#→ Hikaru writes !
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very-grownup · 1 year ago
Sports series and their lessons
SLAM DUNK: Ball is life.
HAPPY!: Ball is life and sex workers are great babysitters.
PRINCE OF TENNIS: Ball is life but a big responsibility because you might accidentally cause a mass extinction event.
KUROKO NO BASUKE: Ball is life and fistbumps are dangerously powerful.
FREE!: Water in large quantities destroys lives and the battle between a well-done coming of age story and capitalism and fanservice will give a director no choice but to seek solace in emotional devastation and violent action scenes.
HAIKYUU: Ball is life and volleyball is made up.
REAL: Ball is life and legs are optional.
ROBOTXLASERBEAM: Ball is life and it's important to teach this lesson to robots before their uprising so we have common ground.
YURI ON ICE: Getting shitfaced to meet your idols will only benefit your personal and professional life.
ALL OUT!: Ball is life and if you embrace this you can overcome your physical insecurities.
SK8 THE INFINITY: You don't have to be the best at something if you're enjoying it with someone you love and if there had been skateboarding in England in the 1880s JoJo's Bizarre Adventure would have been much shorter.
OOKIKU FURIKABUTTE/BIG WINDUP: Ball is life and your pitcher's health is paramount because if he is injured you have to take him to the outfield and shoot him like a horse with a broken leg.
TEPPU: There is no point in sports if you don't draw blood and excessive Jean Claude van Damme movies will permanently alter your sexuality.
EYESHIELD 21: Ball is life and Satan rules.
MEGALOBOX: No matter how dystopian the future, people will always want to gamble on the outcome of two men punching each other.
HIKARU NO GO: Ghosts are real.
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hikaru-sama · 11 months ago
Miguel checking every once in a while your heartbeat because he needs the reassurance that everything is real, not a dream.
He still can't believe how someone as beautiful and perfect as you loves a monster like him. I mean just look at you!
Miguel who needs to lay his head in your chest to sleep, your heartbeat assuring him that you're alive, healthy and most importantly, with him.
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effloradox · 8 months ago
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Means To An End
pairings: hitachiin twins x gn!reader, ohshc x gn!reader
summary: tensions are running high in the host club when the twins start to fight over a comment made by Haruhi. as their best friend, everyone expects you to have the answers but when you failed to notice any tension between the two of them, you’re left wondering if you don’t know them as well as you thought.
notes: set during episode 1.05 (the twins fight), works in the same verse as We Want You Here but is fine as a stand-alone fic too
word count: 2.2k
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There’s trouble in the air. You’d say you can smell it, but with all the rose bouquets scattered around Music Room 3 it’s hard to get away from the floral smells that all your friends, hosts or otherwise, are perpetually laced with. Yesterday had been normal as far as you could tell, even if you had left school early for an appointment, but when the twins’ car had arrived at your home to pick you up to take you to school you’d been surprised to see them sporting new hair colours.
“Should I be worried about that?” The two of them raised an eyebrow in unison before your eyes drifted up to their hair. You couldn’t deny that the blue and the pink suited them really well but they’d never expressed an interest in dyeing their hair before. Not to mention how much their mother loves their natural hair colour. To dye it on a whim with no deeper purpose would be seen as a crime in her eyes. Yuzuha Hitachiin is not a woman to cross, you don’t want to think about the arguments had over this new development in the twin’s appearance. They exchange one more glance between themselves before Kaoru finally answers your question.
“It’s a means to an end.” You take a few moments to mull over the vagueness of his words, staring hard at the blue, before replying.
“Am I going to be dragged into the middle of it?”
“We’d prefer it if you didn’t.” At Hikaru’s words, the tension in the car seems to evaporate and you finally relax into your seat. You drop your bag onto the seat next to you, smoothing a crease in your uniform.
“Suits me just fine.” The rest of the journey is filled with small talk and petty gossip, just the way you like to spend your morning journey to Ouran. By the time the three of you have arrived at school you’re almost used to their new looks.
It takes until your lunch period for you to actually find out the reason for the twins’ weird behaviour. Your involvement in various clubs and extracurriculars had kept you busy and away from your friends aside from shared classes where you’d been too busy studying for upcoming exams to pay attention to your idiotic best friends. You finally had a moment of peace on your way to the dining hall when a commotion drew your attention. The pink and blue hair makes it incredibly easy to identify the twins and you can only watch in mild horror at the food fight that has broken out between the two of them. You’d been more than content to turn on your heel and head back where you came from when a foreign pair of arms grab you, pulling you down a corridor not far from the dining hall.
“I demand you tell me what’s going on with those shady twins!” It takes you a few beats to realise that it’s Tamaki that pulled you away. You’re more than used to being manhandled by the twins but Tamaki doesn’t seem like the type to do so unprompted to anyone but Haruhi. When Kyoya appears in front of you as well, you begin to suspect maybe he put the Host Club King up to the mild kidnapping he’s just committed.
"I have no idea Tamaki-Senpai.” Your words send the blonde into a predictable fit of despair and it becomes clear to both you and Kyoya that he will no longer be an active part of this conversation. The two of you are more than used to tuning out Tamaki’s breakdowns so it’s easy to pick up the conversation without his involvement.
“It’s in your best interest to tell us everything you know (Y/N).”
“They told me not to get involved. I’ve learned to trust them when they say that.” You can tell your answer hasn’t pleased the megane but you can’t really find it in yourself to care much. If the twins told you not to get involved, you’re more than happy to let whatever this is blow over without it affecting you as well. Since you’re not a host and whatever they’re doing doesn’t affect your classes together you’re more than happy to watch from the sidelines. If it truly is just a means to an end like Kaoru said it was, you can’t imagine whatever they’re doing will last longer than a day or two. “I’ll see you both at the club after class for my usual appointment.”
It’s only when you’ve started to walk away that Kyoya responds to your statement in a monotone voice that somehow feels more calculated than usual. “If things continue the way they have been, we might be unable to fulfil your usual appointment. We’re down a pair of loving brothers you see.” You stop walking at his final words, turning on your heel to face him.
“What do you mean?” Your question, plus the blank look that appears on your face, instantly brings Tamaki out of his fit as he looks at you with an expression you can’t quite read. You place it somewhere between bewildered and perplexed but there’s another part of it that you find yourself disliking.
“Haven’t you heard? Hikaru and Kaoru are fighting.” It almost feels like the world stops spinning for a few moments as you process Tamaki’s words. The problem is that the world starts spinning again and you can almost feel the system error taking place in your mind as you wait for the blonde to tell you he’s joking. When Tamaki doesn’t rescind his sentence you feel the first prickle of anxiety starting in the back of your mind.
“They don’t fight.” Tamaki merely blinks at you owlishly.
“They’ve been fighting since yesterday. It started at the club.”
"If they were fighting, I would know."
“Is it possible that you don’t know them as well as you thought?” Part of you knows that Kyoya doesn’t mean his question to sound as harsh as it does but it still stings somewhere deep inside you.
The twins might not have fully opened up to the host club yet but you know them. There’s no way they could be fighting; there’s no way you could’ve misread the car journey that badly to miss some sign that there was disharmony between them. They’re never fought in all the years you’ve known them.
“I’ll guess we’ll find out after classes are over.” Your tone sounds more defeated than you’d care to acknowledge and you’re quick to turn away from the two hosts before you spot any kind of pity growing in their expressions.
It’s almost a relief when your free period starts and you can spend your time as you wish. Normally you’d seek the twins out, or vice versa, but something about your earlier conversation with Tamaki and Kyoya is replaying in your mind and the idea of sitting and stewing in a crowded library sounds like the worst thing on earth. You find yourself walking through the grounds of the academy, hoping some fresh air and sunlight will do something to improve your mood. It almost works until you hear a loud shout from behind you.
“Hey! (Y/N) wait!” You start to quicken your pace when you hear two sets of footsteps coming up behind you but it’s not long before Hikaru and Kaoru catch up to you. They come to a stop a few paces behind you, waiting for you to turn around and face them. The bright colours of their hair make you feel sick.
“What gives?”
“Yeah, why’d you ditch us?”
“I don’t know what you’re doing, but you need to wrap it up soon.” It’s clear your comment isn’t what the twins were expecting from you when they flinch back at your tone.
“What're you talking about?" You narrow your eyes at them.
“Your means to an end. Whatever the end is, I hope it’s worth it.” The way the two of them look at each other when you speak sends a wave of irritation over you that you rarely feel towards your best friends. It feels like they're in on some joke that you've been left behind on and you don't enjoy the feeling.
"Don't be like that."
"Yeah, it's not a big deal." Hikaru's blasé tone does nothing to soothe your irritation.
"Kyoya seems to think it is. He also seems to think I don't know you well enough to notice that you're fighting." Your words get the first serious reaction from the twins as they look at you with an unreadable expression on their faces.
"When did Kyoya say that?" Hikaru's tone is cold and you can't tell whether that's directed towards you or Kyoya. Or both. Maybe both.
"During your little display at lunch. Him and Tamaki pulled me out of the dining hall to try and work out what the fuck is going on."
"He had no right to involve you."
"Yeah, it's none of their business."
"Actually it's entirely their business if it directly affects the host club. Which it seems like it has since Kyoya’s cancelling appointments.”
“It’ll be over soon, we told you.”
"I don't know why you're pretending to fight, but I want no part of it. You told me you didn't want me involved and I was fine with that but now I am involved and I want out."
"We didn't mean for this to happen to you."
"I know."
“We’re sorry.”
“…I know.” Kaoru is the first to approach you, waiting for your reaction. When you don't take a step back, he approaches and pulls you into a hug. His brother is quick to follow and the three of you spend the next few moments entwined in silence. You listen for their breaths and even your breathing so that you're all in sync.
Their synchronicity is an ability that is as innate to them as breathing and it always feels special when they let you in for moments like this. It's only when your breathing is completely in line with theirs that you begin to untangle yourself from their arms. The events of the day feel like they’ve hit you with full effect and you’re left feeling weary.
"I'm going to go home. I'll see you tomorrow." The twins let you go without protest, the weight of their gaze heavy on you as you walk towards the main building of Ouran. After muttering some excuse about feeling unwell, it’s not long before you’re in your car on the way back home and it’s all you can do to put the events of the day behind you.
When you wake up the day after, you’re honestly not sure what to expect when one of your maids tells you that the twins' car has pulled up to take you to school. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, in fact it'd be more unusual if they didn’t, so it’s not hard to see that your maids are confused by your hesitancy to go to school. You climb into the car and sit in your usual seat, barely looking up at your companions as you grab your seatbelt and secure it. It’s only when you look away from the seatbelt that something odd about the energy in the car hits you.
It takes you a few seconds to realise why something feels off. They’ve switched colours. The weight of their eyes on you makes you shift in your seat and the seatbelt suddenly feels far too restrictive.
“Aren’t you worried about frying your hair if you keep changing it?” The smiles that appear on your friends' faces immediately settle your anxiety. If this was some test, you’ve definitely passed it.
“No one else noticed.” In a way, you’re unsurprised by that. The two of them pretend to be each other so frequently that you can only imagine their house staff have long since given up trying to work out who’s who.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit cruel to give people a way to tell you apart only to pull the rug from under them by changing it immediately?”
“We don’t want everyone to know who’s who.”
“Yeah, it takes away from our mystique.” It’s a fair comment, one you can’t refute, but there still seems to be a gaping hole in their logic.
“Some people will still know.” You gesture to yourself as an example, watching as their smiles seem to get a fraction wider.
“You'll know.”
“Looks like you do know us well enough after all.” Hikaru’s words take you by surprise. The three of you have never been the type to be overly doting on each other and you’re not sure if you’re reading the situation right.
“You did this for me?”
“Of course!”
“Can’t have Kyoya thinking he knows everything, can we?” Hikaru’s words touch you in a way you don’t think you’d be able to put into words, and as soon as the moment is with you, it’s passed; as is usually the case with the twins.
“So! You missed the craziest love confession after school yesterday…” As Kaoru goes into a tirade about some poor girl who tried to confess to Haruhi, it’s all you can do to bask in the moment of harmony with the two of them.
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A/N: I’m kind of obsessed with the concept of the twins having this long suffering friend figure in their life, I think it’s such a fun avenue to go down with Ouran fics.
series masterlist
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imalwaysaslutforthevoid · 1 year ago
The Summer Hikaru Died and onomatopoeia
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I've wanted to gush about this topic for a while and i have no organized thoughts but a lot of feelings i need to get out. First and foremost being "Holy shit this manga is so damn loud" which is a weird feeling to have since manga is generally understood to be a silent medium.
And yet the Mangaka MokuMoku Ren has filled their work to the brim with sound. Now comics using onomatopoeia (words that echo a noise ie: crunch) is nothing new the sound of a fist hitting it's target and walls being wrecked is nothing new. But usually onomatopoeia is worked into whatever action is resulting in the noise
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adding both a sense of motion as well as sound. Which is what makes The Summer Hikaru Died's use of it so unique and compelling. To utilize onomatopoiea you have to give up on space that could otherwise be going to deatil work in the background or foreground. Now this is fine with smaller unobtrusive effects like Wolverine's claw extending, and there's numerous example's where a sound will take up large portions of the page to show how loud something like a bomb going off is. But i've yet to see another comic western or otherwise so consistently use this facet of the medium to instill such claustrophobia and dread. As a slower paced horror manga The Summer Hikaru Died builds it's suspense mostly through atomosphere, the supernatural happenings weighing on the surrounding evironment until they break the surface
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The use of sound is heavy, it's harsh, it's a vehicle to show how wrong things have gotten from the whisper of "it's coming" heard in the ringing bell of a train crossing to the omnipresent call of birds, bugs, and frogs that pushes in on the paneling shrinking the world with their cacophony.
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the way sound shrinks the world making reader and character both feel suffocated by the drone is matched by how the manga uses silence as a way to make the characters feel exposed and vulnerable. the page is now empty of distraction the world of the story on full display and it still feels wrong it's agorophobic, at least amidst the din there was some sense of anonymity being just one voice among hundrends.
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even the speech bubble feels out of place as it wanders off desperate to fill the space. The manga is full of these moments of sound and silence in some dance with eachother always too much or too little, never comfortable. It adds a lot to the horror of the manga, and is just one part of many that makes The Summer Hikaru Died such an excellent manga, every chapter I can feel my skin crawl as the setting becomes more hostile to the charactres while they uncover more of the truth of their circumstances.
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yuseirra · 4 months ago
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...seeing how things are in the current story..; why do I feel like we landed on a bad ending in a game with multiple ends...it feels like a wrong timeline where everyone failed
I hope we do get some sort of message out of it all...
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aerospas · 1 year ago
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍 ; their pet name for you ── tos characters !
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𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒 ; ᶜʰᵃᵖᵉˡ, ᶜʰᵉᵏᵒᵛ, ᵏᶦʳᵏ, ᵐᶜᶜᵒʸ, ʳᵃⁿᵈ, ˢᶜᵒᵗᵗʸ, ˢᵖᵒᶜᵏ, ˢᵘˡᵘ, ᵘʰᵘʳᵃ
( SWEETHEART ) sweetheart ; they'll tenderly cup your face in their hands, their thumb gently tracing the curve of your cheekbone. each glance at you feels like a stolen moment of bliss, as if the universe conspired to bring you two together. in their eyes, you are the embodiment of all things sweet and pure, a cherished gem in a world of rough stones. they'll shower you with affectionate words and gestures, their love for you pouring out in every touch and smile.
kirk, sulu
( DARLING ) darling ; it is a term that dances on their lips with an effortless grace, carrying with it a promise of warmth and tenderness. their gaze holds a depth of adoration that knows no bounds, as though you are the centre of their universe, a guiding star in their sky.
chapel, mccoy, scotty
( LOVE ) my love ; they possess an innate tenderness that envelops you like a warm embrace, their arms a sanctuary where you find solace and comfort. they lavish you with affection, expressing their devotion through every word uttered and gesture made. in their eyes, you are not just a person, but a soulmate a companion in the journey of life.
chekov, rand, spock, uhura
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bonesfucker3000 · 6 months ago
How the Star Trek TOS crew would act during a blunt rotation (since y’all wanted to hear this :D)
Kirk: he would act like he knows how to hit a blunt but he would hold it in and swallow it and start coughing like crazy and basically acting like he’s dying 
Spock: he would hit the blunt gracefully not hogging it at all and when high a very comforting presence though he prefers hitting the bong (Vulcan za will get you fucked up though) 
Bones: he takes long drags and will hog it a bit but not greedy with it, he either softens up or just traumadumps while he’s high, no in between 
Scotty: he would start out taking small puffs but at the end he’d be taking really long drags and will be high as a kite resulting In him just speaking Scottish Gaelic 
Chekov: the worst fucker to pass the blunt too, he will hog it for few minutes straight he’s a greedy fuck, and his fuck ass bob smells of kush, he will complain about the rules and will mooch off other people’s weed, a nightmare to be around since he will start shouting in Russian and becoming even more paitrotic than usual 
Sulu: would only take small puffs of the blunt and like Spock prefers hitting the bong, very chill when high and probably doesn’t say shit but just smiles and grins like crazy 
Uhura: would also hit the blunt gracefully but would hog it a tiny bit and take long drags but not greedy with it, when high she won’t shut the fuck up 
Chapel: would take small puffs of the blunt but prefers hitting the bong, will hog it but overall is really calm and comforting
(I need help 🫶)
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domokunrainbowkinz · 2 years ago
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end-chapter art   (volume 1)   THE SUMMER HIKARU DIED PART 1 (of 2)   (part two here)
click each image for text! anyone can reblog! check my tags! note: "Hikaru" is referred to as just Hikaru in image descriptions, for the sake of simplicity.
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houkagokappa · 3 months ago
Bless Mokumokuren for outright stating that the genre tags for Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu have never changed, i.e. the official site never dropped the "BL" tag from the series as it got more popular to reach a wider audience. It's been a persistent rumor in the fandom, and one I'm afraid will start circulating again once the anime starts airing.
If you mainly follow English language sources, please remember that whatever tags different anime and manga sites, databases, aggregators etc., either add or leave out don't always reflect the author's intent and the official sources, and should NOT be used to argue for what genre or demographic a certain work belongs to. It can just be random people claiming whatever they want based on their own interpretations and I've seen plenty of errors and real time changes to them based on new chapter developments, that might help catch the attention of some people, but don't suddenly change the genre of the work itself.
Not having BL as a genre tag also doesn't mean that a work can't include any boys loving. The queer themes have always been present in HGSN, and if you're up to date with the manga, they've been outright stated. Having queer characters or a queer story line doesn't automatically mean that a work is BL or yuri, and not including those tags doesn't mean that it's just "baiting". This gets brought up so much I think Mokumokuren's gotten tired of it, because the other day they clearly spelled it out for everyone, assuring that the story is queer, although it's not tagged as BL or focused on romance.
Here's what they shared on their Bluesky account:
The genre tag and advertising direction on the official website have never changed since the beginning of serialization. From the beginning, it has been consistently promoted as a "coming-of-age horror" within the official reach. (It's also true that the official reach is very limited…) Whatever the genre tag is, and even if this story isn't a romance, as the author, I guarantee that it is a queer story. There seems to be a persistent false rumor going around that "the author suddenly removed the BL tag from the official website by the 3rd volume," but the truth is that there was never an official BL tag from the beginning. (This is not to deny any queerness.)
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And further back:
My opinion that the genre of The Summer Hikaru Died is something that the readers are free to think about on their own remains unchanged, but I view it as a story that sympathizes with those who have been left out of stories about love and sex, so I describe it as "coming-of-age horror." I think the key is the fear of not being “normal” and not having a place to belong, which is common for all kinds of people regardless of their attributes. I think it's fine for queer stories that aren't romances to exist. That's why I've been careful not to position it as a love story from the start.
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Let's stop obsessing over tags and allow queer stories to exist and thrive, even when they lack a clear romantic plot or subplot and are more subdued.
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risingscorchingsuns · 1 month ago
It was the middle of winter when Hikaru died.
It was dark out, the ground sparkling with frost in the full moon’s glow. Midnight, pitch dark, when his life was snuffed out. A lifelong quest for revenge, resulting in his own death by the same hands that ended his family.
The Kakushi said he didn’t go quickly. Bled slowly. Fought as hard as he could. Anyone other than an Upper Moon wouldn’t have stood a chance.
By the time his team’s bodies had been recovered, Hikaru had long since bled out, the gaping hole in his abdomen bearing the same telltale wound as hundreds of others. Hundreds of lives cut devastatingly short, in one brutal, ruthless blow.
The Kakushi looked on in horror at the decimated party. Five Kinoe, led by Hikaru. All dead. Limbs mangled, bones shattered, organs ruptured. It was not an easy death; soldiers rarely died neatly.
Rigor mortis was setting into Hikaru’s long-cold limbs as he was loaded into the wagon. Placed carefully beneath a cover, as if he were simply sleeping, his clenched fist still holding tightly to an indigo blade.
As the pale winter dawn touched the sky with long rose-colored fingers, a small beetle takes flight, her violet elytra glinting in the winter sun. You wouldn’t know by looking at her, but her gentle clicking noises were a song of mourning.
The mournful faces of the Kakushi were obscured by their masks as they carry the fallen back home, sad glimmers in their eyes as they step into the threshold of headquarters.
A man with flame-colored hair and warm molten eyes spots them immediately, jumping to his feet and rushing over. He greeted them eagerly, hopeful for uplifting news.
Golden eyes meet sad obscured ones. No words are spoken; they would only get in the way of the deafening silence. The man sinks to his knees, the world reeling around him.
Shouting comes from around the corner. A shorter man with silver hair and eyes like jade comes tearing into the clearing, a medical assistant shouting after him as he ignores the brace on his back. He frantically shouts Hikaru’s name.
Sage eyes meet gold and crimson. A devastating truth is shared between them. A strangled cry escapes the shorter man’s chest, and he stumbles. His warhammer falls from his hands, thudding against the frozen ground.
The air is filled with deafening silence, thick enough to drown in. It’s so loud; nothing has ever been so universally quiet.
It was the middle of winter when Hikaru died.
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maiaargh · 3 months ago
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Little 5 page Gerosaki comic I made! It's been a few years since I've made comics and the first time I've done them in csp so I'm pretty happy with it!
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effloradox · 8 months ago
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We Want You Here
pairings: hitachiin twins x gn reader, ohshc x gn reader
summary: a much needed hour of peace in the library is interrupted by your meddlesome best friends who are insistent on dragging you into Tamaki’s newest host club activities, whether you want to be there or not.
notes: stand-alone fic, all the relationships are platonic but I guess either of the twins could be read as romantic if you squint, i’m trying out a new layout and a new bunch of characters! I haven’t written for the host club since I was like 13 so it’s nice to revisit them as a ‘better’ writer!
word count: 1.6k
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It's an unusually quiet afternoon in Music Room 3. The usual cacophony from guests and hosts alike was quieter today due to a lack of guests. In an unusual set of circumstances, Kyoya had given the hosts the afternoon off at the insistence of Tamaki. The resident Prince had insisted on a group bonding activity, strictly hosts only if the sign on the door was anything to go by.
Your free period was usually spent in the club room with the Hitachiin twins but when Haruhi had mentioned to you during class that the club was closed for the free period you'd headed to one of Ouran's many libraries to spend the time catching up on some assignments.
You'd settled into the library quickly enough and had made some good progress on your assignment until your train of thought was interrupted by someone clearing their throat close to you. "Come to the club with us?" You looked up from your history textbook to see the twins standing on the other side of the table.
"Why?" Hikaru's face shift with vague displeasure at your question. He's never been the happiest when you question him, he's overly dramatic like that.
"Tamaki had some dumb group bonding idea." The older twin rolled his eyes as he spoke, leaving his younger brother to fill in the gaps.
"It'd be more tolerable if you came with us." You take a moment to process their words before responding.
"Surely group bonding means it's a private event? As in no guests allowed." Your words only seem to irritate Hikaru more as he huffs under his breath.
"You're not a guest." You're about to contradict Hikaru's statement and insist that you very much are just a guest when it comes to this situation when Kaoru cuts you off.
"You're a requirement for our sanity." Your expression softens at Kaoru's tone. Hikaru shifts his weight from one foot to the other as you consider their offer.
"I don't know guys." Your hesitation leaks into your tone and you watch as the twins share a look before glancing back in your direction.
"We promise we'll make it worth your while."
"Won't Kyoya-Senpai get mad?" Your excuse sounds weak even to your ears and you know the twins know your resolve is wavering. They exchange one more glance with each other before Hikaru shoots forward, grabbing your history textbook. He immediately lifts the book above his arm, waving it at you tauntingly.
“Well it's not like you can study without your textbook is it? If you're not going to study you might as well join us." Kaoru has the decency to help you gather your things and get them into your bag as his brother watches on impatiently. "If we're late I'm blaming you."
“You can't blame me when I'm not even meant to be there." The older twin has no reply to your observation, merely walking towards the exit of the library. Kaoru weaves an arm around yours, following his brother who does the same once the library door has closed behind you. It's always been easy for you to fall into step with the twins, after being friends for so long it's as easy as breathing now.
The walk from the library to Music Room 3 is done in silence and the corridors are mercifully empty. You'd picked the closest library to the music room so you could meet with the twins on the way to your next class so it's only a few minutes before they're pushing the door open to their club room. It's Kyoya's voice that breaks the silence.
"Hikaru. Kaoru. You're late." You can't help but smile as the twins roll their eyes in sync at the megane.
"Because it's a stupid idea and we don’t want to be here." Kyoya doesn't respond to the twin’s comment, his gaze landing on you instead. It’s hard to tell because of the light shining on his glasses but you almost think his eyes narrowed when they landed on you and you can’t help but shrink into the twin’s grip.
"You were also made aware that this event is for hosts only." A chill goes down your spine as you try to free your arms from the twins.
"I don't want to be here! Someone stole my textbook and wouldn't give it back." The glare you send in Hikaru's direction does nothing except make him laugh as he pulls you closer to him. The grip he has you in is almost protective as his attention shifts back to Kyoya.
"If they go, we go." From the way Kyoya sighs, this is clearly not the first time the twins have fought on your behalf (even if it's unwanted on your part at this moment in time). It warms something inside you knowing how much effort they put into keeping you around as much as possible. It’s such a stark contrast to how they were when you first met them that you’re almost willing to stay and sit through whatever Tamaki has planned if they’ll continue to do it. The standoff you find yourself in quickly ends though when Kyoya lets out a sigh.
"I suppose it would be easier to do what Tamaki wants with an even number. Given that Renge is unavailable I suppose we could make an exception this time." The twins let out a cheer at the same time as you start to vocalise an apology. It’s cut short as they practically drag you to one of the tables in the middle of the room. You hadn’t noticed when you’d initially walked into the room but Honey, Mori, and Haruhi were already seated at the surrounding tables. You barely had time to sit down before two short arms were being wrapped around you.
“(Y/N)-chan! I didn’t know you’d be here!” You can’t help but smile at the older boy, wrapping an arm around him to steady him.
“Hi Honey-Senpai. I’m not actually meant to be here.” The twins immediately let out a noise of protest, even if what you spoke is technically the truth.
“Sure you are.” Kaoru starts.
“We want you here so you’re meant to be here.” Hikaru finishes, dropping himself into the seat closest to you. Kaoru sits to your other side as both of them shift their chairs to flank you. You’re about to respond with some snide comment that they’re probably the only two that want you where when a spotlight appears somewhere from the roof, illuminating a lone figure in the corner of the room. Tamaki is recognisable from his hair alone, and he’s dressed in a full tuxedo, top hat and all.
“I bet you’re all wondering why I’ve brought you here.” You do your best to quieten any comments the twins were about to make by wrapping an arm over their shoulders as a warning sign. It works well enough as they both lean into you without commenting. “Well it’s quite simple, my friends! Tis I! The Monopoly Man!” Tamaki turns around with a flourish, allowing everyone to see the white moustache covering the bottom half of his face. There’s nothing in the world you could do to stop your best friends from laughing at this revelation as you watch Tamaki visibly deflate at the reception to his outfit. It doesn’t help that you spot Kyoya lifting his notebook up to cover the lower half of his face, likely to hide any amusement he’s taken from the situation.
“What’s with the getup boss?” You’re almost surprised that Kaoru can speak given how hard he’s laughing.
“Yeah, you look really stupid!” Tamaki’s attention quickly shifts over to Kyoya who looked much more composed than when you first looked at him.
“Mommy! Why are they laughing at me?” You almost feel bad for the blond but you’re really not sure what he expected to happen when he decided to dress like that in front of others.
“I’m sorry Tamaki. I’m not sure what you want me to say.”
It takes another few minutes for the twins to stop laughing, rising to their feet and bringing you up with them. “Well if that’s everything, we’ll be going.” You’re being led towards the door before you even know what’s happening. Unfortunately for you, Tamaki is well aware of what’s happening.
“But we haven’t even started yet! We’re meant to be bonding like a family by playing commoner games.”
“Yeah, we’ll pass. We have better things to do.”
“Like what?”
“Anything but this.” Whatever retort Tamaki had is muffled by the door to the club room shutting behind the three of you. You expect to be guided to the right once you leave the door, heading back in the direction of the library, so it takes you by surprise when you’re very firmly pushed to the left.
“Guys we’re going the wrong way.”
“We’re not spending our free period in a library (Y/N). Be serious.” The way Hikaru speaks makes it seem like the obvious choice but you still try to slow them down in an attempt to find out what’s happening.
“So where are we going?”
“We can’t skip!”
“Sure we can.” Kaoru’s blasé tone does nothing to lessen the anxiety starting to settle in your chest. Whilst your best friends are full of mischief, none of you have ever been the delinquent type. The idea of skipping classes is a foreign one and you’re not sure why they’re so calm about it.
“We’re all at the top of our classes. One lesson won’t hurt.”
“Besides, Hikaru still has your textbook. You wouldn’t get much done without it.” You hate that he has a point. Whilst your grades are high, there’s no way you’d finish your assignment without it. It’s all you can do to resign yourself to your new fate and hope it’s a better one than being stuck doing family bonding activities with the rest of the host club.
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A/N: Do people still like OHSHC? I’m not sure if it’s still a thing but it just got added to Netflix where I am and I’m having so much fun rewatching it. I might take requests for it if people would want to read more stuff?
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pop-squeak · 6 months ago
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star trek modern au featuring maps nerd chekov
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yuseirra · 2 months ago
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I'm sure he wanted to listen to Ai's wishes too
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xxoolii · 1 year ago
my brain is doing that thing where it imagines BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP and then they BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEEEEPPPP until i can’t think, you get me or what??
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