galakianexplosion · 1 year
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Art for @kachikirby :3
Mettaccine and my outer space girls :D
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artificial-absinthe · 10 months
cybervampire au
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Cybervampire Megatron feeds on Soundwave
Behold the yet worse pinnacle/ditch of my fall from grace.
I once made a drawing of cybervampire/not dead terrorcon Megatron (like it happened to Airachnid) for an exchange (it's horror type/dead dove I guess because of depiction of mild torture) and now it spawned an AU in my mind.
My old deeply rooted inclinations stemmed new branches and I intend to indulge into them to the worst/best of my ability. Thus, you'll be seeing this my otp, as well as other transformers content, painted in black with the fluids dripping of those thorned stems.
I love vampires, and my mind told me vampire Megatron was as alluring as vampire Airachnid. Furthermore, there's my fascination with Megasound/Megawave. In vampire lore, there's nothing as intimate and sensual as drinking blood, and then it's the perfect pathway to sexless/asexual creatures to get into a sort of not organic erotism (as well as other erotic/fetishist practices but I'll explore that dungeon later on), as I do not embrace the popular fan concepts of humanization (as in organic/primal-instincts derived attributes) in interaction between Cybertronians in love-like relationships.
In this Cybervampire Au, Megatron got infected during the events of "Thirst", but not killed. Then he's some sort of living terrorcon, a vampiricon if you wish (I can imagine Miko naming him like that), just like Airachnid, but, given his tolerance to dark Energon and his synthesis with it, he's now even mightier, and not infectious unless he kills. I explain this as Megatron's systems/biomechanism being somehow different, hence why dark energon works in him conversely to other bots. Given that the coalesced energon that Knockout made contains dark energon, getting infected by its resulting chemical disease/mutation also works out differently in him.
On another regard, the plot of gothic horror where vampire masters control zombies finds its parallel, since Megatron was already able to do that.
As for the Megasound element, I've already suggested the innerent deepness that can be attributed to the act of blood/energon drinking. Specially when its given willingly. The symbolism, the possibilities of sensorial play.
When circumstances lead to this, Soundwave is, of course, honoured to be source of food to his Master, and he submittes himself to an extreme regime of fueling: Only the most refined and purest energon enters his body, so he'll be in optimal condition, therefore high quality and scrumptious food to his Lord. Perhaps he eventually becomes too invested in it, while consciously ignoring the veiled zealousness. No one should take the responsibility but him. No one is more qualified, or as committed to Lord Megatron as himself, therefore is only befitting that his life is laid to him in more than a sense. Everyone else is dubious, capable or prone to betrayal, or inefficient idiots, and like the hell he's letting anyone else have that sort of intimacy with Megatron. Every time Megatron gets overtaken by hunger and tries to take a prey he would be like: "no, my Lord, that scum is suboptimal and inadequate. Here's my neck"
I intend to create and write several works into this Au, with a collection of short stories in Ao3.
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slutcore-starships · 7 months
i have got to get more cybertradgoth or im literally gonna burn up in the sunlight . if im not the most cutting-edge vampire in the grocery store at any given moment im literally gonna explode and leave a tiny pile of uncool ashes
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akoareos · 2 days
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2099 techno cybervampirism
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thefakegeekg1rl · 3 months
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Bringing the dark side of our future dystopia, our next talented performer in the spotlight is Fallon (@fall0nxx).
They will be highlighting a cybergoth/cybervampire aesthetic from the nightside of the dystopian megalopolis, where dangers lurk down every alley and in every shadow. Don't miss out on catching them at Cyberotica - A Techno-future Cabaret, Friday 7/12 at The Newport Theater!
Get your tickets here: http://rb.gy/srqhq6
Can’t make it in person? No problem, because the future is now! We’ll be livestreaming the show for you to watch from the comfort of your government-issued apartment cubicle.
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clubgothika · 3 years
“tell me yøur secrets, i'll tell mine.xx” by. jeremivhx, the vampire (prod. lil peak) +{{CYB3R V4MP}}+
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artishek · 4 years
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Day41-“Brick” - - @keshrt @100daysofsketchingofficial @xppen_india - - #cyberpunk #portrait # portraitart #damon #100daysofsketching #vampire #cybervampire #vampirediaries #100days2020 #100daysofsketchingofficial #100dayswithxppen #brick #oculos #cyberpunkart #sci-fi #artistsoninstagram #artcollectors #dailypaintings #artishek https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQzLQMh43H/?igshid=ptotup6f5lg5
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convenient-pal · 3 years
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Cybervampire for @vessnelle as my thanks for the help~
And cuz he is really hawt.
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lizwuzthere · 6 years
If XF-10 and DS-03 are going to be dealing with cybervampires in the main timeline, is there a chance XF-10 might end up catching it there too like she did in that AU?
Yeah it’s definitely a possibility. XF-10 is not much of a fighter, but she’s also super interested in finding out what’s going on with those weird undead Vehicons?? So she might get in on the fight for that reason even though she’s a low ranking soldier and wouldn’t technically get called into battle.
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S1, E8: Duel
I like this episode right away because there are spooky statues everywhere. I want a yard planet filled with those to keep trespassers out.
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A magical blue lady and her cranky elderly companion have a metaphysical conversation about their atonement and their duties as Gatekeeper and Keymaster Keeper and Guardian. The younger lady Sinofar isn't wearing a bra and the older one Giroc is Keeper of the Greased Pole Climbing Guild I think.
Travis's spaceship is made from an actual shipping container and is crewed by mutoids, which are one of the more original character designs in the series. Travis mentioned earlier that he prefers working with them, and now I notice that he dresses just like them too. Mutoids are 'modified' humans - in other words they are biologically, mentally, and cybernetically altered to serve the Federation better. They wear black, have weird bulbous heads that look kind of like goth bell peppers, and they're pale and emotionless. Also, they are literal vampires, requiring nutrients in the form of either blood serum plugged into their chest, or actual blood in a pinch. As a teenage goth, mutoids really appealed to me. Most of the mutoids we see are female, but there is a male in this episode and one other I think. The mutoid woman loftily refers to regular humans as The Unmodified.
Zen is still a smartass, Avon refuses to admit Zen is sentient, Vila accuses Avon of being a machine, and Avon retorts that it's better than being a crap human like Vila. It's the Three Stooges, in space! The Liberator needs to recharge so Blake suggests they have a break on this lightning-plagued planet, and Jenna jumps at the chance to get away from the dorks around her. Gan also thinks Avon and Vila are being a bit insufferable. Blake ribs Vila about his tendency to take naps. Vila teleports them down to the planet and promptly takes a nap. I mean, his name is RESTAL, Blake.
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They deduce that the statues are grave markers and that the planet is utterly dead, but Gan sees the ladies, who are no longer blue. Then the ladies are gone and he wonders if his brain implant is malfunctioning, which, horrifyingly, is implied to be commonplace. Blake disturbs Vila's angelic rest again, this time to call for immediate evacuation when they spot Travis's pursuit ships in the sky.
Vila didn't just take a nap on the job, he took his sneakers off to nap on the job more comfortably.
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They don't have enough power to either run or fight so Zen suggests surrendering. I really don’t think Zen likes them much. Blake draws a football diagram to say "let's ram Travis". Avon saves Blake from an explosion a nasty fall by catching him, and stands there like the tsundere sonofabitch he is, holding Blake in his arms, for a good ten seconds. 
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And if you think I'm reading too much into this:
BLAKE Have you got any better ideas? [Violent impact. As Blake and Avon reel back, Avon clutches Blake protectively, perhaps to steady him] AVON As a matter of fact, no I haven't. BLAKE Does that mean you agree? AVON Do I have a choice? BLAKE Yes. AVON Then I agree. [Lets go of Blake]
The look on Gan's face when Blake says he's going to ram Travis is priceless.
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Just before the ships collide, time slows down, everything gets trippy, and everyone is in agony from the awful incidental music. Blake and Travis appear on the planet, and the old lady calls Travis primitive, pompous, and stupid while he has a temper tantrum.
The ladies were just waiting for someone to come along and have a battle near the utterly dead planet so they could do their Thunderdome ritual: kidnapping the two main combatants plus a friend each, and forcing them to fight to the death with their bare hands. This is supposed to prevent needless collateral damage like happened to their planet, and teach them a lesson about the consequences of violence; “the death of an enemy and the death of a friend”. Yet, the winner will be free to leave and keep on wrecking shit elsewhere, so not really sure what the point is.
When asked how many are in his group, Blake says "there are six of us." So he counted Zen as the seventh in an earlier episode but now Zen is chopped liver, eh? Or is Zen just not in danger from the weird ladies so he wasn't included? No wonder Zen is so obstructive, people keep invalidating his sentience and unincluding him at convenient moments. I love you, Zen, even if no one else does.
The ladies mentally send Blake and Travis to a nice, wooded park on their utterly dead planet. Jenna disappears from the Liberator and no one notices because they're too busy watching the Hunger Games. After a bit of playful and almost deadly interference from the bloodthirsty old lady, they restart the duel. Jenna is annoyed that she has been chosen to die alongside Blake just for being his friend, as if his track record of dozens of Federation-murdered friends hadn't clued her in already. The mutoid woman is chosen as Travis's 'friend', though Blake is certain Travis doesn't have friends.
Blake and Jenna take shelter up a tree for the night because the utterly dead planet sounds like it's full of large and very alive monsters. Travis impishly asks his mutoid friend if she remembers who she was before she was modified. Apparently he knew her, from the subtext possibly dated her, and is irritated to find she neither remembers nor cares. So she is the closest thing to a friend he's got right now, but the woman he knew is gone. Poor Travis. I almost feel sorry for him.
A vampire bat feeds on Blake's hand and sadly he fails to turn into a vampire or even rabid. Avon is too bored to watch the Hunger Games all night, and the others accuse him of being uncaring, to which he replies, "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care, or, indeed, why it should be necessary to prove it at all." In other words, practical and useful actions like catching your friendleader speak louder than pointless displays of loyalty like watching him sit in a tree. It goes over Vila's head but Cally gets it: Avon cares.
The mutoid formerly known as Keyeira trapped and drained the blood from several vampire bats during the night to sate her hunger. That is hardcore. Travis warns her that he's not on the menu, and she says she'll be vampired impaired if she doesn't get more blood soon. Travis sets her on Jenna, but just as she's about to stick Jenna with her handy cybervampire sleeve-needle, Travis yanks her dinner away to use as Blake bait. That decision backfires when the mutoid's impaired reflexes make her spring the trap too slowly.
While Jenna fights the mutoid, Blake and Travis have a dramatic quarterstaff fight which is not quite as good as the one where Daffy Duck is Robin Hood. Jenna throws the mutoid against a tree which knocks her out. Blake defeats Travis but declines to kill him, AGAIN. Everyone on the Liberator was urging him to kill Travis except Avon, who knows Blake is fine with blowing up entire Federation bases full of people, shouting cult leaders, and villain-riddled spaceships, but not ruthlessly staking his worst enemy while he's down. Blake gives various reasons for doing so, ending with, "I would have enjoyed it". Don’t kinkshame yourself, Blake. The weird ladies concede that this duel was pointless and let them go.
Gan heals Blake's hand with the magic eraser while Blake is coy about Sinofar's beauty(ful nipples). Meanwhile Travis berates the weird ladies for letting Blake go, and he callously says his mostly-dead mutoid 'friend' is basically just a broken machine of no further value, even when they offer to heal her. They tell him it's because of warmongering assholes like him that they are stuck there and kick him out.
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Back on his ship, the mutoid is healed and fed, but Travis is disillusioned with his ‘friend’ and blames her for everything. Whoops, all my pity for him just flew off at time distort 6.
Damage report:
some vampire bats
...That's it?! No one died?! Nothing blew up?! I’m not sure whether to feel relieved or cheated.
I feel like this episode solidified Blake and Jenna as close friends. Sinofar looked into Blake’s mind and saw that he considered Jenna his friend. She also saw that Travis considered the mutoid to be a friend, probably because she was the closest thing available - someone Travis had known socially and liked at one time. Too bad the mutoid was no longer capable of reciprocation.
Next: Project Avalon
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galakianexplosion · 1 year
☆Cyber Vampirism☆
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Two silly ocs, for an original world of sorts? They dont really have full on ideas yet, theyre my silly guys that i can have fun with.
Leukadios is a flirty, silly, immortal and not afraid to die Vampire.
Adonis is a Cyborg/Robot Knight who, as one of the best ranking knights on his planet/in his population, is in charge to start to "invade" earth. He does have emotions, and those will shine after being found by Leuka who took an interest to him, even deeper then just wanting to save earth.
So theyre just a silly pair now
A evil-not-so-evil cy-knight and a flirty-going-against-all-odds-Vampire
They're not part of my saint seiya au, nor my kirby au, and both of those are still in my head, theres just those two sillies too. And some other older ocs... welp anyways!!
I hope youll like them :D ☆
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eijun-enjoyer · 5 years
by cybervampire
.fear { ⠀ display: none; }
user: taegi password: ********s ⠀ ERROR_
Words: 5992, Chapters: 3/3, Language: Español
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Animal Shit, Body Modification, Don't get me wrong with the animal tag plz
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galakianexplosion · 1 year
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Junon's girlfriend!
Svan is a determined, passionate fighter and despite her tough and angry look, she can be soft and nice. She's the second strongest knight in the army she's a part of! She has a wholesome romance with Junon and they both in the end reside on earth together
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galakianexplosion · 1 year
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《Seraph》 Chibi
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galakianexplosion · 1 year
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galakianexplosion · 1 year
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She's an alien! Who came to earth after staying on her girlfriend's army's ship! After that she stays on earth with said girlfriend (who is the next oc ill make). She can heal and she can fight! She's also an hopeless romantic♡
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