#⏰ . kady
nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
📝⏰💭? <3
📝 What is one growth area you have for your writing?
I'd love to push myself to write more things that require me to do a bit of actual research? Like for example my current Queliot WIP, I've made myself google details about New York that I usually just hand-wave. I'm usually vague on details like that for a reason.
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
Definite phases. When I first get sucked into a new fandom I do a ton of reading really quickly, then I slow down and read more leisurely. If I'm working on a story that's really flowing, I can write thousands of words a day, but other times I limp along and write just little snippets here and there. So... depends, I guess!
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
I answered this in someone else's ask already, but I'm trying to think of another one? To be honest it's a hard question, because what is a headcanon of my own work? It's just canon to that fic at that point, even if I didn't include it, right? Idk. Oh, I know: in my When Harry Met Sally Queliot AU I hc a poly Kady/Alice/Penny relationship even though Penny never appears or is even named in the story, and Alice and Kady only make a super brief cameo appearance (they're the Helen and Ira of the story, for those who know the movie...)
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
maybe im just,,,, thirsty and requesting sm but like SINCE YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE THIRSTY FROM MINE I HAVE TO SEND YOU SOMETHING IVE BEEN THINKIN OF,, how would sun/moon react to a parent!reader? (kinda like the milf!reader and dilf!reader fics going around) and theyre just feral for reader because they just know how to take care of the kids and when they offer to help?? makes sun/moon short circuit and fight the urge to foam at the mouth for parent!reader
i love the thought of them going crazy for the hottie that parent!reader is sighh
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What a lovely dream...
A/N: I'm not the dad friend for no reason, time to put my dilfery to use <333
Warnings: Smut, Dubcon, brief overstim, obsessive behavior, light daddy mention, Dom reader
18+ DNI with this post if underage, you will be blocked
Word Count: 1.2k words
[ Male Reader, will post female version later. Request if you'd like trans reader versions! ]
It wasn't expected for this to happen, but to whatever creator was above watching it truly blessed the two daycare attendants. See, most of the day had run past as usual of hassling kids around and forcing them down for a nap at this point, it felt quite tedious. That was until you'd arrived at least!
Sun was busy helping a child with their glitter glue by opening the bottle and passing it back staring intently at what they were gonna do, only to have the child's head perk up and start to beam for the first time all day! Oh, joyous day! Children smiling was always something to make the attendant melt at the wires, so badly did he want to scoop one up and keep them all night to have a friend to play with, this child simply did just that.
Though it took moment to face and giggle at whatever the child was seeing the toddler jumped up from their seat across the room latching onto the leg of something, raising their eyes slowly began to overwhelm the poor sun mas the fans kicked on once seeing their processors heat up significantly. Oh, dear. ❝ Daddy, look! sun sun helped! ❞
There you were, Mister. Y/n, standing above the children with an all too familiar expression as you'd bend down to pick up your child with a grunt spinning them around remarking how big they'd gotten since you saw em this morning! The child was full of buzzing with excitement and clinging to your pant legs practically ready to climb on top of you, and to be honest Sunny was too. His head was spinning in a delight almost kin towards how children described feeling sick.
How come he was sick? Oh, oh no were the mechanics gonna have to fix him?? Sunny didn't like being away from the daycare it was always too dark!
But the fluttery feeling as their circuits fried left him far too gone to exactly care, but then it happened. Sunny shut down from overheating and fell to the foamy mats below with a hard thud of their long tangly limbs.
By the time everything has been repaired from frayed clothing to melted wires you'd long since been gone, which saddened the daycare attendant to bits. But what really made it up was the next morning when you'd dropped off your kid.
Just the right size for him, sure you were smaller everyone was, but to Sunny seeing you hold up a tray of cookies to the various children with their parent's consent made the poor man's heart swell beyond anything, you were perfect. A work of art, something colorful and shimmery with glitter glue everything he liked in a man! Well.. You currently seemed to be the only person capable of keeping such an infatuation going for more than a day. Time flew by and Sunny desperately was a lost puppy trying to gain your love in return, from pulling you into a giant hug lifting you above the rest. Even giving you drawings he'd spent the day fumbling over as he thought about you, each word from his voice box struggling to come out when you'd speak.
One day you'd came to the daycare when your ex-spouse had the child, Sunny was confused why you'd come out here? It was surely a bit silly, it wasn't until everyone, and I mean everyone, had left did the daycare attendant understand why you'd come here. Understanding the way you'd been pressing soft kisses along his casing praising each ridge of texture into the wide plastered smile. Sunny felt like he could die at this moment, you'd guide a caring hand towards your pants mentioning he could touch there if wanted, and boy did he do just that. Eagerly touching your cock curious beyond anything trying to remember the sweet sighs and rumbles of noise being heard. Practically begging as any words slipped out to try and let him closer to you
❝ Mean, mean! Please, oh please love you so much, much love let me take care of you! ❞
Sunny didn't want to ever hear anyone else make such beautiful sounds, nor did they want to share. Almost wanting to cry out about how he wanted to try and please you more than anything only for your grip to loosen allowing feathery light hands to press against the wires along his neck causing a high pitched squeak to emit out of the daycare attendant. You wanted to hear more allowing him to direct you to what felt like heaven to him and abusing those areas to your hearts content.
You weren't going to let him please you like the attendant so graciously craved but you offered so much more in return that made his head spin with a ticklish delight. Such a lovely game!
❝ Such a good plaything you are, right dear? ❞
A short cry erupted from Sunny as their system started to reach its peak sparks flying off the back of his head as an odd wave of white flashed over, unable to comprehend your kind words talking him down back to everything. Putty in your arms he truly was crying about how he wanted more and to please give it to him, but being quite the meanie it was decided against as you'd fix them up to what you could know pressing small kisses to the flaps of his sun rays. Truly feeling upset at this Sun began to throw a bit of a tantrum lightly hitting his hands on the floor wanting to cry at this. Sun just wanted to make love with you and have millions and millions of kids like everyone else does! how come he can't now? This little hissy fit was quickly cut off with the lights turning off, it was silent for a bit but you could clearly recognize the foamy hands pulling harshly on your arm to the point it truly began to sting. ❝ Naughty, naughty boy. It's past your bedtime. ❞
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
you already knowwwww peepaw william nsfw hcs GO!
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[ insert shitty Beetlejuice title pun ] ____________________ A/n: I'm going to either kiss or kill you Kandi, and I have to say you're on some thin fucking ice rn /j 18+ post, even though this is half satire it still contains mature content so minors DNI with this! Warnings: you know the gist by now yadda yadda, very homo shit happening here tbh, mpreg, minor gore, creepy old guy stuff, my usual smut tags yknow how it is ____________________
Peepaw William <3
➤ Okay to get this out of the way I don't think he has a dick anymore. Like cock and balls have been blasted to ash tbh sorry </3 ➤ or like if something is there it's so fucking broken and has trouble standing up [peepaw got Ed can't believe this] ➤ Isn't exactly the most into sex itself and really could just toss you around like a ragdoll ➤ He doesn't practice safe sex so fuck him. ➤ Okay. Hear me out. Okay? ➤ For some god-awful reason, he knows how to use those damn fingers don't ask me why ➤ Since Mpreg is canon to the fnaf franchise I would like to raise the fact that out of everything just likes to see you dumb and plush something he can mold into a useful vessel ➤ Also on the topic of Mpreg uhhhh. Yeah, maybe a breeding kink perhaps.. ➤ Very big sir user I mean kings got priorities ig ➤ I'm so sorry but like. is absolutely into you being in pain and crying out to stop ➤ Like tears down ur face? Lets fucking go ➤ Guys, please get help, likely manipulated you so hard, and ur just denying it and this hurts so bad bc of it ➤ Likely calls you pathetic, plaything, and deary ➤ Hasn't remembered your name and refuses to ask ➤ Or literally, just can't be bothered to actually know tbh ➤ OKAY HOLD ON NOW BEFORE WE GO I HAVE ANOTHER THING!!! ➤ Electricity, anything to deal with him shocking you or zapping you and leaving you drooling is the one thing he always does ➤ Like those old fucking broken wires? Can't tell me it doesn't happen ➤ Likely chokes you until you pass out if he's caught up with something ➤ Sometimes shit gets bloody due to the sharp unprotected edges of his suit that dig into your skin either you like it or don't ➤ His aftercare is shit like possibly has Vanny take care of you ➤ Actually, now that I think abt it, you're probably with Vanny and she's letting Afton play with you due to their mind not being fully there ➤ Dw just give him a Ranch flavored Sunflower seed and watch him crumble like fucking building
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
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Say we'll never part.
A/n: This wasn't requested, but I think I'm going to hold off on requests for maybe another day or so! Also, Fuck You Kandi [ @kadssp ]
Warnings: mild Angst, Not an x reader, mild cursing, some comfort ____________________
Time had slowed many times.
For a period of time recently, it seemed that the arguments between human staff had been more frequent, especially the night staff. Jerry and Vanessa's arguments had increased tenfold to the point he treated her to be one of those forsaken bots, locking her in the service tunnels for three hours. Just until their boss began to complain, he was at ease for just a little longer. In the end the janitor has been running off of instinct as the casual sense of fear wasn't always constant, yet within due time it had become so constant it was nearly fucking exhausting at this point to recognize it.
Never once had the recent time of events kept him at peace, noticing how for hours at a time Vanessa had gone missing. Trying his hardest to clean up areas at a more efficient rate in attempts to hopefully find the woman keeping him on their wits end. Only this time a child had stayed after hours, it seemed at first this boy was rather afraid of Jerry, to which was expected. Most children were afraid of their large frame and hunched stature, even doing the most mundane tasks people appeared to be intimidated.
It was slow but sure progress, with Freddy Fazbear managing to convince this 'Gregory' to follow the janitor around due to their low battery and inability to protect the boy for now it proved to be easy as pie for now. Giving a quick tour around the service tunnels, all the way past his office and to the entrance just where the pair had been able to just miss a chance to get out. A chance for the boy to keep their shoulders upon their head and keep a long life with the promise of prosperity out there. It took time and the unheard guidance of Freddy for the child to bolt off leaving Jerry in the dust to quirk an eyebrow just to walk off with a broom in hand making way for the daycare to start routinely cleaning the ball pit.
Only upon getting up there did he notice the blaring lights on in the daycare, knowing damn well they should have been turned off for the hour in order for the generators to not blow at a moment's notice of electrical interference. Sensing on the ending hairs of their arm, it wouldn't be viable for anyone to use the slide. It was a small detour but taking the stairs down, locking it behind them would help to block off the area for now..
But, fate always had a way of twisting the present, after settling at the ground floor where parents would usually be awaiting the gleaming smiles of their children running out happily covered in stickers with drawings to put on the fridge at home. Then the normally chipper paces' lady working the daycare as an aid would be beaming out towards families, waving them off with a lovely grin adorning her lovely face from ear to ear. It would spread like the plague, forcing such the tired janitor to only smile in return. But for once he'd been met with just continuous sobbing, almost as if a mouse was squeaking, that if he'd ignored it for a moment the sound would fade into the static background. Once, that simply made Jerry nearly keel to the display for him, only taking a moment to stand there just enough to give the girl time to notice him. Once she did, it was almost a blur at how fast she'd come to hug the janitor with a loose hanging grip on reality, swiftly trying to speak within her sobs about something or other.
It broke him down to bits. Only picking up on pieces of getting kicked out the daycare for the third time today, it made the janitor sick to his stomach upon hearing that. So what could he do? Well, taking a moment to lift the girl up and plop themselves down onto the bench seemed to work just fine. Allowing her cries to continue into their chest, whilst a hand was put to the girl's hair gently braiding it whilst they began to hum softly, just for her. Never did he enjoy humming in situations, feeling the buzz in his mind from it was rather annoying, but she needed it, she needed something to feel comfort. Something real.
Taking time to rock the two with his own leg pushing them back up and forth, mostly easy since these chairs were never height friendly for him, taking a moment to allow soft words to slip out mumbling to the song he was thinking of at that time. Something along the lines of a little bear being put to bed including the star's above, truly humming something that brought him comfort as a little child. Often either being sung by his Mama. It wasn't good or perfect, but it was truly the only thing he could think to do in a moment like this.
❝ Little dear.. I'll be here, never to leave. ❞
Those words, it was broken by the dip in his voice simply wanting to get up and rip that two face animatronic a new shell, nothing could replace the tears staining his shirt. Nothing to cure the aching eyes Kate would have later, could it? Yet here they sat trying to comfort the poor girl.
❝ D… Do you promise- And I mean promise?.. ❞
❝ Cross'm heart an' hope to die darlin'. ❞
Gently, their humming didn't cease, the gentle baritone never faltering or pausing within this moment. Each burning tear against his uniform truly made him thankful. Thankful to know in this position the girl trembling like a leaf against him couldn't see the faltering smile, ridden with guilt knowing this was all a lie. Knowing from the premature scent of smoke and ash burning the inside of his nostrils meant so much more for tonight. Understanding that by the morning came, one person would be missing. Knowing that once more the janitor would be missing brunch with his son, but even with that, Jerry couldn't complain. This time he'd let them go, make sure this time he wouldn't lose this girl like a flickering shadow fogging the deeper parts of their memory.
Only, for now, would he sit here. Allow her to rest those weary eyes for only a moment more, if he could give the world, Jerry would. Anything for Veno- Kate. Her name is Kate. Anything for Kate to make it out, Venom was long gone from the years of past mistakes. It was simply the janitor and Kate against this truly mind-numbing reality, he'd do anything to keep her safe and sound. For these acidic tears to ever spill again for such a sour reason.
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
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my money is either 1. @kingdicepilled and yeah thats about it that bastard has my time and money rn
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
How long have you been a blogger??? (Sorry if I worded this wrong, I mean it/Lh)
not long I think, I barely started a Tumblr blog beginning of this year after getting inspired by my mutual @kadssp
I used to have a wattpad account that was semi popular before getting deleted, I wrote mostly creepy pasta and scp fanfiction back then! still am involved in those fandoms and love em to death fun fact :)
uhh anything else to consider blogging was that back in middle school I had a yt account where I documented my 6th grade year and beginning of 7th which are currently private so dw
hmm I ran a small deviant art account for an old Undertale/now semi Deltarun oc I still maintain for about 6 months, I also helped script a jascksepticeye fangame that never took hold / the team drifted apart and I believed it was called Dreamstate? God I still have memory of those cool ass scripts it was so fun
so technically not very long if I consider this blog? otherwise I've been around doing similar blogging stuff to this for about like maybe five or six years??
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
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djmm convincing you to buy a monster sized dildo that has a vibrating setting that he customizes to follow the beats of his music while you writhe in one of his palms giving him a show he enjoys quite a lot<3
ohohoho I've thought about this so much before,, since he can't quite do the job himself he doesn't mind finding a substitute and claiming it as themselves doing the work!
From Freddy dicking you down as a favor of stress release to a cute little dildo you've gotten stuck on before, sure there is always the worry of you getting stuck again whenever you two have fun but so long as his little dolly is a good little plaything that surely you'll be fine
Consider it an extension of himself, because everytime you do so the dj can't help but groan and let loose a bit of stream just looking at your cute little ass bouncing only to fall limp and whine once the loud bass begins to ring in your ears allowing the silicon cock to give such a nice feeling deep within you,
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
It's so tempting to make it serious. But GOD do I also wanna do a crack write..
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
hey psst @kadssp dumb bitch, i see ur awake go tf to sleep it's like 3am for you??
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
have a funny 10 min doodle I did for @kadssp 's oc Kate :)
❝ The kids tried doing makeovers today!- Hey don't laugh it isn't funny Jer! ❞
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sorry for the bad lighting lol my class is barley abt to end
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
PSSST @kadssp look,, its Venom and Jerry <3
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@invisible-b0nes drew the two bestie,,,, friday night bowling,,,
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
king omg i just saw djmm’s monster cock. i have photo evidence of it’s existence now. i barely survived it thomas
Hey 😏
mind uh, showing me the way there, I'll thwart the evil monster with my man cave for you girlboss
it's a sacrifice, but one I'm willing to make
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
KING I HOPE YOU’VE BEEN WELL im sending you the best hugs and forehead kisses rn
pspsps hi girlboss 💔
soon. I have a small drabble for simp/incel! ghostface and I need to tell you it is so <33
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
THOMASSS I HAVE MISSED YOU IM GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK<333 i hope youve been doing well!!
IVE BEEN OKAY!! I am amassing an army of queer people who are in love with me it's great
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