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dead-as-i-tread · 2 years ago
27 club part 2 ☆
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Gary Thaine 1948-1975 (Uriah Heep)
he became a member of the band "The Secrets", which eventually dissolved in 1966. Later, Thain was part of the rock trio The New Nadir, and with the drummer Peter Dawkins, he traveled from New Zealand to London, and once jammed with Jimi Hendrix before the trio split in 1969. Thain joined the Keef Hartley Band, performing at Woodstock in 1969 and, in 1971, they toured with Uriah Heep.
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Alan Wilson (Blind Owl) 1943-1970
The "rural hippie anthem" became the unofficial theme song for the Woodstock Festival where Canned Heat performed at sunset on August 16, 1969. Although Canned Heat's live performance was cut from the original theatrical release of the Woodstock film, they were featured in the 25th anniversary "Director's Cut."
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Leslie Harvey 1944-1972 (Stone the Crows)
In 1969, Harvey joined Scottish band Cartoone to record some tracks for their second album. He also accompanied Cartoone on their live tour of the United States supporting Led Zeppelin. Harvey was a co-founder of Stone the Crows in late 1969. While on stage with Stone the Crows at Swansea Top Rank in 1972, he was electrocuted when he touched a microphone that was not earthed while the fingers of his other hand were holding the strings of his guitar.
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Ron “Pigpen” McKernan 1945-1973 (Grateful Dead)
He founded the Grateful Dead band, who he played for between 1965 and 1972. McKernan was close friends with American singer-songwriter Janis Joplin due to common musical influences and lifestyles, particularly a shared love of alcohol over other drugs. While his bandmates and friends were using cannabis, LSD, and other hallucinogenic drugs, McKernan preferred alcoholic beverages. friends and band biographers have described McKernan as a quiet, kind, and introspective person. Hart later said "Pigpen was the musician in the Grateful Dead." Kreutzmann said McKernan was "the sweetest guy anybody had ever met."
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Dave Alexander 1947-1975 (The Stooges)
The Stooges’ founding bassist Dave “Zander” Alexander had the reputation of being a loose cannon before the group even came together: He dropped out of high school 45 minutes into his senior year to win a bet, and he and Stooges guitarist Ron Asheton once traveled to England with hopes of running into the Beatles. Alexander was fired from the band in August 1970 after showing up at the Goose Lake International Music Festival too drunk to play.
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trickster-shi · 1 year ago
Wednesday 01/03/24
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I am so not ready to go back to work tomorrow, but I am pretty pleased about the work I've done on my writing projects this week.
Project Zander
Chapter Two, 1840 words
I finished the first scene of the chapter, which is from Darius' POV and I uncovered his core character strength and weakness while writing and then brainstorming separately. Darius is the tol sunshine puppy of the group, with seemingly endless sass and optimism, but that's actually covering up a lot of insecurities, fear, and mother henning tendencies. His internal thoughts are fun to write because he feels everything, worries about everything, and ties himself up in knots while trying to be brave and funny for the people around him.
They're in quite a pickle at the moment, so he's been incredibly introspective while the other two sleep, trying to figure out why they ended up somewhere they shouldn't have and how they're gonna get out of it.
He's also worrying about Zander and what he had to do to save Darius and Elivia in chapter one, and wishing the sisters were there to take over because Darius is very much not ready to Adult at that level just yet.
I'm still trying to work out some world building issues to marry this story into the ending of Fred and Taz's series that is not completely written yet, so that's also fun. I'm throwing in an alternate Texas circa 1940's or so, steampunk elements, magic, and gods into the mix with surprise time travel, so there's a lot of moving parts but I'm excited to tackle them.
Since I work Thurs-Friday, I don't know how much writing I'll get done those days, so it may be down to the weekend to make more significant progress. We'll see.
Home Across the Universe, Story #10
Untitled, 2987 words
I wrote the entire 2987 words today, so I feel really good about that. I've written a couple previous drafts of this story since October but they just didn't quite come together how I wanted, so I put it on the back burner until now so I could concentrate on NaNo and then Project Zander.
So far, this story is about Stiles taking advantage of a new opportunity and seeing where it leads. It will be pretty Stiles and Peter-centric, with some Derek POV scenes thrown in. I am still developing the Kate plot thread introduced in Boyfriend Achievements: Unlocked, so I don't know if she will be appearing in this story or the next one. It depends on how long this piece decides to be.
So far, this first part was Stiles and John talking over the new opportunity with lots of Stiles' inner thoughts and references to things that have been happening since Christmas. I would say that Stiles is currently the most hopeful he has been in quite a while, so that's really nice to write.
Still, you guys know me. I do love my angst, so I'm sure I'll get to weave some in there somewhere, but so far Stiles's only angsty struggle is that two someone's currently occupying the Stilinski home *cough, Mini-Stiles and Austin, cough* broke the coffee pot and there's been a creative punishment enforced to work off that debt to buy a new one. And Stiles hasn't had coffee first thing in the morning in a week.
He's quite testy about that. But the new opportunity has the added incentive of free, good quality coffee, so he's all for it, even if it does come from Peter.
Other Projects:
I haven't physically worked on the other projects currently occupying other back burners this week, but the following stories are still in active progress:
Into The Black Episode Two
I did restructure what exists of Episode Two during December and wrote around 1k-2k on it. It is currently sitting at 5,876 words. Mainly it was tightening up the narrative, so I cut out a lot of stuff that was dragging the chapter down and fixing stuff to move the plot forward. I'm excited about what I have planned for that episode.
Rabbit Come Home, Part Three
I haven't touched what I have written for the third and final story in a while. It's currently sitting at 16,636 words. I know what I want to have happen in my head but I've had a hard time actually getting it written down, so that one may just need to marinate for a while before I can finish it. I want to do my vision justice and nail the ending.
That's all for now. I'm going to finish up some things and head to bed. 5 am is gonna come way too quick, I can already tell *cries*
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byjillianmaria · 4 years ago
My Characters as Major Arcana Cards
Do you ever get an idea that aggressively possesses you until you sit down and do it? Yeah, this is that :P I assigned characters to every major arcana card of the tarot deck! Obviously some of them fit better than others, but I'm still pleased I managed to pull it off LOL.
The Songbird's Refrain
Elizabeth: HERMIT - Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
The Mistress: THE MAGICIAN - Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action
The Girl: STAR - Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality
Bridget: CHARIOT - Control, willpower, success, action, determination
Madame Selene: HIGH PRIESTESS - Intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind
Violet: TOWER - Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening
Mark: MOON - Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition
Alice + The Woman: LOVERS - Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices
There's Magic Between Us
Lydia: SUN - Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality
Eden: WORLD - Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Charlotte: JUDGEMENT - Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Dorothy: TEMPERANCE - Balance, moderation, patience, purpose
Florian: THE EMPRESS - Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance
A Colder Home
Cleo: DEVIL - Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality
Isobel: STRENGTH - Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion
Noah: FOOL - Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
Rhiannon: HIEROPHANT - Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition, institutions
Declan: WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
Andrea: THE EMPEROR - Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure
Zander: JUSTICE - Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Laura: DEATH - Endings, change, transformation, transition
Virginia: HANGED MAN - Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives
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spookyboywhump · 5 years ago
This was originally going to be an anon ask but it was too long even to break up comfortably.
I have a book called “the Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays” (because I find astrology fascinating) and as soon as I saw the birthdays I had to share at least the short version of each character’s page.
Vanessa: Birthday of The Vulnerable Wit. “Charming, intelligent, and warm-hearted, people born on February 14 are shrewd observers of human foibles. They think quickly and analytically, tending to express themselves succinctly in great one-liners. At worst: Insensitive, cutting, demanding. At best: Witty, astute, engaging. Your greatest challenge is keeping confidential information to yourself.”
Cain: Birthday of Quiet Confidence. “Despite the reputation of their birthday, people born on April 1 are far from being April fools. They often display wisdom and quiet confidence way in advance of their years. They were the children on whom parents and teachers knew they could rely and in their adult life they continue to be dependable, the ones who show up punctually, always giving one hundred per cent. At worst: Shy, workaholic, isolated. At best: Focused, responsible, genuine. Your greatest challenge is coping with work and the requests of others.”
Wren: Birthday of Delightful Introspection. “People born on May 15 are blessed with intelligence, charm and a rich and powerful imagination. Young at heart, they have the ability to touch the hearts and minds of all those lucky enough to cross their path. At worst: Passive, unfulfilled, detached. At best: Imaginative, intelligent, charming. Your greatest challenge is overcoming a tendency towards shyness.”
Zander: Birthday of the Complicated Far sight. “People born on December 24 seem destined to live complicated, uncertain but exciting and fast-moving lives. Life is never straight forward or stress-free for them, but they have a knack of rising above challenges and achieving great success. At worst: Confusing, tactless, stubborn. At best: Innovative, visionary, exciting. Your greatest challenge is learning from your mistakes.”
(Personally I think Cain’s fits Wren better)
Holy shit these are interesting!!!! It’s fucking incredible how well some of these fit, this is so cool!!!!
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wheredidfranciscogo · 2 years ago
As the saying goes, "you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." It's common knowledge that the people we surround ourselves with have a significant influence on our lives. We tend to adopt the beliefs, habits, and behaviors of those around us, consciously or unconsciously. So, it's no surprise that many people believe that surrounding yourself with like-minded people can be positive for your goals. But is it always the case? Here's my controversial idea - I believe that surrounding yourself with people who challenge your beliefs and perspectives is equally important for personal growth and achieving your goals.
From a Buddhist perspective, the concept of "Sangha" or community, is a central aspect of Buddhism. However, the Buddhist philosophy also emphasizes the importance of cultivating a sense of inner peace, which can only be achieved through self-reflection and introspection. It is said that Buddha himself encouraged his followers to question his teachings and not to blindly follow them. In essence, Buddha believed in the power of questioning and critical thinking to develop a deep understanding of the world and the self.
I have personally found that surrounding myself with people who have different perspectives and ideas has been incredibly beneficial for my growth and development. It has challenged me to question my beliefs and opinions, which has led me to expand my worldview and develop a deeper understanding of myself and others.
If we only surround ourselves with people who share our beliefs and opinions, we risk becoming stagnant and complacent in our personal and professional lives. We become comfortable with our current perspectives and may not be willing to challenge ourselves to grow and develop. In contrast, being around people who have different experiences and viewpoints can help us to see things in a new light and to broaden our horizons.
Of course, it's not always easy to be around people who challenge our beliefs. It can be uncomfortable and even downright confrontational at
times. But, in my opinion, it's worth it. The discomfort we experience is often a sign that we are growing and expanding our minds.
It's important to note that I'm not suggesting that we should surround ourselves with people who constantly belittle and invalidate our beliefs. That type of behavior is toxic and can be detrimental to our mental and emotional well-being. Instead, we should seek out people who are respectful of our beliefs but are also willing to challenge them in a constructive and respectful manner.
Some books that could complement this idea are "Mindset" by Carol Dweck, "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, and "The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. These books explore the power of mindset, possibility thinking, and self-acceptance, which are all crucial elements for personal growth and development.
In summary, surrounding ourselves with like-minded people can be comfortable and reassuring, but it may not be the best approach for personal growth and development. Being around people who challenge our beliefs and perspectives can be uncomfortable but can also help us to broaden our horizons and achieve our goals. From a Buddhist perspective, questioning and critical thinking are essential for developing a deep understanding of the world and the self. So, let's embrace the discomfort and seek out people who will challenge us to become our best selves.
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emilieautumnarchives · 3 years ago
Emilie Autumn for Phxgoth.com (1/27/2013)
Original Link Last access 1/6/2022
Note: This interview was done by Zander, who was known on the Asylum Forums and the Reform forum.
Emilie Autumn has been tearing up the alternative scene for well over a decade now, fusing harsh industrial atmospheres with neoclassical violin shredding, as well as rich symphonic elements and dark, introspective lyrics. Her 2012 album, Fight Like a Girl, based off her autobiographical novel The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls is an elaborate “rock” opera rooted in similar style, but with a rich theatrical bombast that carries with it all the grandeur of a broadway musical.
Emilie Autumn is currently embarking on her 2013 North American Tour, and she’ll be stopping by the Nile Theater on January 29th with her ensemble of fellow mad girls Veronica Varlow and Captain Maggot. In the meantime, she’s answered a few questions here for PhxGoth.com. Take a look below. –Zander Buel
How have you adapted your live show to the departure of Contessa?
It was not as great of a hurtle as one might think. Contessa has many amazing things that she does on her own, as do the other crumpets, and that’s something I always support. She’s working on some of her own projects now, and I would not want her to sacrifice that. I feel like the three girls on stage—Veronica, Captain Maggot, and myself—do a great job of portraying armies of girls. One show was enough to find out that we are absolutely not missing anything. Contessa’s presence would make the show even more amazing, but Veronica and Captain Maggot do such a great job. As a trio we portray four characters each with costume changes in-between. The feedback has been extremely positive, and I haven’t heard anything opposite. All it tells me is that we debuted a theatrical musical during this tour. It’s going to be ridiculous.
How does the stage concept for this tour differ from past concepts?
Almost instantly this was never meant to be a rock show. It wasn’t an ordinary thing belonging in a rock venue. It crossed between a rock show and a musical, with us running around and screaming and headbanging, but not because we’re in a genre of music, but because that’s what those characters in that song are doing. The stage setup it seemingly small, but it takes up a lot of space. The metal asylum gates onstage form an entrance we come in and out of, escape from, and tell a story through the prison cells that we also have up. The stage setup is the skeleton of the house as in my book. We’ve transformed this show into a world. This is the sanctuary for us once the show starts. It’s back-to-back goodness of this album and things from the past.
Darren Lynn Bousman recently directed a music video for the single off your latest album. Can we get a confirmation on the release date?
I can give a little bit. Darren Lynn Bousman will deliver to me on a hard drive the entire finished product. I’ve seen it already, but there was still more work to be done to finish it. It is officially the best thing I have ever seen on the planet. I’m in shock and awe, basically. I’ll be getting the full copy on the 30th, I believe. After that, we’re gearing up for a debut release on a particularly awesome website that I cannot say the name of right now.
“Face the Wall” has been a staple in your shows for years. Is there going to be a violin solo piece to replace it in the upcoming shows?
I may as well be honest. It was a huge struggle trying to fit it into the show. There was no electric violin at all on Fight Like a Girl. That’s a problem because it’s kind of my thing. It’s a bad career move not to do something you’re known for on what’s going to be my biggest album. I had to just really remind myself that this is not showing off mad skill. This is telling a story. Everything represents a specific character, emotion, and scene. I wanted to tell a real story from beginning to end with no pause. I did it, and it felt amazing just to tell the story—to just say the words with the music that was meant to go with it.
But now I have this thing sitting next to me on the bus. This is just a waste! During the live show, I thought I should fit in it somehow. People are expecting it. I asked myself how I could put it in—I’m interrupting this performance for metal shredding for your pleasure. That’s not what I’d do on a Broadway show. But I am planning on incorporating it somehow, maybe by the time I see you.
The lyrical themes spanning your albums all deal with different stages in your life. The music in particular contrasts starkly on each release. What’s been the inspiration behind these huge shifts in style?
Me personally, I don’t see a massive stylistic change between the most important things that have defined me as an artist—the Opheliac record and the Fight Like a girl record, two defining moments for me thus far. To me the style of writing is similar. The orchestration is very similar—glitch industrial beats, lush symphonic backdrops. The landscape is an old sound with new sounds. That all to me sounds quite the same. I think for me personally what’s different is simply the concept of the songs themselves, being that everything I’ve done up until Fight Like a Girl, the album for most people are me singing songs separate from others. They’re particular things like relationships, views on the world, things I don’t like, and things I’m pissed off at. Fight Like a Girl is a is a departure from those events. Me, Emilie Autumn, EA, this is not about me anymore. I am part of this, but I am accepting that I am one small part. This story is much greater than I am. It’s like making a film or a musical, which is what it is. It’s telling a story that establishes characters, such as the scavenger. The scavenger is a murderer/graverobber. It takes fully believe in that to sing that badass, but I’m not that person or character, nor the rats who communicate with the girls, or the doctors who sing “We Want them Young.” That’s been the most beautiful part of this. It’s a challenge that embodies everything,
The Victorian attire for the stage show has gradually evolved over the years to fit the theme. Is there a different aesthetic you want to convey with each change, or is it just enthusiasm for trying new outfits within the realm to carry on the Victorian atmosphere?
It’s definitely developed as I’ve turned it from myself and how I want to dress to telling a story, and becoming more of a storyteller and an exhibitionist. Being an exhibitionist is a journey to exposing yourself in an extreme way. I had to start with that and then reign it in a little bit: Maybe that hair doesn’t have to be that many colors of pink. Just a few years ago it become more of a story, like watching a movie. It’s not watching bands play songs; it’s a total interactive part. We’re playing a real look that is our individuality as characters. What’s changed this time in addition to this sort of asylum fight club, which is great, is that now we have different outfits, bits and armor pieces, and mohawks. We go from wearing silky nightgowns and stockings, to being victims, to being victorious at the end with battle gear. It’s madness backstage, holding a flashlight in the dark to change to help each other change corsets and take off shoes, but that’s what it takes to put on a show with three people.
Many fans, young and old, have emphasized that your music and message have helped them cope with their own everyday demons. What is it like knowing that the art you’ve created has had such a profound effect not just on one but on hundreds of thousands of people across the globe?
It’s completely surreal to the point of where I don’t even accept it’s about me. My brain can’t function with the idea that I’m responsible for anything that marvelous. I wish I did have that big of an ego to process that, but I don’t. I’ve met plague rats who have scars up and down their arms, some which are severe, and say they no longer cut themselves because of this song or my book, knowing that they’re not alone in this. I can accept that, but I feel like it’s not about me—and it shouldn’t be. Sometimes it just takes a small catalyst for someone to realize their own strength. If I’ve been able to do anything that really helped anyone, I think it’s because of a message that they’re not alone, that we need to take care of not only each other but also ourselves. When they’re going through a very intense, scary, difficult time, I tell them I won’t take care of myself unless they take care of themselves. If you hurt yourself, or get sick, or are in a bad place, now I’m part of it. We owe each other this. I’ve found that when you give people a job like that, they can take care of themselves better. It’s a large reason why I first began taking care of rats. I always identified with them in lots of crazy ways. It was the thought that I might be able to live another day to see these beautiful creatures. That’s how I’ve come to feel around the audience. Now I owe it to them to take care of myself, which in turn helps other people take care of themselves. That’s what I want them to do, and that’s what I’ve seen happening.
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bringinbackpod · 5 years ago
Interview with Emma Zander
​​We had the pleasure of interviewing Emma Zander over the phone!
​​​​Please share while we are #togetherathome ​🏠​
​​Emma’s an incredible alt-pop singer/songwriter, actress, and activist who's been featured on MTV, Entertainment Tonight and Refinery 29. On June 25th, she's released her new single "America's Favorite Tranquilizer". 
​​​​"America’s Favorite Tranquilizer" is a bold, quirky anthem for the disillusioned. The song is a tale about everything we use to numb ourselves: from Netflix, to weed, to social media, to binge eating, to sex. Left to our own devices and quarantined with our own thoughts and vices, we’ve leaned on our “tranquilizers” now more than ever. Emma finished recording the song in her bathroom after the LA lockdown was put in place, and the corresponding video was filmed completely in quarantine, using dollar store props. It even features a surprise "cameo" from Harry Styles. 
​​Emma Zander sings about what it means to be a twenty-something right now. Born & raised in NY, Zander moved to the West Coast to pursue music after graduating NYU Tisch for Musical Theatre. Her introspective songwriting & ethereal vocals have garnered major attention in the EDM world, as she performed at and even wrote the theme song for Electric Daisy Carnival Vegas. Zander’s music has also been featured on MTV, USA, Entertainment Tonight, & Refinery29. As a featured vocalist and top-line writer, Zander has appeared on the Corporate Slackers’ Wasted Love (Tiesto’s Musical Freedom), & Bryce Vine’s rap track, Bella, hailing over 15 million streams & counting. But it’s her own edgy pop records & self-produced videos that truly solidify her identity as an artist -- and a powerful female voice of her generation. 
​​We want to hear from you!  Please email [email protected] 
​​#podcast #interview #bringinbackpod  #foryou #foryoupage #stayhome #togetherathome #zoom #aspn #americansongwriter
source https://bringin-it-backwards.simplecast.com/episodes/interview-with-emma-zander-_sa5J6Dl
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fantcsia · 7 years ago
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◜   zander peterson   ╱   tag dump.
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courtly-j · 5 years ago
It’s amazing how many of my inspirations to convert the maelstrom of my thought process into text starts with a liquid of some description in front of my computer listening to something...
Last time was a cup of tea listening to Jon Bellion.  This time, a lovely Revel Brewing Co IPA listening to Joe Hickson talk about his imbalance to his work-life balance.  Definitely worth a watch.
By this point, I think I’ve forced most people to watch Ben Zander’s TED talk about leadership, and, towards the end, basic humanity,  It doesn’t matter how many times I watch that TED talk, I will watch it a whole bunch more.  Clearly, the start of my never-ending love affair with Ben.
Anyway, I digress... Joe’s video.
Obviously, I’m a gaming nerd.  Not a good one, mind - but that’s neither here nor there.  That I would follow the Yogs and their creators/editors (Joe’s an editor) should hardly be a surprise.  Enter, left, Joe Hickson and his dropping of some inadvertent truths...
As in most things, my mind takes the random, abstract thought, and turns it into an introspection - so, to today’s musing...
Last time I wrote, 2 years ago, (not to be dramatic) the world was a simpler place.  I was having a crisis of confidence as to my career (which took a LARGE amount of time and cost to set up...), SSM wasn’t a thing (thanks Facebook for reminding me of that moment...) and we were just exchanging lawyer memes...
Since, a couple of things have changed...
First - a new job that I love.  You need to take my view on that over a protracted period of time, but believe me, I’ve found my spot.
Second, my introspections have focused.  And focused HARD.
No one can be accused of suggesting I’m a happy person.  A sarcastic prick, sure.  Happy? Hmmm....
Feet up with a glass of scotch, true happiness disappeared when my closest friend JP moved away when I lived in Ballina (we’ve since reconnected, to my eternal joy).  Moments of happiness, definitely.  Sadness (at least, persistent), not really.  But happy? No.
Since that point, an almost singlemindedness in achieving supremacy in the law.  I can’t say I’ve achieved *supremacy*, but I would like to think I’ve achieved some level of proficiency.
Full disclosure. A day later and a bit more sober, I’ve no clue where this was going. I might come back to it later? Maybe?
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stevecanmakeanythingnerdy · 7 years ago
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RANDOM RECORD WORKOUT SEASON 5 Battle 2 The Rubinoos: Back to the Drawing Board (Side 1) Vs. Morrissey: Your Arsenal (Side 1) The Rubinoos: Back to the Drawing Boad (Side 1) Despite their catchy knack and penchant for the pop laden hook, The Rubinoos remain in relative obscurity. The Rubinoos are an American power pop band that formed in 1970 in Berkeley, California. They are probably best known for their singles "I Think We're Alone Now" (1977, a cover of the hit by Tommy James & the Shondells on their first album), "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" (1979 on this album), and for the theme song to the 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds. Although "I Think We're Alone Now," reaching No. 45 in 1977, has been their only charting hit, the group has a significant enduring cult following among fans of the power-pop genre. They did release some material in the late 90's as well, but may be in recent memory for a law suit involving them. In 2007, two members (Dunbar and co-writer James Gangwer) sued Canadian pop-rock singer Avril Lavigne, claiming that her hit song "Girlfriend" had too much in common with "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend". I believe it was settled out of court, but I am not a Lavigne fan, so I hope she paid through the nose. Anyhow, this album is full of sugary sweet harmonies. "Operator" is a poppy, hoppy song designed to fire a warning shot. It sounds like one of the Rubinoos got their heart broken. "I Wanna be your Boyfriend" is the next song, and single for the album. Ramones cover? No. Simple coincidence in title only, But equally as well done! Contains a nice solo too. "Promise Me" is pure ballad salad. All leaf, some cheese and dressing to boot. There has to be at least one of those, amiright? "Hold Me" sounds very much like a Grease outtake. It just has that vibe. I can't explain it, it's just automatic. Systematic. (#seewhatididthere). The last two tunes are " Ronnie" and " Drivin' Music"- the latter being a good mid tempo tune. Good...well, good driving music! Cruise the charts. This is the Cars, but without keyboards and totally devoted to pop. Maybe mix in some Cheap Trick (very Robin Zander-like vocals) Morrissey: Your Arsenal (Side 1) Oh the Mozz. I would hope for your sake you need no explanation of just who this gentleman is or what he has done to the music industry. Get ready for some intense and brooding lyrics. Honest and biting words that you can both relate to and hate to. Born in Davyhulme, Lancashire, to a working-class Irish family, Morrissey grew up in Manchester. As a teen, he was involved in Manchester's punk rock scene during the late 1970s, and he fronted the Nosebleeds. It was met with little success. Beginning a career in music journalism, he authored a number of books on music and film in the early 1980s. With Johnny Marr he established the Smiths in 1982, and soon they began attracting national recognition for their self-titled debut album. The Smiths burned out quickly in 1987 due to personal differences and Morrissey went solo. He has much success with that and because of it has become a cultural Icon. Highly influential, Morrissey is widely credited as being a seminal figure in the emergence of indie rock and Britpop. He has been acclaimed as one of the greatest lyricists in British history, and his lyrics have become the subject of academic study. Often taking the road less travelled, he has courted controversy with his forthright opinions – endorsing vegetarianism and animal rights, condemning royalty and prominent politicians, and usually unabashedly questioning issues of British national and cultural identity. In short, he's still that snotty little punk rock kid, but better dressed. Not to understate it, but he really is a genius. I 100% believe everything he does is with true, accurate and pure intent. Morrissey does NOT bullshit. Case in point, "You're Gonna Need Someone on your Side" is one of Morrissey's most rocking songs. Almost surf-a-billy and with a very heavy guitar riff. "Glamorous Glue" contains a hard edge as well. It's almost as if Mozz was pissed when he wrote this album. Maybe at Johnny Marr. Next he turns to a semi introspective acoustic number with "We'll Let You Know". I guess you could say that about every Morrissey song though, truly. A concert staple and another popular favorite is " The National Front Disco" pop radio friendly and sounding probably most Smiths-like from this collection. "Certain People I Know" is a country twanger (oh Mozz, you genre bender!) written in a lounge style. I feel like this may be a alternate version of something...I am not a Morrissey expert because I don't cry about stuff. Just kidding. I just wanted to make that distinction because he has some RABID fans. The one thing I think we can ALL agree on are that Morrissey is a lyrical poet. Rarely repeating and always poignant. Venomous and critical, caustic and satirical truths intertwined with reality. A true independent as he often takes on crusades of things others will not and a modern wordSMITH (#seewhatididthere). So who takes the proverbial cake? The Rubinoos clocked in at 19 minutes, 138 calories and 6 songs. That is 23 calories burned per song and 7.26 calories per minute. They earned 5 out of 18 possible stars. Morrissey took 21 minutes to croon out 5 songs and unburn his soul while burning 159 calories. That is 31.8 calories per song and 7.57 calories per minute. Morrissey earned 8 out of 15 possible stars. Looks like the king of Emo wins a ticker tape parade! Listen for yourself! Check out the links: The Rubinoos : "I Wanna be your Boyfriend" https://youtu.be/JZdMNt8Bz5E Morrissey: "You're Gonna Need Someone on your Side" (Also his live video does a good job illustrating his rabid fan base...enjoy his nonchalant sidesteps of the people rushing the stage) https://youtu.be/VffzcFOgPH4 #RANDOMRECORDWORKOUTSEASON5 #RANDOMRECORDWORKOUT
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