, an attempt not to act too overly familiar. ❝You can come back to this once you've had some rest, Dan Feng.❞ His words are polite yet firm, a contrast from the typical patience he might have afforded him & the bluntness he might have offered someone else.
( if he were to say anything else, he's sure that dan feng truly would hold his words true. )
❝Of course, if you're insistent on continuing like this.❞ Yingxing continues, equal lilts of concern & care within his voice — they are ever-present, really, when it comes to the small group of friends he has grown to love. ❝Then you're forfeiting any right to lecture me about my own working habits. You'll have to leave that to Jingliu or Baiheng in future, I fear. They might not be so nice as you are.❞ Truth be told, if anyone else were to come & stop him from overworking, he's sure Jing Yuan would be first in line rather than those two.
That information, however, is not something that is necessary for Dan Feng to know.
❝If you listen now, I'll even take you out to eat.❞ The offer is one he hopes will be taken, albeit he's not sure whether it is actually more enticing than whatever Dan Feng has decided must be given his undivided attention. Yingxing removes his hand from his shoulder, allowing it to drop to his side once more. ❝I'll even keep you company tomorrow & help where I can if you promise to get a good night of rest.❞
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nulltune · 7 months
☛ very few ever look to the stars and feel fear. but they should. especially you. ☚ / from aleister !!
unprompted,  always accepting !   @wonderloste  ♡
❛   is there a reason why ?   ❜       starry - eyed  ——  the stars' lights reflect upon caramel hues,  doe eyes wide as the maiden stared upon the glittering night sky.  it's a genuine question,  knowing nothing about this world,  she was eager to learn;  curious to find out,  such an inquisitive nature was almost inherent to kishinami hakuno.  but of course she was,  of course she wanted to know more about the world around her—  she has to,  if she wants to find her place in it  /  even though distantly,  she is well aware that such a thing was ...
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underneath the vast expanse of the sky,  one would often feel so very small.  hakuno didn't quite understand that feeling,  holding no personal sentiments for the stars either,  but she felt like—  she could understand it,  somewhat.  the feeling that everything else was so big,  and the feeling that there was something more.       ❛  are there constellations here too ?   ❜       she finds herself asking,  all of a sudden.       ❛   do you see that one over there ?  the one that looks like horns.   ❜       a slender hand would reach out towards it,  trying to point  —  or at least gesture  —  to the direction of the group of stars she was speaking of.       ❛   they appear a bit similar to your horns,  no ?   perhaps that can be aleister minor ...   ❜   aha.  this joke doesn't seem to be the easiest to grasp,  is it ?
—still,  she hoped that this time they had together wasn't anything bad.   ( and to answer his question truthfully,  it was hard to feel fear when she wasn't alone.  that singular fact alone was something so comforting,  but hakuno wonders if it was truly alright to feel that way ...   she doesn't speak of it. )       ❛   it's fine if you can't see it,  though.   ❜       pulling her knees to her chest,  her head rests languidly  —  a gentle tilt as she'd looked towards the other.
❛   could you tell me what you see ?   ❜
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