#┆ ⤿ 💌 ⌗ shifting log !
ogprettyprincess · 2 months
❥ shifting progress
current affirmations : i wake up in my waiting room everyday , i fall asleep in my waiting room every night , everytime i take a nap i fall asleep & wake up in my waiting room , shifting is literally so easy , i'm home/in my waiting room right now + variations of all
recently changed : waiting room -> home
calling it my waiting room feels really odd lately, like i live there ? that's my home
i was rampaging w my affs earlier and truly felt like i was home yall istg. just closed my eyes and visualized my room in front of my while i was making my bed & pretending i was making my bed there.
i'm literally at home. i'm in my waiting room right now.
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forhndry · 2 months
[💌 daily log #11: 27/07/2024]
physical: ↬ ate 1/3 servings of fruit (1 kiwi) ↬ my sport game: last game of comp! ↬ ate not healthy... fries and hot choc and a sugary ass pastry but i ran it off frfr ↬ got 7 hours of sleep on average academic: ↬ read ahead, chem allotropes notes new skill: ↬ did some duolingo, skipped a unit ↬ jjk
wellbeing: ↬ jjk ↬ gilmore girls other: ↬ my last 'shift' for now happened today :/ ↬ was lowk insulted by someone
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— another pandemic-related wayv blurb bc why not 😤 i recommend listening to ‘we lost the summer’ by txt while reading this for the ~vibes~
💌 • 7:32am
an inevitable yawn escaped as you adjusted your laptop’s settings, turning off your camera and mic, hesitating to press ‘join meeting’ and start off your jam-packed morning.
your online classes weren’t the worst thing in the world, but they weren’t the best either: the early mornings, the lack of motivation, the lectures that dragged on, the unenthusiastic reactions of your classmates - the list could go on and you still wouldn’t have run out of complaints.
there was, however, one main reason that you were still making the effort to attend class and do your assignments... and his name was huang guanheng.
shortly after the rest of your class joined, miss song quickly muted every student, prompting hendery to turn off his own camera. you pouted as his gorgeous side profile was replaced with his rapunzel meme icon flashing onto your screen instead. you stifled a laugh, the thought of his bedhead and his comfy-looking onesie hugging his body occupying your mind rather than whatever your professor was rambling on about.
shortly after the rest of your class joined, miss song quickly muted every student, prompting hendery to turn off his own camera. you pouted as his gorgeous side profile was replaced with his rapunzel meme icon flashing onto your screen instead. you stifled a laugh, the thought of his bedhead and his comfy-looking onesie hugging his body occupying your mind rather than whatever your professor was rambling on about.
shortly after the rest of your class joined, miss song quickly muted every student, prompting hendery to turn off his own camera. you pouted as his gorgeous side profile was replaced with his rapunzel meme icon flashing onto your screen instead. you stifled a laugh, the thought of his bedhead and his comfy-looking onesie hugging his body occupying your mind rather than whatever your professor was rambling on about.
it was only when your phone vibrated next to you, a notification from ‘hen-dery 🐓’ popping up on your homescreen snapping you out of your daze.
hen-dery 🐓 : im boooooored can we facetime in a bit 🥺🥺 idek what she’s on about 🥱
you: lmao sure she said that she was only gonna do a short meeting cos she has work set that she wants us to do, she’s just explaining it now 🥴
you: loving the grinch onesie btw 🥰 never thought i’d see you log in to the class so early 🙈
hen-dery 🐓: clearly you just dont have taste 🙄👎🏼 i was up till like five since i had to finish that essay that was due at midnight and then i just played overwatch with hyuck haha i’ve been awake for twenty two hours 😃
you chuckled as you placed your phone down and shifted your attention back to whatever miss song was saying, jotting down anything important she mentioned. soon enough, she wrapped up the class, mentioning something about how she wanted you all to ‘get right to work’ as soon as you left the call.
your cursor hovered over the big red button, waiting for any sort of signal that you could call your crush and see him in his adorable natural state again, clicking on it as soon as your professor said ‘email me if you have any problems or questions, guys’.
luckily for you, hendery was doing the exact same thing, shutting down his laptop, already opening up the app and clicking on your contact name that was only visible to him because of the unreasonable amount of heart emojis there were next to it.
you answered his call almost immediately, seeing the boy mindlessly chewing on the end of a highlighter before realising you had picked up, “yikes, dery, you look a bit rough,” you joked, eyes lighting up when his bubbly laugh echoed through your phone’s speaker.
“alright, in my defence,” he held up his hands in a surrender, “i had started the paper, like when it was first set - the first paragraph done and everything! but!! i forgot about it since i was prioritising my research project.”
you teasingly rolled your eyes, giving him a fake round of applause, “wowww, well done for successfully ruining your sleep schedule and simultaneously saving yourself from not graduating.”
“you say that like you haven’t done it before,” hendery smirked, your face flaring up at his expression, “remember last year when you practically lived at the library up until you finished that last final?”
the harsh realisation of how different the world was now compared to last year left you with an unexplainable pain, the memory resurfacing, “yeah, you snapped me at like four am when you were bored, but when i snapped you back and you found out i was still studying you, like, bolted to the library and walked me back to my dorm, after making sure i’d had something to eat that day.”
“yet i still haven’t gotten a thank you for that!” his sentence was interrupted with a loud yawn, as he slumped onto his desk, his cheeks squishing against his arms in a way that you were about to combust at how cute he looked.
“was the food i bought you the next day not enough for you? you almost emptied my wallet with the amount of hotpot you had,” you grinned to yourself, the mental image of hendery wide-eyed begging you to order more food, “and all the study sessions we’ve had over the phone recently too. do those mean nothing to you?”
“hmm, well i’d much rather have studied at our favourite café than through facetime, but i guess i appreciate it,” he gave you a sleepy smile, his light giggle making your heart flutter, “sooo, what are we doing?”
giving him a eye-roll, you shifted your focus to the task you were set, reading miss song’s instructions aloud to hendery and planning what you were going to write, assuming that he was following along with you, since you were too immersed in your notes.
it was only after the lack of response to one of your jokes that you realised that your crush had fallen asleep leaning on his notebook, softly snoring as you took the opportunity to take a few screenshots of the adorable boy, admiring him for a little longer before hanging up, “have a good sleep, angel, i’ll call you later.”
huang guanheng had never looked more beautiful to you as he did in this raw, natural state, a side of him that he rarely showed other people, truly, like an angel.
during a time where everybody and everything was at their most vulnerable, you sought relief in the fact that hendery chose to expose his vulnerability to you. and nothing could bring you more comfort during these tough times than his trust and his care for you.
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ogprettyprincess · 1 month
❥ idk what happen this morning but i think i felt my frontal lobe develop or something. i caught myself doubting the fact that im in my wr, corrected myself and now i feel so ??? in a really good way. like yes im literally in my wr right now. i knew that before but now i feel it.
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ogprettyprincess · 3 months
✰ i dreamt about my s/o hugging me . almost died when i remembered. his arms were so akalwjwow
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ogprettyprincess · 3 months
dreamt about my better cr last night and was trying to see if i had memories from there for some reason but i was also lucid but then it didn't go anywhere + my s/o was there
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