#⇝ ⇝ and that’s mr. kowalski. he’s a no-maj.
tinatm-blog · 6 years
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mrsarnasdelicious · 3 years
Magical Christmas #3
Jacob Kowalski
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"How's the pies coming along baby?" Jacob calls into the bakery. "Almost done honey." You reply, giving a last flick of your wand. "Mrs Jones is here to pick them up." By his voice you recognise Mrs Jones is not being patient about it.
You bring the pies out into the shop, the muggle way, of course.
"Here you go, Mrs Jones. Have a wonderful Christmas." You say warmly. She takes the pies in a rather gruff fashion and hurridly exits the shop. "She is that kind of No-Maj." You mouth to Jacob. "I am sorry honey." He says softly.
"Why don't you go take a break." He tells you sweetly. But you shake your head. "I'm fine." You tell him. Jacob comes over and takes your hands in his. "Are you sure?" He asks. You nod and smile.
"I'll go refill the struddle display." You say gently.
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an--errant · 5 years
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Fantastic Beasts AU ? But set nowadays, I like the 1930s tho. Newt Scamander!Peter and kinda Jacob Kowalski!Tony
Peter Parker is a zoologist who was kicked out of Hogwarts (though he still wore his Hufflepuff scarf with pride) and is now writing a book about fantastic beasts, so he has to go to America to study new creatures. On his way, he is amazed by the city that never sleeps, but he can’t help missing his beautiful London. He is so distracted that he runs into a man, a really handsome one actually. But Peter is too shy and ashamed to even mumble an apology.
“Hey, watch out boy” the man yelled at the young adult “Don’t you know who I am?”
Peter, blushed deeply and lowered his gaze “I-I’m sorry sir, I didn’t see you”
The man noticed that british accent and kind of weird, vintage clothes, and his face soften a little bit.
“You are not from here, aren't you?”
Peter denied
“Name’s Tony Stark. Be more careful next time, New York is not so kind with tourists”
“T-Thank you, Mr Stark. I’m Peter Parker-”
“It’s a pleasure” Tony checked his watch and took a suitcase that fell on the floor “But  I’m late for a meeting. See ya, brit boy. And watch out your pockets!”
And so he left, Peter smiled a bit and bit his lip while covering up his face so no one saw his blush. He had never felt this way, let alone by a muggle. Or well, no-maj, as they call them here. He took his suitcase and went into an alley, just to check that everything was okay. He used his wand, but nothing happened. So he opened it by himself, just to find lots of papers that didn’t belong to him. His animals! Where are they?!
Then he realized that when he and Tony bumped, they mistook suitcases.  No… no, no, no! If a muggle, just one, saw his animals… he would be in great trouble, they would take them away.
He needed to find Tony Stark right now!
God i want to write a whole ass fic like this uwu Maybe introducing Liz and MJ as Queenie and Tina?
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silverynight · 5 years
The watch and the heart
Percival is just sitting on that bench, trying not to think about Grindelwald and the fact that no one seemed to know it wasn't actually him that time. He doesn't want to walk into MACUSA that day, but he has to.
He sighs, ready to rise from his spot, when he feels something in his coat pocket; he looks in surprise as a little magical creature tries to take his watch.
Percival looks around and fortunately there are no people looking in his direction.
"Wait! Please, don't hurt him!" Now there's a gorgeous man trying to take the creature away from him. Percival narrows his eyes, trying not to get distracted by those freckles and gets the creature back in his pocket.
"There are no-majes around," he scolds. "Besides, it's illegal to have a magi–"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Graves."
"Do I know you?" Percival is confused, but also pretty sure he would never forget a face like that.
The beautiful wizard shakes his head while a lovely blush starts spreading down his neck.
"Not exactly..."
Oh, so he met Grindelwald. Percival hates the dark lord more just for that.
"Are you Newt Scamander?" Suddenly the magical creatures and the fact that he met Grindelwald disguised make him remember that particular name.
"Yes," Newt nods shyly, looking at the ground and Percival has the urge to take him by the chin to stare into those beautiful green eyes one more time. "My Niffler is obsessed with shiny things, I'm sorry if he tried to steal something from you, but he's not actually... bad."
Percival sighs; he can't believe he's actually considering giving the creature back.
"I'll give it to you, but not here. There are many no-majes around."
"Let's go to my friend's bakery!"
For the first time in his life he's going to be arrive late at MACUSA and he actually doesn't care at all.
"Mr. Scamander, please tell me he's not the no-maj who's supposed to be obliviated," Percival pinches the bridge of his nose, although part of him just wants to kiss that lovely wizard on the cheek.
"I'm not," Mr. Kowalski mumbles.
Queenie Goldstein walks into the bakery then, although she's the only one that doesn't look concerned.
"Fine, I won't say anything if you don't mention I was here," Percival sighs while Kowalski whispers something like Thank God and Newt beams at him.
Oh, that smile. He wants more of it.
He gives the creature back and Newt convinces him to stay a while. They both eat some of Kowalski's pastries and Percival gets lost in Newt's stories about his creatures and his grin.
Percival knows he's smiling back like an idiot and he doesn't care. He's never felt like that before.
He wants to keep Newt... He's going to, although it's been a long time since he tried to woo someone, but he thinks he can handle it.
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Newt Scamander- Fantastic Beasts
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Unease around new people 
Physically moves to avoid eye contact when he meets Tina
Tina: I’m not going to poison you, Mr. Scamander.  Jacob: *nods for Newt to sit at the table*
Special interests
Magical creatures 
Basically the entire time Newt is showing Jacob around his case
Forgetting to Obliviate Jacob twice
Bad Social Cues
Does not care even a little bit about using magic in front of Muggles
Shakes out the Niffler there in the vault
Newt: I think Mr. Kowalski would do well with a nighty-night
Launches Sweeping Evil creature towards Jacob as a joke and tried not to laugh afterwards
Does not always understand what someone means if it has more than one more meaning 
Could not piece together what a No-Maj was
Lady: Are you a Seeker, friend?    Newt: More of a Chaser, really.
Jacob: Why would I need to wear something like this?   Newt: Because your skull is susceptible to damage under immense pressure. 
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iridecsense · 6 years
parallels - m.
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       «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
- Chapter Four -
✧ 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔡𝔢𝔩 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔭𝔲𝔭𝔭𝔶 𝔡𝔬𝔤 𝔢𝔶𝔢𝔰 ✧
✉ summary: the one where you learn about a world separate from your own.
✉ word count: 1.8k
✉ pairing: newt scamander | muggle!reader
✉ genre: action, adventure, fantasy, fiction, romance
✉ warnings: none
✉ author’s note: this is long overdue! sorry for being so neglectful. hope you enjoy! :)
       «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Newt was surprised when you agreed to help him. He hadn’t much experience with muggles, but he knew that you were handling everything extremely well. You weren’t what he expected at all.
“Mr. Scamander!” Tina’s wavering voice called from your living room.
You and Newt rushed to the door, your shoulder’s brushing against each other due to the tight space.
“Sorry,” your voices overlapped each other.
Once again your eyes locked with his bright ones. He looked down at his shoes and stepped out of the way.
“After you,” he said.
You took his gesture and stepped in front of him, through the door of your study and back toward your living room. Tina was tending to Jacob who was still pale in the face. However, you did notice his sweating had decreased immensely, thanks to your herbs.
Tina looked up at Newt who stood a behind you. “Help me get him down the stairs please.” Newt rushed towards them, took one of Jacob’s arms and headed towards the door.
After double checking that your animals were safe and fed, you put your delicious pie in the freezer for later. Alerting the others that you were ready to leave, you said goodbye to Sherlock, threw on your jacket, and followed the rest out the door.
You walked alongside Newt in the street. Tina was guiding you all to her apartment while keeping Jacob on his feet.
Tina was grumbling about how much trouble they were in. If anything she was talking more to herself than to anyone else. She talked about a Madame President and a MACUSA. She kept referring to you and Mr. Kowalski as no-majs— which offended you for some reason despite not knowing what it meant— and was overall, very neurotic. You stopped listening to her after a while.
“Is she always like this?” you asked under your breath so only Newt could hear.
“I wouldn’t know,” he replied. “I only met her this morning.”
You hummed in understanding and continued to follow Tina. “She seems like a stickler to me.” You teased, earning a barely-there smile from the older man.
Newt had been itching to ask you questions since he entered your apartment. How could he not? You had various specimen living with you in a New York Apartment. Anyone would be curious about such an unusual sight.
“S..S-So how come you have so many creatures in your flat?” Newt mustered the courage to ask you after correctly gathering his thoughts.
“I watch over them I guess,” you answered. “Humans naturally imprint on things, and unlike animals, they can imprint more than once. As you can tell, I’ve imprinted on many creatures over the years. You see, I am a zoologist of sorts.”
Newt perked up at this. “A zoologist?” He repeated.
You turned to face him and nodded. “Well, I am not certified because I have yet to be accepted into a college for reasons I am sure you know.”
Newt nodded.
“However, I was able to apprentice a wonderful professor for six years. He’s a close family friend— I think of him as an uncle. Anyway, we would travel the world to rescue and study animals of all kinds. Africa, Asia, Australia— you name it, n’ we’ve seen it. I try not to get attached to the animals I protect, but it is far too hard. Part of me believes they are better off with me— that they need me.”
Newt watched your expression soften at the thought of your creatures. “Truthfully though, I think I need them more than they need me.”
Newt understood exactly what you meant. He too tended to hold on to some of the beasts he saves because he cannot bear to leave them.
“Sorry,” you collect yourself and tug your coat closer to your body for warmth. “Look at me, goin’ on and on about myself.”
“Don’t worry it’s quite alright,” Newt reassured you. “I understand.”
“Take a right here,” Tina announced as they reached the stoop of a townhouse. “Okay, uh... before we go in, I’m not supposed to have men on the premises.” 
Newt then grabbed a hold of Jacob’s arm and started to pull him back in the opposite direction. “Well, in that case, Mr. Kowalski, Ms. (l/n), and I can easily seek other accommodations—”
“Oh please,” Tina muttered, and pulled Jacob towards her and led him into the house. You could tell that Newt was annoyed by this, and it made you snicker, earning a harmless glare from him.
When inside, you and Newt helped get Jacob up the stairs, while Tina opened the front door. As you climbed up the steps a shrill voice called from the room below.
“Tina? Is that you?” Called Tina’s Landlady.
You all froze on the steps. Newt instinctively grabbed your wrist to stop you from walking. 
“Yes, Mrs. Espesito,” Tina answered. 
“Are you alone?”
“I’m always alone Mrs. Espesito,” she sighed.
Mrs. Espesito asked no further questions, content with Tina’s reply, and shut the door to her room. Newt then let go of your wrist and opened the door for you all to push through. 
You immediately shivered once you entered the warm, cozy apartment. You turned to the fireplace and saw clothes drying in mid-air. 
Your mouth fell agape. “Holy shit.” 
Newt and Tina quickly turned to you because of your sudden outburst. You gasped and covered your mouth with both hands, a faint blush forming on your cheeks. “’M sorry,” you mumbled through your hands. 
“Teenie,” A sweet voice came from the other side of the room. You all turned to see a tall, blonde woman standing by the door in a lacy pink slip. “You brought company.”
Tina closed the door and introduced the pretty woman. “Everyone, this is my sister."
You gave her a small wave.
“Wanna put something on Queenie?” Tina suggested. 
Queen perked up and looked down at her current attire, “Oh, sure.”
She then took the wooden stick in her hand and pointed it at the dress that hung on the mannequin. It lifted itself into the air and floated towards her. She stepped into the dress and slid it on with ease. You watched in awe. You couldn’t help but turn to Jacob who was just as mesmerized as you, but for a completely different reason. You couldn’t help the small smile that twitched on your lips from watching him gawk at Queenie so obviously.
“So,” Queenie looked at her sister. “Who are they?”
Tina gestured to Newt as she tidied up the room. “This is Mr. Scamander,” she said. “He’s committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy—”
Queenie smirks. “He’s a criminal?”
“Uh-huh.” Tina then gestured to where you and Jacob stood. “This is Ms. (l/n) and Mr. Kowalski, they’re no-majs—”
“No-majs?” Queenie whispers worriedly. “Teenie, what are you...”
You couldn’t make out what the two were talking about because they were whispering between each other across the room, so you decided not to intrude. You turned around to see Newt looking out the window. You walked towards him.
“Mr. Scamander,” you called softly, not wanting to startle him. He snapped his head to face you and avoided your eyes again. You wondered why he kept doing that but concluded that he was probably shy. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your train of thought,” you apologize to him. 
“Oh, it’s okay. Is there something you need?”
You shook your head. “Nothing specific. I am just confused is all.” 
“C...c-confused— confused about what?” He stuttered.
“Well,” you sigh. “What’s a no-n maj ‘n should I be offended bein’ called one?”
Newt smiled at you and shook his head. “No, of course not. A no-maj is what American wizards call people born without magic— of course where I’m from we call them muggles.”
“Wizards?” You repeated. “You’re a wizard? Like the ones I’ve read in fairytales?” 
“More or less.”
Suddenly it all made sense; what happened at the bank earlier that day, the niffler, the floating clothes— it all pieced together.
You noticed Jacob stumble in the corner of your eye and you gasped. Queenie had noticed too. 
“You need to sit down, honey,” she cooed as she rushed to his side and laid him on the sofa. “Hey— He hasn’t eaten all day! And... aw, that's rough. He didn’t get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey?”
Jacob nodded.
“I love to cook,” Queenie smiled. 
You were about to ask her how she knew all those things, but Newt answered for you. 
“You’re a Legilimens.” 
“Uh-Huh, yeah,” Queenie nodded. “But I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It’s the accent.”
“You know how to read minds?” Jacob asked. 
“Aw, don’t worry, honey. Most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. 
“Now, you need food,” Queenie turns to cook in the kitchen. 
Tina motioned for you. “Want to help set the table?” 
You gave her a polite smile, “Of course.”
You walked to the dining table and Tina handed you some plates to put on the table. While you were placing the last plate down Queenie spoke up. 
“Hey, Mr. Scamander.” 
Everyone turned to face Newt, whose hand was reaching for the doorknob.  
“Do you prefer pie or strudel?”
Your heart sank a little bit. You didn’t know why, but for some reason, you were hurt that Newt was trying to sneak out. You thought you’d all gotten along so well. Newt saw the look in your eyes and bowed his head submissively, moving his hand away from the doorknob. 
“I really don’t have a preference.” He mumbled. 
Queenie turned to Jacob, who was sitting at the table with a napkin tucked in the collar of his shirt. “You prefer strudel, huh, honey?”
Jacob nodded. 
“Strudel it is.”
Queen flicks her wand in the air, which causes all the ingredients to soar around the room. The ingredients come together to form an apple strudel topped with edible roses. It bakes in the air, before floating to the center of the table. A dusting of powdered sugar was added for good measure. Jacob sighs in content as Tina lights the candles.
You take your place next to Jacob and place a napkin in your lap. You turn to Newt and notice a small leafy creature emerge from his pocket. You couldn’t help but smile warmly at the little guy. 
“Well, sit down, Mr. Scamander. We’re not going to poison you,” Tina teases. 
Newt hovers by the door, still not fully convinced he should stay. He looks at Jacob who was glaring at him to sit down. Then his doe eyes fixated on you. You gave him an entirely different look; a look that changed his mind completely. Newt mentally scoffed in frustration. 
‘How could I say no to that face?’ He thought, completely oblivious of Queenie, who had read his mind and smiled as she looked between you and Newt.
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layce2015 · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Chapter 6: On Trial
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Instead of replying to me, Newt climbs out of the case. I look over at Jacob and he gives me a confused look in response. I get up  on my feet and climb out of the steps.
As I reach the top, the first person I see besides Newt is Tina, I look at her confused then I look at the room around me and see that it is full of wizards and witches with Madam Picquery standing by a chair, with Graves sitting next to her. After I climb out of the case, Jacob comes up after me and he looks nervous and scared.
"Scamander? (L/N)?" I hear a voice call.
"Oh--Er--hello, Minister." Newt said as he closes the case when Jacob climbs out.
"Theseus Scamander? The war hero?" Another voice asked.
"No, this is his little brother." The Minister said.
"And (L/N)? Like (Mother's name) (L/N)? The Auror?" The voice asked and I wince at this, hearing my mother's name, because a few weeks ago I got a letter from my father saying that she was part of the group of Aurors who was killed by Grindelwald.
"This is her daughter. And what in the name of Merlin are you two doing in New York?" The Minister asked as I choke back a sob, keeping my composure up.
"We came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir." Newt replied as he places a hand on my shoulder, as a way to comfort me since he knows about my mother's fate.
"Right. What are you two really doing here?" The minister asked us, suspiciously.
"Goldstein--and who is this?" Madam Picquery asked Tina, pointing at Jacob.
"This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President, he's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N)'s creatures." Tina said and, automatically, there was furious reaction to what she said. "No-Maj? Obliviated?" One of the people whispered.
"Merlin's beard." Newt said as he looks up.
"What is it?" I asked him and I follow his gaze.
I gasp as I see an image of a man, dead, with his face brutally scarred. I place my hands over my mouth when someon asked. "You know which of your creatures was responsible, Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N)?"  
"No creature did this..." I said as I removed my hands away from my mouth, looking at the man's body in horror. "Don't pretend! You must know what that was; look at the marks..." Newt said as he stares at the body in shock. "That was an Obscurus." Newt and I said, in unison, and there was a mass consternation, muttering and exclamations.
"You go too far, Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N). There is no Obscurial in America." Madam Picquery said. She turns her head to Graves and said. "Impound that case, Graves!" And the case flies towards Graves. Newt and I whip out our wands as Newt said. "No...Give that b--"
 "Arrest them!" Picquery shouted and a dazzle of spells hit Newt, Tina, Jacob and I and we slam to our knees while mine and Newt's wand flies out of our hands and caught by Graves, who stands up and picks up the case.
"No--no--don't hurt those creatures, please!" Newt begged.
"You don't understand! Nothing in there is dangerous, nothing!" I shouted, desperately to Picquery.
"We'll be the judges of that!" She said then looks behind us and I glance over my shoulder and see a group of Aurors behind us. "Take them to the cells!" Picquery ordered and the four of us are dragged away from the room.
"Don't hurt those creatures--there is nothing in there that is dangerous!" I screamed as Newt shouted, at the same time, in desperation. "Please don't hurt our creatures--they are not dangerous....please, they are not dangerous!"
After they throw us into a cell, Newt sits over in the corner; head buried in his hands. I sit right next to him and placed an arm around his shoulder. He removes his hands from his face and wraps his arms around me, laying his head on my shoulder as he tries to hold back a sob. I lay my head on top of his head and run my fingers through his hair.
"I am so sorry about your creatures, Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N). I truly am." Tina said. I glare at her as Newt remains silent.
Part of me wants to blame her for what happens to the creatures but then part of me kinda understands as she was trying to do her duty even if she wasn't in position to do it.
"Can someone please tell me what this Obscurial--Obscurus thing is? Please?" Jacob asked looking between Tina, Newt and I.
"There hasn't been one for centuries--" Tina started to say but Newt speaks up.
"We met one in Sundan three months ago. There used to be more of them but they still exist." He said, not moving his head away from my shoulder.
I look over at Jacob and continued. "Before Wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by Muggles, young wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution. Instead of learning to harness or to control their powers, they developed what was called an Obscurus."
Jacob looks confused and Tina goes to explain. "It's an unstable, uncontrollable Dark force that busts out and--and attacks.....and then vanishes..." She looks over at us and asked. "Obscurials can't survive long, can they?"  
"There's no documented case of any Obscurial surviving past the age of ten. The one we met in Africa was eight when she....." Newt said but stops and chokes back a sob. I sigh, heavily, and turn to Jacob.
"She was eight when she died."
Jacob looks at us in shock and then asked. "What are you telling me here--that Senator Shaw was killed by a--by a kid?"
"Yes." I whispered as I continue to run my fingers through Newt's hair.
Newt removes one of his arms from my shoulder and takes my hand in his, kissed the back of my hand and held my hand close to his chest. My heart breaks seeing him like this, broken and sad, and I kiss the top of his head. He moves his head off from my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. I give him a small smile as I stare into his green eyes and he stares into my (e/c) ones.
He starts to lean towards me when we hear footsteps approaching our cells.
Three people in white coats unlock the cell door and grab Tina, Newt and I and put us in shackles and lead us away from the cell. Newt looks over his shoulder and said. "It was good to make your acquaintance, Jacob, and I hope you get your bakery." I look back and said. "Same here." And I see Jacob, who looks scared, clutching the bars and waves, forlornly, after us.
We were taken to an interrogation room, a small black walled, windowless, bare room, with Graves. Newt and I sit opposite Graves who has two files in front of him, and was looking through one of them. Tina was standing behind us, flanked by the three people who came to collect us. "You're an interesting man, Mr Scamander." Graves said as he looks through the file. "Mr Graves--" Tina speaks up but Graves lifts a finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet.
"You were thrown out of Hogwarts for endangering human life--" Graves starts to say but I interject.
"That was an accident!"
Graves looks up at me and said. "With a beast." I was about to argue but something tells me to stop so I close my mouth as Graves continues. "Yet one of your teachers argued strongly against your expulsion. Now, what makes Albus Dumbledore so fond of you?" He asked Newt.
"I really couldn't say." Newt said.
"So setting a pack of dangerous creatures loose here was just another accident, is that right?" Graves asked.
"Why would we do that deliberately?" I asked Graves.
"To expose wizardkind. To provoke war between the magical and non-magical worlds." Graves answered.
"Mass slaughter for the greater good, you mean?" Newt asked him.
"Yes. Quite." said Graves.
"(Y/N) and I are not one of Grindelwald's fanatics, Mr Graves." Newt said, which looks like we hit a nerve or something because Graves looks even more menacing than before.
"I wonder what you two can tell me about this, Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N)?" He asked and with a slow move of his hand, he raises up the Obscurus from Newt's case. Graves looks at the pulsing, swirling and hissing mass with fascination while Newt turns to Tina and said. "It's an Obscurus--but it's not what you think. We managed to separate it from the Sudanese girl as (y/n) and I tried to save her--we wanted to take it home, to study it--but it cannot survive outside that box, it could not hurt anyone, Tina!"
Graves looks over at us and asked. "So it's useless without the host?" I look up at him in confusion as Newt turns back around to face him.
"Useless?" We asked, in unison.
"That parasitical magical force that killed a child. What on earth would you use it for?" I asked Graves, anger boiling inside me. I look over at Newt and he has the same look of anger as well.
"You fool nobody, Mr Scamander and Miss (L/N). You two brought this Obscurus into the city of New York in the hope of causing mass disruption, breaking the Statute of Secrecy and revealing the magical world--" Graves said then Newt speaks up.
"You know that can't hurt anyone, you know that!" He said, angrily.
"You and Miss (L/N) are therefore guilty of a treasonous betrayal of your fellow wizards and are sentenced to death. Miss Goldstein, who has aided and abetted you two--" Graves continues.
"No, she's done nothing of the kind--" I argue but Graves ignores me.
"She receives the same sentence." Graves finished and I hear Tina starting to cry.
"No, don't punish them, just me! If anyone deserves it, it should be me!" Newt said and I look over at him in shock.
"Newt no!" I shouted as wands were pressed against our neck.
"Just do it immediately. I will inform President Picquery myself." Graves said to the executioners. Tina starts to cry out but Graves, once again, places his finger to his lips and said. "Please." to the executioners and they grab us and lead us out of the room.
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raven-black102 · 6 years
Chapter 3: Tina And Queenie Apartment
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About my Character, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Andy's POV
"Take a right here..." The woman I now know as Tina said as she guides the three of us down Brownstone Street. Newt and Tina, both, are helping to keep Mr Kowalski steady on his feet while he keeps making various retching sounds which, to me at least, is odd, the Murtlap bite must be affecting him more than it should.
'Maybe since he's a muggle it affects him differently then the witches and wizards.' I thought holding Newt's case close as we round the corner, Tina hurries us to hide behind a large truck and she peers over her shoulder, across the street.
"Okay--before we go in--I'm not supposed to have men on the premises." She said as she looks between Newt and Mr Kowalski. "In that case, Mr Kowalski, Andy and I, can easily seek other accommodation-" Newt started to say but Tina grabs Mr Kowalski's arm.
"Oh no, you don't!" She said and pulls him across the street. Newt lets out a heavy sigh as I shake my head. "You tried brother dear." I said as we, dutifully, follow Tina and Mr Kowalski. "Maybe I should feed her to Leo." I said as Newt gave me a look causing me to chuckle slightly. "I'm joking. Maybe." I said scratching my left arm as Newt just sighed.
"Watch your step." She said as we make it to the building. Once we get inside, Tina places her pointer finger on her lips and motions for us to walk in front of her, so Mr Kowalski, Newt and I walk ahead of her and up the stairs with her following behind.
As we get to the top floor, we hear a door open downstairs. "That you, Tina?" A woman's voice called out. "Yes, Mrs Esposito!" Tina replied looking at us. "Are you alone?" Esposito asked her. "I'm always alone, Mrs Esposito." She said and her landlady seem to be satisfied with the answer because we hear her door shut and Tina ushers us to move on.
We enter through a door and I notice the place is enlivened with magic. An iron is working away on its own in a corner, there's a clothesline revolving, clumsily, on its wooden legs in front of a fire, drying an assortment of underwear. 'Do they not know how to do thing without using magic?' I thought with a small frown.
"Teenie--you brought men home? And who's the new girl?" Another female voice asked. I look into the direction of the voice and see a blonde girl standing in a silk slip, supervising the mending of a dress and I noticed that Mr Kowalski looked completely thunderstruck by the sight that he sees in front of him.
"This is my sister. You want to put something on, Queenie?" Tina asked her. "Oh, sure." Queenie said, unconcerned about the two man watching or more like Mr Kowalski.
'Queenie? That a lovely name.' I thought as Queenie waves her wand and the dress, magically, runs up her body. "So, who are they?" She asked Tina.
"That's Mr and Miss. Scamander. They've committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy--" Tina said as Queenie looks over and Newt and I, impressed. "They're criminals?" She asked with slight interest lace in her voice. "Uh-huh, and this is Mr Kowalski, he's a No-Maj--" "A No-Maj? Teen--what are you up to?" Queenie asked her sister with worry.
"He's sick--it's a long story--Mr and Miss Scamander have lost something and I'm going to help them find it." Tina replied as Mr Kowalski staggers. I rush over to him and help him over to the couch. "You need to sit down, honey." Queenie said, with concern, as she rushes over to him as well.
"They're not things. They're creature's." I snarled at Tina as Newt placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey....he hasn't eaten all day. And....aw, that's rough, he didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey?" Queenie asked and Mr Kowalski, who has stared in amazement at her, nods. "I love to cook." Queenie said with a smile.
Newt and I look at her with curiosity before it click in our heads. "You're a Legilimens?" Newt asked her as she nods at this. "Wicked." I said with a smile. "But I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It's the accent." She said, seeing my confused face. "Except for you Miss Scamander. I can't seem to hear a single voice or thought in your pretty head." She said as Newt looks at me.
"It must be the creature." I whispered to Newt. "More creatures?" Tina asked causing me to sigh. "It's none of your business." I growled as she looks at me in shock. "You know how to read minds?" Mr Kowalski asked Queenie, appalled.
"Aw, don't worry, honey, most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me. Now, you need food." Queenie said as she playfully gestures to him and waves her wand around and numerous food starts flying out.
"Are you alright brother?" I asked as I look at him only to get no response. I go and stand next to him but stopped when I hear a buzzing sound. I look out the window and see a Billywig, flying around. I tap Newt on the shoulder and he looks out just in time to see the Billywig fly away. He shakes his head and sighs. "We'll get them." I whispered as I placed my hand on his arm.
"Trico and Fuchs are with them right now." I added as Newt smiled slightly and nod his head. "Yeah but not soon enough. You know we need to get to Arizona...." He whispered, softly, to me. "I know. I want to get him there safely too, but she won't let us leave." I whispered, quickly.
"Plus when you were gone I've been looking around. And I can't get Credence out of my head." I said as Newt looked at me. "Credence?" He asked confused as I felt heat rush to my cheeks. "The Second Salame Boy we met at the bank. Shi has been moving around ever since I touched his hand." I said as Newt slightly frowned.
"Just like that time when we met that little girl in-" I started only to be interrupted. "Hey, Mr and Miss Scamander." Queenie called and we whip our head around and see that Mr Kowalski, Tina and Queenie are in the kitchen, surrounding a table that's set up for five. "Do you prefer pie or strudel?" She asked.
"We don't really have a preference." Both me and Newt said in unison. I smiled slight since it been a long time when me and Newt would talk at the same time. I took notice that Queenie quirks up a grin and she turns to Mr Kowalski.
"You prefer strudel, huh, honey?" She asked and Mr Kowalski nods with excited enthusiasm. Queenie smiles with delight and said. "Strudel it is." And she waves her wand sending apples, raisins and pastry flying into the air.
The concoction neatly wraps itself up into a cylindrical pie, baking on the spot, complete with ornate decoration and a dusting of sugar. Tina lights the candles as I hear a small squeak and I look over and see that Pickett has his head sticking out of Newt's pocket, looking around the place with curiosity.
"Well, sit down, Mr and Miss Scamander, we're not going to poison you." Tina said as she gestures to the two seats meant for me and Newt. I look over at Newt and grimaced at him. He looks over at the window for a brief moment then turns back to me and nods. I take a deep breath and nod back at him and we make our way to the table and dig in to this delightful meal.
About half an hour pass and Queenie and Mr Kowalski are getting along really well as they talk and giggle. "The job ain't that glamorous. I mean, I spend most days making coffee, unjinxing the john... Tina's the career girl." Queenie said happily.
There was a brief pause before Queenie speaks up. "Nah. We're orphans. Ma and Pa died of dragon pox when we were kids. Aw....You're so sweet. But we got each other!" She said with a smile. I smiled slightly remembering the time I was to afraid to tell mother and father about the markings on my skin. And if it wasn't for Newt I don't know were I'll be at right now.
"Could you stop reading my mind for a second? Don't get me wrong--I love it!" Mr Kowalski said and Queenie giggles with delight. "This meal--it's insanely good! This is what I do--I'm a cook and this is, like, the greates meal I have ever had in my life." He compliments and Queenie continues to laugh and I can't help but smile at this.
It's cute that they are getting along so well but in the back of my mind I know that this isn't going to last long once the MACUSA Obliviates him. It makes me feel sad because they seem to like each other. 'Credence.' I thought as I looked away from them and outside the window.
This whole rule in America for Wizards and Muggles not become friends or build any kind of relationship with each other is just ridiculous to me. It kind of made more sense to me that Landon is a lot better then here. The only rules is that you can't use your magic to outside of Hogwarts or it can't be seen by a muggle. (Please correct me if I'm wrong with that.)
"Oh, you slay me!" Queenie said as they continue to giggle. She takes her hand and places it under her chin as she stares at Mr Kowalski in wonder. "I ain't never really talked to a No-Maj before." She said.
"Really?" He asked, astonished. They gaze into each other's eyes as Newt and I exchange looks then look over to Tina, who is sitting opposite us, and we sit there in an uncomfortable silence. Queenie looks over to her sister then leans back in her chair, head hanging down.
"I'm not flirting!" She replied looking at Tina with a slight pout. "I'm just saying-- don't go getting attached, he's going to have to be Obliviated!" Tina replied in an embarrassed tone. She then turns her attention to Mr Kowalski and said. "It's nothing personal." I rolled my eyes. 'Sure it isn't.' I thought with a slight snarl.
Mr Kowalski, suddenly, goes pale and starts to sweat again but he tries to look good for Queenie. Newt and I exchange a worried glance as Queenie asked. "Oh, hey, you okay, honey?" Newt and I, briskly, gets up from our chairs and stand behind it.
"Miss Goldstein, I think Mr Kowalski could do with an early night. And besides, you, my sister and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find our Niffler, so--" Newt started to say when Queenie looks up at him in confusion then turns to Tina and asked. "What's a Niffler?" Tina, who looks upset, said. "Don't ask. Okay, you guys can bunk in here." She said and she leads us to the back room.
'I hope you're alright Credence.' I thought as I had a bad feeling know that something is going to happen along the way.
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dreams-in-charge · 6 years
Love and authority II
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Female!MacusaPresident!reader
Warnings: ~
a/n: This is an image for the idea of : “IMAGINE Being the President of MACUSA and Newt falls for you“ by @imagination-of-fictional-men .
This is part 2 of “Love and authority” that I decided to upload again. This, because of problems that it didn’t show up properly.
There will be part 3, the last part of this.
Newt and you lingered in the thoughts of the other one. The recent attacks of – whatever it was – caused you to take action in form of a conference. But with Newt's secret revealed in front of everyone, you couldn't help him this time … Or could you?
As the owl with the letter reached you, you sat on the chair in your kitchen, making yourself breakfast and thinking about the mysterious man you met just yesterday:
Newt Scamander.
You wanted to get to know him better. You wanted to experience him. You wanted him to call your name again, with this beautiful thank you on his seemingly warm lips.
But your thoughts were stopped by the owl, landing in front of the window with the letter, that caused you to immediately make your way to the building of Macusa, calling out to every ministry in the magical world.
Rushing into your office, there were already different Aurors gathering inside.
“Tell me everything. Now.”
And they did. They told you everything you needed to know as the President of Macusa. About the death that occurred in the evening on the day before. The No-Maj that lost his life because of an invincible force, killing him right on the spot.
This is it.
This would be as far as it gets.
And you would make sure of it.
Right now, one of every country sent a wizard to you, gathering in an emergency conference. You, in front of everybody, looking at the body floating right in front of you like a ghost.
You've got too distracted by that man. And this was the consequence you needed to deal with. Maybe, just maybe, if you had taken this man with you, fulfilling your duties, you could have stopped it.
But you didn't know what could have been. You needed to learn out of your mistakes.
You needed to do what needed to be done, informing every important person on the conference about the latest happenings in New York and discussing a possible solution for this chaos.
“This is  serious matter that threatens to expose us all” said the Swiss delegate, Heinrich Eberstadt. His eyes roamed over every person gathered, lastly you.
“Proud words of the man that let Gellert Grindelwald slip out of his grab” was your remark, looking right at him and returning his gaze with authority. “You cant' lecture me.”
You needed to have a good look on Eberstadt.
But your gaze lifted from him to the hologram of the dead body, floating in front of you.
“I think the most important thing now is to-”
But your word were cut short as Tina Goldstein stormed into the hall. She seemed stressed, but something like the faintest of a smile lingered on her face.
Instantly, your eyes were on her and you stopped as you recognised the case in her hand.
“Madam President, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but this is critical-”
She stopped, just now realizing in what she ran into. Every eye was on her and her confidence seemed to get less and less. Everyone was silent, all too occupied with the surprising behaviour of the Ex-Auror.
“Mrs. Goldstein. I hope you have a good explanation for your rude and surprising intrusion” you said, with the thought of Newt in the back of your mind. Worrying what she was up to. No – you knew what she wanted to do.
At first, Tina looked at you with a nervous look. But she seemed to remind herself of the urgency of what she was going to say. So, she gathered all her confidence, stepping forward and looking directly at you.
“Yes, Ma'am. Yesterday, a man arrived in New York City, with a case full of magical creatures. And – unfortunately – some of them escaped. I hope you remember the person I brought to you yesterday?”
Of course you remembered him.
You actually had the chance to take the case from him that was placed in Tina's Hand right now.
But you didn't take it.
Your (e/c) eyes shifted to the case you remembered all to well, thinking about the man the first time after the letter arrived. Memories tumbled through your head, bringing you the same rapid heart-beating you experienced in his presence.
“Where is he now?” you asked, without any clue of the storm of feelings that raged inside you. This situation needed you to keep your cool, to act like the President of Macusa you were. Especially in front of the many wizards of the different country's.
Tina took one step forward and sat the case onto the floor.
You instantly knew.
She seemed to knock on the lid of it, taking a cautious step backwards and waiting for something – or rather – someone.
After some seconds, the case seemed to open itself from inside and a nervous looking Newt emerged. At first he didn't seem to register the situation he was in, as all eyes were on him. After him the No-Maj Jacob Kowalski, laughing at first, but realising the same thing Newt did.
Newts eyes landed on you and stayed. Taking you in, but with a nervous and cautious look in his eyes. You, on the other hand, tried to not really look at him for more than two seconds.
On the one side, the ginger man was glad to see you again. You, who roamed in his thoughts for the last hours, turning his heart into a roller-coaster. On the other hand … This was not (y/n) in front of him. This was the President of Macusa, Madame (y/l/n).
That was when Newts gaze flickered to the British Envoy. Rumours were heard inside the case, but you were just half listening. Something with 'Theseus Scamander? The war hero' and 'No, this is his little brother'.
You were too focused on the burning feeling inside your chest as you knew that you couldn't cover him up.
Not in this situation.
And never again.
Yesterday was a one-time-thing. Nothing you could do again, or you would risk your position. Especially not in front of all these gentleman.
So you did what you needed to do and braced yourself for the impact.
“Goldstein, who is this man next to Mr. Scamander?” you asked. Acted. No suspicion.
Tina instantly turned back to you, focusing on your question.
“This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President, he's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures” was her answer, immediately causing another discussion to arise.
Newt's eyes found yours again, after roaming around the different persons in the hall. The pleading glimmering inside them left your heart aching, making you wonder how he could have gathered so much power over you.
He already had a chance.
Turning your eyes from him to the floating hologram of the dead body in front of you caused him to follow your gaze. Gasping, focusing on it, seeing the horror of the damage done.
“Merlin's beard … !”
Pretending to not really know this man, you needed to react on him.
“Is this the work of one of your escaped creatures, Mr. Scamander?”
Newts green eyes shot to you, biting his lip, then turning his gaze again to the hologram. He knew what you needed to do. He knew about your position, about your duties and that he had big luck yesterday. But his feelings couldn't accept this, hoping for his beasts that you would at least keep them safe.
The ginger was helpless in this situation. He didn't want to risk your job, but he needed to think about his creatures too...
“No creature did this, Madame President. And please, don't pretend to consider this option ...” he said with a short look towards you, disappointed about your words. “You must know what that was – I mean – look at the marks ...”
That was when your eyes flickered to the dead body, focusing on the evidence Newt pointed out for you. Trying to figure out what could do such things, until an idea struck you.
“An Obscurus ...” you breathed.
Muttering broke out, everybody seemed to be alerted at this point. Much so, yourself.
But that couldn't be.
“This can't be possible. There can't be an Obscurial in New York ...” was all you could say, pressing your lips together and looking through the different faces of wizards around you.
Everyone looked at Newt like he was insane, but with worry in their eyes. Some didn't believe him, some considered his thoughts. But with or without the truth, you knew that you needed take the case away from him as a symbol of at least some security and authority.
Sighing, you looked at Mr. Graves, who seemed as alerted as everyone else. Although there was a strange feeling you've got, your instincts telling you something you didn't understand.
“Mr. Graves. Take that case away from Mr. Scamander.” Panicked, Newts eyes shot to his case as the said one was gone and next to Graves with a flick of his wand.
“No ... No, no, no, no, no!” was all he muttered, taking some steps towards you until he, Tina and Jacob were forced to their knees. Spells hit them, forcing them into the strange and weak position, wands flying out of their hands.
“Madame President – this isn't right!”
“I decide what is right and wrong ... And I can't let you roam free with your creatures threatening New York.”
Your eyes met Newt's and you hoped he could at least see the true feelings buried inside of you. The silent plead, the silent scream of him to trust him with this, reached you.  But it wasn't possible.
“Mr. Scamander, Mrs. Goldstein and Mr. Kowalski. All of you are under arrest” you said, as Graves stood with the case in his hand. Shoving the screams of the ginger into the background of your mind, you stood tall above them.
“No, please – don't hurt them. You need to understand – nothing in there is dangerous! Madame (y/l/n), you know that!”
Breathing in and out you shook your head, breaking Newts heart in the process. Rumours went through the hall, all about suspicion that you may know this man better than you wanted to admit.
“We will decide that, Mr. Scamander” was all you could say, trying not to look into his pained eyes, as the Aurors surrounded them, wands in hand. “Take them to the cells. We will decide what happens to them later.”
Trying to block out the desperate cries of Newt, you turned your head to the side, closing your eyes and breathing in and out. You needed to keep calm, despite the pained feeling spreading through every pore of your body.
“Don't hurt those creatures – there is nothing in there that is dangerous! Please don't hurt them – they are not dangerous ...! Please, they are not dangerous!”
As much as you tried, all your attempts to ignore the pleading cries of him failed and caused them to rule your head even more. So much, sitting on your comfortable chair, trying to work through the papers in front of you couldn't keep them away.
Sighing you leaned back and allowed yourself a break, but no true break. Was that the right decision?  
Remembering the look Newt gave you made you flinch, making you feel his pain anew. The feelings in your chest told you that you needed to help him. But the reality was different: You needed to think about the safety of the wizarding world and the non-wizarding world. You needed to think about you.
But a tiny part inside of you made you stop.
You had heard him shout your name, the last word from him before the silence.
Burying your head in your hands, you considered your options:
You could just get along with your life. He was one of many, just one wizard in this world, his beasts roaming free in New York. Maybe, just maybe, it is better like this.
Maybe is a strong word.
Maybe everything he said was true. That you needed to help him, even risking your job, because it is the right thing to do. And you had the feeling that only Newt Scamander, the man and his beasts, were able to find the remaining creatures.
You felt it, you felt the decision you would make.
Until a knock at the door of your office made you stop. A young wizard came in, one that was just in his development to become an auror, and he was looking concerned.
“Madame President, I apologize for this disturbance. But I have a message from Mr. Graves.”
“It's all right. What is it about?” you replied, finally sitting back in your chair, looking at the still nervous man in front of you.
“It's about the wizards and the No-Maj in the cells. Mr. Graves questioned them and saw Mrs. Goldstein and Mr. Scamander as a danger for the wizarding world. He made the decision to sentence them to death.”
Your heart stopped for a minute, your eyes growing big. But then, everything seemed to move faster and faster inside you, a fierce piercing rage bubbling inside you, mixed with concern.
Concern about Tina, one of the best former Aurors you had, and of course the man, who left you with your thousand thoughts of him.
Newt Scamander.
And you knew what you needed to do.
Like Queenie Goldstein and Jacob Kowalski new what they had to do.  
Hearing the thoughts of her sister and the strange man, Queenie immediately needed to take action. She just got the case out of the office of Graves, with the help of Jacob, the No-Maj she became so found of.
Every nerve in their body's tingled as an alarm got off in the distance, causing many wizards to run around them, some into the opposite directions. They didn't know what happened, but they had no time to really care about it.
Just as they turned a corner, they saw strands of (h/c) in the distance and Queenie stopped. Jacob nearly bummed into her, making a surprised sound.
“What's wrong?” he asked at first, but followed her for him beautiful eyes towards a woman, making her way to them. And he recognised her. “Oh no.”
“Mrs. Goldstein?” you asked her and she held the case behind her, blocking your sight of it.
“Yes, Madame President?”
Eyeing her suspiciously, you immediately knew what she was up to. With the sight of the No-Maj behind her, trying to look into another direction and hiding behind her, with the case in both of her hands.
You knew about Queenie's ability to read minds, about the alarm that went off and the execution of her sister and Newt. It was easy to place everything together and your analysing look on her softened a bit.
The blond woman on the other hand panicked, even reaching out for her wand to use it and forgetting her ability to read minds. She couldn't let them do what they wanted to, she couldn't let Tina or Newt die. And she was ready to fight for them.
Jacob, on the other hand, watched her with a concerned look on his face. Until he gathered his courage, touching her wrist as her eyes shot to him. And with just one look into his eyes and the faintest shake of his head, she relaxed a bit, letting go of her wand.
“I can assume where you are planning to go, Mrs. Goldstein. Especially with that No-Maj behind you.”
Her gaze flickered to you again, smiling nervously. She didn't have an excuse for this and even with one … You could see right through her. Like she did with the thoughts of everyone.
You took some steps towards her, Queenie standing her ground under your fixated gaze on her.
“And I want to help you.”
Both looking perplex, they stared at you, clearly shocked at your words. A grin spread on your lips, amused at their reaction, until you remembered what you three needed to do.
“We need to hurry. It could already be too late ...”
That seemed to get them into the reality again. Nodding, now motivated and feeling somehow safer than before with the President of Macusa on her side, all of you hurried to the lower floor, hurrying towards the cells.
You a bit ahead of them, hoping that It wasn't too late.
“Madame President-”
“I think (y/n) is more appropriate in this situation” you answered, smiling at her just slightly and she returned it sweetly. “I'm not the President of Macusa in this situation, not any more.”
“Well then … (y/n)? Why do you help us?”
“Yes”, Jacob stormed in, “I thought you needed to arrest us. I mean – because of all this mess with Newt's beasts. And you seem to be – pardon me – in a quite strong position.”
Nodding at him and their question, you needed to gather your thoughts first, smiling a bit at them.
“Well … Like Mrs. Goldstein said, she brought Mr. Scamander into my office yesterday. But in the case she showed to me were no beasts. Strangely, there seemed to be baked sweets inside. I must say, they looked rather delicious, but I of course couldn't believe her.”
Jacob seemed to blush at the last sentence and you wondered why. But you didn't ask why. That would have been quite strange.
“But on the street, when the stars shined at the sky … I saw him hunt his niffler with you, Mr. Kowalski. And he showed his beasts to me. No, not beasts … His friends. And I could see that neither he nor them wanted to do us any harm. Of course, I needed to act like my position before, but I never wanted an execution to take place.”
Both of them looked at you with understanding eyes, nodding to themselves while you sighed. Queenie had a knowing smile on her lips, reading your thoughts and therefore knowing about the feeling inside of you. As for you, concern was bubbling inside your stomach and your steps seemed to get faster and faster ...
Until you bummed into someone, nearly falling to the ground.
Your hand shot to your wand, reflex taking over you, until you somehow recognized the smell of the man that prevented your harsh collision with the ground by holding you close to him.
The name caused a storm to swirl inside of you for anew, making you numb but so much more sensitive at the same time. Your eyes connected, his beautiful green and your (e/c) ones, in a dance only you both seemed to witness.
The heart inside both of your chests seemed to explode and for a split second you thought that he would be mad at you. For sending him to the cells, for not covering you. But the glimmer in his eyes, the little smile on his lips and his hands at your lover back, radiating warmth, seemed to relax you...
“Darlings, I know … But we need to keep going” said Queenie, sending both of you out of your trance. A blush rouse on your and Newt's face, letting instantly go from each other.
Queenie and Jacob needed to chuckle, but Tina seemed to look a bit confused.
“Madame President, what are you doing down here?” she asked, looking at you.
“I've got a message about the death sentence” were your words, your face growing serious and rage growing inside of you. “I can't believe Graves just decided on his own about something as serious as this. And I want to help you.”
Looking up at you, Newt couldn't help but smile at your determined eyes, feeling proud and happy. At first, he needed to admit, Newt really did feel disappointed at you. The red haired man understood of course, but his beasts were more important for him in that moment … And now, here you were. Standing right in front of him, glowing in a pale light like the sun and the wonderful creature.
Catching his gaze you smiled at him, wanting to say something more, until you heard running and voices in the distance. Hastily turning around, you instantly shoved Queenie and Jacob towards Newt and Tina.
“I can buy everyone of you some time … But you need to hurry. I can keep them away for a short time. You need to get along alone after that. There will be chaos. Use that for your advantage.”
“But, Madame (y/l/n)-” Newt began, but you stopped him.
“Call me (y/n) … Newt.”
Even the bare name from him rolling off your tongue made his heart stop for a second, your eyes meeting again, until more voices cut the air around you.
“Now, go!” was all you said. Tina took a hold of Newts hand, dragging him and the other two away from the scene.
“Madame President!”
Turning towards the Aurors approaching you, the serious look returned to your face. You needed to buy them some time. And you knew how. Keeping the Aurors away from them for even a short moment would be difficult and they needed to have extreme luck getting out of this mess.
But you trusted them.
And that was what kept you going with it. Even when everything was a mess and you needed to regain a somewhat organized day, it was worth it.
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Unlikely Friendships and Great Adventures - Part 5
Notes: Hey guys! As promised, here is part 5 to my Newt series! Part 6 will be up tomorrow and I hate to say it but it will be the last part of this series. However, I’m in the process of writing Newt fics so hopefully, I’ll keep them coming. Also, as I said before, let me know if you want to be tagged in the finale of this or if you want to be tagged in anything else I write! I love you guys and thanks for the support.
Summary: What happens when you find yourself in jail and have to revisit your past? Bad things, that’s what.
Unlikely Friendships and Great Adventures - Part 5
Newt Scamander x Reader
Word Count: 3,396
Warnings: death (not a major character), sadness, not good relationships with your family, almost dying, etc.
Here’s the rest of the series:
| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
You wake up with multiple blankets wrapped around you, but you’re still shivering from being so cold. You realize you’re in different clothes, as well as a different environment. One you usually relax in. You’re in the case.
“Newt?” You croak, looking to your left to see Newt clutching your hand, fast asleep. Then your eyes rest upon Jacob in the corner, also asleep. 
“Hm? (y/n)? Wait, you’re awake?” Newt’s eyes widen in realization as he quickly releases your hand and stands up, making the chair he was sitting in scrape across the floor loudly, causing Jacob to wake up.
“What’s happening?” Jacob asks, yawning.
“(y/n)’s awake!” Newt grins and hugs you, glad you’re finally back. You blush madly, hoping Newt doesn’t see your burning face. Luckily it was already tinged pink from the cold, so he didn’t notice.
“How long was I out?” You ask.
“Oh, not long. Just a few hours.” Newt shrugs and hands you something to drink. You drink it.
“Okay.” You nod, suddenly feeling much better and warmer. You throw the blankets off you and stand up, getting dizzy and almost falling down if it weren’t for Newt catching you.
“By the way, (y/n), if you don’t remember, we got the Erumpent. And, also, I’d like for you to call me Jacob now. Not Mr. Kowalski.” Jacob beams at you. You nod, smiling back at him.
“Two down, one to go.” Newt smiles. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the case. You exchange surprised looks with everyone.
“I’ll go first, (y/n) you follow me, then Jacob you go last. Just in case it isn’t...well, I don’t know. Just go.” Newt sighs and rubs his temples, you frown. You follow Newt as he opens the case, climbing out of it. You look up to see Tina standing there. You relax a little, see as it’s only Tina. You climb out and stand next to Newt, tensing up again. It was not only Tina.
“Scamander? (y/l/n)?” A British voice asks. You cringe.
“Oh- er- hello, Minister.” Newt closes the case and picks it up once Jacob is out. You slightly wave to the Minister.
“Theseus Scamander? The war hero? And (y/m/n) (y/l/n)? The Best Auror?” Someone gasps. You tense even more, if possible. You hated people bringing up your mother. Especially her occupation. She died while hunting Gellert Grindelwald. In the most honorable way, but still tragic. It wasn’t a pretty death, either. She had been tortured to death.
“No, this is Theseus’s little brother and (y/m/n)’s daughter. But what in the name of Merlin are you doing in New York?” The Minister asks you and Newt. You hang your head, not wanting to even speak anymore.
“We came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir.” Newt answers for you, putting a hand protectively on your shoulder. He knew that your mother was a sensitive subject for you. 
“Right. What are you really doing here?” The Minister asks again.
“Goldstein- and who is this?” The President of MACUSA asks Tina.
“This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President, he’s a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander and Miss (y/l/n)’s creatures,” Tina explains, and you shoot her a cold glare as the whole crowd gasps.
“No-Maj? Obliviated?” You hear whispers among the crowd.
“Merlin’s Beard.” You hear Newt breathe from beside you. You decide to look up and come face to face with a dead man. Literally. A dead man’s image was floating amongst the ceiling of the room.
“You know which of your creatures was responsible, Mr. Scamander?” Madam Picquery asks him.
“No creature did this...don’t pretend! You must know what that was; look at the marks…” You point out, giving her a glare.
“That was an Obscurus.” Newt finishes for you. You nod, looking down all of the sudden.
“You go too far, Mr. and Mrs. Scamander-” But you cut off the President.
“Mr. Scamander, Miss (y/l/n).” You correct her.
“There is no Obscurial in America. Impound that case, Graves!” The President yells, ignoring your correction. Graves summons the case and it lands next to him.
“No… Give that b--!” Newt draws his wand, as do you, but he’s cut off by Madam Picquery.
“Arrest them!” She yells. Multiple spells hit you, Newt, Tina, and Jacob and you’re all slammed to the ground on your knees. Both you and Newt’s wand fly out of your hands and is caught by none other than Graves. You give him a cold, harsh glare. He winks back at you.
“No! No! Don’t hurt those creatures! Please, you don’t understand! Nothing in there is dangerous, nothing!” You and Newt both plead, staring at your case.
“We’ll be the judges of that! Take them to the cells!” She yells once more and you’re dragged backward. Your eyes land on Graves and he stares back at you, a slight smirk on his lips.
“Don’t hurt those creatures- there’s nothing in there that is dangerous! Please don’t hurt our creatures! They’re not dangerous! Please, they’re not dangerous!” You and Newt both plead to everyone. No one listens.
Later, you’re sitting in the corner of a cell, huddled into a fetal position. Newt’s sitting a little ways away from you, giving you space. But all you really wanted to do right now was hug him and cry.
“I’m so sorry about your creatures, Mr. Scamander. I truly am.” Tina apologizes to Newt, but not you. 
“Oh, so now you’re sorry? After you’ve been imprisoned, too?” You snarl, giving her a harsh glare. She smirks slightly at you but it disappears as Newt lifts his head to look at her.
“Can someone please tell me what this Obscurial- Obscurius thing is? Please?” Jacob asks, confused.
“There hasn’t been one for centuries-” Tina starts, but you cut her off with a growl.
“Newt and I met one in Sudan three months ago. There used to be more of them but they still exist. Before wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by Muggles, young wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution. Instead of learning to harness or control their powers, they developed what was called an Obscurus.” You and Newt explain together, switching turns talking.
“It’s an unstable, uncontrollable Dark force that bursts out and- and attacks...and then vanishes…” Tina explains a little more thoroughly to Jacob. Then, you see her reach realization.
“Obscurials can’t survive long, can they?” Tina asks Newt.
“There’s no documented case of any Obscurial surviving past the age of ten. The one we met in Africa was eight when she- she was eight when she…” Newt trails off, not wanting to finish the sentence.
“She was eight when she died.” You speak quietly, it was a touchy subject for the both of you.
“What are you telling me here- that Senator Shaw was killed by a- by a kid?” Jacob asks, appalled.
“Yes.” You whisper. Jacob looks surprised beyond compare.
A few minutes later, two executioners walk towards your cells and lead Newt, you, and Tina away from the cell. You look back at Jacob who’s clutching the bars, looking sadly at you three.
“It was good to make your acquaintance, Jacob, and I hope you get your bakery.” Newt smiles at Jacob.
“As do I.” You give a small, sad smile to Jacob as you turn around and head toward the interrogation room.
A little while later you’re in a small, black-walled, windowless room with Newt, Tina, and Graves.
“You’re an interesting man, Mr. Scamander.” Graves looks through his file. Then he turns to you.
“And you, (y/n), you’re very intriguing. I must say I found your story rather...dark.” Graves chuckles. You give him a cold glare as Newt casts you a confused look. He might’ve known about your mother, but he didn’t know your full past. He didn’t know who your sister was.
“Mr. Graves-” Tina steps forward, but Graves holds a finger to his lips, silencing Tina.
“Newt and (y/n), you were thrown out of Hogwarts for endangering human life-” Graves starts, but you intervene.
“One, it’s Miss (y/l/n) to you. And two, that was a misunderstanding!” You tell him.
“That was an accident.” Newt cuts in, too.
“-with a beast. Yet one of your teachers argued strongly against both of your expulsions. Now, what makes Albus Dumbledore so fond of you two?” Graves asks.
“We really couldn’t say.” Newt answers.
“So setting a pack of dangerous creatures loose here was just another accident, right?” Graves asks, ignoring Newt’s answer.
“Why would we do it deliberately?” You scoff.
“To expose wizardkind. To provoke a war between the magical and non-magical worlds.” Graves tells you.
“Mass slaughter for the greater good, you mean?” Newt asks.
“Yes. Quite.” Graves nods. You restrain yourself from lunging at him.
“We’re not one of Grindelwald’s fanatics, Mr. Graves.” You answer coldly. This strikes a nerve in Graves, you can tell.
“I wonder what you can tell me about this, Mr. Scamander and Miss (y/l/n)?” Graves asks, pulling out the Obscurus from you and Newt’s case. You suck in a breath. You didn’t like looking at the thing. It brought back too many haunting memories.
“It’s an Obscurus-” Newt starts and looks at Tina’s disbelieving face, “But it’s not what you think. I managed to separate it from the Sudanese girl as I tried to save her- I wanted to take it home, to study it-” Newt continues, looking at Tina’s shocked face now, “But it cannot survive outside that box, it could not hurt anyone, Tina!” He pleads, trying to get her to understand. You tense up, noticing how he said ‘I’ instead of ‘we’. As if he caught the Obscurus all by himself. As if you weren’t there. It crushed you.
“So it’s useless without the host?” Graves asks. You give him a cold stare.
“‘Useless’? That is a parasitical magical force that killed a child. What on earth would you use it for?” You scoff, glaring at Graves. He merely stands and brushes off your question.
“You fool nobody, Miss (y/l/n) and Mr. Scamander. You two brought this Obscurus into the city of New York in the hope of causing mass disruption- breaking the Statute of Secrecy and revealing the magical world-” Graves starts.
“You know that can’t hurt anyone, you know that!” Newt yells at him. You remain quiet, knowing nothing will help.
“-you two are therefore guilty of treasonous betrayal of your fellow wizards and are sentenced to death. Miss Goldstein, who has aided and abetted you-” Graves continues.
“No, she’s done nothing of the kind-” Newt tries again, but to no avail.
“-she receives the same sentence.” Graves ends, staring coldly at you. You snarl at him. He smirks back and you feel the tip of a wand on your neck.
“Just do it immediately. I will inform President Picquery myself.” Graves tells the executioners.
“Tina-” Newt starts, but Graves presses a finger to his lips again, silencing Newt.
“Shh.” He smirks, then turns to the executioners, “Please.” He dismisses all of you.
You’re taken down a long, dark hall before entering a completely white room with a chair in the center of it, floating over a black metallic looking pool of rippling potion.
“Don’t do this- Bernadette- please-” Tina tries everything. Nothing works.
“It don’t hurt.” One of the executioners tells you as she leads you forward first, raising her wand and pointing it at your temple. You know what’s about to happen.
“(y/n)-” Newt starts, but another executioner shushes him. The executioner holding onto you extracts all your happy memories and casts them into the swirling pool. You suddenly feel vacant and mildly happy, yet dazed as if nothing of your surroundings really registered through your mind.
You look into the rippling potion to see your mom calling to you when you were younger.
“(y/n/n)...(y/n/n)...Come on, sweetheart- time for bed. Are you ready?” She asks you, smiling in the memory.
“Mom…” You trail off, looking fondly into the water.
“Don’t that look good. You wanna get in? Huh?” An executioner asks you. You nod vacantly and Newt looks at you, an expression of worry evident on his face.
The chair floats down to the edge of the sea of potion and you happily get into it, looking down at your memories. You see your younger sister when she was three, then four, then five, then six, then seven, then eight...then you see the last happy memory you have of her. It was when she was twelve and you were thirteen. You and she were playing a prank on one of the bullies at Hogwarts. You were high-fiving her. Then, the memory changes.
“Let’s get the good stuff out of you-” An executioner starts to put their wand to his head, but they’re cut off by Newt breaking out of his cuffs. He sends the Swooping Evil out and abruptly knocks the guard out with a clean punch.
A lot of things happen at once. Tina watches Newt as he takes an executioner’s wand and points it at the other one, firing it and making her drop to the floor. Her wand is dropped out of her hand and goes into the potion.
Your next memory is gruesome. It’s the night your sister died. You look into the sea of potion to see yourself talking to a black mist in an old, dark, abandoned house.
“(y/s/n)...please...just, don’t do this…” You tell the black mist in the memory. The real you is looking down at the potion, horrified. You look at it, reliving the memory. What happened. Then the black mist turns into a child. A twelve-year-old child. You rush up to her.
“Don’t touch me!” She screams at you. You back up, looking hurt and slightly scared.
“But (y/s/n), I’m...so sorry. I truly am. I would never purposefully hurt you, you know that!” You protest, stepping forward. She starts to grow into a black mist again, causing you to take a step back. She returns to normal as she looks up to you with a scowl and an evil glint in her eyes.
“This is all your fault!” She screams and erupts into the black mist, pushing you back into a wall. Then white spots start to show up on her so she releases you, turning to the person casting the spells. Aurors.
“No! Stop! Please!” You yell, running over to them. But it’s too late. The black mist, your sister, dissolves into nothingness. You scream and grab a fracture of the mist that’s left, but it dissolves in your hand.
“(Y/S/N)!” You scream, clutching your hands to your chest, crying uncontrollably. 
“(y/n), it was for the best. She was a monster.” You hear a familiar voice behind you. You turn around to see your mother. She was tearing up, too. But she was one of the ones who killed your sister. Her own daughter.
“No! She wasn’t the monster! You are! You’re the one who killed her! Your own daughter!” You scream at her. She flinches slightly.
“What? You think I’m going to become an Obscurius, too? Is that it? Are you afraid of me, mother? Would you kill me, too?” You scoff, turning around and disapparating. 
You apparate into an alley and continue crying. You couldn’t believe it. Any of it. Not the fact that your sister was dead, not the fact that your own mother had killed your sister, not any of it. It was surreal. Like a dream. No, like a nightmare.
~Memory Over~
You look up, suddenly snapped out of your trance.
“Newt!” You scream, standing up in the chair and almost falling over. You grip the back of the chair tightly. The sea of potion was starting to bubble and rise up, almost to your full body height.
“Don't panic!” Newt yells back.
“What do you suggest I do instead?” You yell at him.
“Jump.” Newt suddenly says, looking at the Swooping Evil.
“Are you crazy?” You scoff, looking at the Swooping Evil. No way were you jumping on him.
“Jump on him,” Newt commands again. You shake your head as you watch the Swooping Evil.
“(y/n), listen to me. I’ll catch you. (y/n)!” He makes an intense eye contact with you. The potion was close to engulfing you.
“I’ll catch you. I’ve got you, (y/n)...” He trails off, trying to reassure you.
“Well, I’m going to die anyway.” You sigh.
“Go!” Newt yells and you jump, landing on the Swooping Evil for a quick step, then jump off it and land into Newt’s arms. You, out of breath, look up wide-eyed at Newt. He’s looking down at you, a small yet- wait- loving smile on his face? Since when?
Your thoughts are cut off abruptly when he grabs your and Tina’s hand and starts running.
“Come on!” He yells as you run. You charge through the corridors, but your hand has slipped out of Newts. Although Newt and Tina are still holding hands and running. Maybe you mistook the look he gave you. Maybe he didn’t love you. Maybe you were just seeing things.
Newt sends out the Swooping Evil again and it knocks out an Auror.
“Leave his brains! Come on, come on!” Newt yells, making a clicking sound. Communicating with the Swooping Evil. You had learned how to do that together.
“What is that thing?” Tina asks Newt.
“Swooping Evil,” Newt explains, not going into detail.
“Well, I love it!” She grins, and he smiles at her with that loving face of his. Your heart drops.
Then you see Queenie and Jacob round the corner, almost colliding with you, Newt, and Tina. You all stare at each other for a little while.
“Get in!” Queenie gestures to the case. You all nod. You get in and wait. Wait to get back to safety. And wait to get away from Newt.
A while later you’re all on a rooftop, looking at the dazzling city below. There’s a pigeon coop at the top of the building. Where Queenie and Jacob are. You, however, are sitting on the edge of the building. Looking at the sights and trying to ignore the dying feeling you feel inside.
“Your grandfather kept pigeons? Mine bred owls. I used to love feeding ‘em.” Queenie giggles. You stare out into the distance, thinking about the memory you saw as you eavesdrop on everyone’s conversations. Mainly Newt and Tina’s. They're standing a little bit away from you, also on the ledge.
“Graves always insisted the disturbances were caused by a beast. We need to catch all your creatures so he can’t keep using them as a scapegoat.” Tina suggests to Newt.
“There’s only one still missing. Dougal, my Demiguise.” Newt tells her. It stings when he says my, not ours. Because he was both of yours. You had both found him. They were both of your creatures. Not yours. Not his. Both of yours.
“Dougal?” Tina asks, interested.
“Slight problem is that...um, he’s invisible,” Newt explains sheepishly.
“Invisible?” Tina laughs, thinking it’s so absurd it’s funny.
“Yes- most of the time...he does...um…” Newt trails off, not knowing how to finish the sentence.
“How do you catch something that-” Tina starts, but Newt cuts her off.
“With extreme difficulty.” You can hear the smile in his voice. He enjoyed Tina and her company. Something you could no longer give him. Enjoyable company.
“Oh…” Tina trails off, sighing. You can feel the tension as you glance at them out of the corner of your eye, they were smiling and staring at each other. And Tina was getting awfully close, leaning in like that.
“Gnarlak!” Tina suddenly exclaims.
“Excuse me?” Newt asks, taken aback.
“Gnarlak- he was an informant of mine when I was an Auror! He used to trade in magical creatures on the side-” She starts to ramble.
“He wouldn’t happen to have an interest in paw prints, would he?” Newt asks, excited. You sigh.
“He’s interested in anything he can sell.” Tina grins.
“Great, let’s get going then.” You tell them abruptly, your mood souring the good one. Newt frowns at you, slightly concerned.
“Are you o-” Newt starts, but you cut him off cruelly.
“Fine. I’m fine.” You growl and stalk off. Everyone stares at you as you walk away, speechless. Queenie grimaces, trying to read your thoughts.
You were outside the Blind Pig with everyone else. Tina and Queenie suddenly raise their wands and change into flapper dresses, instantly gorgeous. You watch Newt stare at Tina. You raise your wand and change into something similar, but not the same. What you don’t notice is Newt staring at you as he magics himself a bowtie. Then, after Tina knocks on the door four times. A suspicious guard stares you all down before opening the door for you.
You look around, noticing the goblin jazz singer, multiple house elves, and many more magical people surrounding the speakeasy. You also notice the goblin jazz singer is singing something, but you pay no attention to her. You sit down at the bar with Jacob.
“How do I get a drink in this joint?” Jacob half-jokes, but then a thin bottle of brown liquid zooms into his hand. He’s stunned.
“What? Ain’t you ever seen a house-elf before?” A short, scowling house-elf asks Jacob.
“Oh, no, yeah, no, yeah of course I have...I love house-elves.” Jacob scoffs, playing along, trying to act nonchalant.
“My uncle’s a house-elf.” Jacob shrugs, obviously lying. You laugh slightly, looking at the skeptical look of the house-elf.
“Six shots of giggle-water and a lobe blaster, please.” Queenie orders as she walks up. The house-elf begrudgingly gets her order. You decide to leave those two alone and go do other things.
Seeing nothing else to really do, you sit down at an empty table. Newt sits across from you a few moments later. You look at him, surprised he’s here and not with Tina somewhere.
“You can tell me to mind my own business….but I saw something in that death potion back there. I saw you speaking to an Obscurius...and to your mother...something about her killing the Obscurius and stuff…” Newt trails off, hoping you’ll explain. You sigh.
“The Obscurius’ name was (y/s/n). She was twelve when she...when she died.” You clear your throat as you tear up, “she was my sister.” You whisper. Newt looks at you, his eyes wide in surprise.
“And that’s why you’ve never had a good relationship with your mum? Because she...she killed your sister? Her daughter?” Newt asks, realizing. You nod.
“And then when my mum died I just...I broke down. I don’t even know where my dad is. He’s disappeared off the face of the earth. Gone. Didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. And my mother and I were on terrible terms when she died. My sister and I were, too.” You sigh. Then you chuckle sadly, realizing your situation. 
“It’s like the world hates me, Newt. Everyone dies at the worst time for me. My sister died right after I...well, I had accidentally told the wrong person that she was an Obscurius and they kidnapped her and tortured her and she told me that is was all my fault, which it was...but she died right after that fight, that’s why she was the Obscurius. Because she was mad at me. Also, my mother died pretty soon after we had finally gotten in contact again after our huge fight about her killing (y/s/n). It wasn’t good contact. I was trying to reconcile but she wouldn’t have it. I ended up getting angry too and it just...didn’t go well. And my dad, well, I haven’t seen him since I was three.” You explain basically your whole family life to him. He looks at you, stunned.
“Wow.” is all he can say.
“Pretty messed up family, yeah?” You chuckle sadly. He nods.
“He’s here,” Tina tells you two, jabbing her thumb behind her at a goblin. You all walk over.
“So- you’re the two with the case full of monsters, huh? Didn’t expect a face so pretty to be getting mixed up in that kind of stuff.” Gnarlak chuckles. You scowl at him.
“News travels fast,” Newt ignores Gnarlak’s comment, “I was hoping you’d be able to tell us if there have been any sightings. Tracks. That sort of thing.” Newt explains to him.
“You’ve got a big price on your heads, you two do. Why should I help you instead of turnin’ you in?” He asks.
“I take it I’ll have to make it worth your while?” Newt asks. 
“Hmm- let’s consider it a cover charge.” Gnarlak smirks. Newt pulls out a few galleons.
“Huh- MACUSA’s offerin’ more’n that.” He tells Newt, unimpressed. You pull out a beautiful metal instrument and place it on the table.
“Lunascope? I got five.” Gnarlak tells you, unimpressed.
“Frozen Ashwinder egg!” Newt exclaims, taking an egg out of his pocket.
“You see- now we’re-” Gnarlak starts, then he pauses, taking a long look at you.
“-wait a minute... She’d do good.” Gnarlak stares at you, checking you out.
“Gross.” You give Gnarlak a pointed look.
“No.” Newt shakes his head.
“Ah, come on, that’s a good deal. She can stay with me. Am I right?” Gnarlak asks you. You look at him, your stare icy and cold.
“You’re not having her,” Newt growls.
“Well, good luck gettin’ back alive, Mr. Scamander and all you, what with the whole of MACUSA on your back.” Gnarlak stands up and walks away.
“Wait.” You call. He turns around, staring at you. Newt’s eyes widen as he turns to stare at you, too.
“I’ll do it.” 
Gnarlak grins viciously.
“(y/n)...no.” Newt shakes his head vigorously.
“It’ll be worth it. You can get MACUSA off your backs, you’ll have Tina, I’ll be fine. I can hold my own here, Newt. I’ll be okay.” You reassure him. He continues to shake his head.
“No. I’m not leaving you here.” He refuses.
“Newt, I’m forcing you to,” You growl, turning to Gnarlak, “You’ve got yourself a deal.” You nod your head and him and in a quick stride, you’re by his side.
“Ah, yeah…” Gnarlak continues to grin viciously, staring at you.
“House-elves, take her to her living quarters.” Gnarlak snickers, staring at you in delight. You growl at him.
“Keep staring and you won’t have eyes anymore.” You threaten him. His eyes snap up to yours.
“Keep talkin’ back like that and you won’t have a tongue.” He warns you back.
“Threaten me again and I’ll turn you in.” You growl.
“Not without turning yourself in.” He growls.
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.” You scowl. He growls again.
“Take her away from me. Away from here.” Gnarlak waves his hand and dismissal and you’re led down a hallway, away from Newt who’s yelling about how he can’t take care of the creatures by himself, that he needs you. If only it were true.
“I’m sorry, Miss.” A nice house-elf tells you.
“It’s alright. I made this decision on my own.” You smile at him sadly. He smiles sadly back before leading you to a door.
“Well, here we are. I suggest you-” But he’s cut off by a loud voice in the main room.
“MACUSA IS COMING!” It screams. You look, wide-eyed, at the nice house-elf. He lets go of you.
“Oops, I guess MACUSA somehow got you away from me.” He smiles at you and walks away.
“Thank you.” You whisper to him before dashing off.
“(Y/N)!” You hear Newt yelling your name.
“Here!” You tackle him to the ground. He looks at you in surprise. Partly because he’s on the ground now, partly because you’re the one who tackled him.
“Thank Merlin you’re all right.” He sighs and hugs you. You’re surprised at first since he’s not usually into hugs, but you quickly hug back, taking the moment in since you know it won’t last. He’s in love with Tina, after all.
“We have to get out of here.” You tell him reluctantly.
“I know.” He nods and gets up, helping you up too. He then grabs Jacob’s elbow and Tina’s hand. Tina grabs Queenie’s arm. You shoot a smirk at Tina then hug Newt around his waist. He’s surprised at first, not totally uncomfortable since it’s you, but not exactly in his element. He disapparates anyway.
Tag List: @xbarrjallenx  @witchyandkin
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
The start of an apprenticeship; Newt Scamander x teen reader
While I was posting up my Supernatural fics I thought why not give u guys more Newt. Now this was one of my recent and first Newt Scamander requests I got recently on Wattpad. And let me just say I had a FREAKIN blast with this story :) So I hope all of you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I was sooo happy that someone asked for a Newt request and I delivered if I do say so myself :)
Warnings: Nifflers, Demiguises, Newt Scamander fluff, Goldstein sister fluff, but real warning here, TORTURE (using one of the unforgivable curses), other than that just fluff and nifflers.
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It first started off with a simple Thanksgiving vacation from Ilvermory. I had gone to visit my older sisters Tina and Queenie to surprise them but when I got there, it turns out I was on the receiving end of a surprise, when my eldest sister Tina had brought in men into our apartment when the landlady strictly forbids men from entering the premises.
“(Y/n) what a surprise” my big sis Queenie stated happily as she came up and hugged me tightly.
“Hey Queenie, mind telling me why there are men in our apartment?” I asked nervously.
“I think you should talk to Teenie” I turned towards my eldest sister and she explained that Mr. Scamander the wizard wearing the blue trench coat had committed a crime against the secrecy of Wizard kind, and the other man Jacob Kowalski was a no-maj that is sick because of Mr. Scamander.
I took a good look at both men and saw that Mr. Scamander had shaggy brownish hair, freckles danced across his face but he held a warm presence. Even though he was tall, he wasn’t intimidating. I took notice that he held onto a suitcase very tightly and kept looking around the apartment trying to figure a way to get out.
While Mr. Kowalski had a tuff of black hair, a mustache that went all over his upper lip, he wore a suit that was just barely able to hold onto him and he did appear a little sick as his face glistened with sweat and he tried to keep his stance. I also took notice that he kept staring at my sister Queenie, not like in the way most men have stared at her like they wanted to own her as property, he was in awe and it was almost like a puppy-dog kind of way he was looking at her.
“Hey (y/n), you’ve had such a long trip from the train station so why don’t you get settled in and then come back out for dinner, and no sweets don’t count as a meal” I stuck my tongue at Queenie for using her mind-reading abilities on me.  I picked up my suitcase and went into my room and saw that it was all cleaned up for me.
I set my stuff down and began unpacking for the week vacation that I had from school.  I got changed from my uniform minus my robes into more casual nightdress. Once I was done changing, I joined up with my sisters and our guests and we all sat down and ate the delicious meal my sisters had prepared.
After dinner, Queenie and Jacob seemed to get a long really well as they talked about their love for cooking and baking.  I smiled softly at them never once seeing my sister so happy before in her entire life talking to someone who also enjoyed the same thing’s she did. Like I had said before, most guys think of wanting to get her as a trophy wife and have her be the stay-at-home woman cooking and preparing coffee for them, or just use her as a chance to cheat on their own wives or girlfriends to show them that they could get someone better than them on the side when they don’t give them what the guys want.
Thankfully my sister always stands up for herself and tells them straight away that she’s not interested or goes right to the girlfriends or wives and tells them of what their spouses are doing. But seeing her now with Jacob, he’d be good husband material in my eyes for my sister, if it wasn’t for the laws of wizarding community here in America. 
That’s why when I get out of Ilvermory, I want to travel the world and I don’t know maybe settle down in England since their laws are looser when it comes to No-Magic people or No-majs as we call them here.
“Our little sister here is just about to be done with school. Top in all her classes and is looking at a full scholarship into getting into MACUSA’s International Research team. She’s always wanted to travel the world, haven’t you sweetie?” Queenie said to me.
“Yeah, it’s always been a dream of mine. Travel the world, see what other cultures are like”. I said to Jacob.
And Tina or as I sometimes like to call her Tina “Kill-joy” Goldstein struck again when I heard Queenie state solemnly that she wasn’t flirting.
“I’m just saying don’t go getting attached he’s gonna have to be obliviated. It’s nothing personal”. Tina stated solemnly.
“Oh hey, you okay honey?” Queenie asked Jacob as I began to take notice of his starting to get dizzy and his sweating began to grow worse.
“Ms. Goldstein I think Mr. Kowalski can do with an early night, besides you and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my niffler so….” Mr. Scamander stated as he sat up from his chair. I tilted my head in confusion and Queenie and I said to Tina at the same time.
“What’s a niffler?”
“Don’t ask” she muttered. “Okay you guys can bunk in here” she said as she walked towards their room. 
Once settling down for the night, Queenie knocked at my door and I told her to come in and she came in with a cup of hot cocoa.
“Hey sweetie, thought you might like a drink before bed”.
“Thanks Queenie”. I said as she came up to me and I took the cup from her and blew on it before taking a small sip. 
“How is your year going so far?”
“It’s going well. Me and Danielle continue to do our competitions with each other in our Potions class, just last week she was going so fast in trying to outdo me that she caused her potion to explode right in her face, but I helped her clean up after class in the end cause I couldn’t let her take it alone”.
“You girls and your competitions, but you are a good friend to helping her clean up the classroom, so you excited to have finally brought your wand outside of school?”
“Yes never have I been happier then when they told me I could finally bring my wand home”. You see since the Magical community in America is so paranoid about being exposed by the no-majs, Ilvermory has issued a law that anyone under 17 cannot take their wands out of school. 
They have to remain inside their dorms at all times when it comes to home visits and only until the wizard or witch reaches 17 years old, then and only then can they bring their wands outside of class, but one slip-up of using magic outside of school grounds or using magic outside of my current residence, results in severe punishment even expulsion from the school.
But since I just turned 17 on All Hallow’s Eve, I was officially allowed to bring my wand home with me.
“Now you can help me cook some meals” she stated.
“Yep, I can’t wait”.
“But for now it’s time to go to sleep, no into bed little missy”. I placed my cocoa down on my nightstand by my bed and Queenie tucked me in and kissed me goodnight. “Night honey”.
“Night Queenie” I stated tiredly as I yawned. She then turned off my lights with her wand and closed the sliding doors behind her as she left for the guest room. 
Later that night I had this dream of seeing President Picquery’s right hand wizard Mr. Graves in his office.  Why I was dreaming about him I have no idea, I mean I only met the wizard once when I was first being interviewed for the scholarship that Ilvermory was giving me. I didn’t speak to him physically but I saw him around, plus my sister Tina talks about him constantly always getting on her back about something.
But what happened next was something I never expected to see in my dreams. His face appeared to change his onyx black hair with bleach white, his facial structure began to slightly change into a much older man and his eyes were the biggest changes of all. One was pure black while the other was pure white.  I had seen this wizard being posted around in the Ilvermory news. 
It was Gellert Grindelwald. 
I shot up in my bed panting frantically and I quickly got dressed and cried out for Tina and Queenie but no one responded. I then called out for Mr. Scamander or Jacob, again got no response.  That was until I saw a note on the kitchen table from my sisters.  I picked up the note and it read.
Newt and Jacob left the apartment, Teen went to find them and I was called into work. Things have gotten more dangerous now at MACUSA with all that’s been happening. Please just stay home, lock the door don’t answer it for anyone okay honey? I should be back by sunrise.
Love, Queenie. 
No, no, no, no they—they need to be warned. They need to know who Graves really is. I immediately got dressed and then apparated out of the apartment and flew myself all the way to MACUSA.
By the time I got there, it was completely empty with only a handful of people walking around.  As I walked through the hallways I then heard a voice call out my name. When I turned around I saw that it was my sister’s boss Mr. Abernathy.
“Oh hi Mr. Abernathy, so sorry to come in so early but I was wondering do you know where either of my sisters are at?”
“I’m not sure about Goldstein but Queenie she’s downstairs preparing coffee for the council meeting downstairs, is there a problem?”
“Yeah it’s—it’s a lady problem. And I would really like one of my sisters to come home and help me out”. At that statement he backed off and let me go my way and I thanked him. I walked on as if I had only one destination to get to then when no one was looking, I apparated towards Mr. Graves’ office.
Once I got there, I took out my wand and pointed it at his door and whispered.
“Alohamora” but it didn’t work.  I then ran through my head all the unlocking spells that I knew and tried “Aberto” again that didn’t work. “Oh come on (y/n) think!” I began running through my head again one last time I then came to a spell Danielle once taught me an unlock spell that is so obvious that most people wouldn’t remember it.  I then took a deep breath and pointed my wand at the lock and whispered “Sesamius Opus” at that I heard his door open. “Thank you Dani”. I then went inside Mr. Graves’ office.
I looked around for whatever spell or potion was used for Grindelwald’s disguise but couldn’t find anything.  I was so focused in trying to find whatever it was that helped Grindelwald with his disguise that I was completely unaware that the devil himself was right behind me.
When I turned around and saw “Mr. Graves” standing there, I quickly took out my wand but before I could even get one syllable out of my mouth, he used his wand to fire my wand out of my hand leaving me defenseless. He then fire a shot right at my stomach sending me towards the wall and soon I felt his hand around my throat.
“What are you doing in here child? This section is strictly forbidden”.
“I know….who you are”. At that statement he sighed deeply and said.
“Much like your sister, always turning up where you’re not needed. What gave me away?” I remained silent not wanting to tell him anything.  I felt his grip tighten around my throat cutting off my airway even more than before. “Answer me and I will let you walk with only your mind obliviated of this encounter”. I choked out but managed to somehow get enough spit into my mouth before spitting right in his face.He glared at me with soulless dark eyes and the next thing I knew I saw blackness. 
When I awoke I found myself in a pure white room chained up to a levitating chair.  I saw what looked like a sea of potion surrounding me.
“You are indeed the more interesting out of your sisters Ms. Goldstein.” I looked up to see Grindelwald himself standing before me. “Top of your classes in all years at Ilvermory, especially in the dark arts and potions. Your professors even praise you for your talents, you could be a great witch one day. Maybe even more. Now answer my one question, how did you see through my disguise?” Even though I was scared to death at seeing the infamous dark wizard before me, I refused to allow him to see me fear. So I kept quiet.
“Crucio” I then felt a surge of agonizing pain come through me as I held in my screams and panted heavily. “I grow tired of your silence my dear, tell me how you managed to see through my disguise and I’ll let you and your family go”.
“Drop….dead” I panted.
“Not what I was looking for, Crucio”. I felt the same pain go through my again. I kept hearing him whisper Crucio again and again and again never once refraining. He didn’t care that I was just a child, he was willing to watch me suffer and he didn’t even care if I would die or not.
I kept screaming in agony as I couldn’t take the pain any longer until I finally answered him.
“I HAVE FORESIGHT! I have foresight….I have foresight” I sobbed out.
It’s true. Like my sister Queenie who was a Legilimens, I was gifted foresight when I was around 8 years old. They don’t happen much and only through dreams do I get them. I haven’t really had one in years when I saw myself traveling the world with someone. Back then I was still learning to control my powers so I never did see who it was that I would one day travel with, but that’s what’s pushed me to getting the International research spot in MACUSA.
“Foresight, I never thought I’d see one so young. And if you were able to see past my spell, as I stated earlier Ms. Goldstein you must be very powerful for your age, and could be even more. Join me, imagine what kind of power you could obtain, what you could create. See a new world where Wizards rule and the muggles live under our reign”.
“Psychopath!” I panted out. His eyes narrowed then Grindelwald shifted back into Mr. Graves and he said in Graves’ voice.
“Very well then, Ms. (Y/n) Goldstein you are hereby guilt of trespassing and assaulting an Auror. You are thereby sentenced to death and your sisters will receive the same sentence”.
“No….no please th-they didn’t……”
“Shhh” he the pointed his wand at the chair and I was now being lowered towards the death potion. I let out weak sobs as I saw three people in white coats now come in to watch me be executed. I threw my head back silently praying for someone to help me and that’s when I heard the door slam open and what sounded like a fight came out.
My vision was blurry but I swore I thought I saw a flash of blue fighting off the three executioners.
“(Y/n)!” I opened my eyes trying to focus my vision and it was there I saw standing before me was Mr. Scamander.
“Mr. Scamander?” I stated out.
“Hang on I’ll get you out of there”. He then pointed his wand which unlocked me from my chains but before he could do another spell I tried to tell him.
“Mr. Scamander behind you!” He was then suddenly punched by the male executioner and the two of them began to try to over-power the other.  Newt then cleverly kicked the male’s shin inward and release some kind of bat-like greenish-blue creature and it flew around until it tackled the man down which forced his wand into the death potion making it sizzle like boiling water and raise it up higher towards me.
I whimpered and tried to stand up but I could only curl myself up into the chair.
“Mr. Scamander!” I cried out.
“Now, now don’t panic everything’s gonna be just fine. Now listen to me (y/n). I need you to jump towards me”.
“I—I can’t…..He used the Crucio spell on me”.
“Alright, alright”. He then made some sort of hissing sound at the creature and soon it began to change its flying pattern and circle under and then over me. “Jump”. I looked to him and then at the creature flying over me and I said.
“You’re insane”.
“Jump on him (y/n). Don’t worry I’ve got you”. As I saw myself now beginning to be encaged by the death potion, I tried to stand up but every muscle in my body refused to obey me, plus I was deathly scared. What if I didn’t make it? What if he didn’t grab me in time? What if I died today?
“I—I can’t…..I’m scared. I won’t make it, I can’t make it Newt I—”
“Hey, hey (y/n). Look at me, okay I need you to look at nothing but me right now, can you do that for me?” Tears filled my eyes as I looked up at him and he told me. “I’ll catch you. I swear to you (y/n), I swear on my life that I won’t let you die. I promise I’ll catch you. I’ve got you (y/n)”. Looking into his blue-green eyes filled me with some warmth and I knew that I could trust him, even after just meeting him today. 
I nodded telling him that I believed him. And no matter how much my muscles were screaming at me, I began to slowly stand up just enough so that I would be able to jump.
“That’s it, I’ve got you (y/n)….Go!” I then took my best leap and managed to land on the creature’s back before flying forwards and I fell into Newt’s arms.  He then held his hand out and the creature turned into a cocoon in his hand and he said to me, “Hold on”. He then adjusted me so that I was being carried bridal style in his arms as I cried out in pain but he calmed me down by shushing me softly before taking off running.
Newt ran down the hallway with me still in his arms. He had me so adjusted in his arms that as he was running I wasn’t being jostled around.  I then saw flashes of light heading straight for us as I knew the Aurors had been alerted of an escape and I heard the sound of the alarms going off.  Newt hid us behind a pillar and released the creature out and it flew around knocking the Aurors. As Newt came out running he then stopped and I heard him say.
“Leave his brains come on! Come on!” The creature then obeyed as it took off flying again. As more Aurors came for us, the creature protected us by simply tackling them down to the ground.  As Newt kept running I asked him.
“What was that thing?”
“Swooping Evil” he answered me.
“I gotta get me one of those”. I joked. Newt kept running on but soon stopped just as we were about to reach the exit and just when I was thinking we had been stopped by more Aurors or even worse Grindelwald himself, I was beyond relieved to see my sisters and Jacob standing before us.  Queenie held Newt’s case while Tina had all their wands plus my own.
“Oh (y/n) thank Merlin you’re alive!” Tina stated as she came up to me and took me from Newt’s arms and she and Queenie both hugged me but I groaned in pain.
“She said she was attacked by the Crucio curse” Newt explained to them.
“What?!” my sisters exclaimed worriedly as they both looked over me.  As Queenie turned her head she then gestured towards the suitcase as she still held it in her hands, “Get in” she stated firmly. One by one we all went into the case then Newt and Tina both helped me down into the suitcase.  Newt carried me down the steps before handing me to Tina who was at the bottom of the steps and as I was transferred to my sister, I saw that I was in some kind of shed.
“Place her over here” I heard Newt’s voice say. I was then gently placed as I cried out in pain on a soft makeshift mattress.  I felt Tina sit beside me stroking the hair away from my face.
“I thought we told you to stay home sweetie?”
“You—you needed to…..”
“Shhh don’t speak now” my eldest sister whispered. I then heard Newt’s voice say.
“Lift her head a bit, have her drink this. This should give her back some of her strength”. My head was then raised up and I felt something touch my lips and I felt a potion working its way down my throat softly.  I swallowed it whole and once I was done, I felt myself growing very tired before I blacked out in exhaustion.
*3rd Person POV*
Tina dabbed her youngest sister’s head with a damp cloth and Newt said to her.
“That should do it, now all she needs is some rest”.
“What exactly is that Crucio thing that did this to her?” asked Jacob.
“It’s one of the three unforgivable curses. The three most powerful and dangerous spells that any witch or wizard can do. One is an instant kill, the other can control a person’s actions against their will, but the one (y/n) was submitted to tortures the victim beyond any levels. Think of it as someone taking a hot iron rod and touching it to your skin from the inside”. Tina explained.  She turned back towards her sister and took a better look at her.
Her once vibrant skin was now ghostly pale, her eyes that were once filled with light were now sunken in and dark circles underneath her eyes. She couldn’t believe that someone in MACUSA knew the unforgivable curses and would do that to an innocent child.
“Here, for once she wakes up. This should give her some more strength and energy”. Jacob handed to Tina one of his grandmother’s desserts that he presented to the bank before all this mess started. Tina nodded in gratitude then she set the treat beside her sister then the two men left Tina alone with her sister.
*My POV*
When I woke up I found myself in a shed. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them up I was staring face to umm….snout with some black, furry creature.  It had a pink snout, black fur, webbed feet with claws and a stout tail.  It sniffed at me before cuddling right back into me.
Normally someone would scream at seeing something just staring at them especially if they didn’t look like a normal animal, me on the other hand, I thought the creature was cute and it was friendly enough to cuddle with.  I giggled and pet it when I heard the door to the shed open and Mr. Scamander came in saying.
“For the last time you pilfering pest, stay in your burrow and don’t go—Oh (y/n), how are you feeling?”
“Better, much better actually. Wh—where am I? Last thing I remember was being in MACUSA”.
“You were hit with one of the forgivable curses, luckily for you I managed to brew a potion strong enough to give you back some of your strength. Now I would suggest still getting some rest, you were barely able to stand when I got you out”.
“Oh yeah you—you saved me. Thank you Mr. Scamander, I owe you my life”.
“Oh please call me Newt, and there’s no need to thank me”.
“Yes there is Newt, if it hadn’t been for you I’d…..well I doubt I’d even be here”.
“Well I couldn’t just let you die could I?” I smiled then I turned my attention back to the creature in my lap and I asked him.
“And who is this little guy?”
“Oh that is my niffler. Terrible bugger he is, anything shiny and he’s off like a shot. Grummy little thief, I thought him wanting to come in here was because I must’ve left something shiny in here, but I guess he wanted to come and see you. Dougal was also wanting to see you, he always has that parental sense in wanting to care for things”.
“Dougal?” I questioned.
“Do—do you think you can walk? Try and stand up for me?” I slowly found my footing and tried to lift myself up.  Wobbled the first few times but I managed to find my footing and proceeded to walk towards Newt.  He held his arm out for me to take just in case I felt like falling so I went ahead and took it. “Now before we head out I must warn you advance, it is a bit much for first timers”. He then opened the door to the shed and the second we stepped out, it was like I was in a whole new world.
Multiple habitats like those no-maj zoos that I’ve always visited whenever I came home from school but without the cages surrounded the entire area.  I was in awe and bewildered by the amount of space this suitcase had, it was truly bigger on the inside.
Dozens upon dozens of creatures were around roaming freely around their habitats but my attention was drawn to the magnificent Thunderbird to my left. I was in pure awe at seeing my Ilvermory house creature standing before me.
“Is—is that a—”
“Yes, he’s the reason I came to America. His name’s Frank, I found him in Egypt all chained up, I couldn’t leave him there so I rescued him, healed his wounds and brought him here to take him back to his home in the wilds of Arizona”. Soon a white furry creature with big golden eyes came up towards me and hopped onto my back and started stroking my hair.  “This is Dougal, he’s a Demiguise, fundamentally peaceful most of the time but can give a nasty nip or two if provoked”.
“Hello Dougal” I reached up and stroked through his soft fur and he let out a purr like sound as he leaned in against my hand then he adjusted himself more until he clung to my back.  Newt continued to show me around the case where I got to meet more of his creatures and he even introduced me to a creature I thought I had been seeing move around in his cloak at dinner earlier yesterday evening.
He told me that his name was Pickett the Bowtruckle and he has some attachment issues of not wanting to leave Newt’s side and join his branch (which is what a family of Bowtruckles is called).  But if I’m completely honest, out of all the creatures I’ve met, I seem drawn to the niffler the most. The little guy even gave me one of his gold coins and Newt was surprised at that, telling me that he’s never shared his gold with anyone before, not even Newt.
“(Y/n)!” I heard two voices cry out my name and soon I saw my sisters running up towards me and I embraced them both.
“How are you feeling honey?” asked Queenie.
“Better than what I was earlier”.
“Why didn’t you stay home like we asked you to?” questioned Tina.
“I—I had a vision about Mr. Graves, guys….he’s not who he says he is”.
“Wh-what do you mean sweetheart?” asked Jacob.
“I mean that Mr. Graves never even existed. Not until he came to MACUSA, and how is it that he’s managed to rise faster in the ranks of Auror command than any other Auror who had worked for President Madam Picquery? Guys…..Mr. Graves is actually Gellert Grindelwald”.  They all looked at me in shock except for Newt who might have had the same suspicions as I did.
“(Y/n) are you sure that he’s Grindelwald?”
“Teen, have my visions ever been wrong? Why would you doubt me now?”
“She’s right Tina, just from talking to him when we were being interrogated there was something about him that almost had a similar connection to Grindelwald’s belief. With all these attacks that have been happening that you’ve told me about, the obscurus. Grindelwald would seek a chance like that to expose us to the Muggle-world”. Newt backed me up.
Before we could continue on with our conversation, Frank suddenly went on the defense as thunder rumbled above us and he was flapping his wings almost anxiously.
“Danger, he senses danger”. Newt stated.
“(Y/n), you need to get home right now” stated Tina.
“What no I’m coming to help you guys!” I snapped at her.
“This isn’t a request. He already hurt you once, almost killed you I—I can’t let that happen again!” Tina choked.  I walked up to her and embraced her and I said to her.
“I learned from the best witch on how to fight. Now that I know exactly who I’m dealing with and won’t fight blindly, I’ll only step in when I need to”. She looked at me skeptically but I stared back at her with strong eyes determined to not back down from my decision.
“Just stay close to either me or Newt okay?” I nodded then we all began formulating a plan to stop Grindelwald. 
*Time skip to after the battle with Credence*
After Credence was destroyed by the Aurors and “Graves” tried to persuade the Aurors of their crime and how the supposed law to keep us save from the no-majs and asked them if it really protects us or them. At that moment Graves snapped and tried to kill Madam President Picquery but Newt used the Swooping evil to distract him and fired out some kinda of cocoon webbing to trap Graves where he stood as my sister used the Accio spell to bring Grave’s wand to her. As he turned to us with hatred in his eyes I said to President Picquery and the other Aurors.
“You all have been deceived. Mr. Graves was a fictional character created to hide his true form”. I then pointed my wand at him and made an R shape as I stated, “Revelio”. At that moment Graves began to breathe out harshly as his hair changed into the bleach blonde, the older face began to form as well as the mustache.  As I circled before him there kneeling before the Aurors was Gellert Grindelwald himself.
“Do you think you can hold me?” He asked President Picquery.
“We’ll do our best, Mr. Grindelwald” she stated lowly. It was then two Aurors came up and took him into custody and walked him out of the subway.  Newt came up to me and hid me from Grindelwald’s view as he stopped right in front of us.  The dark wizard turned towards us and he said to Newt.
“Will we die, just a little?” His eyes then turned towards me and he smirked wickedly down at me before being lead up the stairs. 
After he was taken into custody, in order to obliviate the entire city of New York, Newt suggested that by using the Swooping evil venom he could use Frank to create a thunderstorm and that should erase every no-majs memory of everything that happened tonight.  Seeing Newt say goodbye to Frank was heartbreaking and I knew it had to be even harder for Newt.
I mean he told me he had basically helped raise Frank back up on his feet the moment he rescued him.  To all of his creatures he saw them as his children and he vowed to protect every one of them, but now he had to let one of them go just like he was set off to do before all of this craziness started.
“(Y/n) come here please”. I heard Newt’s voice say to me.  I was surprised to see both him and Frank looking at me. I turned towards my sisters and they both nodded at me to go on so I cautiously walked up and held out my hand and Frank brought his beak to my hand and I stroked through his feathers. “Seems he’s come to like you”.
“I wish I had more time to get to know the creature that represents my house. But I know this is for the best, like you said this is why you came to America in the first place. And you must be willing to let them go”.
“Indeed” I heard him say.  After Frank was done nuzzling my chest he then let out a cry and turned towards Newt who said. “You know what you’ve got to do”. He then tossed a vile of the Swooping evil venom in the air and Frank caught it in his beak and took off flying high into the sky.  I stared in awe watching him go higher and higher into the sky.  Seeing him cause the sky to darken and thunder boom in the sky as well as lightning flash until finally a big boom was heard and rain began falling.
The Aurors then began to repair the damage of the battle while the no-majs went about their normal day as if nothing happened. Once everything was cleaned up, President Picquery ordered us that Jacob had to be obliviated because even one witness could cause trouble but she allowed us to say goodbye before she and the rest of the Aurors walked out of the subway.  
At the top of the subway exit, we said our goodbyes to Jacob even though it was hard, especially for Queenie.  She tried to convince that she would be willing to come with him and that she’d never find anyone like him.  Even though he tried to brush it off, she assured him that there was only one like him.  I then tried to stop him by whimpering out his name but he assured me.
“It’s okay kid, it’s okay. It’s just like waking up right?” Then without another moment’s hesitation, Jacob stepped out into the rain and allowed the potion to do its work.  Queenie then used her wand to form an umbrella above her as she walked towards Jacob, stroked his face and gave him a kiss.  I lowered my head sadly as tears fell down my face and I hugged Teen and she rubbed my back and stroked down my hair comfortingly.
Queenie then came back towards us and though we hate to, we apparated out of the subway and back to our apartment before Jacob could open his eyes. 
The next few days I received the letter I knew I had been dreading. Ilvermory had caught wind of my use of reckless magic in MACUSA headquarters and for that I was expelled from Ilvermory and my scholarship into the International research has been revoked.
I sighed heavily then I heard Newt’s voice say.
“Something troubling you?”
“Yeah, I’ve been expelled from Ilvermory and my scholarship opportunity into the MACUSA Research team has been revoked. Even if Madam President could convince them to reinstate my scholarship I doubt there’s any way I’ll get back and finish my last year of school. And I doubt MACUSA will hired a student with an expulsion record”.
“Actually….there is another way you could see the world” he stated.
“And what is that if I may ask?” I asked.
“For a while now I’ve been thinking about hiring an apprentice. Someone who could keep an eye on me from over-working myself and helping me with my creatures. I’m always traveling the world discovering new things for my book and I would like an editor by my side at all times instead of waiting for weeks on end to hear a response back”.
“Are you—you’re offering me an internship?”
“Now it won’t pay much, but you’ll get to do what you’ve wanted to do your whole life. See different cultures, meet new people, and you’ll be my first young witch I educate on why Magical creatures should be protected instead of being hunted to extinction”. I smiled at him and he said, “Plus I think the niffler would miss you. He kinda likes you”. I laughed softly and hugged Newt and said to him.
“Thank you Newt, for everything”. He was tense at first but then he relaxed and embraced me back and said.
“You’re welcome”.
After a long talk between Newt, Tina and Queenie about his offer of hiring me as his apprentice, they agreed that the best thing for me right now especially after my expulsion would be to go with Newt to get some experience out there in the world.
So a few days later after setting up my passport and packing all my things up, Tina and Queenie came with Newt and I to the docks that would take us to Madrid, Spain and then from there the world was my oyster.  After Tina and Newt said their goodbyes to each other, Queenie embraced me tightly and said as she rocked me.
“You have fun and listen to everything Newt tells you okay honey?”
“I will Queenie”.
“I’ll miss you baby sister”.
“Not as much as I’ll miss you big sister”. She kissed my cheek and hugged me one last time before I turned to Tina.  She smiled and hugged me and said.
“You be sure to write to us as much as you can”.
“I will I promise Tina”. She kissed my forehead and stroked the hair out of my face before turning to Newt and said to him.
“You make sure to look after her for us”.
“You have my word, no harm will come to her under my watch”. The boat then let out a blow of its horn. “Come on (y/n), we better board or else they’ll leave without us”.
“Coming Newt”. My sisters smiled down at my proudly with tears in their eyes and we all got into one last sisterly group hug and they both kissed each of my cheeks then I followed behind my teacher and the two of us walked onboard the ship and as we took off, I waved by to my sisters and they waved back to me until New York was out of our sights.  I sat myself beside my new mentor and he said, 
“Ready to begin your teachings?”
“Indeed Professor Scamander” I joked making the two of us laugh then he took out his journal and ran through the basics with me.
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under-the-lake · 6 years
It Has To Be You  -  Fantastic Beasts The Second: What we know (or don’t) so far
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WARNING: SPOILERS (writing this 9-10th August 2018)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - The Crimes of Grindelwald, Second Film of the five-film franchise, coming out 16th November 2018… already there! Can’t wait, to be honest. However, there’s some clues that have been dropped by the Wizarding Community online and that can allow us some kind of anticipatory excitement. Here’s a sort of summary, along with some personal thoughts and dug out information, because why bother only summarize when you can actually think?
Let’s start with the trailers, shall we?
Teaser trailer from Pottermore (PM - posted 13th March 2018): https://www.pottermore.com/news/watch-the-first-trailer-for-fantastic-beasts-the-crimes-of-grindelwald
Second official trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlCKOG9ut8g
Short ID
Warner Bros., Heyday Films, 2018, directed by David Yates, screenplay by Joanne K. Rowling, music by James N. Howard.
Setting: London, Hogwarts, Cliffs of Dover, Muggle and Wizarding Paris (we get to see the local equivalent of Diagon Alley - entrance via a statue), New York, (maybe Godric’s Hollow?), 1927, plus at least Hogwarts in the early 1900s.
Main Characters: Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne), Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law), Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp), The Niffler, Pickett, Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler), Tina and Queenie Goldstein (Katherine Waterston and Alison Sudol), Credence Barebone (Ezra Miller) and his Obscurus.
Secondary Characters: Leta Lestrange (Zoë Krawitz), Nicolas Flamel (Brontis Jodorowski), Seraphina Piquery (Carmen Ejogo), Theseus Scamander (Newt’s brother, Callum Turner), Maledictus (Claudia Kim), Skender (owner of the Circus Arcanus, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson), Abernathy (a Macusa supervisor, Kevin Guthrie), Vinda Rosier (Poppy Corby-Tuech), Spielman (Wolf Roth), Bunty (Newt’s assistant, Victoria Yeates), Torquil Travers (Derek Riddell), Arnold Guzman (Cornell S. John), Yusuf Kama (William Nadylam), Eulalie Hicks (Jessica Williams), Mrs Lestrange (Sabine Crossen), Laurena Kama (Isaura Barbé-Brown), Credence’s Aunt (Linda Santiago).
Rough plot outlines:
The series ranges from 1926 to 1945, when Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and Tom Riddle graduated from Hogwarts. See… there’s no end to evil, only keeping it at bay.
The story of The Crimes of Grindelwald  is set just after the first film. If you remember well, in 1926, Newt was in New York apparently buying an Appaloosa Puffskein and unofficially releasing his Thunderbird back in Arizona. He gets into trouble because of a 21-year old Obscurial, Credence Barebone, and is condemned to death along with his friend Porpentina Goldstein, by Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) supervisor Percival Graves. Miss Goldstein was at the time a dismissed Auror from MACUSA - she was investigating the New Salem Philanthropic Society - NSPS - against the orders of her superiors. They escape, along with Tina’s sister Queenie and a No-Maj (US word for Muggle), Jacob Kowalski. The group eventually confronts Percival Graves in the Subway tunnel, and in front of Seraphina Picquery (head of MACUSA) and her crew, they uncover Gellert Grindelwald under the traits of Graves. Grindelwald is taken into custody. Kowalski is Obliviated, along with apparently all the Muggles in New York, by some weird rain that raised a lot of questions, the Thunderbird flies to Arizona and Newt returns to the UK.
In 1927, Newt’s book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, has been published, Grindelwald has escaped MACUSA and is gathering followers. He wants to expose the Magical Community, and advocates Wizard supremacy over Muggles. Sounds familiar. Newt is sent to Paris by Dumbledore to track down the Dark Wizard, and the Ministry of Magic people don’t seem exactly ecstatic about that. Credence has survived and is becoming more powerful, apparently siding with a mysterious cursed woman called Maledictus who works for a non less mysterious circus called Arcanus. We can imagine that Tina, reinstated Auror for MACUSA, has been sent to track Grindelwald, and she and Newt meet again, together with Queenie and Jacob.
Apparently, from the trailers, we’ll be back at Hogwarts during Newt’s school years but also later.
What Has Been Disclosed So Far
‘Following the declassification of certain secret documents kept at the Ministry of Magic, the wizarding world has recently learned a little more about the creation of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I am not yet in a position to tell the full story of my activities during the two decades that Gellert Grindelwald terrorised the wizarding world. As more documents become declassified over the coming years, I will be freer to speak openly about my role in that dark period of our history.
It is true that I was the first ever person to capture Gellert Grindelwald and also true that Albus Dumbledore was something more than a schoolteacher to me. More than this I cannot say without fear of breaching the Official Magical Secrets Act or, more importantly, the confidences that Dumbledore, most private of men, place in me.’
(Scamander, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, 2017, pp. x and xii)
A poster made by MinaLima for the Comic Con of San Diego this year reveals a lot (see picture below): People (Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Credence and Maledictus, Leta and Theseus), locations (Hogwarts, London, Paris), a Thestral-driven carriage, the Deathly Hallows and a Snake...
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To start with, Grindelwald is free. That was pretty obvious though. It looks like Seraphina Picquery’s cells and measures of protection weren’t enough. In the trailer Grindelwald is seen in a thestral-drawn carriage (I thought the only tame ones were at Hogwarts, and only after Hagrid tamed them, so way later), wands pointing at him. The two men driving the carriage look like back-dressed Willy Wonkas :P and the carriage is followed by two people on broomsticks. What happened? Grindelwald is still with long hair and beard so when does this take place?
Once free, Grindelwald is making his point to a big crowd, trying to convince them to follow him. His inner wish is of course wizard supremacy over Muggles and other non-magical beings like Squibs. His ‘official’ version is that wizards shouldn’t be in hiding. He’s seen working with a woman holding a skull, who is Vinda Rosier (another ancestor to Death Eater Evan Rosier? Even the first names sound similar).
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Grindelwald has his own logo, apparently, that looks like two letters ‘G’ put back to back, and that actually resemble a distorted swastika…. (see zoomed picture above). Well, the film takes place during one of the darkest periods of European history, namely the one during which rough extreme dictatorships rose... We don’t see it in the trailer (or I’m really blind), but we can assume that Grindelwald has already stolen the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch. The crew made Dumbledore’s first wand similar to the Elder one, though, as seen on a tweeted picture.. I am not sure if I like it yet.
A second major news is that we’re going back to Hogwarts, on two distinct occurences in time, it seems. The first is 1927, while what seems like a delegation of the Ministry of Magic (MoM - that has a different logo then, more in the fashion of the times) comes to confront Dumbledore about his use of Newt Scamander on a mission in Paris. It makes sense to think they are MoM people because among them is Theseus Scamander, Newt’s brother, who is Head of the Auror Office at the time. Along with him on the MoM team is a bloke called Travers. Rings a bell? His family tree has a Death Eater on it, later in the 20th century. The lines from the trailer are the following:
MoM Official: ‘There’s a rumour that Newt Scamander is headed to Paris. I know that he’s working under your orders. What do you have to say for yourself, Dumbledore?’
Dumbledore: ‘Well, if you ever had the pleasure to teach him, you’d know Newt is not a great follower of orders.’
However, Dumbledore and Newt have a meeting that has to be secret (since it’s shot on the roof of St Paul’s cathedral, London), and that tends to back up the idea that Newt is working ‘for’ Dumbledore. Moreover, Newt owes Dumbledore, who made a strong case for Newt not to be expelled from Hogwarts, as we learnt in the first film.
The second occasion on which we visit Hogwarts is during Newt’s school years as a Hufflepuff boy there. Maybe we’ll have more details about his relationship with Leta Lestrange. We know he loved her, and shared her passion for creatures. When one of Leta’s experiments with a Jarvey went wrong, Newt took the blame to prevent her from being expelled. Dumbledore defended Newt, and we don’t know if the expulsion finally took place or not. However, Newt could keep his wand, which would tend to back up the theory according to which he could stay at Hogwarts and graduate. What also backs up this theory is the fact that he’s been working for the MoM, which wouldn’t have hired someone without top grades in N.E.W.T.s so... yeh. Not expelled, I believe. We also know that later, Leta fell for Newt’s brother Theseus and got engaged to him.
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One of the trailer scenes pictures Newt taking over a Boggart. The film crew placed the same cupboard in the DADA classroom as in the Prisoner of Azkaban film, which is all right given the period, I mean on an antiques point of view. Why assume that Boggarts would be hidden in the same cupboard, though? Moreover, who is teaching DADA but Dumbledore. That doesn’t make sense at all. That being said, Newt’s Boggart is funny: a desk full of in-trays and papers (see picture above). Because his worst fear is to be made to work in an office (that’s what he says in the trailer).
To stay with Newt a bit longer, do you remember how he did not have a Wand Permit for the USA? Well, his travelling troubles seem to have no end. From some official documents, we can see that his MoM Travel Permit is pending, because ‘subject uncooperative and evasive on reasons for last trip’. If it had only been a trip to collect data for his book he would not have been evasive or uncooperative…. (picture below)
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Among the latest news, we learn that Newt wanted to go back to New York once his book was launched. He didn’t seek celebrity, he wanted to find Tina. Unfortunately for his introvert self, his book is a success. Redmayne says ‘Newt has been grounded in London and unable to leave.’ (Buzzfeed, 10.8.2018). In the same post we learn that Newt has a basement to his London apartment, that Rowling intended as a creature hospital. It is actually an extension of Newt’s suitcase, and is apparently bottomless. The entrance is…. You’ll never guess…. Via a cupboard under the stairs! I’m NOT taking the mickey.
Something unexpected, maybe is the appearance of a well-known prop. The trailer shows lights being sucked from street lamps. That can mean only one thing: Dumbledore had already invented the Deluminator (aka Put-Outer) in 1927. Who’s using it though? The shadows won’t yet reveal the answer. Is the use Ron Weasley put it to going to be displayed too?
Another point that has been fantasised about is Credence. Credence has survived the blasting in the Subway tunnel, and is now more powerful and seems more angry than ever. At one point in the first trailer, he is in the circus and frees some kind of creatures from a glass ball, or so it looks like at least. He’s also seen intensely looking at the posters advertising the circus….
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From one fishy character to another… Who is Maledictus? She is Credence’s companion as it appears. She is said to bear a blood curse that transforms her into a beast, and that she’s one of the attractions of the Circus Arcanus, owned by Skender, currently on tour in Paris. One of the posters says ‘Snake Girl’... and Maledictus means ‘cursed’ but also ‘ill spoken’. We also know that the Circus was on tour in New York late 1926, and left only at the beginning of January 1927 to cross the Pond to France. Hm….. could Credence and Maledictus have met before? Or is it a new acquaintance? Why would Credence be in Paris otherwise?
The most unexpected visit to the film might be that of Nicolas Flamel. It makes sense since he lives in Paris (or does he still? We know from the Dumbledore Frog Card from 1991 that he lives in Devon), but I wonder what is going to be his role. He meets Jacob, that’s sure, from the trailer. Will he be meeting Dumbledore? Some kind of alchemical discussion could be really nice, and offer a rest in the probably action-packed-CGI-ed film. It appears from pictures that Newt will at some point hold an alchemical symbol, which, if I remember well, is that of gold. It’s a circle with a dot in the middle. What significance to this? Link with the Hallows? Or the Philosopher’s Stone? 
Another point is that there’s a hint, on Pottermore, that the film will show us younger versions of the main characters. Does that mean yet another flashback? Apparently. That fits the fact that we are to see Newt at school, in the early 1900s, but it also says that there is going to be a younger Grindelwald. Would that mean that maybe we could have a glimpse of that visit he payed to his great-aunt Bagshot in Godric’s Hollow the summer after Dumbledore graduated?
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Let’s move to Creatures: the series is called Fantastic Beasts, after all. Pickett is back, and the Niffler. There’s all sorts of other creatures. In the trailer, Newt is seen riding an underwater creature. What could it be? A water dragon (he’s been training dragons for WW1, after all), a Kelpie (but it would likely eat him)? There’s also some sort of weird bird I’d say is an Augurey, and Thestrals. That bird appears to be sort of controversial in its determination: I mean that some people think it’s a Fwooper. Well, according to Scamander, in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the book, of course, Fwoopers are brightly coloured, which this bird is not. As a pet, it would be quite dangerous to have one, since it’s cry drives one mad. Moreover, It doesn’t match Rowling’s illustration for it at all. The bird from the trailer does, however, match the description of an Auguery a bit more: a vulture-like creature (all right it has feathers on its head, vultures, as scavengers, don’t), blueish grey, used as a home weather-forecaster.
Ok this kills me: there are going to be BABY NIFFLERS! FantasticBeasts retweeted a post about that and here’s the picture in there. 
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This is not a joke, There are really baby Nifflers. There are four different colours actually, as published by PM today 10th August. One adult Niffler was already some kind of a Weasley twin.... what about FOUR?
Here they are:
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And HA another of their tweets lists creatures. And the bird IS an Augurey, but there is also indeed a Kelpie (wondering why, and how Newt is going to escape). The weird thing walking in the streets at some point in the trailer is called a Zouwu, that seems, from what I saw on Twitter, to be a Chinese creature. In the trailer, there’s also a weird-looking crumpled-antlered stag/elk-like creature, that some people refer to as a Leucrotta, but the usual description doesn’t fit here, some think it might be a Crumple-Horned Snorkack. There’s no description matching the beast in Newt’s book, unfortunately.
That’s what I’ve dug out so far. There is new info coming out all the time, and I probably have missed some. If that’s the case, please comment under the text :)
Paris, London, New York and the Wizarding World in 1927: Short Description (more after the film is launched)
I wanted to do a tiny bit of research on 1927 in Paris and London, mostly, and have a more deeper go after having seen the film, to put things more into context.
As The Crimes of Grindelwald set in 1927 directly follows Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, set in 1926 New York, there’s not much point into dwelling into what New York looked like at that time. There are a couple of papers on this blog about that:
http://under-the-lake.tumblr.com/post/157988584836/fantastic-beasts-and-where-to-find-them-the-film (first deeper impressions after the first film, mainly deeling with Speakeasies and Immigration Rules)
http://under-the-lake.tumblr.com/post/158268815626/fantastic-beasts-and-where-to-find-them-the-film (first deeper impressions part 2: laws and death penalty)
http://under-the-lake.tumblr.com/post/159376016836/fantastic-beasts-and-where-to-find-them-the-film (first deeper impressions part 3: the NSPS and Credence)
http://under-the-lake.tumblr.com/post/153419399321/fantastic-beasts-and-where-to-find-them-first (Very first Impressions)
Paris in 1927
President of France at the time: Gaston Doumergue (1924-1931)
Here’s an 8-minute video of Paris in 1927. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QDmzfyqNJM It shows really how life was in the streets.
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Among the artistic life of the 1920s in Paris were people like the Missouri-born Josephine Baker, who was spotted in New-York in 1925 by French producers who were looking for an all-black cast for their Parisian Revue Nègre. Josephine was chosen and she moved to the French capital in the same year. She was one of the stars of the nightlife there from then on (see picture above). She was not the only foreign artist to set quarters in Paris. They came from the USA but also from the whole of Europe, mainly the East and South: Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Spain. The whole neighbourhood of Montmartre, with its Moulin Rouge and Bateau-Lavoir, and that of Montparnasse and the Quartier Latin, were exploding with modern artists from poets to painters and composers, trying things, often living on nothing, often collaborating, often also hating each other in peace. The 1925 Exposition of Decorative Arts had also launched the period of Art Deco. The Expo hosted works by artists like Lalique or Le Corbusier.
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It was also the period of weird circuses. Fêtes foraines were travelling fun fairs with carrousels and other attractions, but also with displays of ‘monsters’ or other ‘unusual’ creatures, including humans. Famously, of course, bearded women and elephant men, or dwarves, were showed to the public. Audience were attracted via posters and even music, like barrel organ music, that could be heard up to 3 km (1.8 miles) around. From what the trailer of The Crimes of Grindelwald shows, the Circus Arcanus is exactly along those lines. The name itself should be enough for us to know that something fishy is coming, ‘arcanus’ meaning ‘mysterious’ or ‘secret’ in Latin. Plus there are snakes and that evil cloak-holding being on the poster.... and that phrase, Le musée des curiosités vivantes (the museum of living oddities, like a live curiosity shop). According to Wikia, the Circus was in New York for a fortnight in late 1926 and travelled to Paris, France, in early January 1927…
London in 1927
King: George V (reigned 1910-1936)
PM: Stanley Baldwin
There is footage from London in 1927, and Simon Smith has replicated the shots in 2013:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kml92pPjx0
In 1927 the UK was recovering from the General Strike of 1926. The lower class had lost for many reasons, and the majority of the population was in a worse state then than before the strike.
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The posh London society youngsters were known as the Bright Young Things. They were offspring of those who had gone through WW1 and were either fighting their parents’ values or taking life at face value, living carpe diem because of the war that had slaughtered so many young people. Maybe, for the young women, it was a way of showing their newly born independance. Maybe the reason was a mix of all. At any rate, it was a time of party, alcohol, drugs, freedom, jazz and a feeling of fighting the establishment. That latter was expressed, among other things, by the full acceptance of gay and lesbian relationships, which were, at the time, banned by the British laws.
Among them were people like photographer Cecil Beaton (see pic by him above), who is partly responsible for starting the cult of celebrity in the UK, via his portraying of the Bright Young Things. Since they were children of rich families, they had also connections with tabloids and could use them to spread their image, which they did. By the start of the 1930s, unemployment, Wall Street Black Thursday and global unhappiness were getting people bored by the growing excesses of that group.
On the cultural side, BBC (British Broadcasting Company) was created in 1927 (it was really founded in 1922 but was granted a Royal Charter in 1927). Authors who published in this year were among others Agatha Christie, Virginia Woolf and P. G. Wodehouse.
The Wizarding World in 1927-ish
In February 1927, Gellert Grindelwald, notorious Pureblood supremacist, makes an escape from MACUSA prisons in New York, while a month later, in March, Jacob opens his bakery, thanks to Newt’s Occamy Egg shells (Fantastic Beasts Screenplay, scene 123). Newt is doing well too, his book being published somewhere between January and March. The launch is set on 19th March 1927 at Flourish & Blotts, Diagon Alley, London.
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By December, Seraphina Picquery has made the Thunderbird a protected species. She has instituted a Protective Order on it (While in the Muggle world Theodore Roosevelt had made Pelican Island a protected area in 1903, and the first protected list of species was used in 1918 jointly by Canada and the USA).
Dumbledore has been writing for Transfiguration Today for a year in 1927.
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A French Ministry of Magic? Well, if the USA have their MACUSA and the UK have the MoM, why not a French Ministry. At any rate, the trailer gives us a glimpse of a glass dome with constellations and creature names written in pseudo-French: Le Niffleur, Hippocampe, Le Nundu, Le Doxy….  (there is even a typo because ‘centaur’ in French takes an ‘e’ at the end). I cannot vouch for this being the building of the French Ministry, but at least we know there is one, mentioned by J. K. Rowling in her writing about Beauxbâtons Academy on Pottermore. In French it is called Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques de France, which translates into ‘French Ministry for Magic Affairs’. According to Wikia, it was founded in 1790 during the French Revolution, and has ‘Incanté, Envoûté, Conjuré’ as a motto, which would translate into ‘Cast, Bewitched, Conjured’. The latest news from today tell us that the entrance is via one of the multiple public drinking fountains scattered all over Paris, called Wallace fountains. How can people enter via such a thing, search me. In London, you could either use Apparition, or the Visitor’s Entrance in the telephone box that you could actually enter, or later the public loo that you could get flushed in. The French thing is a fountain. Are people going to be suck via the plumbing after shrinking themselves or something? What about the Statute of Secrecy??
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I must acknowledge that I hadn’t thought about Voldemort when I started this piece of writing. However, since Grindelwald’s defeat is followed by Voldemort’s rise to power, it must be considered. Merope Gaunt eloped with Tom Riddle Sr. in 1925-1926, and Tom Riddle Jr. was born on 31st December 1926 at Wool’s Orphanage, London, after his father left Merope, probably due to her stopping to feed him on Love Potion. So if we put two and two together, Tom Riddle Jr. had a nice model to worship when he was at school...
UK Minister for Magic: Hector Fawley (1925-1939)
US President of MACUSA: Seraphina Picquery (1903-1928)
French Ministre des Affaires Magiques: Unknown yet
Grindelwald and the Deathly Hallows: Dusting Our Memories
According to Rowling in her writings for PM, Gellert Grindelwald was born somewhere around 1883, somewhere on planet Earth. However, he was sent to Durmstrang Institute, that is located somewhere in northern Norway or Sweden (according to J. K. Rowling, see report of her reading GoF). He was ‘as ‘precociously brilliant as Dumbledore’ (Deathly Hallows, ch. Eighteen). Grindelwald was expelled when he was sixteen. The official reason is that he was making ‘twisted experiments’. They must have been really nasty if he was expelled from a school that favours Dark Magic.
Grindelwald knew about the Deathly Hallows and believed they would give him limitless power once united. He stole the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch the wandmaker. He wanted the other two Hallows, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak, badly. We don’t know if he wanted to be Master of Death or just have power, but he was obsessed with overruling the Muggle world and put the non-magic people in their rightful place. He engraved the Hallows sign on one of the Durmstrang walls. Later Dumbledore draw it on the front page of his copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
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How lucky then that Grindelwald’s great-aunt, Bathilda Bagshot, happened to live in Godric’s Hollow, which, apart from being the Potters’ and the Dumbledores’ family village, was the place where the Peverells had lived. Ignotus Peverell and his two brothers are said to be the Three Brothers of the tale, and thus the first owners of the Hallows.
After being expelled, Grindelwald went to visit his great-aunt. How very convenient… and there was Dumbledore, having to spend his summer looking after his family instead of taking his Grand Tour of the Wizarding World with Elphias Dodge. Bathilda introduced the two men, and it was like a bubble of fresh air to Dumbledore, according to Rowling. The two became inseparable, writing to each other about Wizard domination over Muggles for the Greater Good (that’s what Dumbledore thought) when they couldn’t talk about it. The relationship lasted two short months. Albus was besotted and that cast a gloom on his family, because he would not fulfill his obligations. His brother Aberforth eventually reacted, and the result was a three-way duel and Ariana’s, their sister, death. Needless to say, Grindelwald vanished. (Deathly Hallows, chapter Eighteen).
He travelled through Europe, gathering followers, and tracking down the Elder Wand, the easiest Hallow to trace, due to its bloody history. Apparently, he avoided Britain.
Europe having probably given out what it could, Grindelwald crossed the Atlantic and hired himself as MACUSA Auror Percival Graves. I guess he had heard about Obscuri and about Credence, because why go exactly there otherwise. Credence would be a wonderful weapon of destruction if he learnt to control his powers. Pottermore says that Grindelwald discovered Credence later, but I can’t think of any other reason for someone to go to the USA while the wizarding community there was so much more restrained than in Europe, and hopes of bringing it to the light were therefore so much smaller. Using an Obscurial to wreak havoc and thus expose the community would be a huge blow for his enemies. And of course we know that Grindelwald was already tracking down the Hallows, and knew of their existence, as proven by the necklace he gives Credence in the first film. Actually, I just read that according to Rowling, Grindelwald is a Seer… and had a vision about Credence’s immense power (see tweet). 
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During his stay in the USA, Grindelwald was discovered by Newt Scamander, and captured and imprisoned by MACUSA. Not for long, though. That’s what the second film is telling us.
Questions Raised by the Trailers and the Written Info
Some of these questions, together with the fact that since Rowling wrote the screenplays herself, make things that were canon from the Harry Potter series and Fantastic Beasts collide….
- Now were we hoodwinked in the first film? I mean drawn into thinking that Newt is an innocent Magizoologist, trying to gather information for his book? Was he actually already on a mission to track down Grindelwald? Because honestly, that’s what he does in the end. Nothing about collecting stuff for his book. Setting Frank the Thunderbird free seems like a nice cover story.
- If he was indeed on ‘innocent’ business in New York, then why are MoM officials monitoring his movements, and why is his current MoM travel authorization pending? Why are MoM officials coming to Dumbledore to inquire about Newt? Or are they actually investigating Dumbledore? And remember, MACUSA was already tracking Newt from the start of the first film...
- What are Queenie and Jacob doing in Europe? If Tina is probably on MACUSA duties or tailing Credence because she’s still on the NSPS trail, I can’t imagine why a baker would leave his flourishing new business and why a witch like Queenie would leave her makeup and brushes to travel to Europe.
- Who’s that bloke with long white hair and beard levitated by apparently officials in some kind of prison?
- Is Maledictus the Snake Lady? If she is, it would be clever for her to hide her curse in a circus, given the intolerance of the age for differences of any kind. Some rumours actually have it that she would become Nagini...
- How did Credence survive? And after recovering, did he join the circus? Otherwise it doesn’t make much sense that he’s in Paris, right? Nor that he knows Maledictus.
- From research done by SuperCarlinBrothers, Credence is related to Corvus Lestrange and is half-brother to Leta Lestrange, Corvus having had offspring by two women. It’s all here in their video, time 7.27  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3ChukSDGRU  
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Now how did Credence end up in the care of Marylou Barebone in the first place, please?? Or is that name a fake one?
- That family tree bears the name of Laurena Kama, a black witch. The film cast says that there’s going to be a character there called Yusuf Kama, played by William Nadylam. Family? And we know from cast that Credence has an aunt...
- And now we’re talking about Credence and his family tree... what about Modesty? Is she going to appear some time in this film or the next ones? What’s the point of developing her character so much in the first film if she has no role to play in the story later?
- Tina looks dark. ‘We’ll all have to pick our side’.... ? And it appears like she feels the urge to look after Credence… and maybe she’s a bit jealous of Bunty, Newt’s assistant, who in turn might be a bit infatuated with Newt, from what Redmayne says.
- WHY the bloody hell is Dumbledore teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA)???? That is so not canon. He’s a Transfiguration teacher. By 1927 he had been writing regularly for Transfiguration Today for a year. He was never mentioned as a DADA teacher, and it sounds really wrong. I know some people argue that DADA didn’t exist then, and that maybe Care of Magical Creatures was merged with it, as well as Transfiguration, but that doesn’t make any sense. Dark Wizards have always existed, and bad curses, hexes, jinxes, and dangerous creatures, if not dark ones. It makes no sense to ‘invent’ DADA just because Voldy was on the loose, or after Grindy was sent to Nurmengard.
- What’s that orb the woman next to Grindelwald is holding in her hand? Looks like either a Crystal Ball or a big version of a Prophecy. That last would be ruled out since it is too big to be one, but again, tampering with canon stuff seems to be the fashion. Unless, since everything seems to happen in Paris, it is a French Prophecy. Actually, new theory: from pics where you can see the two protagonists from the front, it seems Vinda is actually holding a skull with glowing orange eyes.
- Who’s the woman walking with the three thestralish cats? I found out she’s called Melusine…. That could open a lot of speculation.
- What’s Grindelwald saying to Dumbledore in the Mirror of Erised? And why does Dumbledore see Grindelwald in the Mirror in the first place? While actually at the end of the HP books, it is hinted that he’d be seeing his family… If the deepest desire of his heart were to see Grindelwald finished, then the latter wouldn’t be alive in there.
- Why always ‘it has to be you’? Same with Harry Potter and Severus Snape. Reminds me of Lord of the Ring, where people with the Rings of Power (that is Galadriel, Gandalf and Elrond) can’t take over Sauron and it has to be a Hobbit. Or David and Goliath. Oh wells. Always puppets played by experienced puppeteers.
- Last but not least. Why is Jacob working with wizards? Is he a descendant of wizards himself? I’ve been giving this some thought myself, but haven’t had time to work out all the connections. HOWEVER, there IS a theory that he’d be a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, and it’s really interesting how the blokes who thought this came to that conclusion. It would explain, for instance, why Jacob has not been totally Obliviated by that rain that was destined for Muggles only (he makes pastries in the shape of all the animals he saw in Newt’s case, for instance). If you are curious about this theory, check this video by SuperCarlinBrothers :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT7i4Lu55pg (for details about disagreements on some names used in the video, check the comments under it :P ) There’s further evidence to be read in the comments below the video, because one of the people mentioned a Quentin Kowalski playing Quidditch for the USA in 2014, which would mean there are Kowalskis in the wizarding world, maybe a descendent of Jacob?
- Ok not last. I just rewatched the trailer and here comes one more question: HOW COME those people can just APPARATE on the bridge at Hogwarts??? I thought you couldn’t Apparate on the premises. At least according to Hermione, Severus and Hogwarts: A History. However, it is possible that those protection measures were put on later than 1927. On the other hand, Rowling says, on PM, that the castle and ground have always been protected by Anti-Apparition charms…
Of course, more info will be released the closer we get the the launch, on 16th November. We will see if any of those theories are confirmed, any questions answered… - can’t wait!
Meanwhile, as all these questions, all these thoughts, are obviously only assumptions and ramblings of my own mind, sometimes backed up by others, sometimes not, feel very free and very welcome to discuss any point you might feel worth it! Either in the comment thread under the article, or on our facebook page!
Happy anticipation to everyone!
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Full Credits currently available:  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4123430/fullcredits
Latest update, 10th August 2018: https://www.buzzfeed.com/eleanorbate/fantastic-beasts-crimes-of-grindelwald-set-secrets?utm_term=.cvKd2rJEw#.gnnJo7gP0
J. K. Rowling reading Goblet of Fire report: http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2000/1209-hpfgu-scruton.html
Scamander, N. (2017). Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Bloomsbury Publishing, London, in association with Obscurus Books, Diagon Alley, London.
Rowling, J. K., (1999). Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Bloomsbury, London.
Rowling, J. K., (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Bloomsbury, London.
Rowling, J. K., (2007). The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Bloomsbury, London
Rowling, J. K., (2016). Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - The Original Screenplay. Bloomsbury, London.
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stories-me · 2 years
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Potential Character for. Mrs Kelsey and Tumblr 6/2/2022: 
 Queenie Kowalski-nee-Goldstein, Historic Legilimens: 
 Appearance: (See above). 
From: The “Fantastic Beasts” series of movies. 
A skilled Legilimens (she can extract feelings and memories from another’s mind), Queenie encountered Newt Scamander and, more importantly, the No-Maj (“No-Maj” is an American term for a “Muggle”, aka “non-magical person”) Jacob Kowalski, who she soon fell in love with, while the two were semi-working with Queenie’s sister, Tina Goldstein. 
Determined to marry Kowalski, she ultimately wound up working with the infamous Gellert Grindlewald, who sought to declare war on the Muggles, having somehow found out about the upcoming WWII, and believing he could avert it or something by declaring war on the Muggles. 
Fortunately, she turned against Grindlewald, and married Kowalski, becoming the first known Wizard to marry a Muggle. 
How she is like me: 
We both want to help others, do what is right, and have done things we’re not proud of. When we DO do something we’re not proud of, I try to make up for it, starting first by apologizing. 
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terriblelifechoices · 6 years
It's the quality, not the quantity, of fic that makes someone a good author and you've got it in spades! And you seem to be an absolutely lovely person on top of that! :) If you want to write a ficlet, I will not say no! We haven't seen a lot of Scary Bastard! Credence, or Extremely Competent and Cutthroat and Brutal Politician!Credence, which are my favorite versions of him. If you'd like to write a fic about his day job of kicking ass and taking names (verbally of course) I'd love to read it!
Aw, thank you!  
I liked the options rather a lot.  Extremely Competent and Cutthroat and Brutal Politician!Credence was easier to write, though, so that’s what I went with.
Fear takes a long time to unlearn.  Ten years after the repeal of Rappaport’s Law, Credence is still having the same argument with politicians about why it was necessary in the first place.
The Woolworth Building, February 1943
It was, perhaps, a little mean to inflict Dag on unsuspecting politicians.  At eight months old, Dagonet’s cuteness was surpassed only by his ability to charm anyone he came into contact with.
Credence refused to feel bad about that.  He would take any advantage he could get.
Also, Dag had just hit the clingy phase, and would dramatically scream and cry if left in the care of anyone who wasn’t Credence, Percival or Jacob.  Credence really hoped Dag grew out of that soon.
Senator Bromwell actually did a double take when he saw Dagonet strapped to Credence’s chest.
Credence met his gaze calmly.  He wasn’t going to start a fight with the senator – that was more Tina’s thing than his – but he’d damn well finish one, if that was what the senator wanted.
The senator did.
“Mr. Graves, forgive me.  You seem to have forgotten that the daycare is downstairs,” Bromwell said, all solicitous concern.
“Have I,” Credence said, disinclined to continue the conversation.
Bromwell didn’t take the hint.  “You can’t possibly be serious,” he said.  “Bringing a baby to a committee meeting is ridiculous.”
“Senator Bromwell, if you find Dagonet’s presence objectionable, you are more than welcome to recuse yourself,” Credence told him.  “I, however, will be attending the meeting.”
“With a baby strapped to your chest.”
“Would you prefer it if he were strapped to yours?  I guarantee neither of you would much care for the experience; Dag’s feeling a bit wary of strangers at the moment.”
“You can’t honestly expect us to take you seriously while you’re parading a baby around!” Bromwell said.
“Seraphina Picquery signed laws into effect with my oldest two children sitting on her lap,” Credence said, using his most exquisitely reasonable tone of voice.  He’d found that it tended to have a maddening effect on some people, particularly if they were already being unreasonable.  “The very same laws we’re here to discuss, as it so happens.  There’s precedent for it, if that’s your concern.”
“Credence,” Congressman Rosewater said repressively.  “Stop baiting Bromwell.  And you,” he said to Bromwell.  “Stop taking the bait.”
Credence inclined his head.  “Apologies, Victor.”
Bromwell grunted something and sat down again.
Credence followed suit, settling carefully into his chair to avoid jostling Dag.
Congressional meetings, Seraphina had told him once, were really just so much street theater.  Except rather than amuse the audience, the performers primarily tried to impress themselves.
She was right about that.  They were like street theater.  Boring street theater, though.  No one in their right mind would ever pay to see this performance.
Credence watched the performers.  He was less interested in the performance – he already knew what most of them were going to say – but it was always good to get a read on whether or not they really believed all of the ridiculous garbage they were spouting, or if they were simply misinformed.
Bromwell believed.  He talked about No-Maj’s like Ma used to preach about witches – as if the threat of them were very real, and might erupt into all-out war at any moment.
Rosewater didn’t.  Victor Rosewater was a moderate, through and through.  He tended to vote on the conservative side of things, but when it came right down to it, all he really wanted was what was best for their people.
Congresswoman McGilliguddy believed, too, but she was on his side.  Rumor had it she had presidential aspirations, just like her many times great grandmother.  Credence believed them.  McGilliguddy had the drive for it.
“For magic’s sake, man,” she said, exasperated.  “The kneazle is well and truly out of the bag and there’s no getting it back in.  Trying to slap Rappaport’s Law back on like a bandage isn’t going to work.”
“I didn’t take you for a No-Maj lover,” Bromwell said.  The tone of his voice made it clear that being a No-Maj lover was on par with being a blood traitor.
Enough was enough.
“And just what,” Credence said, taking care to stay quiet so he wouldn’t yell, “is wrong with being a No-Maj lover?”
“Ah,” said Bromwell, some miniscule hint of self-preservation kicking in at last.  “Nothing, of course.”
“And No-Maj’s?” Credence persisted.  “You don’t seem to think very highly of them, either.”
“There’s nothing wrong with No-Maj’s,” Bromwell added hastily.  “Some of my best friends are No-Maj’s.”
“I doubt that,” said Credence.  “But one of mine is.”  He smiled.
Bromwell visibly recoiled at the mention of Jacob.  Or, more likely, at the reminder of what had happened to the last wizard who thought Jacob Kowalski had no place in the wizarding world.  Credence’s wrath had been nothing compared to Queenie’s.
“If you have nothing worthwhile to say, Senator, then please be quiet and cede the floor to those of us who do,” Credence said, still quiet.  “I, for one, am getting tired of your bigoted rhetoric.”
Bromwell’s jowly face went very red.  Credence cast a silent muffling charm on Dag.  The yelling portion of the street theater was about to start soon.
“I am trying to protect our people!” Bromwell snapped.
“From what?” Credence demanded.  “From the No-Maj’s?  They’re people.  People just like you and me, who live and love and just want to go about their daily lives.  Most of them have no idea we exist, and in accordance with the International Statute of Secrecy, most of them will continue to have no idea we exist.  No one is suggesting we start slinging spells around to amuse the No-Maj’s.”
He was so very tired of having this argument.  Rappaport’s Law had been repealed a decade ago, and people still kept trying to bring it back. And for what, he wondered.  So they could live in government-sanctioned fear and tell themselves their hate was justified?
“We can’t go back, Senator.  The only thing we can do is go forward.  If you truly want to protect our people then make a better world for them to live in.”
“WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M TRYING TO DO?” Bromwell bellowed back.  “Don’t you dare take that sanctimonious tone with me, you little No-Maj loving prick.  You’re the one our people need to be protected from!  You and your politics,” he sneered.  “You’re no better than Grindelwald.  Magic knows you sound like him, carrying on about fear and using it to justify your agenda.”
Credence froze.  If he moved wrong – if he breathed wrong – he was going to lose his temper, and he didn’t want to do that.  Not in front of Dag.  Dagonet was too young to remember anything, but Credence still wanted to set a good example for his son.
“I beg your pardon,” he said, even softer than before.  He wasn’t doing it on purpose this time.  Credence got quiet when he was angry – quiet and cold.
“I think,” Rosewater said carefully, well acquainted with Credence’s temper, “that we’re might need to take a brief recess.”
“I’m sorry, Victor,” Credence interrupted.  “But I believe the senator has something to say.  I’d like him to say it to my face.”
Bromwell said nothing.  Bullies were like that.  It was easy for them to be brave when they were standing in a crowd.
“No?  Very well.  Then I have some things I’d like to say in return.”  Credence smiled.  It was a smaller, more subtle version of Percival’s wampus cat hunting smile, but the predatory intent remained the same.  “What you are trying to do, Senator, is justify inflicting the same culture of fear you grew up in on the children who will be our future.  On my children.”  He cupped the back of Dag’s head, protective.
“Grindelwald wanted our people to rule over the No-Maj’s.  If you’re going to accuse me of using his rhetoric, you ought to read a few of the transcripts of his speeches, first.  Anything less just reveals your ignorance and undermines the point you’re trying to make.”
“You’re still no better,” growled Bromwell.  “You think your power and your name give you the right to dictate law to us.  Shall we bow to the Dark Lord Graves, instead?”
“Senator Bromwell, please stop presuming to know my mind better than I do,” Credence said.  “It’s tiresome and insulting.”  He went on before the Senator could find something to say to that.  “For the record, I don’t think my power or my name give me the right to dictate anything, but I am willing to use both to fight for what I believe in.  I have spent the past decade working on the No-Maj reforms not – as you so charmingly put it – because I am a No-Maj lover, but because our previous legislature hurt our people.  All of them, not just the No-Maj born ones.”
Credence met Senator Bromwell’s gaze and held it.  “Wizarding America normalized fear of the No-Maj.  And for what?  Because they don’t have magic?  Because they’re different?  You and I both know what the word for that is.  Any system that justifies bigotry or hate is corrupt and cannot stand.  As politicians, we cannot let them stand.  We have to do better.
“If you don’t agree with what my version of better is, that’s fine.  That’s why we have committee meetings.  But if you have nothing but fear and watered down hate to contribute to the conversation, then recuse yourself and let someone who is willing to do the work take your place.”
Rosewater eyed him warily.  When Credence remained silent for an uncomfortably long moment, he cleared his throat and said, “I suggest we take that recess now.”
Credence smiled.  “Yes,” he murmured.  “Let’s do that.”
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silverynight · 6 years
Innocent beauty
Whenever Jacob thinks of Newt the words innocent beauty always come to his mind; he has seen him fight (or at least he thinks he has, he doesn't have all of his memories back, but he has seen flashes) and he knows those creatures of his are not kittens –no matter how much Newt wants to treat them like that–. Still, it's difficult for him to get used to the fact that it's Newt the one that's going to protect him.
Like Queenie always says. She's very much sure nothing is gonna happen to them if Newt's around. And yet Jacob has his doubts, not that he doesn't love Newt, but how to trust him with another's life if he doesn't seem to have any sense of self-preservation?
He knows there's something more about it, but Queenie refuses to be more specific and Jacob doesn't insist because he knows she has her reasons not to tell him.
Besides, he's going to find out sooner or later, he just has to wait.
It happens early in the morning, the first thing that makes him change his mind; he's behind the counter, happily handing Miss Bennett her chocolate Nifflers when a woman and two men walk into his bakery. Now, based on his broken memories, Jacob has learned to tell the difference between someone with magic and someone like him and those are definitely magical people.
He knows he's in trouble by the way they're looking at the place, his pastries and finally at him.
"Are you Jacob Kowalski, the no-maj?" The woman is the first to speak and the fact she's using that word in front of him tells Jacob he's going to lose everything again.
He nods, because there's no point in trying to hide something they're already know.
"We're from MACUSA, you know about it?"
He remembers pretty well the prison cells.
"The President has sent us," says one of the men, frowning. "Sorry, but our laws are very much clear regarding people from the non-wizarding world. You must be–"
As if he's been summoned, Newt stroms into the room and Jacob suppressed the impulse to tell him to go away; he doesn't want him to get in trouble because of him.
He just wishes he had more time with Queenie. He doesn't want to forget her... again.
"Jacob is not a threat to the wizarding world," Newt says, sorrow and worry so evident in his voice that Jacob suddenly has the impulse to hug him. "And you all know that!"
They all know him by the way they react to his words; it seems Jacob is not the only one that finds difficult contradicting Newt.
They all seem like they are in pain; they try not to look at the magizoologist in the eye for to long.
"It's nothing personal, but Madam President–"
"I'll talk with Seraphina."
"Percy! You came!" Jacob doesn't understand why Newt looks so happy when that last one arrives, he's clearly the scariest of them all.
Now, Jacob knows he's not the same that caused them so many problems a year ago, but still, there's something really scary about that man.
Even the other three seem to agree with Jacob; they all shiver when the newcomer stops right next to Newt.
He doesn't blame them; that man is glaring at them like he wants to tear them apart.
"But Mr. Graves–"
"I said I'd take care of it!"
Then, as if nothing has happened, as if there are not three people dead quiet, as if that man has not growled seconds ago, he turns around and looks at Newt with a fond, almost tender expression on his face.
"Wait for me at home," he whispers before kissing Newt on the lips, then he walks out of the bakery, followed by the other three.
"You see?" Newt grins at him. "There's nothing to worry about!"
And Jacob starts to believe that.
It's late. He's about to close, but Newt insists they must wait for someone else.
"And who is this person we're waiting for?" Jacob asks, feeling a little nervous.
"A friend," Newt says, because of course he's going to leave Jacob wondering and worrying until he finally sees that mysterious person.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have to wait too much to find that out. Just a few minutes after, a man walks into his bakery, a man with blond hair and mismatched eyes that Jacob has seen before.
He has learned enough to recognize a dark wizard when he sees one. If that Graves guy looked scary this one definitely looks terrifying.
"I'm glad you came, Gellert," it's like Newt has just activated a switch; the man's features soften considerably after those few words.
He approaches and Jacob moves instinctively closer to his friend; Newt immediately notices his distress and stops him with a movement of his hand.
"It's okay, Jacob," he assures. "He's not going to hurt me."
Gellert glares at him, outraged.
"I'd never hurt Newton, muggle."
Seems like Newt's safe, but what about himself? Because the way that wizard is looking in his direction–
"Don't be like that, Gellert," Newt takes the man's hand and he calms instantly. Then his friend looks back at him: "He wouldn't hurt you either, Jacob."
He's not sure about that, but doesn't argue with Newt.
"What do you need me for, darling?" the man kisses Newt's hand and Jacob suppress the need to gasp.
Darling? That doesn't sound like something a friend would say, well... Queenie does that often, but it's Queenie. That man doesn't seem like someone that calls everyone 'darling'.
"Well... You know I do travel quite often," Newt begins, smiling at the man, who, by the way he's staring at him, seems like he'd say 'yes' to anything the magizoologist asked. "But you see... New York has become a little bit dangerous lately and I don't want Jacob to be without protection while I'm away."
Jacob is not sure he likes where this is going, but he's sure that man definitely doesn't like the idea.
"Could you please tell a couple of your friends to keep an eye on him? Queenie worries so much..."
"Newt, that's not nece–"
"You want my men to take care of a muggle?"
"I just want them to check on him every now and then, to see if he's doing fine," Newt corrects him gently.
Jacob is sure the man is going to refuse, but Newt smiles at him sweetly and the dark wizard melts on the spot. Jacob watches fascinated as the man sighs, clearly defeated.
"Thanks, Gellert."
He doesn't want to think too much about the implications, but things are going just great for Jacob in the last few months. The... aurors –Queenie said they were called like that– that work for MACUSA never came back again and he has never had any kind of problem with any of the street gangs the papers always mention.
Everything has been so peaceful; Queenie certainly looks happier, less worried and Jacob can't help but to feel grateful. Still... he's curious and can't help but ask the next time he sees Newt.
"So..." He clears his throat, looking at Newt's big, innocent eyes staring back at him in expectation. "They would do anything for you, huh?"
Jacob doesn't get the confusion he's waiting for, instead, there's a glimpse of a smirk on Newt's face, something he's not used to see on him. Not innocent, but almost dangerous.
"They're just very overprotective. All three of them."
"Are you ready to go, little one?" Jacob gets startled at the tall man that suddenly appears next to them.
Why every single one of them has to look like that? Scary, powerful... Ready to jump at someone's throat.
Newt nods at him and the man does the same thing the others did and smiles at him fondly.
"'Seus, this is my friend Jacob," Newt says and the man finally seems to notice him.
"Theseus Scamander," he shakes his hand.
The brother, Jacob has heard about him. Well... He could've guessed by the hair, although they don't look that alike.
He is the third one. Jacob doesn't have to be a genius to know. It's pretty much obvious.
And what is also obvious is that Queenie's right.
Newt Scamander is a powerful man and they all safer with him.
Although it'll definitely take him awhile to get used to it.
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witchhyfangirl-blog · 7 years
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Newt Scamander x Reader part 1 
your outfit
Warnings: English isn’t my first language, spoilers if you haven’t seen the movie (which I guess is highly unlikely) I haven’t seen the movie in a while so forgive me for any mistakes
Request: No
Summary:(y/n), a former Hogwarts student and Quidditch player has moved to America in hopes of pursuing her dreams of becoming a potions teacher, (y/n) has lived with the Goldstein sister for a while now, working on becoming a potions master, but when Tina comes home with a muggle and a wizard everything changes in both good and bad ways.
“Queenie your work is simply ravishing” (y/n) marvelled at the blue silk dress on the mannequin, “thank you darling” Queenie smiled and let out a giggle “I’ll have to make you something” she continued as she looked up at the slightly taller woman “it would be highly appreciated” (y/n) smirked and started to back out to the living room and almost jumped out of her boots as the door opened “Merlin’s beard Tina” she sighed turning around, “Teenie-you brought men home?” Queenie perked up from where she stood in her pink silk slip, “Gentlemen this is my Roommate (y/n) and sister. You want to put something on, Queenie?” Tina asked as she took off her coat and hat, “so who are they?” (y/n) stepped forward raising her eyebrows gesturing to the two men “That´s Mr. Scamander. He's committed a serious infraction of the National Statue of Secrecy-”, “He’s a criminal?” Queenie asked almost sounding impressed, “-Uh-huh, and this is Mr. Kowalski, he’s a No-Maj” Tina continued, “A No-Maj? Teen-what are you up to?” Queenie tilted her head furrowing her eyebrows in a worried fashion, “He’s sick-it’s a long story-Mr. Scamander has lost something, I’m going to help him find it.” the muggle suddenly staggers making Queenie and (y/n) run over to him and helped him sit down on a small seat, “how in Merlin’s beard did he get bitten by a Murtlap?” (y/n) looked up at Tina blinking in confusion “it had escaped from Mr. Scamander’s case” Tina sighed in frustration, “Oh-yeah-that....that makes sense...”.
“You need to sit down, honey.” Queenie was crouched down in front of the muggle “Hey- he hasn’t all day” she frowned, “and-aw that´s rough- he didn’t get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey? I love to cook” Queenie smiled looking up at the incredibly confused muggle, “You’re a Legilimens?” The other man stepped forward, “Uh-hu, yeh. But I always have trouble with your kind” Queenie stood up and gestured to the two redheads “Brits. It’s the accent” she continued, “You know how to read minds?” the muggle questioned looking up at Queenie “aw, dont worry, honey. Most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me.” she winked and playfully gestured towards the muggle with her wand “Now, you need food” she smiles and makes her way to the kitchen.
Ingredients flew around the kitchen as the three witches prepared the food, (y/n) looked over her shoulder to see Mr. Scamander by the door about to leave, Queenie seemed to have noticed too “hey, Mr. Scamander, you prefer pie or strudel?” she asked, he removes his hand from the doorknob “I really don’t have a preference.” he answered looking embarrassed, Queenie then looks at the muggle who had sat himself down at the table and tucked a napkin into his shirt “You prefer strudel, huh, honey? Strudel it is” the muggle nods with excitement making Queenie grin and wave her wand making ingredients fly to the centre of the table, a beautifully decorated strudel appeared on the plate, Queenie always cooked the best meals, “Well, sit down, Mr. Scamander, we’re not going to poison you.” Tina leaned herself on her stool “with (y/n) here, you never know” Queenie giggled, (y/n) just rolled her eyes at the statement, Mr. Scamander still hovers by the door but after a glare from the muggle he sits down by the table.
“So, Mr. Scamander, you, went to Hogwarts?” (y/n) asked making the man look at her “yes” he answered with a small smile, “what house?” she continued “Hufflepuff” he smiled slightly, “oh, really, I myself was in Gryffindor” she grinned, “Oh, you slay me! I ain’t never really talked to a No.Maj before” Queenie smiled, she was such a charmer and so incredibly confident, (y/n) wished she could be as charming and beautiful as her but, alas, you can’t get everything you want, “Really?” the muggle answered, the two gazed into each other's eyes. Queenie suddenly leans back in her chair with a serious almost pouty expression, “I am not flirting” she frowned, Tina looked embarrassed as her eyes widened slightly “I’m just saying. don’t go getting attached, he’s going to have to be Obliviated, It’s nothing personal” Tina turns to the muggle who suddenly turns pale and sweaty “Oh, hey, you okay, honey?” Queenie asks worriedly, Mr. Scamander stands up briskly and stands behind his chair awkwardly, “Miss Goldstein, I think Mr. Kowalski could do with an early night. And besides, you and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my Niffler, so-”, “what’s a Niffler?” Queenie asks looking up at her sister “A Niffler is a-”, “don’t ask” Tina cuts (y/n)’s explanation off as she moves to the back room to show the two men where they will be staying.
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