#◹ [ atlantis ] ◸; the city + its inhabitants
cinderkaliningrad · 1 month
Valyrian = Atlantis
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New day, new crazy theory. SURVIVORS IN OLD VALYRIA:
Valyria is literally Atlantis in Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon.
We have people with light eyes (blue / purple) eyes, white hair, tan skin in some cases. They all live / come from a land with advanced technology that disappeared literally in one day because of a cataclysm: The curse of Valyria (HOTD) and the envy of the gods (ATLANTIS).
There are too many similarities: people trying to find the place and not returning, cities that were wiped off the map by volcanoes and tsunamis (like the Valyrian cities of Velos and Gozhai), strange creatures, advanced technology and magic, great military power, they used to be a powerful empire… In addition to the characteristics physiological conditions shared by its inhabitants.
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What if there were survivors under the ruins of Valyria (and other cities) like there are in Atlantis? A magical shield like the one in the Disney movie could have protected a part of the population from perishing in the catastrophe. In books it is specified that they were an advanced civilization, with technology, magic and great military power. Seeing the similarities it would not be impossible, in fact, it would become a feasible idea (I would dare say that it would even be logical and probable).
Here a frame of the movie: cute little things that look like the dragons (wyverns) from HOTD.
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I'm going to write a fanfic about this. If anyone wants to use the idea, please ask permission and tag. THIS IS AN ORIGINAL IDEA AND THEORY.
The images are not mine, credits to their respective authors. (I did the explanatory canvas edit).
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heliads · 1 year
Not sure if you write for Namor from MCU, but could you write Namor x Y/N Enemies to Lovers where Y/N is a Greek demigod who helps Namor after washing up injured and Namor pays them back by helping them deal with a monster? They’re enemies bc he still distrusts humans. Could Y/N also be a child of Hecate please?
had not seen wakanda forever but this request is so good that i specifically sought it out for you, anon. a+ job
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At this point, the man washing up on the shores of the sea isn’t even the strangest thing you’ve seen all day. Nor is he your chief concern. Normally, the boundary spells up around your city would keep out any intruders, unconscious men who might be soldiers be damned, but the boundary spells haven’t been working well as of late. That’s kind of why you’re here. 
You consider him for a while, his unmoving form, the weapons at his sides still softly clinking as the rolling surf pulls them together, then decide that this is so not your problem and leave. Men destroy themselves all the time. This one, although stranger than most, will either be able to sort himself out when he wakes or be far beyond the reach of your help.
This sort of sentiment would strike many as unkind, but to you, it is nothing uncommon. This is survival. It has never been pretty. It works as well as you let it, and one moment of mercy can spell your death in a second. Right now, you’re not just responsible for yourself, but your entire civilization as well. 
If you ask most scholars and historical enthusiasts, they’ll tell you that the lost city of Atlantis is a myth. Nothing real, just a bunch of old stories all tied together into one perplexing knot. The world loves disasters. The idea of a highly advanced Ancient Greek society sinking beneath the waves, all that knowledge and power gone forever, is highly corruptive. Some people spend their entire lives hunting down rabbit holes and paper trails to see if they could be the one to track it down, but in the end, no one actually wants to find Atlantis. The allure is in the impossibility.
You suppose that’s why they never managed it. Atlantis is somewhere out there, ripe for discovery, just as so many thrillseekers have envisioned. The only problem is that its inhabitants have absolutely no desire to be found, so no one has found it. You would know, you live there. In fact, you have lived there for a very long time. Not as long as the oldest; some of you have died by now, others have left, and many have been forgotten, but the stories of what it was like before you cut yourselves off from the world have been passed down for centuries, and you’ve heard and told most all of them.
The Atlantaens were in danger, that’s why you left the ancient world in the first place. Many scoff at the idea of the Ancient Greek pantheon today; so many gods and heroes and monsters, none of them kind, all of them doomed. We love to laugh at that which we do not understand, but the gods laugh at us for not believing, and then they damn us with curses and agents of destruction. The gods are real, all of them, and they do not take kindly to insults.
Over the course of time, while the Aegean Sea was settled and fought over, a certain kind of people tended to drift towards Atlantis. At first, the progression of its society was slow, but as rumors grew of its inhabitants, those who found they had more in common with the Atlantaens than their own people left their homes to find a true one. 
To put it plainly, Atlantis was home to the demigods, the ones chosen by the Fates for a higher purpose. Many Greeks went their whole lives without being called upon the gods. Others couldn’t have a good night’s sleep without being plagued by visions of future quests in their dreams. So much immortal attention attracted the ire of the Athenians, the Spartans, everyone. Out of fear for their lives and a desire for more, those of you touched by the Olympians went to Atlantis, and once there, you never wanted to leave.
For a while, this progression was fine. No one bothered you on Atlantis because they weren’t stupid enough to try and attack an island full of half-gods and heroes. During difficult times, though, when harvests weren’t bountiful and water supplies grew dry, it was easier for outsiders to blame the island of outcasts than their own city-states. Thieves started sneaking onto Atlantis, burning your crops before vanishing under the cover of night. Prized possessions went missing. Families were hurt.
Without a definable cause, infighting erupted between demigods. Old angers between godly parents renewed themselves among their children. Poseidon’s children swore destruction on Athena’s chosen scholars. Ares’ soldiers spit at the feet of any tinkerer of Hephaestus who crossed their path.
Eventually, it became clear to the island leaders that drastic changes had to be made before the island tore itself apart. The demigods never attacked each other before things started turning sour, so the enemy was obviously the outsiders. To solve the crisis, the strongest of the demigods turned to the gods for help, and for once, they answered. Atlantis was cast away from the rest of the city-states, veiled from mortal eyes and dragged further into the Mediterranean Sea. You still had all the resources you needed from your island, you just weren’t hurt by the mortals.
Thus life carried on for centuries. Your art and achievements continued to expand at a breakneck pace. You lived longer, accomplished more. The gods smiled upon you. Your island was huge, your society could flourish without being impeded by the limits of your land. It became clear that the bad times had ended.
Or, they had, and then the first monster showed up. Without constant invaders, the art of fighting had somewhat fallen out of fashion. Ares’ descendants would never allow it to die completely, but it had become almost archaic. The monster was eventually slain, but it sparked fear into the hearts of the Atlantaens, and made everyone realize that they weren’t invulnerable.
The people of Atlantis responded in two separate ways. Some flung themselves before their temples, praying to the gods to deliver them again. They waited in their homes for an inevitable second attack, shaking and scared. Others, like you, realized that the only ones who would save you would be yourselves. The gods respond to insult; they removed Atlantis from the mortals because their offerings were constantly raided. One monster on an island of many is not worth their concern. It is up to you to protect your people.
You have two ways of saving your island. One is through the sword. The other is with your spells. Your mother, Hecate, often visits her children in dreams to instruct them in the magical arts. You’ve learned many spells and incantations, and they’ve come in handy as more and more monsters appear. You can only hope that they will be enough to continue the defense of the island. It seems as if the attacks will never end.
And, chillingly, perhaps they never will. You and your fellow demigods, the ones that decided to fight back instead of waiting for a salvation that will never come, have made a plan to save yourselves. Part of that involves regular patrols and expeditions to the outermost reaches of the island to kill any monster that crosses your path. You have enchanted swords at the ready, plus half a dozen defensive spells burning under your fingertips. This is not the time at which you die. 
You have enjoyed many patrols over the past few years, but today, your veins are thrumming with adrenaline even more than at the start. You know something is out there. A couple of farmers turned up with bloody livestock, scared of something poaching their animals. Scales and talons have been found. If you’re right— and let’s be honest, you really don’t want to be— you’ve got a Hydra on your hands. 
That’s bad news. The monsters were small at the start; a lesser scourge here and there, a malevolent spirit, and then they got bigger. A harpy. A medium sized giant. If you’re getting hydras— well, maybe you’ll have to make some good offerings to the gods in addition to your regular training. Some divine protection couldn’t hurt at a time like this. 
That’s why you can’t afford to worry about a man passed out on your shores, not yet. Yes, he is a problem, a definitive sign that the godly interference that should be protecting Atlantis has started to slacken, but you can deal with him after you kill the hydra that’s after both of you. Always the monster you know, right? Or the monster you know is lurking in the undergrowth, ready to slaughter you and your entire island. 
You had planned on coming back for the guy, sure, but maybe his unconscious body doesn’t believe that, because you’ve hardly taken ten steps past his fallen form when he suddenly jerks to life. It’s like reanimating a corpse, how he moves; from nothing to everything all at once. His eyes go wide, and he gasps desperately for air, one hand reaching to his throat. Strangely enough, he doesn’t choke out water, but blood, a few scarlet mouthfuls before he lies on his back once more, twitching into stillness. 
You peer back over at him. Not dead yet, his chest still rises and falls with desperate breaths. It would be smart to carry on your path and only check in with this man when you’re sure a monster won’t lunge at you out of the surrounding trees the second you turn your back, but he’s spotted you already. One hand reaches out towards you, trembling, from where he lies in the surf.
He starts to open his mouth, and you silently prepare yourself for some sort of desperate plea, a call for aid. Instead, you’re surprised when all the man says is, “Were you really going to leave me to die here?”
You blink at him. “I thought you were already dead.”
He has the audacity to frown at you. “I would have died if I needed help and you didn’t provide it.”
You can’t believe he’s washed up on your island– you know, the unfindable one– and has the nerve to question your hospitality. “Same difference.”
“Not to me,” he harrumphes, and starts to sit up. So he really isn’t dead. If he isn’t dying, though, that means it actually is your duty to help him. You’re more of a soldier than a nurse, so he’d better not have any broken limbs. Seeing as you really have no choice, you bite back a bitter groan and help him at last. He eyes you distrustfully, but lets you drag him farther from the tide. You had intended to prop him up against a tree or something, but he protests when he gets too far from the water, so you settle for a smooth boulder close enough to the surf that the waves still crash over his feet.
Strangely enough, the water seems to be helping him heal. You can see the ghosts of scars criss crossing his chest, but they don’t appear to be old wounds. Instead, they might be recent. 
You squint at him. “Do you have enhanced healing?”
“And strength,” he adds. “I wouldn’t recommend trying to kill me. You would die before you got the chance.”
If this is how strangers act when you try to help them, you’re not surprised that the ancient Atlantaens asked the gods to cordon off their island. “I could tell you the same thing. Keep your hands where I can see them.”
He regards you for a second. “Why should I do what you tell me? I don’t bow to strangers.”
“Neither do I,” you force out through gritted teeth, “and right now, you’re on my land, so I suggest you learn to scrape at least a little bit.”
He narrows his eyes. The salty sea air blows his dark hair against his face, revealing more of the ornate jewelry around his neck. It looks ancient, perhaps even as old as your society. Although you’d like nothing more than for him to hurry off of Atlantis, you can’t help your curiosity and open your mouth to ask about it.
You’re cut off before you get the chance. The man doubles over all of a sudden, hands flying to his throat once more. Now that you’ve moved him farther away from the ocean, you have a better look at his wounds, and although they’re healing quickly, they look severe. Severe enough to kill him even with advanced health.
Swearing, you raise your hands and begin chanting. Healing spells have become increasingly useful as of late; Hecate’s children learn at least one before they're even knee height, and you’ve had plenty of chances to practice these sorts of incantations thanks to the sudden surge of monster attacks.
Tendrils of magic fly from your hands and wrap around the man. The spells target the injuries across his chest, his heart, his throat, and strangely enough, a few fly down to one of his ankles, repairing a set of wings above his feet. You chant until your throat goes hoarse, until he stops choking, until his breathing settles. Only then do you lower your hands, and wait there in terrible transience, waiting for him to say something.
At last, slowly, incredulously, he does. “What did you do?”
“I saved your life,” you say.
He nods. “I know. With magic?”
You incline your head. He ponders this for a moment longer, then extends a hand towards you. “My name is Namor.”
You stare at his outstretched palm, then take it. “I’m Y/N. Welcome to Atlantis.”
He doesn’t believe you at first. It appears that the rumors of Atlantis’ disappearance are more widespread than you thought if they’ve managed to reach an underwater Mesoamerican city across the world. Namor believes you soon enough, though, especially when he’s gathered his strength enough for you to lead him up a rocky cliff so he can see the majesty of your island sprawling out before him. 
The sight stuns even you, with your years of remembering it, so you’re pleased to see that Namor looks appropriately stupefied. Atlantis is a marvel; crisscrossing colonnades, magnificent gardens, marble roofs shining in the sun, temples to so many gods and goddesses that even you can’t remember them all. Children run laughing in the streets, and their parents chastise them or smile at the fun they’re having. A flock of university students chatter on their way to class. Soldiers practice in an open training yard, and the clash of bronze echoes such that you can hear it even here, on the very outskirts of the island.
“This is your home?” He asks.
You smile. “It is.”
“Why were you all the way out here, then?” Namor queries, “If not looking for dying men to ignore?”
You roll your eyes. “I saved you eventually, didn’t I?”
He laughs. “Only when I asked you to. Some would call that heartless.”
You arch a brow. “Would you?”
He takes a step closer to you. “No,” he says at last, “I don’t think I would.”
You breathe out evenly and then, to hide the sudden pressure between your ribs, change the subject. “How did you come here, Namor? Our island is under enchantment to hide us from the rest of the world. You never should have been able to come here, especially not since it’s so far from where you were.”
Namor sighs. “I don’t know. I was returning home with my people after a truce with the Wakandans. We were attacked on the way by something, some sort of monster. I don’t know what it was. We managed to kill it, but while I was leading it away from our home, it struck me through the chest. I must have lost consciousness after I struck the killing blow, and then I woke up here.”
This makes worry tie up your stomach in tight knots. “A monster?”
You look back towards your shining city. Everyone seems to be happy and carefree right now, but if your monsters are cropping up in other parts of the world– if you cannot protect yourselves, not even if you had to run from Atlantis– there is no telling how long any of you could survive, especially not if the monsters keep getting bigger.
Namor lays a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Is everything alright, Y/N?”
“No,” you say firmly, “It’s not. Our peace has been shattered as of late. More and more monsters show up on our borders. I was out here to find another one that’s been spotted recently, a hydra. Even if I kill this one, though, it’ll be replaced by two more the next day. They never stop coming.”
The look in Namor’s eyes is soft, understanding. He knows what it’s like to feel as if you cannot keep your own people safe. “I will seek out this hydra with you. I have to go back to Talokan soon, but you have my word to return whenever you need help.”
You regard him questioningly. “Why would you make such a promise? We only just met.”
He lifts a shoulder. “You saved my life, I owe you a debt. Besides, we only have so many places free of humans left in the world. We should protect each other when we can.”
You smile, then decide to tease him a little more. “You know I’m half human, right?”
He feigns disgust. “I will only help half of your city, then.”
You laugh. “And kill half the hydra? That’s ridiculous.”
“No more than someone only being half immortal,” he points out. “How does that even work?”
You grin. “I try not to think about it.”
He matches your pleased expression. “Then I won’t, either.”
And so your daily patrol is joined by a feathered serpent god. The two of you stalk silently through the forests on the outskirts of Atlantis, marking signs of heavy travel. Intent on your prey, you manage to locate it with a combination of your spells and his experience. Killing the hydra is difficult, obviously; Tartarus does not make its monsters without wanting them to be impervious to most attacks, but when the dust settles, both of you are still alive and without too much damage. The same cannot be said for the dead monster, so a win’s a win.
The two of you stand there for a moment longer, weapons in hand, and then Namor slowly, remorsefully lifts his gaze from the dead hydra to look at you. “It’s time for me to go,” he says softly, “Talokan will be expecting me. They will wonder why I have not returned. I cannot afford for them to attack Wakanda again out of some nonexistent threat to their leader.”
“I understand,” you reply. You don’t like it, though. Not nearly as much as you would have liked it when you first found him on your shores.
“I should go,” he repeats, but his weapons are gone from his hands and he’s striding towards you, closing the distance in a breath, kissing you.
“You should go,” you tell him, but his hands are on your hips and you don’t want him to let go, not now, and certainly not to a city across the sea.
“I should–” Namor begins, but you interrupt him to kiss him again. His fingers curl against your sides, and you know for certain that he wants to leave just about as you want him to.
He does force himself away eventually. Both of you understand that there is and will always be something greater than the two of you at stake. Neither of you are just a person, just a god; the fate of your homes is far more pressing than any personal want. Still, when you walk back with him to the ocean and watch him disappear beneath the glimmering blue of the waves, you know that you’ll regret every lost moment.
Still, there is hope that you might see him again. He told you how to find Talokan, and Namor is familiar with Atlantis now. You could find each other again, frame it as a need for your countries to have diplomatic relations. You could be happy again. It might take time, but it could happen. You, for one, will be counting down the days until then.
marvel tag list: @mayfieldss, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @eclliipsed, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @fadedver, @alex-1967s-blog, @crazyhearttragedy
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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mumms-the-word · 4 months
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I can deny you nothing, my dear <3 You got it, one sneak peek coming right up
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In ancient times, well before the Age of Humanity began, there existed a series of islands inhabited by powerful elves—the islands of Nautera. Rumored to have been the birthplace of multiple magical wonders and inventions the likes of which the world has never seen again, or is only just now reinventing, Nautera was legendary even during its own time. Until one fateful day, over 4500 years ago, the islands vanished, never to be seen again… Now they’re no more than myth. No more than a bedtime story for young children. Not a single, legitimate record of Nautera exists, save for one. The Nauterran Account. Long thought lost, it has recently been retrieved from the depths of Candlekeep’s archives and placed into the capable hands of one Gale Dekarios. With the Nauterran Account in hand and an eclectic team of Baldurians and other allies mounting an official expedition, Gale journeys to find the ruins of Nautera…but hopes to find so much more.
Official sneak peek of the first chapter under the cut~
A strong sea breeze ruffled Gale’s hair as he stood on the deck of a ship nearing a small spit of land just east of Waterdeep. The island itself was nothing special, he knew that, but the people located there…they might be able to change everything.
He took a deep breath through his nose, scenting the salty air and wondering if today would be his last day breathing in fresh air for a while. Where he was bound to go, there would be no sun nor sky for some time, no wind to lift the hair from his neck, and no guarantee that he would make it back. But this was a chance in a lifetime. If he didn’t take it, he’d never get another opportunity to sate his curiosity.
Or set things right with Mystra.
...a command from Mystra wasn’t all that Elminster had brought Gale. Though he had come professing to deliver a message, he had left behind a physical gift. “Some light reading,” he had said, chuckling to himself and passing over the canvas-bound package. Gale had looked cautiously at the old wizard before carefully unwrapping the canvas.
There, in his hands, was the long-lost Nauterran Account.
When he looked up, Elminster was gone, having disappeared without offering any further explanation, leaving behind only a single letter in the chair where he had been sitting. Written in an unfamiliar hand, it was a formal invitation (or perhaps proposal was the better word) for Gale to join an undersea expedition as a resident expert in arcane languages. Though the invitation lacked details, promising them on arrival at a small island to the east, Gale could readily connect the dots.
Elminster had opened up a path for him to Nautera. 
Whether Nautera held Gale’s salvation or not remained to be seen. By all accounts, the city should be in ruins. But if even fragments of their magic survived, if there were tablets to read or accounts to save…perhaps Nautera would have answers for Gale. 
If not...well at least he could go down in history as the man who proved thousands of Candlekeep and Blackstaff scholars wrong about the fabled islands of Nautera.
Keep an eye out soon~
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kunizwuni · 2 months
Galantis ⋆。𖦹 °.🐚⋆❀˖°
A Fan-Made Pirate101 World 🐌💧💻
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This post will cover the basics and main inspirations of my fanmade Pirate101 World, Galantis! I hope you all enjoy~
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
Overview 🌊⋆。°்⋆
Galantis is a closed-off world in the Spiral, locked by the current Emperor; and guarded by his army. If a person is able to reach Galantis, they will discover a technologically advanced, oceanic paradise; hidden away from the rest of the world. The Stormgate to Galantis is located in MooShu, but is inaccessible to any travelers.
The initial reason for Galantis's closed borders was due to the Polarian War. The Emperor did not wish to get involved in the conflict, and feared involvement due to the relative closeness between Galantis and its neighboring world of MooShu. So, the borders were closed, and the Emperor ignored the outside world; instead focusing on the personal development of his nation through machinery and economy.
.•⋅˚₊The People ଳ ‧₊˚
Since many Pirate101 worlds, and to a further extent, Wizard101 worlds, have many diverse species of people; and Galantis is no exception. The people of Galantis are from the class Gastropoda; aka, slugs and snail-adjacent animals. They are specifically based on the marine variants of these animals, sea slugs and sea snails.
The current ruling Emperor of Galantis, Emperor Gyeong Glaucus, is a type of Glaucus Altanticus (See image below).
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Sea slugs and sea snails are very diverse animals from species to species, and this is reflective of the population of Galantis.
𓂂 ·˚ •Culture 🌊🪸
Galantis is inspired by East Asian culture, specifically South Korea and North Korea. Another main inspiration for Galantis is the legend of Atlantis, a city from Greek mythos written by Plato.
One major invention from Galantis is a form of energy source known as "Bio-Lumi Fuel". Bio-Lumi Fuel is harvested from the organic plant-life from the World, and is what powers a majority of Galantis's technology. Due to the power of Bio-Lumi Fuel, the Galantians have been able to invent their own forms of machines, robots, and screens.
Therefore, culture and trends are very mainstream. Many different styles of fashion have rose to popularity through the influences of music idols in the music industry.
Sea Angelic 🐌🪽
A fashion style known as "Sea Angelic" was popularized by the musical idol "Sea Angel" or Cheonsa Clione. This fashion style is more traditional, and takes inspiration from traditional Korean clothing and acessories. Such as the usage of the hanbok and norigae.
Cyber Screen 🐌💻
One of the most mainstream styles of fashion in Galantis: popularized by the most well-known musical idols, Nembrotha and BLUE SCREEN. This style is more akin to the styles of Cyber Punk, mixed with modernized fashion. The main elements of this style is the usage of the color blue, and the heavy reliance on Galantian technology.
These are only a few of the most popular fashion styles in this World.
Galantis has two main Skyways, Palansaeg Skyway and Nudibranch Skyway. It only has one Stormgate, located in Palansaeg Skyway; leading to MooShu. The land is a purplish-blue tint, and the skies are a deep purple tone. The player is able to see jellyfish-like animals floating around the Skyways.
Palansaeg Skyway (Korean: 파란색 스카이웨이)
The main Skyway of Galantis, containing the capital city, Soul City. Soul City is very urbanized, utilizing Bio-Lumi technology. The music industry flourishes in Soul City, allowing for the world as a whole to improve its economy.
Fun Fact: "Palansaeg" is the Korean for the phrase "Blue". So, Palansaeg Skyway roughly translates to: "Blue Skyway".
Nudibranch Skyway
The secondary Skyway of Galantis, mostly inhabited by farmers, religious figures, and those who wish to escape the bustling Palansaeg Skyway. The main industry in Nudibranch Skyway is food production, mainly algae, cnidarians, corals, and sponges.
Fun Fact: "Nudibranch" is a scientific term referring to sea slugs. It means "naked gills" in Greek.
⋆˚࿔How Outsiders View Galantis᭡.
Galantis, due to its closed borders, has remained in obscurity in the minds of the average people of the Spiral. There are some Galantian refugees found in MooShu, but not anywhere else.
The Armada, however, has heard rumors of Galantis's advanced technology; and wants to find a way to access the World to help set up an alliance between the Armada and Galantis.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little lore-dump of my Pirate101 World <3
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Atlantis of the North Sea -Rungholt
"Today I drove over Rungholt, The town went down six hundred years ago. Trutz, Blanke Hans." "From the North Sea, the Murder Sea, separated from the mainland, The Frisian islands lie at peace. Trutz, Blanke Hans." "A single cry - the city is sunk, And hundreds of thousands have drowned. Trutz, Blanke Hans?"
Trutz, Blanke Hans by Detlef von Liliencron 1883
Rungholt is also often referred to as the Atlantis of the North Sea, as there are still many legends surrounding this town in the Wadden Sea.
Rungholt was a town on the island of Strand in the North Frisian Wadden Sea (North Germany) and sank during the Second Marcellus Flood, also known as the Grote Mandränke, on 16 January 1362.
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The North Frisian Coast with its islands, Halligen and the Wadden Sea before 1362 (x)
Now, in the course of time, several cities have sunk, so the question arises as to what made Rungholt so special that it was called the Atlantis of the North Sea. Rungholt mined peat and extracted salt, which they sold well. According to legend, Rungholt was incredibly rich, a large city in the middle of the mudflats. According to one legend, this made the people arrogant and thought they could go against God, whereupon he punished them with the flood. Another legend says that at a drinking party, it must have been around 1300, a few men, wild with wine, got a pig drunk. They put a nightcap on it and put it to bed. They laugh, they bawl, they call the priest to anoint the terminally ill man. The priest refuses. The men threaten him with beatings, drag him to the bed and pour beer over his hosts. Outraged by the desecration of the sacrament, the priest prays to God. Rungholt shall atone. The following night, a storm comes up. And while the lords of the town still stand on the dikes, blinded by their wealth, and think they can defy Blanken Hans (which is also the name given to the raging North Sea in a storm), the tide rises four cubits high over the tops of the dikes, swallows the town and everyone in it drowns. It is said to lie at the bottom of the sea to this day, pleading for salvation.
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Dike breach, engraving by Johann Martin Winterstein from 1675 (x)
Unfortunately, there are hardly any records and none from that time, which makes Rungholt so legendary and even makes many people doubt that it really existed. 
The first mentions date back to the 17th century and even these were initially questioned until a will was found in Hamburg. It dates from 1345 and has the full entry "Edomsharde, Kirchspiel Rungholt, Richter, Ratsleute, Geschworene, Thedo Bonisson samt Erben" (Edomsharde, Rungholt parish, judges, councillors, jury, Thedo Bonisson and heirs) as the addressee. To date, this is the only known document from the time before the town's demise. Obviously, Rungholt must have really existed and was even so large that it had its own church. The ethnologist and cultural historian Hans Peter Duerr even believes in a town the size of Hamburg, which had about 5,000 inhabitants at the time. He has evidence in the form of archaeological finds.
The first finds were made by fishermen in 1880, who found pottery shards, brick remains, large wooden remains and even plough marks from fields. Further finds were made in 1921 and 1940, where around 100 wells, the remains of about 28 terps, dike imprints and several supposed sluices were found, which later turned out to be sluices built by the inhabitants to drain the land.
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Andreas Busch salvages beams of the so-called "Rungholtschleuse" (Rungholt sluice)1922 (x)
But is this really Rungholt or other towns that were also in the vicinity? There is a tendency to locate the town near the Hallig Südfall. But the Hallig has moved steadily eastwards over the centuries, and over time it has also migrated into the area of the vanished Rungholt. Today, therefore, it only reveals traces of a possible settlement at its north-western corner. But whether this is really Rungholt is questionable.
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Storm tide,by Johannes Gehrs, 1880 (x)
This is still a matter of debate, but researchers have reconstructed the town as follows.
Rungholt was settled about a century and a half before the sinking. The houses, built of clay and grass sod, provided space for about 1000 inhabitants and stood on about 25 terps and on a dike about two metres high. Their livelihoods were based on livestock farming, seafaring, salt extraction from sea peat and trade. Around their settlement they cultivated grain, especially rye, on vaults.
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The region today (x)
The fact that Rungholt stood on a dyke, on which the mounds were located and the area was drained, made the land quite unstable. The Second Marcellus Flood was not a light storm, but lasted for three days. The dykes gave way bit by bit, the water swept everything away and undermined Rungholt's land, forcing it to sink. But it wasn't just Rungholt that was affected: more than 100,000 people are said to have died in the floods, lands sank and entire villages disappeared from the map almost without a trace. This fate struck 28, according to other sources at least 32, villages. Which clearly left its mark on the landscape.
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Make a world with me (Part 3)
Part one
Part two
@saqvobase suggested having the islands be on megafauna! Which opens up a whole load of possibilities. You have the classic giant turtle situation, which is cool but I think I want to go a different route.
Maybe a different kind of shell, like a sea snails mollusks. Barnacle-like entities which stay still and don't move but can create very turbulent seas during mating season. (This might be too gross)
Or maybe it is unknown that a creature was even involves. Part of a mystery. An island which vanished in the middle of the night and no one knows why or where it went - only for it to turn out that the creature it was on woke up and ventured out to the sea. Maybe it didn't go out to sea but down into it, or left broken buildings and pieces in its wake so that the other nations think that it sank and allows for an myth like Atlantis. Maybe another island lies on the skeletal remains of a long-dead Levithan, it's body bringing a bounty of fish and nutrients like a whale fall. If they dig deep enough under the thin layer of top soil they will hit the layer of bone. Maybe the body is finally only now finished providing for the area, with even the marrow stripped clean and many of the species that the locals rely on are starting to leave the area.
Or maybe an island is an dormant or abandoned hive structure, and these human-sized eggs are about to hatch. Maybe the islands are a series of giant eggs, and the entire populace lives unaware that when they hatch, these creatures are going to be very, very hungry.
Maybe all of the above along with natural geographical features like as @thecrazyworldbuilder suggested like volcanic activity or river deltas which make the maps weird and funky and a little unexplainable. I'm thinking that their might be a mountain range as well, which has valleys dipping under sea level or rock slides with huge chucks falling off and being washed down to form rocky isles.
I said in the last post about the idea of some of the Greek myths being brought along by a classical student, so for a naming system I'm thinking of naming the inhabited and known islands after Greek nymphs and rivers after Potamoi.
Thinking about the geography of each island isn't a bad idea either to help better inform how I build up the cultures living there. I want to keep the islands small and the resources tight to encourage tension and a strange combination of conflict and co-dependance between the islands. I'll probably do a bit of research into the myths and try and tie the islands loosely into them, but I'm not going to be too stringent about that.
The Islands
Alseid - Lots of groves, small lakes and one large river. Several towns, a city and one of the largest populations in the Islands.
Anthousai - Isle of flowers. Fields of flowers used all across the islands for perfume, food (think rosemary), and medicine. These flowers look like hyacinths.
Auloniad - The mountainous island. Lots of snakes. (Eurydice was an auloniad, so maybe do something to do with the 'underworld' here.)
Aurea - Also mountainous, but less so than Auloniad, this island is known for high cliffs and beautiful vistas.
Crinaeae - Lots of small springs or hidden sources of water instead of one large river results in many, many small settlements rather than a large city.
Daphnaie - The seat of the Laurel Crown and home of the largest city, and largest navy of all of the islands. Tries to exert its power and rules on the other islands.
Dryad -'The Crown's shame'. Covered in an oak forest. Many have tried to settle there but none have succeeded for unknown reasons, which is galling to the government on Daphnaie as it is quite close to them. Currently there is a small settlement in a harbour.
Eleionomae - Very wet, mostly fresh-water bog. People here mostly live on floating homes even inland because of the constant risk of flooding.
Epimeliad - Home of apple orchard and shepards. Epimeliad has a small city and something akin to a royal family of their own, although they have much less influence that Daphnaie. Epimeliad has many allies through trade and patron many groups looking for new islands and 'safe places to land' on the mainland. This is why Daphnaie has never invaded.
Hamadryad - Thousands of butterflies migrate here once a year from the mainland to mate. The island also has several monkey colonies who steal from and torment the villages that have been set up here in the last ten years. There was an older settlement here, but a sickness swept through and killed almost all of them forty years ago. The small few survivors moved to other islands, and their children made up the main contingent of new settlers.
Hesperides - The most easterly of all the islands, the sunset isle; When the sun sets on Hesperides, it sets on all people. The mainland, and the monstrous megafauna that roam it, can be seen from its beaches. There is a pilgrimage many people take to do just this. The main religion of the islands started here and the main monastery is located here. The singing priestesses often mentor for singers from all over the islands who wish to master their craft.
Hyades - The rainy island. Amazing farmland, surrounding by thriving sea life. This could be on the skeletal remains discussed above (fish and nutrients from the bones making the farming so good).
Lampas - Known as 'the funeral isle', and sometimes more optimistically as 'the exploring isle'. This small island is where most travelers go before heading off towards the open seas or towards the mainland to try and find new places for people to settle. Home of witches, which can give protective charms and read the future of those venturing out for a cost.
Leimakid - The island of meadows and pleasure. Legend says that the three warring nations came to fight on the shores of Leimakid and the island was the so beautiful that all the warriors dropped their weapons and refused to stain it with blood. It now houses the 'seat of peace', where nation leaders meet for negotiation under the watchful eye of a the 'peace-keepers' sent by the religion.
Leuce - The 15th island. It is an island with many white/silver popular trees. The duel nature of the leaves of this tree (dark on one side, light on the other) make it the source of many myths and rituals. The trees are planted along beaches to strengthen sand dunes and prevent erosion. This is a contest nation, where individual strength is more highly valued than anything else. It is where the Games take place once every three years to determine the fastest, the strongest, the best that the islands have to offer. It is also where the Funeral Games take place for recently deceased royalty.
Limnad- The lake isle. One of the largest islands has three large lakes for which is is famous. Farmers here are trying to develop new farming methods and trying to cross breed and encourage crops to grow more calorie-rich versions. Think of it as doing to the turnip-like crops what people have done to potatoes.
Meliae - Known for its honey and development of medicine. No nation dare attack this small nation, for every other nation would turn on them and destroy them.
Melinoe - The nightmare isle. This tiny island was once the home of a small monastery. There was a raid from unknown raiders. No one knows exactly what happened but everyone of the raiders and all the priestesses were killed. Any crew who lands there feels ill and are plagued by night terrors until they leave. Rumor says that one priestess survived and that it was her that killed all of the men in fury, and that she still roams the island, killing any man who dares step foot off the beach.
Minthe - A mostly barren isle, rocky and mostly soilless, living here is extremely difficult. The island is good for growing some herbs (such as mint) but it hard to live in, which is why Minthe only has a small population despite it's size. The people here mostly take their living from the sea. A place nobles of high rank are often banished to.
Naiad - Known for its waterfalls and the migration of fish that swim up them once a year to mate. There is a large number of deer, wolves and bears on this island.
Nephele - the peninsula. This is the only place where it snows. This stretch of land has mountains to the North which block it off from the rest of the mainland. Living here is difficult, because the dangers that invest the skies, but not impossible - at least that is the mantra of the three new settlements trying to take root on the coast.
That's it for now. I'll continue this next post and then jump onto something else once I have a bit more to play with.
I'll probably have to do a post on each individual island and the culture that lives there but I am quite happy with what I have so far. I may run out of nymphs before I do islands but that is a problem for another day.
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zponds · 23 days
The Lost City + Empire of Atlantis
Another key thing within the Bermuda Triangle in my proposed idea for The Genie Team season 10 is the legendary Lost City of Atlantis.
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Now the Lost City of Atlantis is deep deep underground underneath the earth’s crust, with the only entrance to it being within the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. Especially since in the beginning, Milo Thatch mentioned that Atlantis was on a continent somewhere in the mid Atlantic Ocean, and the Bermuda Triangle is within that region too…
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(Credit for this map goes to Ninjamap on deviantart)
though as seen on this map, the Atlantean continent itself was likely east of the Bermuda Triangle.
Now as a little P.S.; Atlantis here is the same as in the cult Disney film; Atlantis the Lost Empire from 2001. Except the film takes place in the modern day rather than 1914. And it’d be a Genie Team movie. And here’s a history on Atlantis.
Sometime presumably before 100,000 BC, Atlantis was simply another civilization in the world and the Atlanteans were a normal race like any other at the time. One fateful day, a huge comet passed over the Earth. A single piece broke off and fell upon the landmass that was inhabited by the Atlanteans. To their astonishment, they managed to discover the great properties possessed by the comet fragment. Soon, they would use the fragment, which they called the Heart of Atlantis, as their source into becoming a more advanced civilization than any other before or since in history.
However, instead of using their new found technological powers for good, they exercised it to dominate other lands, establishing colonies all over the ancient world and subjugating the people there. They even settled an exploration colony on Skull Island, which was west of the Atlantean continent. The Atlantean Empire created a fearsome armada of flying machines called Martags, artificially-intelligent Leviathans that waged war with unmatched strength, and Gungnir, a powerful weapon. However, around 10,000 years ago, their hubris would become their undoing when an accidental discharge caused a Great Flood that threatened to wipe out Atlantis as a whole. The crystal that had fueled their technology and gifted them with extended longevity, would save a part of the city, though it would be buried beneath the waters and deep into the Earth. Though another huge force field also saved Skull Island and the island’s flora and fauna from the flood. Centuries afterwards, the surviving Atlantean colony on Skull Island soon disappeared, leaving only the buildings and machines, which became overgrown by the flora of Skull island.
Humbled by the result of their arrogance, the elder leaders of Atlantis, in particular King Kashekim Nedakh, decided to keep the crystal secret, even from its people, forever so as not to repeat their actions. Kashekim went further by ordering all of Atlantis' history to be destroyed and hid the crystal deep within the city through the throne room. Overtime, their past glory had been all but forgotten.
At some point, a shepherd named Aziz managed to stumble upon Atlantis. For two years, he secretly immersed himself of its culture, uncovering bits and pieces of its past, including the location of the Heart of Atlantis. Upon his return to the surface, however, he was considered a madman and subsequently sent to an asylum. While imprisoned, he would detail his journey in great detail, albeit in the Atlantean Language. His writings would become known as the Shepherd's Journal.
The Journal would pass through many hands over time, thus bringing the legend of Atlantis back into the consciousness of the surface world. Some considered it fact, others called it fiction, the discovery of the lost empire was nonetheless considered one of the greatest treasures all archaeologists strived to achieve.
And there’s this small yet noteworthy rumor that the Heart of Atlantis might have also been the creator of genie powers, but there’s no evidence that this mighta been the case. With the only clue being that when Robin Williams Genie was released from his lamp by Aladdin, he (Genie) said “10,000 years”, as well as “cosmic powers”. These two phrases are the only sort of evidence, but even then, it’s hard to tell.
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sterek-ao3feed · 1 month
Love Through Time and Space 2.0
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58408654
by Chrissymae91
This is a crossover between Teen Wolf (TV Show), The Avengers, and 9-1-1 (TV Show). This is a story about three defining couples who must go through trials and tribulations to find out just who they are inside and what they are made of. through these couple's trials, a looming force from a once-lost city hungers for more than what they have, putting the planet Earth and its inhabitants at risk. Will all three couples be courageous and powerful enough to stand up and protect the place they call home?
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.
Words: 5208, Chapters: 3/96, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV), 9-1-1 (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Marvel
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Thanos (Marvel), Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Karen Wilson, Maddie Buckley, Howie "Chimney" Han, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Eddie Diaz's Parents (9-1-1 TV), James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)/Original Female Character(s), Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Original Female Character(s), Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)/Original Female Character(s), Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash, Maddie Buckley/Howie "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson/Karen Wilson, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Allison Argent & Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Loki & T'Challa (Marvel), Clint Barton & Loki, Loki/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Female Stiles Stilinski, Female Merlin (Merlin), Female Evan "Buck" Buckley, Female Loki (Marvel), Post Season Five of Teen Wolf, the cast of 9-1-1 are SEALs, The Avengers Are Part of A Army Unit, Loki and Thor are Atlantean, Bring Atlantis Back, Female Loki Is Soft and A Kind Sweetheart, Sexual Content, Vision is French, The Stilinski's Adopted Allison Argent, Allison Argent & Stiles Stilinski Are Siblings
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tartaeya · 3 months
here's more of the cowboy bebop au btw (currently rewatching the series)
“These used to mean something.”
Zhongli looks at the vision on Kaeya’s belt with a slight frown. Most people treasure theirs— they put them in fancy holders, they wear them with pride, they keep them safe on their person and they always make sure they never lose them. Kaeya’s is clipped haphazardly onto his belt, and the holder he got for it is chipped and weathered, missing half of its wings and he’s pretty sure Kaeya got it (the holder) from a supermarket from the nearby city. It looks like it’s made of nickel, and if it could leave an impression on such a holy gem, the pale blue would be turning green in some places.
“Yeah, well,” Kaeya already sounds tired of this conversation.
“I mean it— every vision is a gift from above. It means you’re blessed. It means—”
“Well, if it were capable of doing more than this—” Kaeya’s hand goes up to grip the lock holding together the fence, letting it freeze and shatter in his grasp, “— I would hold more reverence for it. As it stands, it’s a fancy lockpick.”
“You were born in the wrong era,” Zhongli’s mild scoff is audible, Kaeya clearly someone he’s both comfortable with but doesn’t hold his tongue around. “If you had a sword—”
“I don’t.”
“You could do fantastic things— remarkable acts of showmanship, feats of power and displays of—”
“Doubt our friends in the warehouse are going to be impressed by me showing off some snowflakes, or you throwing a meteor on top of the hostages,” Kaeya pats the gun strapped to his thigh in its holster, a Beretta 92, and grins. “As it stands, my pistol works a lot better than my shiny rock does.”
The skyline flickers with projected ads that dim the stars, welcoming space ships in from distant corners of the solar system. Kaeya doesn’t wander beyond Liyue, but it’s nice to know there’s more out there. The overlaying echoes of voices talking over one another becomes the backdrop of the future crime scene.
“How much is Tartaglia again?” Kaeya whispers, walking a bit slower to mask the sound of his footsteps.
“6,000,000 Mora. Don’t mess this one up. We need that money for repairs.”
“Hmm… kinda low for a Harbinger, don’t you think?”
“He’s the youngest. Means he’s worth a little less, but he’s no less of a pain in the ass.”
“I don’t think I’ve heard you swear since we started working together.”
“Special bounty, special occasion.”
Kaeya puts his back to the wall of the warehouse. The night helps mask him from the lookout watching to make sure no one gets in, but this is where Zhongli typically provides backup and Kaeya gets the job done.
Teyvat is a solar system.
Natlan, the planet closest to the sun, is inhabitable. Sumeru is the most easily visible from Liyue, and despite its initially unlivable conditions, was terraformed into a thriving population. Liyue is the blue dot where humans originated, and Mondstadt is the windy planet next to it that was terraformed sometime in the 21st century. After that is an asteroid belt, the massive planet of Inazuma and its many moons, the blue-ringed Fontaine, and the chilly, distant Snezhnaya.
The seven planets were named after the seven nations on Liyue— which once went by Teyvat. It’s a little confusing, but things change when you move out into the stars. Communities both condense and expand, the world is no longer the world, but space, infinite, ever growing, with new, deeper reaches to find. Some things, though, don’t change. With new technological advancements in science and industry come new ways to exploit it, new ways to turn towards a life of crime, new territories with new laws and new ways to break them.
And so, the origin of the humble bounty hunter starts there.
Kaeya met Zhongli sometime after he left the Khaenri’an branch of the Abyss Order.
Named after a legendary planet that was said to have been destroyed by a comet, the 8th in the system, purported to have an Atlantis-like advanced civilization of aliens or humans (no one can seem to come to a consensus), the Abyss Order is a crime organization operating out of Mondstadt. He doesn’t tell anyone what happened there, but Zhongli found him, half-dead on a satellite orbiting Liyue and patched him up. He told Kaeya he was a bounty hunter, and that his line of work is dangerous.
Kaeya decided to repay the favor by accompanying him on one bounty…
Which became two, which became four…
Until now.
Kaeya knows better than to shoot the lookout. Guy’s just doing his job, and his disregard for life isn’t so strong yet that he’ll kill someone for the crime of being Fatui, even if his brother will.
“We can make you talk, you know—!” A jovial, almost boyish sounding voice calls out inside. “I wouldn’t prolong this any longer than…”
“Fuck…” A raspy voice responds, “You.”
“… ah, well, I tried. Bring me the pliers—”
The screams are enough that the Harbinger doesn’t notice his lookout has gone missing, followed by two more guards. By the time he notices something is wrong, really wrong— a chair is flying towards his head, and one very fierce bounty hunter comes after it.
“Hey now,” Tartaglia begins, evading each punch and kick Kaeya sends his way. “My bounty says to bring me back alive.”
“Unconscious is still alive,” Kaeya responds, dropping down to sweep him off his feet with a low kick, and Tartaglia goes down, but his hand immediately reaches for his pocket— a drug. He bites into it, this vial-looking thing, and immediately, Kaeya is charged into a bunch of wooden boxes.
“Shit—!” He gasps.
Tartaglia will dance with him properly, now. The drug is experimental, it augments fighting abilities. Kaeya steps back, dizzied, wondering if now is a good time to use that useless hunk of rock on his belt. When he catches his hand, he coats it in frost with his palm, and Tartaglia reels back in pain.
He realizes that Kaeya’s hands are dangerous, and he needs to go on the offensive to strike something else— his stomach, his face, his groin— whatever works, but Kaeya caught him off guard. With that icy grasp, the other fist comes up and sucker-punches Tartaglia in the stomach, hardened with frost. It’s a race to see who can knock out the other first now, and—
Kaeya wins it.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
Time for some more fic recs that feature Major Lorne! Yay. It's been a while, so let's do this.
Words are (very) unnecessary, by @brumeier, Lorne/Ronon (T+ rating, ~2400 words): Part of the author's summary is Ronon's life as a Runner was hard, but his life in Atlantis poses its own challenges. This is Ronon POV, and his hearing was destroyed by the Wraith while he was a Runner. It's such an interesting perspective/take on the city and its inhabitants, and how Ronon adjusts. @brumeier packs a lot of stuff in 2400 words, it's a great read. Here's a snippet of the story, the very beginning of it, and it really sets the tone - Ronon's perspectives on things, and where Lorne fits into it.
Everyone was talking at once, mouths moving and hands gesticulating. Especially McKay, who was also getting red in the face and jabbing his finger in Sheppard’s direction. No-one was directly facing Ronon, so he couldn’t make out any words, but that was fine. He had no desire to get pulled into an argument.
Evan tapped Ronon on the arm to get his attention before slowly signing, “John wants to blow it up.”
Ronon nodded his understanding. It wasn’t exactly newsworthy. Sheppard always wanted to blow something up.
(Three more recs below the break)
Mine is an acidic muse, by anonymous, Lorne/McKay (G rating, ~ 5300 words): Ahhhh, this is so satisfying, Lorne's perspective on Rodney and working with him, and, as the author puts it 'courting via caffeine'. It's a slow build, and has some great Lorne characterisation, and I love it. I really wish I knew who wrote this so I could look to see if they've written other things! Beginning snippet:
“Ah, good, Major Lorry,” McKay says, with a brief glance and snap of fingers. “Make yourself useful and bring some coffee.”
Evan inhales deeply through his nose and says, “Lorne,” because he’s not in fact a British truck, and he wants that to be clear before bringing anyone anything. At least McKay got his rank right. 
It all works out in the end, by @chaos-monkeyy, Lorne/Sheppard (T+ rating, exactly 500 words): OK, so what if Lorne was the CO of Atlantis, and Sheppard was a major, and also, a menace? As @chaos-monkeyy puts it in the tags, Lorne is CO and has to deal with Major Sheppard's bullshit. But it has its perks. Wonderful, hot perks. Poor CO Lorne. But also, lucky CO Lorne. This is delightful. A snippet:
"Sheppard," Lorne barked, and the Major rolled his eyes, sighed, and finally sat up straight. 
"Understood, sir," he answered. "Does this mean disciplinary action?" 
And finally, Unofficial Guide for Uninformed Officers, by Icarus, Lorne POV (T+ rating, no pairing, ~1400 words): Lorne tries to figure out what he's going to be dealing with on Atlantis - and later, when he's been around for a couple of years, provides unofficial briefings to new military personnel. This is Lorne's POV on Sheppard, first in trying to figure out what his new CO will be like, and later sharing what he knows. It's really lovely, and also sad in some ways. But it also showcases Lorne's 'getting stuff done' attitude, and I love that.
A little snippet, as Lorne tries to figure out what he can expect from his new CO:
Sheppard. He was never the colonel, or Colonel Sheppard, or John. He was always just the vaguely disrespectful "Sheppard."
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spiritusloci · 2 years
The Lost Gods of Atlantis
Today I’ll be featuring quite a few images from The Lost Gods of Atlantis series. The Midjourney prompts for most of these images came from conversations with ChatGPT with lots of adaptations and trial and error on my part (I generated hundreds of images). The images had mostly minor alterations in Adobe Lightroom, a few had more significant alterations in Adobe Photoshop. I asked ChatGPT to write an artist statement for the series since it helped to produce them: Artist Statement: The Lost Gods of Atlantis "The Lost Gods of Atlantis" is a series of AI-generated images that explores the mythical creatures and deities of the lost city of Atlantis. Using descriptions and concepts provided by OpenAI's ChatGPT language model, I created a visual representation of these divine beings that once inhabited the ancient city. Each image in the series is a unique creation, brought to life through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and digital painting techniques. The resulting images showcase the intricate details and ethereal beauty of the gods and creatures of Atlantis. Through this series, I aim to bring attention to the lost civilization of Atlantis and its rich mythology. By creating these images with the help of AI, I hope to encourage a deeper exploration of the possibilities that emerge when art and technology merge. Additionally, I believe that the use of AI in art creation opens up new avenues for creativity and allows for the exploration of uncharted territories. Overall, "The Lost Gods of Atlantis" is a testament to the power of imagination and the potential of AI technology to bring our wildest dreams to life in stunning and unexpected ways. so, yeah... something like that. I hope you like them. Cheers. 
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camillenrose · 1 year
I don't know if someone asked already, but about your WIP:
[STORMBRINGER] - Dark Urban Fantasy can you tell me more?
What is the dark element? Which city inspired you? What is the fantasy part?
Thanks! :)
Hi there, thank you for asking! <3
I'm currently planning a writeblr reintroduction/new blog intro where I talk a little more about Stormbringer, so I hope there'll be more info out soon. Apart from that, I'll answer your questions under the cut. c:
So, Stormbringer deals with a lot of heavy topics. Obsessive love, codependency, killing for the greater good, losing yourself, getting corrupted by the things that empowered you once, etc. and due to the general setting and mood of the story, I decided to declare it as a dark fantasy. There was a time when I thought about making it grim dark, but it felt a little too much for the overall theme I had in mind. c:
I think the biggest influence on the city were Disney's Atlantis and the entirety of Iceland, especially the canyons along the south, the black beach Reynisfjara, Látrabjarg and Fjaðrárgljúfur. I'm also pretty sure that even though I started Stormbringer before Arcane came out, its influence on the city is quite obvious. c:
The fantasy comes from the magic system. I'm trying not to say too much, but in general, the people in Stormbringer believe that storms are living beings. They gift the lands with rain and storm stones and are therefor regarded as gods, standing above them all. Some inhabitants have the ability to communicate with storms, and those who are truly blessed get chosen as carriers. They hold the storm that chose them inside themselves and let its power out in certain intervals. The magic system is much more complicated, but I don't want to spoil anything, so that's all for now. c:
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iincantatorum · 1 year
The Royal Palace of Atlantis, Apollymi's Childhood Home
The palace was characterized by its ethereal, luminescent design, featuring a harmonious blend of traditional Atlantean motifs and cutting-edge technology. The structure itself was built using a combination of shimmering crystals, translucent materials, and iridescent metals, creating a mesmerizing play of light and color. The palace seemed to emanate a gentle glow, illuminating the surrounding underwater environment.
The entrance to the palace was marked by grand arches adorned with intricate carvings depicting historical events and mythical creatures. As one passed through the entrance, they would enter a sprawling courtyard, lush with vibrant aquatic flora and adorned with elegant water features that added to the serene ambiance.
The interior of the palace was a testament to Atlantean craftsmanship and artistic expression. Vast halls and corridors featured soaring ceilings supported by ornate columns, intricately carved with symbolic motifs representing the elements, celestial bodies, and the history of Atlantis. The walls were adorned with vibrant murals and mosaics depicting scenes from Atlantean mythology and the city's rich history.
Apollymi's living quarters within the palace would have been a blend of comfort, opulence, and functionality. Her chambers would have been spacious and adorned with elegant Atlantean furnishings crafted from rare and exquisite materials. The walls might have been decorated with tapestries and artwork, showcasing the beauty of Atlantis and its cultural heritage.
One of the central features of the palace would be a grand audience hall, where official royal ceremonies and gatherings took place. This hall would have been adorned with majestic thrones, symbolizing the authority and lineage of the royal family. The room would have been designed to accommodate large gatherings, with intricate lighting arrangements that created an enchanting atmosphere.
Surrounding the palace, there were sprawling gardens and courtyards, incorporating aquatic plants, cascading waterfalls, and serene ponds. These outdoor spaces provided a tranquil retreat for contemplation and leisure, reflecting the harmony between nature and the Atlantean civilization.
The palace also housed advanced technological systems that catered to the needs of its inhabitants. Water currents and air circulation were carefully regulated, ensuring a comfortable and sustainable living environment. Subtle lighting systems were integrated throughout the palace, creating an otherworldly ambiance that enhanced the beauty of the surroundings.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
yes I have read part of the au!! it was very good and I intend to reread and finish it at some point
okay about the fantasy religion. it was a group of people who lived in Atlantis, and worshipped an underwater city called Thethys that existed before Atlantis and was lost. that part is specific to the vague world I made it for but the rest is applicable anywhere.
basically, anywhere people live or gather, their souls kind of soak into that place, until the place takes on a soul of its own. the more people, the stronger the soul of the place. cities especially, but really any large gathering places, are venerated as deities. anywhere can have a soul, though. a bedroom, for instance. smaller places are regarded as more minor gods. the smallest that active worship usually goes is household gods, but there are some people who honor the souls of even smaller places.
so how do you honor these gods? for household gods, you keep a small shrine, usually near a doorway, and decorate it with items that represent each person who lives in the house, so that the god will recognize and protect them. at the start of every month, you burn small offerings and scatter the ashes on the shrine. each time new ashes are added, old ones are swept away. the monthly offerings are a sign of continuing respect for the soul of the house.
cities have large shrines in their centers where people can leave items and ashes, and huge yearly festivals to honor their gods. it’s essentially the same concept as the household gods but on a larger scale. some people choose to do monthly offerings to city gods as well, but most of them are burnt at the annual festivals.
Thank you kindly for the complements, I hope whenever you reread and finish you enjoy the story. And also tell me every single passing thought you have about it :)
Quick question: does the name Thethys have any correlation to the moon and greek titan Tethys?
But I absolutely love this idea! The soul seeping into something, into a place, just offers so much possibility. Does this make the place alive? Is this the kind of world where the soul is a life force? Does the characteristics of the person/people also seep into the place? Does a place come to represent the people who inhabit it, or does it take on a life of its own? Do small, quiet villages have humble, docile, observant gods? Do loud, bustling metropolises thrum and scream with vivacity? Do places of great suffering hold that fear, the defeat, the exhaustion, the death, infecting the air with their mourning?
I'm fond of the idea that we create the gods ourselves. That these gods are made of our souls and in that sense, we are that god. Interesting philosophical debates there about what makes the self, if you can claim any of that, about origin and what makes something into what it is. Is it you? The god is made of parts of you, so does that make you kin? is there any connection, or does the soul's origin not matter, is there no real substance to the soul itself and instead what you do with it that makes you you. And because you and the god are doing different things, the material doesn't matter and you're different people.
Anyway, if you couldn't tell I find this idea incredibly intriguing. I think it might be my favorite fantasy religion I've heard of. So many of them feel like they're just creating different all powerful figures, substituting "god" for some other word meaning creator without really exploring what all it could be. But this goes beyond that and starts with new ideas from the roots! Love love love it, thank you so much for sharing :)
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intistone · 2 years
my 3rd braincell: hey what if atlantis was a real thing in kelpie au but instead of a flooded island or whatever its actually an underwater city created and inhabited by sea monsters?
me: ayo what the fuck-
my 3rd braincell: and myths among humans say that its actually the birthplace of the first sea monsters.
me: where are you getting this fro-
my 3rd braincell: and they use those illusionary discs that eclipse has that only effects humans so no human can actually confirm or deny its existence
me: we *just* took a 5 hour test the other two braincells are dead where in ur ass have you been pulling this out from
The third brain cell be like
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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DATE: Some kind of Tuesday
TIME: It was 2 AM somewhere
NAMES OF PERSONS INVOLVED: Do not ask me to remember thousands upon thousands of names
Please answer the following questions in detail:
1. How did the incident occur?
I was merely taking a stroll, talking to the locals when I was accosted by the Spirit of the Forest. I was minding my own business. Am I not allowed to waltz through the markets and chat with the vendors and their children about the wonders of the sea and the depths of knowledge that could be obtained?
2. Who or what was responsible for the incident?
I would point the fingers at the Spirit of the Forest and the Serpentine Deity that embodied Chaos.
3. Did any supernatural Entities, such as ghosts or unicorns, witness the incident?
Do said entities count? If there were any, I would not be able to acknowledge them.
4. Was any magical or enchanted objects involved in the incident? If yes, please specify.
None that I know of.
5. Did any of the witnesses or victims have any pre-existing medical or psychological conditions that may have contributed to the incident?
Likely, given the fragility of humans. I believe at least a couple were ill with various diseases when I took my stroll across the markets. One had a stye, I think.
6. Was there any use of time-travel or inter-dimensional portals that may have caused the incident?
None that I am aware.
7. Were there any witnesses who were under the influence of any magical or mind-altering substances at the time of the incident?
I think the turnip vendor was working while under some sort of opioid.
8. Were there any extraterrestrial beings involved in the incident?
If there were, show me.
9. Was the incident related to any prophecies or ancient myths?
I suppose the legend nowadays counts, no?
10. Was anyone wearing a cape at the time of the incident? If yes, please describe the cape in detail.
I wore a shawl if that counts. Many of the locals wore some kind of cape, and I think the Spirit of the Forest had one too. His smelled like deer dung.
Please provide the following information:
1 (A). What was the extent of the damage caused by the incident?
The entire city burned, razed, and then sank, and with it its inhabitants.
2 (B). Were any ancient artifacts or treasures destroyed or damaged? If yes, please specify.
I would not know. Personal ones of the locals, perhaps.
3 (C). Did the incident cause any disruptions to the natural order of the universe or any other planes of existence?
A few changes of temperature in the local seas, added debris and polluted corrals, but that is all I was able to witness.
4 (D). Were any of the witnesses or victims harmed during the incident? If yes, please provide details.
The inhabitants of Atlantis would be such victims. Witnesses include the Serpentine God of Chaos and the Spirit of the Forest.
Please provide the following information:
1. What action was taken immediately after the incident occurred?
I merely left. There was nothing left for me to visit or see.
2. Were any emergency response teams called to the scene? If yes, please specify.
I passed by a few rescue ships, but by then it was too late.
3. Was any magical or supernatural intervention required to mitigate the damage caused by the incident?
I am not aware. Maybe the local Cthonic Gods stepped in. I would imagine at least Thanatos did.
4. Was anyone punished or reprimanded for their role in the incident? If yes, please provide details. [LEAVE BLANK FOR O.A.B PERSONEL]
5. Was any follow-up action required after the initial response to the incident? If yes, please specify.
None that I was given.
Please provide any additional information that may be relevant to this incident.
All I did was merely walk around the town and talk to the mortals. No more, no less. I did not even get to shop and was denied buying nice amulet. None of the souls could have been consumed because I was intervened first anyway. Which is a shame, as I am certain no one would have missed that particular politician mucking up one of the districts of the city.
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