#← the radiodust fate
cringefailvox · 2 months
i don't ship radioapple per se very much anymore but i do want them to have a hostile divorced-style coparenting arrangement / stalemate for charlie's sake forever
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irklord · 1 month
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Hello there, gentle readers! And welcome to Chapter 4: The Wheel of Fortune of The Spider Sucked The Radio Star fanfic. This chapter is an exciting roller coaster ride of fates, and that means it a pretty long chapter and it ends on a sad note. So heads-up for those who doesn't like those things. I couldn't find a way to shorten this chapter without losing its meaning and it also needed a sad ending so, um, sad Radiodust content warning. In my understanding, The Wheel of Fortune, involves constant change. See where I'm getting at here? The chapter starts off with Alastor and Angel getting exactly what they wanted but their fates will drastically change because nothing stays the same. So without further ado, please enjoy the story!
Also, sorry for not stashing any Cyberpunk 2077 Easter egg or any song reference in this chapter. It's just so long to write and my brain is just tired for spending too much creative juices.
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mementoshay · 3 months
Gawdd, i wish i get to know shay . They dont deserve that terrible fate cuz of that silly ship. I swear those toxic fandom are so ughh. Ridiculous. Rest and peace,shay. Pardon mi anger. Nobody deserves it. Still wish viv get kicked out in studio n junk
Shay really was a sweet soul. They wanted the best for others, always supportive in their own, quiet and demure little way. I met them through Discord; they were on Insta and Twitter too, but had barely a handful of followers, and mostly liked or retweeted art they liked. They looked up to Ashley's art and bright character and trusted Ms. Medrano a lot.
So they really suffered the loss of the playful environment the Hunicasts brought into the early Hazbin fandom (not even because of RadioDust, they didn't really ship them romantically, they just found the dynamic funny). It was the camaraderie of the old fandom they missed, the lack of all the new rules say "this is allowed, this is not allowed".
I guess anger is a natural response. I still struggle with it, and still have to remind myself that recovery takes time, it's a process. Don't apologize for being angry, please. You care.
Thank you.
- Eden
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okami-arashi76 · 3 years
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A little late but here Day 7: Red Thread/Soulmate
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Same character. Yet not. 3 different books. 3 different lives.
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The cover for my new Radiodust book on wattpad 'Strings of Fate' First chapter will be published after the conclusion of 'The Radio Demon's Angel'
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Alastor and Angel
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From my radiodust book ‘Strings of Fate’
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Finally joined Ao3
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So I finally made an AO3 account. Fun....Still figuring out how to use it haha. BUT I am writing a radiodust book on wattpad so I think my test run for the site will be uploading those chapters onto AO3 as well. 
So, if your a fan of AO3 and radiodust, go and check out my book Strings of Fate! Or..just look up my page? I dunno. 
- Thanks for reading -
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Mornin’ writing woo!
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Working on my radiodust book for wattpad. Strings of fate. Chapter 39 wooooo!
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Gotta have my music UwU
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