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begonia & daffodil!
begonia.Β how cautious is your muse? are they prone to noticing red flags,Β or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone? why or why not?
he's cautious most of the time, not because of him being untrusting but mostly because of his introverted nature plus the fact that he's a public figure. he tends to keep people at arms length until he can get a feel of their intentions. i don't think he's all that good at seeing red flags but he's pretty good at vibe checking people... if someone seems like they're not a good person he will be less likely to want to be around them but will try to keep an open mind and give them the benefit of the doubt. if... that makes any sense? basically i think he understand that everyone is nuanced and things aren't really white or black. of course there are obvious things he considers unforgivable and will fight someone about but for the most part he tries to be as open minded as he can be.
daffodil.Β is your muse one to be loyal in relationships,Β or are they likely to quickly move from one bond to another?
100% loyal in friendships and romantic relationships. if he's locked down with someone he will be there until his dying breath.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β botanical headcanons. β#taciiturns.
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apple blossom, bluebell, forget - me - not
apple blossom. how does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality?
i'm gonna be honest i don't think he really does anything to express his sexuality at all. viktor doesn't really want to be perceived all that much, and he's naturally a very private person... as in, takes him 4 business years to get fully comfortable with someone and open up. plus it's not like he's put much thought into his sexuality or anything like that, he likes what / who he likes and that's it. he's a very simple, chill guy.
bluebell. does your muse learn from their past,Β or are they prone to repeating the same mistakes?
i would love to say he does but... i don't think he's enough of an introspective person to really pinpoint where he went wrong whenever he makes a mistakes so unfortunately he is bound to repeat them! that's mostly on his day to day like though, anything quidditch related is an entirely different thing because that's his one true obsession.
forget me not. has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them? are they afraid of forgetting things like that?
as far as he's concerned if he forgets something then it wasn't important enough for him to remember so i don't think he's ever afraid of forgetting something. if it's anything he genuinely needs to remember for any reason he'll probably write it down or something. that being said he does have a pretty good memory despite the insane amount of hits to the head he's probably gotten throughout his life.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β botanical headcanons. β#bemyhcro.
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sphinx, orcs & griffin
sphinx: how does your muse value loyalty?
orcs: does your muse tend to be protective?
if anything i'd say he's overprotective! this guy pretty much snatched hermione out of harry's hands in the lake during the triwizard tournament. his need to protect those he loves is the main reason why he wants to be more heavily involved within the order and everything going on right now.
griffin: does your muse have any priceless possessions?
yeah, a few! his first ever broom, the first snitch he caught both in durmstrang and in the very first official game he played for bulgaria. probably some other childhood related memorabilia. he might not look like it but he does have a tendency to have keepsakes of important moments and certain people.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β mythical creatures hc meme. β
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acromantula, vampire, sphinx
acromantula: has your muse saved a life?
i don't think he has, at least not directly as in actively done something that has kept someone from dying, but maybe indirectly? back in the previous war he helped people and put his very limited mediwizard knowledge to use after the attack at fleur and billy's wedding plus he offered the krum manor as a safe haven for anyone that needed it and knew of the order so... in a way, maybe?
vampire: which of the seven deadly sins relates to your muse?
viktor is a very good person overall but i think maybe wrath? just because of how quick he is to anger in certain situations.
sphinx: how does your muse value loyalty?
he values it a lot, honestly. i think it's probably one of, if not the most valued trait in his opinion. i don't think he would be able to forgive someone for betraying him or anyone he cares about.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β mythical creatures hc meme. β
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2, 4, 6, 8, 10 !
02. Β the high priestess Β : Β how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ?
they run on pure instincts! i feel he does have a good... compass? he's very attuned to his instincts somehow, he can also vibe check people really well. he's a very big softie when you get to know him so trusting his heart would be his downfall and his logic isn't always the best so... he doesn't really have much of a choice but... it's a good system!
04. Β the emperor Β : Β how much respect does your muse have for authority ? why is this ?
hmm... i think it depends on what kind of authority? if we're talking government then, not all that much respect, really. he won't ever show it outwardly, or be the kind of person that voices his distaste on the daily. other than that... like higher ups at his job, bosses and things related to that nature he will have a tendency to be respectful on the get go ( military type education will do that to you, i guess ); unless there's some sort of past experience with the person or if he sees them doing something shady he will lose all respect immediately.
06. Β the lovers Β : Β how important are relationships to your muse ? do they value having a significant other ?
relationships as a whole are very important to him! not only in the romantic aspect, he holds his friend very close to his heart! he would value having a significant other, and it's something he genuinely wants a lot but i don't think he thinks having a romantic partner is more important than friends or anything like that. if anything it's probably the other way around.
08. Β strength Β : Β how does your muse use their energy ? do they tend to work towards their goals steadily or in bursts ?
steady work for sure, he's very into the daily grind. "hard work will get you far" is probably something he's said at some point.
10. Β the wheel of fortune Β : Β how well / badly does your muse take setbacks on their goals ?
when he was younger he took them so badly, his entire week would be ruined and he'd be just the most miserable person to be around. now that's he's older and somewhat wiser, even if they still ruin his mood for 5 - 7 business days... he doesn't let those setbacks stop him for too long.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β major arcana headcanons. β#noxtms
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the magician, the chariot, the star
01. Β the magician Β : Β how does your muse feel about fate ? do they believe they can change their own destiny ?
i'm gonna be very honest here... i don't think viktor thinks too deeply about fate, or really anything at all. i can't see him believing in destiny or having a laid out fate before him; he's very much the kind of person that thinks that effort will get you far and that your decisions matter a lot. in any case he might believe fate is mainly something that could bring two people on the same path, or that it can bring their lives together but anything other than that? not really, you lay out your own future with your decisions.
07. Β the chariot Β : Β how much does your muse care about winning ? are they a sore loser ?
as much as he wants to be that nonchalant person that is just like 'it is what it is' he cares about winning more than he's willing to admit; he loves it, loves the satisfaction of giving his all and getting the results to show it too... i do think when he was younger, barely started playing and all he was a bit of a sore loser; not in a 'i'm gonna lash out at everyone' kinda way but more in a 'ok i need to lock myself in my room and agonize over this for the next five working days. my entire week is ruined, i hate myself' kinda way. now he has managed to at least not let it by that bad by rationalizing it and thinking maybe the other person was the one that put a lot of effort and he needs to do better and catch up to that; so... growth!
17. Β the star Β : Β what does your muse take inner comfort in knowing ? what guides your muse ?
i fear he doesn't really know many things; he's actually very comfortable in not knowing. but... if there's anything that can give him comfort is the fact that even though there's many things he's ignorant about and can't control, he does have power over himself, his choices, his decisions and his own inner peace and integrity. so with that being said i guess... he guides himself? maybe the need to maintain his integrity? i'm not sure.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β major arcana headcanons. β#bemyhcro#viktor 'i don't know anything' krum basically
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5, 25, and 86 !!
if someone rang them and asked where they were, and they just went βguessβ, where would they be?
i fear the answers are not as ~adventurous~ as viktor would like, he's a homebody! so more often than not it's just his apartment. sometimes he spices it up and throws a curve ball by being on a field / hogwarts grounds, practicing or exercising to keep himself in shape. that's about it though.
as a dog, how obedient would they be?
if they could completely choose what they learnt about at school what would they learn?
obvious answer is 100 % quidditch. but he also really enjoyed charms and transfiguration, so add that too; also definitely d.a.d.a ( would it be just dark arts in dumstrang? i don't know. ) anything that could be used in a duel he'd enjoy a lot, pretty much. he's a somewhat confrontational person so... gotta know how to attack and defend himself!
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β dumb and less dumb questions. β#ofmccnlight
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π± & πͺ & π±
[ π± ] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
he has a very mild fear of clowns ( ironic bc he is one at heart ), though he might call it distrust rather than fear. this fear doesn't really have any starting point, no traumatic birthday party where a clown terrorized him, it's just the fact that he can't really see their real expressions under the paint and all that makes him very suspicious about them! he's also not the biggest fan of hospitals, which is very bad for him considering how often he's had to go to st. mungo's lately.
[ πͺ ] what is your museβs relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
it's very good! they're not super close, as in they don't call everyday demanding updates on his life to know how their only boy is doing but they don't fight or anything like that, it's a very chill relationship. now that he's older he has the freedom to lead his own life which he really enjoys; considering that when he was a child they were very... overprotective / overbearing, wanting him to walk a good path and were very strict and demanding of him. growing up and putting some distance definitely helped their relationship and made them realize viktor was his own person, and he does try his best to keep them at ease by calling as often as he can though he only ever tells them good news.
[ π± ] does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
he sadly doesn't have any pets, other than his owl ( an eurasian eagle owl called bubo ) though he does want to get one eventually. he almost kept one of the kneazles his mom keeps around the house but they've all grown up together and he didn't want them to get lonely or lost so he decided against it at the last minute. he wants to have a kneazle, mostly because he's used to having them around and he likes that they're smart and independent. though i could see him settling for an actual cat, like a maine coon. i can't see him with a dog even though he does like them a lot, he's a big fan of animals; kinda on the fence about small insects but he can be persuaded.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β headcanons i'd like to receive. β#hoggleswart
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11, 13, 15, 17, 19 !!
can they listen to songs if they have a weird energy?
depends? sometimes? it's rare though. viktor, more often than not, listens music to have some sort of ambient noise while doing some other task, or to focus better. basically, if he's too "in the zone" he might not even notice that a song is a bit weird and keep going, but if he does notice he's 100 % changing it right away. now, if he looks for a song and it's weird from the get-go he's not giving it a chance. i feel like i'm overthinking this question.
okay, they donβt use spotify. how do they listen to music instead?
probably youtube! he'd just look for a song and then let the algorithm take him by the hand.
in a modern setting, how would they feel about pop music?
he'd like it. in general i don't think he'd have anything against any music genre, he's the kind of person that can genuinely listen to anything as long as the rhythm is enjoyable.
would they mess around on the instruments in a music shop?
i don't really thing they would actually... maybe if it's something familiar that he knows won't make a lot of noise, like a piano maybe, or something that looks interesting to him. but nine times out of ten he wouldn't really risk it, it might draw unnecessary attention!
regardless of whether they paint or not, if they did, how frequently would they mix up dirty paint water with their drink?
way more than he'd personally like... he'd probably even get those mugs that are labeled "paint water" "coffee" and still make that mistake.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β dumb and less dumb questions. β#petriichvrs.
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β°οΈ π§Έβ !
[ β°οΈ ] what are your museβs greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when theyβre on their deathbed?
at the moment i'd say his biggest regret is not doing more during the previous war, despite helping the order as much as he could he was pretty much safe from harm the entire time while everyone else was risking their lives and that's something that still eats him up inside. even if no one is really thinking about that, he's the type of person that always wants to do more and it might be something that follows him to his deathbed. even if during his life he doesn't manage to do ( or not do ) something that could be classified as his "greatest regret" he might feel like he could've always done more.
[ π§Έ ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
he does! he's generally a very sentimental person, as in he probably won't keep things just because of sentimental value ( r.i.p his childhood teddy bear ) but he DOES keep things that remind him of pivotal moments, like... his first ever broom is still safely in his old childhood room. he carries the first ever snitch he caught in an actual match whenever he's feeling particularly nervous about an opponent. things that are kind of like a landmark in his life he will always cherish and treasure forever, if it's possible.
[ β ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
maybe his temper? it's very hit or miss, to the point that he even surprises himself sometimes in retrospect. he is actively trying to overcome but due to the fact that it's very... unexpected? i don't know if that's the right word, but it's hard for him to know when he's supposed to try to be levelheaded; he basically just jumps from 0 to 100 in a second. viktor in general is a guy that has a very hard time opening up, he can be friendly... he is friendly, but for him to actually open up / speak his mind / be vulnerable it'd take 3 - 5 business years. that bottling up of emotions almost 24 / 7 ( because there's very few people he can let loose with ) is obviously not healthy, so whenever he feels too strongly about anything there's a chance he might explode, and anger does seem to be a very strong trigger.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β headcanons i'd like to receive. β#taciiturns.
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what kind of advice would you give little viktor?
"you mean little viktor as in... my younger self, right? uh, i'll go with that. i think i'd tell myself to relax a little, i was a very intense 'if i'm not perfect i might as well die' kinda guy. could've used a moment to breathe multiple times through out those years. didn't really have a lot of time to actually enjoy being young, so... yeah. the reminder could've been nice, i think."
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β honesty hour. β#/ me holding myself by the neck to hold back from making a d*ck joke
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what has been your proudest moment?
"probably the first time i ever caught a snitch... i still remember how happy i was, i used to carry it around with me during matches as a lucky charm."
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β honesty hour. β
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100 <3
100. would you, personally, ever punch them?
realistically, no but also maybe! just for the... β¨experienceβ¨but other than that i'd have no real reason, he's just a guy !
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β dumb and less dumb questions. β#anonymous.
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1 & 2!
1. sum them up in five words or less.
secretly anxious bulgarian himbo. β‘
2. what energy do they truly exude?
big d- just kidding. i feel like he just gives off calm, somehow comforting vibes, honestly... despite the resting bitch face, he's the kind of person you could approach and even though he is reserved he's not judgemental and will be helpful to the best of his abilities. the kinda man you could trust your drink with, basically.
#βΏ β ππππππ ππππ β β° β owlmail. β βΎ#β * πππ ππππ * β β β dumb and less dumb questions. β#anonymous.
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TAGS FOR: viktor krum !
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