#Ⓚ : INTERACTIONS ( kefka )
nazorneku · 11 days
hi im gonna just. drop this ♡ from @ultimateutopia Edgar to kefka hiii
Boredom beckoned questionable diversion, one that did not involve habitual "entertainment" of unquantified level of destruction. "Mmmm~" An amused tune slipped in between his parted lips, a subtle hum accompanied the jester's ostentatiously prolonged contemplation in regard to that specific person, a ruler of Figaro and extremely insufferable thorn in his side, only inducing Kefka's animosity with his stunt of harboring and smuggling the esper-girl away. Despite the severity of that defiance, retribution for which would undoubtedly befell that merry company, the major offense by the man's judgement was concentrated in the location of that kingdom's main residence. Instantaneously his image was distorted by an expression of utmost indignation, with hands thrown up in the air and voice raised till almost a scream to deliver own complaint in the most theatrical and deafening manner. "WHAT IDIOT EVEN BUILDS A CASTLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT? THERE'S SAND EVERYWHERE!" The substance that caused the court mage to violently shake with pure revulsion, compelling to subject the poor souls in his employ to immediate cleaning of the clothes and boots.
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With a long exhalation, he regained composure, accentuated with a purple make-up line of lips bent in a habitual to witness complacent smile, while saccharine and pretentiously empathetic tone declared. "How generous of me to burn that hideous thing down... Good riddance!" For an instant his tone switched to a high pitch when the last words were uttered, the contempt was almost palpable. Kefka did not intend to conceal even a modicum of own loathing, the pursuit would proceed and his property would be returned to him by any means and costs required to. "He can entertain her pointless rebellion, it changes nothing." She couldn't run forever.
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○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ○○○○○ | AFFECTION ○○○○○ | INTEREST ○○○○○ | LOYALTY ○○○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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&. what my muse thinks of yours || @ultimateutopia
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nazorneku · 16 days
♡ gimme kefka gdfgdg 😂
Scarce was entertainment to placate the restless nature of the man wrapped in flamboyant fabrics, a penchant for unpredictable and malevolent conduct affected his every decision, beckoning forth mindless destruction. He did not possess the patience in abundance to participate in civil conversations, oft slipping venomous remarks and barbed commentary; nonetheless the current situation was deemed sufficiently amusing. "Oooooh, who is this that want to hear my valuable and absolutely magnificent opinion? Hee-hee!" The signature laughter, a high-pitched cackling, indicated his momentary entertainment, yet the icy stare betrayed that ostentatious mirth. One of ungrateful brat's new comrades, a friend. A sickening and exceedingly infuriating prospect! How dare he inflict upon her such impermissible presumptions? That thief was not allowed to toy with his doll!
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The repercussions of that gall would soon reverberate throughout the whole world, as his machinations already spread deeply akin to the roots of an old tree; that abhorrent friendship and trust of theirs would be tested numerous times, and painted in purple lips widened in an ambiguous smile with anticipation of that. "Just some paltry runt, who presumes to know her." An evident malice clouded the pale blue optics, as Kefka performed a dismissive gesture with a hand, a display of utter insignificance and irrelevance of the other person in his estimation.
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○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ○○○○○ | AFFECTION ●●○○○ | INTEREST ○○○○○ | LOYALTY ○○○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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&. what my muse thinks of yours || @valiantseeker
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nazorneku · 10 months
◟(´▿ ` ^)))≫彡 Would the clown enjoy a delectable apple from the fish's orchard?
          Scarcely anything was more threatening than a lingering sense of tedium that enveloped the man donned jester garments, the very depth of his essence demanded a diversion, a distraction from the monotonous mundane realities of the world, granted that day carried a modicum of significance for the man, a valid justification for indulging self with vigor and flare. Thus he wandered aimlessly, yet with precision to locate anything or anyone to remedy the lethargy. Eventually so graciously granted opportunity occurred, when a familiar person approached him with an offering; once the other voiced an inquiry, painted line of lips curved into an ambiguous smile and, whilst stepping forward, Kefka uttered in an utterly conceited manner, accentuating with own tone a pitiful object for bestowal. “Today was marked with such an exciting occasion for you and THIS is the best you can do!” For a dramatic effect, he threw hands up and pressed the back side of the palm to own forehead, imitating exceeding anguish, that he genuinely did not experience at that time.
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For a few instants his gaze remained pinned at the apple in Takumi's hands, as the man seemingly contemplated further actions, with a petite jump he took off the ground, assuming a rather leisure lying position and proceeding with a query of his own. “But don't you have something more fitting for a magnificent and important person like me?” Every word was saturated with an apparent ridicule, yet no inclination to maim or burn was displayed, albeit the man was prone to throwing tantrums due to lack of fulfillment of his demands. He elected to entertain self with a sneer.
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nazorneku · 2 years
“Kefka, not even your addled mind will believe what I have found!” Found? Hardly. He took this thing after wandering across a sleeping camp of crownsguard; The apple does not fall far from the pilfering tree.
“‘Tis a tiny magitek screen!” Elatedly he presents Gladio’s cell phone for evaluation. “Look, it does all sorts of wonderful things! Here, behold! it is a clock! And here, there are moving pictures!” An attractive lady appears on the screen with a tap of his finger and proceeds to unlace her bikini top. “…Oh. It didn’t do that before.”  || @xkuja​​ 
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          An insurmountable boredom wrapped its tight embrace around him, an unfortunate circumstance with menacing lack of occupation for the mad mind that heralded another calamitous outburst. When similar occurred in the past, without a set course where to apply self and remaining unbound by a purpose which needed to be achieved, caused a tremendous stir, as the nature of that man was ever so fickle, restless, and oh so boundless and ravenous in own destructive tendencies. “Boooooriiiing!!” Disgruntled tone loudly concluded what was evident for hours, his distress leisurely transformed into myriad of incomprehensible muttering with occasional displays of uncontrolled magic. He would remain in such state until he would burst and swallow everyone and everything on his path of destruction, if not the familiar voice enticing instantaneously his attention with a couple precise words. Kefka perked up in record time once the figure of another entered the room, in a few shorts strides he shortened the distance and ogled the very thing the other was demonstrating.
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          Vivid fascination akin one of a child was spread across his features, yet Kuja’s verbose description of the phone’s capabilities did not reach his hearing, unblinking he regarded the presented device with blooming desire to obtain one for personal use or steal it, as grabby hands already aimed its wiggly fingers towards the shiny new toy. That until the indecent image of female came to a view. “—?!” Captivation by the object popped like a balloon, with rapid blinking the man attempted to grasp what exactly was happening on a small screen at that moment, which eventually begat an immeasurable repulsion. Next instant hands went flying up, the ringing almost shouting voice collapsed onto the other with an exasperated tirade. “What is this ugly thing?! You can’t even steal something worth my time! Useless!” He could not accept the fact that his precious, priceless time was wasted on such tasteless thing, not that the jester originally was occupied with anything but absent-minded starying; nonetheless he deemed it obligatory to theatrically display own discontent.
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